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Flow no serviço público : a experiência dos auditores públicos externos do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do SulPrux, Paula Raymundo January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as experiências de flow (Teoria do Flow, de Csikszentmihalyi) alcançadas pelos Auditores Públicos Externos (APEs) do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (TCE-RS), a partir da sua percepção. Tem como objetivos específicos: identificar e descrever as condições, as características e as experiências de flow alcançadas pelos Auditores Públicos Externos do TCE-RS, com base em sua percepção; verificar os fatores determinantes para a ocorrência das experiências de flow por parte dos APEs; identificar os níveis de satisfação de vida e de autoestima dos APEs; sugerir questões para futuras pesquisas; fornecer feedback para que o TCE-RS possa melhorar suas políticas de gestão de pessoas. Como principal base teórica utiliza a Teoria do Flow, de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1989, 1991, 1997, 2000, 2004), que foca na experiência máxima. Contextualiza a teoria dentro da Psicologia Positiva. Aborda aspectos teóricos de motivação em Maslow (1970, 1976, 1986, 2001) e Csikszentmihalyi (2004), satisfação de vida (Hewitt, 2009, Diener e Diener, 1995) e autoestima (Rosenberg, 1973, Diener et al, 2005). Contextualiza o trabalho no setor público com base em autores clássicos e contemporâneos como Weber (2000, 2010), Kalberg (2005), Crozier (1981), Motta (1984), Bresser Pereira (1996, 2009), Bergue (2010, 2011, 2014), Paludo (2013), Paes de Paula (2005). A pesquisa é exploratória-descritiva (Gil, 2008), com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. Aplicou-se questionário online com questões de identificação (adaptado de Gouveia, 2011; Oliveira, 2013), Escala de Satisfação de Vida, Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (Hutz et al., 2014) e Escala de Flow (adaptado de Gouveia, 2011; Oliveira, 2013) para uma amostra não probabilística de 122 APEs do TCE-RS. Realizou-se entrevistas com dez APEs selecionados a partir do critério de acessibilidade. Os dados coletados a partir do questionário foram analisados por meio de análise fatorial confirmatória, análise de variância, correlação de Pearson e regressão linear. O conteúdo das entrevistas foi analisado pela análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2010) por meio de doze categorias: metas claras; feedback imediato; equilíbrio entre capacidades e desafios; concentração profunda; controle sobre si mesmo e sobre a tarefa; noção de tempo alterada; fusão ação-consciência; personalidade autotélica; trabalho considerado significativo pela sociedade; satisfação de vida; autoestima. Dentre os participantes da etapa quantitativa, 86,9% afirmaram vivenciar experiências de flow durante o trabalho, 23% estão entre os mais satisfeitos, 60% apresentaram satisfação de vida acima da média; 30,3% estão entre os com autoestima mais elevada, 42,7% apresentaram autoestima acima da média. Foram verificadas diferenças de percepções que podem ser analisadas pela instituição para que sejam elaboradas políticas de gestão de pessoas para suprimir as lacunas apresentadas principalmente quanto à satisfação de vida e condições para a experiência de flow. Há correlação positiva entre satisfação de vida, autoestima e experiência de flow. A experiência de flow é mais influenciada pela autoestima do que pela satisfação de vida. Dos dez APEs entrevistados, oito sentem ou já sentiram flow no trabalho. Todas as condições para a experiência de flow foram citadas, com ênfase para o equilíbrio entre capacidades e desafios. A maioria afirmou gostar da atividade e de desafios. Todos sentem flow fora do trabalho, principalmente ao viajar e ler. Há alta rotatividade dos APEs entrevistados entre as áreas de atividade. A área de atividade influencia na percepção de flow. / This research aims to analyze the flow of experiences (Flow Theory, by Csikszentmihalyi) gained by the Auditors Public External (APEs) of the Court of Rio Grande South State (TCERS), from your perception. Its specific objectives: identify and describe the conditions, characteristics and flow of experiences gained by the Public External Auditors of TCE-RS, based on their perception; verify the determining factors for the occurrence of flow experiences by the APEs; identify life satisfaction levels and self-esteem of the APEs; suggest questions for future research; provide feedback to the TCE-RS can improve their people management policies. As the main theoretical basis using the Flow Theory, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1989, 1991, 1997, 2000, 2004), which focuses on maximum experience. Contextualizes the theory within Positive Psychology. Covers theoretical aspects of motivation Maslow (1970, 1976, 1986, 2001) and Csikszentmihalyi (2004), life satisfaction (Hewitt, 2009 Diener and Diener, 1995) and self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1973 Diener et al., 2005). Contextualizes the work in public administration based on classic and contemporary authors such as Weber (2000, 2010), Kalberg (2005), Crozier (1981), Motta (1984), Bresser Pereira (1996, 2009), Bergue (2010, 2011, 2014), Paludo (2013), Dasso Júnior (2014), Paes de Paula (2005). Research is exploratory and descriptive (Gil, 2008), with quantitative and qualitative approach. Applied online questionnaires with identification questions (adapted from Gouveia, 2011; Oliveira, 2013), Life Satisfaction Scale, Self-Esteem Scale Rosenberg (Hutz et al., 2014) and Flow Scale (adapted from Gouveia 2011; Oliveira, 2013) for a nonprobabilistic sample of 122 APEs of TCE-RS. We conducted interviews with ten APEs selected from the accessibility criteria. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation and linear regression. The content of the interviews was analyzed by content analysis (Bardin, 2010) through twelve categories: clear goals; immediate feedback; balance between capacity and challenges; deep concentration; control over himself and the task; modified notion of time; fusing action-awareness; autotelic personality; work considered significant by the company; life satisfaction; self-esteem. Among the participants of the quantitative stage, 86.9% reported experiencing flow experiences at work, 23% are among the most satisfied, 60% were above average life satisfaction; 30.3% are among those with higher self-esteem, 42.7% had above average self-esteem. Differences in perceptions were found that can be analyzed by the institution for people management policies are designed to take away the gaps presented mainly as the satisfaction of life and conditions for the flow of experience. There are positive correlation between life satisfaction, self-esteem and flow experience. The flow experience is more influenced by the self-esteem than the life satisfaction. Of the ten APEs interviewed eight feel or have felt flow at work. All the conditions for the flow experience were cited, with emphasis on the balance between skills and challenges. Most said like activity and challenges. Everyone feels flow out of work, especially when traveling and reading. There is high turnover of APEs respondents between the areas of activity. The activity area influences the perception of flow.
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Modelling of fluid structure interaction by potential flow theory in a pwr under seismic excitation / Modélisation des interactions fluide structure par écoulement potentiel dans un cœur de REP sous séismeCapanna, Roberto 07 December 2018 (has links)
Une modélisation efficace et une connaissance précise du comportement mécanique du cœur du réacteur sont nécessaires pour estimer les effets de l'excitation sismique sur une centrale nucléaire. La présence d'un écoulement d'eau (dans les REP) engendre des phénomènes d'interaction fluide structure. La modélisation des interactions fluide structure sur les assemblages combustible revêt donc une importance fondamentale pour la sécurité des réacteurs nucléaires. L’objectif principal du projet de thèse présenté dans ce document est d’étudier les interactions fluide structure afin de mieux comprendre les phénomènes impliqués. La modélisation et l'approche expérimentale sont considérées. Un nouveau modèle linéaire simplifié pour les interactions fluide structure est développé en utilisant la théorie de l'écoulement potentiel pour la modélisation des forces fluide, tandis que le modèle de poutre d'Euler-Bernoulli est utilisé pour la partie structurelle. Le modèle est d'abord développé pour un seul cylindre et il est validé avec des ouvrages de référence dans la littérature. Les effets de la taille de confinement et du nombre d'onde sont examinés. Le modèle d'écoulement potentiel développé pour un seul cylindre est ainsi étendu à une géométrie multicylindre. La démarche expérimentale est donc nécessaire pour valider le modèle développé. Une nouvelle installation expérimentale, ICARE, a été conçue pour étudier les phénomènes d’interaction fluide structure sur des assemblages combustible à demi-échelle. Dans ce document, les résultats fournis par les mesures de déplacement et de LDV sont largement analysés. Le comportement dynamique de l'assemblage combustible et les effets de couplage sont étudiés. Les calculs sont comparés aux résultats expérimentaux afin de valider le modèle et d’en analyser ses limites. Le modèle est en accord avec les résultats expérimentaux concernant l'effet de masse ajouté. De plus, le modèle prédit qualitativement les effets des couplages dans différentes directions. Par contre, le modèle d'écoulement potentiel ne permet pas de prédire des effets d'amortissement ajouté, principalement dus aux forces visqueuses. Enfin, dans ce document, une autre application du modèle développé est décrite. Le modèle est utilisé afin de simuler des expériences réalisées sur une maquette d'assemblage combustible dans l'installation expérimentale installée à l'Université George Washington (GWU). Le modèle est capable de prédire et de fournir une interprétation valide de la perturbation du débit d'eau due au mouvement de l'ensemble excité. La thèse se termine par des perspectives d'amélioration du modèle, en intégrant des termes visqueux dans les équations. L'analyse des données de vélocimétrie par image de particules (PIV) recueillies au cours des campagnes expérimentales ICARE doit être poursuivie. / Efficient modelling and accurate knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of the reactorcore are needed to estimate the effects of seismic excitation on a nuclear power plant. Thepresence of cooling water flow (in PWRs) gives rise to fluid structure interaction phenomena.Modelling of fluid structure interactions on fuel assemblies is thus of fundamentalimportance in order to assure the safety of nuclear reactors. The main