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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Filtracija kroz sloj granula od ekspandiranog polistirena sa elementima projektovanja filtra / DEEP BED FILTRATION THROUGH EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE GRANULES AND DESIGN PARAMETERS

Šećerov-Sokolović Radmila 04 February 1988 (has links)
No description available.

AB „Rokiškio sūris“ pieno atliekų tvarkymo aikštelės parinkimo analizė / Joint Stock Company "Rokiškio Sūris" selection of milk waste managment field

Auškalnis, Ramūnas 15 June 2010 (has links)
Šiuo metu Lietuva politiškai ir ekonomiškai orientuojasi į Vakarų europą, todėl šalyje keičiasi žemėvaldos, žemėnaudos bei nuosavybės principai, tai sudaro palankias sąlygas formuoti naują sampratą apie gamybos ir aplinkos ryšį, žmogaus ir gamtos harmoniją. Žmogus, būdamas gamybos ir aplinkos epicentre, turi suprasti aplinkoje vykstančius procesus, juos valdyti, nes jis pirmasis skins šių procesų vaisius. Šiandien reikalinga nusimanyti ne tik apie šiuolaikines gamybos technologijas, bet ir žinoti gamybos ir aplinkos ryšio per medžiagų apykaitą gamtoje dėsningumus. Šiuo metu AB ,,ROKIŠKIO SŪRIS“ gauna 35500 t vasaros mėnesiais pieno produktų gamybos atliekų, kurios turi būti išvežtos. Norint parinkti atliekų tvarkymo aikštelę pirmiausia reikalinga atlikti preliminarius geologinius tyrimus. Surinkti ir patikslinti išeities duomenis, geologinę fondinę-archyvinę medžiagą, atlikti vietovės rekognoskuotę, durpių sluoksnio 1,5 – 2,0 m. gylio podurpio. Sluoksnio filtracinių savybių tyrimą, atlikti tiriamos aikštelės ekologinį įvertinimą. Gamybos atliekų užterštumas pagal BDS5 ≥ 30000 mg Q2 l-1, ChDS> 67000 mg Q2 l-1 pH = 5÷ 7, bendras azotas Nb = 790-1200 mg l-1 , bendras fosforas Pb = 560-800 mg l-1. Objekte reikalinga numatyti pastatyti gamybinių nuotekų išlyginimo rezervuarą, kuris leistų išvengti momentinių teršalų išleidimo į miesto nuotekų tinklus. Šio darbo tikslas yra pateikti dalinai laikiną, bet ne trumpalaikį sprendimą. Juo siekiama patenkinti gamtosauginius reikalavimus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / At present “ROKIŠKIO SŪRIS” Ltd. receives 35500 t of dairy waste in summer months, which has to be taken away.In order to select the site for dairy waste management, first of all the preliminary geological researches have to be done. It is also necessary to collect and specify the output’s data, geological fund-archival material, and to do the reconnaissance of the locality, and 1,5 – 2,0 m. depth of sub-turf of turf layer. The research on filtration characteristics of the layer has to be done and the ecological evaluation of the analyzed site has to be performed.The contamination of production waste, according to BDS5 ≥ 30000 mg Q2/l, ChDS> 67000 mg Q2/l pH = 5÷ 7, total nitrogen Nb = 790-1200 mg/l, and total phosphorus Pb = 560-800 mg/lIt is necessary to plan the construction of reservoir for compensation of production waste water in the object, which would allow preventing the discharge of instantaneous pollutants into the urban drains. The purpose of this work is to provide partially temporary, but not short-term decision. It should satisfy the environmental requirements and find the cheapest solution and technologies. Various technological schemes are possible. In consideration of environmental requirements, geological and hydrogeological conditions of exploited turbary, and composition of production waste, several technological schemes are presented.Taking into account conditions of turbary, the engineering structures should be used to let the accumulated surface water... [to full text]

Kvalitet vazduha pod pritiskom u funkciji održive proizvodnje / Compressed air quality as a function of sustainable production

