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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desarrollo y transferibilidad de los microsatélites en Prunus y su aplicación en estudios de variabilidad

Mnejja Abd Mouleh, Mourad 27 February 2015 (has links)
The Prunus genus belongs to the Rosaceae family and includes stone fruit crops such as peach (P. persica), apricot (P. armeniaca), European plum (P. domestica), Japanese plum (P. salicina), sweet cherry (P. avium) and sour cherry (P. cerasus), as well as almond (P. dulcis), a species cultivated for its seeds. This work aims to develop simple-sequence repeat (SSR) or microsatellite markers in almond and Japanese plum, the only two diploid Prunus species lacking these markers when this thesis began, and to study their variability in a collection of cultivars of each species. In addition, we studied the transferability of the microsatellites obtained from Prunus in other cultivated rosaceous species, including six Prunus species, and three other genus: apple (Malus x domestica), pear (Pyrus comunis) and octoploid strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). To develop new microsatellite markers, we used two methods: one from enriched DNA genomic library (for sequences CT/AG), for which we obtained 31 SSRs in almond and 27 in Japanese plum, and another using the available sequences of ESTs (expressed sequence tags) of almond (22 SSRs) and peach (25 SSRs). All these microsatellites were polymorphic in a set of eight cultivars of their respective species. We used the obtained markers in an extensive collection of almond varieties (30) to study their genetic variability using 47 microsatellites derived from this species (25 genomic and 22 derived from ESTs). A similar study was conducted in 38 varieties of Japanese plum with 27 genomic SSRs obtained in this species. These markers were highly variable in both species, with an average of 7.3 alleles per locus in almond and 7.2 in Japanese plum, allowing us to distinguish individually all the studied genotypes. Our data indicated that the SSRs of the same species are more variable than those developed in other related species. In addition, in almond we found that the microsatellites derived from ESTs, and particularly those located in coding regions, were less variable than those obtained from genomic sequence. The grouping of the studied varieties in function of their genetic distance (dendrogram) or their population structure was quite similar both in almond and Japanese plum. The almond varieties were grouped by their geographical origin and their flowering time, whereas the Japanese plum varieties, of recent origin and largely developed in the United States, were clustered according to the breeding programs of the different States they were obtained. A total of 145 Prunus SSRs [25 genomic from almond, peach and Japanese plum, 25 ESTs derived from peach, 22 ESTs derived from almond and 23 derived from apricot (10 genomic and 13 from ESTs)] were chosen to study transferability, all polymorphic and identifying a single locus in the origin species. These microsatellites were studied in eight varieties of the following nine species: almond, peach, European plum, Japanese plum, apricot, sweet cherry, apple, pear and strawberry. Eighty-three percent (83%) of these markers amplified bands of the expected size in the other Prunus species and 63.9% were polymorphic, indicating the high transferability within this genus. This transferability decreased as the genetic distance between the species origin of the SSR and the studied species increased. Thus, only 16.3% of the tested SSRs were transferable to species of other rosaceous genera (apple, pear and strawberry). No significant differences were detected between microsatellites of different origins (genomic and ESTs) regarding their transferability, nor their capacity to detect variability. From the studied SSRs, 31 amplified and were polymorphic in all tested Prunus species. Twelve, selected to cover the whole genome, were proposed as the universal set for the analysis of variability in Prunus.

Study of Dyrk1a kinase in central nervous systems development: implication in mouse retina development

Laguna Tuset, Ariadna 18 December 2008 (has links)
El gen DYRK1A es troba situat en una regió del cromosoma 21 humà que s'ha associat a alteracions en el neurodesenvolupament. Aquest treball mostra com canvis en la dosis gènica de Dyrk1A en el ratolí causen una alteració en la cel.lularitat de les capes internes de la retina i provoquen alteracions funcionals severes. A més a més, la sobreexpressió de Dyrk1A és la única responsable de les alteracions en la retina dels animals Ts65Dn, un model murí de Síndrome de Down. El control de la mort cel.lular programada és fonamental pel correcte desenvolupament del sistema nerviós central. Aquest treball demostra que la proteïna quinasa DYRK1A és un regulador negatiu de la via intrínseca d'apoptosis durant el desenvolupament de la retina. DYRK1A no afecta la proliferació o especificació de les cèl.lules progenitores, sinó que regula el nombre de cèl.lules que moren per apoptosis. La caspasa-9 és un nou substracte de DYRK1A, i la fosforilació de la caspasa al residu treonina 125 per DYRK1A protegeix les cèl.lules de la retina de la mort apoptòtica. Aquestes dades suggereixen un model en el qual una desregulació de la resposta apoptòtica en neurones en diferenciació podria participar en la neuropatologia de malalties que pesenten una alteració en la dosis gènica de DYRK1A. / DYRK1A is located in a region of human chromosome 21 (HSA21) that has been associated to the neurodevelopmental impairments shown by individuals with HSA21 aneuploidies. This work shows changes in Dyrk1A gene dosage in the mouse strongly alter the cellularity in inner retina layers and results in severe functional alterations. Moreover, overexpression of Dyrk1A is solely responsible for the retina alterations shown by Ts65Dn mice, a mouse model for Down syndrome. The precise regulation of programmed cell death is critical for the normal development of the nervous system. This work demonstrates that DYRK1A protein kinase is a negative regulator of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway in the developing retina. DYRK1A does not affect the proliferation or specification of retina progenitor cells, but rather regulates the number of cells that die by apoptosis. Caspase-9 is a novel DYRK1A substrate, and the phosphorylation on caspase-9 at threonine residue 125 by DYRK1A protects retina cells from apoptotic cell death. This data suggests a model in which dysregulation of the apoptotic response in differentiating neurons participates in the neuropathology of diseases that display DYRK1A gene dosage imbalance effects.

