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Testování zbytkové produkce bioplynu z fermentačních zbytkůHavelka, Kamil January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on testing residual biogas production from fermentation residues. This thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. Theoretical part is divided into few chapters. At first I will explain basic consepts such as principle of the generation of biogas, the formation of biogas fermentation residue by dividing the output of biogas plants, waste fermination residue etc. The practical part is based on theoretical knowledge. Practical part contains actual testing of residual biogas production from fermentation residues and results of this testing.
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Posouzení budoucího vývoje zpracování kalu na ČOV ModřiceZidek, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the sludge line at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Modřice. In the theoretical part is briefly described the general principle of the wastewater treatment plant and more detailed description of technologies used in sludge treatment on sludge lines of larger WWTPs. There are also mentioned new technologies for sludge pretreatment as well as some new perspective technologies for thermal sludge treatment. In the next part the sludge line at the Modřice wastewater treatment plant is described in more details and there are presented places from which the data for the practical part were obtained. The practical part compares the acquired data from years 2015 and 2016. These years are compared with each other, then they are compared with the design parameters of the sludge line during its reconstruction in 2004. In conclusion, on the basis of the evaluation of the obtained data, there are presented proposals that should lead to the improvement of the sludge line function.
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Comparative Studies on Oxygen Mass Transfer for the Design and Development of a Single-Use FermentorSorenson, Kristan L. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Accurate experimental oxygen mass transfer coefficient, a measure of how quickly oxygen travels from a gas bubble to the bulk liquid, is important for comparing performance and for evaluating the oxygen transfer capability of a fermentor. Delays in probe response and changing gas volumes upon start-up of gassing affect the accuracy of oxygen transfer measurements. To mitigate these inaccuracies, a standard correction procedure for oxygen mass transfer data was established for highly oxygenated, well-mixed fermentation systems. Probe response time correction was generated by applying a second-order response model to dissolved oxygen probes and shown to be effective within 4%. By using a derived model for transient volume rise, the effect of changing gas volume at start-up was shown to cause very minimal error (1-2%) in kLa.
The unsteady-state method of kLa determination was used to compare design aspects of a hypothetical fermentor, including gas sparging devices and locations, baffle geometries and quantities, and impeller configurations. It was shown that locating the sparging device in the center of the tank, directly below the drive shaft and bottom impeller, is optimal for oxygen mass transfer. Sparger type was shown to have little effect on oxygen mass transfer values, although an open-pipe sparger was shown to provide slightly more oxygen mass transfer than a ring sparger. The use of rounded baffles in place of traditional rectangular baffles resulted in a 67-80% decrease in oxygen mass transfer coefficient. A comparison of three and four traditional baffles showed that three baffles produced a higher oxygen mass transfer than four. Correlation of baffle ratio and oxygen mass transfer coefficient indicated that the optimum baffle ratio is approximately one. Radial impellers were observed to provide better mixing, and thus higher oxygen mass transfer coefficients than axial impellers. In seven of ten comparisons, an impeller quantity ratio of 1.33 instead of 1.00 provided significant improvement in kLa. Additionally, only two of ten comparisons showed a difference between traditional Rushton turbine impellers and Smith turbine impellers, indicating that the difference in oxygen mass transfer capability of the two is negligible. Read more
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Hodnocení tepelně-technických vlastností stavebních konstrukcí vybraného objektu odpadového hospodářstvíŠtěrbová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to detect the thermal defects of the walls on the solid-state biogas plant of Šumperk city, situated in Horní Temenice. In the first part, I give the survey of literature dealing with biogas and the conditions for its formation, storage and use. Next part is focused on basic information concerning building construction and also primarily aspects of thermal processes. The second part of this work provides description of the biogas plant analyzed. The particular accent is placed on its weaknesses in the design for the conservation of thermal energy. On the basis of IR thermography, I finally evaluate detected thermal defects of the walls.
