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Entering the Swedish Management Consulting Industry : A qualitative study of what factors to consider when entering the Swedish management consulting industryBojler, Therese, Björlin, Jeanette January 2008 (has links)
The management consultancy, a 14 billion EUR industry in Europe, has become an attractive market in the last couple of years. The Swedish market is blooming with an economic growth of a staggering 20 % according to analysts at Konsultguiden. The attractiveness of the market has brought many foreign players into the field such as Celerant. Celerant is a UK-based company earning a total of $145 million in 2006 with about 650 employees around Europe and the USA. Their focus is mainly within operational management. A few years ago, Celerant decided to expand in to the Nordic region consisting of Denmark, Norway and Sweden and has just recently started to focus a bit extra on the Swedish market. Using Porter’s model of Five Forces we look at the Swedish management consulting industry to see what factors to consider focusing on when entering the market. Through an analysis of the current management consulting market, we compare it to Celerant’s strategy for entering the Swedish market to see if our analysis differs or is similar to the consultancy’s actual strategy. This gives us a picture of how the management consultancies perceive the market and how they act accordingly. The results show similarities with two factors: the consultants and the clients. These seem to be the main factors to focus on as a management consultancy entering the Swedish market. There seems to be a current shortage of competent consultants on the Swedish market and therefore a necessity to focus on recruitment. Clients are what make business for consultancies and business connections need to be established before entering the market. However, we found that more precaution should be taken for factors such as substitutes and new entrants as well. There is a constant change of trends in the management consultancy industry and needs to be considered in order to stay competitive on the market, since a management consultancy needs to be able to offer what the clients demand.
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Femåringars föreställningar om nedbrytningsprocessen : - och om deras pedagoger påverkat dessa / Five year old children´s conceptions about the decomposition process : - and if their pedagogues has affected theseHjalmarsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
För att undersöka vad barn tror händer med ett äpple som fallit till marken har jag gjort kvalitativa intervjuer på två förskolor med sexton barn födda 2003. Jag genomförde även skriftliga och muntliga intervjuer med några pedagoger på förskolorna. Mitt syfte var att undersöka barns föreställningar om nedbrytningsprocessen och jämföra dessa mellan avdelningarna för att se om pedagogerna har påverkat barnens föreställningar genom sin inställning till att arbeta med nedbrytningsprocessen. Intervjuerna visade att barnen inte har så utvecklade föreställningar om nedbrytning. De flesta tror att äpplet ruttnar och/eller blir helt uppätet av djur. Längre än så har de inte kommit i sitt tänkande. De vet inte hur äpplet ruttnar och det minsta djur de nämnde som äter äpplen var myror. Pedagogerna hade olika inställningar till att arbeta med nedbrytning i förskolorna men jag kan inte se att det har påverkat barnens svar. Inte heller kan jag se någon större skillnad på barnens föreställningar mellan de två förskolorna och dess avdelningar. / In order to find out what children believe happens to an apple that has fallen to the ground I have interviewed fifteen children born 2003 in two pre-schools. I have also interviewed some of the pedagogues in both pre-schools. My purpose was to find out the children’s conceptions about the decomposition process and compare them between the departments to see if the pedagogue’s had affected the children’s conceptions by their attitudes towards working with the decomposition process. The interviews showed that the children don’t have such developed conceptions about the decomposition process. Most of them knows that the apple gets rotten or eaten up by animals. This is how far they have thought. They don’t know how apples get rotten and the smallest animal eating apples they mention were ants. The pedagogues had different concepts about working with the decomposition process in pre-schools but I can’t see that it has affected the children’s answers. Neither can I see any bigger different in the children’s ideas between the two pre-schools and their departments.
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Development of an actuation system for a specialized fixture: providing two degrees of freedom for single point incremental formingFatima, Mariam 01 February 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, an actuation system is developed for a Two-Axis Gyroscopic (TAG) adapter.
