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Trade Mark Law and the Concept of Bad Faith : A fair balance between the protection of exclusive rights conferred on the proprietor and free access to the European market?Shipilina, Mariia January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the research is the analysis of the concept of bad faith in the sphere of trade marks from the perspective of a fair balance of different interests of the trade mark proprietor and other undertakings in the European market. On the one hand, the starting point of European trade mark law is the protection of exclusive rights conferred on the owner of a registered mark. On the other hand, Article 16 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union guarantees the right to free access to the market. The research work analyses the scope of these conflicting rights and comes to the conclusion that the interests of trade mark law and market competition may have common ground despite different starting points between them. Bad faith behaviour in the market should also be assessed as an acute common issue. In that connection, the objective of the thesis is to examine how the balance of the interests is achieved in European trade mark legislation and in practice, whether this balance is fair when dealing with bad faith. Additionally, the thesis considers the issues of the definition of bad faith in European legislation and possible changes in the European trade mark system related to the concept of bad faith.
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所得稅申報制度變動對已婚婦女勞動供給之影響 / Effect on Married Woman's Labor Supply of Change in Individual Income Tax Filing Method in Taiwan吳君泰, Jun-Tai Wu Unknown Date (has links)
第二節 研究方法與資料的限制
在實證資料方面,因為本研究探討租稅改革對已婚婦女勞動供給的影響,所以我們利用租稅改革前後各兩年(78至80年)的人力運用調查資料(由行政院主計處於每年5月所舉辦)以估計已婚婦女勞動供給函數。在操作方法上,我們分成4部份,首先我們分別設算租稅改革前後的婦女稅後薪資,接著運用Heckman的二階段分析法,針對前述的實證資料作必須的調整,以克服所謂的樣本選擇偏誤問題(Heckman 1980),再來將經過上述調整後婦女的稅後薪資,配合相關的變數,針對已婚婦女的勞動供給,做一般性迴歸分析與勞動參與率的logit分析,並且檢定78、79年的已婚婦女勞動供給線性迴歸式是否有結構性變動,最後進行78、79兩年的交叉預測分析。
(一)、分開計稅的新制的確有增加已婚婦女的勞動工時與勞動參與率的政策效果。其中在勞動工時方面:年齡介於30到35歲、教育年限為18年、有1個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為自營作業者的已婚婦女對78年租稅改革(稅制由合併課稅變成分開課稅)的反應為最大(ΔW=6.699、eC=4.08、ΔLC=27.33),至於對78年租稅改革反應最小的則為年齡介於25到30歲、教育年限為6年、沒有未滿6歲的子女、主要工作身份為私人雇用的已婚婦女(ΔW=0.092、eC=0.46、ΔLC=0.042)。而對79年租稅改革(稅制由分開課稅變成合併課稅)之反應最大者為年齡介於25到30歲、教育年限16年、有3個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為私人雇用的已婚婦女(ΔW= -1.809、eC=1.66、ΔLC=-3)。至於稅改反應最小者則是年齡介於35到40歲、未受教育、無未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為自營作業者的已婚婦女(ΔW= -0.007、eC=0.48、ΔLC=-0.003)。在勞動參與率方面:其中以年齡介於35到40歲、教育年限6年、有4個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為自營作業者的已婚婦女對78年租稅改改革的反應最大(勞動參與率由0.2936上升到0.6240,增加了33%)。而反應最小的,則大致是教育年限為18年、受雇於政府機關的已婚婦女,其勞動參與率幾乎不變。對79年租稅改改革反應最大的則是年齡介於30到35歲、教育年限6年、有4個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為私人雇用者的已婚婦女 (勞動參與率由0.6606下降到0.5682,減少了9%)。至於反應最小的,則與78年的結果大致相同,也是教育年限為18年、受雇於政府機關的已婚婦女。由於78年的平均邊際稅率大於79年的平均邊際稅率及78年的稅後工資邊際效果大於79年的稅後工資邊際效果可看出,一旦在78年適用會減輕稅負的新制時,它所造成的減稅效果是明顯大於79年的減稅效果。
