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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Přírodní zdroj jako předmět ohrožovaný nahodilým nebezpečím a jako možný zdroj rizika pro hospodářský výkon regionu / Natural Resources as Objects Endangered by Accidental Dangers and as a Possible Origin of Risk for the Economic Capacity of the Region

MIKEŠOVÁ, Jitka January 2008 (has links)
The author of the thesis deals with the evaluation of the South Bohemia region from the potential risks connected with natural resources point of view that would affect negatively the economic capacity of the region. In the first instance there are defined the insurance terms, specifically aimed at the natural disasters area. Water, like the water element, has been chosen from the natural resources to be the main danger for the South Bohemia region. In the thesis there has been charted the previous flood course in the region of České Budějovice and also the last big flood from August 2002. The impact of this disaster has been demonstrated in the practical part of the thesis on the changes in proceeds and attendance in the South Bohemian sights of historical interest and also on the proceeds of the local enterprisers thanks to the impact of the floods on the tourism in the region. In the thesis there has also been respected the approach of three chosen insurance companies and the sums of money paid out in connection with the flood damages. At the end of the thesis there has been described The Project of the Strategy of Protection from the Floods in the Area of the Czech Republic, as a possible solution for reduction of impacts of devastating floods. It is a document developed by The Agriculture Department together with The Environment Department. This document formulizes the possible and necessary steps and plans for definition of particular programs of prevention from floods with respect to the legislative, operating, technical and environmental point of view.

Evaluating the unequal impacts of Hurricane Harvey: A critical GIS analysis in systems of governmental risk assessment and mitigation

Monk, Mustafa Ansari 07 August 2020 (has links)
This thesis uses flooding driven by Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and a history of inundation in Houston, Texas to critique the systems of floodplain mapping through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The role of Geographic Information Systems becomes a subject of interest in the context of U.S governance and the role of property as a driving force in urban development. The shortcomings of existing systems of mitigation are examined through mappings that bring measures of risk, damage, and recovery into contrast with each other. Racial and economic inequality are integrated into the analysis through a deeper consideration of the NFIP as the main form of federal protection against losses. Seeing that the NFIP has not protected the true status quo of urban life, it is argued that public perceptions of risk are formed contrary to the logic of home insurance, leading to observable inequalities in preparation and recovery

Modelo de seguro para riscos hidrológicos com base em simulação hidráulico-hidrológica como ferramenta de gestão do risco de inundações / Flood insurance model based on hydrological simulation as a flood risk management tool

Graciosa, Melissa Cristina Pereira 23 February 2010 (has links)
Recentes catástrofes provocadas por eventos hidrológicos extremos ocorridos nas cidades brasileiras revelaram a fragilidade das atuais políticas empregadas no tratamento do problema das inundações. Freqüentemente, faltam recursos mesmo para as ações emergenciais, e as ações estruturais aplicadas muitas vezes consistem de medidas pontuais e paliativas que não promovem soluções definitivas no âmbito de bacia hidrográfica. O tratamento do problema de inundações de maneira orientada ao risco, em lugar da tradicional abordagem orientada a evento, é uma alternativa que propicia soluções mais eficientes e sustentáveis. A gestão do risco de desastres naturais compreende três níveis: antes, durante e após o evento extremo, com base em ações que visam à redução do risco por meio de suas três componentes: ameaça, vulnerabilidade e exposição. No contexto do desenvolvimento e fortalecimento econômico do Brasil, os seguros para desastres naturais têm papel importante como agentes de transferência do risco que possibilitam a recuperação econômica das áreas atingidas. Vencido o entrave inicial à implantação de seguros deste tipo no Brasil, que foi a abertura, em 2007, ao mercado ressegurador internacional, o desafio que se apresenta atualmente é o desenvolvimento de metodologias que possibilitem relacionar a magnitude do evento natural extremo com o prejuízo monetário correspondente e o prêmio de seguro que possibilite ressarcir as perdas contabilizadas, considerando cenários de longo prazo. O modelo de seguros proposto neste trabalho é baseado no princípio de seguro indexado, em que o pagamento de indenizações é vinculado a uma variável climática, no caso, a vazão máxima de cheia. Foram utilizadas ferramentas de modelagem e simulação hidráulico-hidrológica para gerar mapas de risco de inundação e quantificar os prejuízos correspondentes às cheias de diferentes probabilidades de ocorrência. Em seguida, foi simulado um modelo econômico de seguros para obter o prêmio ótimo capaz de ressarcir os prejuízos estimados, considerando diferentes cenários de longo prazo. Um estudo de caso ilustra a aplicação do método em uma bacia hidrográfica caracterizada por problemas recorrentes de inundação, dado o processo de expansão urbana que nela vem ocorrendo. Foram avaliadas faixas de cobertura em função dos períodos de retorno das cheias correspondentes. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia é adequada à análise do comportamento do fundo de seguros. Resseguros podem ser requeridos para o tratamento de eventos de períodos de retorno muito extremos. / Recent disasters caused by extreme hydrological events, occurred in Brazilian cities, have exposed how fragile the current policies are to manage such situation. Often, a lack of resources is observed even for emergency actions, while structural actions commonly consist of palliative and punctual measures that do not promote real solutions considering the watershed sphere. To face the problem based on a risk-oriented approach instead of the traditional event-oriented approach represents an alternative that provides more efficient and sustainable solutions. Disaster risk management comprehends three time-oriented phases: before, during and after the extreme event, each phase focusing on the three risk\'s components: hazard, vulnerability and exposition. As Brazil\'s economy grows stronger and more stable, natural disaster insurance plays an important role as a risk transfer mechanism, promoting economic resilience in damaged areas. After the opening of the reinsurance\'s market in 2007, Brazil\'s challenge is to develop methodologies relating extreme events hazard with its corresponding damage and an insurance premium, in a way that the losses can be refunded in long term sceneries. The insurance model proposed in this work is based on the indexed insurance, where the refunds are linked to a weather variable - the maximum discharge. Hydrologic and hydraulic simulations were developed in order to generate risk maps and to quantify the damage related to floods with different return periods. Afterwards, a flood insurance model was simulated in order to obtain the optimal insurance premium sufficient to refund the expected damage for long term sceneries. A case study illustrates the method in a watershed where flood events are frequent due to urban occupation. The insurance coverage associated to each flood return period was examined and the results have shown that the methodology is suitable for the analysis of the flood insurance\'s behavior. Reinsurance may be required to deal with extreme events with high return periods.