Mendelian disease gene identification and diagnosis using targeted next generation sequencing

Trujillano Lidón, Daniel, 1987- 05 December 2013 (has links)
Les tecnologies de seqüenciació de nova generació (NGS) han emergit com a una poderosa eina per al descobriment de mutacions causals i nous gens per a malalties Mendelianes, i estan tenint un ràpid impacte en l’àmbit del diagnòstic genètic. Les tecnologies de NGS es poden utilitzar en combinació amb mètodes d’enriquiment de l’ADN per a seqüenciar en profunditat regions genòmiques diana, com l’exoma o gens associats a malalties, entregant informació genètica d’una manera ràpida, barata i acurada. Aquesta tesi descriu l’aplicació de la NGS dirigida per a identificar un nou gen per a la hipertensió hipercalièmica familiar. També s’explora la traducció clínica de les tecnologies de NGS per a millorar el diagnòstic genètic d’un panell heterogeni de malalties Mendelianes, què inclou la fibrosi quística, hiperfenilalaninèmies i la malaltia renal poliquística autosòmica dominant. Els resultats d’aquesta tesi no només ratifiquen la NGS dirigida com a una potent eina per al descobriment de gens de malalties Mendelianes, sinó què també demostren que aquesta tecnologia està preparada per a substituir els mètodes moleculars tradicionals a l’àmbit de la genètica mèdica. / Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies have emerged as a powerful tool for the discovery of causative mutations and novel Mendelian disease genes, and are rapidly impacting genetic diagnostics. NGS technologies can be used in combination with DNA enrichment methods to generate deep sequencing of target genome regions, such as the exome or known disease loci, delivering fast, inexpensive and detailed genetic information. This thesis describes the application of targeted NGS to identify a novel disease gene for familial hyperkalemic hypertension. In addition, it also explores the clinical translation of NGS technologies to the genetic diagnostics of a heterogeneous panel of Mendelian diseases, including cystic fibrosis, hyperphenylalaninemias and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. The results of this thesis do not only ratify targeted NGS as a powerful tool for Mendelian disease gene discovery, but also show that it is ready to substitute traditional molecular methods in medical genetics.

Analysis of multiple protein sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees in the context of phylogenomics studies

Capella Gutiérrez, Salvador Jesús, 1985- 16 November 2012 (has links)
Phylogenomics is a biological discipline which can be understood as the intersection of the fields of genomics and evolution. Its main focuses are the analyses of genomes through the evolutionary lens and the understanding of how different organisms relate to each other. Moreover, phylogenomics allows to make accurate functional annotations of newly sequenced genomes. This discipline has grown in response to the deluge of data coming from different genome projects. To achieve their objectives, phylogenomics heavily depends on the accuracy of different methods to generate precise phylogenetic trees. Phylogenetic trees are the basic tool of this field and serve to represent how sequences or species relate to each other through common ancestry. During my thesis, I have centered my efforts in improving an automated pipeline to generate accurate phylogenetic trees and its posterior publication through a public database. Among the efforts to improve the pipeline, I have specially focused on the problem of multiple sequence alignment post-processing, which has been shown to be central to the reliability of subsequent analyses. Subsequently I have applied this pipeline, and a battery of other phylogenomics tools, to the study of the phylogenetic position of Microsporidia, a group of fast-evolving intracellular parasites. Due to their special genomic features, Microsporidia evolution constitutes one of the classical examples of challenging problems for phylogenomics. Finally, I have also used the pipeline as a part of a newly designed method for selecting robust combinations of phylogenetic gene markers. I have used this method for selecting optimal gene sets to assess the phylogenetic relationships within fungi and cyanobacteria, showing that the potential of these genes as phylogenetic markers goes well beyond the species used for their selection. / Filogenómica es una disciplina biológica que puede ser entendida como la intersección entre los campos de la genómica y la evolución. Su área de estudio es el análisis evolutivo de los genomas y como se relacionan las distintas especies entre sí. Además, la filogenómica tiene como objetivo anotar funcionalmente, con gran precisi ón, genomas recién secuenciados. De hecho, esta disciplina ha crecido rápidamente en los úultimos años como respuesta a la avalancha de datos provenientes de distintos proyectos genómicos. Para alcanzar sus objetivos, la filogenómica depende, en gran medida, de los distintos métodos usados para generar árboles filogenéticos. Los árboles filogenéticos son las herramientas básicas de la filogenómica y sirven para representar como secuencias y especies se relacionan entre sí por ascendencia. Durante el desarrollo de mi tesis, he centrado mis esfuerzos en mejorar una pipeline (conjunto de programas ejecutados de forma controlada) automática que permite generar árboles filogenéticos con gran precisión, y como ofrecer estos datos a la comunidad científica a través de una base de datos. Entre los esfuerzos realizados para mejorar la pipeline, me he centrado especialmente en el post-procesamiento previo a cualquier análisis de alineamientos múltiples de secuencias, ya que la calidad del alineamiento determina la de los estudios posteriores. En un contexto más biológico, he usado esta pipeline junto con otras herramientas filogenómicas en el estudio de la posición filogenética de Microsporidia. Dadas sus características genómicas especiales, la evolución de Microsporidia constituye uno de los problemas clásicos y difíciles de resolver en filogenómica. Finalmente, he usado también la pipeline como parte de un nuevo método para seleccionar combinaciones óptimas de genes con potencial como marcadores filogenéticos. De hecho, he usado este método para identificar conjuntos de marcadores filogenéticos que permiten reconstruir con alto grado de precisión las relaciones evolutivas en Cyanobacterias y en Hongos. Lo más interesante de este método es que eval úa la fiabilidad de los marcadores en especies no usadas para su selección.