(二)、但就政策效果的大小來看,此與Gustafsson (1992)的研究結果相比,卻是小巫見大巫,深究其原因,乃是瑞典採行的是已婚婦女獨立計算其所得稅負,而非我國僅允許薪資所得一項可分開計稅而已。因此,就提升我國已婚婦女勞動供給時數、勞動參與率的租稅工具來看,還有很大的發揮空間。
第一章 緒論…………………………1
第一節 研究動機與目的…………1
第二節 研究方法與資料的限制…1
第三節 本文分析架構……………2
第二章 相關文獻回顧………………4
第三章 理論模型與實證設定………17
第一節 理論模型…………………17
第二節 實證模式設定……………17
第四章 實證資料與結果說明………21
第一節 資料的說明與限制………21
第二節 實證結果說明……………26
第三節 交叉預測分析結果………37
第五章 結論與建議…………………55
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Carrier Mobility And High Field Transport in Modulation Doped p-Type Ge/Si1-xGex And n-Type Si/Si1-xGex HeterostructuresMadhavi, S 03 1900 (has links)
Modulation doped heterostructures have revolutionized the operation of field effect devices by increasing the speed of operation. One of the factors that affects the speed of operation of these devices is the mobility of the carriers, which is intrinsic to the material used. Mobility of electrons in silicon based devices has improved drastically over the years, reaching as high as 50.000cm2/Vs at 4.2K and 2600cm2/Vs at room temperature. However, the mobility of holes in p-type silicon devices still remains comparatively lesser than the electron mobility because of large effective masses and complicated valence band structure involved. Germanium is known to have the largest hole mobility of all the known semiconductors and is considered most suitable to fabricate high speed p-type devices. Moreover, it is also possible to integrate germanium and its alloy (Si1_zGex ) into the existing silicon technology.
With the use of sophisticated growth techniques it has been possible to grow epitaxial layers of silicon and germanium on Si1_zGex alloy layers grown on silicon substrates. In tills thesis we investigate in detail the electrical properties of p-type germanium and n-type silicon thin films grown by these techniques. It is important to do a comparative study of transport in these two systems not only to understand the physics involved but also to study their compatibility in complementary field effect devices (cMODFET).
The studies reported in this thesis lay emphasis both on the low and high field transport properties of these systems. We report experimental data for the maximum room temperature mobility of holes achieved m germanium thin films grown on Si1_zGex layers that is comparable to the mobility of electrons in silicon films. We also report experiments performed to study the high field degradation of carrier mobility due to
"carrier heating" in these systems. We also report studies on the effect of lattice heating on mobility of carriers as a function of applied electric field.
To understand the physics behind the observed phenomenon, we model our data based on the existing theories for low and high field transport. We report complete numerical calculations based on these theories to explain the observed qualitative difference in the transport properties of p-type germanium and ii-type silicon systems. The consistency between the experimental data and theoretical modeling reported in this work is very satisfactory.
