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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbart samhällsbyggande : En studie av hur digital infrastruktur kan bidra till hållbar samhällsutveckling / Sustainable Built Environment : A study of how digital infrastructure can contribute to sustainable societal development

Shaker, Shwan Najmadin January 2017 (has links)
För att uppnå ett långsiktigt hållbart samhälle krävs ekologisk, ekonomisk och social hållbar utveckling. Ett sätt att uppnå hållbarhet är genom digitalisering, men detta förutsätter att det finns robust och framtidssäker infrastruktur. Detta examensarbete syftar till att bidra med ökad kunskap om de möjligheter som kan skapas med hjälp av höghastighetsbredband genom fiber, samt att påvisa hur fiberutbyggnaden kan bidra till en hållbar utveckling. Genom att besvara de tre frågeställningarna ”Vilka möjligheter skapar höghastighetsbredband genom fiber?”, ”Vilka utmaningar finns för fiberutbyggnaden?” och ”Hur ska Sveriges kommuner arbeta för att underlätta fiberutbyggnaden och bidra till ett hållbart samhällsbyggande?” är målet att utreda olika lösningar för att uppnå hållbar samhällsplanering och samhällsbyggande genom digitalisering. De metoder som har valts för att framställa denna rapport är litteraturstudier, intervjuer, mailkontakt och möten med ett antal olika personer med olika positioner och roller inom offentlig sektor. Största delen av rapportens innehåll baseras på litteraturstudier från Sverige. Andra metoder som har tillämpats kompletterar litteraturstudien. Resultaten visade att höghastighetsbredband skapar nya möjligheter och bättre förutsättningar för vård och omsorg, utbildning, ökad tillväxt, minskad klimatpåverkan samt ekonomiska besparingar för privatpersoner och näringsverksamhet. Av resultaten framkom även att det finns ett antal faktorer som kan hindra utvecklingen av en effektiv utbyggnad av höghastighetsbredband. En utmaning är att skapa gemensam och enhetlig tillståndsprocess för marktillträde i Sveriges olika kommuner med olika geografiska skillnader och olika förutsättningar. En annan utmaning är att det saknas tillräcklig samverkan och samordning mellan olika offentliga myndigheter. Ökad samordning mellan olika interna funktioner, samt i vilken grad offentliga myndigheter samplanerar infrastrukturarbeten är viktiga delar för att lösa dessa utmaningar. Vidare är implementering av digitala system för hantering av kommunala tillståndsprocesser en effektiv lösning för att främja en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att dagens och framtidens samhälle är beroende av välfungerande IT-infrastruktur. Det finns många hinder och utmaningar på vägen som måste lösas innan en hållbar samhällsutveckling kan uppnås. Med rätt planering, strategiskt arbete och helhetstänk kan dessa utmaningar omvandlas till helt nya möjligheter. / In order to achieve a long-term sustainable society, it requires ecological, economic and socially sustainable development. One way of achieving sustainability is through digitization, but this requires robust and future-proof infrastructure. This thesis aims to contribute to increased knowledge about the possibilities that can be created by using high-speed broadband through the fiber, as well as demonstrating how the development of fiber can contribute to sustainable development. By answering the three research questions "What opportunities create high-speed bandwidth through fiber?", "What challenges are there for fiber expansion?" and "How will Sweden's municipalities work to facilitate the fiber expansion and contribute to sustainable community building?" the goal is to investigate different solutions for achieving sustainable social planning and community building through digitization. The methods chosen to meet the objectives are literature studies, interviews, mail contacts and meetings with a number of different people with different positions and roles in the public sector. The majority of this report's content is based on literature studies from Sweden. Other methods that have been applied complement the literature study. The results showed that high-speed broadband creates new opportunities and better conditions for care and education, increased growth, reduced climate impact and economic savings for individuals and business. The results also revealed that there are a number of factors that could hinder the development of an efficient expansion of high-speed broadband. One challenge is to create a common and unified permission process for land access in Sweden's different municipalities, with different geographic differences and different conditions. Another challenge is that there are insufficient cooperation and coordination between different public authorities. By increasing coordination between various internal functions, as well as the extent to which public authorities jointly plan the infrastructure work is key components in addressing these challenges. Furthermore, implementation of digital systems for managing municipal permission processes is an effective solution for promoting sustainable social development. The conclusion of this thesis is that today's and tomorrow's society is dependent on well-functioning IT-infrastructure. There are many obstacles and challenges that must be solved before sustainable development can be achieved. With proper planning, strategic work, and a holistic thinking these challenges can be transformed into new possibilities.

