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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nákaza kapitálových trhů metodou kopulí proměnných v čase / A time-varying copula approach to equity market contagion

Horáčková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The dependence structures in financial markets count among the most frequently discussed topics in the recent literature. However, no general consensus on modeling of the cross-market linkages has been reached. This thesis analyses the dependence structure and contagion in the financial markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Tail dependence, symmetry and dynamics of the dependence structure are examined. A conditional copula framework extended by recently developed dynamic generalized autoregressive score (GAS) model is used to capture the conditional time-varying joint distribution of stock market returns. Considering the Czech, Croatian, Hungarian, Austrian and Polish stock market indices over the 2005-2012 period, we find that time-varying Student's t GAS copula provides the best fit. The results show, that the degree of dependence increases substantially during the global financial crisis, having a direct impact on portfolio optimization.

European Stock Market Contagion during Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Effects of Macroeconomic Announcements on the Correlations of Gold,Dollar and Stock Returns

Li, Ziyu 17 May 2013 (has links)
The first part of this dissertation examines the presence of the financial contagion across European stock markets with respect to the Greece sovereign debt crisis by estimating the time-varying conditional correlations of stock returns between Greece and other European countries over 2001 to 2012. We find that the correlations vary over time and reach the peaks in the late 2008 during theU.S.subprime crisis, and in the beginning of 2010 of the height of European debt crisis. Further, the correlations between stock index returns of Greece and Spain, France, Ireland, Netherlands are significantly increased by Greek sovereign credit rating downgrade announcements. The second part of this dissertation examines the correlations of gold, dollar and U.S. stock returns over 2001 to 2012 using ADCC-GARCH model. The conditional correlations of gold-dollar returns are negative during all sub-sample periods and significantly increase in magnitude during both subprime crisis and sovereign debt crisis. The conditional correlations of gold-stock returns are positive on average over time. However, gold-stock correlation falls below zero during subprime crisis and sovereign debt crisis. Gold-stock correlation is significantly negatively affected by positive CPI announcements. And gold-dollar correlation is significantly negatively affected by negative GDP announcements and positive unemployment announcements. The effects of macroeconomic announcements are stronger during economic recessions.

Redes Bayesianas: um método para avaliação de interdependência e contágio em séries temporais multivariadas / Bayesian Networks: a method for evaluation of interdependence and contagion in multivariate time series

Carvalho, João Vinícius de França 25 April 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em identificar a existência de contágio financeiro utilizando a metodologia de redes bayesianas. Além da rede bayesiana, a análise da interdependência de mercados internacionais em períodos de crises financeiras, ocorridas entre os anos 1996 e 2009, foi modelada com outras duas técnicas - modelos GARCH multivariados e de Cópulas, envolvendo países nos quais foi possível avaliar seus efeitos e que foram objetos de estudos similares na literatura. Com os períodos de crise bem definidos e metodologia calcada na teoria de grafos e na inferência bayesiana, executou-se uma análise sequencial, em que as realidades que precediam períodos de crise foram consideradas situações a priori para os eventos (verossimilhanças). Desta combinação resulta a nova realidade (a posteriori), que serve como priori para o período subsequente e assim por diante. Os resultados apontaram para grande interligação entre os mercados e diversas evidências de contágio em períodos de crise financeira, com causadores bem definidos e com grande respaldo na literatura. Ademais, os pares de países que apresentaram evidências de contágio financeiro pelas redes bayesianas em mais períodos de crises foram os mesmos que apresentaram os mais altos valores dos parâmetros estimados pelas cópulas e também aqueles cujos parâmetros foram mais fortemente significantes no modelo GARCH multivariado. Assim, os resultados obtidos pelas redes bayesianas tornam-se mais relevantes, o que sugere boa aderência deste modelo ao conjunto de dados utilizados neste estudo. Por fim, verificou-se que, após as diversas crises, os mercados estavam muito mais interligados do que no período inicialmente adotado. / This work aims to identify the existence of financial contagion using a metodology of Bayesian networks. Besides Bayesian networks, the analysis of the international markets\' interdependence in times of financial crises, occurred between 1996 and 2009, was modeled using two other techniques - multivariate GARCH models and Copulas models, involving countries in which its effects were possible to assess and which were subject to similar studies in the literature. With well-defined crisis periods and a metodology based on graph theory and Bayesian inference, a sequential analysis was executed, in which the realities preceding periods of crisis were considered to be prior situations to the events (likelihood). From this combination results the new posterior reality, which serves as a prior to the subsequent period and so on. The results pointed to a large interconnection between markets and several evidences of contagion in times of financial crises, with well-defined responsibles and highly supported by the literature. Moreover, the pairs of countries that show evidence of financial contagion by Bayesian networks in over periods of crises were the same as that presented the highest values of the parameters estimated by copulas and the most strongly significant parameters in the multivariate GARCH model. Thus, the results obtained by Bayesian networks become more relevant, suggesting good adherence of the model to the data set used in this study. Finally, it was found that after the various crises, the markets were much more connected.