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Anmeldung und Feststellung von Forderungen im Insolvenzverfahren / Filing and determination of claims in the insolvency proceedingsJaeschke, Mark A. 13 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The impact of e-technology on law of civil procedure in South AfricaMabeka, Nombulelo Queen 31 October 2018 (has links)
The law of civil procedure is an important branch of South African law as it resolves individual civil disputes through a regulated judicial system. Mandatory statutes and rules regulate the processes when bringing disputes to court. For example, the Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013, regulates the superior courts, while the provisions of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 32 of 1944, as well as the Small Claims Court Act 61 of 1984, control the lower courts. Further, a series of court rules ensure efficient operation of different courts and support the overarching legislation. For example, the Constitutional Court Rules, Rules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings of the Supreme Court of Appeal, Uniform Rules of Court, Magistrates’ Courts’ Rules, and the Rules of Small Claims Court support the implementation of legislation. The researcher submits, however, that the current legislative provisions, and their enabling rules, are not fully complementing the Electronic Communication and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 and are thereby impeding the growth of e-technology law in South Africa. Put differently, they do not embrace the use of e-technology and digital devices. It appears that in future civil proceedings will occur electronically through digital and e-technology devices. Present legislation does not cater for this practical reality. This calls for South African courts to, for example, install satellite devices that will ease the use of e- technology in civil proceedings. The researcher avers that there have been attempts by the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal to enable electronic communication through their websites, but this is insufficient to effectively implement the provisions of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 especially insofar as service of process. The courts have effectively moved away from the decision in Narlis v SA Bank of Athens, which excluded computer-generated evidence and there have been attempts by South African courts in recent decisions to appreciate the use of e-technology. For example, in CMC Woodworking Machinery v Odendaal Kitchens the court, for the first time, acknowledged service of court papers via Facebook. Further, in Spring Forest Trading v Wilbery, the Supreme Court of Appeal confirmed that electronic communication such e-mail, can be used to cancel agreements, even where parties incorporated a non-variation clause into the agreement. However, there is an urgent need to review and amend South African statutes and rules to fully acknowledge the fact that e-technology is a constantly evolving modern reality.
Therefore, South African laws and rules ought to be in-line with e-technology developments and competitive with international jurisdictions such as England, the United States of America and Canada. The rules of these jurisdictions realise the use of e-technology and digital e-technology, particularly in England where a pilot project that facilitates the use of e-technology and digital e-technology in civil proceedings, is already in place. The time has come to fully employ e-technology and digital e- technology law within South African law of civil procedure. This research investigates the possibility, and practical implications, thereof. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL. D.
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Management of medical records in support of primary health care services of Diepsloot clinics in Gauteng Province of South AfricaNgwenya, Nakanani 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Bibliography: leaves 102-115 / The study investigated the management of medical records in the Primary Health Care services
(PHCs) of Diepsloot. The study investigated the regulatory framework, records infrastructure,
records security, records management staff skills and the filing system. A qualitative design guided
by the interpretive paradigm was used to guide the case study. Interviews, focus groups, and
observations generated data from 50 participants.
The study revealed that the regulatory instruments used to manage records lack implementation and
compliance. There was a lack of security measures, a shortage of records management
infrastructure and inconsistency in the filing system. There is a low level of skill in the records
management staff. The study recommended the implementation of a regulatory policy that will
guide and ensure effective governance of records in PHCs. Records should be secure from misuse
by unscrupulous individuals. PHC records need to be managed by experienced professionals. The
filing system should be easily accessible. / Die studie het ondersoek ingestel na die bestuur van mediese rekords in die Primêre
Gesondheidsorgdienste (PHC's) van Diepsloot. Die studie het ondersoek ingestel na die
regulatoriese raamwerk, rekord van infrastruktuur, rekord sekuriteit, vaardighede vir
rekordbestuur en die liasseerstelsel. 'n Kwalitatiewe ontwerp gelei deur die interpretatiewe
paradigma is gebruik om die gevallestudie te lei. Onderhoude, fokusgroepe en waarnemings het
gegewens van 50 deelnemers gegenereer.
