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Théorie et applications des systèmes polyphasiques dispersés aux cultures cellulaires en chémostat/Theory and applications of polyphasic dispersed systems to chemostat cellular culturesThierie, Jacques GE 05 September 2005 (has links)
Résumé Les systèmes microbiologiques naturels (colonne d’eau), semi-naturels (station d’épuration), mais surtout industriels ou de laboratoire (bioréacteurs) sont communément représentés par des modèles mathématiques destinés à l’étude, à la compréhension des phénomènes ou au contrôle des processus (de production, par exemple).
Dans l’énorme majorité des cas, lorsque les cellules (procaryotes ou eucaryotes) mises en jeu dans ces systèmes sont en suspension, le formalisme de ces modèles non structurés traite le système comme s’il était homogène. Or, en toute rigueur, il est clair que cette approche n’est qu’une approximation et que nous avons à faire à des phénomènes hétérogènes, formés de plusieurs phases (solide, liquide, gazeuse) intimement mélangées. Nous désignons ces systèmes comme « polyphasiques dispersés » (SPD). Ce sont des systèmes thermodynami-quement instables, (presque) toujours ouverts.
La démarche que nous avons entreprise consiste à examiner si le fait de considérer des systèmes dits « homogènes » comme des systèmes hétérogènes (ce qu’ils sont en réalité) apporte, malgré une complication du traitement mathématique, un complément d’information significatif et pertinent.
La démarche s’est faite en deux temps :
· Une étape purement théorique, destinée à établir de manière rigoureuse et générale les bilans de matière pour chaque composé du système dans chacune de ces phases.
· Une étape appliquée, visant à démontrer, au travers d’exemples concrets, la validité du concept et de la démarche.
Pour l’étude des applications, pour diverses raisons, nous avons choisi d’étudier un bioréacteur ouvert « simple », le chémostat. Les bilans généraux dérivés à la première étape ont donc été appliqués à ce réacteur et plusieurs exemples, tirés de la littérature, pour la plupart, ont été traités dans le cadre des SPD.
Les principaux résultats exposés dans le travail concernent :
- sur le plan général, la pertinence d’une partition des systèmes en plusieurs phases, ce qui fait apparaître à la fois des flux d’échange interphasiques (qui n’apparaissent pas dans les systèmes dits monophasiques) et la possibilité de représenter le système à plusieurs niveaux de description.
- quant aux applications, outre quelques petits exemples simples, nous proposons 1) un nouveau mécanisme pour représenter la dissipation de l’énergie cellulaire (un domaine encore très controversé), grâce à une approche implicite (c’est-à-dire, sans hypothèses particulières sur la forme des cinétiques intracellulaires) et 2) un modèle simple, original et innovant pour expliquer les signaux chimiques intercellulaires, les phénomènes de seuil et le branchement métabolique respiro-fermentatif en général et chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae en particulier, un mécanisme d’intérêt fondamental et industriel (levuristes et fermentations alcooliques). Abstract.
Natural microbiological systems (rivers, seas, …), semi-natural (wastewater treatment plants), but especially industrial or lab-scale systems (bioreactors) are commonly represented by mathematical models intended for the study, the understanding of phenomena or for the control of processes (production, for example).
In almost in every case, when the cells (prokaryotic or eukaryotic) concerned in these systems are in suspension, the formalism of these unstructured models treats the system as if it were homogeneous. However, in any rigor, this approach is clearly only an approximation and we have to deal with heterogeneous phenomena, formed of several phases (solid, liquid, gas) closely mixed. We refer to these systems as “polyphasic dispersed systems” (PDS). They are thermodynamically unstable systems, and are (practically) always open.
The approach we undertook consists in examining if treating apparent «homogeneous» systems as heterogeneous systems (what they actually are) brings, in spite of some mathematical complications, further significant and relevant information’s.
We proceeded in two steps:
· A purely theoretical stage, intended to establish in a rigorous and general way the mass balances for each compound in each phases of the system.
· A applied stage, aiming at showing, through concrete examples, the soundness of the concept and of the method.
