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A cronologia dos sítios Lago do Iranduba e Laguinho à luz das hipóteses da ocupação humana para a Amazônia Central / The chronology of Lago do Iranduba and Laguinho sites under the hypotheses of human occupation for central AmazonCastro, Marcio Walter de Moura 18 September 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação descreve as atividades realizadas durante duas etapas de escavações em 2006 e 2007 nos sítios Lago do Iranduba e Laguinho, ambos localizados no município de Iranduba (AM), e apresenta os resultados e conclusões oriundas desta pesquisa. Buscou-se, desde a primeira intervenção, compreender os padrões de uso, ocupação e abandono dos sítios, além de estabelecer uma cronologia baseada em datações relativas e absolutas. As pesquisas realizadas pelo PAC (Projeto Amazônia Central) em sítios na região sugerem um ápice demográfico da ocupação humana pré-colonial na Amazônia central durante o fim do primeiro milênio DC. Confirmar esse clímax ocupacional nos sítios Lago do Iranduba e Laguinho é o principal objetivo desta pesquisa. Para testar esta hipótese, investigamos as informações contidas no material cerâmico, sobretudo diagnosticando-o em relação às fases já estabelecidas para a região. Interpretamos também as feições e montículos como correlatos materiais destas ocupações humanas. Sugerimos nesta dissertação um método de classificação das feições baseada em seu conteúdo, morfologia e volume, que gerou uma tipologia; e calculamos o volume dos grandes montículos do sítio Laguinho para discorrer sobre sua monumentalidade e criar quadros hipotéticos sobre o esforço humano envolvido em sua construção. Nesta pesquisa identificamos duas ocupações humanas no sítio Lago do Iranduba, relacionadas às fases cerâmicas Paredão e Guarita. No sítio Laguinho foram identificadas três ocupações distintas, relacionadas à cerâmica das fases Açutuba, Paredão e Guarita. Através das datações absolutas e relativas e da interpretação do registro arqueológico confirmamos a hipótese do apogeu demográfico, ocorrido no fim do primeiro milênio na Amazônia central, por grupos fabricantes da cerâmica Paredão. Ocupação humana responsável pelas principais modificações da paisagem, representadas na construção dos grandes montículos e da maior parte das feições no sítio Laguinho. / This dissertation describes the two excavation seasons in 2006 and 2007, in Lago do Iranduba and Laguinho sites, both in Iranduba city, estate of Amazonas - Brazil; and presents the results and conclusions of this research. Since the first archaeological intervention, we have been trying to comprehend the patterns of use, occupation and abandon of the sites and to establish a chronology based on relative and absolute dates. The research developed by PAC (Central Amazon Project) in the region sites suggests a demographical apex in the pre-colonial occupations in central Amazon during the end of the first millennium AD. To confirm this climax in the occupations in Laguinho and Lago do Iranduba sites is the main goal of this research. To test this hypothesis, we investigate the data enclosed in the ceramics to diagnose it in accordance with the ceramic phases already established to the area. The features and the mounds were also considered correlated materials of these human occupations. We suggest in this dissertation a classification method for features that rely on its content, morphology and volume, and create a typology; we also calculate the volume of the larger mounds of Laguinho site to discuss its monumentality and develop simulations about human effort involved on its construction. In this research we identified two occupations in Lago do Iranduba site, related to Paredão and Guarita phases. In Laguinho site three different occupations were identified, related to Açutuba, Paredão and Guarita phases. Through the absolute and relative dates and the interpretation of the archaeological record we confirm the hypothesis of demographic apogee occurring in the en of the first millennium in central Amazon, by groups that manufactured the ceramics classified as Paredão phase. The same human occupation is responsible for the major changes in the landscape, represented on the building of the large mounds and most of the features.