objective of thePhD project which is presented in this document is to investigate fluid structure interactionsin order to have a better understanding of the involved phenomena. Both modellingand experimental approach are considered. A new simplified linear model for fluid structureinteractions is developed by using the potential flow theory for fluid force modellingwhile the Euler-Bernoulli beam model is used for the structural part. The model, is firstdeveloped for a single cylinder and it is validated with reference works in literature. Theeffects of the confinement size and of the wavenumber are investigated. The potential flowmodel developed for a single cylinder, is thus extended to a multi cylinders geometry. Theexperimental approach is thus needed in order to validate the developed model. A newexperimental facility, ICARE, is designed in order to investigate fluid structure interactionphenomena on half scale fuel assemblies. In this document, the results provided bydisplacement and LDV measurements are widely analysed. The dynamical behaviour ofthe fuel assembly and coupling effects are investigated. Calculations are compared to theexperimental results in order to validate the model and to analyse its limits. The model isin agreement with experimental results regarding the added mass effect. In addition, themodel qualitatively predicts couplings effects on different directions. As a drawback, thepotential flow model cannot predict added damping effects, which are mainly due to viscousforces. Finally in this document another application of the developed model is described.The model is used in order to simulate experiments performed on a surrogate fuel assemblyin the experimental facility installed at George Washington University (GWU). The modelis able to predict and to provide a valid interpretation for the water flow perturbation dueto the motion of the excited assembly. The thesis concludes with perspectives for furtherimprovements of the model, by integrating viscous terms in the equations. Work needs tobe carried out on the analysis of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) data collected duringICARE experimental campaigns.
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Mysticism and Mystery Moves: An Examination of Flow TheoryTrembley, John Michael 01 May 2010 (has links)
This study takes a phenomenological approach to squirt kayaking. It looks to examine mystical states of consciousness, as defined by William James, and flow theory, as defined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and focuses on what these experiences mean for participants of the squirt kayaking community. The study poses three research questions. (1) Do squirt kayakers experience mystical states of consciousness through squirt kayaking, and what does this experience mean? (2) Do squirt kayakers experience flow states of consciousness through squirt kayaking, and how was this experienced? (3) What is the mystery zombie or the mystery trance state, and how is it experienced?
By posting messages on online message boards dedicated to squirt kayakers twenty participants responded to the post and were then contacted by telephone for an interview based off of an original questionnaire created for this study. The results show that mysticism and flow does occur through the squirt kayaking medium. Four primary themes emerged from the data about the experience and are as follows: defies expression, serious leisure, different realm, and the trance.
Results indicate that there is not a distinctive difference between mysticism and flow, although further research should be done to support this. Also this study would suggest that further research be conducted concerning the build-up of carbon dioxide in the brain and its effects on mystical experiences. Implications of this research to look to challenge the concept of mysticism and flow by broadening what recreation offers its participants.
Keywords: charc, flow, mystery trance, mystery zombie, mysticism
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Freeway Travel Time Prediction Using Data from Mobile ProbesIzadpanah, Pedram 08 November 2010 (has links)
It is widely agreed that estimates of freeway segment travel times are more highly valued by motorists than other forms of traveller information. The provision of real-time estimates of travel times is becoming relatively common in many of the large urban centres in the US and overseas. Presently, most traveler information systems are operating based on estimated travel time rather than predicted travel time. However, traveler information systems are most beneficial when they are built upon predicted traffic information (e.g. predicted travel time). A number of researchers have proposed different models to predict travel time. One of these techniques is based on traffic flow theory and the concept of shockwaves. Most of the past efforts at identifying shockwaves have been focused on performing shockwave analysis based on fixed sensors such as loop detectors which are commonly used in many jurisdictions. However, latest advances in wireless communications have provided an opportunity to obtain vehicle trajectory data that potentially could be used to derive traffic conditions over a wide spatial area. This research proposes a new methodology to detect and analyze shockwaves based on vehicle trajectory data and will use this information to predict travel time for freeway sections.