Anàlisi genètico-molecular d'una nova forma de distròfia muscular de maluc autosòmica dominant en un extens pedigrí

Palenzuela Díaz, Lluís 03 May 2002 (has links)
S'ha abordat l'estudi genètico-molecular d'una extensa família espanyola afectada per una nova forma de distròfia muscular de maluc (Limb-girdle muscle dystrophy, LGMD) amb herència autosòmica dominant. Un cop definida la clínica de forma detallada s'han comparat les seves característiques amb les de les altres 5 formes autosòmiques dominants prèviament conegudes. Si bé ja alguns dels trets clínics eren diferencials, mitjançant l'anàlisi de lligament a 3 punts (2 marcadors-malaltia) de marcadors polimòrfics lligats a aquestes formes (regions 1q11-q21, 3p25, 5q31, 6q23 i 7q), s'han pogut excloure com a responsables de la malaltia en la família estudiada. Un cop establert que ens trobàvem davant d'una nova forma genèticament diferenciada, s'ha procedit a fer una anàlisi de lligament completa a 2 punts (marcador-malaltia), tot analitzant un ampli grup de marcadors polimòrfics dispersos pels 22 cromosomes autosòmics, comprovant manual i estadísticament la seva segregació respecte el fenotip clínic. Inicialment s'han utilitzat microsatèl.lits marcats amb fluorescència i pel fine mapping s'han utilitzat microsatèl.lits adicionals marcats radiactivament, havent-se inclós en aquesta darrera part fins a 55 d'individus del pedigrí, 27 afectes i 28 sans. Com a resultat, s'ha pogut trobar el locus de la malaltia al braç llarg del cromosoma 7, concretament a la regió 7q31-q32. Mitjançant l'estudi de marcadors adicionals i considerant la valuosa informació del 4 individus recombinants trobats en diferents parts del pedigrí, s'ha pogut establir una regió candidata d'unes 3,7 megabases, entre els marcadors D7S680 i D7S2544, dins els mapes del consorci humà i en la qual s'han identificat una sèrie de gens candidats i de expressed sequence tags (EST). El continu avenç en el projecte Genoma Humà ha suposat un gran ajut a l'hora de situar i escollir marcadors i gens dins el cromosoma 7.S'ha estudiat a fons un dels gens candidats, la Filamina C, proteïna que lliga actina. S'ha pogut excloure la Filamina C com a gen responsable de la nostra nova forma de LGMD després de no trobar-se cap mutació present en tots els individus afectes en co-segregació amb la malaltia ni cap alteració en el nivell d'expressió a nivell de mARN (àcid ribonucleic missatger).Podem concloure que ens trobem davant una nova forma d'LGMD autosòmica dominant genèticament diferenciada que caldria anomenar LGMD1F, segons la nomenclatura de l'OMIM (On-line Mendelian Inheritance in Man database). / It has been performed the genetic and molecular analysis of a large Spanish family affected by a new limb-girdle muscle dystrophy form (LGMD) with an autosomal dominant inheritance trait. Once described the clinical features of the disease we compared them with the 5 other autosomal dominant LGMD previously described. Aditionally to some clinical specific and differential traits, 3-point linkage analysis (2 markers and disease) with linked markers to this forms (regions 1q11-q21, 3p25, 5q31, 6q23 and 7q) excluded them as responsible for the disease in our pedigree. Once stablished that we had a new genetically distinguished form, we performed a genomic wide 2-point linkage analysis (marker-disease), by the use of many polymorphic markers spread all over the 22 autosomal chromosomes, checking manually and statistically its segregation with respect to the clinical phenotype. We first performed the analysis with fluorescently labeled markers and then, for the fine mapping, we used aditional 32P labeled markers, including in this part up to 55 members of the pedigree, being 27 of them affected and 28 unaffected. As a result, we could find the locus of the disease in the long arm of chromosome 7, specifically to region 7q31-q32. By the use of aditional markers and analysing the 4 informative recombinant individuals found in different parts of the pedigree it was possible to stablish a candidate region that spans 3.7 megabases, between markers D7S680 and D7S2544, following the available human physical and genetic maps. We have identified some candidate genes and expressed sequence tags (EST) in this interval. The continuous improvement in the Human Genome Project has become a great help at the time of placing and choosing markers and genes in Chromosome 7. One of the candidate genes, Filamin C, an actin-binding protein, has been extensively studied. We were able to exclude Filamin C as the gene responsible for the disease in our LGMD pedigree after the analysis of the whole coding sequence and not finding any pathological mutation in all affected individuals co-segregating with the disease and after checking the expression levels at the mRNA level in affected individuals in comparison with unaffected individuals, not being significatively different. We can conclude that this is a new autosomal dominant LGMD form, genetically distinguished that we could name LGMD1F, following the OMIM nomenclature (On-line Mendelian Inheritance in Man Database).