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The impact of argument-based learning environments on early learners multimodal representationsNeal, Ted A. 01 May 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of an immersive argument based learning environment on students’ multimodal competencies. The objective was to study the impact on students learning as they engage in an ABI classroom, centered on the SWH approach, when compared to students in traditional classrooms. Summary writing samples were collected and coded for informational text features which allowed us to understand cohesion with the learners. Additionally, we were able to study these impacts longitudinally, measuring teacher experience and student exposure to this learning environment. Studies of this nature have been done but only with upper grades, never had it been done with early learners, kindergarten through second grade.
These summary writing samples were collected and analyzed in two different groups, the first containing 601 samples and the second 760 samples. A factor analysis was performed to examine the internal structure of the features, resulting in the creation of 3 factors: illustrations, text signals and organizers, and graphics. This allowed us to measure acceleration of the learners multimodal skills and the cohesion related to experience, both of classroom and teacher experience.
The results of this study have shown that we are able to significantly impact students rate of usage of informational text features by altering the learning environment. We are able to demonstrate significant rates of growth in usage of higher order skills and cohesion amongst science concepts. This is important as we look to find ways to close achievement gaps, increase interest in science, and help students become more effective learners. The results show great promise for immersive ABI as a means to engage young learners in rigorous, valuable learning experiences.
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Lexical Stress Features Affecting the Recognition of English Loanwords in Korean by Native English HearersLee, Yunhyun 04 November 2017 (has links)
Unlike some Asian languages (e.g., Korean), English has lexical stress manifested by four acoustic features: duration, intensity, F0 (pitch), and vowel quality. Lexical stress has been known to have significant influences on native English speakers’ recognition of spoken words. According to Cutler (2015), lexical stress has both suprasegmental and segmental features: Suprasegmental features include duration, intensity, and F0 while vowel quality is considered a segmental feature. However, it is still unclear which lexical features are more responsible for spoken word recognition. This study examined which features, suprasegmental features or vowel quality of English, are a more significant influencer in spoken word recognition using English loanwords in Korean, which lack the prominence of any syllable realized by these features. Additionally, this study investigated the claimed advantage of the strong-weak stress pattern over a weak-strong pattern. To that end, two experiments were conducted. First, a parallel acoustic comparison was made between disyllabic English words and their corresponding English loanwords in Korean in order to investigate whether Korean has lexical stress features similar to those of English. 10 Korean and 10 English native speakers read 20 disyllabic words: the English loanwords in Korean by Korean participants and the source English words by American participants. The results showed that the differences of acoustic values between the syllables of the English words were significantly larger than those of the English loanwords. That is, the relative prominence of the stressed syllable over the unstressed syllable in English was not found in Korean. Additionally, the results indicated that Korean does not have a reduced vowel such as /ə/ in English, which is a critical feature of English vowel quality. In Experiment II, 16 English loanwords were used to create three versions of a spoken word recognition experiment, which was administered using the online survey platform, Qualtrics. Each version had a different type of manipulation: unmanipulated English loanwords, English loanwords with suprasegemental manipulation or English loanwords with vowel quality manipulation. 117 American English hearers identified the spoken words of one of the versions assigned to them; their success rates and reaction times (RT) were recorded. A binominal regression test was used for the analysis of success rates, and the Kruskal-Wallis H test for the response times. The results indicated that as far as success rates are concerned, both suprasegmental features and vowel quality play a role in recognizing spoken English words. However, when these two features were compared, vowel quality seemed to be a much stronger player. As for stress patterns, no significant differences were found in success rates across the three sets of manipulation. Moreover, this study did not find any significant difference in RTs either across the three manipulation sets or the two stress patterns. This study offered many applied implications in ESL, especially for teaching English pronunciation in Korea.