Milenković Ivana 10 October 2014 (has links)
<p>U radu se proučava kvalitet vazduha pod pritiskom iz aspekta održive proizvodnje. Zahtevani kvalitet vazduha postiže se primenom filtera<br />i sušača. Filteri vazduha izazivaju pad pritiska, koji ako se smanji,<br />smanjuje se i ukupna količina proizvedenog vazduha pod pritiskom, čime<br />se povećava energetska efikasnost. Utvrđuje se povezanost primene<br />različitih filtera i pada pritiska, uz poštovanje kvaliteta vazduha.<br />Osim toga, analiziran je kondenzat, koji se pri filtraciji javlja u<br />sistemu, i kreirane su odgovarajuće preporuke za njegovo odlaganje, jer<br />se on svrstava u opasan otpad zbog prisustva ulja.</p> / <p>This paper examines the quality of compressed air from the aspect of<br />sustainable production. The required air quality is achieved by using filters<br />and dryers. Air filters generate the pressure drop, which, if reduced, reduces<br />the total volume of produced compressed air, which lead to increase in<br />energy efficiency. Connections between the application of different filters and<br />pressure drops with respect to quality are explored. In addition, the<br />condensate from the compressed air system is analysed, and appropriate<br />recommendations for its disposal are created because it is classified as<br />hazardous waste due to the presence of oil.</p>

Filtracijos efektyvumo ir progesterono, estradiolio, heparino poveikio bulių spermatozoidų kokybiniams rodikliams, įvertinimas / Efficacy of filtration method on sperm quality parameters and progesterone, oestradiol, heparin effect on post-thaw bovine spermatozoa

Lukoševičiūtė, Kristina 19 September 2005 (has links)
It is the first time in Lithuania that practical application of semen filtration by Sephadex G-15 for the needs of artificial insemination industry was assessed. The efficacy of semen filtration was assessed applying a battery of sperm quality assays to study bovine spermatozoa quality before and after filtration, as well as after cryopreservation. The estimation of effect of different concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol, heparin separately or in combination, on different functional parameters of bull spermatozoa after thawing was performed. These are the first published studies applying integrated approach to study the effects of sperm challenge with several biologically active substances.

Research on the wastewater treatment efficiency in the vertical flow constructed wetland with the dolomite used as the filter media / Nuotekų valymo efektyvumo tyrimai vertikalios filtracijos augalų grunto filtruose su dolomito įkrova

Kazakevičienė, Jurgita 04 March 2013 (has links)
Aim of the research The aim of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of the constructed wetlands of vertical filtration with various fractions of dolomite used as the filter media to remove pollutants from the wastewater under the laboratory and industrial conditions and using experimental methods and after the research to prepare the calculation methodology for the filters with dolomite chippings used as the filter media. Objectives of the research In order to reach the aim of the research it was necessary: 1. To perform the analysis of the scientific experiments on the wastewater treatment efficiency in the constructed wetlands with various materials used as the filter media, to perform the analysis of the results of the industrial experiments and to make the analysis of various calculation methodologies of the parameters of the constructed wetlands. 2. To perform the comparative experiments on the efficiency of the sand and various dolomite fractions to remove the pollutants from the wastewater under the changing hydraulic and pollution load in the laboratory model. 3. To perform the research on the pollutant removal efficiency in the industrial object. 4. To specify the calculation methodology of the parameters of the constructed wetlands. This methodology will enable to calculate the parameters of the filters with the dolomite used as the filter media. / Šio darbo tikslas – analitiniais, laboratoriniais ir eksperimentiniais metodais nustatyti organinių ir biogeninių teršalų šalinimo iš nuotekų efektyvumą vertikalios filtracijos augalų-grunto filtre su dolomito įkrova esant skirtingai frakcinei sudėčiai ir apkrovai teršalais, o taip pat atlikus tyrimus patikslinti augalų-grunto filtrų skaičiavimo metodiką, kuri leistų skaičiuoti filtrus su dolomito įkrova. Darbo uždaviniai Darbo tikslui pasiekti reikėjo: 1. Atlikti nuotekų valymo efektyvumo naudojant įvairias įkrovas mokslinių darbų, gamybinių bandymų rezultatų ir augalų-grunto filtrų skaičiavimo metodikų analizę. 2. Atlikti laboratoriniame modelyje įvairių dolomito frakcijų ir smėlio nuotekų valymo efektyvumo prie įvairių hidraulinių ir taršos apkrovų palyginamuosius bandymus. 3. Atlikti teršalų šalinimo iš nuotekų efektyvumo gamybiniame objekte tyrimus. 4. Patikslinti augalų-grunto filtrų skaičiavimo metodiką, kuri leistų skaičiuoti filtrus su dolomito įkrova.