Caracterització genètica de la leucèmia mieloide aguda mitjançant tècniques de citogenètica i biologia molecular

Casas Fontdevila, Sílvia 08 July 2003 (has links)
Mitjançant les tècniques de hibridació in situ fluorescent (FISH) i de hibridació in situ fluorescent multiple (M-FISH) es van estudiar diferents sèries de pacients de leucèmia mieloide aguda (LMA) en el moment del seu diagnòstic, per tal d'identificar possibles alteracions genètiques, no observades prèviament per anàlisi citogenètica convencional (ACC). Així, al analitzar dos pacients que presentaven un material cromosòmic afegit al cariotip, es va detectar en ambdós casos, una trisomia parcial del cromosoma 11, la qual es produïa per una translocació desequilibrada de la regió 11q22~23 a 11qter. Aquesta alteració cromosòmica seria una nova anomalia recurrent associada a la duplicació parcial en tàndem del gen MLL. Alhora, en la sèrie de 40 pacients de LMA amb inv(16)(p13q22)/t(6;16)(p13;q22) s'han identificat mitjançant FISH dos casos de translocacions emmascarades associades a la inv(16)(p13q22), no descrites prèviament, t(10;16)(p13;q22)inv(16)(p13q22) i t(1;16)(p36;q22)inv(16)(p13q22). Pel què fa a la sèrie de 40 pacients de LMA amb cariotip normal estudiada, no s'ha identificat per FISH la prescència de la t(5;11)(q35;p15.5) a diferència de les sèries de LMA pediàtriques publicades recentment. La tècnica de hibridació genòmica comparada (CGH) es va utilitzar per la detecció de guanys i pèrdues de material genètic en la LMA, demostrant que l'alteració genètica desequilibrada més freqüent és la pèrdua parcial de regions cromosòmiques (54 %), les quals es loalitzen majoritàriament als cromosomes 5q, 7q, 7, 16q i 17p, essent també recurrents els guanys dels cromosomes 8 i 22. Els resultats de CGH van aportar informació útil per la identificació d'alteracions genètiques no identificades prèviament per ACC, identificant alteracions cromosòmiques més complexes, i ajudant a la caracterització de cromosomes marcadors, derivatius i materials cromosòmics afegits al cariotip. Els estudis complementàris de FISH i M-FISH van confirmar els perfils de CGH i van ajudar a proposar el cariotip final, sobretot en els casos de cariotip complex. Destacar que els resultats de CGH i M-FISH suggereixen que el subgrup de LMA <60 anys i cariotip normal, no es caracteritza per la presència significativa d'anomalies genètiques.Es van estudiar perfils d'expressió gènica, mitjançant cADN array, de gens relacionats amb el mecanisme d'apoptosis en pacients de LMA, ja que alteracions en l'apoptosis tenen efecte onogènic i poden donar resistència al tractament. Un total de 27 gens apoptòtics es trobaven desregulats, dels 205 gens inclosos en l'array. Es destaquen IGFBP3, IGFBP5, CLU, GADD45 i gens codificants per enzims de detoxificació per glutatió, com a nous gens implcats en l'alteració de les vies senyalització de l'apoptosis en LMA. Els resultats es van validar per QRT-PCR a temps real, obtenint una elevada correlació entre ambdues tècniques.La mateixa tècnica de QRT-PCR a temps real es va emprar per analitzar l'expressió dels gens HOXA9, DEK, CBL i CSF1R en una sèrie de 41 pacients de LMA. La desregulació d'aquests gens s'havia s'havia identificat en treballs publicats recentment per cADN array, on se suggeria que podrien ser gens importants pel desenvolupament de la LMA. En la sèrie estudiada es va confirmar la desregulació d'aquests gens, demostrant alhora diferents associacions significatives entre expressió gènica i paràmetres biològics: sotaexpressió de HOXA9 en LMA amb t(8;21)(q22;q22); sobreexpressió de DEK i HOXA9 en LMA sense expressió de CD34; sotaexpressió de CSF1R i HOXA9 en LMA-M2; sobreexpressió de CBL i CSF1R en LMA-M5 i sotaexpressió de CBL i pacients majors de 60 anys. / To identify genetic alterations not previously detected by conventional cytogenetic analysis (CCA), fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and fluorescent in situ hybridization multiplex (M-FISH) were used to analyze several series of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) at the time of diagnosis. In 2 cases whose karyotype showed an unknown additional chromosomal material, we detected a partial trisomy of chromosome 11, from 11q22~23 to 11qter, as a result of an unbalanced chromosomal translocation. Partial tandem duplication of MLL gene were detected in both cases. Furthermore, in a series of 40 AML patients with inv(16)(p13q22)/t(6;16)(p13;q22), we identify two cases of masked translocation associated with inv(16)(p13q22), which were not described previously, t(10;16)(p13;q22)inv(16)(p13q22) and t(1;16)(p36;q22)inv(16)(p13q22). Moreover, we did not detected the t(5;11)(q35;p15.5) by FISH in a series of 40 AML patients with normal karyotype, which is in contrast with previously reported series of childhood AML patients. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was used to detect gains and losses of chromosomal material in a series of 128 AML patients. The most frequent genetic alteration was the partial loss (54 %), frequently involving the 5q, 7q, 7, 16q and 17p chromosomal regions. Gains of chromosome 8 and 22 were also recurrent. CGH was useful to identify chromosomal alterations not previously detected by CCA, and it help to characterize marker chromosomes, derivative chromosomes and unknown additional chromosomal materials. Complementary FISH and M-FISH experiments confirmed CGH results and helped to proposed the final karyotype. Genetic alterations were not identify by using CGH and M-FISH in the series of AML patients younger then 60 years and normal karyotype.We investigated apoptotic gene expression profiles by cDNA array technique in a series of AML patients. Alterations in the apoptotic signaling pathways have oncogenic effect and could induce resistance to therapy. A total of 27/205 apoptotic genes presented an abnormal expression as compared to the reference. IGFBP3, IGFBP5, CLU, GADD45 and several genes of glutathione detoxification pathway were identified as new important genes in the pathogenesis of AML. Real time QRT-PCR was used to confirm the data obtained by cDNA array technique, which showed a good correlation.Real time QRT-PCR were also used to analyzed in a series of 41 AML patients the expression of HOXA9, DEK, CBL and CSF1R, which were reported to be aberrantly expressed in AML. We confirm the deregulation of these genes in AML as well as we described several associations between gene expression and hematological and clinical parameters: under-expression of HOXA9 in AML with t(8;21)(q22;q22); over-expression of DEK and HOXA9 in AML without CD34; under-expression of CSF1R and HOXA9 in AML-M2; over-expression of CBL and CSF1R in AML-M5; under-expression of CBL and patients older than 60 years.