Nanostructures métalliques et effets de composition des verres silicatés pour les capteurs à fibres optiques / Metallic nanostructures and composition effects of silicate glasses for optical fiber sensors

Degioanni, Simon 06 July 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier des variations de composition de verres ou l'intégration de nanostructures métalliques pouvant présenter un intérêt pour les capteurs à fibres optiques répartis (CFO). Ces capteurs utilisent le coeur des fibres optiques constitué majoritairement de silice (SiO2) pour sonder la température ou les déformations sur des parcours plurikilométriques de fibres. A cette fin, les rétrodiffusions Raman et Brillouin dans les fibres optiques sont utilisées, la diffusion Raman étant sensible aux variations de température et la diffusion Brillouin aux variations de température et de déformation. L'intensité de diffusion Raman peut-être exaltée au contact de nanostructures de métaux nobles, par l'intermédiaire de l'effet SERS (Diffusion Raman Exaltée de Surface) faisant intervenir notamment la résonance plasmon de surface (SPR), oscillation collective des électrons libres à la surface métallique générant une large amplification du champ électrique local. L'intégration de nanostructures métalliques dans les fibres optiques pourrait permettre d'augmenter l'intensité de rétrodiffusion Raman et améliorer les performances des CFO (sensibilité, temps d'intégration…). Une étude sur des échantillons modèles, constitués de substrats SERS nanostructurés d'or et recouvert de silice par dépôt sol-gel, est présentée dans ce manuscrit. Les résultats SERS ainsi obtenus permettent de caractériser le phénomène physique du SERS de SiO2 et de prédire sa potentielle utilité dans les CFO Raman / The purpose of this thesis is to study composition variations of silicate glasses or the integration of metallic nanostructures that may be relevant for distributed fiber optic sensors (FOS). These sensors use optical fiber cores mainly composed of silica (SiO2) to probe temperature or strain on multi-kilometer route fibers. To measure these effects, Raman and Brillouin backscattering in optical fibers are used, Raman scattering being sensitive to temperature variations and Brillouin scattering to temperature and strain variations. Raman scattering intensity may be enhanced in conjunction with noble metal nanostructures via the SERS effect (Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering) which involves surface plasmon resonance (SPR), a collective oscillation of free electrons at the metal surface generating a large amplification of the local electric field. The integration of metallic nanostructures in optical fibers could increase Raman backscattering intensity and improve FOS performance (sensitivity, integration time…). A study on model samples has been performed with SERS substrates consisting of gold nanostructures and coated with a sol-gel oxide deposition (TiO2, SiO2). The obtained SERS results are used to predict the contribution of metallic nanostructures in Raman distributed temperature FOS

Design Of Two Dimensional Codes For Fiber-Optic CDMA Networks

Shivaleela, E S 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Zpracování signálů z optovláknových senzorů / Processing of signals from fiber optic sensors

Sikora, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
First two chapters of this paper deals with the division of optical fiber sensors, digital signal processing and includes price comparison of four experimental sensors. In chapter three analysis, description and evaluation of measurment has been demonstrated on Mach - Zehnder interferometer. Last chapter is about application for signal analysis from vibration sensors. Description contains snippets from source code and graphical user interface. This paper includes three fields - fiber optics, digital signal processing and creation of application - and thanks to them it provides solid basis for study of optic fiber sensors.

Vliv samonosného optického kabelu na mechaniku venkovního vedení VN / Influence of All-dielectric self-supporting cable on the mechanics of middle voltage overhead line

Nedoma, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on assessing the impact of retrofitting dielectric All Dielectric Self-Supporting Cable (ADSS) to existing MV overhead line. This type of optical cable is a means of future strengthening of the communication infrastructure of the distribution network. However, its mechanical properties are significantly different from the properties ACSR cable, due to which its installation can be problematic in terms of meeting the requirements of the PNE 33 3301 standard. In practical part, this work deals with the design of the ADSS installation on the existing MV line and the determination of its impact based on the assessment of the results of this design.

Měření výšky hladiny pomocí OVS / Measurement of Level by Fiber Optic Sensors

Bednář, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this master‘s thesis is the issue of design of fiber optic sensor for min/max and continuous measurement of liquid level, which could be used for laboratory measurement of optoelectronics. The thesis is divided into the three parts, the first part deals with methods of retrieval level measurement using fiber optic sensors. The second part is made of plant design of optical fiber sensors, it is shown the implementation of measuring devices for liquid level measurement and measured transfer characteristics of the sensors developed. The last part is proposed for laboratory typing tasks using established preparation for teaching in the subject Optoelectronic sensors.


Drexler, Petr January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with the aspects of methods for pulsed high-level EM quantities measurement. Methods for current and voltage measurement in pulsed power generator and power measurement in pulse microwave generator are discussed. New approaches to single-shot measurement methods application are proposed. The theoretical analysis of suitable sensor designs is performed. The magneto-optic measurement method has been experimentally realized. On the basis of experimental results a fiber-optic current sensor has been designed and theoretically analyzed. For identification and measurement of the free-space electromagnetic pulse a combined calorimetric sensor has been designed and built.

