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Redistribution of bending moments in concrete slabs in the SLSÓskarsson, Einar January 2014 (has links)
The finite element method (FEM) is commonly used to design the reinforcement in concrete slabs. In order to simplify the analysis and to be able to utilize the superposition principle for evaluating the effect of load combinations, a linear analysis is generally adopted although concrete slabs normally have a pronounced non-linear response. This type of simplification in the modeling procedure will generally lead to unrealistic concentrations of cross-sectional moments and shear forces. Concrete cracks already at service loads, which leads to redistribution of moments and forces. The moment- and force-peaks, obtained through linear finite element analysis, can be redistributed to achieve a distribution more similar to what is seen in reality. The topic of redistribution is however poorly documented and design codes, such as the Eurocode for concrete structures, do not give descriptions of how to perform this in practice. In 2012, guidelines for finite element analysis for the design of reinforced concrete slabs were published in a joint effort between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology and ELU consulting engineers, which was financially supported by the Swedish Transport Administration. These guidelines aim to include the non-linear response of reinforced concrete into a linear analysis. In this thesis, the guidelines mentioned above are followed to obtain reinforcement plans based on crack control, for a fictitious case study bridge by means of a 3D finite element model. New models were then constructed for non-linear analyses, where the reinforcement plans were implemented into the models by means of both shell elements as well as a mixture of shell and solid elements. The results from the non-linear analyses have been compared to the assumptions given in the guidelines. The results from the non-linear analyses indicate that the recommendations given in the aforementioned guidelines are indeed reasonable when considering crack width control. The shell models yield crack widths equal to approximately half the design value. The solid models, however, yielded cracks widths that were 15 - 20$\%$ lower than the design value. The results show that many factors attribute to the structural behavior during cracking, most noticeably the fracture energy, a parameter not featured in the Eurocode for concrete structures. Some limitations of the models used in this thesis are mentioned as well as areas for further improvement.
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Thermomechanical modeling predictions of the directed energy deposition process using a dislocation mechanics based internal state variable modelDantin, Matthew Joseph 06 August 2021 (has links) (PDF)
The overall goal of this work is to predict the mechanical response of an as-built Ti-6Al-4V directed energy deposition component by a dislocation mechanics-based internal state variable model based on the component's geometry and processing parameters. Previous research has been performed to connect additive manufacturing (AM) process parameters including laser power and scanning strategy to different aspects of part quality, such as porosity, mechanical properties, fatigue life, microstructure, residual stresses, and distortion. The lack of predictive capabilities to fully estimate residual stresses and distortion within parts produced via AM have hindered part qualification; however, modeling the AM process can aide in process and geometry optimization compared to traditional trial-and-error methods. The presence of unwanted thermally induced residual stresses and distortion can lead to tolerancing issues, reduced fatigue life, and decreased mechanical performance compared to similar components fabricated with traditional manufacturing methods such as casting and machining. A three-dimensional thermomechanical finite element model calibrated using dual-wave pyrometer thermal image datasets along with temperature- and strain rate-dependent mechanical data is utilized for this work. The purpose of this work is to understand the relationship between a component's temperature history and its resultant distortion and residual stresses.
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Structural Optimization and Performance Analysis of a Wireless Sensor for Injection MoldingHamid, Muhammad Haris 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Sensor technology has played an essential role in improving the observability in manufacturing processes and providing input to enabling more effective and efficient product and process design. To analyze an injection molding process, pressure and temperature variations have shown to be the most critical factors that affect quality in the molded parts. The state of sensing in the industry utilizes separate and wired sensors placed away from the mold cavity to measure these parameters, and holes have to be drilled through the mold steel to accommodate the wires. To minimize mold structural modification, which is time consuming and expensive, it is desired to design a miniaturized sensor module that can be structurally embedded into the molding cavity and simultaneously measures the two parameters (i.e. a dual-parameter sensor) in real time, during the molding process. This thesis presents the structural optimization of the sensor and development of a new Fluid-Structure algorithm to analyze the performance of the sensor as in an actual injection molding cycle. Thus, research involves three key tasks. Given a required mold steel thickness, an optimization problem was solved analytically with outer diameter, thickness and number of rings as variables under the maximum allowable pressure and minimum required energy constraints to achieve a minimum volume of the piezo stack. As it is infeasible to test the sensor with different dimensions under the flow to understand its behavior under high pressure and temperature polymer melt, the development of a numerical model is required. A mold-melt interaction algorithm is developed to have a mold-melt interface using finite element analysis, analogous to an injection molding process. The model showed the change in state of polymer melt and its effect on cavity due to change in viscosity with the change in temperature. The model validated the energy output of the optimized sensor when the temperature and pressure of polymer changes and the effect of these parameters on mold and sensor. The voltage output and temperature results were compared with analytical solution. The numerical results of voltage output matched within 0.1% and temperature results matched within 3% of the analytical solutions. Finally a test bed was fabricated to simulate and reconstruct the pressure profile obtained from the numerical model to study the actual output from a fabricated sensor. The aim of the test bed was to reconstruct pressure profiles obtained from numerical simulations to investigate the sensor output from the fabricated injection molding sensor. The test bed evaluated the output from sensor as can be observed in actual injection molding machine. Comparison of the injection molding sensor with a piezo-resistive sensor showed good agreement.
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Simulation of wire bending processes in continuous wave winding stator productionBoström Leijon, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Electric propulsion in the heavy truck industry require knowledge in certain new areas involved in electric machine manufacturing. One of these new manufacturing steps is copper bending for production of stator windings. This thesis aimed to look at whether finite element simulations can be used in gathering experience to improve an existing stator design. Existing winding scheme is modeled, and simplified cases of different bending steps are simulated using finite element method. The result shows the critical areas where the largest stress and strain occurs in the existing design, giving input of how the bending affects the copper wire as well as the isolation layer of the wire, to improve future bending scheme designs. / Transportindustrin för tunga fordon står inför ett teknikskifte, klassisk förbränningsteknik ersätts av elektrisk drift. Denna tekniska utveckling innebär nya produkter i tillverkningen, vilket kräver kunskap kring processer för statorlindning med koppartråd. Detta arbete har ämnat titta på huruvida simulering med finita element metod kan användas för att erhålla kunskap kring böjningens påverkan på koppartråd och dess isoleringsskikt. Det har ingått geometrisk modellering av ett befintligt böjningsmönster, finita element simulering av förenklade geometrier för att utvärdera kopparens samt isoleringsskiktets spänningar och töjning vid böjning, resultatet visar vart de största deformationerna är samt vilka böjningar som kan vara kritiska, vilket ger information för möjliga designförbättringar till kommande lindningsscheman.
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Finite Element Analysis of EMI in a Multi-Conductor ConnectorZafaruddin, Mohammed 23 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Experimental Characterization and Finite Element Simulation of Laser Shock Peening Induced Surface Residual Stresses using NanoindentationKulkarni, Kanchan Avinash January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Micromechanics of Asperity Interaction in Wear – A Numerical ApproachAcharya, Sunil January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Probabilistic finite element modeling of aerospace engine components incorporating time-dependent inelastic properties for ceramic matrix composite (CMC) materialsMiller, Ian Timothy 18 May 2006 (has links)
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Modeling the Constraint Effects on Fracture Toughness of MaterialsPrakash, Sunil 23 December 2009 (has links)
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A Method to Evaluate the Interfacial Friction Between Carbon Nanotubes and MatrixXu, Quan 10 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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