Analiza samoprečišćavajućeg potencijala podzemnih voda za uklanjanje farmaceutika primenom metode rečne obalske filtracije / Analysis of Groundwater Self-Purification Potential for Removal ofPharmaceuticals Applying River Bank Filtration Method

Kovačević Srđan 28 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja u okviru doktorske disertacije je definisanje<br />kriterijuma na osnovu optimizacije usvojenog stepena sorbiranja i<br />degradacije za modele transporta farmaceutika u aluvijalnim podzemnim<br />vodama, koji služe kao polazna osnova za postavke budućih izvori&scaron;ta<br />podzemne vode. Dobijeni su novi podaci i informacije koje će se koristiti za<br />procenu pona&scaron;anja farmaceutika, kao i za projektovanje i optimizaciju novih<br />sistema za efikasnu za&scaron;titu i upravljanje podzemnim vodama. Potpuno novi<br />rezultati se odnose na određivanje stepena eliminacije farmaceutika tokom<br />primene metode rečne obalske filtracije, kao i teorijsko i eksperimentalno<br />poređenje realnih podataka o stepenu sorbiranja i razgradnje farmaceutika.</p> / <p>The main goal of dissertation is to define new criteria based on the<br />optimization of applied sorption and degradation degree for groundwater<br />pharmaceuticals transport model, which serve as a basis for development<br />and design of the future drinking water facilities. New data and information&rsquo;s<br />are obtained and can be used for assessment of pharmaceutical behavior in<br />alluvial groundwater and for design of new and innovative systems for more<br />efficient protection and groundwater management. Novel results are referred<br />on the determination of the pharmaceuticals elimination during river bank<br />filtration and on the theoretical and experimental comparison of real data for<br />the sorption and degradation capacity of selected pharmaceuticals.</p>

Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero komplekso požeminio vandens išteklių formavimasis ir vertinimo modeliavimo metodais ypatumai / Formation and modelling assessment perculiarities of the Quaternary aquifer system groundwater resources in the Southeastern part of Lithuania

Štuopis, Anicetas 17 December 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektu buvo Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero komplekso daugiasluoksnės uolienų storymės požeminio vandens ištekliai (balansas, pasiskirstymas ir formavimas). Disertacinio darbo metu pagrįsti ir suformuluoti kvartero daugiasluoksnės uolienų storymės schematizavimo principai – patikslinta hidrogeodinaminės sistemos sandara remiantis litologiniais duomenimis ir vandeningų sluoksnių tarpusavio ryšio sąlygomis, naudojant hidrogeocheminius, izotopinius ir hidraulinius tyrimus. Išskirti vandeningieji ir pusiau laidūs sluoksniai bei sudarytas kvartero vandeningojo komplekso matematinis modelis. Atlikta ekspertinė modeliavimui naudotų hidrogeologinių parametrų analizė – jų patikimumas tikslintas kalibruojant modelį hidrogeologiniais, infiltracinės mitybos, požeminio nuotėkio balansiniais paskaičiavimais bei požeminio vandens cheminės sudėties ir izotopiniais tyrimais. Parinktame eksperimentiniame hidrogeologiniame pjūvyje – vandens filtracijos kelyje įvertinta požeminio vandens cheminės-izotopinės sudėties transformacija. Remiantis tričio tyrimo ir matematinio modelio duomenimis regioniniame pjūvyje atlikta filtracijos schemos bei filtracijos greičių korekcija. Pirmą kartą, naudojant matematinio modeliavimo metodus, įvertintos Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero vandeningojo komplekso gamtinių ir eksploatacinių prognozinių gėlo požeminio vandens išteklių formavimosi sąlygos, nustatytas galimas požeminio vandens gavybos poveikis aplinkai. / The aim of the research was accomplish an assessment of the groundwater resources (budget, distribution and formation) and reveal their formation peculiarities in the Quaternary aquifer system of the southeaster part of Lithuania. Substantiation and formulation of schematization principles of the Quaternary multi-aquifer system for conceptualization of groundwater flow model based on the complex of lithologic, hydrogeochemistry, isotopic and hydraulic data have been developed by this dissertation. Performing data analysis of hydraulically tested aquifers, the hydrogeological parameters which have been used in simulation and their reliability have been adjusted during model calibration based on hydrogeological–hydrological water balance methods with coupled groundwater isotopic-chemistry investigations. Transformation of groundwater isotope-hydrogeochemical composition in the direction from the recharge area toward the discharge places have been estimated on a selected experimental hydrogeological cross–section. According to tritium and simulation modelling data, groundwater flow scheme and average velocity comparison have been made from the highland to lowland. The pre–development groundwater flow and prognostic assessment of groundwater exploitation resources of Quaternary aquifer system with extraction impact on the geoenvironment have been evaluated.