Alastramento de risco do setor financeiro para a economia real e a relação com a restrição financeira nas decisões de investimento da firma / Risk spillover from the financial sector to the real economy and the relationship with the financial constraint on firm\'s investment decisions

Lopes, Ennio Politi 08 December 2016 (has links)
Considerando a importância dos fatores financeiros nas decisões de investimento e as restrições financeiras das firmas, os intermediários financeiros mostram-se como importantes provedores de fonte de recursos para a viabilização dos investimentos. Devido a esta ligação, um possível canal de transmissão no qual o setor financeiro afeta o crescimento e risco das empresas ocorre pela dependência de recursos financeiros externos, portanto, o risco e retorno das firmas devem ser afetados pelas dificuldades das entidades financeiras. Atentando a esta circunstância o objetivo deste estudo é de verificar na economia brasileira os efeitos do alastramento de risco do setor financeiro para a economia real nas decisões de investimentos das firmas, as quais perpassam por conjunturas de restrição financeira. Para atingir tal objetivo utiliza-se informações financeiras e retorno das ações das empresas de capital aberto no Brasil no período de 1997 a 2015. O alastramento do risco do retorno é estimado por um processo VAR-GARCH, e o contágio financeiro pelo indicador de co-excessos condicionais. Essas variáveis são inseridas em um modelo neoclássico acelerador de investimento modificado, para um grupo de firmas restritas e outro de não restritas, classificadas pelos índices KZ e WW. A estimação do modelo de investimento é realizada pelo GMM system e os resultados mostram que o nível do alastramento do risco do setor financeiro para as firmas impacta negativamente nas taxas de investimento das empresas restritas tanto pelo índice KZ, quanto pelo WW. O estudo amplia a literatura nacional utilizando um enfoque microeconômico do alastramento do risco e dos co-excessos condicionais e abordando a questão do alastramento do risco no modelo de investimento. / Considering the importance of financial factors and financial constraints in firm\'s investment decisions, financial sector show up as important source of funds providers to the viability of industry investments. Because of this connection, a possible transmission channel in which the financial intermediaries affect firm\'s growth and risk is from the dependence on external financial funds, so the risk and return of firms should be affected by the difficulties and vagaries of financial sector. In accordance to this circumstance this study aim\'s to verify the effects of the financial sector risk spillover and contagion to the real economy in constrained, and unconstrained, firms\' investment decisions. To achieve this goal, we use financial data and stock returns of publicly traded companies in Brazil from 1997 to 2015. The risk spillover is estimated by a VAR-GARCH process, and financial contagion by an index called conditional co-exceedance. These variables are included in a modified neoclassical accelerator model of investment, splitting the observations into groups of constrained and unconstrained firms, classified by KZ and WW indexes. The estimation of the investment model is performed by GMM system, and the results show that the level of financial sector risk spillover negatively impact investment rates of constrained companies, both by the KZ and WW segregations. This study contributes to the national literature using a microeconomic approach to the risk spillover and conditional co-exceedances addressing it to the investment model.

Μελέτες στις ταχέως εξαπλωνόμενες χρηματοοικονομικές κρίσεις με την χρήση υποδειγμάτων απαριθμητών τιμών και δεδομένων διάρκειας

Σιάκουλης, Βασίλειος 18 June 2014 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή πραγματοποιούμε εμπειρικές αναλύσεις στο αντικείμενο της Χρηματοοικονομικής Μόλυνσης στον χρηματοπιστωτικό τομέα και στις αγορές μετοχών και ομολόγων, με την χρήση υποδειγμάτων απαραριθμητών δεδομένων και δεδομένων διάρκειας. / In the current thesis we focus on Financial Contagion modeling in the domain of bank failures, stock and bond markets, with the use of Count and Duration data models.

