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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Suryanarayana Karra (6996443) 14 August 2019 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>Surfaces and interfaces in ionic solids play a pivotal role in defining the trans- port properties and microstructural evolution in many of the existing and emerging material applications, including energy-related systems such as fuel cells, recharge- able batteries, as well as advanced electronics such as those found in semiconducting, ferroelectric, and piezotronic applications. Here, a variational framework has been developed to understand the effects of ionic species and point defects on the structural, electrochemical and chemomechanical stability of grain boundaries in polycrystalline ceramics. The theory predicts the equilibrium and phase transition conditions of charged interfaces, and quantifies the properties induced by the broad region of electrochemical and chemomechanical influence in front of a grain boundary capable of spanning anywhere from a few angstroms to entire grains. As an example application, the microstructural mechanisms leading to the onset of the flash during electric field assisted sintering were predicted, where the experimentally observed cascading charge flow, resulting in the onset of a flash event was rationalized. Also, the model was applied to describe the effects of grain boundary drag by the interfacially accumulated ionic species and charged defects during grain growth under electrical, chemical, mechanical, or structural driving forces. Finally, abnormal grain growth in ionic solids with an emphasis on the structural and electrochemical character of the grain boundaries was demonstrated. Here, two moving grain boundary types, highly mobile and immobile interfaces are identified, resulting in three grain size populations. </p> </div> </div> </div>

Síntese e fotoatividade de macroiniciadores baseados em tioxantona - estudo mecanístico e aplicações / Synthesis and photoinitiation activity of macroinitiators based on thioxanthone - mechanistic studies and applications

Escriptorio, Ricardo Augusto 13 October 2011 (has links)
Três macroiniciadores foram sintetizados baseados em tioxantona; MMa-co-TXA, BMa-co-TXA e HMa-co-TXA. Estes macroiniciadores possuem vantagens em relação aos compostos de baixa massa molar apesar do seu alto custo. A fotoatividade destes macroiniciadores e da tioxantona para a polimerização de monômeros monofuncional (MMA) e multifuncionais, 2,2-bis[4-(2-hidroxi-3-metacriloxipropoxi)fenil]propano (Bis-GMA) e dimetacrilato de trietilenoglicol (TEGDMA) foi examinada com as técnicas de Fotocalorimetria Exploratória Diferencial e Espectroscopia de Infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier com acessório de ATR. Os co-iniciadores usados foram as aminas EDB, TEA e DMAEMA. Todos os sistemas foram estudados na ausência de solvente. Os resultados mostraram que os macroiniciadores são mais eficientes do que o composto de baixa massa molar. Medidas de fotólise por pulso de laser permitiram obter o espectro de absorção de transientes dos compostos estudados, bem como a constante de supressão do estado triplete pelas aminas e pelo monômero. A polimerização fotoiniciada pelos macroiniciadores na presença de aminas e dos monômeros foi estudada com o objetivo de se determinar o mecanismo que leva à formação dos radicais iniciadores. Expressões para o rendimento quântico de radicais ativos foram deduzidas a partir do mecanismo proposto. Resultados mostraram que a produção de radicais ativos para os macroiniciadores é maior do que a tioxantona. / In this work three macroinitiators based on thioxanthone were synthesized and characterized; MMA-co-TXA, BMA-co-TXA and HMA-co-TXA. Macroinitiators offer some advantages when compared with their corresponding low molecular weight analog. The photopolymerization initiated by macroinitiators and thioxanthone of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and mixtures of 2,2-bis[4-(2-hydroxy- 3-metacryloxipropoxi)phenyl]propane (Bis-GMA) and triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) was studied through Photocalorimetry (Photo-DSC) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy with ATR accessory. All systems were studied in the absence of solvent (bulk) using EDB, TEA and DMAEMA, as co-initiators. Measures of Laser Flash Photolysis determined the transient absorption spectra of the compounds and also the bimolecular rate constants for the triplet quenching of the compounds. The polymerization reaction of the macroinitiator in presence of amine and monomer was studied in order to determine the mechanism leading to the formation of radical initiators. Expressions for the quantum yield of radicals assets were deducted from the proposed mechanism. Results showed that the radical production assets to macroinitiator is greater than the thioxanthone, making macroinitiators more efficient than the low molecular weight compound.