This adapter is a fixture with two auxiliary axes which is used for the Single Point
Incremental Forming (SPIF) technique to enhance a three-axis mill to have five-axis
capabilities. With five-axis mill capabilities, variable angles between line segments of the
toolpath and the tool can be obtained. To achieve specialized angles between a line
segment and the SPIF tool, the sheet is rotated. Inverse kinematic equations for the TAG
adapter are derived to calculate the required rotations for the TAG adapter’s auxiliary axes
for a line segment of a toolpath. If the next line segment requires a different orientation of
the sheet, the sheet is rotated while the tool follows the rotation of the sheet to maintain its
position at the connecting point of the line segments of the toolpath. Five equations of
motions are derived to calculate the three translations of the mill and two rotations of the
TAG adapter’s frames, during forming. A toolpath execution algorithm is implemented in
MATLAB which uses the five equations of motion to execute a toolpath. The algorithm
generates an array of data points that can be used by a Computer Numerically Controlled
(CNC) machine to follow a desired path. A visual representation for the execution of the
toolapth is implemented in MATLAB and is used to illustrate the successful completion of
a toolpath. A computer controlled motor system is selected and tested in this thesis which
will ultimately be integrated with a worm gear system and a CNC machine to develop a
full CNC actuation system. / UOIT
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Varumärkesvärdering : en studie om psykologiska egenskapers inverkan på en varumärkesvärdering.Hillerkrans, Anna, Vingren, Theres January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva samband av revisorns bakomliggande psykologiska egenskapers påverkan vid värderingen av ett företags varumärke. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en positivistisk vetenskapssyn där en kvantitativ ansats används. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Uppsatsens teoretiska kapitel utgår ifrån teorier om psykologiska variabler. De psykologiska variabler som i uppsatsen används är femfaktor-teorin samt riskbenägenhet. Empiri: Det empiriska materialet som används i denna studie är insamlat med hjälp av ett modellföretag samt en kompletterande enkät. Resultat: Studien i denna uppsats har visat att inga samband finns mellan revisorns psykologiska egenskaper samt dennes värdering av ett varumärke. Detta berör både faktorerna i femfaktor-teorin samt riskbenägenhet. Ett eventuellt samband finns mellan variablen agreeableness och varumärkesvärderingen,men då signifikans ej finns för hela modellen är det inget som statistiskt kan säkerställas. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship of the auditor’s underlying psychological characteristics’ effect on the valuation of a brand. Methodology: This study applied a positivist concept of science with a quantitative research approach. Theory: The theoretical chapter is based on theories of psychological factors. The psychological factors in the essay is based on a five factor-model and risk preference. Empirical foundation: The empirical data used in this study was collected by a use of a model company and a supplemental questionnaire. Conclusions: The study in this paper has shown that no connection exists between the auditor's psychological characteristics, and his valuation of a brand. This affects both factors in fivefactor-theory and risk preference. A possible connection between the variable agreeableness and the value of the brand exists, but the significance was not present for the entire model, therefore it is not statistically ensured.
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Experimental Study of the Microstructural Evolution of Chemical Vapor Deposited (CVD) Nickel upon AnnealingChichi, Chen 23 August 2011 (has links)
The effect of annealing conditions on the microstructure evolution of CVD nickel was investigated systematically in the present study by differential scanning calorimetry, optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), upon both ex-situ and in-situ annealing. TEM observation revealed the as-deposited CVD nickel possessed a bi-modal grain structure, with large columnar grains embedded in nanocrystalline matrix. Ultrafine and nano growth twins were present as well as multiply twinned grains with five-fold symmetry. Microstructure observation upon annealing showed that grain growth did not occur until annealing at 400ºC. Detwinning was observed at 400ºC and higher temperatures. The ultrafine and nano twins tended to transform into dislocation cell structures and this phenomenon was driven by the excess free energy associated with the high density of grown-in twin boundaries. The five-fold twinned grains were found to be thermally stable up to 600ºC. The hardness was observed to decrease with increasing annealing temperature.