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Utilisation d'un fermenteur continu multi-étagé pour la compréhension des mécanismes d'adaptation de la levure à des ajouts d'azote en conditions oenologiques / Use a multi-stage fermentation device to understand the yeasts adaptation mechanisms to nitrogen supplementation in winemaking conditionsClement, Tiphaine 28 September 2012 (has links)
Nous avons mis au point un fermenteur continu multi-étagé (MSCF) dans le but de reproduire les conditions de la fermentation alcoolique en conditions œnologiques. Ce bioréacteur permet de maintenir les levures dans un milieu stable et contrôlé tout en découplant la croissance et la phase stationnaire. Le système offre donc la possibilité d'obtenir des levures non croissantes dans un milieu de composition stable. Dans un premier temps, nous avons validé la pertinence du MSCF pour reproduire les conditions de fermentation du batch, par approche intégrée (des paramètres cinétiques, des métabolites intra et exo cellulaire et de l'expression génique). Nous avons ensuite utilisé ce bioréacteur pour étudier les mécanismes d'adaptation métabolique des microorganismes suite à un ajout d'azote, pratique largement répandue en œnologie. Plusieurs résultats originaux ont été obtenus concernant, notamment, la réorganisation du cycle TCA, le transport des sources azotées et la synthèse des alcools supérieurs et esters. La fiabilité de l'outil mis au point et l'originalité des données obtenues ouvrent des perspectives à l'utilisation du MSCF pour la compréhension du métabolisme et des mécanismes d'adaptation des levures. / We set up a multi-stage continuous fermentor (MSCF) to mimic the conditions of alcoholic fermentation. In this bioreactor, the yeasts are in a steady and well controlled state representative of the growth and stationary phases of the batch. The ability of the MSCF to reproduce batch fermentation was assessed using an integrated approach (measurement of kinetic parameters, intra and exo-cellular metabolites and gene expression). We then used the MSCF to study the impact of nitrogen supplementation performed during the stationary phase, on yeasts metabolism. Several original results were obtained, concerning the TCA cycle, the transport of nitrogenous sources and the synthesis of higher alcohols and esters. This work points out the interest of using the MSCF to assess the effect of medium perturbations during alcoholic fermentation, especially during the stationary phase. More generally, the accuracy of the MSCF and the originality of the data obtained open new prospects for a better understanding of yeasts metabolism and regulation mechanisms. Read more
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Investigation into the Mechanism(s) which Permit the High-Rate, Degradation of PAHS and Related Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Sequencing Batch Reactors by Attached Cells in a Controlled Mixed Bacterial Community.Hussein, Emad Ibraheim 04 December 2006 (has links)
A stable mixed culture, deposited as ATCC 55644, previously shown to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons at relatively high concentrations was used as the source of inoculum. This culture was grown in Stanier’s minimal media, either in the presence of different concentrations of naphthalene, nitrobenzene and toluene (NNT) or naphthalene and toluene (NT) as the sole source of C and/or N. Results showed that the majority of the strains isolated from the mixed culture were able to grow in the presence of NNT or NT. A total of 20 different isolates were isolated from the mixed culture. Individual isolates were grown in Stanier’s minimal medium containing a single hydrocarbon as the source of carbon or carbon and nitrogen. Only one strain was found to grow solely in the presence of nitrobenzene as the source of C and N. Most of the other isolates were able to grow in the presence of naphthalene, toluene, acenaphthene, anthracene, fluoranthene and phenanthrene, n-dodecane, hexadecane, n-pentadecane, n-tetradecane, and n-octadecane. Planktonic and immobilized cells of the controlled mixed culture (ATCC 55644) were grown in separate Sequential Batch Reactors (SBR) using Stanier's media, to which naphthalene, nitrobenzene and toluene were added as the sole source of C and/or N. Biodegradation was determined by measuring the residual hydrocarbon in the SBR and the amount of trapped volatile organic carbon (VOC) and the evolved CO2. Gas chromatography data showed that immobilized cells were able to degrade NNT faster than the planktonic cells. This observation was confirmed by CO2 evolution. Over time the loading of hydrocarbon was significantly increased from a starting level of 400 ppm (Naphthalene), 100 ppm (Nitrobenzene), and 500 ppm (toluene), to a final level of 3000 ppm (Naphthalene), 400 ppm (Nitrobenzene), and 1600 ppm (toluene). While increasing nutrient loading, the frequency of re-feeding with hydrocarbons was changed from an initial re-feeding every 60 hrs to a final re-feeding frequency of 18 hrs. The experiments clearly showed that the attached, mixed microbial community was able to effectively and rapidly degrade high concentrations of hydrocarbons. This demonstrated the practical advantages of employing attached, mixed microbial cultures in a SBR. Read more