The main idea behind this methodology is that average speed on a section of roadway is constant unless a shockwave is created due to change in flow rate or density of traffic. In the proposed methodology first the road section is discretized into a number of smaller road segments and the average speed of each segment is calculated based on the available information obtained from probe vehicles during the current time interval. If a new shockwave is detected, the average speed of the road segment is adjusted to account for the change in the traffic conditions. In order to detect shockwaves, first, a two phase piecewise linear regression is used to find the points at which a vehicle has changed its speed. Then, the points that correspond to the intersection of shockwaves and trajectories of probe vehicles are identified using a data filtering procedure and a linear clustering algorithm is employed to group different shockwaves. Finally, a linear regression model is applied to find propagation speed and spatial and temporal extent of each shockwave. The performance of this methodology was tested using one simulated signalized intersection, trajectories obtained from video processing of a section of freeway in California, and trajectories obtained from two freeway sections in Ontario. The results of this thesis show that the proposed methodology is able to detect shockwaves and predict travel time even with a small sample of vehicles. These results show that traffic data acquisition systems which are based on anonymously tracking of vehicles are a viable substitution to the tradition traffic data collection systems especially in relatively rural areas.
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Mysticism and Mystery Moves: An Examination of Flow TheoryTrembley, John Michael 01 May 2010 (has links)
This study takes a phenomenological approach to squirt kayaking. It looks to examine mystical states of consciousness, as defined by William James, and flow theory, as defined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and focuses on what these experiences mean for participants of the squirt kayaking community. The study poses three research questions. (1) Do squirt kayakers experience mystical states of consciousness through squirt kayaking, and what does this experience mean? (2) Do squirt kayakers experience flow states of consciousness through squirt kayaking, and how was this experienced? (3) What is the mystery zombie or the mystery trance state, and how is it experienced?By posting messages on online message boards dedicated to squirt kayakers twenty participants responded to the post and were then contacted by telephone for an interview based off of an original questionnaire created for this study. The results show that mysticism and flow does occur through the squirt kayaking medium. Four primary themes emerged from the data about the experience and are as follows: defies expression, serious leisure, different realm, and the trance.Results indicate that there is not a distinctive difference between mysticism and flow, although further research should be done to support this. Also this study would suggest that further research be conducted concerning the build-up of carbon dioxide in the brain and its effects on mystical experiences. Implications of this research to look to challenge the concept of mysticism and flow by broadening what recreation offers its participants. Keywords: charc, flow, mystery trance, mystery zombie, mysticism
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Modeling the fluid flow of carbon dioxide through permeable mediaGhanbarnezhad Moghanloo, Rouzbeh 17 July 2012 (has links)
This dissertation presents analytical solutions to address several unresolved issues on the modeling of CO₂ flow in permeable media. Analytical solutions are important as numerical simulations do not yield explicit expressions in terms of the model parameters. In addition, simulations that provide the most comprehensive solutions to multiphase flow problems are computationally intensive. Accordingly, we address the following topics in this dissertation. The method of characteristics (MOC) solution of the overall mass conservation equation of CO₂ in two-phase flow through permeable media is derived in the presence of compressibility. The formally developed MOC solutions rely on the incompressible fluid and rock assumptions that are rarely met in practice; hence, the incompressible assumption is relaxed and the first semi-analytic MOC solution for compressible flow is derived. The analytical solution is verified by simulation results. Fractional flow theory is applied to evaluate the CO2 storage capacity of one-dimensional (1D) saline aquifers. Lack of an accurate estimation of the CO₂ storage capacity stands in the way of the fully implementation of CO₂ storage in aquifers. The notion of optimal solvent-water-slug size is incorporated into the graphical solution of combined geochemical front propagation and fractional flow theory to determine the CO₂ storage capacity of aquifers. The analytical solution is verified by simulation results. The limits of the Walsh and Lake (WL) method to predict the performance of CO₂ injection is examined when miscibility is not achieved. The idea of an analogous first-contact miscible flood is implemented into the WL method to study miscibly-degraded simultaneous water and gas (SWAG) displacements. The simulation verifies the WL solutions. For the two-dimensional (2D) displacements, the predicted optimal SWAG ratio is accurate when the permeable medium is fairly homogeneous with a small cross-flow or heterogeneous with a large lateral correlation length (the same size or greater than the interwell spacing). We conclude that the WL solution is accurate when the mixing zone grows linearly with