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Δενδρικές δομές διαχείρισης πληροφορίας και βιομηχανικές εφαρμογές / Tree structures for information management and industrial applicationsΣοφοτάσιος, Δημήτριος 06 February 2008 (has links)
H διατριβή διερευνά προβλήματα αποδοτικής οργάνωσης χωροταξικών δεδομένων, προτείνει συγκεκριμένες δενδρικές δομές για τη διαχείρισή τους και, τέλος, δίνει παραδείγματα χρήσης τους σε ειδικές περιοχές εφαρμογών. Το πρώτο κεφάλαιο ασχολείται με το γεωμετρικό πρόβλημα της εύρεσης των ισo-προσανατολισμένων ορθογωνίων που περικλείουν ένα query αντικείμενο που μπορεί να είναι ένα ισο-προσανατολισμένο ορθογώνιο είτε σημείο ή κάθετο / οριζόντιο ευθύγραμμο τμήμα. Για την επίλυσή του προτείνεται μια πολυεπίπεδη δενδρική δομή που βελτιώνει τις πολυπλοκότητες των προηγούμενων καλύτερων λύσεων. Το δεύτερο κεφάλαιο εξετάζει το πρόβλημα της ανάκτησης σημείων σε πολύγωνα. H προτεινόμενη γεωμετρική δομή είναι επίσης πολυεπίπεδη και αποδοτική όταν το query πολύγωνο έχει συγκεκριμένες ιδιότητες. Το τρίτο κεφάλαιο ασχολείται με την εφαρμογή δενδρικών δομών σε δύο βιομηχανικά προβλήματα. Το πρώτο αφορά στη μείωση της πολυπλοκότητας ανίχνευσης συγκρούσεων κατά την κίνηση ενός ρομποτικού βραχίονα σε μια επίπεδη σκηνή με εμπόδια. Ο αλγόριθμος επίλυσης κάνει χρήση μιας ουράς προτεραιότητας και μιας UNION-FIND δομής ενώ αξιοποιεί γνωστές δομές και αλγόριθμους της Υπολογιστικής Γεωμετρίας όπως υπολογισμός κυρτών καλυμμάτων, έλεγχος polygon inclusion, κλπ. Το δεύτερο πρόβλημα ασχολείται με το σχεδιασμό απαιτήσεων υλικών (MRP) σε ένα βιομηχανικό σύστημα παραγωγής. Για το σκοπό αυτό αναπτύχθηκε ένας MRP επεξεργαστής που χρησιμοποιεί διασυνδεμένες λίστες και εκτελείται στην κύρια μνήμη για να είναι αποδοτικός. Το τελευταίο κεφάλαιο εξετάζει το πρόβλημα του ελέγχου της παραγωγής και συγκεκριμένα της δρομολόγησης εργασιών. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό σχεδιάστηκε και υλοποιήθηκε ένα ευφυές σύστημα δρομολόγησης σε περιβάλλον ροής που συνδυάζει γνωσιακή τεχνολογία και προσομοίωση με on-line έλεγχο προκειμένου να υποστηρίξει το διευθυντή παραγωγής στη λήψη αποφάσεων. / Τhe dissertation examines problems of efficient organization of spatial data, proposes specific tree structures for their management, and finally, gives examples of their use in specific application areas. The first chapter is about the problem of finding the iso-oriented rectangles that enclose a query object which can be an iso-oriented rectangle either a point or a vertical / horizontal line segment. A multilevel tree structure is proposed to solve the problem which improves the complexities of the best previous known solutions. The second chapter examines the problem of point retrieval on polygons. The proposed geometric structure is also multileveled and efficient when the query polygon has specific properties. The third chapter is about the application of tree structures in two manufacturing problems. The first one concerns the reduction in the complexity of collision detection as a robotic arm moves on a planar scene with obstacles. For the solution a priority queue and a UNION-FIND structure are used, whereas known data structures and algorithms of Computational Geometry such as construction of convex hulls, polygon inclusion testing, etc. are applied. The second problem is about material requirements planning (MRP) in a manufacturing production system. To this end an MRP processor was developed, which uses linked lists and runs in main memory to retain efficiency. The last chapter examines the production control problem, and more specifically the job scheduling problem. In this context, an intelligent scheduling system was designed and developed for flow shop production control which combines knowledge-based technology and simulation with on-line control in order to support the production manager in decision making.
