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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hybrid orthogonal code sequences for high-density synchronous CDMA systems

Pramaita, Nyoman January 2014 (has links)
One of the primary tasks of the mobile system designers in order to support high density of devices in a CDMA system is to create a code sequence with a capacity for large number of spreading code sequences having low cross-correlation values between them, in order to ensure accommodation of large number of users and to minimise the effect of multiple access interference. In this research, the design for a novel hybrid orthogonal very large set (HOVLS) code sequence is proposed for high density mobile application scenarios. The design and development of both fixed and variable spreading factor code sequences are presented in this thesis. Both type of code sequences have been implemented via simulation using Matlab/Simulink. The performance of the code sequences has been evaluated and compared with that of existing code sequences. The proposed code sequences are more advantageous for high density mobile networks. The unique feature of the fixed length HOVLS code sequence is that its ACF, CCF, and BER performances are similar to that of orthogonal Gold code sequence and orthogonal m-sequence under Rayleigh flat and frequency selective fading channel conditions while having a significantly higher capacity than those orthogonal code sequences. The proposed HOVLS code sequence could support 134 different cells which is more than twice than that of orthogonal Gold code sequence and orthogonal m-sequence. To the knowledge of the author, this is the largest reported family size in the literature for an orthogonal code sequence for CDMA applications. In order to support variable data rate, fixed length HOVLS code sequence was developed into orthogonal variable spreading factor code sequence. It is shown that the proposed OVSF code sequence has slightly better CCF than those of OVSF Gold code sequence and m-sequence in terms of CM (correlation margin). The ACF of the proposed OVSF code sequence is similar to those of OVSF Gold code sequence and m-sequence. The proposed OVSF code sequence possesses comparable BER performance to those of orthogonal Gold code sequence and orthogonal m-sequence under flat fading channel condition. Whereas, the BER performance of the proposed OVSF code sequence is slightly better than that of Gold code sequence and OVSF m-sequence under frequency selective fading channel. Therefore, the proposed HOVLS code sequence is appropriate code sequence in CDMA systems than those of orthogonal Gold code sequence and orthogonal m-sequence for both fixed and variable rate high density network applications.

Análise comparativa das tensões e deformações entre próteses implantossuportadas de três elementos com dois ou três pilares /

Nishioka, Gabriela Nogueira de Melo. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Guilherme de Siqueira Ferreira Anzalone Saavedra / Banca: Alberto Noriyuki Kojima / Banca: José Scarso Filho / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as tensões e deformações in vitro, por meio da fotoelasticidade e da extensometria, em próteses parciais fixas implantossuportadas de três elementos variando o número de pilares: dois e três. O primeiro bloco de poliuretano (modelo mestre 1) recebeu três implantes e o segundo (modelo mestre 2) recebeu dois implantes, todos de hexágono externo. Em seguida, os modelos mestre foram duplicados em resina fotoelástica. Pilares protéticos microunit foram conectados aos implantes com torque de 20 Ncm. Sobre os pilares protéticos dos modelos mestre foram parafusados cilindros plásticos, que receberam estruturas em padrões de resinas, os quais foram fundidos em liga de Ni-Cr (n=10). Quatro extensômetros foram colados na superfície de cada bloco de poliuretano, tangenciando os implantes. Nos modelos mestre e nos modelos fotoelásticos, cada estrutura metálica foi parafusada sobre os pilares protéticos com torque de 10 Ncm. Os dados obtidos na extensometria foram submetidos aos testes estatísticos RM ANOVA e Tukey (5%). As franjas isocromáticas obtidas nos modelos fotoelásticos após cada condição de carga foram registradas com uma câmera digital, visualizadas em um programa de computador e comparadas qualitativamente. Resultados: Houve uma diferença estatística significante entre a quantidade de suporte de uma prótese fixa (p=0,001). Os resultados revelaram que três implantes apresentaram uma melhor distribuição das cargas em qualquer ponto analisado e ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present study used photoelastic and strain gauge analysis to compare stress and microstrain to perform an in vitro evaluation of the effect of the numbers of support in a implant-supported fixed partial prostheses with tree elements. The first polyurethane block (master model 1) will contain three implants and the second block (model 2) two of them, all implants have a external hexagon. Then, the master models were duplicated in photoelastic resin. Microunit abutments were connected to the implants and received a 20 Ncm torque. Over the master model plastic prosthetic cylinders were screwed the abutments that received standard patterns cast in Ni-Cr alloy (n=10). Four strain gauges (SG) were bonded in the surface of the block, tangentially to the lateral implants. On the master model and photoelastic model, each metallic structure were screwed onto the abutments with a 10 Ncm torque. The data obtained from the strain gauge were analyzed statistically by RM ANOVA and Tukey's test, with a 5% conventional level of significance. The isochromatic fringes obtained in the photoelastic models after each load condition were recorded with a digital camera, visualized with software to facilitate qualitative analysis. Results: There was statistically significant differences in support of FPD( p=0,001).The results demonstrated that 3 implants has higher stress distribution and in the pontic of FPD we found higher stress (2326,95µε in 2 implants and 1006,57µε in 3 implants).In photoelastic images, 3 implants presented better stress distribution than 2 implants. Conclusions: Both methods found similar results. This study suggests ....(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