Formation and modelling assessment perculiarities of the Quaternary aquifer system groundwater resources in the Southeastern part of Lithuania / Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero komplekso požeminio vandens išteklių formavimasis ir vertinimo modeliavimo metodais ypatumai

Štuopis, Anicetas 17 December 2014 (has links)
The aim of the research was accomplish an assessment of the groundwater resources (budget, distribution and formation) and reveal their formation peculiarities in the Quaternary aquifer system of the southeaster part of Lithuania. Substantiation and formulation of schematization principles of the Quaternary multi-aquifer system for conceptualization of groundwater flow model based on the complex of lithologic, hydrogeochemistry, isotopic and hydraulic data have been developed by this dissertation. Performing data analysis of hydraulically tested aquifers, the hydrogeological parameters which have been used in simulation and their reliability have been adjusted during model calibration based on hydrogeological–hydrological water balance methods with coupled groundwater isotopic-chemistry investigations. Transformation of groundwater isotope-hydrogeochemical composition in the direction from the recharge area toward the discharge places have been estimated on a selected experimental hydrogeological cross–section. According to tritium and simulation modelling data, groundwater flow scheme and average velocity comparison have been made from the highland to lowland. The pre–development groundwater flow and prognostic assessment of groundwater exploitation resources of Quaternary aquifer system with extraction impact on the geoenvironment have been evaluated. / Disertacijos tyrimo objektu buvo Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero komplekso daugiasluoksnės uolienų storymės požeminio vandens ištekliai (balansas, pasiskirstymas ir formavimas). Disertacinio darbo metu pagrįsti ir suformuluoti kvartero daugiasluoksnės uolienų storymės schematizavimo principai – patikslinta hidrogeodinaminės sistemos sandara remiantis litologiniais duomenimis ir vandeningų sluoksnių tarpusavio ryšio sąlygomis, naudojant hidrogeocheminius, izotopinius ir hidraulinius tyrimus. Išskirti vandeningieji ir pusiau laidūs sluoksniai bei sudarytas kvartero vandeningojo komplekso matematinis modelis. Atlikta ekspertinė modeliavimui naudotų hidrogeologinių parametrų analizė – jų patikimumas tikslintas kalibruojant modelį hidrogeologiniais, infiltracinės mitybos, požeminio nuotėkio balansiniais paskaičiavimais bei požeminio vandens cheminės sudėties ir izotopiniais tyrimais. Parinktame eksperimentiniame hidrogeologiniame pjūvyje – vandens filtracijos kelyje įvertinta požeminio vandens cheminės-izotopinės sudėties transformacija. Remiantis tričio tyrimo ir matematinio modelio duomenimis regioniniame pjūvyje atlikta filtracijos schemos bei filtracijos greičių korekcija. Pirmą kartą, naudojant matematinio modeliavimo metodus, įvertintos Pietryčių Lietuvos kvartero vandeningojo komplekso gamtinių ir eksploatacinių prognozinių gėlo požeminio vandens išteklių formavimosi sąlygos, nustatytas galimas požeminio vandens gavybos poveikis aplinkai.

Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenje membranske filtracije proteina mleka / Influence of turbulence promoter type on the improvement of membrane filtration of milk proteins

Popović Svetlana 03 June 2011 (has links)
<p>U radu je ispitivana mogucnost unapređenja membranske filtracije mleka primenom promotora turbulencije razlicitog geometrijskog oblika i dimenzije. Eksperimentalna istraživanja su izvedena na keramickoj membrani velicine 100 nm koja se najce&scaron;ce koristi u procesu mikrofiltracije mleka. Istraživanja su obuhvatila ispitivanje uticaja<br />promotora helikoidne geometrije (uvrnuta traka i Keniks mikser) i geometrije u obliku seciva (Koflo mikser) razlicitih karakteristicnih dimenzija na fluks permeata, prljanje i selektivnost membrane. Efikasnost primene razlicitih promotora analizirana<br />je kako sa aspekta povecanja fluksa tako i sa aspekta smanjenja potro&scaron;nje energije.<br />Istraživanje uticaja tipa promotora turbulencije na mikrofiltraciju proteina mleka<br />pokazalo je da se izborom geometrije, karakteristicne dimenzije i radnih uslova mogu<br />postici znacajna i energetski isplativa povecanja fluksa permeata.<br />Primenom uvrnute trake kao promotora Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenjemembranskefiltracije tubulencije ostvarena su povecanja fluksa i od 200<br />do 600% u zavisnosti od karakteristicne dimenzije uvrnute trake, i rad pri dva ili tri puta manjim protocima u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Najvece povecanje fluksa od oko 600% ostvareno je primenom najgu&scaron;ce uvrnute trake karakteristicne dimenzije 1,0 (UT1,0). UT1,0 kao promotor turbulencije uzrokuje najvece ubrzanje fluida tj. nivo turbulencije i najdužu helikoidnu putanju strujnica &scaron;to doprinosi intenzivnom odno&scaron;enju cestica sa povr&scaron;ine membrane. Ispitivanje primene Keniks miksera kao<br />promotora turbulencije je pokazalo da se znacajna i isplativa povecanja fluksa postižu vec pri veoma malim protocima. Keniks mikser je takođe helikoidne geometrije kao i uvrnute trake, ali se razlikuje po tome &scaron;to su helikoidni elementi<br />postavljeni pod uglom od 90o i levo desno jedan u odnosu na drugi. Ovakva orjentacija elemenata uzrokuje preraspodelu i promenu smera stujnica posle svakog elementa zbog cega je pad pritiska za Keniks mikser i do cetiri puta veci u odnosu na<br />uvrnutu traku iste karakteristicne dimenzije, ali uz veci utro&scaron;ak energije. Promotori geometrije u obliku seciva (Koflomikseri) takođe obezbeđuju povecanje fluksa od<br />200 do 650% pri nižem protoku u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Vece povecanje fluksa od 500 do 600% postignuta su primenom Koflo miksera manje karakteristicne dimenzije 1,3. Koflo mikseriobezbeđuju promenu slike strujanja u membrani koja se manifestuje takođe raspodelom toka fluida i pojavom helikoidnih strujnica, ali i sudaranjem i me&scaron;anjem struja usled udara o seciva pod određenim uglom. Po sudaranju struja se ovaj tip miksera razlikuje u odnosu na uvrnute trake i Keniks mikser. Ipak pad pritiska ovog miksera je veci u odnosu na pad pritiska uvrnute trake, a manji u odnosu na pad pritiska Keniks miksera. Ispitivanje smanjenja prljanja membrane pokazalo je da se primenom promotora smanjuje otpor prljanja membrane kao i otpori usled povratnog i nepovratnog prljanja. Naročito je zapaženo smanjenje otpora usled povratnog prljanja koje se javlja na povr&scaron;ini membrane. Na ovaj nacin potvrđeno je da svi tipovi miksera uzrokuju promenu nacina strujanja u membrani koja obezbeđuje pobolj&scaron;anje prenosa mase u graničnom sloju. U granicnom sloju najintenzivnije deluje Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenje membranske filtracije. Keniks mikser kod kog sem preraspodele stujanja dolazi i do promene smera strujnica nakon svakog elementa. Izvođenje procesa primenom promotora je energetski isplativije u odnosu na konvencionalan nacin rada i važi za sve ispitivane tipove promotora bez obzira na geometriju i karakterističnu dimenziju. Za vrednosti flukseva do 60 Lm-2h-1 uvrnute trake sve tri karakteristicne dimenzije zahtevaju istu potro&scaron;nju energije. Primena uvrnute trake UT1,0 je najisplativija za flukseve vece od 60 do 100 Lm-2h-1 iako uzrokuje veci pad pritiska u odnosu na UT1,5 i UT2,5, ali obezbeđuje i proporcionalno veci fluks pri protocima tri puta manjim u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Primenom UT1,0 moguće su u&scaron;tede energije u rasponu od 50 do 75 % u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Potro&scaron;nja energije kod primene Keniks miksera je veća u odnosu na uvrnutu traku iste karakterisitčne dimenzije, a opseg radnih protoka i TMP uslovljen velikim padom pritiska. U&scaron;tede energije u slučaju primene Keniks miksera su od 30 do 65% u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Međutim, primenom UT1,0 umesto Keniks miksera iste dimenzije obezbeđuju se od 10 do 35 % vece u&scaron;tede energije pri istom radnom fluksu. Sa aspekta potro&scaron;nje energije, Koflo mikseri su najmanje efikasni. KF1,3 mikser je manje efikasan u odnosu na KF2,5 zbog većeg pada pritiska i ne proporcionalno veceg fluksa. Primenom ovih promotora se postižu u&scaron;tede energije od 20 do 70% u odnosu