Fotofísica e fotoquímica de tioxantonas aneladas e avaliação de sua eficiência como fotoiniciador na polimerização de diacrilatos / Photophysic and photochemistry of annelated thioxanthones and evaluation of efficiency as photoinitiator in polymerization of diacrylate

Bernardo, Douglas Rosa 14 April 2011 (has links)
Foram sintetizados a 5-tia-pentaceno-14-ona (TX-A) e a 5-tia-naftaceno-12-ona (TX-Np), dois compostos derivados da tioxantona, para serem usados como fotiniciadores em reações de polimerização de diacrilatos. Após purificação usando cromatografia em coluna e líquida de alta eficiência, esses compostos foram caracterizados por análise elementar (AE), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (IV) e de ressonância magnética nuclear de próton (1H RMN). A caracterização do comportamento espectroscópico dos compostos foi feita utilizando-se espectroscopia na região do ultravioleta e visível (UV-vis) e de fluorescência. A UV-vis revelou que a TX-A apresenta maior absorção na região do visível em relação à TX-Np. Os resultados de fluorescência evidenciaram a dependência do solvente na emissão, juntamente com o comportamento das transições presentes. Os tempos de vida das espécies singlete foram determinados como sendo da ordem de nanosegundos, sendo maior em meio de solventes hidroxílicos polares. A fotólise por pulso de laser foi utilizada para estudar a absorção dos transientes, demonstrando que a TX-Np apresenta três máximos de absorção em 340, 450 e 590 nm, que foram atribuídos aos transientes do estado triplete/radical, radical cetila e ao estado triplete respectivamente, cujos tempos de vida se situam na ordem de microssegundos. Já a TX-A apresentou dois máximos de absorção em 415 e 515 nm, que correspondem à absorção do estado triplete do antraceno resultante da transferência de intramolecular de energia entre grupos da molécula. A avaliação do desempenho de ambos os compostos como fotoiniciadores foi feita com o auxílio da Fotocalorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (Foto-DSC) usando-se como modelo uma mistura dos monômeros BisGMa (dimetacrilato de bisfenilglicidila) e TEGDMA (dimetacrilato de trienilo glicol) nas proporções: 70:30; 30:70 e 50:50 (m/m), respectivamente. Estes estudos demonstraram que utilizando-se a TX-Np como fotoiniciador, a polimerização ocorreu com maior velocidade no sistema contendo maior proporção de BisGMA, que torna o sistema mais viscoso. Entretanto, maiores graus de conversão foram obtidos utilizando maiores proporções de TEGDMA, ou seja, misturas menos viscosa. Utilizando a TX-A, o sistema contendo BisGMA e TEGDMA na proporção 70:30 (m/m), apresentou maior velocidade de polimerização, enquanto a mistura contendo quantidades de massa iguais dos dois monômeros foi a que apresentou o maior grau de conversão. Quanto à influência de O2, apenas a TX-A apresentou resultado significativo na polimerização, quando o experimento foi realizado em ar. / The 5-thia-pentacene-14-one (TX-A) and 5-thia-naphthacene-12-one (TX-Np), both derivatives of thioxanthone have been synthesized and evaluated in relation to their performance as photoinitiators in diacrylates polymerization reaction. After purifying by column and liquid chromatography the compounds were characterized by elemental analysis (EA), spectroscopy in the infrared region (IR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR). The spectral behavior of the thioxanthone derivatives was performed by spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible range (Uv-vis) and fluorescence. The UV-vis results revealed that TX-A presents higher absorption in the visible range than the TX-Np. The fluorescence data evidenced a dependence of the solvent nature in the emission. The life time of singlet species was determined as in the nano-seconds level, being higher in polar hydroxilic solvents medium. The laser flash-photolysis was used to investigate the transients absorption, revealing that the TX-Np have three absorption maxima at 340, 450 and 590 nm, which were attributed to the triplet state/radical, cetyl radical and triplet state, respectively, whose lifetimes were in the microseconds scale. Meanwhile, the TX-A showed two absorption maxima at 415 and 515 nm corresponding to the anthracene triplet state absorption from an intramolecular energy transfer between groups of the molecule. The performance of both photoinitiators had been evaluated by Photocalorimetry, using a mixture of bisphenylglycidyl dimetacrilate (BisGMA) and triethileneglycol dimetracrylate (TEGDMA) containing 70:30; 30:70 and 50:50 (w/w) of each monomer respectively. Such studies demonstrated that using TX-Np as a photoinitiator the rate of polymerization was higher when larger amounts of BisGMA is used in the mixture, making the system more viscous. However higher conversion degrees were found when higher amounts of TEGDMA are used, that means in less viscous mixtures. When TX-A is used as a photoinitiator the system containing 70:30 (w/w) of BisGMA and TEGDMA, showed higher rate of polymerizations while the mixture containing equal amounts of both monomers presented a higher conversion degree. Concerning the O2 influence, only the TX-A presented a significant polymerization extent when the experiment was performed in the presence of air.