Comportamento biomecânico de implantes retos e angulados sobre cargas axiais e não axiais por análise de elementos finitos e extensometria linear /

Tribst, João Paulo Mendes. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Renato Sussumu Nishioka / Banca: Alexandre Luiz Souto Borges / Banca: Francisley Ávila Souza / Resumo: Este trabalho buscou estudar as microdeformações geradas ao redor de implantes de hexágono externo durante carregamentos axiais e não axiais, variando-se a angulação dos implantes, utilizando a análise por elementos finitos e a extensometria linear como ferramentas. Inicialmente modelos 3D de diferentes próteses fixas foram construídos a fim de se permitir uma correlação dos resultados encontrados no modelo simplificado com o modelo anatômico e assim validar a geometria da prótese utilizada no estudo. Após a confirmação dos resultados de tensão similar entre as próteses na região dos implantes e do bloco, o modelo da prótese simplificada foi definida como válida. Em seguida, um modelo de bloco de poliuretano foi criado e duplicado. Implantes com conexão de hexágono externo (HE) foram modelados e em um bloco representados perpendiculares à superfície enquanto que em outro bloco foram colocados com inclinação de 17°. Foram modelados também intermediários do tipo mini pilar cônico retos e angulados conforme a inclinação dos implantes. Por último, foi utilizado o modelo de supraestrutura previamente validada para ambos os grupos, na qual a carga foi incidida. Todos os constituintes foram considerados perfeitamente simétricos, sólidos, isotrópicos. Os modelos receberam cargas de 300 N/cm em pontos axiais e não axiais através do software de análise por elementos finitos para se verificar a tensão máxima principal e as microdeformações. Em seguida, através da análise experimental de... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract:This Work aimed to study the microstrains generated around external hexagon implants during axial and non-axial loads, varying the angulation of the implants, using finite element analysis and linear strain gauge as tools. Initially 3D models of different fixed prostheses were constructed in order to allow a correlation of the results found in the simplified model with the anatomical model and thus validate the geometry of the prosthesis used in the study. After confirming the results of similar stress between the prostheses in the implants and the block region, the simplified prosthesis was defined as valid. After, a polyurethane block model was created and duplicated. Implants with external hexagon connection (HE) were modeled and inserted perpendiculary into one block while in another block, were placed with the inclination of 17 °. Straight and angled mini conical abutments were also modeled according to the inclination of the implants. Finally, the supra-structure previously validated for both groups was used, through which the load was affected. All constituents were considered perfectly symmetrical, solid, and isotropic. The models received a load of 300 N / cm in axial and non-axial points through the finite element analysis software, to verify the maximum principal stress and microstrains. Then, through the experimental analysis of strain-gauge, two polyurethane blocks were prepared and received three HE implants each, as well as respective mini tapered pillars according to the inclination of the installed implants. Then, a metallic superstructure, identical to the computational model, was cast in Ni-Cr and screwed onto the implants with torque of 10 N / cm. The load of 300 N / cm was applied for 10 seconds at axial and non-axial points. To measure the microstrains, four extensometers were glued on the surface of....(Resumo completo, clicar a acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

Observing the unobservable? : Segmentation of tourism expenditure in Venice usingunobservable heterogeneity to find latent classes

