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Implications of physics beyond the Standard Model in the quark and lepton sectorsRasmussen, Rasmus Westphal 22 May 2018 (has links)
Das Standardmodell (SM) der Teilchenphysik hat sich in der Praxis als vielseitige Theorie bewährt, dennoch deuten nichtverschwindende Neutrinomassen, dunkle Materie und Baryonenasymmetrie auf Physik jenseits des SM (BSM) hin. Um also ein mit den Beobachtungen konsistentes Modell zu entwickeln, ist eine umfassendere Theorie nötig. Experimentell kann entweder in Abweichungen von den Vorhersagen des SM nach neuer Physik gesucht werden. So kann jedes BSM-Szenario getestet werden.
In dieser Arbeit werden BSM-Szenarien im Quark- sowie im Leptonen-Sektor und deren phänomenologische Konsequenzen auf messbare Observablen betrachtet. Ein konkretes Beispiel in dieser Dissertation sind Neutrino massen modellierung mit der Einführung von sterilen Neutrinos. Wir untersuchen die phänomenologische Konsequenz ihrer Einführung auf verschiedenen Massenskalen im Zusammenhang mit symmetriegenerierten oder strukturlosen Neutrinomassenmodellen. Unter den geschmacksabhängigen aktivsterilen Mischungen in den durch Symmetrie erzeugten Massenmodellen finden wir deutliche Hierarchien, die als Modelldiskriminator für zukünftige Experimente dienen.
Ähnlich wie beim Ausnutzen von Symmetrien im Neutrinosektor, kann man Symmetrien auch in Modellen für Quarkmassen nutzen. In dieser Arbeit werden Symmetrien behandelt, die den Cabibbo-Winkel für Quarkmischung in führender Ordnung quantisieren können. Dies führt zu einer Vielzahl möglicher Symmetrien, welche genutzt werden können um spezifische Modelle für Quarkmassen zu entwickeln.
BSM-Physik indirekt mit Hilfe astrophysikalischer Neutrinos zu testen stellt eine Alternative zur direkten Detektion dar, und führt bei Betrachtung der Zusammensetzung des NeutrinoFlavours zu klaren Abweichungen von den Erwartungen. Neben der Behandlung verschiedenster BSM-Szenarien wird auch das Potenzial zukünftiger Experimente betrachtet, vor Allem im Hinblick auf deren Effektivität Physik jense. / The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is a well-tested and predictive theory, however non-zero neutrino masses, the existence of dark matter, and the baryon asymmetry suggest physics beyond the SM. Thus, in order to have a model consistent with observations, a more complete theory is needed. Experimentally, one can search for new physics, thereby differentiate different BSM scenarios.
We consider BSM scenarios in the quark and lepton sectors, and study their phenomenological consequence on measurable observables. A specific example is neutrino mass modeling with the introduction of sterile neutrinos. We study the phenomenological consequence of introducing them at different mass scales in the context of symmetry-generated or structureless neutrino mass models. We find distinct hierarchies among the flavor-dependent active-sterile mixings in the symmetry-generated mass models, which acts as a model discriminator for future experiments.
Similarly as using symmetries in the neutrino sector, one can also use symmetries in quark mass models. This thesis consider symmetries capable of quantizing the Cabibbo quark mixing angle to leading order. As a result, a variety of possible symmetries are obtained, which can be used to build specific quark mass models.
Probing BSM physics indirectly via astrophysical neutrinos, acts as an alternative to direct detection, and using the neutrino flavor composition as observable, BSM physics leads to clear deviations from expectation. Additional information comes from other effects, and it helps in constraining the parameter space further. Beside discussing different BSM scenarios, we illustrate the potential of future experiments, emphasizing their effectiveness to test and discriminate BSM physics.
