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GAINING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE THROUGH GREEN MARKETING : How green marketing is used as a competitive advantage?Crassous, Thibault, Gassmann, Jeremy January 2012 (has links)
The research question how green marketing is used as a competitive advantage was answered by the analysis of the multiple case-study of two organizations of the boardsports industry, Jade and Notox. The comparison between theories and interviews revealed that, by doing green branding, having eco-labels, and implementing the five I’s, Jade and Notox are differentiating. This differentiation provides them a competitive advantage. In addition, Jade and Notox innovate in green materials and processes which, coupled with eco-labels, maintain the differentiation and generate a sustainable advantage.
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Conscientiousness, Locus of Control och ArbetsmotivationPetersson, Kristina, Suvanto, Mikaela January 2010 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka om det finns samband mellan conscientiousness, Locus of Control och arbetsmotivation samt om ålder och anställningslängd predicerar en del av ar-betsmotivation. Studien omfattade 63 anställda (28 kvinnor och 35 män) på ett telekommuni-kationsföretag i Sverige. För att studera conscientiousness användes ett egenformulerat test med god intern homogenitet, Cronbachs alfa = 0,85. För att mäta Locus of Control och ar-betsmotivation användes redan konstruerade test med god validitet och reliabilitet, skapade av Rotter (1966) och Cammann, Fichman, Jenkins och Klesh (i Bowling & Hammond 2008). I den statistiska prövningen användes både bivariat korrelation i form av Spearmans rho och MRA-standard och hierarkisk. Spearmans rho visade ett signifikant samband mellan consci-entiousness och arbetspsykologisk motivation. Standard MRA visar att endast conscientious-ness förklarar en del av arbetspsykologisk motivation. Varken ålder eller anställningslängd predicerade delar av arbetspsykologisk motivation, vilket inte stämmer överens med tidigare forskning. I diskussionen förs resonemang om resultatet i relation till tidigare forskning. / The study aimed to investigate whether there are correlations between conscientiousness, Lo-cus of Control and job motivation, and if age and length of service predict job motivation. The study comprised 63 staff (28 women and 35 men) at a telecommunications company in Swe-den. To study conscientiousness, we used a self-constructed test with good internal homo-geneity, Cronbach's alpha = .85. To study Locus of Control and job motivation we used al-ready developed tests, with high validity and reliability, created by Rotter (1966) and Cam-mann, Fichman, Jenkins and Klesh ( in Bowling & Hammond 2008). Statistical tests, using both bivariate correlations such as Spearman's rho and standard and hierarchical MRA showed significant relationship between conscientiousness and job motivation. Using stan-dard MRA shows that only conscientiousness predicts aspects of motivation. Neither age nor length of service predicted aspects of motivation, which is not consistent with previous re-search. The discussion is carried on effect on the outcome in relation to previous research.
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The differences in Frequent and Intense Affect Balance when measuring Subjective Well-being and Personality : A study among young adultsErlandsson, Arvid January 2006 (has links)
In this study 170 Swedish University students participated and evaluated themselves on Subjective well-being with affect balance measured both in frequency and in intensity, and on the five-factor personality factors. The results clearly indicate that intense positive emotions and intense negative emotions correlate positively, and that women experience emotions more intensely than men. Further, measuring affect balance in frequency leads to gender differences in happiness while intensity affect balance does not. Neuroticism (inverted) and extraversion are both strong predictors of happiness, but when using frequent affect-balance, neuroticism evidently stands out as the better of the two. Extraversion and to some extent neuroticism are intensifying people’s emotions. The findings suggest future research to distinguish between intense and frequent affects when calculating Subjective well-being.