Prise en compte des vulnérabilités territoriales dans l'avertissement des crues rapides : vers une amélioration de la méthode AIGA. / Taking into account territorial vulnerabilities for flash flood warning : towards an improvement of the AIGA method

Saint-Martin, Clotilde 22 November 2018 (has links)
Anticiper les inondations constitue un enjeu majeur pour les communes exposées aux crues car c’est sur cette anticipation que repose l’ensemble de la chaîne d’alerte, garante de la sécurité des personnes et des biens. Si un système de suivi du risque de dommages liés aux crues est disponible pour un cinquième du réseau hydrographique français, les petits cours d’eau composant les quatre cinquièmes restants ne font pas partie du dispositif de suivi temps réel du ministère en charge de l’écologie, appelé « Vigicrues ». Or il s’agit également des cours d’eau les plus concernés par le phénomène de crues rapides, pour lesquelles l’anticipation joue un rôle crucial en gestion de crise. Voilà pourquoi début 2017, Vigicrues a été complété par un service automatique d'avertissement des crues appelé Vigicrues Flash. Ce système permet de fournir en temps réel une information sur l’intensité de la crue des cours d’eau pour 10 000 communes françaises.Même si ce nouveau service constitue un réel progrès pour les communes jusqu’alors dépourvues de système d’anticipation, la méthode AIGA qui constitue le cœur de Vigicrues Flash possède certaines limites. L’une d’entre elles, est le fait que la méthode n’avertit que sur le niveau de rareté de la crue, sans tenir compte des enjeux présents. Or, pour générer un avertissement efficace, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte les conséquences potentielles de cette crue. Cette thèse a donc pour but de permettre l’estimation anticipée des dommages liés aux crues rapides, en particulier sur les bassins non jaugés. Pour cela, nous proposons une méthode d’estimation du risque de dommages fondée d’une part sur la qualification de l’intensité de l’aléa crue par la méthode AIGA et d’autre part sur la prise en compte de la vulnérabilité du territoire. Cette dernière a été construite à partir d’une approche bottom-up innovante, directement auprès de gestionnaires du risque. Le croisement de ces deux types d’informations a permis de fournir une première caractérisation du risque de dommages liés aux inondations sous la forme d’un indice de risque dynamique.En adaptant des tests de performances issus de la météorologie, nous avons pu évaluer notre indice par rapport à la méthode AIGA seule. Des informations sur les dommages déjà existantes (les arrêtés « CATNAT » issus de la BD GASPAR) ou spécifiquement collectées (la BD DamaGIS constituée pour cette thèse à partir d’informations présentes notamment sur les réseaux sociaux) constituent nos données de validation. Notre évaluation a porté sur 12 communes dans les Alpes-Maritimes, 69 dans le Gard et 28 dans le Var, et s’est faite de deux manières complémentaires : d’une part une évaluation en continue et exhaustive à partir des arrêtes CATNAT pris pour nos communes sur toute la période 1998-2016 ; et d’autre part une évaluation événementielle, mais à l’échelle infra-communale.Nos résultats montrent que le passage de la caractérisation de l’aléa à celle du risque améliore nettement la pertinence des avertissements émis, surtout à l’échelle infra-communale. Les dommages y sont mieux détectés, avec un taux moindre de fausse alertes. Cette thèse ouvre donc de réelles perspectives d’amélioration de la chaîne de l’alerte actuelle, permettant de mieux organiser la réponse des services de secours et de gestion de crise face à l’annonce de dommages potentiels liés aux crues rapides. / Anticipating floods is a major challenge for communities at risk of flooding as the entire warning system – responsible for the safety of people and goods - relies on this anticipation. There is an existing monitoring system “Vigicrues” for flood damage for a fifth of the river network in France. But for four-fifths of this network, made of small rivers, no monitoring is available. Yet those rivers are the most affected by flash floods which especially require anticipation for crisis management purposes. This is why at the beginning of 2017, the Vigicrues system for flood monitoring has been completed with a new flood warning system called Vigicrues Flash. This system provides automatic information in real-time on flood severity of ungauged basins for 10 000 French communities.Even if this new system is a real innovation for communities with no monitoring at all, the AIGA method which is used in Vigicrues-Flash has some limits. The first one is that the warnings are only based on the assessment of flood severity. But estimating flood severity is not enough to issue efficient flood warnings. To be able to do so, taking into account potential flood losses is essential. The main goal of this work is to enable an anticipated estimation of flood related damage, especially for ungauged basins. We offer a method to assess the risk of flood related damage based on flood severity assessed by the AIGA method and a territorial vulnerability assessment. This last one has been built on a bottom-up approach developed with crisis managers. Putting together this data has enabled a first assessment of the risk of flood risk damage as a dynamic risk index.By adjusting performance testing used in the meteorology field, we have been able to evaluate our risk index and to compare the results with the AIGA method. In order to do so, we have used existing damage data (CATNAT from the GASPAR database) as well as a specific multisource database (using notably social media data) which has been put together as part of this study (DamaGIS). The evaluation process has been tested for 12 communities in the Alpes-Maritimes, 69 in the Gard and 28 in the Var department. Two types of evaluation have been performed: a first comprehensive one continuously with CATNAT data on the 1988-2016 period; and another one per flood event at a finer scale.Our results show that moving from hazard assessment to risk assessment has significantly increased the relevance of the warnings and mostly at a smaller scale than the community one. Though, there is a better detection of flood related damage as the false alarm rate has been significantly reduced. This PhD work offers promising prospects to improve the current French warning system for floods and enable a more efficient emergency response.

Elimina??o segura de arquivos em mem?ria n?o-vol?til / Secure file deletion in non volatile memory

