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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de l'écoulement à forte pente autour d'un cylindre émergent / Study of the high slope flow around a piercing cylinder

Ducrocq, Thomas 19 October 2016 (has links)
Les barrages sur les rivières sont des obstacles à la migration piscicole. Les passes à poissons sont des ouvrages permettant aux espèces piscicoles de migrer, autorisant le rétablissement de la continuité écologique des cours d'eau. Le but de ce travail est de mieux comprendre les phénomènes physiques présents dans les passes à poissons naturelles. Ces passes sont des canaux à forte pente, équipé de rangées de plots en quinconce. Pour valider la pertinence de l'utilisation d'un modèle numérique, l'étude s'est limitée à l'écoulement autour d'un cylindre émergent placé au centre d'un canal. Le travail est décomposé en deux parties, une expérimentale et une numérique. La partie expérimentale est conduite dans un canal transparent de 4m de long, 0,4m de large et 0,4m de hauteur. Le diamètre du cylindre est 4cm et sa hauteur 20cm (toujours émergent). Les cas étudiés sont des débits de 5, 10, 15 et 20 l/s pour une pente nulle. Les nombres de Froude sont supérieurs à 0,5 et les nombres de Reynolds, basés sur le diamètre, sont compris entre 15000 et 50000. Les écoulements ont été filmés et un algorithme de suivi de particules (PTV) a été développé. Des zones de faibles vitesses existent, même pour Fr=1, pouvant assurer des zones de refuge pour le poisson. Les forces de trainée ont été mesurées sur le plot. Les évolutions des coefficients de trainée avec le nombre de Froude et des rapports de forme de l'écoulement autour du plot ont ainsi été évaluées. La partie numérique est réalisée avec OpenFOAM pour 4 cas d'étude (Q=10 et 20 l/s, S=0 et 2%) et 2 modèles de turbulence URANS, le RNG k-epsilon et le k-omega SST. Des modélisations en 2D ont également été faites avec Telemac 2D. Les résultats obtenus ont été comparés aux résultats expérimentaux. La modélisation 2D (shallow water) est exploitable seulement pour des nombres de Froude faibles, d'où la nécessité des modélisations en 3D. Le modèle komega SST semble le mieux adapté pour reproduire les écoulements étudiés. Les vitesses locales et les structures en 3D, non quantifiables expérimentalement, ont ensuite été décrites. Les influences du fond et de la surface libre sur le sillage apparaissent clairement en provoquant des vitesses verticales et des tourbillons à grandes échelles. Enfin, une simulation en LES a été conduite. Les structures tourbillonnaires sont mieux représentées que pour les modèles URANS, mais les temps de calcul sont grands. / The dams on rivers are fishes migration obstacles. The fishways are devices allowing the fishes to migrate, permitting the restauration of the ecological continuity. The aim of this work is to better comprehend the physical phenomena existing in the nature-like fishways. This kind of fishway is a high slope channel with staggered rows of blocks. To validate the relevance of the use of a numerical model, the study is limited to the flow around a single free surface piercing cylinder placed in the center of a flume. The work is in two parts, experimental and numérical. The experimental part is conducted in a transparent flume of 4m length, 0.4m width and 0.4m height. The cylinder diameter is 4cm and its height 20cm (always emerged). The studied cases are flow rates of 5 to 20 l/s for a flat bed. The Froude numbers are over 0.5 et the Reynolds numbers, based on the diameter, are in between 15000 and 50000. The flows were filmed and a particules tracking velocimetry (PTV) algorithm was developped. Slow velocities areas exist, even for Fr=1, allowing shelter zones for a fish. The drag forces were also measured. The drag coefficients evolutions with the Froude number and with the flow aspect ratio were estimated. The numerical part is done with OpenFOAM for 4 cases (Q=10 et 20 l/s, S=0 et 2%) and 2 URANS turbulence models, RNG k-epsilon and k-omega SST. 2D simulations are also carried out with Telemac2D. The results are compared with the experimental ones. The 2D modelisation (shallow water) is workable only for small Froude numbers, which justifies the 3D modelisation. The k-omega SST seems the most relevant to reproduce the studied flows. The local velocities and 3D structures, unquantifiable experimentally, were described. The bed and free surface influences on the wake are clearly shown leading to vertical velocities and big scale vorticies. Finally, a LES simulation was conducted. The vortex structures are better reproducted than the URANS simulations, but the computation times are significant.