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Analyse locale et globale de l'hydrodynamique et du transfert de matière dans des fluides à rhéologie complexe caractéristiques des milieux de fermentation / Local and global study of hydrodynamic and mass transfer in stirred vessels with non Newtonian model fluidsGabelle, Jean-christophe 05 September 2012 (has links)
La production d’éthanol à partir de biomasse lignocellulosique est reconnue comme une des voies possibles de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et de remplacement partiel des énergies fossiles. Pour être compétitif, la production d'enzymes à bas coûts est nécessaire. Ces enzymes sont produites par le champignon filamenteux Trichoderma reesei, qui présente, à forte concentration, un comportement fortement rhéofluidifiant pouvant entrainer des limitations de mélange et de transfert de matière lors du changement d'échelle. Dans ce travail, il est proposé de compléter les données de la littérature concernant le temps de mélange, la puissance dissipée et le transfert de matière gaz-liquide (global et local) par des mesures à plusieurs échelles dans des fluides modèles de rhéologie similaire aux milieux biologiques visés. Les modèles et corrélations développés qui en résultent sont directement exploitables pour le design des fermenteurs industriels. Afin d’étudier plus en détail le mélange, le taux de cisaillement et la turbulence, une étude par PIV a été menée sur des milieux transparents. La caractérisation fine de l'hydrodynamique repose sur la dissociation des différentes composantes du mouvement à l’aide de la POD. L'évolution des grandeurs mesurées avec les conditions opératoires permet de fournir des indications précieuses pour l'extrapolation des fermenteurs mettant en œuvre des micro-organismes potentiellement sensibles au cisaillement / Ethanol made from cellulosic biomass is recognized as a promising substitute for fossil fuel and thus as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To be competitive, low cost cellulosic enzymes produced by the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei are required. At high biomass concentration, the culture broth becomes so highly shear-thinning that mixing and mass transfer limitations may be encountered when the process is scaled up.In this study, we propose to complete data available in the literature for mixing times, power draw, and mass transfer (local and global) with measurements at several scales in model fluids (shear thinning) that mimic the rheology of biological media. Models and correlations that derive from this work can be used directly for industrial fermentor design. In order to study mixing, local shear rate and turbulence in detail, PIV is performed in transparent model fluids. The refined hydrodynamic characterisation relies on the dissociation of instantaneous velocity by means of the POD method. The change of key parameters with operating conditions gives relevant information for the scale-up of shear-sensitive micro-organisms. Read more
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Stabil och antibiotikafri läkemedelsproduktion i rekombinant Escherichia coliBenevides, Kristina, Broström, Oscar, Elison Kalman, Grim, Swenson, Hugo, Vlassov, Andrei, Ågren, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
Den här rapporten presenterar ett antibiotikafritt, stabilt och kromosombaserat expressionssystem för läkemedelsproduktion i Escherichia coli på beställning av företaget Affibody AB. E. coli-stammen BL21(DE3) valdes som värdorganism för expressionssystemet. Systemet består av en genkassett som innehåller en T7-promotor, en 5′-UTR från genen ompA och en terminatorsekvens från RNA-operonet rrnB. Fyra kopior av genkassetten ska integreras i pseudogenerna caiB, yjjM, hsdS och yjiV. En datormodell som modellerar det egentliga kopietalet i cellerna har skapats i mjukvaran MATLAB, vilket visar att det uppskattas vara maximalt 32 kopior av genkassetten per cell på grund av replikation av kromosomen. Ett högt pH i fermentorn; att använda fed-batch och blandade kolhydratkällor; och att använda stammen BL21(DE3) minskar acetatproduktionen i cellen. En lägre acetatproduktion kan leda till en högre produkthalt. En proteinutbytesmodell för mjukvaran MATLAB har konstruerats för att uppskatta koncentrationen av Affibody®-molekylen i en E. coli cell.
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