time. We examine decoupling of large and small-scale heterogeneity in multilayered reservoirs. In addition, using an analytical solution derived in this research, the fraction of layers in which the channeling occurs is determined as a function of the Koval factor and input dispersivity. We successfully present a simulation configuration to verify the off-diagonal elements of the numerical dispersion tensor. Numerical dispersion is inevitably introduced into the finite difference approximations of the 2D convection-dispersion equation. We show that the off-diagonal elements of the numerical dispersion tensor double when the flow velocity changes with distance. In addition, the simulation results reveal that the flow becomes more dispersive with distance travelled if there is convective cross-flow. In addition, local mixing increases with the convective cross-flow between layers. A numerical indicator is presented to describe the nature of CO₂ miscible displacements in heterogeneous permeable media. Hence, the quantitative distinction between flow patterns becomes possible despite the traditionally qualitative approach. The correlation coefficient function is adopted to assign numerical values to flow patterns. The simulation results confirm the accuracy of the descriptive flow pattern values. The order-of-one scaling analysis procedure is implemented to provide a unique set of dimensionless scaling groups of 2D SWAG displacements. The order-of-one scaling analysis is a strong mathematical approach to determine approximations that are allowed for a particular transport phenomenon. For the first time, we implement the scaling analysis of miscible displacements while considering effects of water salinity, dissolution of CO₂ in the aqueous phase, and complex configurations of injection and production wells. / text
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Freeway Travel Time Prediction Using Data from Mobile ProbesIzadpanah, Pedram 08 November 2010 (has links)
It is widely agreed that estimates of freeway segment travel times are more highly valued by motorists than other forms of traveller information. The provision of real-time estimates of travel times is becoming relatively common in many of the large urban centres in the US and overseas. Presently, most traveler information systems are operating based on estimated travel time rather than predicted travel time. However, traveler information systems are most beneficial when they are built upon predicted traffic information (e.g. predicted travel time). A number of researchers have proposed different models to predict travel time. One of these techniques is based on traffic flow theory and the concept of shockwaves. Most of the past efforts at identifying shockwaves have been focused on performing shockwave analysis based on fixed sensors such as loop detectors which are commonly used in many jurisdictions. However, latest advances in wireless communications have provided an opportunity to obtain vehicle trajectory data that potentially could be used to derive traffic conditions over a wide spatial area. This research proposes a new methodology to detect and analyze shockwaves based on vehicle trajectory data and will use this information to predict travel time for freeway sections.
The main idea behind this methodology is that average speed on a section of roadway is constant unless a shockwave is created due to change in flow rate or density of traffic. In the proposed methodology first the road section is discretized into a number of smaller road segments and the average speed of each segment is calculated based on the available information obtained from probe vehicles during the current time interval. If a new shockwave is detected, the average speed of the road segment is adjusted to account for the change in the traffic conditions. In order to detect shockwaves, first, a two phase piecewise linear regression is used to find the points at which a vehicle has changed its speed. Then, the points that correspond to the intersection of shockwaves and trajectories of probe vehicles are identified using a data filtering procedure and a linear clustering algorithm is employed to group different shockwaves. Finally, a linear regression model is applied to find propagation speed and spatial and temporal extent of each shockwave. The performance of this methodology was tested using one simulated signalized intersection, trajectories obtained from video processing of a section of freeway in California, and trajectories obtained from two freeway sections in Ontario. The results of this thesis show that the proposed methodology is able to detect shockwaves and predict travel time even with a small sample of vehicles. These results show that traffic data acquisition systems which are based on anonymously tracking of vehicles are a viable substitution to the tradition traffic data collection systems especially in relatively rural areas.
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Composing a Gamer: A Case Study of One Gamer's Experience of Symbiotic FlowLynch, Heather L 17 May 2013 (has links)
Built upon symbiotic flow, that is a merging of flow theory (Csikzentmihalyi, 1975) and situated cognition (Gee, 2007) this dissertation presents the findings from a 6-month qualitative study of an elite gamer and his practices and experiences with video games. The study used mediated discourse analysis and case study methods to answer the following question: What does it mean to be an elite gamer, to one life-long player of video games? In addition, the following sub-questions were considered: a) What aspects of elite gaming are important and meaningful to one particular gamer? b) What moments of play does this gamer identify as significant? c) What does sustained play look like for one him?