Concerning the applications, for several reasons, we chose to study a “simple” open bioreactor: the chemostat. The general balances previously derived in a general way were hence applied to this reactor and a number of examples, mainly obtained from the literature, were treated within the PDS framework.
The principal results presented in this work concern:
- on the general level, the importance of partitioning the system in different phases, enlightening at the same time interphasic exchange flows (which do not appear in the systems known as monophasic) and the possibility of representing the system on several levels of description.
- concerning the applications, in addition to some small simple examples, we propose
1) a new mechanism representing the cellular energy dissipation (a still very controversial field), using an implicit approach (i.e., without particular assumptions about the form of the intracellular kinetics) and
2) a simple, original and inventive model explaining cellular chemical signaling, threshold phenomena and a general metabolic switch occurring during respirofermentative transition. The latter was especially tested on Saccharomyces cerevisiae data to interpret the Crabtree effect in yeast, a mechanism of fundamental and industrial importance (in connection with baker’s yeast production and alcoholic fermentations).
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The Behaviour of the Latent Heat Exchange Coefficient in the Stable Marine Boundary LayerLindgren, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Knowledge of the turbulent fluxes at the sea surface is important for understanding the interaction between atmosphere and ocean. With better knowledge, improvements in the estimation of the heat exchange coefficients can be made and hence models are able to predict the weather and future climate with higher accuracy.</p><p>The exchange coefficients of latent and sensible heat during stable stratification vary in the literature. Therefore it is necessary to investigate the processes influencing the air-sea exchange of water vapour and heat in order to estimate these values. With measurements from a tower and a directional waverider buoy at the site Östergarnsholm in the Baltic Sea, data used in this study have been sampled from the years 2005-2007. This site represents open-ocean conditions during most situations when the wind comes from the south-east sector. The neutral exchange coefficients, CEN and CHN, have been calculated along with the non-dimensional profile functions for temperature and wind to study the dependence of stability and other parameters of relevance.</p><p>It was found that CEN increased slightly with wind speed and reached a mean value of approximately 1.45×10-3. The highest values of CEN were observed during near neutral conditions and low wave ages. CHN attained a mean value of approximately 0.77×10-3 and did not show any relation to wind speed or to wave age. No significant dependence with wind or wave direction could be shown for either CEN or CHN in the sector 80-220°. The stability correction, performed to reduce the dependence on stratification for CEN and CHN, was well performed for stabilities higher than 0.15. The stability is represented by a relationship between the height and the Obukhov-length (z/L).</p><p>Validity of the non-dimensional profile functions for temperature and wind showed that, for smaller stabilities, these functions gave higher values than the corresponding functions recommended by Högström (1996). The profile funtions for temperature was shown to have a larger scatter while the profile functions for wind was less scattered and deviated more from the functions given by Högström</p> / <p>Kunskap om turbulenta flöden i det marina gränsskiktet är viktigt för att förstå växelverkan mellan atmosfär och hav. Med bättre kunskap kan förbättringar i bestämningen av utbyteskoefficienterna för latent och sensibelt värme erhållas. Det medför att modeller kan prognostisera väder och framtida klimat med högre noggrannhet.