Ταχεία διάχυση αρνητικών χρηματοοικονομικών συμβάντων: επισκόπηση μεθόδων ανάλυσης και μέτρησης / Financial contagion: review of analysis and measurement methods

Κανελλάκη, Ευφροσύνη 16 June 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της διπλωματικής αυτής εργασίας είναι η ανάλυση κάποιων από τις ήδη χρησιμοποιούμενες μεθόδους εκτίμησης καθώς και η εφαρμογή μιας εξ αυτών σε πραγματικά δεδομένα, που αφορούν χώρες της ευρωπαϊκής κοινότητας. Το μοντέλο που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί είναι το multinomial logit υπόδειγμα και θα εφαρμοστεί σε ένα πλήθος δεδομένων που αφορά ημερήσιες χρηματιστηριακές αποδόσεις σε ευρωπαϊκές, ιδιαίτερα ευάλωτες στην οικονομική κρίση, χώρες. Η δομή της εργασίας αυτής είναι απλή και εύκολα κατανοητή. Ουσιαστικά πρόκειται για μια δουλειά χωρισμένη σε δυο μέρη. Στο πρώτο μέρος, που απαρτίζεται από τα κεφάλαια δύο και τρία, όπου ουσιαστικά πραγματοποιείται η θεωρητική προσέγγιση του θέματος και στο δεύτερο μέρος το οποίο αποτελείται κυρίως από το τέταρτο κεφάλαιο όπου παρουσιάζεται το τεχνικό κομμάτι αλλά και η εμπειρική εφαρμογή. Πιο συγκεκριμένα στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια προσπάθεια να δοθεί ο πιο πλήρης και ακριβής ορισμός του φαινομένου της ΤΔΑΧΣ παραθέτοντας διάφορους ορισμούς που έχουν ήδη δοθεί, από μελετητές προγενέστερους ημών. Επί της ουσίας πραγματοποιείται μια βιβλιογραφική επισκόπηση, εστιάζοντας σε προηγούμενες αντίστοιχες μελέτες με θεματολογία αντίστοιχη της παρούσας. Εκτός από την προσπάθεια ορισμού του φαινομένου αναζητούνται και οι παράγοντες στους οποίους οφείλει την εμφάνισή της ως οικονομικό μέγεθος η ΤΔΑΧΣ. Η βιβλιογραφική επισκόπηση συνεχίζεται και στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο, αυτή τη φορά όμως το βάρος της μελέτης μας εστιάζεται στις μεθόδους που χρησιμοποιούνται για την ανάλυση αλλά και τη μέτρηση της ΤΔΑΧΣ, παρατίθενται αρκετές από τις υπάρχουσες μεθόδους και παρουσιάζονται αναλυτικότερα δυο εξ αυτών. Το τέταρτο κεφάλαιο αποτελεί εφαρμογή των όσων αναφέρθηκαν στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο. Η εφαρμογή, η εμπειρική δηλαδή μελέτη, πραγματοποιείται σε δεδομένα που αφορούν τέσσερις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες των οποίων οι οικονομίες χωλαίνουν το τελευταίο χρονικό διάστημα, πρόκειται για τις: Ελλάδα, Ισπανία, Πορτογαλία και Ιρλανδία. Μετά την εμπειρική ανάλυση τη σκυτάλη παίρνουν τα συμπεράσματα που εξάγονται από την εφαρμογή του παραπάνω μοντέλου και παρουσιάζονται στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο ενώ στο έκτο και τελευταίο κεφάλαιο παρατίθεται ο επίλογος, για να ολοκληρωθεί η προσπάθεια αυτή με την παρουσίαση των βιβλιογραφικών και ηλεκτρονικών πηγών που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για τη σύνταξη του παρόντος κειμένου. / --