Caracterización de anomalías cromosómicas en diagnóstico prenatal y postnatal mediante técnicas de citogenética molecular

Hernando Davalillo, Cristina 31 March 2005 (has links)
Las anomalías cromosómicas están implicadas en la aparición de muchas enfermedades hereditarias, siendo también la principal causa de retraso mental y de pérdidas gestacionales. La pérdida, ganancia o reordenación de fragmentos cromosómicos de un tamaño similar, puede tener distintas consecuencias dependiendo del número y función de los genes que contengan. Los métodos clásicos de bandeo cromosómico han sido durante muchos años la única herramienta para la detección de anomalías cromosómicas tanto numéricas como estructurales. Gracias a estas técnicas se han podido identificar muchas anomalías cromosómicas asociadas a diferentes malformaciones congénitas, síndromes o cánceres colaborando eficazmente en la comprensión de la etiología de dichas patologías. No obstante, las alteraciones cromosómicas de un tamaño < 3-5 Mb o las reorganizaciones complejas son muy difíciles de identificar mediante las técnicas de bandas convencionales. Desde su inicio, hacia 1980, las técnicas de citogenética molecular basadas en la hibridación in situ fluorescente (FISH) y sus variantes tecnológicas, entre ellas la Hibridación Genómica Comparada (CGH) i la FISH-Multicolor (M-FISH), han permitido la detección e identificación precisa de un gran número de anomalías cromosómicas, como las microdeleciones, las reorganizaciones cromosómicas complejas y las reorganizaciones crípticas, que hasta ese momento pasaban desapercibidas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo ha sido profundizar en el papel que desempeñan regiones cromosómicas específicas, que al alterarse, originan fenotipos concretos mediante la aplicación conjunta de diferentes técnicas de citogenética molecular (CGH y FISH) y de citogenética convencional. Hoy en día, se conocen muy pocas regiones cromosómicas cuya alteración, por pérdida o duplicación, esté asociada a un síndrome clínico bien definido. Distintos estudios, incluido el presente, muestran que tanto la CGH, como la M-FISH, son dos técnicas que contribuyen eficazmente en la identificación de regiones cromosómicas específicas asociadas a fenotipos concretos. Esta información es de suma importancia para los biólogos moleculares como indicación de qué regiones del genoma deben considerar como "dianas" para identificar los genes implicados.En esta tesis además de la puesta a punto u optimización de las técnicas de M-FISH, CGH y HR-CGH para su aplicación al diagnóstico prenatal y postnatal, se han determinado las limitaciones tanto de las propias técnicas como de los softwares empleados. Ello nos ha permitido establecer nuevas correlaciones genotipo-fenotipo gracias a la identificación de 27 monosomías y trisomías autosómicas y gonosómicas, 15 cromosomas marcadores supernumerarios y 9 reorganizaciones complejas y/o crípticas. Al mismo tiempo, se ha establecido un protocolo para la identificación de marcadores cromosómicos mediante la utilización combinada de las técnicas de citogenética convencional, FISH y CGH. Por último, el análisis de los 77 puntos de rotura implicados en las anomalías cromosómicas estudiadas ha revelado que no se producen al azar y que fundamentalmente afectan a los cromosomas: 2, 7, 9, 15, 16, 18, X e Y. Las bandas más afectadas han sido: 9p23, 11q22.2, 14q11.2, 15q11.2, 15q15, 16p11.2, 18q22, 22q11.2, Xp22.3, Xq21.2, Yp11.3 e Yq12, evidenciando que las roturas cromosómicas se producen en bandas cromosómicas claras (80%) que corresponden a regiones del genoma con un mayor contenido genético. El análisis de estos puntos revela que coinciden en un 90% con regiones donde se ha descrito duplicaciones segmentarias. Este último hallazgo es de suma importancia y abre un nuevo campo de investigación.En resumen, esta tesis muestra la utilidad y aplicabilidad de la CGH y M-FISH, tanto en Diagnóstico Prenatal como Postnatal, al identificar tanto pequeños desequilibrios como reorganizaciones complejas y/o crípticas permitiendo establecer nuevas correlaciones genotipo-fenotipo que facilitaran en un futuro un consejo genético mucho más preciso. / Chromosomal abnormalities are involved in the appearance of many hereditary diseases representing the principal factor of mental retardation as well as miscarriages. The loss, gain or redistribution of chromosomal fragments with a similar size may have different consequences depending on the number and function of the respective genes.During lots of years conventional chromosomal banding techniques had been applied as a unique tool in order to detect numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities. Thanks to those techniques a significant number of chromosome-related abnormalities associated with congenital malformations, diverse syndromes and cancer forms could be indeed identified consolidating on this way, even a better comprehension of the etiology of these pathologies. However, the chromosomal alterations with a size of < 3-5 Mb or complex reorganizations are rather difficult to be identified by conventional banding techniques. Since 1980 molecular cytogenetic techniques based on a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with its technologic variants as for instance the Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) and the multicolour-FISH (M-FISH) made possible the exact detection and identification of numerous chromosomal abnormalities as there are microdeletions, complex chromosomal reorganizations as well as cryptic reorganizations which until that moment could not be recognized. The main objective of this work consisted of focussing the specific chromosomal regions which cause in case of alteration concrete phenotypes by means of a combined application of different molecular cytogenetic and conventional techniques (CGH and FISH). Nowadays we dispose of a very limited know how about chromosomal regions of which an alteration by deletion or duplication is associated with a well defined clinical syndrome. Different studies including the present one had showed that both procedures CGH and M-FISH are techniques able to identify efficiently specific chromosomal regions associated with specific phenotypes. This information is a quite important for molecular biologists as it reveals which regions of a genome can be considered as key regions within the definition of implicated genes.With this doctoral thesis, besides the improvement and/or optimisation of M-FISH, CGH and HR-CGH techniques relevant for prenatal and postnatal diagnosis, limitations had been determined on the one hand regarding the same techniques and on the other hand with respect to the software. That circumstance allowed us indeed to establish new genotype-phenotype correlations due to the identification of 27 autosomal and gonosomal monosomies and trisomies, 15 supernumerary marker chromosomes and 9 complex and/or cryptic reorganizations. At the same time a protocol could be established for the identification of supernumerary marker chromosomes by the combined application of the conventional cytogenetic techniques FISH and CGH.Finally the analysis of the 77 breakpoints implicated in the investigated chromosomal abnormalities unveiled that they had not been brought out accidentally and that they fundamentally affect the chromosomes: 2, 7, 9, 15, 16, 18, X and Y. On the other hand the bands more affected were 9p23, 11q22.2, 14q11.2, 15q15, 16p11.2, 18q22, 22q11.2, Xp22.3, Xq21.2, Yp11.3 and Yq12, showing that chromosome breaks are mainly located on clear chromosome bands (80%) corresponding to genome regions with a bigger genetic content. The analysis of these points reveals that a 90 % of them coincide with regions in which segmental duplications had been described. This last recognition represents an outstanding circumstance and initiates in a future a new serie of investigations.Summing up this doctoral thesis shows the utility and applicability of CGH and M-FISH as prenatal and postnatal diagnosis identifying as well slighter deviations as complex and cryptic reorganisations. It will equally allow us to establish new genotypic and phenotypic correlations making possible in a future a more exact genetic assessment.