Lundberg, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
Consumer segmentation based on expenditure are usually done by using observedcharacteristics, such as age and income. This thesis highlights the problem with negativeexternalities which Venice suffers from, due to mass tourism. This thesis aims to assesswhether unobservable heterogeneity can be used to detect latent classes within tourismexpenditure. Segmenting the tourism market using this approach is valuable for policy making.Segmenting is also useful for the actors in the market to identify and attract high spenders. Inthat way, a destination may uphold a sustainable level of tourism instead of increasing touristnumbers. The method used for this approach is finite mixture modelling (FMM), which is notmuch used within consumer markets and therefore this thesis also contributes to tourismexpenditure methodology. This thesis adds to the literature by increasing the knowledge aboutthe importance of unobserved factors when segmenting visitors.The results show that four latent classes are found in tourism expenditure. Some of thevariables, which are significant in determining tourism expenditure, are shown to affectexpenditure differently in different classes while some are shown not to be significant. Theconclusions are that segmenting tourism expenditure, using unobserved heterogeneity, issignificant and that variables, which are barely significant in determining the expenditure ofthe population, can be strongly significant in determining the expenditure for a certain class.

Austrian Outbound Foreign Direct Investment in Europe: A spatial econometric study

Fischer, Manfred M., Pintar, Nico, Sargant, Benedikt 19 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This paper focuses on Austrian outbound foreign direct investment (FDI, measured by sales of Austrian affiliates abroad) in Europe over the period 2009-2013, using a spatial Durbin panel data model specification with fixed effects, and a spatial weight matrix based on the first-order contiguity relationship of the countries and normalised by its largest eigenvalue. Third-country effects essentially enter the empirical analysis in two major ways: first, by the endogenous spatial lag on FDI (measured by FDI into markets nearby the host country), and, second, by including an exogenous market potential variable that measures the size of markets nearby the FDI host country in terms of gross domestic product. The question whether the empirical result is compatible with horizontal, vertical, export-platform or complex vertical FDI then depends on the sign and significance levels of both the coefficient of the spatial lag on FDI and the direct impact estimate of the market potential variable. The paper yields robust results that provide significant empirical evidence for horizontal FDI as the main driver of Austrian outbound FDI in Europe. This result is strengthened by the indirect impact estimate of the market potential variable indicating that spatial spillovers do not matter. (authors' abstract) / Series: Working Papers in Regional Science

Tidsförskjutningar av flyttfåglars höstmigration och vistelse i häckningsområdet : betydelsen av att kunna variera kullantalet i ett varmare klimat / Time Shifts of Birds´ Autumn migration and Lenght of Stay in the Breeding Area : The significance of being able to vary the number of broods in a warming climate

Lotsander, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The timing of many biological events, including the onset of spring and bird migration, have changed in the recent years due to climate change. This may affect birds’ length of stay in the breeding area. By using Swedish ringing data from two periods, 1979-1989 and 2006-2016, changes in the length of stay between birds with different migration modes and seasonal number of broods were analysed. The results indicated that changes in the length of stay differed between species depending on their seasonal number of broods. Species with a fixed number of broods shifted their stay by arriving earlier in the spring and migrating earlier in the fall. In contrast, species with a variable number of broods extended their stay by arriving earlier in the spring without changing the timing of autumn migration. An extended stay might enable a higher reproduction output by giving the opportunity to invest more time in offspring. Thus, climate change might favour species with a variable number of broods. Birds with a fixed number of broods might however not experience the same benefits of a warmer climate because their annual reproductive success often relies on one single brood. Species with a fixed number of broods are generally long-distance migrants and therefore their migration is less flexible. If they do not arrive early enough to match their breeding with the advanced timing of peak food abundance a mismatch arises. As a result, they might be more sensitive to climate change

Análise das volatilidades dos mercados brasileiros de renda fixa e renda variável no período 1986 - 2006 / Study of the volatility of the fixed income market and the stock market in Brazil in a period of 1986-2006

