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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intensive culture of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings on poorly drained sites in the Western Gulf region of the United States

Rahman, Mohd Shafiqur 30 September 2004 (has links)
A significant acreage of poorly drained sites occurs in the Western Gulf region of the United States. These sites experience standing water through much of the winter and spring, resulting in poor seedling survival. In addition, the sites occasionally experience a summer drought that affects tree growth. This study was designed to determine the effects of intensive forest management on seedling growth and physiology, and to enhance seedling performance under these harsh conditions. Fertilization, chemical vegetation control and mechanical site preparation were used in different combinations to test the effects of these intensive forest management tools on seedling above- and below-ground growth, survival, water status, gas exchange attributes, and nutrient concentrations in the foliage and soil solution. Ten sites were established in southern Arkansas in 1998 and 1999 to monitor loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedling performance in three consecutive growing seasons between 1998 and 2000. Fertilization, chemical vegetation control and mechanical site preparation increased above-ground growth. Growth increment from mechanical site preparation was comparable to that from fertilization. Survival was not affected by any treatment. Fertilization enhanced root growth, more so in the shallow soil layers. Subsoil bulk density greatly restricted root growth, resulting in decreased above-ground growth. Chemical vegetation control made more soil water available to the seedlings during drought, resulting in increased seedling water potential. The effect of chemical vegetation control on seedling water potential was absent in the early growing season when soil moisture was abundant. Seedlings on plots treated with bedding-plus-fertilizer or bedding alone experienced stomatal closure at times of severe water stress while those treated with chemical vegetation control were able to continue net carbon dioxide assimilation. Fertilization did not increase needle nutrient concentrations, but increased needle weight, thereby increasing total nutrient content. Fertilization increased base cation concentrations in the soil solution, but had no effect on nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Intensive forest management was found to be a viable tool for optimum loblolly pine seedling growth and survival on poorly drained sites in the Western Gulf region of the United States.

Correlation between Fertilization, Cleavage and Pregnancy Rate with Sperm DNA-Fragmentation Index (DFI)

Nymo, Kaitlin January 2008 (has links)
The chromatin integrity in sperm cells is vital for successful pregnancy. In this study DNA-damage was evaluated in sperm cells from 50 men attending In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) treatment. Male semen samples were purified with a two-shift gradient before the sperm cells were treated with the Halosperm® Test Kit and evaluated for DNA-damage. The samples were divided in two groups according to DNAFragmentation Index (DFI) of 30 % and the results correlated with fertilization, cleavage and pregnancy rate. Men with DFI ≥ 30 % had a higher fertilization and pregnancy rate and a lower cleavage rate compared to men with DFI ≤ 30 %. The conclusions were that fertilization in vitro may be independent of the degree of DNA-damage, the embryonic development could be seriously disrupted by damaged sperm cells, and the pregnancy rate showed no correlation to a DFI threshold of 30 %.

Žieminių kviečių kokybinių parametrų optimizavimas, naudojant skystąsias trąšas lyderis / Optimization of winter wheat quality traits liquidity fertilizer ‘Lyderis’

Paltarokaitė, Alma 08 August 2007 (has links)
2005 - 2006 metais Lietuvos Žemės ūkio universiteto Bandymų stotyje, karbonatingame sekliai glėjiškame išplautžemyje (Calc(ar)i-Epihypogleyic Luvisols) IDg8-k (LVg-p-w-cc) atlikti tyrimai, siekiant įvertinti žieminių kviečių Titicum aestivum L. derlingumą ir kokybinių rodiklių pokyčius, naudojant skirtingas skystųjų kompleksinių trąšų KAS 32 ir Lyderis 25 - 3 S koncentracijas atskirais javų brendimo tarpsniais. Tyrimams pasirinkta žieminių kviečių veislė Lars, kuri priskiriama gerų kepimo savybių grupei. Nustatyta, kad papildomam žieminių kviečių tręšimui naudojant skystąsias kompleksines trąšas, patikimas derliaus priedas (1,64 – 2,14 t ha-1) gautas visuose variantuose, kuriuose tr��������šta N130 norma per augalų vegetaciją ir variante papildomai tręštame krūmijimosi tarpsnyje (N80) bei bambėjimo tarpsnyje (N20) norma. Žieminių kviečių papildomas tręšimas skystosiomis kompleksinėmis trąšomis gerino grūdų kokybę. Didžiausias kiekis šlapiojo glitimo ir baltymų nustatyta variantuose, kurie papildomai tręšti vėlyvaisiais augimo tarpsniais didesne N norma. / The productivity and quality traits of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under the influence of different liquidity fertilizers ‘KAS 32’ and ‘Lyderis 25-3S’ on special cereal ripeness were investigated at the Experimental Station of Lithuanian University of Agriculture in 2005-2006. The winter wheat variety ‘Lars’, which ascribable to well cooking group, were grown in the soil on trial fields – carbonate shallow gracious (Calc(ar)i-Epihypogleyic Luvisols) IDg8-k (LVg-p-w-cc). Our results showed, that using liquid manure for additional fertilization influenced significant yield additive (1.64-2.14 t ha-1) in all experiments, using N130 rate of fertilizers on plant growing season and additionally fertilized on tillering (N80) and stooling (N20) stages. Additional fertilization of winter wheat using liquid fertilizers improved grain quality. The greatest amount of wet gluten and protein were estimated in the experiments, using nitrogen at a premium rate for additional fartilization on late growth stages.