Die regulatoriese instrumente wat gebruik word om rekords te bestuur, het geen implementering en
nakoming nie. Die studie het aan die lig gebring dat daar 'n gebrek aan veiligheidsmaatreëls was,
'n tekort aan infrastruktuur vir rekordbestuur en teenstrydigheid in die liasseringstelsel. Die
personeel in rekordbestuur het 'n lae vlak van vaardigheid. Die studie het die implementering van
'n regulatoriese beleid aanbeveel wat die doeltreffende bestuur van rekords in PHC's sal lei en
verseker. Rekords moet beskerm word teen misbruik deur gewetenlose individue. PHC-rekords
moet deur ervare professionele persone uitgevoer word. Die liasseerstelsel moet maklik toeganklik
wees. / Lolu cwaningo luphenywe ngokuphathwa kwamarekhodi ezokwelashwa emnyangweni
Wezokunakekelwa kwempilo okuyisisekelo (i-PHCs) eDiepsloot. Ucwaningo luphenywe ngohlaka
lokulawula, ingqalasizinda yamarekhodi, ukuphepha kwamarekhodi, amakhono okuphathwa
kwamarekhodi nohlelo lokufayila. Umklamo olungaqanjwa uqondiswa yi-paradigm yokutolika
wasetshenziselwa ukuqondisa ucwaningo lwesigameko. Izingxoxo, amaqembu okugxila kanye
nokubukwa kukhiqize idatha evela kubahlanganyeli abangu 50.
Izinsizakusebenza zokulawula ezisetshenziselwa ukuphatha amarekhodi zingenakho ukusebenza
nokuhambisana. Ucwaningo luveze ukuthi bekukhona ukuntuleka kwezindlela zokuphepha,
ukushoda kwengqalasizinda yokuphathwa kwamarekhodi kanye nokungahambelani ohlelweni
lokugcwalisa. Kunezinga eliphansi lekhono kubasebenzi bokuphathwa kwamarekhodi. Ucwaningo
lincome ukusetshenziswa kwenqubomgomo yokulawula ezohola futhi iqinisekise ukuphathwa
kwamarekhodi kuma-PHCs ngendlela efanele. Amarekhodi kufanele avikeleke ekusetshenzisweni
kabi ngabantu abangathembekile. Amarekhodi we-PHC adinga ukuqhutshwa ngochwepheshe
abanolwazi. Uhlelo lokufayila kufanele lutholakale kalula. / Information Science / M. Inf.
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An assessment of the tax compliance costs of individual taxpayers in South Africa / Assessering van die belastingvoldoeningskoste van individuele belastingpligtiges in Suid-Afrika / Tshekatsheko ya ditshenyegelo tsa ditefelo tsa go obamela melawana ya metshelo ka balefamotshelo ka Afrika BorwaStark, Karen 12 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Northern Sotho / The tax compliance costs of individual taxpayers in South Africa are unknown, and it is essential to determine, amongst other things, whether these costs pose a risk of causing non-compliance, which could have a negative effect on the collection of tax revenue. Hence, the aim of the study was to assess the tax compliance costs of individual taxpayers in South Africa. The assessment of tax compliance costs entailed calculating these costs in relation to the submission of income tax returns and post-filing activities, ascertaining the determinants of these costs and suggesting ways to reduce them.
Using data collected from an online survey conducted among 10 260 taxpayers, it was estimated (applying various methods) that income tax compliance costs of individual taxpayers for the 2018 year of assessment were between 3.61% and 5.31% of the personal income tax revenue. These results compared well with ratios reported in most studies conducted in other countries and showed a reduction from the results obtained from 752 taxpayers for the 2017 year of assessment.
Chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID), a decision tree modelling technique, was used to ascertain the determinants of tax compliance costs and to identify specific groups of taxpayers associated with distinct ranges of the determinants that were statistically significant predictors of tax compliance costs. This breakdown enabled a better understanding of the influence that the specific values of the continuous determinants, such as the service quality rating of the South African Revenue Service (SARS), and the categorical determinants, such as education level and employment status, have on tax compliance costs. The CHAID analysis therefore provided an additional level of insight not possible with regression analysis, enhancing the usability of the results. Employment status and income tax bracket had the strongest association with tax compliance costs (on average, self-employed taxpayers and taxpayers in the highest income tax bracket had the highest total tax compliance costs). Various other determinants, for example, type of assistance obtained, gender, education level, complexity of tax legislation, complexity of SARS guides, and SARS’s service quality rating were also identified in the analyses. / Die belastingvoldoeningskoste van individuele belastingpligtiges in Suid-Afrika is onbekend, en dit is noodsaaklik om, onder andere, te bepaal of hierdie koste ʼn risiko van nievoldoening inhou wat ʼn negatiewe uitwerking op die insameling van belastinginkomste kan hê. Die doelwit van die studie was dus om die belastingvoldoeningskoste van individuele belastingpligtiges in Suid-Afrika te assesseer. Die assessering van belastingvoldoeningskoste behels die berekening van hierdie koste ten opsigte van die indiening van inkomstebelastingopgawes en ná-indieningsaktiwiteite, bepaling van die determinante van hierdie koste en voorstelle van hoe om dit te verminder.