Weber, Julia Silva 21 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T18:43:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_JULIA_SILVA_WEBER_COMPLETO.pdf: 1157200 bytes, checksum: 9480342a98027ac78d6f2fd1c5eb50d7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-30T18:43:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_JULIA_SILVA_WEBER_COMPLETO.pdf: 1157200 bytes, checksum: 9480342a98027ac78d6f2fd1c5eb50d7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the popularization of mobile devices with non-volatile memory brings new challenges regarding the removal of files. Techniques traditionally employed in magnetic media are not effective when applied to non-volatile memories, such as flash memory. Because of the peculiar characteristics of this type of memory, notably the existence of a Flash Translation Layer (FTL), operating systems only manage logical blocks, and no longer have direct control of the physical blocks of a flash memory. Consequently, new methods of safe removal have been developed, which employ Zero Override, Block Erase, and Cryptographic Erase techniques. This work analyzes these methods, compares their operations and proposes a new method, with better performance than those described in the literature. The proposed method is a hybrid method, which combines overwriting and deletion operations to obtain a balanced use of these operations, avoid unnecessary deletion of unused blocks and reduce premature memory wear. To verify the efficiency of the proposed method and of the other methods, a simulator was developed to exercise the removal of files in several experiments. / O advento da Internet das Coisas (IoT) e a populariza??o de dispositivos m?veis com mem?ria n?o-vol?til traz novos desafios quanto a remo??o de arquivos. T?cnicas tradicionalmente empregadas em meios magn?ticos n?o s?o efetivas quando aplicadas para mem?rias n?o vol?teis, como a mem?ria flash. Devido ?s caracter?sticas peculiares deste tipo de mem?ria, notadamente a exist?ncia de uma Camada de Tradu??o da Flash (FTL), sistemas operacionais somente gerenciam blocos l?gicos, e n?o tem mais controle direto dos blocos f?sicos de uma mem?ria flash. Consequentemente, novos m?todos de remo??o segura foram desenvolvidos, que empregam opera??es de Sobrescrita com Zeros, de Apagamento de Blocos e t?cnicas de Apagamento Criptogr?fico. Este trabalho analisa estes m?todos, compara suas opera??es e prop?e um novo m?todo, com melhor desempenho que os descritos na literatura. O m?todo proposto ? um m?todo h?brido, que combina de forma equilibrada opera??es de sobrescrita e apagamento, para evitar o apagamento desnecess?rio de blocos ainda n?o utilizados e reduzir o desgaste prematuro da mem?ria. Para verificar a efici?ncia do m?todo proposto e dos demais m?todos, foi desenvolvido um simulador para exercitar a remo??o de arquivos em diversos experimentos.

(In)visibilidades das juventudes pós-modernas: trilhas estéticas na cibercultura