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Specifičnosti antropološkog statusa mladih odbojkašica Vojvodine / Specific Features of Anthropological Status of Young Female Volleyball Players from VojvodinaPoček Sunčica 09 November 2015 (has links)
<p>Na uzorku od 358 devojčica sa teritorije Vojvodine, uzrasta od 11,50 – 16 decimalnih godina, od kojih 186 odbojkašica (najmanje tri godine u trenažnom procesu),<br />i 172 devojčice koje se ne bave organizovanom fizičkom aktivnošću, sprovedeno je istraživanje morfoloških karakteristika, motoričkih i intelektualnih sposobnosti. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrde specifičnosti mladih odbojkašica u odnosu na devojčice koje se ne bave organizovanom fizičkom aktivnošću, testiranjem kako kvantitativnih, tako i razlika u strukturi sposobnosti definisanih predmetom istraživanja. Uvidom u rezultate, možemo zaključiti da se devojčice koje se bave odbojkom odlikuju većim vrednostima telesne visine i telesne mase, obima grudi,<br />nadlaktice i podlaktice u odnosu na devojčice koje se ne bave organizovanom fizičkom aktivnošću. Iako u varijablama za procenu potkožnog masnog tkiva nije<br />došlo do statistički značajnih razlika, u dve od tri grupe vidimo da su kod odbojkašica manje vrednosti varijabli kožnih nabora, ali ne i statistički značajno manje.<br />Navedene razlike grupa devojčica u prostoru morfoloških karakteristika su proizašle na osnovu procesa selekcije i rasta i razvoja (telesna visina, volumen i masa tela), dok se manje vrednosti u potkožnom masnom tkivu odbojkašica mogu pripisati<br />trenažnom tretmanu bavljenja odbojkom. Na osnovu rezultata primenjene kongruencije ekstrahovanih faktora, možemo zaključiti da se grupe devojčica ne<br />razlikuju u strukturi prvih izolovanih faktora – koji definišu strukturu morfološkog prostora, ali da postoji razlika u strukturi drugih i trećih faktora koji definišu<br />varijable za procenu motoričkih sposobnosti i inteligencije. Posebno je važno sagledati razliku u strukturi drugih faktora po uzrastu, odnosno važnost<br />pojedinih motoričkih varijabli gde se vidi da je na uzorku odbojkašica motorički prostor mnogo homogeniji, jasnije definisan, sa dominacijom varijabli<br />za procenu intenziteta i trajanja ekscitacije i struktuiranja kretanja. Na osnovu sprovedenog istraživanja o specifičnostima antropološkog prostora<br />dve grupe devojčica starijeg školskog uzrasta, a u skladu sa postavljenim ciljevima i zadacima i u kome su proveravane definisane hipoteze, može se generalno<br />zaključiti da se devojčice koje su u trenažnom programu – odbojkašice statistički značajno razlikuju u morfološkom i motoričkom prostoru od ispitanica koje<br />se ne bave organizovanom fizičkom aktivnošću, dok u intelektualnom funkcionisanju dve grupe ispitanica nisu uočene statistički značajne razlike.</p> / <p>A research of morphological features, motor abilities and intelligence was carried out on the sample of 358 girls from the territory of Vojvodina, 11, 50 – 16 years old, out of which 186 female volleyball players (at least three years in training process) and 172 girls that do not practice organized physical activities. The aim of this study was to determine the specificity of young volleyball players compared to girls who are not involved in physical activity, testing of quantitative as well as differences in the structure of skills defined by the subject of research. After examining the results, we can conclude that girls engaged in volleyball are characterized by higher values of body height and body weight, chest circumference, upper arm and forearm girth in<br />relation to girls who are not involved in physical activity. Although there were no statistically significant differences in the variables for estimating body fat, on the basis of the differences in two of the three groups, we see lower skin fold values of volleyball players, but not significantly lower. These differences of girls in the area of morphological characteristics are derived on the basis of the selection process<br />and the growth and development (height, volume and mass of the body), while the lower values in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of volleyball players can be attributed to the training treatment practicing volleyball. Based on the results of applied congruence of factors extracted, it can be concluded that groups of<br />girls do not differ in the structure of the first isolated factors - that define the structure of the morphological space, but there is a difference in the structure of the second and third factors that define the variables of motor abilities and intelligence. It is particularly important to see the difference in the structure of other factors,<br />by age or importance of certain motor variables by which can be seen that the sample of volleyball players in the motor space is far more homogeneous, more clearly defined, with the domination of variables regarding the intensity and duration of excitation and structuring of movement. On the basis of the research on the<br />specificity of the anthropological area, two groups of girls of school age, in line with the set goals and tasks in which they checked defined hypotheses, a general conclusion is that girls who are in the training program - volleyball players differ significantly in morphology and motor area in respect of girls who are not<br />involved in physical activity, while in the intellectual functioning of two groups of<br />subjects were not observed statistically significant differences.</p>