</p><p>Utbyteskoefficienterna för latent och sensibelt värme har för stabil skiktning olika värden i litteraturen. Detta gör det nödvändigt att undersöka de processer som påverkar utbytet av vattenånga och värme mellan luft och hav för att kunna bestämma dessa värden. Data som har använts i den här studien insamlades mellan år 2005 och 2007 från en boj och ett torn vid mätplatsen Östergarnsholm i Baltiska havet. För det flesta situationer, när vinden blåser från syd-ost, representerar mätplatsen ett förhållande likvärdigt det över öppet hav. De neutrala utbyteskoefficienterna, CEN och CHN, och de dimensionslösa profilfunktionera för temperatur och vind, och , har beräknats för att studera beroendet av stabilitet samt andra relevanta parametrar.</p><p>Beräkningarna visade att CEN ökade något med vindhastighet och hamnade på ett medelvärde av ungefär 1.45×10-3. De högsta värdena på CEN observerades vid nära neutrala förhållanden och låga vågåldrar. CHN uppmättes till att ha ett medelvärde på ungefär 0.77×10-3 och uppvisade inget beroende med vindhastighet eller vågålder. Inget märkbart beroende med vind- eller vågriktning kunde visas för CEN eller CHN i sektorn 80-220°. Stabilitetskorrektionen, utförd för att reducera beroendet av atmosfärens skiktning för CEN och CHN, var bra för stabiliteter högre än 0.15. Stabiliteten representeras av förhållandet mellan höjden och Obukhov-längden (z/L).</p><p>Utvärdering av de dimensionslösa funktionerna för temperatur och vind visade att dessa funktioner, för små stabiliteter, gav högre värden än motsvarande funktioner som rekommenderas av Högström (1996). Värdena på profilfunktionerna för temperatur hade större spridning än värdena på profilfunktionerna för vind och avvek mer från funktionerna givna av Högström.</p>
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Impacts du changement climatique sur les bilans de carbone et de gaz à effet de serre de la prairie permanente en lien avec la diversité fonctionnelle / Impacts of climate change drivers on grassland structure, production and greenhouse gas fluxesCantarel, Amélie 25 March 2011 (has links)
En Europe, la prairie occupe près de 40% de la surface agricole utile et fournit un ensemble de services environnementaux et agricoles, tout en constituant un réservoir de diversité végétale et animale. Cet écosystème herbacé, plurispécifique et multifonctionnel est un système biologique complexe qui fait interagir l’atmosphère, la végétation et le sol, via les cycles biogéochimiques, notamment ceux du carbone et de l’azote. Motivées par le maintien des biens et services des prairies face aux changements climatiques et atmosphériques, les recherches actuelles sur l’écosystème prairial s’attachent à étudier l’évolution des processus clés du système prairial (i .e. production, échanges gazeux, changements d’espèce) sous changement climatique complexe. Ce projet de thèse a pour objectif d’étudier in situ les impacts des principales composantes du changement climatique (température de l’air, précipitations, concentration atmosphérique en gaz carbonique) sur des prairies extensives de moyenne montagne. Nous cherchons à mettre en évidence les changements de structure et de fonctionnement de l’écosystème prairial sous l’influence d’un scénario de changement climatique prévu à l’horizon 2080 pour le centre de la France. Ce scénario (ACCACIA A2) prévoit une augmentation de 3.5°C des températures de l’air, une augmentation des concentrations atmosphériques en CO2 de 200 ppm et une réduction des précipitations estivales de 20 %. Nos résultats indiquent qu’à moyen terme (trois ans de traitements expérimentaux) le réchauffement a des effets néfastes sur la production annuelle du couvert végétal. L’effet bénéfique d’une élévation des teneurs en CO2 sur la production aérienne n’apparaît qu’à partir de la troisième année. La richesse spécifique (nombre d’espèces) et les indices de diversité taxonomique n’ont pas montré de variations significatives sous changement climatique. Cependant après trois années de réchauffement, l’abondance des graminées semble être altérée. Contrairement à la production, les traits sont plus affectés par la concentration en CO2 élevée que par le réchauffement. Après trois ans de traitements, des mesures d’échanges gazeux (CO2) à l’échelle du couvert végétal pendant la saison de croissance ont montré un effet négatif du réchauffement sur l’activité photosynthétique du couvert et une acclimatation de la photosynthèse au cours de la saison de croissance sous CO2 élevé. Ces tendances ont aussi été trouvées sur la photosynthèse foliaire d’une des espèces dominantes du couvert (Festuca arundinacea). L’effet négatif direct du réchauffement à l’échelle foliaire semble être associé à une diminution des