颱風洪水險作為政策性保險之可行性探討 / Discussions on the feasibility of typhoon and flood insurance as government sponsored insurance

張嘉敏, Chang, Chia Min Unknown Date (has links)
由聯合國環境署和世界氣象組織在1988年成立之「跨政府氣候變遷小組」(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)公佈之「2007氣候變遷報告」中指出,近五十年來觀察到之暖化現象極可能係由人類活動所導致。報告中引用最新科學研究資料指出,氣候變暖之趨勢正在加快,明顯可觀察到之現象包括:極端氣溫天氣之增多、全球海平面上升、一些地區乾旱加重、冰川融化、冰蓋萎縮等等。這種快速氣候變遷所帶來的衝擊,對於地球生態而言,是一種嚴峻的考驗。 台灣地處亞熱帶,且因所在地理位置,深受海洋與大氣交互作用之影響,再加上地形狹窄、河道短促等自然環境因素影響,使台灣成為颱風頻繁的地方;除了颱風本身外,颱風之累積雨量與單位時間內之降雨量又屢創新高,甚至出現了罕見之冬颱;其所附帶的豪雨,造成重大損失。 我國文獻對於颱風洪水險是否作為政策性保險之討論較少,故本論文希望能就颱風洪水險是否適合做為政策性保險加以探討。首先,從氣候風險管理之角度著手,收集現行國內外氣候變遷現況之資料,提出氣候巨災風險管理之方法。再介紹外國與我國現行之颱風洪水保險制度,並論述颱風洪水保險制度之設計原則與方式。接下來,介紹政策性保險,並針對颱風洪水保險可否為政策性保險為違憲審查。最後,針對颱風洪水險作為政策性保險之可行性進行研討,提出可行之方案,並與我國現行已存在之政策性保險相比較,討論我國現行颱風洪水保險之優缺點,再為制度之抉擇。之後,再討論相關問題,以作為我國以後是否發展強制或半強制颱風洪水險之參考。

Modelo de seguro para riscos hidrológicos com base em simulação hidráulico-hidrológica como ferramenta de gestão do risco de inundações / Flood insurance model based on hydrological simulation as a flood risk management tool