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Projet de construction et fonctions d'usage : métriques de dégradation et réajustement dynamique des performances / Construction project and use functions : degradation metrics and dynamic readjustment of performanceThing Leo, Gilles 28 September 2018 (has links)
Le constat actuel concernant les projets de construction ou de rénovation de bâtiments est la persistance d’un niveau substantiel de non qualité des ouvrages qui vient à l’encontre des objectifs de développement durable de la filière. Pour preuve, les conditions d’usage des bâtiments sont dégradées, les coûts de réparation sont significatifs et l’empreinte environnementale du bâti peine à se réduire. Ces observations sont révélatrices de l’imperfection du processus de production des projets de construction. En effet, ce processus de production a pour finalité de mettre en œuvre des procédés constructifs dont l’intégration fournit des fonctions dites d’usage. Chacune de ces fonctions se décline alors en performances dont le niveau effectif, sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie du bâtiment, dépend de la qualité de mise en œuvre. La présente thèse s’est focalisée, premièrement, sur la quantification d’un indicateur de réussite d’un projet de construction. Pour ce faire, une modélisation de la dynamique du processus de production d’un bâtiment a été entreprise, en tenant compte des perturbations auxquelles il est assujetti, afin de quantifier, de manière prospective, l’écart entre le niveau effectif d’une performance et son niveau souhaité au cahier des charges fonctionnelles. Deuxièmement, à l’échelle d’une performance, la modélisation du processus de production a permis de formaliser une fonction de récupération dépendant des ressources allouées à une opération. Ainsi, avec la proposition d’expressions mathématiques décrivant la dégradation puis la récupération d’une performance, l’analyse de ce qui pourrait s’apparenter au processus globale de résilience, à l’échelle d’un bâtiment a été initiée. En guise d’illustration, deux solutions de réalisations de façades ont été analysées. Une analyse de sensibilité de la « satisfaction » du projet est, alors, conduite en fonction de paramètres comme la compétence du constructeur, la complexité des procédés constructifs ou les ressources allouées / It is widely observed that construction and renovation projects suffer poor quality in the case of buildings, for instance. This is a major drawback as it affects the sustaining development goals of the building industry. Often, the subsequent conditions of service do not meet the normative standards; the costs for renovating the buildings are significant high, and the carbon footprint increases. They result in imperfections of the whole process related to construction projects. In fact, the production process is intended integrate architectural elements and structural components by putting them together adequately with the purpose of providing functions defined as «building features». Each of these features is then expressed as performances whose level, spanning the whole life cycle of the building, depends on the quality of its implementation. The present thesis focuses, in a first part, on the quantification of a « satisfaction index » of any construction project. For this purpose, a dynamic production process modeling a building has been developed; it takes into account disturbances in order to predict quantitatively the gap between the effective performance level and the required and targeted level. In a second part, considering a given performance level, the production process modeling aims to develop « recovery functions » depending on the allocated resources. Therefore, hypothetic mathematical expressions are adopted in order to describe the deterioration and the recovery of a performance level. A theoretical approach is also developed; it is adapted by analogy with global resilience process, at the scale of a building scale. For illustrative and comparative purposes, two kinds of constructive methods, for exterior walls (façade) are considered. A sensitivity study of the project’s « satisfaction index» is then performed out according to parameters such as constructor’s know‐how and past experience, constructive process complexity as well as allocated and available resources
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Blind Signal Detection and Identification Over the 2.4GHz ISM Band for CognitiveZakaria, Omar 11 May 2009 (has links)
'It is not a lack of spectrum. It is an issue of efficient use of the available spectrum"--conclusions of the FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force.