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Rizika související s novelou insolvenčního zákona a jejich řešení / Risks Related to the Amendment to the Insolvency Law and Their SolutionPajdlhauserová, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
Risk assessment, analysis, insolvency law, insolvency codex, methods, novelisation.
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Aféra Spiegel z roku 1962 a krize kolem České televize na přelomu let 2000/2001 pohledem vybraných konceptů demokratické konsolidace / The Affair "Spiegel" from 1962 and the Czech Television-Crisis from the turn of 2000 and 2001 in Perspective of Selected Concepts of Democratic ConsolidationBenda, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the affair Spiegel from 1962 and the Czech Television-Crisis from the turn 2000 and 2001. Both cases are compared by the conceptual approach of democratic consolidation from the Juan Linz's and Alfred Stepan's work The Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation (Baltimore, 1996). The analysis aims to find out whether German Federal Republic in 1962 and the Czech Republic on the start of the third millennium fulfilled the first three Linz's and Stepan's criteria of a consolidated democracy. The theoretical chapter highlights some of alternative approaches and discussions about democratic consolidation as an analytical tool in comparative politics.
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Každodenní život žen na rodičovské dovolené ve středních Čechách (2015 - 2020) / The currently maternity daily life in middle Bohemia (in the time from 2015 to 2020)Vyčichlová, Karolína January 2022 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA HUMANITNÍCH STUDIÍ Pracoviště historické sociologie Bc. Karolína Vyčichlová Každodenní život žen na rodičovské dovolené ve středních Čechách (2015 - 2020) Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Bohuslav Šalanda, CSc. Praha 2021 Abstract Thesis Everyday life of women on parental leave in Central Bohemia deals with the study of everyday life of mothers on maternity and parental, what they face and what is hidden under this "vacation-work". It deals with how they look for information needed for care and education, including food preparation, vaccinations and illness. Furthermore, a study of the financial side of women and families in the transition from employment / self-employed to income from the state. How women cope with changing their life biorhythm. I also deal with the transition of mothers from clearly defined working hours and time in the team, to stay at home. The last task of my work is the influence of technologies and social networks on the upbringing of a child and the life of the mother, the whole family. The aim is to find out if there are now new phenomena in the group of mothers. I am interested in the influence of social networks that were not previously available to mothers on the life not only of women but also of children (upbringing) (artificial...
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An Introductory Course in the Reading of Simple Graphic and Statistical Material for Use in Junior High SchoolsMcKenzie, Annie 01 January 1930 (has links) (PDF)
In the stories of olden times and in those of our own American Indians, we learned of the picture writing of primitive peoples. It became an early method of recording people's thoughts. This was a very useful method at a time when the race was young. This in turn was the beginning of our alphabet, later the beginning of shaping letters into words, and then word into sentences and paragraphs. As our world has grown older, new idea have come into use and we are no longer content to live as our grandparents lived. We travel by fast express trains, high powered auto- mobiles, airplanes, or zeppelins. The radio gives us the news before our papers containing it are on the street. are not able to talk with people on the other side of the world. Business men find this a very valuable means of doing business when time means money. The motion pictures bring us the story of the book we have not had time to read and the characters from its pages talk to us from the screen. In short, we must have quicker ways of doing things.