Melissa Cristina Pereira Graciosa 23 February 2010 (has links)
Recentes catástrofes provocadas por eventos hidrológicos extremos ocorridos nas cidades brasileiras revelaram a fragilidade das atuais políticas empregadas no tratamento do problema das inundações. Freqüentemente, faltam recursos mesmo para as ações emergenciais, e as ações estruturais aplicadas muitas vezes consistem de medidas pontuais e paliativas que não promovem soluções definitivas no âmbito de bacia hidrográfica. O tratamento do problema de inundações de maneira orientada ao risco, em lugar da tradicional abordagem orientada a evento, é uma alternativa que propicia soluções mais eficientes e sustentáveis. A gestão do risco de desastres naturais compreende três níveis: antes, durante e após o evento extremo, com base em ações que visam à redução do risco por meio de suas três componentes: ameaça, vulnerabilidade e exposição. No contexto do desenvolvimento e fortalecimento econômico do Brasil, os seguros para desastres naturais têm papel importante como agentes de transferência do risco que possibilitam a recuperação econômica das áreas atingidas. Vencido o entrave inicial à implantação de seguros deste tipo no Brasil, que foi a abertura, em 2007, ao mercado ressegurador internacional, o desafio que se apresenta atualmente é o desenvolvimento de metodologias que possibilitem relacionar a magnitude do evento natural extremo com o prejuízo monetário correspondente e o prêmio de seguro que possibilite ressarcir as perdas contabilizadas, considerando cenários de longo prazo. O modelo de seguros proposto neste trabalho é baseado no princípio de seguro indexado, em que o pagamento de indenizações é vinculado a uma variável climática, no caso, a vazão máxima de cheia. Foram utilizadas ferramentas de modelagem e simulação hidráulico-hidrológica para gerar mapas de risco de inundação e quantificar os prejuízos correspondentes às cheias de diferentes probabilidades de ocorrência. Em seguida, foi simulado um modelo econômico de seguros para obter o prêmio ótimo capaz de ressarcir os prejuízos estimados, considerando diferentes cenários de longo prazo. Um estudo de caso ilustra a aplicação do método em uma bacia hidrográfica caracterizada por problemas recorrentes de inundação, dado o processo de expansão urbana que nela vem ocorrendo. Foram avaliadas faixas de cobertura em função dos períodos de retorno das cheias correspondentes. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia é adequada à análise do comportamento do fundo de seguros. Resseguros podem ser requeridos para o tratamento de eventos de períodos de retorno muito extremos. / Recent disasters caused by extreme hydrological events, occurred in Brazilian cities, have exposed how fragile the current policies are to manage such situation. Often, a lack of resources is observed even for emergency actions, while structural actions commonly consist of palliative and punctual measures that do not promote real solutions considering the watershed sphere. To face the problem based on a risk-oriented approach instead of the traditional event-oriented approach represents an alternative that provides more efficient and sustainable solutions. Disaster risk management comprehends three time-oriented phases: before, during and after the extreme event, each phase focusing on the three risk\'s components: hazard, vulnerability and exposition. As Brazil\'s economy grows stronger and more stable, natural disaster insurance plays an important role as a risk transfer mechanism, promoting economic resilience in damaged areas. After the opening of the reinsurance\'s market in 2007, Brazil\'s challenge is to develop methodologies relating extreme events hazard with its corresponding damage and an insurance premium, in a way that the losses can be refunded in long term sceneries. The insurance model proposed in this work is based on the indexed insurance, where the refunds are linked to a weather variable - the maximum discharge. Hydrologic and hydraulic simulations were developed in order to generate risk maps and to quantify the damage related to floods with different return periods. Afterwards, a flood insurance model was simulated in order to obtain the optimal insurance premium sufficient to refund the expected damage for long term sceneries. A case study illustrates the method in a watershed where flood events are frequent due to urban occupation. The insurance coverage associated to each flood return period was examined and the results have shown that the methodology is suitable for the analysis of the flood insurance\'s behavior. Reinsurance may be required to deal with extreme events with high return periods.

Ocenění výše škody způsobené povodní na rodinném domě ve Velkém Poříčí / Valuation of the damage by flood to a single-family house in Velké Poříčí

Berger, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issues of determining the amount of insurance coverage of a house destroyed by flood. The aim of this paper is to explain the terms related to evaluation and insurance. Then to value immovable property by costs, document the damages and determine the costs for rebuilding the damaged parts in accordance with the insurance policy. It is necessary to determine the insurance value of the house. At the end of this thesis the history of floods in the particular area and flood control methods are discussed.


Arkaprabha Bhattacharyya (9182267) 13 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which is run by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is presently under huge debt to the U.S. treasury. The debt is primarily caused by low flood insurance take-up rate, low willingness to pay for flood insurance, and large payouts after major disasters. Addressing this insolvency problem requires the NFIP to understand (1) what drives the demand for flood insurance so that it can be increased, (2) how risk factors contribute towards large flood insurance payouts so that effective risk reduction policies can be planned, and (3) how to predict the future flood insurance payouts so that the NFIP can be financially prepared. This research has answered these three fundamental questions by developing empirical models based on historical data. To answer the first question, this research has developed a propensity score-based causal model that analyzed one of the key components that influences the demand for flood insurance – the availability of post-disaster government assistance. It was found that the availability of the federal payout in a county in a year increased the number of flood insurance policies by 5.2% and the total insured value of the policies by 4.6% in the following year. Next, this research has developed Mixed Effects Regression model that quantified the causal relationships between the annual flood insurance payout in a county and flood related risk factors such as flood exposure, infrastructure vulnerability, social vulnerability, community resilience, and the number of mobile homes in the county. Based on the derived causal estimates, it was predicted that climate change, which is expected to increase flood exposure in coastal counties, will increase the annual NFIP payout in New Orleans, Louisiana by $2.04 billion in the next 30 years. Lastly, to make the NFIP financially prepared for future payouts, this research has developed a predictive model that can predict the annual NFIP payout in a county with adequate predictive accuracy. The predictive model was used to predict the NFIP payout for 2021 and it was able to predict that with a 9.8% prediction error. The outcomes of this research create new knowledge to inform policy decisions and strategies aimed at fortifying the NFIP. This includes strategies such as flood protection infrastructure, tailored disaster assistance, and other interventions that can bolster flood insurance uptake while mitigating the risk of substantial payouts. Ultimately, this research contributes to sustaining the NFIP's ability to provide vital flood insurance coverage to millions of Americans.</p>

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