sucres dans les limbes. L’acclimatation à l’enrichissement enCO2 à l’échelle foliaire, quant à elle, semble être indirectement dépendante du statu hydrique du sol. Notre étude a aussi porté sur l’analyse des échanges gazeux sol-atmosphère d’un des principaux gaz à effet de serre trace des prairies, l’oxyde nitreux (N2O). Malgré une forte variabilité inter- et intra- annuelle, les flux de N2O semblent être favorisés sous réchauffement. L’augmentation de la température affecte aussi positivement les taux de nitrification et leur pool microbien associé (AOB), et les rejets de N2O via dénitrification. De plus, les flux de N2O mesurés aux champs ont montré une corrélation plus forte à la taille des populations microbiennes (nitrifiantes et dénitrifiantes) en traitement réchauffé qu’en traitement témoin. En conclusion, la température semble être le facteur principal dans les réponses de cette prairie aux changements climatiques futurs. De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que le fonctionnement (production, émissions de N2O) des prairies extensives de moyenne montagne est plus vulnérable aux changements climatiques que la structure de la communauté végétale. / In France, the grassland ecosystem represents an important part of the total of agricultural landscape and provides important economic and ecological services. This multifunctional ecosystem is a complex biological system where atmosphere, plants and soil interact together,via the biogeochemical cycles (particularly carbon and nitrogen cycles). In order to maintain goods and services from grasslands in changing environmental conditions, current research on the grassland ecosystem focus on the evolution of key grassland processes (i.e. production,gaseous exchanges, biodiversity) under multiple and simultaneous climate change.This thesis addresses the impacts of the three main climate change drivers (air temperature, precipitation and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations) on an extensively-managed upland grassland in situ. We investigated changes in ecosystem function and structure under the influence of a projected climate scenario for 2080 for central France. This scenario (ACCACIA A2) comprises : air warming of 3.5°C, 20 % reduction of the summer precipitation and an increase of 200 ppm in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2).Our results indicate that in the medium term (after three years of experimental treatments), warming had negative effects on the annual aboveground production. Elevated CO2 had no significant effects on aboveground production initially, but positive effects on biomass from the third year onwards. Species richness and the indices of species diversity did not show significant differences in response to climate change, but warming was associated with a decline in grass abundance after three years. Contrary to biomass production, plant traits showed a stronger response to elevated CO2 than to warming. After three years of study, canopy-level photosynthesis showed a negative effect of warming but an acclimation to elevated CO2 during the growing season. This pattern was also found for leaf-level photosynthetic rates measured on a dominant grass species (Festuca arundinacea). For Festuca, the direct negative effect of warming was associated with a decrease in leaf fructan metabolism. In contrast, the photosynthetic acclimation under elevated CO2 observed in Festuca seemed closely linked to the indirect effect of soil water content. Our study also examined effects of climate change on one of the main trace greenhouse gases in grasslands, nitrous oxide (N2O). During our study, N2O fluxes showed significant inter-and intra-annual variability. Nevertheless, mean annual N2O fluxes increased in response to warming. Warming had a positive effect on nitrification rates, denitrification rates and the population size of nitrifying bacteria (AOB). Furthermore, field N2O fluxes showed a stronger correlation with the microbial population size in the warmed compared with the control treatment. Overall, warming seems to be the main factor driving ecosystem responses to projected climate change conditions for this cool, upland grassland. In addition, our results suggest that grassland function (aboveground production, N2O emissions) are more vulnerable to complex climate change than grassland community structure for our study system.