Estudio citogenético en amniocitos de gestantes fumadoras

Chica Díaz, Rosa Ana de la 24 November 2005 (has links)
Introducción: El tabaco tiene graves problemas para la salud del individuo ya que da lugar a la aparición de enfermedades como: pulmonar obstructiva crónica, cardiovascular o cáncer pero también tiene efectos adversos en el embarazo. Fumar durante la gestación tiene consecuencias como problemas de coagulación o accidentes obstétricos: embarazo extrauterino o placenta previa, y retraso de crecimiento. Recientemente se ha sugerido la existencia de una relación entre la exposición postnatal al tabaco y cáncer en niños, especialmente leucemia y linfomas. Diversos autores han detectado la presencia de metabolitos específicos del tabaco en líquido amniótico de gestantes fumadoras y en la orina de recién nacidos lo que sugiere un posible efecto genotóxico en etapas tempranas del desarrollo embrionario. Sin embargo, únicamente se han publicados dos estudios indirectos sobre el posible efecto genotóxico del tabaco en el embarazo.Objetivos: En este estudio se ha valorado el posible efecto genotóxico del hábito de fumar durante la gestación en las células de líquido amniótico. Para ello se ha analizado si se producía, o no, un incremento de inestabilidad cromosómica expresado en forma de las lesiones cromosómicas (gaps y roturas), y la presencia de anomalías cromosómicas estructurales. Así mismo, se ha analizado si existen regiones cromosómicas especialmente afectadas por la exposición al tabaco. Material y métodos: En este estudio prospectivo se han analizado un total de 50 muestras de líquido amniótico, procedentes de diagnóstico prenatal, subdivididas en dos grupos: 25 muestras de gestantes no fumadoras (C; controles) y 25 de gestantes fumadoras (F). Estas últimas consumían más de 10 cigarrillos al día, al menos durante 10 años, y continuaban fumando durante el embarazo. En total se requirieron 800 encuestas para seleccionar las gestantes de ambos grupos; 496 encuestas para encontrar 25 mujeres controles que no fueran fumadoras pasivas; y 175 entrevistas para conseguir las 25 gestantes fumadoras. Ninguna de las gestantes debia consumir alcohol, café ni té. La evaluación citogenética se realizó de acuerdo con los procedimientos convencionales, analizándose sólo metafases de alta calidad. Se estudiaron más de 100 metafases por muestra para detectar las lesiones cromosómicas mediante tinción secuencial uniforme-bandas G (Wright). Para caracterizar las anomalías cromosómicas estructurales, se cariotiparon como mínimo 25 metafases por muestra. Resultados: Para la comparación de los datos citogenéticos obtenidos en fetos de los dos grupos de gestantes se ha utilizado el método de ecuaciones estimado generalizado (GEE) . Se han observado importantes diferencias estadísticas entre (i) la proporción de metafases con inestabilidad cromosómica (F: 10.5% (262/2492); C: 8.0% (210/2637); P=0.0357), (ii) La proporción de lesiones cromosómicas (F: 15.7% (391/2492); C: 10.1% (267/2637); P=0.0450), y (iii) la proporción de anomalías cromosómicas estructurales (F: 12.1% (96/793); C: 3.5% (26/752); P=0.0015). El análisis estadístico de los 689 puntos de rotura implicados en lesiones y alteraciones cromosómicas estructurales mostró que la banda 11q23 fue la región cromosómica más afectada por el tabacoConclusiones: Nuestros resultados muestran un incremento de la inestabilidad cromosómica en células fetales (amniocitos) de gestantes que fuman más de 10 cigarrillos al día, durante más de 10 años y que continúan haciéndolo durante su embarazo. La banda 11q23 es especialmente sensible al efecto de los componentes del tabaco en células fetales. Se sabe que esta banda esta relacionada con procesos leucémicos ya que en ella se encuentran los genes ATM (cell prolymphocytic leukemia), PLZF (leukemia acute, promyelocytic; PLZF/RARA type), y MLL (leukemia, myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage). Nuestros resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que los componentes del tabaco, al atravesar la placenta, podría estar asociada a la aparición de procesos oncohematológicos pediátricos. Sin