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Road Cabotage in the Swedish haulage industry : A survey on three haulage companiesEricsson, Jesper, Frick, Henrik, Nordgren, Olov January 2006 (has links)
Bachelor thesis in Logistics Management, School of Management and Economics, Växjö University, EKL 361, Spring 2006-05-24 Authors: Jesper Ericsson, Olov Nordgren, Henrik Frick Tutor: Åsa Gustafsson/ Helena Forslund Examiner: Helena Forslund Title: Road cabotage in the Swedish haulage industry Author supplied keywords: Transportation, European Union, Haulage Company, Road Cabotage, Five Forces Model and Generic Strategies. Background: In 1998 the European Union introduced the concept of free road cabotage. The concept implies that haulers from different Member States are allowed to perform domestic transportation in another Member State as long as it is conducted on a temporary basis. The introduction of cabotage has given rise to new competitive conditions on domestic markets within the European Union. Not all haulage companies within the European Union have the same competitive prerequisites. Swedish haulers have a high cost structure in comparison with foreign haulers and therefore it is interesting to see how they are affected by cabotage. Research Questions: o How do Swedish haulers perceive cabotage in their industry and how do they manage it today? o Which improvements can be achieved strategically to sustain and/or improve Swedish haulers’ competitive situation towards foreign haulers? Purpose: The objective of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how Swedish haulers’ are affected by competition concerning road cabotage. Depending on how they are affected by road cabotage we also intend to present strategic improvements that can sustain and/or improve their competitive ability. Methodology: Survey on three haulage companies Theoretical Framework: For our first research question we have chosen to present the concept of cabotage to enlighten readers. To be able to understand what characterises the Swedish haulage industry we have chosen Porter’s Five Forces Model as a foundation. The results from the Five Forces Model are used as inputs to the theories concerning Porter’s generic strategy. Conclusions: Through this bachelor thesis we have concluded that Swedish haulers are in different ways affected by road cabotage. Depending on their type of business, they are more or less affected by cabotage. Through differentiation Swedish haulers can sustain and improve their competitive situation. The differentiation should be focused on issues regarding markets, customers, and specific service characteristics that are difficult for foreign competitors to imitate.
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Sambandet mellan personlighet och arbetsmotivation bland kvinnliga entreprenörerPiguillet, Doris January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Fördomar och urvalsprocessen till polisutbildningenBanck, Nicklas January 2007 (has links)
Över 6000 personer söker till de 900 lediga studieplatserna vid polishögskolan vid varje ansökningstillfälle. Urvalet för att tillsätta dessa platser är således stort. Kritik har dock riktats mot polisens urvalsprocess som har utpekats för inte tillräckligt kunna identifiera och gallra ut olämpliga individer med låg och bristfällig respekt och inställning till andra människor och olikheter. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka skillnader i fördomar mellan två grupper; sökande till, och studerande vid polishögskolan (N=84) och jämföra dessa med en ickepolisiär kontrollgrupp. Fördomarna mättes med tre moderna fördomsfullhetsskalor; rasism, sexism och fördomar mot homosexuella. Studien undersökte även undersökningsdeltagarnas personlighetstyper med Big-Five Inventory (BFI), Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) och Social Dominance Orientation (SDO). Inga skillnader mellan grupperna i fördomsfullhet hittades, dock visade sig kombinationen av BFI, RWA och SDO vara bra på att predicera fördomsfullhet. Resultaten diskuterades och polisutbildningens urvalsprocess uppmanas reflektera över införande av motsvarande personlighetstest.
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The big five as predictors of procedural justice perceptionsWrenn, Kimberly Andrews 17 October 2005 (has links)
This study investigated the Big Five as predictors of procedural justice perceptions. Perceptions of a personality test, an assessment interview, a cognitive test, and the process as a whole were measured immediately after testing and again after the selection process outcome was known. The strongest pattern of relationships emerged between extraversion and procedural justice perceptions of the personality test and the individual assessment interview. No other personality factors were consistently predictive of procedural justice perceptions. Selection process outcome was not predictive of procedural justice perceptions. Comparisons across measures revealed that applicants perceived the assessment interview more positively than the personality test or the cognitive test and that applicants perceived the process as a whole more positively than the individual measures.
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noneHsieh, Ming-yu 28 June 2010 (has links)
In the trend of international development, multinational corporations should face three major international challenges: global integration and coordination, regional differences and responses and global innovation and learning. The backgrounds and motivations that enterprises adopt the strategy of internationalization are different. Whereas, enterprises to implement international strategies will inevitably involve the design and layout of channels. Therefore, ¡§Distribution Channel Strategies¡¨ are the major business strategies of the overseas subsidiaries of multinational corporations.
Today is the era of ¡§who controlling the channels will win.¡¨ Besides providing superior quality products or service, enterprises should have adequate channels to, with lower cost or shorter transferring time, give customers convenient points to purchase and send the products to the target market, therefore, to create a good business performance.