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Emission of methane from northern lakes and pondsWik, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Northern lakes and ponds are abundant and emit large amounts of the potent climate forcer methane to the atmosphere at rates prone to change with amplified Arctic warming. In spite of being important, fluxes from surface waters are not well understood. Long-term measurements are lacking and the dominant and irregular transport mode ebullition (bubbling) is rarely quantified, which complicate the inclusion of lakes and ponds in the global methane budget. This thesis focuses on variations in emissions on both local and regional scales. A synthesis of methane fluxes from almost all studied sites constrains uncertainties and demonstrates that northern lakes and ponds are a dominant source at high latitudes. Per unit area variations in flux magnitudes among different types of water bodies are mainly linked to water depth and type of sediment. When extrapolated, total area is key and thus post-glacial lakes dominate emissions over water bodies formed by peat degradation or thermokarst processes. Further, consistent multiyear measurements in three post-glacial lakes in Stordalen, northern Sweden, reveal that seasonal ebullition, primarily driven by fermentation of acetate, can be predicted by easily measured parameters such as temperature and heat energy input over the ice-free season. Assuming that most water bodies respond similarly to warming, this thesis also suggests that northern lakes and ponds will release substantially more methane before the end of the century, primarily as a result of longer ice-free seasons. Improved uncertainty reductions of both current and future estimates rely on increased knowledge of landscape-level processes related to changes in aquatic systems and organic loading with permafrost thaw, as well as more high-quality measurements, seldom seen in contemporary data. Sampling distributed over entire ice-free seasons and across different depth zones is crucial for accurately quantifying methane emissions from northern lakes and ponds. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Adaptations métaboliques des organismes dans la zone de balancement des marées : implications sur la biodiversité locale dans un contexte de changement climatique / Metabolic adaptation of intertidal organisms : implication on local biodiversity in a climate change contestTagliarolo, Morgana 14 December 2012 (has links)
La zone côtière représente seulement une petite partie de la surface océanique, mais elle joue un rôle important dans le cycle du carbone. Pour contribuer à préciser ce rôle, l’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier les flux de carbone, en immersion et en émersion, des communautés benthiques intertidales vivant sur les estrans rocheux. La respiration et la calcification des principales espèces macrozoobenthiques ont été mesurées en laboratoire pour d’estimer les différentes adaptations métaboliques liées à une vie en milieu intertidal. En complément, les flux globaux de carbone des communautés ont été quantifiés aux interfaces air-sédiment et eau-sédiment grâce à des mesures in situ. D’une manière générale, la respiration de la communauté prévaut sur la production primaire, en conséquence les estrans rocheux semi-battus peuvent être considérés comme hétérotrophes. Grâce aux mesures de respiration en laboratoire et aux comptages d’espèces effectués sur les côtes rocheuses bretonnes, nous avons pu estimer la contribution du macrozoobenthos aux flux de carbone à une échelle régionale. La comparaison entre les résultats in situ et les études en laboratoire à permis de valider nos méthodes. / Coastal zone represents only a small part of ocean surface, but play a major role in carbon cycling. Ro help clarify this role; this thesis aimed to study carbon fluxes of intertidal benthic rocky shore communities during immersion and emersion. Respiration and calcification measurements of principal macrozoobenthic species were performed in the laboratory in order to evaluate their different metabolic adaptation to intertidal conditions. In addition, community carbon fluxes were quantified in situ at the air-sediment and water-sediment interfaces. Community respiration generally prevails on primary production indicating that semi-exposed intertidal rocky shore communities could be considered as heterotrophic. The contribution of macrozoobenthic organisms to carbon fluxes was estimated on a regional scale through respiration and calcification rates measured in the laboratory and species abundances recorded in Brittany (France) exposed rocky shores. The comparison between in situ and laboratory studies allowed our methods validation.
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Vliv přízemního ozonu na vegetaci: vyhodnocení pomocí viditelných symptomů a stomatálního toku ozonu / Surface ozone influence on native vegetation: results based on ozone visible symptoms and stomatal fluxMatoušková, Leona January 2012 (has links)
Regarding the vegetation, the most affected areas by high levels of surface ozone (O3) are the mountain ridges. Our study has been carried out in the Jizerske hory Mts. High O3 levels together with the convenient environmental conditions for stomatal conductance could be a threat for the health of recovering ecosystems in this area. The aims of this study was both to assess the influence of O3 on vegetation in the Czech mountains and to provide recommendations and outlooks for possible future using of relatively new methods (visible symptoms and stomatal O3 flux modelling) used for O3 impact assessment on native vegetation in the field; that means physiologically relevant methods for the determination of O3 influence. During 2006 and 2007, O3-like visible symptoms were assessed on the leaves of seven species at four sites. Symptoms on only two species (Fagus sylvatica L. and Rubus idaeus L.) have been determined as O3-induced. To our knowledge, it is the first study in the Czech Republic in which the O3-like symptoms on native plants have been verified by the Ozone Validation Centre for Central Europe. Our results based on O3-induced symptoms indicate that ambient O3 is likely to have a much lower impact than expected, considering the measured O3 concentrations (measured with passive samplers) and...