Data sources included interviews, observations of significant gaming (that is gaming in heightened states of enjoyment and success), observation de-briefs, co-analysis interview, and a research journal. The researcher coded observational data for elements of symbiotic flow and in response to interview data. Data are presented in narrative, expository, and graphic forms across the study. This inquiry has resulted in the creation of the Model of Nested Transaction in order to articulate and understand the nature of significant gaming experiences. Additional significant findings include: a) Time is the primary resource and commodity in this particular player's elite gaming world, because it represents a level of dedication and insider status; b) this gamer values particular affordances in his gaming, namely experiences that develop knowledge and skills that can then be applied instantaneously in gaming contexts and be harnessed for longitudinal participation; c) video games provide the participant, and gamers like him, with possibilities for greatness, an aspect of his identity that is both critically important to him and often strikingly absent outside of games. The study argues for productive consideration of video games as a mediational tool of both meaningful learning and powerful identity exploration.
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Flow no serviço público : a experiência dos auditores públicos externos do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do SulPrux, Paula Raymundo January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as experiências de flow (Teoria do Flow, de Csikszentmihalyi) alcançadas pelos Auditores Públicos Externos (APEs) do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (TCE-RS), a partir da sua percepção. Tem como objetivos específicos: identificar e descrever as condições, as características e as experiências de flow alcançadas pelos Auditores Públicos Externos do TCE-RS, com base em sua percepção; verificar os fatores determinantes para a ocorrência das experiências de flow por parte dos APEs; identificar os níveis de satisfação de vida e de autoestima dos APEs; sugerir questões para futuras pesquisas; fornecer feedback para que o TCE-RS possa melhorar suas políticas de gestão de pessoas. Como principal base teórica utiliza a Teoria do Flow, de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1989, 1991, 1997, 2000, 2004), que foca na experiência máxima. Contextualiza a teoria dentro da Psicologia Positiva. Aborda aspectos teóricos de motivação em Maslow (1970, 1976, 1986, 2001) e Csikszentmihalyi (2004), satisfação de vida (Hewitt, 2009, Diener e Diener, 1995) e autoestima (Rosenberg, 1973, Diener et al, 2005). Contextualiza o trabalho no setor público com base em autores clássicos e contemporâneos como Weber (2000, 2010), Kalberg (2005), Crozier (1981), Motta (1984), Bresser Pereira (1996, 2009), Bergue (2010, 2011, 2014), Paludo (2013), Paes de Paula (2005). A pesquisa é exploratória-descritiva (Gil, 2008), com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. Aplicou-se questionário online com questões de identificação (adaptado de Gouveia, 2011; Oliveira, 2013), Escala de Satisfação de Vida, Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (Hutz et al., 2014) e Escala de Flow (adaptado de Gouveia, 2011; Oliveira, 2013) para uma amostra não probabilística de 122 APEs do TCE-RS. Realizou-se entrevistas com dez APEs selecionados a partir do critério de acessibilidade. Os dados coletados a partir do questionário foram analisados por meio de análise fatorial confirmatória, análise de variância, correlação de Pearson e regressão linear. O conteúdo das entrevistas foi analisado pela análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2010) por meio de doze categorias: metas claras; feedback imediato; equilíbrio entre capacidades e desafios; concentração profunda; controle sobre si mesmo e sobre a tarefa; noção de tempo alterada; fusão ação-consciência; personalidade autotélica; trabalho considerado significativo pela sociedade; satisfação de vida; autoestima. Dentre os participantes da etapa quantitativa, 86,9% afirmaram vivenciar experiências de flow durante o trabalho, 23% estão entre os mais satisfeitos, 60% apresentaram satisfação de vida acima da média; 30,3% estão entre os com autoestima mais elevada, 42,7% apresentaram autoestima acima da média. Foram verificadas diferenças de percepções que podem ser analisadas pela instituição para que sejam elaboradas políticas de gestão de pessoas para suprimir as lacunas apresentadas principalmente quanto à satisfação de vida e condições para a experiência de flow. Há correlação positiva entre satisfação de vida, autoestima e experiência de flow. A experiência de flow é mais influenciada pela autoestima do que pela satisfação de vida. Dos dez APEs entrevistados, oito sentem ou já sentiram flow no trabalho. Todas as condições para a experiência de flow foram citadas, com ênfase para o equilíbrio entre capacidades e desafios. A maioria afirmou gostar da atividade e de desafios. Todos sentem flow fora do trabalho, principalmente ao viajar e ler. Há alta rotatividade dos APEs entrevistados entre as áreas de atividade. A área de atividade influencia na percepção de flow. / This research aims to analyze the flow of experiences (Flow Theory, by Csikszentmihalyi) gained