Aan die hand van data wat ingesamel is deur ʼn aanlyn opname onder 10 260 belastingpligtiges, is (deur middel van verskeie metodes) geraam dat inkomstebelasting-voldoeningskoste van individuele belastingpligtiges vir die 2018-assesseringsjaar tussen 3.61% en 5.31% van die persoonlike-inkomstebelastinginkomste was. Hierdie resultate het goed vergelyk met verhoudings soos berig in die meeste studies wat in ander lande uitgevoer is en het ʼn afname gewys in die resultate wat by 752 belastingpligtiges vir die 2017-assesseringsjaar bekom is.
Chi-kwadraat outomatiese wisselwerkingbespeuring (chi-square automatic interaction detection – CHAID), ʼn besluitnemingskema-modelleringtegniek, is gebruik om die determinante van belastingvoldoeningskoste te bepaal en om spesifieke groepe belastingpligtiges te identifiseer wat statisties-beduidende voorspellers van belastingvoldoeningskoste is. Hierdie uiteensetting het ʼn beter begrip daargestel van die invloed wat die spesifieke waardes op die deurlopende determinante, soos die diensgehaltegradering van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SARS), en die kategoriedeterminante, soos onderwysvlak en indiensnemingstatus, op belastingvoldoeningskoste het. Die CHAID-ontleding het dus ʼn bykomende vlak van insig voorsien wat nie moontlik is met regressieontleding nie en sodoende die bruikbaarheid van die resultate verbeter. Indiensnemingstatus en inkomstebelastingkategorie het die sterkste assosiasie met belastingvoldoeningskoste (belastingpligtiges in eie diens en belastingpligtiges in die hoogste inkomstekategorie het gemiddeld die hoogste totale belastingvoldoeningskoste). Verskeie ander determinante, byvoorbeeld, soort bystand verkry, geslag, onderwysvlak, kompleksiteit van belastingwetgewing, kompleksiteit van SARS-gidse en SARS-diensgehaltegradering is ook in die ontledings geïdentifiseer.
Die studie het afgesluit met voorstelle om individuele belastingspligtiges se belastingvoldoeningskoste te verlaag. / Ditshenyegelo tša ditefelo tša go obamela melawana ya metšhelo ka balefamotšhelo ka Afrika Borwa ga di tsebje, gomme go bohlokwa gore re tsebe, gareng ga tše dingwe, ge eba ditshenyegelo tše di tliša kotsi ya go baka gore balefamotšhelo ba se ke ba obamela melawana ya metšhelo, e lego seo se ka bago le seabe sa go se loke go kgoboketšo ya letseno la motšhelo. Ke ka lebaka leo, maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše e bile go sekaseka ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo ka balefamotšhelo ka Afrika Borwa. Tshekatsheko ya ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo go ra gore re swanetše go hlakanya ditshenyegelo tše mabapi le go romela dingwalwa tša motšhelo le ditiragalo tša ka morago ga go romela dingwalwa tšeo tša motšhelo, go realo e le go tseba dilo tšeo di bakago ditshenyegelo tše le go šišinya mekgwa ya go di fokotša.
