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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Application and Evaluation of Full-Field Surrogate Models in Engineering Design Space Exploration

Thelin, Christopher Murray 01 July 2019 (has links)
When designing an engineering part, better decisions are made by exploring the entire space of design variations. This design space exploration (DSE) may be accomplished manually or via optimization. In engineering, evaluating a design during DSE often consists of running expensive simulations, such as finite element analysis (FEA) in order to understand the structural response to design changes. The computational cost of these simulations can make thorough DSE infeasible, and only a relatively small subset of the designs are explored. Surrogate models have been used to make cheap predictions of certain simulation results. Commonly, these models only predict single values (SV) that are meant to represent an entire part's response, such as a maximum stress or average displacement. However, these single values cannot return a complete prediction of the detailed nodal results of these simulations. Recently, surrogate models have been developed that can predict the full field (FF) of nodal responses. These FF surrogate models have the potential to make thorough and detailed DSE much more feasible and introduce further design benefits. However, these FF surrogate models have not yet been applied to real engineering activities or been demonstrated in DSE contexts, nor have they been directly compared with SV surrogate models in terms of accuracy and benefits.This thesis seeks to build confidence in FF surrogate models for engineering work by applying FF surrogate models to real DSE and engineering activities and exploring their comparative benefits with SV surrogate models. A user experiment which explores the effects of FF surrogate models in simple DSE activities helps to validate previous claims that FF surrogate models can enable interactive DSE. FF surrogate models are used to create Goodman diagrams for fatigue analysis, and found to be more accurate than SV surrogate models in predicting fatigue risk. Mode shapes are predicted and the accuracy of mode comparison predictions are found to require a larger amount of training samples when the data is highly nonlinear than do SV surrogate models. Finally, FF surrogate models enable spatially-defined objectives and constraints in optimization routines that efficiently search a design space and improve designs.The studies in this work present many unique FF-enabled design benefits for real engineering work. These include predicting a complete (rather than a summary) response, enabling interactive DSE of complex simulations, new three-dimensional visualizations of analysis results, and increased accuracy.

Spline-Based Contact: Algorithms and Applications

Bhattacharya, Pulama 13 December 2021 (has links)
Contact is one of the most challenging nonlinearities to solve in solid mechanics. In traditional linear finite element analysis, the contact surface is only C^0 continuous, as a result, the normal to the contact surface is not continuous. The normal contact force is directed along the normal in the direction of the contact surface, and therefore, the contact force is discontinuous. This issue is tackled in linear finite element analysis using various surface smoothing techniques, however, a better solution is to use isogeometric analysis where the solution space is spanned by smooth spline basis functions. Unfortunately, spline-based isogeometric contact analysis still has limited applicability to industrial computer aided design (CAD) representations. Building analysis suitable mesh from the industrial CAD representations has been a major bottleneck of the computer aided engineering workflow. One promising alternative field of study, intended to address this challenge, is called the immersed finite element method. In this method, the original CAD domain is immersed in a rectilinear grid called the background mesh. This cuts down the model preparation and the mesh generation time from the original CAD domain, but the method suffers from limited accuracy issues. In this dissertation, the original CAD domain is immersed in an envelope domain which can be of arbitrary topological and geometric complexity and can approximate none, some or all of the features of the original CAD domain. Therefore, the method, called the flex representation method, is much more flexible than the traditional immersed finite element method. Within the framework of the flex representation method, a robust and accurate contact search algorithm is developed, that efficiently computes the collision points between the contacting surfaces in a discrete setting. With this information at hand, a penalty based formulation is derived to enforce the contact constraint weakly for multibody and self-contact problems. In addition, the contact algorithm is used to solve various proof-of-concept academic problems and some real world industrial problems to demonstrate the validity and robustness of the algorithms.