Contágio entre mercados financeiros : uma análise via cópulas não paramétricas

Silva Junior, Julio Cesar Araujo da January 2012 (has links)
O aumento dos fluxos globais comerciais e financeiros, a partir da década de 90, e as diversas crises ocorridas até o atual período fizeram da avaliação de contágio um tema extremamente relevante, tanto para investidores quanto para formuladores de política. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo testar a hipótese de contágio financeiro para os mercados de Brasil, Inglaterra e Espanha em face à última crise americana de 2008. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se o artigo que integra o Capítulo 2 - a espinha dorsal deste trabalho - com dados diários dos retornos dos índices de Jan/2004 a Jun/2011. No âmbito da metodologia de cópulas, adotou-se uma estratégia empírica com base em duas etapas: i) a estimativa não paramétrica de cópulas, via kernel, utilizando o método desenvolvido em Fermanian et al. (2002) e a avaliação através de uma abordagem de bootstrap, sobre a ocorrência de um aumento significativo nas medidas de dependência delas extraídas; ii) testes sobre a igualdade entre cópulas empíricas, conforme proposto por Remillard e Scaillet (2009), a fim de verificar se houve mudança na estrutura de dependência a partir da crise. Os resultados obtidos nas duas etapas da estratégia empírica são semelhantes e sugerem a existência de contágio financeiro para os países analisados no período estudado. / The increase in global trade and financial flows since the 90’s, and the various crises in the current period until these days made contagion an extremely important issue for both investors and policy makers. Accordingly, this dissertation aims to test the hypothesis of financial contagion between USA and markets in Brazil, England and Spain in the face of the last USA crisis of 2008. To this end, we produce the article in Chapter 2 - the backbone of this work - with daily data of index-returns from Jan/2004 to Jun/2011. Under the scope of copula methodology, we addopt an empirical strategy based on two steps: i) estimating nonparametric copulas via kernel, using the method developed in Fermanian et al. (2002) and assessing through a bootstrap approach whether a significant change in dependence measures extracts thereof, ii) testing whether two empirical estimated copulas are the same, as proposed by Remillard e Scaillet (2009), to check again whether dependence structures change with crisis. The results obtained in these two steps of the empirical strategy are similar and suggest the existence of financial contagion between the countries analysed in the studied period.

Contágio entre mercados financeiros : uma análise via cópulas não paramétricas

Silva Junior, Julio Cesar Araujo da January 2012 (has links)
O aumento dos fluxos globais comerciais e financeiros, a partir da década de 90, e as diversas crises ocorridas até o atual período fizeram da avaliação de contágio um tema extremamente relevante, tanto para investidores quanto para formuladores de política. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo testar a hipótese de contágio financeiro para os mercados de Brasil, Inglaterra e Espanha em face à última crise americana de 2008. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se o artigo que integra o Capítulo 2 - a espinha dorsal deste trabalho - com dados diários dos retornos dos índices de Jan/2004 a Jun/2011. No âmbito da metodologia de cópulas, adotou-se uma estratégia empírica com base em duas etapas: i) a estimativa não paramétrica de cópulas, via kernel, utilizando o método desenvolvido em Fermanian et al. (2002) e a avaliação através de uma abordagem de bootstrap, sobre a ocorrência de um aumento significativo nas medidas de dependência delas extraídas; ii) testes sobre a igualdade entre cópulas empíricas, conforme proposto por Remillard e Scaillet (2009), a fim de verificar se houve mudança na estrutura de dependência a partir da crise. Os resultados obtidos nas duas etapas da estratégia empírica são semelhantes e sugerem a existência de contágio financeiro para os países analisados no período estudado. / The increase in global trade and financial flows since the 90’s, and the various crises in the current period until these days made contagion an extremely important issue for both investors and policy makers. Accordingly, this dissertation aims to test the hypothesis of financial contagion between USA and markets in Brazil, England and Spain in the face of the last USA crisis of 2008. To this end, we produce the article in Chapter 2 - the backbone of this work - with daily data of index-returns from Jan/2004 to Jun/2011. Under the scope of copula methodology, we addopt an empirical strategy based on two steps: i) estimating nonparametric copulas via kernel, using the method developed in Fermanian et al. (2002) and assessing through a bootstrap approach whether a significant change in dependence measures extracts thereof, ii) testing whether two empirical estimated copulas are the same, as proposed by Remillard e Scaillet (2009), to check again whether dependence structures change with crisis. The results obtained in these two steps of the empirical strategy are similar and suggest the existence of financial contagion between the countries analysed in the studied period.

Alastramento de risco do setor financeiro para a economia real e a relação com a restrição financeira nas decisões de investimento da firma / Risk spillover from the financial sector to the real economy and the relationship with the financial constraint on firm\'s investment decisions