There is growing interest towards providing broadband communication with high bit rates and throughput, especially in the ISM band, as it was an ignition of innovation triggered by the FCC to provide, to some extent, a regulation-free band that anyone can use. But with such freedom comes the risk of interference and more responsibility to avoid causing it. Therefore, the need for accurate interference detection and identification, along with good blind detection capabilities are inevitable. Since cognitive radio is being adopted widely as more researchers consider it the ultimate solution for efficient spectrum sharing [1], it is reasonable to study the cognitive radio in the ISM band [2].
Many indications show that the ISM band will have less regulation in the future, and some even predict that the ISM may be completely regulation free [3]. In the dawn of cognitive radio, more knowledge about possible interfering signals should play a major role in determining optimal transmitter configurations. Since signal identification and interference will be the core concerns [4], [5], we will describe a novel approach for a cognitive radio spectrum sensing engine, which will be essential to design more efficient ISM band transceivers.
In this thesis we propose a novel spectrum awareness engine to be integrated in the cognitive radios. Furthermore, the proposed engine is specialized for the ISM band, assuming that it can be one of the most challenging bands due to its free-to-use approach. It is shown that characterization of the interfering signals will help with overcoming their effects. This knowledge is invaluable to help choose the best configuration for the transceivers and will help to support the efforts of the coexistence attempts between wireless devices in such bands.
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A Construction Grammar Analysis of the expression /on the one hand...on the other hand/Holmberg, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
<p>The expression /on the one hand…on the other hand/ (OH1 OH2) is a fixed linguistic pattern which is used to emphasize the comparison between two possibly complex propositions (henceforth X and Y). The static syntactic form of the pattern and the specific semantic comparison it evokes are strong indicators that it is a construction of the type discussed in the analytical method Construction Grammar (henceforth CxG). Thus, the aim of this essay is to argue that the pattern OH1X OH2Y is a CxG construction with specific syntactic and semantic constraints, and at the same time to give a descriptive account of the features of the construction. The British National Corpus was used to get examples containing the pattern. The syntactic and semantic features of these examples were analysed and the results were compared with how the traditional descriptive grammarians account for the pattern.</p>
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State-of-the-art Intrusion Detection: Technology, Challenges, and Evaluation.Peddisetty, Naga Raju January 2005 (has links)
<p>Due to the invention of automated hacking tools, Hacking is not a black art anymore. Even script kiddies can launch attacks in few seconds. Therefore, there is a great emphasize on the Security to protect the resources from camouflage. Intrusion Detection System is also one weapon in the security arsenal. It is the process of monitoring and analyzing information sources in order to detect vicious traffic. With its unique capabilities like monitoring, analyzing, detecting and archiving, IDS assists the organizations to combat against threats, to have a snap-shot of the networks, and to conduct Forensic Analysis. Unfortunately there are myriad products inthe market. Selecting a right product at time is difficult. Due to the wide spread rumors and paranoia, in this work I have presented the state-of-the-art IDS technologies, assessed the products, and evaluated. I have also presented some of the novel challenges that IDS products are suffering. This work will be a great help for pursuing IDS technology and to deploy Intrusion Detection Systems in an organization. It also gives in-depth knowledge of the present IDS challenges.</p>
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Compact Representations and Multi-cue Integration for RoboticsSöderberg, Robert January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents methods useful in a bin picking application, such as detection and representation of local features, pose estimation and multi-cue integration.</p><p>The scene tensor is a representation of multiple line or edge segments and was first introduced by Nordberg in [30]. A method for estimating scene tensors from gray-scale images is presented. The method is based on orientation tensors, where the scene tensor can be estimated by correlations of the elements in the orientation tensor with a number of 1<em>D</em> filters. Mechanisms for analyzing the scene tensor are described and an algorithm for detecting interest points and estimating feature parameters is presented. It is shown that the algorithm works on a wide spectrum of images with good result.</p><p>Representations that are invariant with respect to a set of transformations are useful in many applications, such as pose estimation, tracking and wide baseline stereo. The scene tensor itself is not invariant and three different methods for implementing an invariant representation based on the scene tensor is presented. One is based on a non-linear transformation of the scene tensor and is invariant to perspective transformations. Two versions of a tensor doublet is presented, which is based on a geometry of two interest points and is invariant to translation, rotation and scaling. The tensor doublet is used in a framework for view centered pose estimation of 3<em>D</em> objects. It is shown that the pose estimation algorithm has good performance even though the object is occluded and has a different scale compared to the training situation.</p><p>An industrial implementation of a bin picking application have to cope with several different types of objects. All pose estimation algorithms use some kind of model and there is yet no model that can cope with all kinds of situations and objects. This thesis presents a method for integrating cues from several pose estimation algorithms for increasing the system stability. It is also shown that the same framework can also be used for increasing the accuracy of the system by using cues from several views of the object. An extensive test with several different objects, lighting conditions and backgrounds shows that multi-cue integration makes the system more robust and increases the accuracy.</p><p>Finally, a system for bin picking is presented, built from the previous parts of this thesis. An eye in hand setup is used with a standard industrial robot arm. It is shown that the system works for real bin-picking situations with a positioning error below 1 mm and an orientation error below 1<sup>o</sup> degree for most of the different situations.</p> / Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC-2005:15.