Zacariotti, Marluce 28 August 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a (in) visibilidade das juventudes (tribos) na pós-modernidade, tendo como pressuposto que nos espaços virtuais de confluência entre a tecnologia e a arte elas podem ganhar visibilidade. A abordagem ancora-se teoricamente, principalmente, no pensador francês Michel Maffesoli, tendo como método a sociologia compreensiva. A sustentação teórica articulou o pensamento maffesoliano às juventudes como categoria ou metáfora de um modo de ser juvenil e às implicações tecnológicas no processo de interação, mediação e potencialização das expressões estéticas juvenis. Utilizamos as noções de Maffesoli como categorias para compreender as novas formas de socialidade das tribos por meio de suas diversas manifestações artísticas na cibercultura. As descrições e análises das manifestações de Flash Mobs postadas em vídeos do Youtube e grupos que mantêm Site/páginas de Facebook destinados à divulgação de encontros artístico-culturais mediados pelo ciberespaço permitiram perceber que nem todas as tribos funcionam por meio da mesma dinâmica, o que nos levou a elaborar a ideia de intensidade das práticas juvenis tanto em termos das formas de apropriar-se, como do modo de relacionar-se com o que foi apropriado. O viés estético-emocional conduz a identificação do modo de ser juvenil com um espírito dionisíaco. Assim como a metáfora de Afrodite (sensualidade que se refere não apenas à sexualidade, mas à liberdade que se busca na vivência sem regras, a um retorno à natureza) que, para nós, também ronda o estar-junto das tribos. Deparamos, portanto, com muitas possibilidades de visibilidade das juventudes nas tramas artísticas que dialogam na interface físico-virtual e ocupam os espaços públicos da cidade. / This text addresses the (in) visibility of youths (tribes) in postmodernity, with the assumption that in the virtual spaces of confluence between technology and art they can gain visibility. The approach is anchored in theory, especially in the French thinker Michel Maffesoli, whose method the comprehensive sociology. The theoretical framework articulated the maffesoliano thought to youths as a category or metaphor way of being youthful and technological implications in the process of interaction, mediation and empowerment of youth aesthetic expressions. We use Maffesoli notions as categories to understand the new forms of tribes sociality through their various art forms in cyberspace. Flash Mobs descriptions and analyzes demonstrations posted on YouTube videos and groups that maintain website / Facebook pages for dissemination of artistic and cultural meetings mediated by cyberspace allowed realize that not all tribes operate through the same dynamic, which it led us to develop the idea of intensity of youth practices both in terms of the forms of ownership, such as how to relate to what was appropriate. The aesthetic-emotional bias leads to identify the mode of being youthful with a Dionysian spirit. As Aphrodite's metaphor (sensuality referred not only to sexuality, but freedom is sought in living without rules, a return to nature) that, for us, also round the being-together of the tribes. Therefore we find in the artistic frames a visibility of youths plenty the dialogue on physical and virtual interface and occupy public spaces in the city.