Enhancing migration and reproduction of salmonid fishes:method development and research using physical and numerical modelling

Tammela, S. (Simo) 03 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract Dam building for hydropower production, dredging for log floating and drainage of peatlands have massively affected migrating salmonid populations in Finland. Increased sedimentation and changes in hydraulic conditions have destroyed the majority of spawning and rearing habitats in freshwater brooks and dam building has stopped migration upstream at river mouths. This thesis examines the current state of drained forest brooks, possibilities for restoration and methods to assist migration in rivers used for hydropower. Drainage down to the mineral soil has caused massive erosion and sedimentation in headwater brooks. The surface layer of a sand bed is constantly moving, preventing vegetation growth, while shortcuts created during drainage increase flow velocity and reduce retention time. The cross-sectional and longitudinal profiles become homogeneous and biodiversity is severely reduced. A simple wooden brook restoration structure was developed in laboratory experiments. Fish migration problems past a hydropower dam and reproduction possibilities offered by a natural-like bypass channel were studied in the river Oulujoki, the mouth of which was blocked by a hydropower dam in the late 1940s. Public pressure for remedial structures has grown since then and was given a boost after a fishway was opened at Merikoski, in the river mouth, in 2003. This thesis examined the next dam upstream, Montta at Muhos, which was studied separately as a partial and sole natural-like bypass. A natural-like bypass can offer stable conditions for spawning and rearing and can be designed precisely, through water flow and habitat modelling, to match desired conditions. The most important section in a fishway is ultimately the entrance. Fishway discharge is often merely a fraction of whole river discharge and the attractivity of the entrance can be increased by pumping additional discharge to the lowest part of the fishway. The hydraulics of a twin-slot vertical slot fishway were studied here by laboratory flume testing and 2D water flow modelling. Water flow and habitat modelling proved to be good tools in designing partly natural-like bypasses. However, fish behaviour should be closely monitored in any natural-like fishways already built, in order to verify the results of habitat modelling. / Tiivistelmä Jokien patoaminen vesivoiman tuotantoon, ruoppaaminen puunuiton helpottamiseksi sekä latvapurojen ojitukset metsän kasvun edistämiseksi ovat voimakkaasti vaikuttaneet vaeltavien lohikalakantojen vaellus- ja lisääntymismahdollisuuksiin. Muuttuneet hydrauliset olosuhteet ja lisääntynyt sedimentaatio ovat tuhonneet lohikalojen lisääntymisalueet ja patoaminen on katkaissut ylösvaelluksen lisääntymispaikoille. Väitöstyö koostuu viidestä artikkelista, joissa esitellään uusia menetelmiä ja ratkaisuja lohikalojen vaelluksen ja lisääntymisen ennallistamiseksi. Kaksi artikkelia keskittyy ojituksesta kärsivien latvapurojen nykytilaan, kunnostusmahdollisuuksiin sekä kunnostusrakenteen kehittämiseen. Paikoin ojituksen seurauksena on ollut massiivinen mineraalimaan eroosio ja hienon hiekan sedimentoituminen puroihin. Puroihin on kertynyt paksuja hiekkakerroksia, joiden pintakerros on jatkuvassa liikkeessä. Pintakerroksen jatkuva liike estää kasvillisuuden kasvamisen. Osittain ojitus on myös oikaissut puroja, jolloin virtausnopeudet ovat kasvaneet ja veden viipymä lyhentynyt. Purojen pituus- ja poikkileikkauksen vaihtelu ja biodiversiteetti ovat on vähentyneet huomattavasti. Laboratoriokokeissa kehitettiin yksinkertainen puusta rakennettava kunnostusrakenne hiekoittuneiden purojen kunnostamiseksi. Kolme artikkelia käsittelee Oulujokea, kalateiden suunnittelua ja kalatierakenteita. Vuonna 2003 rakennettu Merikosken kalatie kasvatti paineita kalatierakentamiseen Oulujoen muille voimalaitoksille. Erityisesti väitöstyö keskittyi Montan voimalaitoksen ohitukseen suunniteltuun kalatiehen, jota tutkittiin virtausmallinnuksen avulla kokonaan ja osittain luonnonmukaisena ohitusuomana. Luonnonmukainen ohitusuoma voidaan suunnitella toimimaan kutukanavan tyyppisenä uomana, jonka tarkoitus on tarjota vakaat virtausolosuhteet lohikalojen lisääntymistä varten. Virtaus- ja habitaattimallinnuksen avulla uoma voidaan suunnitella tarkasti haluttujen virtausolosuhteiden mukaisesti. Kalatien toimivuuden kannalta tärkeintä on että kalat löytävät kalatien sisäänkäynnin. Kalatien virtaama on usein vain murto-osa koko joen virtaamasta, joten sisäänkäynnin houkuttavuutta voidaan lisätä lisävettä pumppaamalla. Kaksirakoisen pystyrakokalatien hydrauliikkaa tutkittiin sekä laboratorio- että virtausmallilla.