by the Auditors Public External (APEs) of the Court of Rio Grande South State (TCERS), from your perception. Its specific objectives: identify and describe the conditions, characteristics and flow of experiences gained by the Public External Auditors of TCE-RS, based on their perception; verify the determining factors for the occurrence of flow experiences by the APEs; identify life satisfaction levels and self-esteem of the APEs; suggest questions for future research; provide feedback to the TCE-RS can improve their people management policies. As the main theoretical basis using the Flow Theory, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1989, 1991, 1997, 2000, 2004), which focuses on maximum experience. Contextualizes the theory within Positive Psychology. Covers theoretical aspects of motivation Maslow (1970, 1976, 1986, 2001) and Csikszentmihalyi (2004), life satisfaction (Hewitt, 2009 Diener and Diener, 1995) and self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1973 Diener et al., 2005). Contextualizes the work in public administration based on classic and contemporary authors such as Weber (2000, 2010), Kalberg (2005), Crozier (1981), Motta (1984), Bresser Pereira (1996, 2009), Bergue (2010, 2011, 2014), Paludo (2013), Dasso Júnior (2014), Paes de Paula (2005). Research is exploratory and descriptive (Gil, 2008), with quantitative and qualitative approach. Applied online questionnaires with identification questions (adapted from Gouveia, 2011; Oliveira, 2013), Life Satisfaction Scale, Self-Esteem Scale Rosenberg (Hutz et al., 2014) and Flow Scale (adapted from Gouveia 2011; Oliveira, 2013) for a nonprobabilistic sample of 122 APEs of TCE-RS. We conducted interviews with ten APEs selected from the accessibility criteria. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation and linear regression. The content of the interviews was analyzed by content analysis (Bardin, 2010) through twelve categories: clear goals; immediate feedback; balance between capacity and challenges; deep concentration; control over himself and the task; modified notion of time; fusing action-awareness; autotelic personality; work considered significant by the company; life satisfaction; self-esteem. Among the participants of the quantitative stage, 86.9% reported experiencing flow experiences at work, 23% are among the most satisfied, 60% were above average life satisfaction; 30.3% are among those with higher self-esteem, 42.7% had above average self-esteem. Differences in perceptions were found that can be analyzed by the institution for people management policies are designed to take away the gaps presented mainly as the satisfaction of life and conditions for the flow of experience. There are positive correlation between life satisfaction, self-esteem and flow experience. The flow experience is more influenced by the self-esteem than the life satisfaction. Of the ten APEs interviewed eight feel or have felt flow at work. All the conditions for the flow experience were cited, with emphasis on the balance between skills and challenges. Most said like activity and challenges. Everyone feels flow out of work, especially when traveling and reading. There is high turnover of APEs respondents between the areas of activity. The activity area influences the perception of flow.
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Flow no serviço público : a experiência dos auditores públicos externos do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do SulPrux, Paula Raymundo January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as experiências de flow (Teoria do Flow, de Csikszentmihalyi) alcançadas pelos Auditores Públicos Externos (APEs) do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (TCE-RS), a partir da sua percepção. Tem como objetivos específicos: identificar e descrever as condições, as características e as experiências de flow alcançadas pelos Auditores Públicos Externos do TCE-RS, com base em sua percepção; verificar os fatores determinantes para a ocorrência das experiências de flow por parte dos APEs; identificar os níveis de satisfação de vida e de autoestima dos APEs; sugerir questões para futuras pesquisas; fornecer feedback para que o TCE-RS possa melhorar suas políticas de gestão de pessoas. Como principal base teórica utiliza a Teoria do Flow, de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1989, 1991, 1997, 2000, 2004), que foca na experiência máxima. Contextualiza a teoria dentro da Psicologia Positiva. Aborda aspectos teóricos de motivação em Maslow (1970, 1976, 1986, 2001) e Csikszentmihalyi (2004), satisfação de vida (Hewitt, 2009, Diener e Diener, 1995) e autoestima (Rosenberg, 1973, Diener et al, 2005). Contextualiza o trabalho no setor público com base em autores clássicos e contemporâneos como Weber (2000, 2010), Kalberg (2005), Crozier (1981), Motta (1984), Bresser Pereira (1996, 2009), Bergue (2010, 2011, 2014), Paludo (2013), Paes de Paula (2005). A pesquisa é exploratória-descritiva (Gil, 2008), com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. Aplicou-se questionário online com questões de identificação (adaptado de Gouveia, 2011; Oliveira, 2013), Escala de Satisfação de Vida, Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (Hutz et al., 2014) e Escala de Flow (adaptado de Gouveia, 2011; Oliveira, 2013) para uma amostra não