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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technical and aesthetic investigations in soda glaze ceramics

Nichols, Gail, 1953- January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available

Synchronisation et Automates Cellulaires: La Ligne de Fusiliers

Yunès, Jean-Baptiste 17 February 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'articule autour du problème de la synchronisation d'une ligne d'automates. Elle propose une solution économe en nombre d'états en utilisant le schéma de Minsky: temps de synchronisation 3n et nombre d'états 7. Elle s'attache aussi à décrire le comportement de certains automates particuliers découverts lors de la quête automatisée de solutions minimales.

Firing Costs and Capital Structure Decisions

Serfling, Matthew January 2015 (has links)
I explore the passage of wrongful discharge laws by U.S. state courts that allow workers to sue employers for unjust dismissal as an exogenous increase in employee firing costs. I find that firms reduce debt ratios following the adoption of these laws, and this result is strongest for subsamples of firms that experience larger increases in expected firing costs. Following the passage of these laws, firms also increase cash holdings, firms save more cash out of cash flows, and investors place a higher value on each additional dollar of cash holdings. Overall, my results indicate that employee firing costs can have an important impact on corporate financial policy decisions.

Developing clays, surfaces, and colors in a conical cone confabulation

Waddle, Amanda M. January 2000 (has links)
There is no abstract available for this thesis. / Department of Art

The affect of ash chemistry and deposits from co-firing biomass and coal in power plant systems

Lay, Victoria F. January 2016 (has links)
Hemp, eucalyptus, coal, hemp and coal blended fuel, and eucalyptus and coal blended fuel were ashed and then heat treated for 1 hour at temperatures from 600-1100°C. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated reactions between the phases present after initial ashing of the fuel showed biomass-biomass, biomass-coal and coal-coal interactions. Two phase systems were identified as dominant in the biomass and coal ash blends, these were CaO-MgO-SiO2 and CaO-Al2O3-SiO2. The phases identified in these systems have also been identified in ceramics produced at high temperatures which have similar compositions to the ash matrix of the laboratory synthesised ash; this indicates that phase diagrams can be powerful tools in phase formation prediction. Structures identified as trichomes (phosphate-silicate structures with melting points above 1100°C) from the hemp fuel which had not decomposed were present in both the hemp ash and the hemp and coal ash. The composition determined by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis of laboratory synthesised ashes was also in agreement with the phases identified through X-ray diffraction. Hemp and coal, eucalyptus and coal, and eucalyptus ash samples (deposited, quenched, cyclone, and bottom ash) removed from a full scale 1MWth combustion rig were analysed. Phase composition of the fly ash samples are similar to those identified in the analagous samples produced in the laboratory with several of the same phases present; confirming that laboratory testing is useful for the predictions of phases present on the industrial scale combustion rig. Particle morphology is one of the largest differences between the laboratory scale tests and combustion rig samples. The dominant particle shape of fly ash particles removed from the combustion rig is spherical. These particles of characteristic shape are often referred to as plerospheres and cenospheres and were first identified in coal fly ash. The presence of the spheres in the combustion rig when only biomass (eucalyptus) is present indicates the formation mechanism of the particles is similar to that of coal. There are similarities between the chemical composition of the spheres which are solely of biomass origin and co-fired; it is likely that phase composition of the sphere and not the fuel origin contributes to the formation of the spheres. Phases identified in the bottom ash are similar to those identified in the fly ash. High temperature phases such as (e.g. Ca9MgK(PO4)7) ocur in the bottom ash suggesting that higher temperatures are reached in the bottom of the rig than in the flue gas. Analysis of 15Mo3 alloy corrosion coupons with fly ash deposited onto the surface, alongside the interactions between gas phases and coupons, deposits and coupons, and gas phases and deposits, showed that some oxidation/reduction of the metal had occurred. The presence vi of metal oxide flakes indicated corrosion. Oxidation of 15Mo3 alloy was observed in hemp and coal, and eucalyptus and coal combustion trials, likely due to the observed deposition of potassium chloride which has caused detachment of several scales. Between the metal-deposit interface, hematite whiskers were observed; magnetite octahedra were also present on the surface of scales. The phases present in the coupon deposit ash differ from those observed in the laboratory and fly ash due to the length of time spent in the high temperature environment. This indicates that some phases will not form until the deposits have built up and are in the furnace for an extended period of time. When the coupon samples were coated, fewer metal scales were observed meaning that the coatings are an affective method of corrosion reduction leading to an increased lifetime of boiler components. The dominant particle morphology present in the combustion rig is the cenospheres and plerospheres. The phases formed can be broadly catergorised into CaO-MgO-SiO2, CaO-Al2O3-SiO2, and K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 phases. Potassium chloride is observed in the laboratory ash and combustion rig ash indicating, alongside the presence of metal oxide scales, that the fuel blends are likely to lead to corrosion during combustion.