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Avaliação dos fluxos turbulentos de CO2, calor sensível e latente em função da profundidade óptica do aerossol sobre o arco do desflorestamento da Amazônia Legal Brasileira / Evaluation of CO2, Sensible and Latent Heat Turbulent Fluxes as Function of Aerosol Optical Depth over the Deforestation Arch in the Legal Brazilian AmazonBraghiere, Renato Kerches 28 June 2013 (has links)
Em dosséis com arquitetura foliar complexa, a radiação solar difusa pode potencializar a capacidade fotossintética, porque os penetra de modo mais eficiente. Apesar dos diversos estudos realizados nesse sentido em diferentes regiões do globo, os mecanismos e impactos do efeito da fertilização difusa sobre a América do Sul ainda continuam sendo pouco conhecidos. O Arco do Desflorestamento da Amazônia é um cenário ideal para sua maior investigação, tanto pela presença de complexos ecossistemas, quanto pela grande carga de aerossóis lançada para a atmosfera, em decorrência da queima de biomassa. Um estudo baseado em três diferentes localidades do Arco do Desflorestamento da Amazônia foi conduzido, a fim de relacionar a profundidade óptica dos aerossóis com alguns fluxos de superfície. Os resultados mostraram efeitos significativos da presença dos aerossóis tanto na troca de gás carbônico entre a vegetação e a atmosfera, quanto na troca de energia. Ainda, os fluxos mostraram ser sensíveis também às mudanças na temperatura, umidade e vento, além da influência do próprio ciclo diurno. Em cenários hipotéticos, foi possível isolar apenas o efeito do aerossol. O comportamento do fluxo de gás carbônico à presença dos aerossóis não foi o mesmo para as três localidades, o que indica uma grande dependência do fenômeno com as características da vegetação local. Na Reserva Biológica do Jaru e Ilha do Bananal, as trocas de gás carbônico entre a atmosfera e a superfície são favorecidas na presença de aerossóis, podendo atingir valores até 55% maiores em Jaru. Entretanto, Sinop apresentou uma redução de aproximadamente 12% no valor médio do fluxo de gás carbônico, para o período avaliado. Os fluxos de energia mostraram ser afetados negativamente pela presença dos aerossóis. Na Ilha do Bananal, a média do fluxo de calor sensível em cenários sem aerossóis foi em torno de 60% maior, e de até 13% maior para o fluxo de calor latente em Sinop. Devido aos processos de absorção e espalhamento da radiação solar pelos aerossóis, menos energia atinge a superfície e, portanto, há menos disponibilidade para a realização de tais trocas, como esperado. / In complex architecture canopies, the diffuse solar radiation can enhance photosynthetic capacity, as it penetrates more efficiently on them. Although several studies have been conducted on this topic over the world, the mechanisms and impacts of the \"diffuse fertilization effect\" over South America still remains poorly understood. The Amazon Deforestation Arch provides an ideal scenario for its further investigation, by the presence of complex ecosystems and by the large amounts of aerosols released into the atmosphere due to biomass burning. A study based on three different sites in the Amazon Deforestation Arch was conducted in order to relate the aerosol optical depth with some surface fluxes. The results showed significant effects of the aerosol presence in both, the exchange of carbon dioxide between the vegetation and the atmosphere, and the energy exchange. Still, the fluxes also showed to be sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity and wind velocities, as well as the influence of the diurnal cycle itself. In hypothetical scenarios, it was possible to isolate only the aerosol effect. The carbon dioxide flux behavior due to the aerosol presence was not the same for all the three locations, showing that it depends on the local vegetation characteristics. At the Jaru Biological Reserve and Bananal Island, the carbonic gas exchanges between the atmosphere and the surface increased under the aerosol presence, achieving values up to 55% higher in Jaru. However, Sinop showed a decrease by approximately 12% in the average value of the carbon dioxide flux for the evaluated period. Energy fluxes showed to be negatively affected by the presence of aerosols. In the Bananal Island the average of sensitive heat flux in scenarios without aerosols was around 60% higher, and up to 13% higher for the latent heat flux in Sinop. Due to absorption and scattering of solar radiation by the aerosols, less energy reaches the surface, and therefore there is less availability to perform such exchanges, as expected.