This thesis focuses on the distribution channel strategies of multi-national companies and gives a case study of ¡§Taiwan Furukawa.¡¨ We investigate internal and external environments and the business performances of two distribution channel strategies, and use case study method to the empirical analysis, which belonging to a single case design with a single design pattern of the subject. Three industry analysis methods, including value chain analysis, SWOT analysis, and five force analysis, is adopted to analyze the internal and external environments.
We find that the sharp drop in revenue alerted Taiwan Furukawa to investigate the agencies and corporate customers in the sales network. They found the problem is that the business objectives of the agencies and Taiwan Furukawa are inconsistent, causing a significant reduction in sales volume. Then, the revenue has grown significantly after Taiwan Furukawa adopting ¡§direct sales¡¨ and ¡§zero-stage channel¡¨ substituting for ¡§indirect sales¡¨ and ¡§one-stage channel,¡¨ respectively. Above all, we find the ¡§zero-stage channel¡¨ has three functions, including direct sales, information channel, and customer service.
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The Study on Transformation Strategy in Production Base in Taiwan for the Printed Circuit Board Industry ¡V A Corporation as Case StudyTu, Kung-Tzu 10 August 2010 (has links)
In recent years China's rapid rise and low-cost advantages, has brought the greatest impact on the printed circuit board industry, low-cost competition for the majority of Taiwanese companies are not strengths, combined with the financial crisis began in 2008, followed by 2009, the world consumer electronics market tightening, are tested in Taiwan for the production of printed circuit board industry base in the viability of manufacturers. In this study, through the study of Taiwan as a production base in case the printed circuit board companies, in the face of financial crisis in 2008, and follow-up to internal and external changes in the industry and the growth and decline of national competitiveness, the restructuring strategy is adopted to overcome the external environmental challenges of rapid change, which concludes with Taiwan as a production base of the printed circuit board industry, in the face of financial turmoil and economic environment changes and the overall production of cross-strait ECFA signed, to the advantage of strengths and talents of Taiwan culture resources, so printed circuit board manufacturing industry can continue to Taiwan as a production base, more competitive challenges towards internationalization.
In this study, the research method is qualitative research in the case study method, the scope of the production base of a Taiwanese printed circuit board industry, the use of literature survey and data compilation, and the case company interviews, and data collation, the first stage first motive of enterprise transformation, analysis and use of five forces analysis and diamond model to understand the background and conditions of business transformation, the second stage, the case company interviews, SWOT analysis summarized the case company and the feasibility assessment and develop transformation strategies, and understanding of the transformation strategy of the key success factors.
The study concludes on the hope that the production base in Taiwan for the printed circuit board industry in the face of changing external environment when assessing the feasibility of transformation strategy and development, and further development of Taiwan companies for the future a reference transformation strategy.
Keywords¡GPrinted Circuit Board (PCB), Five Forces Analysis, Diamond Model, SWOT Analysis, Transformation Strategies
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A Study of the New Energy Developing Strategy of International Energy Company ¡V A Case Study of A-CompanyLin, Sheng-I 10 August 2010 (has links)
Humanity is more civilized more cannot live without energy, but along with its heavier depending on the tradition fossil energy, also facing the resources exhausting and the environmental protection subject, the enhancement development of¡§renewable energy resources¡¨and¡§green energy resources¡¨has become the trend of global pursued. From the global climate vicissitude conference, proposed especially reduces the greenhouse gas emissions, every countries racks one's brains all, pondered how to reduce degree of dependency of the fossil energy and diversify the energy resources. Since developing new energy for future is an inevitably tendency, then how to position and how to plan the new energy strategy turns into the most important topic for each international energy company.
This study namely takes A-Company as an example, discusses new energy strategy of the main global international energy company. This study aims at each advanced countries and the main international energy company first the new energy strategy, carries on the preliminary comparison and the analysis, then from competitive advantage theories and SWOT analysis, five strength analyses, product life cycle, diamond model, discusses the new energy strategy for A-Company .In this study case, To improve energy efficency, To manage emissions and To diversify the energy resources are the best new energy strategy, so that it can be well competitive advantaged . This study also suggests A-Company with some feasible planning actions to cope with the future energy developing scenario .
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