Nara Rossetti 14 December 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a volatilidade dos mercados de renda fixa e renda variável no Brasil, no período de março de 1986 até fevereiro de 2006, por meio do CDI (Certificado de Depósito Interfinanceiro) e IRF-M (Índice de Renda Fixa de Mercado), como indicadores do mercado de renda fixa, e o IBOVESPA (Índice da BOVESPA), como indicador de renda variável. Por meio da comparação da volatilidade destes ativos é possível observar se há coincidência temporal entre os dois mercados, em relação aos picos de volatilidade devido, principalmente, a influência de variáveis macroeconômicas. Tal análise é importante para que os gestores de portfólios, que tomam decisões de como alocar os investimentos, conheçam o histórico e o corrente relacionamento entre as volatilidades dos dois mercados. As volatilidades do mercado de renda fixa e do mercado de renda variável foram calculadas por meio do desvio padrão anual dos retornos mensais e por meio de um modelo GARCH(1,1). Os resultados mostram que, no Brasil, durante o período analisado, os dois mercados apresentaram: períodos coincidentes de picos de volatilidade, grande mudança no padrão comportamental das volatilidades após a implantação do Plano Real e pouca estabilidade na relação entre as volatilidades. / This work aims to study the volatility of the fixed income market and the stock market in Brazil, from March 1986 to February 2006, through CDI (Interbank Interest Rate), IRF-M (Fixed Income Index), as a fixed income market indicators, and IBOVESPA (BOVESPA index), as a stock market indicator. Through the comparison of the volatility of these assets it is possible to observe if there is time frame coincidence between the two markets, in relation to the peaks of volatility due to, mainly the influence of macroeconomics variables. Such analysis is important so that portfolio managers, responsible for decisions such investments allocation, know the history and the actual relationship between the markets volatility. Such analysis is important so that portfolio managers, responsible for decisions such investments allocation, know the history and the actual relationship between the markets volatility. Those fixed income market and stock markets volatilities were calculated through the annual standard deviation of the monthly returns and from a GARCH(1,1) model. The results show that, in Brazil, during the studied period, both markets presents: coincident volatility peaks periods, high change in the behavioral pattern of volatility after the deployment of the Plano Real and little stability in the relationship between the volatility.

Produção e caracterização de biochar de palha de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.) / Production and characterization of sugarcane straw biochar (Saccharum sp.)

Pires, Isis Cristina de Souza Adhmann 06 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Isis Pires (isis@ufscar.br) on 2017-11-09T18:31:35Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Versão Final PDF.pdf: 1982326 bytes, checksum: a60f34a491981fade04b4ea03c368547 (MD5) Carta comprovante de versão final.pdf: 284749 bytes, checksum: 83211b0142332a261bde4324e5f13e16 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi ( ri.bso@ufscar.br) on 2017-11-10T12:08:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Versão Final PDF.pdf: 1982326 bytes, checksum: a60f34a491981fade04b4ea03c368547 (MD5) Carta comprovante de versão final.pdf: 284749 bytes, checksum: 83211b0142332a261bde4324e5f13e16 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi ( ri.bso@ufscar.br) on 2017-11-10T12:10:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Versão Final PDF.pdf: 1982326 bytes, checksum: a60f34a491981fade04b4ea03c368547 (MD5) Carta comprovante de versão final.pdf: 284749 bytes, checksum: 83211b0142332a261bde4324e5f13e16 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-10T12:10:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Versão Final PDF.pdf: 1982326 bytes, checksum: a60f34a491981fade04b4ea03c368547 (MD5) Carta comprovante de versão final.pdf: 284749 bytes, checksum: 83211b0142332a261bde4324e5f13e16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-06 / Não recebi financiamento / The aim of this work was to study pyrolysis conditions (thermal degradation in a controlled presence of oxygen) for make biochar is a kind the raw-material used was the sugarcane straw (Saccharum sp.), that is an abundant residue in the fields. Pyrolysis techniques were used with fixed time of 3 hours and temperature variations of 200 °C, 250 °C, 300 ° and 400 °C, totalizing four treatments. The Biochar produced was characterized by immediate and thermogravimetric analyses. The obtained results showed the lignocellulosic materials transformation to fixed carbon, and the direct influence of pyrolysis temperature on cellulose and lignin degradation. The fixed carbon content obtained for the treatments carried out were T1 = 42 %, T2 = 51 %, T3 = 59 % and T4 = 65 %. The gravimetric yields were T1 = 55 %, T2 = 36 %, T3 = 30 % and T4 = 25 %. It can be observed the direct influence of the pyrolysis temperature in the cellulose and lignin degradation in the thermogravimetric analyses. Aiming the equilibrium between gravimetric yield and fixed carbon content, can be concluded that the better temperature for the slow pyrolysis, in the conditions developed in this work, was about to 250 °C. / Este estudo buscou condições de pirólise (degradação térmica com presença limitada de oxigênio) para produção de biochar, o que é um carvão vegetal destinado ao emprego como condicionador de solos. A matéria-prima utilizada foi a palha de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.). Foram realizadas pirólises com tempo fixo de 3h e variação de temperaturas de 200 (T1), 250 (T2), 300 (T3) e 400 (T4), totalizando quatro tratamentos. O biochar produzido foi caracterizado por meio de análise imediata e termogravimétrica. Os teores de carbono fixo encontrados para os tratamentos foram 42% (T1), 51% (T2), 59% (T3) e 65% (T4), e os rendimentos gravimétricos para 55% (T1), 36% (T2), 30% (T3) e 25% (T4). Pode-se observar a influência direta da temperatura de pirólise na degradação da celulose e lignina através das análises termogravimétricas. Almejando o equilíbrio entre rendimento gravimétrico e teor de carbono fixo, pode-se concluir que a melhor temperatura para pirólise, nas condições desenvolvidas neste estudo foi de aproximadamente 250ºC.