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Low-Power Policies Based on DVFS for the MUSEIC v2 System-on-ChipMallangi, Siva Sai Reddy January 2017 (has links)
Multi functional health monitoring wearable devices are quite prominent these days. Usually these devices are battery-operated and consequently are limited by their battery life (from few hours to a few weeks depending on the application). Of late, it was realized that these devices, which are currently being operated at fixed voltage and frequency, are capable of operating at multiple voltages and frequencies. By switching these voltages and frequencies to lower values based upon power requirements, these devices can achieve tremendous benefits in the form of energy savings. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) techniques have proven to be handy in this situation for an efficient trade-off between energy and timely behavior. Within imec, wearable devices make use of the indigenously developed MUSEIC v2 (Multi Sensor Integrated circuit version 2.0). This system is optimized for efficient and accurate collection, processing, and transfer of data from multiple (health) sensors. MUSEIC v2 has limited means in controlling the voltage and frequency dynamically. In this thesis we explore how traditional DVFS techniques can be applied to the MUSEIC v2. Experiments were conducted to find out the optimum power modes to efficiently operate and also to scale up-down the supply voltage and frequency. Considering the overhead caused when switching voltage and frequency, transition analysis was also done. Real-time and non real-time benchmarks were implemented based on these techniques and their performance results were obtained and analyzed. In this process, several state of the art scheduling algorithms and scaling techniques were reviewed in identifying a suitable technique. Using our proposed scaling technique implementation, we have achieved 86.95% power reduction in average, in contrast to the conventional way of the MUSEIC v2 chip’s processor operating at a fixed voltage and frequency. Techniques that include light sleep and deep sleep mode were also studied and implemented, which tested the system’s capability in accommodating Dynamic Power Management (DPM) techniques that can achieve greater benefits. A novel approach for implementing the deep sleep mechanism was also proposed and found that it can obtain up to 71.54% power savings, when compared to a traditional way of executing deep sleep mode. / Nuförtiden så har multifunktionella bärbara hälsoenheter fått en betydande roll. Dessa enheter drivs vanligtvis av batterier och är därför begränsade av batteritiden (från ett par timmar till ett par veckor beroende på tillämpningen). På senaste tiden har det framkommit att dessa enheter som används vid en fast spänning och frekvens kan användas vid flera spänningar och frekvenser. Genom att byta till lägre spänning och frekvens på grund av effektbehov så kan enheterna få enorma fördelar när det kommer till energibesparing. Dynamisk skalning av spänning och frekvens-tekniker (såkallad Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, DVFS) har visat sig vara användbara i detta sammanhang för en effektiv avvägning mellan energi och beteende. Hos Imec så använder sig bärbara enheter av den internt utvecklade MUSEIC v2 (Multi Sensor Integrated circuit version 2.0). Systemet är optimerat för effektiv och korrekt insamling, bearbetning och överföring av data från flera (hälso) sensorer. MUSEIC v2 har begränsad möjlighet att styra spänningen och frekvensen dynamiskt. I detta examensarbete undersöker vi hur traditionella DVFS-tekniker kan appliceras på MUSEIC v2. Experiment utfördes för att ta reda på de optimala effektlägena och för att effektivt kunna styra och även skala upp matningsspänningen och frekvensen. Eftersom att ”overhead” skapades vid växling av spänning och frekvens gjordes också en övergångsanalys. Realtidsoch icke-realtidskalkyler genomfördes baserat på dessa tekniker och resultaten sammanställdes och analyserades. I denna process granskades flera toppmoderna schemaläggningsalgoritmer och skalningstekniker för att hitta en lämplig teknik. Genom att använda vår föreslagna skalningsteknikimplementering har vi uppnått 86,95% effektreduktion i jämförelse med det konventionella sättet att MUSEIC v2-chipets processor arbetar med en fast spänning och frekvens. Tekniker som inkluderar lätt sömn och djupt sömnläge studerades och implementerades, vilket testade systemets förmåga att tillgodose DPM-tekniker (Dynamic Power Management) som kan uppnå ännu större fördelar. En ny metod för att genomföra den djupa sömnmekanismen föreslogs också och enligt erhållna resultat så kan den ge upp till 71,54% lägre energiförbrukning jämfört med det traditionella sättet att implementera djupt sömnläge.