na konvencionalan način rada, ali je ipak njihova efikasnost manja u odnosu na uvrnutu traku iste dimenzije zbog razlike u padu pritiska Pravilnim izborom geometrije promotora može postici povecanje fluksa uz nisku potro&scaron;nju energije odnosno niže padove pritiska. Slika strujanja koja zavisi od geometrije promotora najvi&scaron;e utice na povecanje fluksa pri čemu je najbitnije da se pored povećanja brzine obezbedi pojave strujnica helikoidnog oblika u graničnom sloju. Upravo ovakav nacin strujanja najvi&scaron;e doprinosi odno&scaron;enju cestica istaloženih na povr&scaron;ini membrane i povecanju prenosa mase. Pojave radijalnog me&scaron;anja ili sudaranja struja mogu se smatrati sporednim pojavama u odnosu na to koliko doprinose povecanju fluksa međutim, njihovo postojanje doprinosi povećanju pada pritiska i smanjuju energetsku efikasnost promotora. Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenje membranske filtracije. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili polaznu pretpostavku, definisanu ciljem istraživanja, da helikoidna putanja strujanja kod uvrnutih traka obezbeđuje najintenzivnije odno&scaron;enje istaloženog materijala sa povr&scaron;ine membrane uz najmanji pad pritiska odnosno gubitak energije. Sa druge strane, pojava me&scaron;anja koje je primarno kod Keniks i Koflo miksera izaziva, pored odno&scaron;enja istaloženih čestica i dodatno vrtloženje koje za posledicu ima veći pad pritiska i manju energetsku efikasnost.</p> / <p> This work investigates influence of tubulence promotor geometry and its characteristic dimension on the improvement of membrane filtration of milk proteins. The investigation was performed using a ceramic tubular membrane with 100 nm pore size which is commonly used in the dairy industry. As turbulence promoters two main geometry types were chosen: a helical (twisted tape and Kenics mixer) and a blade shaped (Koflo mixer). Except the geometry type, influence of an aspect ratio was studied, also. Efficiency of turbulence promoters was evaluated from the point of view of flux improvement and specific energy consumption. The experimental results clearly show that microfiltration process can be improved by proper choice of a turbulence promoter geometry, its aspect ratio and operating conditions. The process efficiency is increased by achievement of a significant flux increase and lowered energy consumption. Application of twisted tapes as turbulence promoters yields in the flux improvement of 200 to 600% depending on the aspect ratio of twisted tape but at two or three times lower cross-flow rates compared to conventional MF. The higher flux improvement of 600% was achieved by using twisted tape with aspect ratio 1.0, which induces the highest turbulence and the longest helical stream path so the scouring of particles from the membrane surface is the most intensive.<br /> By applying Kenics mixer as turbulence promoter significant flux improvement can be<br /> achieved at five fold lower cross-flow rates. Kenics mixer is also helical insert but its elements are right and left-hand orientated what causes the local resistances and much higher pressure drop compared to the twisted tape of the same aspect ratio. This resulted in higher energy consumption and in lower efficiency of the process fitted with Kenics mixer. Application of blade type insert, such is Koflo mixer, enables flux improvement of 200 to 650% and operation at lower cross-flow rates compared to conventional MF. The higher flux improvement, 500 to 600%, was yielded using the<br /> mixer of lower aspect ratio, 1.3. Blade mixers divide and redistribute streamlines after each element and also induce helical flow path near the membrane surface. Flow field defers from the flow field of twisted tape and Kenics mixer by the appearance of stream collision in the center of blade structure. This causes grater pressure gradient than for the twisted tape but lower than for the Kenics mixer. Investigation of membrane fouling confirmed that the membrane fitted with promoter is less fouled compared to the plane membrane. The reversible fouling resistance is reduced for<br /> order of magnitude especially for the case of Kenics mixer application. All types of promoters improve the mass transfer in the boundary layer at membrane surface inducing the helical path streamlines which take away deposited material. Energy consumption analysis has shown that the energy consumption can be significantly<br /> reduced by proper promoter geometry and aspect ratio. Operation with promoters proved to be more efficient from energy consumption point of view compared to the conventional operation. Using twisted tape of 1.0 aspect ratio energy can be saved for 50 to 75%. Blade type mixers are the less efficient, but still more efficient than the<br /> conventional filtration. In general, when the twisted tapes were used as promoters generated helical streamline path enables the most intensive fouling reduction with lowest pressure drop i.e. energy consumption. On the other hand, when the Kenics<br /> and blade mixers were used, except helical streamline path the secondary flows and mixing are induced what along with fouling reduction causes the higher pressure loss making these promoters energetically less efficient.</p>