Source firing patterns and reconstruction algorithms for a switched source, offset detector CT machine

Thompson, William January 2011 (has links)
We present a new theoretical model and reconstruction results for a new class of fast x-ray CT machine -- the Real Time Tomography (RTT) system, which uses switched sources and an offset detector array. We begin by reviewing elementary properties of the Radon and X-ray transforms, and limited angle tomography. Through the introduction of a new continuum model, that of sources covering the surface of a cylinder in R³, we show that the problem of three-dimensional reconstruction from RTT data reduces to inversion of the three-dimensional Radon transform with limited angle data. Using the Paley-Wiener theorem, we then prove the existence of a unique solution and give comments on stability and singularity detection. We show, first in the two-dimensional case, that the conjugate gradient least squares algorithm is suitable for CT reconstruction. By exploiting symmetries in the system, we then derive a method of applying CGLS to the three-dimensional inversion problem using stored matrix coefficients. The new concept of source firing order is introduced and formalised, and some novel visualisations are used to show how this affects aspects of the geometry of the system. We then perform a detailed numerical analysis using the condition number and SVD of the forward projection matrix $A$, to show that the choice of firing order affects the conditioning of the problem. Finally, we give reconstruction results from both simulated phantoms and real experimental data that support the numerical analysis.

Embedding of bulk piezoelectric structures in low temperature co-fired ceramic

Sobocinski, M. (Maciej) 09 December 2014 (has links)
Abstract It has been over a century since the Curie brothers discovered the piezoelectric effect. Since then our knowledge about this phenomena has been constantly growing, accompanied by a vast increase in its applications. Modern piezoelectric devices, especially those meant for use in personal equipment, can often have complicated shapes and electric circuits; therefore, a suitable and cost effective packaging method is needed. The recent introduction of self-constrained Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) characterized by virtually no planar shrinkage has pushed the limits of this technology a step further. The practical lack of dimension change between “green” state and sintered ceramic has not only improved the design of multilayer smart packages but also allowed the embedding of other bulk materials within the LTCC and their co-firing in one sintering process. This thesis introduces a novel method of seamlessly embedding piezoelectric bulk structures in LTCC by co-firing or bonding with adhesive. Special attention is paid to the multistage lamination and post-firing poling of the piezoelectric ceramics. Examples of several structures from the main areas of piezoelectric applications are presented as proof of successful implementation of the new technique in the existing production environment. The performance of the structures is investigated and compared to structures manufactured using other methods. Integration of bulk piezoelectric structures through co-firing is a new technique with a wide area of applications, suitable for mass production using existing process flow. / Tiivistelmä Curien veljekset havaitsivat pietsosähköisen ilmiön jo yli sata vuotta sitten. Ilmiöön liittyvä tutkimustieto ja erityisesti siihen perustuvien sovellusten määrä on nykyisin valtava. Uusissa pietsosähköisissä komponenteissa ja varsinkin niissä, jotka on tarkoitettu henkilökohtaisissa laitteissa käytettäviksi, muodot samoinkuin elektroniikapiirit voivat olla monimutkaisia. Siksi tarvitaan tarkoituksenmukaista ja hinnaltaan edullista laitteen pakkausmenetelmää. Hiljattain kehitetyt itseohjautuvat matalan lämpötilan yhteissintattavat keraamit (LTCC), joiden planaarinen kutistuma on lähes olematon, ovat lisänneet LTCC-teknologian sovellusmahdollisuuksia. Muotoon valmistetun sintraamattoman ja lopullisen sintratun keraamin dimensioiden yhtäsuuruus ei ole ainoastaan parantanut älykkäiden monikerrospakkausten suunnittelua, vaan mahdollistanut myös erilaisten materiaalien ja komponenttien upottamisen LTCC-rakenteisiin ja niiden yhteissintrauksen. Väitöstyössä esitetään uusi menetelmä pietsosähköisten bulkrakenteiden upottamiseksi saumattomasti LTCC-rakenteisiin yhteissintrauksella tai liimaliitoksella. Erityistä huomiota on kiinnitetty monivaiheiseen laminointiin ja sintrauksen jälkeiseen pietsosähköisten keraamien polarisointiin. Työssä on esitetty esimerkkejä useista rakenteista pietsosähköisten sovellusten pääalueilta osoituksena uuden tekniikan onnistuneesta käyttöönottamisesta nykyisessä valmistusympäristössä. Tutkittujen uusien rakenteiden ja muilla menetelmillä valmistettujen rakenteiden ominaisuuksia on verrattu keskenään. Pietsosähköisten bulkrakenteiden integroiminen yhteissintrauksella on uusi tekniikka, joka mahdollistaa lukuisia sovelluksia ja soveltuu massatuotantoon olemassa olevilla prosseintilaitteistoilla.