Welding of rail steels

Jilabi, Abdulsameea January 2015 (has links)
The worldwide preferred method for rail joining is welding; flash butt welding (FBW) and thermite welding (TW) are the two main welding methods used for joining continuous welded rail (CWR) tracks. However, the welds still represent a discontinuity in the track structure due to variations in microstructure, mechanical properties and residual stress levels with respect to the parent rail. These variations can play significant roles in increasing the risk of weld failure under service conditions. In order to better understand how FBW parameters affect these variations, the two main parameters; number of preheating cycles and upsetting forces were varied in three 56E1 rail welds, welded by a stationary FBW machine. Besides, these variations were systematically compared with those that occur in a standard thermite 60E2 rail weld. The thermite weld showed a heat affected zone (HAZ) extent much greater than those measured in the flash butt welds. The flash butt rail weld with a greater upsetting force (Standard Crushed) showed a HAZ extent larger than those in the other two welds (Standard Uncrushed and Narrow-HAZ Crushed), while the weld with fewer preheating cycles (Narrow-HAZ Crushed) showed a smaller extent of the HAZ.All welds showed pearlite colonies with proeutectoid ferrite at the prior austenite grain boundaries in the weld centre, and in the thermite weld zone. The rest zones across the welds exhibited almost fully pearlitic microstructures, but the pearlite at nearly the visible HAZ extents was partially spheroidised. The partially spheroidization zone had the minimum hardness across each of the thermite and flash butt welds. The Narrow-HAZ Crushed weld showed hardness in the weld centre, on average, higher than that of the parent metal. Moreover, the averaged hardness levels in this weld were significantly higher than those in the other two welds. However, these levels in the Standard Crushed weld were slightly lower than those in the Standard Uncrushed weld. Although the visible HAZ extent coincided with the point of minimum hardness, the residual stresses arising from the welds seem to extend much further. Contour Method and laboratory X-ray diffraction techniques were used together to measure the residual stress components across the thermite and flash butt rail welds. The longitudinal residual stress distribution showed tension in the web region along with compression in the head and foot regions of the rail welds. The vertical stress distribution across the flash butt welds was generally similar, and the maximum tensile stress values were comparable to those in the longitudinal direction. While the maximum values of the longitudinal tensile stress increased with decreasing the HAZ widths, these values in the vertical direction were significantly unaffected. However, the longitudinal and vertical tensile residual stresses typically promote the vertical straight-break and horizontal split web failure modes respectively.

Análise histórica das enxurradas no município de Pelotas e as consequências da enxurrada de 2009 na Bacia Hidrográfica do Arroio Quilombo, Pelotas/ RS. / Historical Analysis of flash floods in the Pelotas municipality and the consequences of the 2009 flash flood in the Quilombo Creek Watershed, Pelotas, State of Rio Grande do Sul