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Automatic classification of cardiovascular age of healthy people by dynamical patterns of the heart rhythmkurian pullolickal, priya January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Boiardo lettore di Dante. Comunicazione letteraria e intertestualità a Ferrara nella loro dimensione storicaCazzato, Matteo 29 May 2024 (has links)
La tesi si propone di indagare l’intertestualità dantesca nell’opera volgare di Matteo Maria Boiardo. Il fenomeno è già stato oggetto di studi – indirizzati soprattutto al poema cavalleresco, e in misura minore (specie negli ultimi anni) al canzoniere lirico – che si sono mossi però nell’alveo dell’impostazione strutturalista, con una considerazione della memoria poetica da un punto di vista formalista e tipologico. Questa corrente ha consentito sviluppi importanti negli studi filologici, ma porta a vedere il fatto letterario staccato dal suo contesto di riferimento. Se questo esito in Italia è stato arginato da una forte base storicista, va detto che gli studi sulle riprese poetiche hanno però vissuto una situazione particolare. Da una parte, infatti, lo strutturalismo fra anni ’60 e ’70 ha imposto anche in Italia, attraverso una serie di importanti lavori, il suo modo di trattare la questione, senza poi che il successivo approdo semiotico incidesse in maniera significativa. Dall’altra, la reazione di chi voleva agganciare il fenomeno al dato storico ha riportato il problema all’impostazione erudita della critica delle fonti, privilegiando la raccolta dati da mettere in relazione con le informazioni sulla storia della tradizione e della circolazione. L’obbiettivo di questa tesi è fare un passo avanti, nella convinzione che per lo studio di questi fenomeni di riuso sia la circolazione manoscritta che i dati testuali e formali vadano letti in una piena prospettiva semiotica: guardare ai fenomeni di tradizione e trasmissione testuale nell’ottica dei processi ricettivi, e considerare le scelte di memoria poetica come atti comunicativi, con un valore pragmatico. La ricerca ha l’intento di giungere ad una maggior comprensione del rapporto del dotto poeta umanistico con il modello dantesco, un’interpretazione più chiara delle strategie di riuso, determinate dal particolare modo di leggere la Commedia nel contesto specifico, e perciò attraverso un preciso filtro fra quelli disponibili al tempo. Accanto all’insieme di informazioni filologiche sulle attestazioni manoscritte nelle biblioteche del tempo, l’indagine qui condotta consente – anche da un punto di vista che potremmo definire attributivo – di indicare in Benvenuto da Imola l’esegeta di riferimento per Boiardo e il suo pubblico, proprio perché l’osservazione ravvicinata dei testi e dei loro legami fa emergere questa tradizione interpretativa come la più attiva nell’elaborazione boiardesca rivolta ai lettori. Il lavoro non ha preso le mosse da un afflato teorico, teso a riconcettualizzare l’intertestualità, ma da un intento di chiarificazione sui testi e alcuni loro aspetti che non sembravano però trovare una spiegazione soddisfacente all’interno del quadro metodologico diffuso. Il lavoro, allora, ha assunto poco alla volta anche una vena metodologica sorta dall’osservazione dei fenomeni in modo nuovo. E così, accanto all’indagine storico-letteraria, e in stretta relazione con essa, è stato possibile avanzare alcune proposte ermeneutiche sui meccanismi intertestuali in base alle dinamiche della comunicazione letteraria. E nelle pagine che seguono il percorso si articola attorno a nuclei diversi ma interconnessi: da una parte la riflessione generale a carattere semiotico sui fenomeni di memoria poetica, che vengono concettualizzati grazie agli apporti di discipline come la pragmatica; segue una ricognizione storica sulle modalità di lettura e ricezione del modello dantesco – e non solo – in base alla circolazione dei testi e dei loro apparati esegetici; si arriva poi al nucleo del lavoro con l’affondo diretto su opere e paratesti esegetici con le loro relazioni, che si instaurano all’interno del laboratorio d’autore e poi da lì arrivano al pubblico.
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