probabilística de 122 APEs do TCE-RS. Realizou-se entrevistas com dez APEs selecionados a partir do critério de acessibilidade. Os dados coletados a partir do questionário foram analisados por meio de análise fatorial confirmatória, análise de variância, correlação de Pearson e regressão linear. O conteúdo das entrevistas foi analisado pela análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2010) por meio de doze categorias: metas claras; feedback imediato; equilíbrio entre capacidades e desafios; concentração profunda; controle sobre si mesmo e sobre a tarefa; noção de tempo alterada; fusão ação-consciência; personalidade autotélica; trabalho considerado significativo pela sociedade; satisfação de vida; autoestima. Dentre os participantes da etapa quantitativa, 86,9% afirmaram vivenciar experiências de flow durante o trabalho, 23% estão entre os mais satisfeitos, 60% apresentaram satisfação de vida acima da média; 30,3% estão entre os com autoestima mais elevada, 42,7% apresentaram autoestima acima da média. Foram verificadas diferenças de percepções que podem ser analisadas pela instituição para que sejam elaboradas políticas de gestão de pessoas para suprimir as lacunas apresentadas principalmente quanto à satisfação de vida e condições para a experiência de flow. Há correlação positiva entre satisfação de vida, autoestima e experiência de flow. A experiência de flow é mais influenciada pela autoestima do que pela satisfação de vida. Dos dez APEs entrevistados, oito sentem ou já sentiram flow no trabalho. Todas as condições para a experiência de flow foram citadas, com ênfase para o equilíbrio entre capacidades e desafios. A maioria afirmou gostar da atividade e de desafios. Todos sentem flow fora do trabalho, principalmente ao viajar e ler. Há alta rotatividade dos APEs entrevistados entre as áreas de atividade. A área de atividade influencia na percepção de flow. / This research aims to analyze the flow of experiences (Flow Theory, by Csikszentmihalyi) gained by the Auditors Public External (APEs) of the Court of Rio Grande South State (TCERS), from your perception. Its specific objectives: identify and describe the conditions, characteristics and flow of experiences gained by the Public External Auditors of TCE-RS, based on their perception; verify the determining factors for the occurrence of flow experiences by the APEs; identify life satisfaction levels and self-esteem of the APEs; suggest questions for future research; provide feedback to the TCE-RS can improve their people management policies. As the main theoretical basis using the Flow Theory, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1989, 1991, 1997, 2000, 2004), which focuses on maximum experience. Contextualizes the theory within Positive Psychology. Covers theoretical aspects of motivation Maslow (1970, 1976, 1986, 2001) and Csikszentmihalyi (2004), life satisfaction (Hewitt, 2009 Diener and Diener, 1995) and self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1973 Diener et al., 2005). Contextualizes the work in public administration based on classic and contemporary authors such as Weber (2000, 2010), Kalberg (2005), Crozier (1981), Motta (1984), Bresser Pereira (1996, 2009), Bergue (2010, 2011, 2014), Paludo (2013), Dasso Júnior (2014), Paes de Paula (2005). Research is exploratory and descriptive (Gil, 2008), with quantitative and qualitative approach. Applied online questionnaires with identification questions (adapted from Gouveia, 2011; Oliveira, 2013), Life Satisfaction Scale, Self-Esteem Scale Rosenberg (Hutz et al., 2014) and Flow Scale (adapted from Gouveia 2011; Oliveira, 2013) for a nonprobabilistic sample of 122 APEs of TCE-RS. We conducted interviews with ten APEs selected from the accessibility criteria. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation and linear regression. The content of the interviews was analyzed by content analysis (Bardin, 2010) through twelve categories: clear goals; immediate feedback; balance between capacity and challenges; deep concentration; control over himself and the task; modified notion of time; fusing action-awareness; autotelic personality; work considered significant by the company; life satisfaction; self-esteem. Among the participants of the quantitative stage, 86.9% reported experiencing flow experiences at work, 23% are among the most satisfied, 60% were above average life satisfaction; 30.3% are among those with higher self-esteem, 42.7% had above average self-esteem. Differences in perceptions were found that can be analyzed by the institution for people management policies are designed to take away the gaps presented mainly as the satisfaction of life and conditions for the flow of experience. There are positive correlation between life satisfaction, self-esteem and flow experience. The flow experience is more influenced by the self-esteem than the life satisfaction. Of the ten APEs interviewed eight feel or have felt flow at work. All the conditions for the flow experience were cited, with emphasis on the balance between skills and challenges. Most said like activity and challenges. Everyone feels flow out of work, especially when traveling and reading. There is high turnover of APEs respondents between the areas of activity. The activity area influences the perception of flow.
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