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A Multi-Modal Approach for Face Modeling and RecognitionMahoor, Mohammad Hossein 14 January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes a new methodology for multi-modal (2-D + 3-D) face modeling and recognition. There are advantages in using each modality for face recognition. For example, the problems of pose variation and illumination condition, which cannot be resolved easily by using the 2-D data, can be handled by using the 3-D data. However, texture, which is provided by 2-D data, is an important cue that cannot be ignored. Therefore, we use both the 2-D and 3-D modalities for face recognition and fuse the results of face recognition by each modality to boost the overall performance of the system. In this dissertation, we consider two different cases for multi-modal face modeling and recognition. In the first case, the 2-D and 3-D data are registered. In this case we develop a unified graph model called Attributed Relational Graph (ARG) for face modeling and recognition. Based on the ARG model, the 2-D and 3-D data are included in a single model. The developed ARG model consists of nodes, edges, and mutual relations. The nodes of the graph correspond to the landmark points that are extracted by an improved Active Shape Model (ASM) technique. In order to extract the facial landmarks robustly, we improve the Active Shape Model technique by using the color information. Then, at each node of the graph, we calculate the response of a set of log-Gabor filters applied to the facial image texture and shape information (depth values); these features are used to model the local structure of the face at each node of the graph. The edges of the graph are defined based on Delaunay triangulation and a set of mutual relations between the sides of the triangles are defined. The mutual relations boost the final performance of the system. The results of face matching using the 2-D and 3-D attributes and the mutual relations are fused at the score level. In the second case, the 2-D and 3-D data are not registered. This lack of registration could be due to different reasons such as time lapse between the data acquisitions. Therefore, the 2-D and 3-D modalities are modeled independently. For the 3-D modality, we developed a fully automated system for 3-D face modeling and recognition based on ridge images. The problem with shape matching approaches such as Iterative Closest Points (ICP) or Hausdorff distance is the computational complexity. We model the face by 3-D binary ridge images and use them for matching. In order to match the ridge points (either using the ICP or the Hausdorff distance), we extract three facial landmark points: namely, the two inner corners of the eyes and the tip of the nose, on the face surface using the Gaussian curvature. These three points are used for initial alignment of the constructed ridge images. As a result of using ridge points, which are just a fraction of the total points on the surface of the face, the computational complexity of the matching is reduced by two orders of magnitude. For the 2-D modality, we model the face using an Attributed Relational Graph. The results of the 2-D and 3-D matching are fused at the score level. There are various techniques to fuse the 2-D and 3-D modalities. In this dissertation, we fuse the matching results at the score level to enhance the overall performance of our face recognition system. We compare the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence and the weighted sum rule for fusion. We evaluate the performance of the above techniques for multi-modal face recognition on various databases such as Gavab range database, FRGC (Face Recognition Grand Challenge) V2.0, and the University of Miami face database.
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