Ka go šomiša tshedimošo ye e kgobokeditšwego go dinyakišišo tšeo di dirilwego ka inthanete gareng ga balefamotšhelo ba 10 260, go akantšwe gore (ka go diriša mekgwa ye e fapafapanego) ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo wa letseno ka balefamotšhelo ka ngwaga wa tshekatsheko ya metšhelo wa 2018 di bile magareng ga 3.61% le 5.31% ya tšhelete ya motšhelo wa letseno. Dipoelo tše di bapetšwa gabotse le dikelo tšeo di begilwego ka dinyakišišong tše ntši tšeo di dirilwego ka dinageng tše dingwe gomme di laeditše go fokotšega go tšwa go dipoelo tšeo di hweditšwego go balefamotšhelo ba 752 ka ngwageng wa tshekatsheko ya metšhelo wa 2017.
Kutollo ya tirišano ya maitirišo ya Chi-square (CHAID), e lego mokgwa wa go nyakišiša sephetho ka maphakga, e šomišitšwe ka nepo ya go tseba dilo tšeo di bakago ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo le go hlaola dihlopha tše itšego tša balefamotšhelo bao ba amanago le mehuta ye e swanago e nnoši ya dihlaodi tšeo di bilego bohlokwa go ya ka dipalopalo mabapi le ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo. Karoganyo ye e kgontšhitše kwešišo ye kaone ya khuetšo yeo dikokwane tše itšego tša dilo tšeo di tšwelago pele go baka se, tša go swana le kelo ya boleng bja tirelo ye e abjago ke Tirelo ya Motšhelo ya Afrika Borwa (SARS), le dilo tšeo di bakago go se obamele melawana ya motšhelo go ya ka makala, go swana le maemo a thuto le maemo a mošomo, go ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo. Tshekatsheko ya CHAID ka fao e file maemo a tlaleletšo a tsebo yeo e sa kgonagalego ka tshekatsheko ya poelomorago, go maatlafatša go šomišega ga dipoelo. Maemo a mošomo le legoro la motšhelo wa letseno di bile le kamano ye kgolo le ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo (ka kakaretšo, balefamotšhelo bao ba itšhomelago le balefamotšhelo bao ba lego ka go legoro la godimo la motšhelo wa letseno ba na le palomoka ya godimodimo ya motšhelo wo ba lefišwago ona). Dilo tše dingwe tša mehutahuta tšeo di bakago go se obamele melawana ya motšhelo, go fa mohlala, mohuta wa thušo ye e hweditšwego, bong, maemo a thuto, go se kwešišege ga melawana ya motšhelo, go se kwešišege ga ditlhahli tša SARS, le kelo ya boleng bja tirelo ya SARS le tšona di utollotšwe ka tshekatshekong.