Rutz, Elenice Crochemore 28 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Lima (leonardoperlim@gmail.com) on 2017-04-05T15:34:01Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) RUTZ, Elenice Crochemore.pdf: 8517082 bytes, checksum: 78a4d5508f644839d8d952e481a630f9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T19:18:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 RUTZ, Elenice Crochemore.pdf: 8517082 bytes, checksum: 78a4d5508f644839d8d952e481a630f9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T19:21:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 RUTZ, Elenice Crochemore.pdf: 8517082 bytes, checksum: 78a4d5508f644839d8d952e481a630f9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-25T19:21:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 RUTZ, Elenice Crochemore.pdf: 8517082 bytes, checksum: 78a4d5508f644839d8d952e481a630f9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-28 / Sem bolsa / A pesquisa aborda as consequências das fortes precipitações que aconteceram em Pelotas o que levou a ocorrência de uma grande enxurrada em 28 e 29 de janeiro de 2009. O recorte espacial da pesquisa é a bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Quilombo, Pelotas/RS, localizada em sua maior parte na zona rural de Pelotas e uma pequena área no município de Canguçu e outra pequena área no Município de Arroio do Padre. O recorte temporal é do inicio do século XX até o ano de 2009, data da enxurrada que atingiu a bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Quilombo (BHAQ), deixando consequências bastante significativas. As enxurradas podem ser consideradas como um desastre natural, tanto pela sua intensidade, quanto pelas suas consequências. Nesse sentido o referencial teórico trata da questão dos desastres naturais, a fim de se compreender alguns conceitos que geram certa confusão, é o caso dos termos: enxurradas, enchentes, inundações e alagamentos. Nesse sentido a revisão teórica que se apresenta, vem em busca de sanar esses e outros conceitos. Sendo assim, essa pesquisa tem como objetivos: Compreender os fatores que levaram à ocorrência da enxurrada de 28 e 29 de janeiro de 2009 na BHAQ, bem como as transformações geomorfológicas consequentes; Realizar uma revisão teórica sobre a temática dos desastres naturais, geomorfologia, transformações geomorfológicas, uso e cobertura da terra, enxurradas e as suas consequências; Realizar um resgate histórico das inundações no município de Pelotas, bem como um breve histórico das enxurradas na Bacia Hidrográfica do Arroio Quilombo; Realizar um estudo morfométrico da Bacia do Arroio Quilombo; Verificar o uso e cobertura da terra na BHAQ; Investigar sobre as transformações da paisagem após as inundações na bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Quilombo e Identificar e mapear as consequências geomorfológicas e os danos ao patrimônio provocados pelas cheias de 2009. A pesquisa mostrou que a enxurrada de 2009 não foi o único evento de grande intensidade a atingir a bacia do Arroio Quilombo. Porém, a bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Quilombo não apresenta condicionante a enxurradas, e que a enxurrada de 2009 não ocorreu em toda bacia, porém atingiu de forma intensa a baixa bacia do Arroio Quilombo, deixando algumas consequências como perdas de animais, de lavoura, materiais e infraestruturais. As entrevistas realizadas mostraram que as alterações geomorfológicas mais significativas ocorreram fora dos limites da BHAQ. / This research addresses the consequences of heavy rainfall that occurred in Pelotas, which led to a great flash flood on the 28th and 29th January 2009. The area of research is the Quilombo Creek Watershed, Pelotas municipality, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Most of the Watershed is located in the rural zone of the Pelotas municipality, but also has a small section in the Canguçu municipality and another small section in the Arroio do Padre municipality. The time frame starts at the beginning of the twentieth century until 2009, when the flash flood hit the Quilombo Creek Watershed, leaving very significant consequences. Flash floods can be considered as a natural disaster, both for their intensity and their consequences. Thus, the theoretical background deals with the issue of natural disasters in order to understand some flood concepts that frequently create confusion in Portuguese: “enxurradas”, “enchentes”, “inundações” and “alagamentos”. This way the presented theoretical background tries to solve this confusion and other conceptual problems. This research has the following objectives: understand the factors that triggered the flash flood of the 28th and 29th January 2009 in the Quilombo Creek Watershed, as well as the consequent geomorphological changes; expose a theoretical background about natural disasters, geomorphology, geomorphological changes, land use and land cover, flashfloods and their consequences; carry out a historical review of the floods in the Pelotas municipality as well as a historical review of the floods in the Quilombo Creek Watershed; carry out a morphometrical study of the Quilombo Creek Watershed; observe the land use and land cover in the studied area; study the landscape changes and identify the damage done to the patrimony in the area of study after the 28th and 29th January flash flood. This research shows that the 2009 flash flood was not the only high intensity event to touch the Quilombo Creek Watershed. However, the studied watershed does not present natural conditions that would trigger flash floods, and the 2009 flash flood does not affect the entire Watershed in the same way. It intensely hit the lower part of the watershed creating consequences such as animal loss, land crop loss and material loss. The interviews showed that the most significant geomorphological changes occurred outside the boundaries of the studied watershed.