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Experimental Study of the Microstructural Evolution of Chemical Vapor Deposited (CVD) Nickel upon AnnealingChichi, Chen 23 August 2011 (has links)
The effect of annealing conditions on the microstructure evolution of CVD nickel was investigated systematically in the present study by differential scanning calorimetry, optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), upon both ex-situ and in-situ annealing. TEM observation revealed the as-deposited CVD nickel possessed a bi-modal grain structure, with large columnar grains embedded in nanocrystalline matrix. Ultrafine and nano growth twins were present as well as multiply twinned grains with five-fold symmetry. Microstructure observation upon annealing showed that grain growth did not occur until annealing at 400ºC. Detwinning was observed at 400ºC and higher temperatures. The ultrafine and nano twins tended to transform into dislocation cell structures and this phenomenon was driven by the excess free energy associated with the high density of grown-in twin boundaries. The five-fold twinned grains were found to be thermally stable up to 600ºC. The hardness was observed to decrease with increasing annealing temperature.
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Two New Heuristics in Response to Formulaic Writing: What Lies beyond Oversimplified Composition InstructionDavis, James T, II 07 July 2011 (has links)
Many high school and college composition students have misused formulaic organizational structures, most conspicuously the five-paragraph theme, as invention tools. This misappropriation comes from teacher and student tendencies to oversimplify both the processes of writing instruction and its practice into countable and inflexible forms. In order to help students move towards improved invention models that respond to the overall rhetorical situation, this dissertation offers two new models of invention, the x, y thesis and the argument guide models. Beginning at the invention stage and extending recursively to all stages of the writing process, these two heuristics help guide students towards informed and analytical choices that respectively build relationships between parts and encourage asymmetrical, content-driven extensions of ideas. These models, individually and collectively, assist students in their efforts to restore a balance between content and form because the models set the students’ invented content at the core of a nonlinear rhetorical action – the composition of an essay that involves all phases of process writing.
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Experimental study of a two-DOF five bar closed-loop mechanismMoazed, Reza 28 August 2006
This research is to carry out an experimental study to examine and verify the effectiveness of the control algorithms and strategies developed at the Advanced Engineering Design Laboratory (AEDL). For this purpose, two objectives are set to be achieved in this research. The first objective is to develop a generic experiment environment (test bed) such that different control approaches and algorithms can be implemented on it. The second objective is to conduct an experimental study on the examined control algorithms, as applied to the above test bed. <p>To achieve the first objective, two main test beds, namely, the real-time controllable (RTC) mechanism and the hybrid machine, have been developed based on a two degree of freedom (DOF) closed-loop five-bar linkage. The 2-DOF closed-loop mechanism is employed in this study as it is the simplest of multi-DOF closed-loop mechanisms, and control approaches and conclusions based on a 2-DOF mechanism are generic and can be applied to a closed-loop mechanism with a higher number of degrees of freedom. The RTC mechanism test bed is driven by two servomotors and the hybrid machine is driven by one servomotor and a traditional CV motor. To achieve the second objective, an experimental study on different control algorithms has been conducted. The Proportional Derivative (PD) based control laws, i.e., traditional iii PD control, Nonlinear-PD (NPD) control, Evolutionary PD (EPD) control, non-linear PD learning control (NPD-LC) and Adaptive Evolutionary Switching-PD (AES-PD) are applied to the RTC mechanism; and as applied to the Hybrid Actuation System (HAS), the traditional PD control and the SMC control techniques are examined and compared. <p> In the case of the RTC mechanism, the experiments on the five PD-based control algorithms, i.e., PD control, NPD control, EPD, NPD-LC, and AES-PD, show that the NPD controller has better performance than the PD controller in terms of the reduction in position tracking errors. It is also illustrated by the experiments that iteration learning control (ILC) techniques can be used to improve the trajectory tracking performance. <p>However, AES-PD showed to have a faster convergence rate than the other ILC control laws. Experimental results also show that feedback ILC is more effective than the feedforward ILC and has a faster convergence rate. In addition, the results of the comparative study of the traditional PD and the Computed Torque Control (CTC) technique at both low and high speeds show that at lower speeds, both of these controllers provide similar results. However, with an increase in speed, the position tracking errors using the CTC control approach become larger than that of the traditional PD control. In the case of the hybrid machine, PD control and SMC control are applied to the mechanism. The results show that for the control of the hybrid machine and the range of speed used in this experimental study, PD control can result in satisfactory performance. However, SMC proved to be more effective than PD control.