Dinyakišišo di feditše ka go fa ditšhišinyo mabapi le ka fao go ka fokotšwago ditshenyegelo tša go obamela melawana ya motšhelo ka balefamotšhelo. / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)
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Las nuevas tecnologías en la administración de justicia. La validez y eficacia del documento electrónico en sede procesalJaume Bennasar, Andrés 09 October 2009 (has links)
La tesis se encarga de analizar, por un lado, la integración y el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías en la Administración de Justicia; y, por otro, los parámetros que constituyen la validez y eficacia del documento electrónico. La primera cuestión se centra en la configuración de los Sistemas de Información de la Oficina Judicial y del Ministerio Fiscal, así como de la informatización de los Registros Civiles, donde el art. 230 LOPJ es la pieza clave. Se estudian sus programas, aplicaciones, la videoconferencia, los ficheros judiciales y las redes de telecomunicaciones que poseen la cobertura de la firma electrónica reconocida, donde cobran gran relevancia los convenios de colaboración tecnológica. La digitalización de las vistas quizá sea una de las cuestiones con más trascendencia, teniendo en cuenta que el juicio es el acto que culmina el proceso. Aunque no todos los proyectos adoptados en el ámbito de la e.justicia se han desarrollado de forma integral, ni han llegado a la totalidad de los órganos judiciales. El objetivo final es lograr una Justicia más ágil y de calidad, a lo cual aspira el Plan Estratégico de Modernización de la Justicia 2009-2012 aprobado recientemente.En referencia a la segunda perspectiva, no cabe duda que el Ordenamiento jurídico y los tribunales, en el ámbito de la justicia material, otorgan plena validez y eficacia al documento electrónico. Nuestra línea de investigación se justifica porque cada vez son más los procesos que incorporan soportes electrónicos de todo tipo, ya sea al plantearse la acción o posteriormente como medio de prueba (art. 299.2 LEC). Entre otros temas examinamos el documento informático, la problemática que rodea al fax, los sistemas de videograbación y el contrato electrónico. / La tesi s'encarrega d'analitzar, per una part, la integració i el desenvolupament de les noves tecnologies dins l´Administració de Justícia; i, per l'altra, els paràmetres que constitueixen la validesa i l'eficàcia del document electrònic. La primera qüestió es centra en la configuració dels Sistemes d´Informació de l´Oficina Judicial i del Ministeri Fiscal, així com de la informatització dels Registres Civils, on l'art. 230 LOPJ es la peça clau. S'estudien els seus programes, aplicacions, la videoconferència, el fitxers judicials i les xarxes de telecomunicacions que tenen la cobertura de la firma electrònica reconeguda, on cobren gran rellevància els convenis de col·laboració tecnològica. La digitalització de les vistes tal vegada sigui una de les qüestions amb més transcendència, tenint amb compte que el judici es l'acte que culmina el procés. Però no tots el projectes adoptats en l'àmbit de la e.justicia s'han desenvolupat d'una manera integral ni han arribat a la totalitat dels òrgans judicials. L'objectiu final es assolir una Justícia més àgil i de qualitat, al que aspira el Pla Estratègic de Modernització de la Justícia 2009-2012 aprovat recentment. En referència a la segona perspectiva, no hi ha dubte que l´Ordenament jurídic i els tribunals, en l'àmbit de la justícia material, donen plena validesa i eficàcia al document electrònic. La nostra línia d'investigació es justifica perquè cada vegada son més el processos que incorporen suports electrònics de tot tipus, ja sigui quant es planteja l'acció o posteriorment como a medi de prova (art. 299.2 LEC). Entre altres temes examinem el document informàtic, la problemàtica que envolta al fax, els sistemes de videogravació i el contracte electrònic. / The thesis seeks to analyse, on the one hand, the integration and development of the new technologies in the Administration of Justice; and, on the other, the parameters which constitute the validity and efficiency of the electronic document.The first question centres on the configuration of the Information Systems of the Judicial Office and the Public Prosecutor, as well as the computerisation of the Civil Registers, where the art. 230 LOPJ it's the part key. Their programmes, applications, the Video Conferencing, the judicial registers and the telecommunication networks which are covered by the recognised electronic signatures, are studied, where the agreements on technological collaboration gain great relevance. The digitalisation of evidence might perhaps be one of the questions with most consequence, bearing in mind that the judgment is the act by which the process is culminated. Although not all the projects adopted within the compass of e.justice have developed completely nor have reached all the judicial organs. The final objective is to achieve an agile, quality Justice, to which the recently approved Strategic Plan for the Modernisation of Justice aspires.With reference to the second perspective, there is no doubt that the juridical Ordinance and the tribunals within the compass of material justice grant full validity and efficacy to the electronic document. Our line of investigation is justified because there are more and more processes which are sustained by electronic supports of all kinds, whether it be at the establishment of the action or later, as a proof of it (art. 299.2 LEC). Amongst other things, we examine the computerised document, the problems which surround the fax, the systems for video recording and the electronic contract.
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