Využití optovláknových senzorů pro aplikace ve stavebním inženýrství při použití široce přeladitelného laseru / Interrogation of Optical Fiber Sensors for Civil Engineering Applications using Widely Tunable Laser

Heininger, Hilmar January 2014 (has links)
Předložená disertační práce zkoumá možnosti použití nového typu polovodičového MGY- Laseru elektricky laditelného v širokém spektrálním rozsahu a zabývá se možnostmi jeho nasazení v optovláknové senzorové síti založené na metodě FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating). Výzkum byl započat komplexními dlouhodobými testy reálného měřícího scénáře z oblasti stavebnictví, sestaveného pro účely ověření limitujících aspektů současných technik. Inženýrské aplikace nabízejí velké množství vzájemně se vylučujících požadavků pro návrh strukturálních senzorových systémů. Tyto požadavky jsou sdíleny mnoha dalšími technologickými oblastmi, což přispívá k vysokému stupni univerzálnosti použití dosažených výsledků. Na základě posouzení stavu současné techniky a aplikačních požadavků byly v práci nejprve identifikovány aspekty, které mají být výzkumem zlepšeny. V dalším kroku byl detailně charakterizován MG-Y laser Syntune/Finisar S7500. Na základě dat získaných měřením byla zkoumána nová metoda spojitého řízená vlnové délky záření laseru. Provedené experimenty vedly nejen k návrhu nového způsobu spojité regulace vlnové délky ale také k vytvoření prostředků pro vlastní kalibraci systému na základě jeho vnitřních vlastností (podélných módů rezonátoru).

Elektronski sistem za merenje deformacija pri savijanju pomoću polimernog optičkog vlakna sa osetljivom zonom / Electronic system for measurement of deformations under bending by usingpolymer optical fiber with sensitive zone

Stupar Dragan 21 April 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je razvijen elektronski senzorski sistem za merenje deformacija pri savijanju pomoću polimernog optičkog vlakna sa osetljivom zonom. Opisana je metoda izrade fiber-optičkog senzora zakrivljenosti pomoću polimernog optičkog vlakna. Izvršena je simulacija ponašanja senzora i urađena je karakterizacija senzora. Ispitana je mogućnost primene elektronskog senzorskog sistema za detekciju savijanja i loma građevinskih struktura. Pomoću istog senzora je realizovan fiber-optički goniometar za merenje ugla savijanja ljudskog kolena koji karakterišu linearni odziv u opsegu uglova od -45&deg; do 25&deg;, rezolucija od 1&deg; i osetljivost od 20 mV/&deg;. U tezi je takođe data metoda eliminacije grešaka koje mogu nastati usled savijanja delova vlakna koji vode do i od osetljive zone.</p> / <p>In this thesis, an electronic system for measurement of bend-induced<br />deformations by using polymer optical fiber with sensitive zone is developed.<br />A method for fabrication of the fiber-optic curvature sensor by using polymer<br />optical fiber is described. The simulation and characterization of the sensor<br />behavior have been conducted. The possibility of application of the proposed<br />electronic system in structural health monitoring for bending and crack<br />detection of civil engineering structures is investigated. Also, a fiber-optic<br />goniometer for human joint movement monitoring characterized by a linear<br />response in the range from -45&deg; to 25&deg;, resolution of 1&deg;, and the sensitivity of<br />20 mV/&deg; is implemented. A method for the elimination of errors which may be<br />caused due to bending of lead-in and lead-out sections of the fiber (leading<br />to and from the sensitive zone) is also described.</p>

Fiber Optic Sensor Interrogation Advancements for Research and Industrial Use

Kunzler, Wesley Mont 17 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Spectrally-based fiber optic sensors are a rapidly maturing technology capable of sensing several environmental parameters in environments that are unfitting to electrical sensors. However, the sensor interrogation systems for this type of sensors are not yet fit to replace conventional sensor systems. They lack the speed, compact size, and usability necessary to move into mainstream test and measurement. The Fiber Sensor Integrated Monitor (FSIM) technology leverages rapid optical components and parallel hardware architecture to move these sensors across the research threshold into greater mainstream use. By dramatically increasing speed, shrinking size, and targeting an interface that can be used in large-scale industrial interrogation systems, spectrally-based fiber optic sensors can now find more widespread use in both research labs and industrial applications. The technology developed in this thesis was demonstrated by producing two advanced interrogators: one that was one half the size of commercially available systems, and one that accelerated live spectral capture by one thousand times – both of which were operated by non-developers with little training.

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