Aplikace na správu projektů pro SAP NetWeaver Portal / Project planning web application for SAP NetWeaver Portal

Tyle, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the work is to analyze, design and implement project planning web application, integrated on SAP NetWeaver Portal platform. Although the requirements are based on the needs of Mibcon a.s. company, the resulting application solves the problematics of project management in general. Technologies, used during the implementation are Adobe Flex (user interface), Java (server integration layer) and Oracle database (backend). The reader is introduced to various aspects of portal application development. Representative technical details, used during implementation, are presented here as well.

Uso de componentes naturais de edificações como parte integrante do sistema de proteção contra descargas atmosféricas - uma visão relativa aos danos físicos. / The use of structural parts of the buildings as part of the lightning protection systems - the physical damages aspects.

Hélio Eiji Sueta 09 December 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta alguns aspectos específicos sobre o tema “proteção de estruturas contra descargas atmosféricas”, principalmente no que se refere ao uso de partes estruturais das edificações como integrantes do sistema de proteção. São discutidos neste trabalho diversos pontos polêmicos referentes ao tema, tais como: captores especiais, o sistema dissipativo e o uso das ferragens das colunas de concreto armado como parte dos subsistemas de descida e de aterramento. São abordados, também, os principais danos que podem ocorrer nas edificações devido às descargas atmosféricas, principalmente quando a proteção utilizar partes naturais da estrutura, tais como: os telhados metálicos e as emendas das ferragens das colunas de concreto armado. Após uma verificação do estado da arte no assunto, onde são estudados diversos trabalhos, normas e livros sobre as características das descargas, sobre os danos oriundos das descargas, blindagens, medições de campos eletromagnéticos, distribuição de correntes e sobre a normalização e ensaios referentes à proteção de estruturas contra descargas atmosféricas, o assunto foi estudado em três partes que compõem os subsistemas do SPDA. No subsistema de captação, os danos em telhas metálicas e de concreto protendido foram estudados através de ensaios e verificações teóricas e, principalmente, experimentais. No subsistema de descida, o estudo experimental deu enfoque às emendas das ferragens e ao uso destas como descidas naturais. Finalmente, no subsistema de aterramento, as fundações das edificações foram estudadas através de verificações experimentais como parte do aterramento. Este trabalho acrescenta ao conhecimento atual sobre o assunto, diversas particularidades não contempladas nas normas e nas publicações mais recentes no que tange à proteção de estruturas contra as descargas atmosféricas utilizando partes naturais das edificações. / This work presents some specific aspects on the subject “lightning protection of structures“, mainly when the use of structural parts of the buildings as part of the protection systems is concerned. Several polemical issues are discussed, such as: special air-termination, the dissipation array system and the use of steel-reinforcing rods of the reinforced concrete columns as part of the down-conductor system and of the earth-termination system. Also treated is the main damage that can occur to the buildings due to lightning, mainly when the protection system uses the natural components of the structures, such as: the metallic rooftops and the joints of the steel-reinforcing rods of the reinforced concrete columns. After examining the state-of-the-art in the subject, which analyses several papers, standards and books about lightning characteristics, damage resulting from lightning, shieldings, measurements of electromagnetic fields, distribution of currents and about standardisation and tests related to the protection of structures against lightning, the subject was studied in the three parts that compose the lightning protection systems. In the air-termination system, the damage to metallic rooftops and to pre-stressed concrete rooftop tiles was studied by means of tests and theoretical and mainly experimental analyses. In the down-conductor system, the experimental study focused on the joints of the steel-reinforcing rods and on the use of these as natural down-conductors. Finally, in the earth-termination system, the foundations of the buildings were studied (as part of the grounding) through experimental analyses. This work adds to the current knowledge about the subject several particularities which are not observed in the standards or in the most recent publications concerning the lightning protection systems in buildings that use their natural components for this purpose.

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