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Broken Fermi surface symmetry observed via angle-resolved magnetoresistance oscillations in Weyl-Kondo candidate YbPdBiFraser, James 08 1900 (has links)
We explore the Fermi surface of single crystals of YbPdBi, a cubic nonœntrosymmetric heavy fermion material, through angle-resolved magnetoresistanœ oscillations (AMRO). We characterize YbPdBi's magnetotransport, specific heat, neutron diffraction spectra, and magnetization. We observe an enhanœd Pauli paramagnetism at low temperatures, a Schottky-like anomaly with a strong dependenœ on the magnetic field, and a topological Hall effect in the magnetotransport. We probe the topology of YbPdBi and find evidenœ of Weyl semimetal behaviour in the magnetotransport. We found signs of a chiral anomaly in the magnetotransport, inde pendent of the angle between the current and magnetic field The observed chiral coefficients exhibit the expected temperature dependence characterized by µ = (2, 58±0,07) me V et 1-rv = (48 ± 1) m3 s-2. The transverse magnetoresistivity Pxy(H) presents two linear regimes of different slopes separated by a graduai crossover, without saturation of the magnetization. This crossover's temperature dependenœ suggests it coincides with a reported T = 1 K peak in specific heat. Using neutron diffraction, we find no evidenœ of magnetic ordering down to T = 0.1 K. An unexpected change in the symmetry of the AMRO measurements is observed, changing from two-fold to four-fold as the magnetic field was increased. This suggests that the Fermi surface of YbPdBi is changing with magnetic field strength. / Nous explorons la surface de Fenni des monocristaux de YbPdBi, un matériau cubique à fennions lourds non centrosymétriques, à travers des oscillations de magnétorésistance résolues en angle (AMRO). Nous caractérisons Je magnétotransport, la chaleur spécifique, les spectres de diffraction des neutrons et l'aimantation de YbPdBi. Nous observons un paramagnétisme de Pauli renforcé à basse température, une anomalie de type Schottky avec une forte dépendance au champ magnétique et un effet Hall topologique dans Je magnétotransport. Nous sondons la topologie de YbPdBi et trouvons des preuves du comportement de Weyl semimetal dans Je magnétotransport. Nous avons trouvé des signes d'une anomalie chirale dans Je magnétotransport, indépendamment de l'angle entre Je courant et Je champ magnétique. Les coefficients chiraux observés présentent la dépendance attendue à la température caractérisée par µ= (2, 58±0,07) me V et 1-rv = (48 ± 1) m3 s-2. La magnétorésistivité transversale Pxy(H) présente deux régimes linéaires de pentes différentes séparés par un croisement progressif, sans saturation de l'aimantation. La dépendance à la température de ce croisement suggère qu'il coïncide avec un pic T = 1 K signalé en chaleur spécifique. En utilisant la diffraction neutronique, nous ne trouvons aucune preuve d'ordre magnétique jusqu'à T = 0, I K. Un changement inattendu de la symétrie des mesures AMRO est observé, passant de deux à quatre fois à mesure que Je champ magnétique augmentait. Cela suggère que la surface de Fermi de YbPdBi change avec l'intensité du champ magnétique.
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O operador espalhamento para férmions num campo externo em Thermofield Dynamics /Plácido, Hebe Queiroz. January 2002 (has links)
Resumo: O método de segunda quantificação é utilizado para construir o operador espalhamento S no espaço de Fock, no contexto de Thermofield Dynamics (TFD), para o campo de Dirac sujeito a um potencial eletromagnético externo dependente do tempo. Esta descrição é baseada na abordagem construtiva do espaço de Fock, a qual é aplicada ao sistema original e a seu dual. Seguindo a prescrição de TFD, o operador S é utilizado para avaliar o processo de produção de pares elétron-pósitron à temperatura finita, e uma análise do limiar de produção é feita a partir do cálculo da probabilidade total de transição. / Abstract: The second quantization methods is used to build the scattering operator S in Fock space, in the contex of Thermofield Dynamics (TFD), for the Dirac field subject to an external time-dependent electromagnetic potential. This description is based on the constructive approach to the Fock space, wich is applied to the original system and to its dual. Following TFD prescription, the operator S is used to estimate the process of electron-positron pair production at finite temperature, and an analysis of the production threshold is done based on the calculation of the total transition probability. / Orientador: Jeferson de Lima Tomazelli / Coorientador: Bruto Max Pimentel Escobar / Banca: José David Mangueira Vianna / Banca: Ademir Eugênio de Santana / Banca: Fernando Luiz de Campos Carvalho / Banca: Maria Cristina Batoni Abdalla / Doutor
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Quantum field theory on brane backgroundsFlachi, Antonino January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Unconventional Phases in Two-Dimensional Hubbard and Kondo-Lattice Models by Variational Cluster ApproachesLenz, Benjamin 16 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Aspectos clássicos e quânticos de espinores de dinâmica não-usual : espinores de dimensão de massa um /Rogério, Rodolfo José Bueno. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Julio Marny Hoff da Silva / Banca: Saulo Henrique Pereira / Banca: Marco André Ferreira Dias / Banca: José Abdalla Helayel-Neto / Banca: Alexis Roa Aguirre / Resumo: Na presente tese apresentaremos de forma detalhada o estudo sistemático de uma teoria quântica com férmions de dimensão de massa um que obedecem as estatísticas de Fermi-Dirac, abordando essencialmente sua construção, quantização do campo, análise dos observáveis físicos e aplicações quânticas. Forneceremos todos os detalhes de uma descoberta teórica inesperada da partícula de spin $1/2$ que compõe um conjunto completo de autoespinores com helicidade dual do operador conjugação de carga. Esses espinores recebem o nome de Elko, um acrônimo proveniente do Alemão \textit{Eigenspinoren des Ladungskonjugationsoperators}. Veremos que o elo entre os espaços de representação $(1/2, 0)$ e $(0, 1/2)$ não é dado pela simetria de paridade mas sim pela 'Mágica das matrizes de Pauli', e, portanto, como consequência a dinâmica de tais campos será regida única e exclusivamente pela dinâmica de Klein-Gordon. Tal fato faz com que o propagador associado ao Elko guarde muita similaridade com o propagador do campo escalar. Intrinsicamente, em sua formulação embrionária, as somas de spin para o Elko mostram um termo que quebra explicitamente a covariância relativística, levando então à apreciação da \textit{Very Special Relativity}, que nada mais é do que um subgrupo do grupo de Lorentz, cuja álgebra deixa as somas de spin invariantes ou covariantes. Entretanto, mostraremos que existe uma liberdade na definição da estrutura dual, a qual permite que seja construída uma teoria local e invariante p... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present thesis covers in details a systematic study of a quantum theory based on mass dimension one fermions which satisfy the Fermi-Dirac statistics, essentially addressing its construction, field quantization, analysis of physical observables and quantum applications. We provide all the details of an unexpected theoretical discovery of a spin 1/2 particle which composes a complete set of dual helicity spinors of the charge conjugation operator. Such spinors are called Elko, an acronym for the German word Eigenspinoren des Ladungskonjugationsoperators. We show that the relation between the representation spaces (1/2,0) and (0,1/2) is given by the "Magic of Pauli matrices" rather than parity symmetry, therefore, as a consequence the dynamic of such fields is governed solely and exclusively by the Klein-Gordon dynamic. Such fact makes the Elko propagator to be very similar to the scalar field propagator Intrinsically, in its embryonic formulation, Elko spin sums shows up a term that explicitly breaks relativistic covariance, leading to the appreciation of Very Special Relativity, a theory which is based on a subgroup of the Lorentz group, whose algebra leaves the spin sums invariant or covariant. However, we show a freedom in the dual structure definition, which allows the construction of a local and Lorentz invariant theory, thus, leading to a very interesting and promising new physics / Doutor
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Interactions entre la supraconductivité et la criticité quantique, dans les composés CeCoIn5, URhGe et UCoGe / Interactions between Superconductivity and Quantum Criticality in CeCoIn5, URhGe and UCoGeHowald, Ludovic 11 February 2011 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse est l'analyse du second champ critique supraconducteur (Hc2) ainsi que l'interaction entre la supraconductivité et les points critiques quantiques (PCQ), pour les composés CeCoIn5, URhGe et UCoGe. Dans le composé CeCoIn5, l'étude par résistivité du domaine de liquide de Fermi a permis la localisation précise du PCQ a pression ambiante. Cette analyse permet d'invalider l'hypothèse d'une coïncidence entre Hc2(0) et le PCQ. Dans une deuxième partie, l'évolution sous pression de Hc2 est analysée. Le dôme supraconducteur de ce composé est non-conventionnel avec deux pressions caractéristiques différentes: à ~1.6GPa, la température de transition supraconductrice est maximum alors que c'est à ~0.4GPa que la plupart des grandeurs physiques (maximum de Hc2(0), maximum de la pente dHc2/dT, maximum du saut de chaleur spécifique DC/C, ...) suggèrent la présence d'un PCQ. Nous expliquons cet antagonisme par l'importance des processus de brisure de pairs liés a la proximité du PCQ. Ces deux observations nous permettent de proposer un nouveau diagramme de phase pour CeCoIn5. Dans une troisième partie, les mesures de conduction thermique sur les composés URhGe et UCoGe sont présentées. Elles nous permettent dans un premier temps d'obtenir la transition "bulk" supraconductrice et de confirmer la forme in-habituelle de Hc2 observée en résistivité. La dépendance en températures et en champs de la conduction thermique nous permet d'identifier une contribution non-électronique au transport de chaleur jusqu'aux plus basses températures. D'autre part, nous identifions deux différents domaines supraconducteurs a bas et hauts champs appliqués selon l'axe b. Ces deux domaines sont compatibles avec un modèle de supraconductivité multigaps. Suivant ces observations et des mesures de pouvoir thermoélectrique, nous proposons un modèle de transition de Lifshitz pour ces deux composés. / The subject of this thesis is the analyze of the superconducting upper critical field (Hc2) and the interaction between superconductivity and quantum critical points (QCP), for the compounds CeCoIn5, URhGe and UCoGe. In CeCoIn5, study by mean of resistivity of the Fermi liquid domain allows us to localize precisely the QCP at ambient pressure. This analyze rule out the previously suggested pinning of Hc2(0) at the QCP. In a second part, the evolution of Hc2 under pressure is analyzed. The superconducting dome is unconventional in this compound with two characteristic pressures: at 1.6GPa, the superconducting transition temperature is maximum but it is at 0.4GPa that physical properties (maximum of Hc2(0), maximum of the initial slope dHc2/dT, maximum of the specific heat jump DC/C,... ) suggest a QCP. We explain this antagonism with pair-breaking effects in the proximity of the QCP. With these two experiments, we suggest a new phase diagram for CeCoIn5. In a third part, measurements of thermal conductivity on URhGe and UCoGe are presented. We obtained the bulk superconducting phase transition and confirmed the unusual curvature of the slope dHc2/dT observed by resistivity. The temperatures and fields dependence of thermal conductivity allow us to identify a non-electronic contribution for heat transport down to the lowest temperature (50mK) and probably associated with magnon or longitudinal fluctuations. We also identified two different domains in the superconducting region, These domains are compatible with a two bands model for superconductivity. Thermopower measurements on UCoGe reveal a strong anisotropy to current direction and several anomaly under field applied in the b direction. We suggest a Lifshitz transition to explain our observations in these two compounds.