Funkcionalni materijali na bazi elektrospinovanih nanovlakana / Functional materials based on electrospun nanofibers

Miletić Aleksandra 01 November 2019 (has links)
<p>Funkcionalni materijali na osnovu elektrospinovanih nanovlakana nalaze sve veću primenu u raznim oblastima industrije: biomedicina, farmacija, senzori, filrtacija, ambalaža itd. Elektrospining tehnika je jedna od metoda za dobijanje materijala na osnovu nanovlakana iz polimernih rastvora kori&scaron;ćenjem visokog napona. Kori&scaron;ćenje elekrospining tehnike ima brojne prednosti u odnosu na konvencionalne tehnike, pre svega zbog lakoće inkorporacije aktivne komponente u polimernu matricu, a i specifične morfologije i 3D strukture, jer usled nanometarskih dimenzija, vlakna imaju veliki odnos specifične povr&scaron;ine i zapremine i poroznosti, samim tim veliku kontaktnu povr&scaron;inu sa supstratima, reaktivnim agensima i mikroorganizmima. Zbog proizvodnje materijala na nanonivou, aktivna komponenta se fino dispergije u polimernoj matrici i time se obezbeđuje bolja aktivnost ovih materijala. Za razliku od konvencionalnih filmova, funkcionalni materijali na osnovu elektrospinovanih nanovlakana su aktivni po celoj zapremini. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je optimizicija procesnih parametara elektrospininga i validacija aktivnosti funkcionalnih materijala za različite primene, &scaron;to je postignuto pravilnim odabirom materijala i aktivnih komponenti, optimizacijom sastava materijala, karakterizacijom materijala adekvatnim metodama i validacijom aktivnosti materijala. Razvijeni su materijali za primenu u oblasti kozmetike, ambalaže, filtracije, senzora, stomatologije i provodnih materijala, čija je aktivnost verifikovana u laboratorijskim uslovima (TRL 4).</p> / <p>Functional materials based on electrospun nanofibers are increasingly used in various fields of industry: biomedicine, pharmacy, sensors, filtration, packaging, etc. Electrospining technique is one of the methods for obtaining nanofibers from polymer solutions using high voltage. The use of electrospinning technique has many advantages over conventional techniques, primarily because of the ease of incorporation of the active component into the polymer matrix, as well as the specific morphology and 3D structure, because due to the nanometer dimensions, the fibers have a large ratio of specific surface area to volume and porosity, and thus a high contact surface with substrates, reactive agents, and microorganisms. Due to the production of materials at the nanoscale, the active component is finely dispersed within the polymer matrix, thereby ensuring better activity of these materials. Unlike conventional films, functional materials based on electrospinned nanofibers are active throughout the volume. The aim of this PhD thesis was to optimize the electrospining process parameters and validate the activity of functional materials for various applications, which was achieved by proper selection of materials and active components, optimization of material composition, characterization of materials by appropriate methods and validation of material activity. Materials have been developed for use in the fields of cosmetics, packaging, filtration, sensors, dentistry and conductive materials, the activity of which has been verified under laboratory conditions (TRL 4).</p>

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