Comportamento sob fadiga de restaurações cerâmicas ultrafinas cimentadas adesivamente em preparos correspondentes aos dentes posteriores / Fatigue behavior of ultrafine tabletop posterior ceramic restorations adhesively cemented

Abu-Izze, Fernanda de Oliveira 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by FERNANDA DE OLIVEIRA ABU-IZZE null (fefeizze@hotmail.com) on 2018-03-12T22:56:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 12.01.18 biblio correção final.pdf: 10328694 bytes, checksum: 640b2d0c989c903e0216bd6a154400e4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Silvana Alvarez null (silvana@ict.unesp.br) on 2018-03-20T20:51:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 abu_izze_fo_me_sjc.pdf: 10328694 bytes, checksum: 640b2d0c989c903e0216bd6a154400e4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-20T20:51:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 abu_izze_fo_me_sjc.pdf: 10328694 bytes, checksum: 640b2d0c989c903e0216bd6a154400e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-01 / A fim de investigar a vida em fadiga, modos de falha e distribuição de tensões de restaurações ultrafinas parciais, tipo tabletop, em diferentes cerâmicas, sessenta preparos padronizados foram confeccionados em resina epóxi G10 e foram cimentadas adesivamente restaurações cerâmicas de silicato de lítio reforçado com zircônia (ZLS, Vita Suprinity- Vita Zahnfabrik), ou restaurações de cerâmica híbrida (PIC, Vita Enamic- Vita Zahnfabrik), em 0,5 ou 1 mm de espessura. O mesmo protocolo de ciclagem foi aplicado para todos os espécimes, que consistiu em 5.000 ciclos a 200 N, seguidos de 450 N ciclos até a fratura dos espécimes ou a suspensão do teste após 1,5 x 106 ciclos. A carga axial foi realizada com uma freqüência de 4 Hz no equipamento Biocycle V2 (Biopdi, São Carlos, SP), com amostras imersas em água. A presença de falhas e/ou fraturas foi verificada a cada 2,5 x 105 ciclos e a análise de sobrevivência foi realizada com o número de ciclos em que cada espécime falhou. Os espécimes foram avaliados usando estereomicroscópio e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Após a tabulação de dados, foram realizados Kaplan-Meier e Mantel-Cox (Teste Log Rank), seguindo de comparação múltipla aos pares, todos com nível de significância de 5% e análise de Weibull. Através da análise tridimensional de elementos finitos, a distribuição de tensões máximas principais (TMP) nas tabletop oclusais posteriores foram avaliados comparando diferentes tipos de substrato (G10, esmalte/dentina, esmalte), espessuras e materiais cerâmicos. As restaurações de silicato de lítio reforçadas com zircônia com 0,5 mm de espessura (ZLS.5) apresentaram menor resistência à fadiga em comparação com restaurações cerâmicas híbridas de 1,0mm (PIC1), e ambas foram similares a outras restaurações (PIC.5 e ZLS1); X2 = 11,2; df = 3; p = 0,0107 <0,05). Os grupos ZLS apresentaram defeitos aleatórios que culminaram com a fratura, ao passo que os grupos PIC apresentaram defeitos que aumentaram com a fadiga mecânica após algum tempo sob ciclagem. As imagens do estereomicroscópio mostram falhas radiais observadas devido à translucidez do material, não houve danos causados pelo aplicador de carga. A distribuição de TMP foi semelhante para os diferentes tipos de substrato, mas o maior módulo de elasticidade mostrou uma concentração de tensão ligeiramente menor. É favorável o uso de PIC em espessura delgada, com resistência à fadiga semelhante à restaurações de ZLS mais espessas. / To investigate the fatigue life, failure modes and stress distribution of partial ultrafine restorations for posterior teeth in different ceramics, sixty standard tabletop preparations in epoxy resin G10 received lithium silicate based zirconia reinforced (ZLS, Vita Suprinity- Vita Zahnfabrik), or hybrid ceramic (PIC, Vita Enamic- Vita Zahnfabrik), restorations in .5 or 1 mm thickness bonded using resin cement. The same cycling protocol was applied for all specimens that consisted of 5.000 cycles at 200 N followed by 450 N cycles until the specimens’ fracture or the suspension of the test after 1.5 x 106 cycles. Axial load was carried out with a 4 Hz frequency in Biocycle V2 equipment (Biopdi, São Carlos, SP), with samples immersed in water. Presence of cracks and/or fractures was checked with every 2,5 x 105 cycles and the survival analysis was performed using the number of cycles in which each specimen failed. All specimens were evaluated using stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). After data tabulation, Kaplan-Meier and Mantel-Cox (Log Rank test) analysis were performed, followed by multiple pairwise comparison, all with a significance level of 5%, and Weibull analysis. Through tridimensional finite element analysis, stresses distribution and maximum principal stresses in the posterior occlusal veneers were evaluated comparing different types of substrate (G10, enamel/dentin, enamel), thicknesses and ceramic materials. Zirconium-reinforced lithium silicate restorations with 0.5 mm thickness (ZLS.5) showed lower fatigue strength compared to 1.0 mm hybrid ceramic restorations (PIC1), and both were similar to other restorations (PIC.5 and ZLS1) (Log-Rank test, X2 = 11.2; df = 3; p = 0.0107<0.05). ZLS groups presented random defects that culminated with the fracture, whereas PIC groups presented defects that increased with the mechanical fatigue after some time under cycling. Stereomicroscope images show radial cracks observed due to the translucency of the material, there was no damage caused by applicator. TMP distribution was similar for the different substrate types, but the highest modulus of elasticity showed slightly lower stress concentration. PIC is favorable to be used in thin thickness with similar fatigue strength to thicker ZLS restorations.