Ennio Politi Lopes 08 December 2016 (has links)
Considerando a importância dos fatores financeiros nas decisões de investimento e as restrições financeiras das firmas, os intermediários financeiros mostram-se como importantes provedores de fonte de recursos para a viabilização dos investimentos. Devido a esta ligação, um possível canal de transmissão no qual o setor financeiro afeta o crescimento e risco das empresas ocorre pela dependência de recursos financeiros externos, portanto, o risco e retorno das firmas devem ser afetados pelas dificuldades das entidades financeiras. Atentando a esta circunstância o objetivo deste estudo é de verificar na economia brasileira os efeitos do alastramento de risco do setor financeiro para a economia real nas decisões de investimentos das firmas, as quais perpassam por conjunturas de restrição financeira. Para atingir tal objetivo utiliza-se informações financeiras e retorno das ações das empresas de capital aberto no Brasil no período de 1997 a 2015. O alastramento do risco do retorno é estimado por um processo VAR-GARCH, e o contágio financeiro pelo indicador de co-excessos condicionais. Essas variáveis são inseridas em um modelo neoclássico acelerador de investimento modificado, para um grupo de firmas restritas e outro de não restritas, classificadas pelos índices KZ e WW. A estimação do modelo de investimento é realizada pelo GMM system e os resultados mostram que o nível do alastramento do risco do setor financeiro para as firmas impacta negativamente nas taxas de investimento das empresas restritas tanto pelo índice KZ, quanto pelo WW. O estudo amplia a literatura nacional utilizando um enfoque microeconômico do alastramento do risco e dos co-excessos condicionais e abordando a questão do alastramento do risco no modelo de investimento. / Considering the importance of financial factors and financial constraints in firm\'s investment decisions, financial sector show up as important source of funds providers to the viability of industry investments. Because of this connection, a possible transmission channel in which the financial intermediaries affect firm\'s growth and risk is from the dependence on external financial funds, so the risk and return of firms should be affected by the difficulties and vagaries of financial sector. In accordance to this circumstance this study aim\'s to verify the effects of the financial sector risk spillover and contagion to the real economy in constrained, and unconstrained, firms\' investment decisions. To achieve this goal, we use financial data and stock returns of publicly traded companies in Brazil from 1997 to 2015. The risk spillover is estimated by a VAR-GARCH process, and financial contagion by an index called conditional co-exceedance. These variables are included in a modified neoclassical accelerator model of investment, splitting the observations into groups of constrained and unconstrained firms, classified by KZ and WW indexes. The estimation of the investment model is performed by GMM system, and the results show that the level of financial sector risk spillover negatively impact investment rates of constrained companies, both by the KZ and WW segregations. This study contributes to the national literature using a microeconomic approach to the risk spillover and conditional co-exceedances addressing it to the investment model.

Contágio entre mercados financeiros : uma análise via cópulas não paramétricas

Silva Junior, Julio Cesar Araujo da January 2012 (has links)
O aumento dos fluxos globais comerciais e financeiros, a partir da década de 90, e as diversas crises ocorridas até o atual período fizeram da avaliação de contágio um tema extremamente relevante, tanto para investidores quanto para formuladores de política. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo testar a hipótese de contágio financeiro para os mercados de Brasil, Inglaterra e Espanha em face à última crise americana de 2008. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se o artigo que integra o Capítulo 2 - a espinha dorsal deste trabalho - com dados diários dos retornos dos índices de Jan/2004 a Jun/2011. No âmbito da metodologia de cópulas, adotou-se uma estratégia empírica com base em duas etapas: i) a estimativa não paramétrica de cópulas, via kernel, utilizando o método desenvolvido em Fermanian et al. (2002) e a avaliação através de uma abordagem de bootstrap, sobre a ocorrência de um aumento significativo nas medidas de dependência delas extraídas; ii) testes sobre a igualdade entre cópulas empíricas, conforme proposto por Remillard e Scaillet (2009), a fim de verificar se houve mudança na estrutura de dependência a partir da crise. Os resultados obtidos nas duas etapas da estratégia empírica são semelhantes e sugerem a existência de contágio financeiro para os países analisados no período estudado. / The increase in global trade and financial flows since the 90’s, and the various crises in the current period until these days made contagion an extremely important issue for both investors and policy makers. Accordingly, this dissertation aims to test the hypothesis of financial contagion between USA and markets in Brazil, England and Spain in the face of the last USA crisis of 2008. To this end, we produce the article in Chapter 2 - the backbone of this work - with daily data of index-returns from Jan/2004 to Jun/2011. Under the scope of copula methodology, we addopt an empirical strategy based on two steps: i) estimating nonparametric copulas via kernel, using the method developed in Fermanian et al. (2002) and assessing through a bootstrap approach whether a significant change in dependence measures extracts thereof, ii) testing whether two empirical estimated copulas are the same, as proposed by Remillard e Scaillet (2009), to check again whether dependence structures change with crisis. The results obtained in these two steps of the empirical strategy are similar and suggest the existence of financial contagion between the countries analysed in the studied period.

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