The role of fish physiology, behaviour, and water discharge on the attraction and passage of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at the Seton River dam fishway, British Columbia

Pon, Lucas Benjamin 05 1900 (has links)
In many rivers, dams have interrupted the connectivity of migration routes for fish. While fishways can provide access between downstream and upstream habitats, it is important that passage can occur with minimal delay, energy expenditure, and physiological stress. The research presented here is based on investigations into fishway attraction and passage for the Gates Creek sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Walbaum) stock at the Seton River dam in British Columbia. The first part of this thesis examined the effect of changes in water discharge from the dam on the relationship between the physiological condition of sockeye and their behaviour in approaching the fishway entrance. Fish were caught and non-lethally biopsied under three normal operating discharge conditions at Seton River dam, and subsets of sampled fish were implanted with radio transmitters and released downstream of the dam. Indices of physiological stress and exhaustive exercise (e.g. plasma cortisol, glucose, lactate, osmolality and hematocrit) did not differ among the water discharge levels that were examined. Fish delayed in the tailrace below the fishway entrance significantly longer under intermediate discharge (19.9 h @ 12.7 m³s‾¹) than either the high discharge (9.3 h @ 15.8 m³s‾¹), or the low discharge (7.0 h @11.0 m³s‾¹;) conditions (P = 0.022, and P = 0.015, respectively). Delay time was similar under high and low discharge conditions (P = 0.617), and passage success was found to be independent of discharge (P = 0.356). The second part of this thesis investigated how prior physiological condition and subsequent swimming energetics and behaviours effected fishway passage success. Fish were captured and biopsied, before being implanted with electromyogram (EMG) transmitters and released near the downstream entrance of the fishway. Very few differences existed between successful and unsuccessful fish in body size, initial plasma physiology and energy state, and mean swim speed and energy use during passage. However, plasma Na+ concentration was significantly lower in unsuccessful fish (P = 0.022), which is suggestive of a depressed ionic state for unsuccessful fish. Generally, fish did not employ burst swimming during successful or failed attempts at passage, indicating that failure was probably not related to metabolic acidosis. / Forestry, Faculty of / Graduate

Sistemas para a transposição de peixes. / Fish transponding system: fishways.