ABBAS, ASIF 27 March 2014 (has links)
The heavy rainfall, gentle to severe topography with high proportion of bare spots, and weed patches emphasize the need of variable rate split (VRS) fertilization in wild blueberry. Two commercial fields were selected in central Nova Scotia to evaluate the impact of VRS fertilization on ammonia volatilization, subsurface water quality, and crop productivity. Management zones were delineated based on slope variability, and different fertilizer rates were applied using global positioning system (GPS) guided prescription map. Ammonia huts were used to quantify the ammonia volatilization losses, while the lysimeters were installed in the fields to evaluate the impact of different fertilizer treatments on subsurface water quality. The VRS treatment significantly decreased the ammonia volatilization losses and nutrients leaching losses as compared to uniform treatment. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that VRS fertilization in wild blueberry fields could reduce environmental contamination and improve crop productivity.

Preimplantacinės diagnostikos reguliavimas lyginamuoju aspektu / Regulation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in comparative aspect

Narušytė, Ingrida 31 January 2008 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe lyginamuoju metodu yra analizuojamas preimplantacinės diagnostikos reguliavimas įvairiose pasaulio valstybėse, tuo pačiu atskleidžiant pagrindines iš to kylančias problemas. Tyrimas atliktas siekiant palyginti skirtingų valstybių teisės aktus ir patirtį šioje biomedicinos srityje. Atlikta analizė rodo, kad preimplantacinė diagnostika vis dar yra pakankamai nauja ir atsargiai vertinama procedūra, sukelianti daug etinių ir teisinių diskusijų, o teisinis reguliavimas priklauso nuo valstybės teisinių, religinių, kultūrinių, socialinių tradicijų. / These master theses analyze the regulation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in comparative aspect in different countries, simultaneously revealing main problems arising. The aim of this research is to compare legal acts and experience of different countries in this biomedical field. The analysis shows, that preimplantation genetic diagnosis is still innovative and well considered procedure, which give a rise to a lot of ethical and legal discussions, and legal regulation of this procedure depends on legal, religious, cultural and social traditions of the country.

Variable Rate Fertilization in Wild Blueberry Fields to Improve Crop Productivity and Reduce Environmental Impacts

Saleem, Shoaib Rashid 19 March 2012 (has links)
Two wild blueberry fields were selected to evaluate the impact of variable rate (VR) fertilization on crop productivity, surface and subsurface water quality. Management zones were delineated based on slope variability, and different fertilizer rates were applied according to prescription maps. Runoff collectors were place in the fields to measure the nutrient losses in surface runoff, while lysimeters were installed to evaluate the impact of VR fertilization (VRF) on subsurface water quality. The VR treatment significantly decreased phosphorus and nitrogen loadings in surface runoff as compared to uniform treatment. The concentrations of nutrients in subsurface water samples were also significantly lower for VR treatment as compared to uniform treatment. The excessive nutrients enhanced vegetative growth in low lying areas of uniform fertilization, while berry yield was less. Based on these results, it can be concluded that VRF in wild blueberry fields improved the crop productivity and potential environmental impacts. / This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of variable rate fertilization on crop productivity and surface and subsurface water quality in wild blueberry fields. Result illustrated that variable rate fertilization significantly reduce the nutrients loading in surface and subsurface water, and improved blueberry yield.

Emergence timing and the effect of fertilization on the recruitment of large (Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop) and small (Digitaria ischaemum (Schreb) ex. Muhl) crabgrass in residential turfgrass

Turner, Fawn 08 May 2012 (has links)
Large and small crabgrass are problem turfgrass weeds. Due to increasing cosmetic pesticide bans, assessment of crabgrass recruitment timing and cultural management response is important. This project determined that natural populations emerged later than cool season turfgrass typically establishes. While turf vigour may affect the survival of crabgrass through competition, it does not directly impact crabgrass recruitment. Considering fertilization, chamber experiments confirmed that KNO3 increased fresh seed germination. This effect did not occur with aged seed suggesting that KNO3 affects seed dormancy and not germination per se. Experiments with a model turfgrass system showed similar results where fresh seed recruitment increased with increasing fertilizer rate. Fertilization had no significant effect on recruitment in field trials. Although fresh seed was spread in the fall, recruitment did not occur until spring when seed is considered non-dormant. This suggests that typical home owner fertilization will not have a direct impact on crabgrass recruitment.