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Fluxos de gases de efeito estufa do solo na sucessão vegetação nativa/pastagem na região Sudeste do Brasil / Greenhouse gas fluxes from soil in succession native vegetation / pasture in Southeastern BrazilDiniz, Tatiana Rosa 23 September 2016 (has links)
A pecuária é considerada uma das principais fontes de emissão de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) no Brasil. Sua participação no inventario nacional de emissões de GEE está relacionada tanto à conversão da vegetação nativa em pastagens, com a perda de biomassa vegetal e modificações nas propriedades físicas e químicas do solo, quanto à participação dos próprios animais, através da eructação e da deposição de dejetos. A quantificação das emissões de GEE em sistemas agropecuários possibilita avaliar o grau de impacto dessa atividade sobre o ambiente. Grande parte dos estudos realizados para a quantificação das emissões dos dejetos do gado foi desenvolvido em regiões de clima temperado, porém faltam informações para as condições tropicais. No Brasil os fatores de emissão obtidos são menores que o valor default de 2% proposto pelo IPCC. Em vista ao grau de incerteza associado ao valor default para os dejetos animais, confirma-se a necessidade da determinação de fatores de emissão específicos, com o objetivo de conferir maior precisão aos inventários nacionais. Os objetivos deste estudo foram (i) avaliar os sistemas vegetação nativa e pastagem quanto aos fluxos de GEE provenientes das respectivas fontes: solo, fezes e urina do gado, com a finalidade de verificar suas contribuições específicas no total de GEE emitidos; (ii) determinar os fatores de emissão dos dejetos animais para a região edafoclimática da região sudeste do Brasil. Esse estudo foi realizado durante as estações seca e chuvosa, para avaliar também o efeito da sazonalidade na emissão de GEE. Foi utilizado câmaras estáticas fixadas ao solo para quantificação dos fluxos de CO2, CH4 e N2O, por um período de trinta dias em cada estação. Os fluxos diários de emissão de GEE provenientes dos dejetos apresentaram pico de emissão logo após sua aplicação, que perduraram apenas durante os primeiros dez dias amostrados. Os fatores de emissão do N2O calculados neste estudo também foram inferiores ao default, de 0,05% para a urina e 0,001% para as fezes na estação seca, e de 0,4% e 0,004% na estação chuvosa, respectivamente. O fator de emissão do CH4 calculado para as fezes do gado foi de 0,012 kg CH4 cabeça-1 ano-1 na estação seca e 0,004 kg CH4 cabeça-1 ano-1 na estação chuvosa. Os fluxos acumulados de CH4 e N2O gerados nesse estudo foram convertidos em CO2 equivalente, para efeito de comparação, para a contabilização da contribuição total de cada fonte na emissão de GEE. O solo sob vegetação nativa emitiu um total de 274 kg CO2e ha-1 ano-1, enquanto que na pastagem esse valor foi de 657 kg CO2e ha-1 ano-1, sem contabilizar os dejetos. Os dejetos contribuíram com 9.853 kg CO2e ha-1 ano-1, e quando somado um valor default para a eructação do gado, esse valor aumentou para 27.878 kg CO2e ha-1 ano-1. Os resultados demonstram que a pastagem emite uma quantidade 2,5 maior de GEE para a atmosfera quando comparado com uma área de vegetação nativa. Além disso, verificou-se a influência da sazonalidade na emissão dos GEE e a importante contribuição dos dejetos no total das emissões contabilizadas para o sistema pastagem / Livestock is considered one of the main sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission in Brazil. Its contribution is related either to conversion of native vegetation in pasture areas, with changes in physical and chemical soil properties, consequently changing the GHG fluxes into the atmosphere, or by the decomposition of livestock manure. Most studies conducted to quantify emissions from livestock manure have been developed in temperate regions with still a lack of information for tropical conditions. In Brazil, emission factors obtained were lower than the default value of 2% proposed by IPCC. Due to the uncertainty degree associated with the default value for animal manure, confirms the