embargo, se requieren estudios epidemiológicos para determinar si, efectivamente, la descendencia de progenitores fumadores tiene incrementado el riesgo de padecer cáncer pediátrico. / Context: Tobacco increases the risk of systemic diseases, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and it has adverse effects on pregnancy. Maternal smoking during pregnancy has many consequences both during an after pregnancy, such as infertility, coagulation problems, obstetric accidents such an extrauterine pregnancy or placenta previa and intrauterine growth retardation. A relationship between postnatal exposure to tobacco and childhood cancer, especially leukemia and lymphomas, has also been suggested. Tobacco contains a high number of mutagenic compounds. Recently , the presence of tobacco-specific metabolites has been described in fetal blood an cell-free amniotic fluid (transferred from the mother via placenta) and in newborns from women who smoke, suggesting a possible genotóxico effect of smoking during pregnancy However, only indirect data have been published on a possible genotoxic effect on pregnancy in humans. Objetives: In this study we assess the possible genotóxico effect of maternal smoking on amniotic fluid cells, based on the presence of an increased chromosomal instability expressed as chromosomal lesions (gaps and breaks) and structural chromosomal abnormalities. We also analyze whether any chromosomal regions are especially affected by exposure to tobacco in the fetus.Desing, Setting and Patients: In this prospective study, amniocytes were obtained by routine amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis from 25 control and 25 women who smoke (>10 cigarettes/day for >10 years), who were asked to fill out the smoking questionnaire concerning their smoking habits. In total, 800 interviews were carried out. Four hundred ninety-six interviews were required to find the 25 nonsmokers who fulfilled the strict criteria set up in our protocol; 175 interviews were required to find the 25 mothers who had smoked 10 or more cigarettes daily for at least 10 years and who continued smoking during pregnancy. Cytogenetic evaluation was performed according to standard procedures. Only high-quality metaphases were analyzed in each case. (About 100 randomly selected metaphases uniformly stained). Later preparations were destained with methanol and incubated in 2xSSc, and stained with Wright-Giemsa stain to identify the bands where the lesions were located . To characterize structural chromosomal abnormalities at least 25 banded metaphases per patient were karyotyped .Breakpoints implicated in chromosome abnormalities were identified by G-banding.Results: Comparison of cytogenetic data between smoker (S) and control (C) groups, using the generalized estimating equation (GEE) method, showed statistical significance for (i) the proportion of metaphases with chromosome instability (S: 10.5% (262/2492); C: 8.0% (210/2637); P=0.0357), (ii) the proportion of chromosome lesions (S: 15.7% (391/2492); C: 10.1% (267/2637); P=0.0450), and (iii) the proportion of structural chromosome abnormalities (S: 12.1% (96/793); C: 3.5% (26/752); P=0.0015). Statistical analysis of the 689 breakpoints detected showed that band 11q23, which is a band commonly implicated in hematopoietic malignancies, was the chromosome region most affected by tobacco. Conclusions: Our findings show that smoking more than 10 cigarettes/day for at least 10 years and during pregnancy is associated with increased chromosome instability in amniocytes. Band 11q23, known to be involved in leukemogenesis, seems especially sensitive to genotoxic compounds contained in tobacco. This band contains the genes ATM (cell prolymphocytic leukemia), PLZF (leukemia acute, promyelocytic; PLZF/RARA type), and MLL (leukemia, myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage). Thus, the transplacental exposure to tobacco could be associated with an increased risk of pediatric hematopoietic malignancies. Epidemiologic studies will be needed to determine whether the offspring of parents who smoke have an increased lifetime risk of cancer.