Evaluation of Soybean Lines with Modified Fatty Acid Profiles for Automotive Industry Biomaterial Production

Parkinson, Sarah 15 May 2012 (has links)
High linoleic acid soybeans facilitate maximum production of soy-based polyurethane. The objectives of this study were to: 1) Evaluate environmental influence on yield and seed composition traits; 2) Estimate correlation coefficients between linoleic acid with agronomic traits; 3) Validate SSR markers associated with fatty acid QTL in multiple environments and across diverse genotypes; and 4) Evaluate the influence of fertilizers differing in P and K concentrations on seed fatty acids. RG25 was identified as the best genotype to be commercialized for polyurethane production. Strong marker-trait associations across environments included Satt_335, Satt389, Satt556 associated with palmitic and stearic, Satt389 with oleic, Satt389 and Satt537 with linoleic acid. A significant increase in linoleic acid content was observed when plants received modified Hoagland’s solution with 2×K compared to without K. Development of a high linoleic acid soybean line for polyurethane production is feasible using validated SSR markers and high K fertility. / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Conceiving a Feminist Legal Approach to Frozen Embryos: Exploring the Limitations of Canadian Responses to Disposition Disputes and Donor Anonymity

Carsley, Stefanie 21 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis advances a feminist critique of Canadian legal responses to disputes over frozen in vitro embryos and embryo donor anonymity. It argues that current laws that provide spouses or partners with joint control over the use and disposition of embryos created from their genetic materials, that mandate the creation of agreements setting out these parties intentions in the event of a disagreement or divorce and that protect donor anonymity without providing mechanisms to allow donors, recipients and donor offspring to voluntarily exchange information do not adequately account for the lived experiences of women who undergo in vitro fertilization treatment or who serve as embryo donors. This thesis provides recommendations for how Canadian laws and policies might better support the express objectives and intentions of Canadian federal and provincial statutes to protect the rights, interests and health of women who seek to build their families through assisted reproductive technologies.

Mating systems, insect pollination and chemical ecology of grassland Protea species (Proteaceae)

Steenhuisen, Sandy-Lynn. January 2012 (has links)
Major transitions between vertebrate and insect pollination systems have occurred many times during the angiosperm radiation and are associated with evolutionary modifications in floral traits. In the large ancestrally bird-pollinated African genus Protea (Proteaceae), an evolutionary shift from bird to insect pollination in the genus is suggested by the fruity diurnal scent of flowers in a recently evolved clade of grassland species. In this study, I confirm that four of these grassland Protea species have mixed mating systems and are indeed insect pollinated, and furthermore demonstrate the functional significance of their floral presentation and scent chemistry for attraction of pollinators, specifically cetoniine beetles. The study species, Protea caffra, Protea dracomontana, Protea simplex and Protea welwitschii, have colourful bowl-shaped inflorescences that produce copious amounts of pollen and dilute, xylose-rich nectar. Cetoniine beetles were found to be the most suitable pollinators due to their abundance, size, relatively pure Protea pollen loads, and their preference for the fruity scent and low growth form of these scented Protea species, as demonstrated by choice experiments in which inflorescences were offered at either end of a y-maze or at various heights above the ground, respectively. Bagging and hand pollinations revealed that these Protea species are self-compatible and capable of autonomous selfing. Self progeny of P. caffra were as vigorous as cross progeny in terms of germinability and survivorship to two months. Vertebrate-excluded and open-pollinated inflorescences yielded similar seed numbers for all species. Supplemental hand-pollinations, however, failed to increase seed set substantially, an indication of resource limitation. Outcrossing rates estimated using polymorphisms at eight allozyme loci in progeny from vertebrate-excluded and open-pollinated treatments of P. caffra were no different (t=0.59), indicating outcrossing by insects and an equal or insubstantial contribution from bird pollinators. The fruity-sweet scents of these species were more complex, with higher whole flower and mass-specific emission rates, than those in eight bird-pollinated congenerics. The overall floral scent is shown to be a blend of emissions from various plant parts, especially nectar. Electroantennography (EAG) revealed that the generalist pollinator Atrichelaphinis tigrina responds to a variety of volatile compounds found in fruity Protea scents. Field trapping confirmed that this cetoniine beetle is strongly attracted to ß-linalool (up to 60% of scent profile) and methyl benzoate. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the evolution of beetle pollination and mixed mating systems in a grassland clade of Protea. Volatile compounds that make up the unique (within Protea) fruity scent of the study species are shown to attract beetles, and the emission of large amounts of these compounds was probably a key step in the transition from bird to insect pollination in Protea. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

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