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Phenomenology of Vector-like Fermions in Physics Beyond the Standard Model / Fenomenologia de Férmions Vectoriais em Física Além do Modelo PadrãoCano, Victor Manuel Peralta 31 October 2017 (has links)
The Standard model of particle physics provides a successful theory to understand the experimental results of the electroweak and strong interactions. However, it does not have a satisfactory explanation for the hierarchy problem. Many extensions of the Standard Model that solve the hierarchy problem result in new particles. We will study the phenomenology of vector-like fermions resulting in theories where the Higgs boson is typically a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson. In these theories we study the case where a heavy fermion will be heavier than a heavy gluon, and then the channel of a heavy fermion decaying into a color octet is considered. We study this phenomenology at high energy colliders, both the LHC as well as future machines. / O modelo padrão de física de partículas fornece uma teoria bem-sucedida para entender os resultados experimentais das interações eletrofracas e fortes. No entanto, não tem uma explicação satisfatória para o problema de hierarquia. Muitas extensões do Modelo Padrão que resolvem o problema hierarquia resultam em novas partículas. Estudaremos a fenomenologia de férmions vetoriais resultando em teorias onde o bóson de Higgs é tipicamente um bóson pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone. Nessas teorias, estudaremos o caso em que um férmion pesado será mais pesado do que um glúon pesado, e então o canal de um férmion pesado decaindo em um octeto de cor é considerado. Estudamos esta fenomenologia em colisores de alta energia, tanto para o LHC quanto as futuras máquinas.
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Phenomenology of Vector-like Fermions in Physics Beyond the Standard Model / Fenomenologia de Férmions Vectoriais em Física Além do Modelo PadrãoVictor Manuel Peralta Cano 31 October 2017 (has links)
The Standard model of particle physics provides a successful theory to understand the experimental results of the electroweak and strong interactions. However, it does not have a satisfactory explanation for the hierarchy problem. Many extensions of the Standard Model that solve the hierarchy problem result in new particles. We will study the phenomenology of vector-like fermions resulting in theories where the Higgs boson is typically a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson. In these theories we study the case where a heavy fermion will be heavier than a heavy gluon, and then the channel of a heavy fermion decaying into a color octet is considered. We study this phenomenology at high energy colliders, both the LHC as well as future machines. / O modelo padrão de física de partículas fornece uma teoria bem-sucedida para entender os resultados experimentais das interações eletrofracas e fortes. No entanto, não tem uma explicação satisfatória para o problema de hierarquia. Muitas extensões do Modelo Padrão que resolvem o problema hierarquia resultam em novas partículas. Estudaremos a fenomenologia de férmions vetoriais resultando em teorias onde o bóson de Higgs é tipicamente um bóson pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone. Nessas teorias, estudaremos o caso em que um férmion pesado será mais pesado do que um glúon pesado, e então o canal de um férmion pesado decaindo em um octeto de cor é considerado. Estudamos esta fenomenologia em colisores de alta energia, tanto para o LHC quanto as futuras máquinas.
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Fases de stripes nos cupratos : um estudo do modelo t-J anisotrópicoSilva, Daniela Kempf da January 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizamos um estudo de um buraco em um antiferromagneto, como parte de uma revisão de diferentes técnicas de abordagem das fases de “stripes” nos cupratos supercondutores. Estudamos a transição do formalismo de “strings” para um buraco no modelo t - Jz bidimensional, onde existe uma solução analítica, para a solução de pólaron de spin no modelo t - J isotrópico através da aproximação de Born auto-consistente. A forma funcional dos picos de quase-partícula, do peso espectral e do “gap” espectral foi investigada numericamente em detalhe, em função da anisotropia magnética. O movimento de um pólaron de spin na presença de uma parede de domínio antiferromagnética (ADW) em antifase, como uma realização da configuração de “stripes” nos planos CuO dos cupratos de baixa dopagem, também foi analisada.
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