Competição bancária e estabilidade financeira: há trade-off no caso brasileiro? / Bank competition and financial stability: is there a trade-off in the Brazilian case?

Jensen, Letícia Penhalver [UNESP] 28 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Letícia Penhalver Jensen null (leticiapjensen@hotmail.com) on 2016-11-27T20:40:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LETÍCIA PENHALVER JENSEN (3).pdf: 1787297 bytes, checksum: 3109316b5b47c96f2d24de171e80e0ee (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-11-30T14:02:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 jensen_lp_me_arafcl.pdf: 1787297 bytes, checksum: 3109316b5b47c96f2d24de171e80e0ee (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-30T14:02:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 jensen_lp_me_arafcl.pdf: 1787297 bytes, checksum: 3109316b5b47c96f2d24de171e80e0ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-28 / Embora o referencial teórico da relação entre estabilidade financeira e competição bancária seja vasto, não existe consenso na literatura. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é contribuir para a melhor identificação dos padrões dessa relação. Através de uma análise em nível de empresa, ao buscar evidenciar as características microeconômicas dos riscos dos bancos, identificamos quatro modelos que formam estimados por dados em painel. Os resultados obtidos não evidenciam que uma maior concentração de mercado melhora a estabilidade financeira. / Even though the theoretical framework of the trade-off between financial stability and banking competition is vast, there is no agreement in the literature. The main goal of this work is to contribute to the literature in order to a better explanation of this relationship. Through an analysis at a firm level, in highlighting the microeconomic aspects of bank risks , we have identified four models all estimated by panel data. The results did not show that a rise in the market concentration improves financial stability.

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