Martins, Sidney Lazaro 27 June 2000 (has links)
Sistemas para a Transposição de Peixes são implantados para atenuar os efeitos negativos dos barramentos sobre os peixes migradores ou de piracema. No Brasil, como na maioria dos paises subdesenvolvidos, devido a fatores históricos, financeiros, políticos, institucionais e culturais desfavoráveis, há uma defasagem tecnológica quanto aos Sistemas para a Transposição de Peixes, pelo menos secular, com conseqüências imensuráveis ao ambiente e ao universo dos peixes. A importância dos nossos peixes fluviais, onde se destacam os migradores como os de maior interesse comercial e esportivo, é indiscutível. Assim, esta dissertação propõe-se a inventariar o "estado da arte" dos Sistemas para a Transposição de Peixes, isto é, conhecer as necessidades dos nossos peixes, estudar alternativas hidráulico-estruturais de transposição e, também, vencer as correntes retrógradas. Os estudos e projetos internacionais não devem ser aplicados indiscriminadamente para a realidade nacional, pois diferem quanto à diversidade dos nossos peixes, sob a pena de incorrer nos insucessos como os australianos africanos e os brasileiros. Nesta dissertação, após à introdução, há um breve relato sobre a importância entre as relações ecológicas e ambientais; relações entre os elementos vivos e o meio aquático e as interferências humanas; conhecimentos físicos e biológicos sobre os peixes; história, conceitos fundamentais e legislação sobre os STP's; estudos para viabilização de estruturas-tipo, em modelo reduzido e estudos futuros. / Fish Transponding System are usually adopted to mitigate negative effects of dam and reservoir construction on migratory fishes. In Brazil, as with most undeveloped countries, owing to historical, political, economical and cultural adverse factors, there is a centenary technological gap relating Fish Transponding System, which has caused unbearable consequences to environment and to the fish realm. The importance of our fluvial fishes, among which the migratory ones represent major commercial and sportive interest, is unquestionable. This dissertation intends to furnish information on the State of the Art in Fish Transponding System, to present native fish habits and needs, to compare hydraulic and structural transponding system types and, last but not least, to introduct a new way of facing and dealing with fish transponding problems, in a contribution to breaking the prevailing retrograde vision. This dissertation shows that international current projects and practices should not be adopted widespread to national reality, as they usually don’t match our fishes habits and needs; the adoption of those practices could lead to a project breakdown, according to some recorded Australian, African, and even Brazilian experiences. The work also presents a brief explanation on: ecological and environmental relations; living specimens, aquatic media and human actions; Fish physical and biological knowledge; history, basic concepts and legislation about FTS; considerations aiming to make feasible standard structures, reduced scale models and further investigations.

Sistemas para a transposição de peixes. / Fish transponding system: fishways.

Sidney Lazaro Martins 27 June 2000 (has links)
Sistemas para a Transposição de Peixes são implantados para atenuar os efeitos negativos dos barramentos sobre os peixes migradores ou de piracema. No Brasil, como na maioria dos paises subdesenvolvidos, devido a fatores históricos, financeiros, políticos, institucionais e culturais desfavoráveis, há uma defasagem tecnológica quanto aos Sistemas para a Transposição de Peixes, pelo menos secular, com conseqüências imensuráveis ao ambiente e ao universo dos peixes. A importância dos nossos peixes fluviais, onde se destacam os migradores como os de maior interesse comercial e esportivo, é indiscutível. Assim, esta dissertação propõe-se a inventariar o "estado da arte" dos Sistemas para a Transposição de Peixes, isto é, conhecer as necessidades dos nossos peixes, estudar alternativas hidráulico-estruturais de transposição e, também, vencer as correntes retrógradas. Os estudos e projetos internacionais não devem ser aplicados indiscriminadamente para a realidade nacional, pois diferem quanto à diversidade dos nossos peixes, sob a pena de incorrer nos insucessos como os australianos africanos e os brasileiros. Nesta dissertação, após à introdução, há um breve relato sobre a importância entre as relações ecológicas e ambientais; relações entre os elementos vivos e o meio aquático e as interferências humanas; conhecimentos físicos e biológicos sobre os peixes; história, conceitos fundamentais e legislação sobre os STP's; estudos para viabilização de estruturas-tipo, em modelo reduzido e estudos futuros. / Fish Transponding System are usually adopted to mitigate negative effects of dam and reservoir construction on migratory fishes. In Brazil, as with most undeveloped countries, owing to historical, political, economical and cultural adverse factors, there is a centenary technological gap relating Fish Transponding System, which has caused unbearable consequences to environment and to the fish realm. The importance of our fluvial fishes, among which the migratory ones represent major commercial and sportive interest, is unquestionable. This dissertation intends to furnish information on the State of the Art in Fish Transponding System, to present native fish habits and needs, to compare hydraulic and structural transponding system types and, last but not least, to introduct a new way of facing and dealing with fish transponding problems, in a contribution to breaking the prevailing retrograde vision. This dissertation shows that international current projects and practices should not be adopted widespread to national reality, as they usually don’t match our fishes habits and needs; the adoption of those practices could lead to a project breakdown, according to some recorded Australian, African, and even Brazilian experiences. The work also presents a brief explanation on: ecological and environmental relations; living specimens, aquatic media and human actions; Fish physical and biological knowledge; history, basic concepts and legislation about FTS; considerations aiming to make feasible standard structures, reduced scale models and further investigations.