Aplicació de la citogenètica molecular a la genètica mèdica: malformacions congènites i infertilitat

Santos Verdaguer, Mònica 29 June 2007 (has links)
Una de les causes importants que s'associen a l'aparició de defectes congènits, retard mental i malformacions congènites, són les anomalies cromosòmiques. Les conseqüències fenotípiques depenen no tan sols de la grandària de fragment perdut, o guanyat, sinó dels gens que contenen. Per aquesta raó es importantissim determinar la regió cromosòmica implicada en l'alteració. Va esser a partir de l'any 1970, amb la introducció de les tècniques de bandeig cromosòmic, quant es van caracteritzar un gran nombre d'anomalies cromosòmiques. Els darrers anys s'ha produït un important avanç en la citogenètica amb la introducció de tècniques moleculars, com la FISH, CGH, MLPA entre d'altres, ja que permeten establir correlacions, molt més acurades, entre el fenotip i el genotip. L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball ha estat caracteritzar les anomalies cromosòmiques presents en individus amb malformacions congènites o infertilitat, mitjançant tècniques de citogenètica convencional i molecular. A més de comparar l'eficiència de les diferents tècniques emprades, valorar-ne les avantatges i limitacions. Per tal d'assolir aquest objectiu s'han estudiat 123 pacients, que presentaven malformacions congènites o infertilitat, mitjançant diferents tècniques de citogenètica convencional i moleculars com la CGH, HR-CGH, array-CGH, M-FISH, cenM-FISH, subcenM-FISH, BACs i MLPA.S'ha analitzat el tipus i freqüència d'alteracions cromosòmiques presents en aquests pacients. S'han caracteritzat: 26 monosomies parcials autosòmiques, 29 trisomies parcials autosòmiques, 9 monosomies parcials gonosòmiques, 6 trisomies parcials gonosòmiques, 4 reorganitzacions cromosòmiques complexes i 21 cromosomes marcadors supernumeraris petits. La identificació exacta d'aquestes anomalies cromosòmiques ens ha permès establir noves correlacions genotip-fenotip no descrites anteriorment a la bibliografia. Per últim, l'anàlisi de 116 punts de trencament implicats en aquestes anomalies cromosòmiques mostra que la distribució en l'ideograma humà no és a l'atzar, ja que la majoria d'ells es localitzen en les bandes-G-clares (62,2%), en regions del genoma riques en duplicacions segmentàries (81,9%) i no coincideixen amb bandes on s'ubiquen llocs fràgils (75%). També s'ha observat que les bandes cromosòmiques especialment afectades han estat la 11q23, 15q11.1, 15q26, Xp22.3 i Yq11.2. / Chromosomal abnormalities have been described as an important cause of congenital defects such as mental retardation and congenital malformations. Phenotipical consequences depend not only on size implied in the imbalance, also on genes located at this region. For this reason it is very important to determine chromosomal fragment implied in the alteration. Since 1970, when chromosomal banding techniques were described, a high number of chromosomal abnormalities have been characterised. In last years, cytogenetics have been improved with the introduction of molecular techniques, such as FISH, CGH, MLPA and others, since they allow more accurate genotype-phenotype correlations. The main aim of this work has been to characterise chromosomal abnormalities present in individuals with congenital malformations, or infertility, with conventional and molecular cytogenetic techniques. We established the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques and compared the efficiency. In order to achieve the main aim, we studied 123 patients with congenital malformations or infertility, with conventional and molecular cytogenetic techniques (CGH, HR-CGH, array CGH, M-FISH, cenM-FISH, BACs and MLPA). We analised the frequency and sort of chromosomal abnormalities in these patients. We could characterise: 26 parcial autosomic monosomies, 29 parcial autosomic trisomies, 9 partial gonosomic monosomies, 6 partial gonosomic trisomies, 4 complex chromosomal reorganisations and 21 small supernumerary marker chromosomes. The exact identification of these chromosomal abnormalities has allowed establishing new genotype-phenotype correlations not previously described in the literature. Finally, analysis of the 116 breakpoints implied in these chromosomal abnormalities show that their distribution is not random. The majority are localised in light G-Bands (62,2%), in bands with segmental duplications (81,9%) and there is no coincidence with fragile sites (75%). The higher rate breakpoints were located at 11q23, 15q11.1, 15q26, Xp22.3 and Yq11.2.

Detecció i identificació de desequilibris cromosòmics constitucionals i adquirits mitjançant l'aplicació de la tècnica de Hibridació Genòmica Comparada

Rigola Tor, Maria Àngels 19 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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