Hodnocen­ kvality bic­ho mechanismu kulobrokov© kozlice / Evaluating the Quality of Combination Gun's Firing Mechanism

ulkov, Jana January 2019 (has links)
This Masterâs thesis deals with evaluation of quality of Brno Combo combination rifle shotgun rifled barrelâs firing mechanism. It contains a proposal of criteria for evaluation of quality of firearm firing mechanisms. It further focuses on using measurement of primer deformation as a means of assessing the quality of a firing mechanism. Based on measurements made using a Focus Variation microscope, various geometrical parameters of fired and failed primers were analysed. The measurement results were processed using ANOVA and regression analysis. Based on output of these analyses, practical recommendations and further research proposals were formulated.

The impact of the hiring and firing decision of employment protection legislation on unemployment in South Africa

Maasdorp, Badian Charlton 23 February 2013 (has links)
The impact of strict employment protection legislation (EPL) on unemployment is still uncertain. However, evidence in literature points to the hiring and firing provisions of EPL being the source of some of the labour market rigidity in South Africa.Hiring and firing provisions comprise a number of elements such as severance pay, dismissal procedures, probationary employment and temporary work arrangements. This research investigates the impact of these measures on the hiring and firing decision through a survey questionnaire distributed to approximately 20 000 small business respondents, who were also tested on the impact of EPL on small business in creating new jobs.The purpose of the research was therefore to contribute to the literature on the role which EPL plays in the hiring and firing decision, and ultimately on unemployment.The results of the research point to a still strong perception that EPL in South Africa is strict despite evidence to the contrary, and that small business respondents believe procedural elements play a significant role in their hiring and firing decision, but some uncertainty with regard to the role of severance pay. The strongest indication was the perception of the regulatory burden of EPL faced by small businesses. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Weierstrass Vertices on Finite Graphs

Gill, Abrianna L 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The intent of this thesis is to explore whether any patterns emerge among families or through graph operations regarding the appearance of Weierstrass vertices on graphs. Currently, patterns have been identified and proven on cycles, complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, and the house and house-x graphs. A Python program developed as part of this thesis to perform the algorithms used in this analysis confirms these findings. This program also revealed a pattern: if v is a Weierstrass vertex, then the vertex v* added to the graph as a pendant vertex to v is also a Weierstrass vertex. The converse is also true: if v is not a Weierstrass vertex, v* will not be either.

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