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A Path HomeVaid, Ajinderjeet Kaur January 2006 (has links)
With the shift in perspective from temporary to permanent residence in this country, Sikhs are caught in between two polar ends of homeland and diaspora. This thesis attempts to illuminate a third – a universal permanence free of physical barriers. This account describes a movement towards establishing a Sikh homeland that is manifested in the collective Sikh body of the world rather than in the physical land of Punjab.
The turban that is the physical identity of the Sikhs in diaspora has also come to represent the rigidities of the culture, which neglect the omnipresent divinity, and sacredness of every place. In its form and content, this thesis is engaged in “unfolding of the turban” to open it to the new worlds it is now a part of, to create a new beginning as a human body unfolds upon death into its five primal elements on the verge of reviviscence.
Sikhs worldwide are aware of their need to convert diaspora back into a homeland, to fight against restrictions that hinder the completion of rituals of life and death. The unraveling of the turban into an undulating path allows for a new perspective on permanence for the Sikhs in foreign lands. Unfolded into a form of the meandering river, the turban also represents the eternally flowing waters.
The silent sacredness of the water indistinctly exists in Toronto. Behind the towering city, the Don River often flows quietly, leading a life parallel to that of the River Ganges and the River Sutlej. This once pastoral valley that sustained villages and nature is now discarded, in post-industrial despair. Trapped within these modern city confines, the river still secretly retains the power to transfigure souls, but its powers of reviviscence remain unidentified and unused due to restrictive cremation bylaws.
This thesis attempts to create for the Sikhs an essential funeral landscape, whose icons may be read through an anamorphic lens of Sikh culture, while providing for all an opportunity to engage the forgotten river, and its energy.
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How do sensory cues and trust affect the customer experience? : A study on the relationships between sensory cues, trust and experience in the Swedish nightclub industryHelmefalk, Miralem (published under the name Miralem Hasanovic) January 2013 (has links)
Title How do sensory cues and trust affect the customer experience?, A study on the relationships between sensory cues, trust and experience in the Swedish nightclub industry Author Miralem Hasanovic Tutor Soniya Billore Examiner Sarah Philipson Course Marketing Master Programme, Advanced, Spring 2013, Master thesis, 30 ETCS Keywords Experience, Trust, Sensory Marketing, Sensory Cues in Offering Experiences, Nightclubs, Five Senses, Swedish restaurant industry. Purpose Purpose is to investigate the relationships between sensory marketing, trust and experience in nightclubs. Theory Sensory cues in offering experiences, Trust, Experiences. Method Mixed method approach/ Sequenced method 14 observations 7 interviews with companies 102 answers in a survey Findings Visual cues affect the experience mostly positive. Audio cues affect the experience both positive and negative, depending on other aspects as the possibility to escape the loud sound. Touch cues affect the experience mostly negative, which is possible to alter through interior and design. Scent cues are not affecting the industry as for the moment and there is a big gap to fill in here for the industry. Taste cues seem not to matter as much as the other cues. Trust is inflicting experience through expectation and fulfillment of promise. There is a weak (or least enough) correlation of trust and positive experience in nightclubs. Violence does not affect trust considerably towards a nightclub
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