Shear Failure of Steel Fiber and Bar Reinforced Concrete Beams Without Stirrups : Predictions based on Nonlinear Finite Element Analyses

Andersson, David January 2022 (has links)
Shear failure in concrete beams are often brittle in nature and potentially dangerous without adequatereinforcing measures. In design of concrete, it is commonly recommended to install transversalreinforcement along the shear span to induce a more ductile structural response, improving the shearcapacity all together and providing sufficient warning prior to collapse. However, it is more frequentlybeing assessed whether analogous performance can be achieved in fiber reinforced concrete beamswithout stirrups, and multiple attempts in literature confirm that it is possible. This alternative technologyintroduces need for better understanding of the modeling aspects of FRC in numerical simulations, as it isbecoming more common for engineers to resort to the finite element method in quality assurance ofstructures.In this thesis, the possibility of predicting shear failure numerically in simply supported fiber reinforcedconcrete beams with flexural bar reinforcement but without stirrups was investigated by means ofnonlinear finite element analysis, using the software package ATENA 2D Engineering. The ultimate aimwas to, as accurately as possible by means of numerical analyses on representative FE-models, replicatethe results from physical three-point-bending tests on simply supported FRC beams of various sizesperformed by Minelli et al. (2014). These beams were merely equipped with flexural reinforcement andexhibited shear failure.This thesis revolved around development and comparative assessment of material models for FRC basedon the smeared crack approach, adopting two different strategies: (1) The first strategy was to calibratematerial parameters based on results from 3PBT on notched FRC beams that were carried out prior totesting of the reinforced FRC beams, as reported by Minelli et al. (2014). Nonlinear finite element analysiswas used on representative FE-models for the notched 3PBT specimens, from which material parameterswere obtained iteratively by employing inverse analysis methods proposed by Červenka Consulting s.r.o.(2). The second strategy comprised of utilizing recommended constitutive relations from designrecommendations in SS812310 and RILEM TC 162-TDF. All of the constructed material models werefinally coupled with the FE-models that represented the beams with flexural reinforcement for evaluationof their performance based on their consistency with experiment data.It was found that the material models that were generated from inverse analysis in general would haveyielded successful predictions for the occurrence of shear failure in the reinforced FRC beams, providedthat the governing post-cracking residual tensile parameters were processed with respect to relevantassumptions as to describe uniaxial tensile behavior. However, although it was possible to utilize theproposed calibration method to replicate the load-displacement data for the notched 3PBT specimens withsufficient conformity, it was not possible to arrive at only one unique solution. Instead, multiple outcomescould be obtained based on the initial choice for the input value of the uniaxial tensile strength, leading tothe conclusion that experience and the engineering judgment of the user is of high importance whenadopting this method.Regarding the material models that were derived from constitutive relations in design recommendations,satisfactory estimates for the shear capacity could be obtained from the FE-models that were based onrecommendations by RILEM. The models that were based on SS812310, on the other hand, demonstratedover-stiff behavior and they were unable to provide accurate graphical visualizations of characteristicshear cracking, although the obtained load bearing capacity overall matched the experiment data in caseswhen size effects seemingly had a minor influence. An important observation from the comparison ofthese material models was that the initial drop in tensile strength during crack initiation within an elementis crucial in modeling of FRC, as it accounts for a more realistic behavior through a gradual transitionfrom aggregate bridging mechanisms of PC to the added fiber bridging mechanisms of FRC. Forsituations with high residual tensile strengths in relation to tensile strength at crack initiation, theguidelines in SS812310 become less practical for predicting shear failure by means of NLFEA.

Finite Element Analysis of Stabilizer Plates in Single Plate Shear Connection Using ABAQUS

Ganaganur Anantharam, Varun Aprameya January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Lightweight friction brakes for a road vehicle with regenerative braking. Design analysis and experimental investigation of the potential for mass reduction of friction brakes on a passenger car with regenerative braking.

Sarip, S. Bin January 2011 (has links)
One of the benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles (HVs) is their potential to recuperate braking energy. Regenerative braking (RB) will minimize duty levels on the brakes, giving advantages including extended brake rotor and friction material life and, more significantly, reduced brake mass and minimised brake pad wear. In this thesis, a mathematical analysis (MATLAB) has been used to analyse the accessibility of regenerative braking energy during a single-stop braking event. The results have indicated that a friction brake could be downsized while maintaining the same functional requirements of the vehicle braking in the standard brakes, including thermomechanical performance (heat transfer coefficient estimation, temperature distribution, cooling and stress deformation). This would allow lighter brakes to be designed and fitted with confidence in a normal passenger car alongside a hybrid electric drive. An approach has been established and a lightweight brake disc design analysed FEA and experimentally verified is presented in this research. Thermal performance was a key factor which was studied using the 3D model in FEA simulations. Ultimately, a design approach for lightweight brake discs suitable for use in any car-sized hybrid vehicle has been developed and tested. The results from experiments on a prototype lightweight brake disc were shown to illustrate the effects of RBS/friction combination in terms of weight reduction. The design requirement, including reducing the thickness, would affect the temperature distribution and increase stress at the critical area. Based on the relationship obtained between rotor weight, thickness and each performance requirement, criteria have been established for designing lightweight brake discs in a vehicle with regenerative braking. / Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia

Improvement Of Rotation Capacity Of Composite Beam-To-HSS Column Connections Using External Horizontal Stiffeners

Afshar Arjmand, Mahdi 01 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Improvement of Rotation Capacity of Composite Beam-to-HSS Column Connections Using External Horizontal Stiffeners Mahdi Afshar Arjmand This thesis focuses on the analysis of out-of-plane deformation (OOP) in column flange located in the panel zone of composite beam-to-column steel connection, as a critical aspect of steel structural engineering. This type of connection is an integral component of steel structures, and understanding their behavior is essential for ensuring safety and performance. The investigation involves examining the causes, factors influencing, and potential mitigation strategies for out-of-plane deformation of HSS flange column in these connections. Beam-to-column connections play a vital role in transferring loads and maintaining structural stability. Out-of-plane deformation, where the flange displaces from its primary plane, can compromise the connection's performance. This study aims to shed light on the mechanisms causing out-of-plane deformation and explore techniques to minimize its effects. Out-of-plane deformation of column flange connections can result from various factors, including eccentric loading, bending moments, torsion, and material properties. Understanding these causes is crucial for accurate analysis and design. Analytical methods and numerical simulations, such as finite element analysis (FEA), are employed to predict and quantify out-of-plane deformation. Models are created to represent real-world connections, enabling the exploration of their behavior under different loads and conditions. The study investigates strategies to mitigate out-of-plane deformation, such as adding horizontal stiffeners, or vertical stiffeners. These approaches aim to enhance the column flange’s resistance to out-of-plane displacements and improve overall structural performance. Real-world case studies of steel beam to-column connections are analyzed to demonstrate the effects of out-of-plane deformation and the efficacy of mitigation strategies. The results highlight the importance of accurate analysis and design to ensure connection integrity. Based on the findings, the study proposes design guidelines for flange-column connections to minimize out-of-plane deformation. These guidelines provide engineers with insights into optimizing connection design and ensuring stability under varying loads. The unique characteristic of beam-to-HSS column connections is the out-of-plane deformation of the HSS column flange at the beam web-to-column flange interface which can reduce contribution of the connection web to the overall resistance of the connection. To explore effect of the column flange OOP deformation, performance of three connection types, namely composite beam-to-HSS column connection, composite beam-to-HSS column connection with slab-column gap, and bare beam-to-HSS column connections are evaluated using pre-validated 3D finite element (FE) simulations. FE models can simulate low-cycle fatigue and post-rupture behavior of the connection. Comprehensive global and local responses are presented and discussed. It is found that column compactness, i.e., column’s width-to-thickness ratio, has considerable effect on maximum moment capacity, rotation capacity, post rupture residual capacity and energy dissipation capability of the connection. On the other hand, external horizontal stiffeners can significantly increase the rotation capacity of the connection. External horizontal stiffeners in steel beam-to-column connections are crucial for boosting structural efficiency and load-bearing capacity. Carefully designed, accurately placed, and securely attached, they ensure a reliable and safe system capable of withstanding diverse loads and environmental conditions, contributing to the long-term safety and stability of the entire steel structure.

Implementation of Topology Optimization into the Mechanical Design Process

Clapp, Nolan 01 June 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Topology Optimization is a lightweighting method based on finite element analysis that produces a part with optimum material distribution in the design space. Results from topology optimization often have organic shapes and curves that are difficult if not impossible to machine with traditional subtractive manufacturing methods. This paper analyzes the implementation of the Solidworks® Topology Optimization add-in into the mechanical design process and discusses required postprocessing to ensure manufacturability of the optimized part though a case study on two example parts. Results of traditional optimization, topology optimization and “selective” optimization (optimization using the results from topology optimization to selectively remove material to ensure manufacturability) were compared in terms of weight reduction and time required for optimization. In addition, simplified lightweighted parts were experimentally tested to validate the results of Solidworks® FEA and Topology Optimization to ensure physical part performance and increase confidence in future model results. Overall, it was determined that due to the large amount of time to setup and run, topology optimization may not be the most effective lightweighting method if time is a significant design constraint. However, for some specific applications where part weight is of major importance or where additive manufacturing may be a possible manufacturing process, the benefits of topology optimization’s material removal capability outweigh the required solution time.

Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) Jacketing of Concrete Structures at Component and Global Levels

Alhusban, Mohannad January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Subject-specific Human Knee FEA Models for Transtibial Amputees Vs Control Tibial Cartilage Pressure in Gait, Cycling and Elliptical Training

yazdkhasti, ali 01 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Millions of individuals around the globe are impacted by osteoarthritis, which is the prevailing type of arthritis. This condition arises as a result of gradual deterioration of the protective cartilage that safeguards the ends of the bones. This is especially true of transtibial amputees, who have a significantly higher incidence of osteoarthritis of the knee in their intact limb than non-amputees. Engaging in regular physical activity, managing weight effectively, and undergoing specific treatments can potentially slow down the advancement of the disease and enhance pain relief and joint function. Nevertheless, the relationship between the type of exercise and its impact on cartilage stress remains uncertain. In order to address this question, tibiofemoral finite element analysis (FEA) models were developed. The models incorporated more realistic material properties for cartilage, hexahedral elements, and non-linear springs for ligaments. To ensure their accuracy, the models were validated against experimental data obtained from cadaveric studies. The contact loads and flexion angles of two individuals with amputations and one individual without amputation, which were obtained in a previous study conducted at Cal Poly, were implemented in the FEA models for gait, cycling, and elliptical exercises. The FEA models were used to extract the maximum stress values experienced in the tibial contact areas, specifically in the medial and lateral compartments of the knee. In cycling, the normalized contact pressure on the tibial articular cartilage, relative to body weight, was generally higher for the two participants with amputations compared to the control participant, except for the medial compartment. Furthermore, when comparing different exercises, cycling resulted in the lowest contact pressure values, with elliptical and walking exercises producing similar maximum values. The findings indicated that individuals with amputations are at a greater risk of developing OA, regardless of the type of exercise performed. However, among the different exercises studied, cycling was found to exert the lowest levels of compression stress on the tibial cartilage.


Acharya, Sharad, 0000-0001-7615-2041 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents innovative research on Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)-actuated active steerable needles to address the limitations of conventional bevel tip needles in needle-based medical procedures such as biopsy, brachytherapy, tissue ablation and drug delivery. The active needle design proposed in this study surpasses the limitations of conventional needles by enabling large tip deflection and active control of deflection during needle insertion, thereby achieving accurate needle placement. A needle prototype was developed, demonstrating substantial 50mm and 39mm tip deflections at a 150mm insertion depth in liver and prostate-mimicking gels, respectively. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) accurately predicted the tip deflection in tissue-mimicking gels, with simulation errors measuring only 16.42% and 12.62% in the liver-mimicking gel and prostate-mimicking gel, respectively, validating the effectiveness of the FEA framework developed in this research for predicting tip deflection in soft tissues. Furthermore, a real-time trajectory tracking control system using a Proportional Integral (PI) controller was designed for the SMA-actuated needle, which resulted in minor root mean square errors (RMSE) of 1.42mm and 1.47mm in the two gels, respectively, highlighting the applicability of the needle design. The capabilities of the active needle, including improved tip deflection and trajectory tracking control, enable it to bypass obstacles, maneuver around critical anatomical structures, and increase the accuracy of needle placement, thus enhancing patient safety and procedure success rates.A bioinspired approach was introduced to enhance the functionality of SMA-actuated needles, drawing inspiration from the mosquito proboscis's unique design and skin-piercing technique. By incorporating an innovative cannula design and applying axial vibration to the SMA-actuated needle, a significant reduction in needle-tissue interaction friction was achieved, which resulted in increased needle tip deflection and improved steering accuracy. Including these bioinspired features led to a remarkable decrease in insertion force by up to 26.24% and an increase in tip deflection by 37.11%. Furthermore, the trajectory tracking error was reduced by 48%, and the control effort decreased by 23.25%, underscoring the benefits of the bioinspired enhancements in improving needle insertion mechanics and control. The findings presented in this dissertation illustrate the potential of SMA-actuated needles and bioinspired features in enhancing needle steering performance during minimally invasive needle-based procedures. Future research will focus on further refining the needle design and control systems, expanding experimental tests to biological tissues, and exploring the application of these advancements on a clinically applicable scale. / Mechanical Engineering

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