Re-establishment of connectivity for fish populations in regulated rivers

Calles, Olle January 2005 (has links)
<p>The hydropower industry has altered connectivity in many rivers during the last century. Many fish species depend on both an intact longitudinal connectivity to be able to migrate between spawning, feeding and winter habitats, and vertical connectivity for development and survival of incubating embryos and larvae in the gravel. The objective of this thesis was to examine problems and remedial measures associated with disrupted longitudinal and vertical connectivity in regulated rivers. The issue of longitudinal connectivity was studied in the River Emån by evaluating the efficiency of two nature-like fishways for anadromous brown trout. Telemetry studies showed that the combined efficiency for the two fishways in 2001-2004 was 60.5%. The passage efficiencies of both fishways were high for trout (89-100%), but also for other species such as chub, perch, tench, burbot and roach (74%). The attraction efficiencies were largely dependent on power plant operation, and generally high for the fishway situated next to the tail-race and low for the fishway situated inside the former channel. More than half of the trout spawners were also observed using the fishways for downstream passage. The densities of brown trout yearlings upstream of the fishways were higher after the fishways were built than during pre-fishway years. Smolts produced upstream of the fishways were observed migrating downstream in 2003-2005. The percentage of smolts that passed both power plants in was 51%, with losses being attributed to predation (15%), turbine-induced mortality (16%) and other reasons (18%). Turbine-induced mortality was higher (40%) at the power plant with four small Francis runners, than at the power plant with one large Kaplan runner (12%). The issue of vertical connectivity was studied in three rivers in Värmland, one unregulated, and two regulated, one of which had no minimum flow requirements. In the unregulated river, temporal patterns in hyporheic water chemistry correlated to variation in surface water chemistry and discharge as expected. In the regulated rivers, the hyporheic water chemistry showed little correlation to discharge or surface water chemistry. The intra-gravel water chemistry conditions for brown trout eggs were more favourable in the unregulated river, characterised by high oxygen levels, than in the two regulated rivers. The regulated river with no minimum flow requirements had critically low oxygen levels at the end of the incubation period.</p>

Re-establishment of connectivity for fish populations in regulated rivers

Calles, Olle January 2005 (has links)
The hydropower industry has altered connectivity in many rivers during the last century. Many fish species depend on both an intact longitudinal connectivity to be able to migrate between spawning, feeding and winter habitats, and vertical connectivity for development and survival of incubating embryos and larvae in the gravel. The objective of this thesis was to examine problems and remedial measures associated with disrupted longitudinal and vertical connectivity in regulated rivers. The issue of longitudinal connectivity was studied in the River Emån by evaluating the efficiency of two nature-like fishways for anadromous brown trout. Telemetry studies showed that the combined efficiency for the two fishways in 2001-2004 was 60.5%. The passage efficiencies of both fishways were high for trout (89-100%), but also for other species such as chub, perch, tench, burbot and roach (74%). The attraction efficiencies were largely dependent on power plant operation, and generally high for the fishway situated next to the tail-race and low for the fishway situated inside the former channel. More than half of the trout spawners were also observed using the fishways for downstream passage. The densities of brown trout yearlings upstream of the fishways were higher after the fishways were built than during pre-fishway years. Smolts produced upstream of the fishways were observed migrating downstream in 2003-2005. The percentage of smolts that passed both power plants in was 51%, with losses being attributed to predation (15%), turbine-induced mortality (16%) and other reasons (18%). Turbine-induced mortality was higher (40%) at the power plant with four small Francis runners, than at the power plant with one large Kaplan runner (12%). The issue of vertical connectivity was studied in three rivers in Värmland, one unregulated, and two regulated, one of which had no minimum flow requirements. In the unregulated river, temporal patterns in hyporheic water chemistry correlated to variation in surface water chemistry and discharge as expected. In the regulated rivers, the hyporheic water chemistry showed little correlation to discharge or surface water chemistry. The intra-gravel water chemistry conditions for brown trout eggs were more favourable in the unregulated river, characterised by high oxygen levels, than in the two regulated rivers. The regulated river with no minimum flow requirements had critically low oxygen levels at the end of the incubation period.

Étude numérique et expérimentale de l'écoulement turbulent au sein des passes à poissons à fentes verticales. Analyse de l'écoulement tridimensionnel et instationnaire / Numerical and experimental study of turbulent flow in vertical slot fishway. Analysis of the three-dimensional and unsteady flow

Ballu, Aurélien 20 March 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser l'influence de la présence d'obstacles dans les passes à poissons à fentes verticales. Deux types d'éléments sont couramment insérés, à l'heure actuelle, dans les passes : les seuils et les macro-rugosités. Dans un premier temps, l'effet de ces deux dispositifs à la fois sur l'écoulement et sur le comportement des poissons est étudié. Dans le but de favoriser le passage des petites espèces à travers le dispositif de franchissement, une solution technique est ensuite proposée, sous la forme de plusieurs rangées de cylindres flexibles placées en sortie de fente. La caractérisation du comportement hydraulique d'une passe à poissons équipée de ces obstacles est effectuée par des mesures expérimentales de niveau d'eau à l'aide de sondes acoustiques et des mesures de vitesses tridimensionnelles avec un vélocimètre acoustique à effet Doppler (ADV). La base de données générée par ces mesures est ensuite utilisée pour définir une loi de dimensionnement, qui prend en compte les paramètres influençant le fonctionnement hydraulique de l'ouvrage en vue d'améliorer sa conception. Les simulations numériques 3D instationnaires URANS et LES de l'écoulement permettent une analyse volumique fine des grandeurs caractéristiques de la turbulence qui règne dans les bassins en fonction du type d'obstacle inséré. En obstruant une partie de la fente, la présence d'un seuil accentue la tridimensionnalité de l'écoulement tandis que les macro-rugosités créent une zone de plus faible vitesses et des abris utilisables par les espèces de fonds. L'insertion des structures souples permet une meilleure dissipation de l'énergie du jet et réduit l'énergie cinétique turbulente dans une partie du volume des bassins. Les manipulations réalisées avec différentes espèces de poissons, permettent de mieux comprendre l'effet de la modification des grandeurs cinématiques de l'écoulement, par l'insertion d'obstacles, sur le comportement des poissons pour pouvoir adapter les passes à poissons existantes aux espèces dotées de faibles capacités de nage. / The aim of this work is to characterize the influence of two kinds of obstacles, sills and macro-roughnesses, on the flow inside a vertical slot fishway (VSF) and the behavior of several species of fish. Another objective is to study a technical solution to allow the passage of small fish species, which take the form of flexible cylinders placed in the jet at the entrance of each pool of the VSF. A hydraulic characterization is made by experimental measurements of the water level in each pool with acoustic sensors and by measurements of three-dimensional velocity components with an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV). The data acquired by these measurements are then used to define a predictive law that takes into account the presence of sills or macro-roughnesses, to help the design of devices that are as efficient as possible. Unsteady RANS and LES three-dimensional numerical simulations of the flow allow performing a careful volume analysis of the turbulence characteristics inside the pools when obstacles are presents in the flow. By obstructing a part of the slot, sills enhance the three-dimensionality of the flow while macro-roughnesses generate a low velocity layer and shelters for benthic species. Flexible elements produce a better dissipation of the energy of the jet and reduce the turbulent kinetic energy in a part of the volume of the pools. The effect of the modification of the flow kinematic properties, by the presence of obstacles, on the behavior of various fish species is evaluated. It provides important insights on how to adapt the flow in existing fishways to fish species with low swimming capacity.

Protipovodňová ochrana obce Brantice / Flood protection of the municipality Brantice

Zahradníková, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with the design of a flood protection for the Brantice municipality, a part of which is an adjustment of the Opava river stream bed, specifically kilometer 77,6554 to 78,7020 and, moreover, a design of a reconstruction of the weir at kilometer 78,340. A capacity assessment of the original stream bed in the built-up area and its surroundings is a part of the thesis, as well as a measure to increase the stream capacity and a design of a boulder chute with a water gate, which replaced the original weir. The program HEC-RAS 4.1.0. was used for the stream capacity calculations.

Nvrh opaten­ na ece Svratce v k.. Svratka / Proposal of measures on Svratka river in the cadastral area of Svratka

Äern, David January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the assessment of the current state of the Svratka watercourse and of the capacity of the existing objects on the course, which is partially modified in the solved locality and includes both â intravarian and extravarian areas of the town. Within hydrotechnical calculations, the 1D mathematical model HEC-RAS version 5.0.6 was used to determine the course of levels. The thesis focuses also on suitable design of flood protection measures on the river Svratka with protection for design flow Qn = Q20 = 28,6 m3 / s.

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