need for determination of specific emission factors, in order to give greater precision to national inventories. The objectives of this study were (i) to evaluate the systems native vegetation and pasture as the GHG fluxes from the respective sources: soil, faeces and cattle urine, in order to verify their specific contributions in the total GHG emissions; (ii) and determine the emission factors of animal manure. This study was conducted during the dry and rainy seasons, to evaluate the effect of seasonality in GHG emissions. Static chambers fixed to the ground were used to quantify CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes for a period of thirty days in each season, with five replicates for each treatment. On each day of collection, sampling was performed at regular intervals (0, 10 and 20 minutes after chamber closure). The GHG emission daily flows from manure showed a peak of emission immediately after application, which lasted only during the first ten days sampled. The N2O emission factors calculated in this study were lower than the default, 0.05% for urine and 0.001% for faeces in the dry season, and 0.4% and 0.004% in the rainy season, respectively. The CH4 emission calculated factors for the cattle faeces were 0.012 kg CH4 head-1 yr-1 in the dry season and 0.004 kg CH4 head-1 yr-1 in the rainy season. The cumulative flows of CH4 and N2O generated in this study were converted into CO2 equivalent, for comparison, accounting for the total contribution of each source of GHG emissions. The soil under native vegetation issued a total of 274 kg CO2e ha-1 yr-1, while in the pasture this value was 657 kg CO2e ha-1 yr-1, not counting the manure. The manure contributed 9853 kg CO2e ha-1 yr-1, and when coupled with a default value for cattle belching, this value increased to 27,878 kg CO2e ha-1 yr-1. The results demonstrate that the pasture emits 2.5-fold greater quantity of GHG when compared to a native vegetation area. In addition, there was the influence of seasonality on GHG emissions and the important contribution of waste in total emissions accounted for pasture system
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Reúso agrícola em planta forrageira: impacto pela irrigação com efluente tratado de abatedouro no fluxo de gases e na solução do solo / Agricultural reuse in pasture: impact on the flow of gases and soil solution by irrigation with treated effluent from slaughterhouseDominical, Luma Danielly 05 October 2018 (has links)
O reúso da água é uma prática amplamente estudada e recomendada por diversos pesquisadores como alternativa viável para suprir as necessidades hídricas e, parte das demandas nutricionais das plantas. No Brasil, esta atividade está em processo de desenvolvimento. Sua implantação está condicionada a especificidades locais, respeitando as legislações dos recursos hídricos, proteção ao meio ambiente e saúde pública. Além de fatores como qualidade do efluente tratado e seleção de culturas a serem irrigadas, faz-se necessário aplicar práticas adequadas de manejo, para conservação das propriedades físico-químicas e biológicas do sistema solo, planta e atmosfera. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação do comportamento dos íons na solução do solo e no solo, do fluxo de gases do efeito estufa e da produtividade da água da cultura, em um sistema de produção irrigado com efluente de abatedouro tratado por sistema anaeróbio, no cultivo de capim coastcross para feno, em diferentes doses de adubação nitrogenada. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições, sendo estes: T1 - irrigação com água superficial e adição de 100% de adubação nitrogenada (AN) recomendada; T2, T3, T4 e T5 - irrigação com efluente tratado de abatedouro e adição de 0; 33%; 66% e 100 % de AN, respectivamente. Sendo a AN 50 kg ha-1 corte-1 de nitrogênio, na forma de ureia. O solo foi avaliado quimicamente nas profundidades de 0-0,20 m e 0,20-0,40 m, para os parâmetros de fertilidade e sódio trocável. A solução do solo foi obtida por pasta de saturação para posterior análise dos íons Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, SO4-, NO2-, NO3- e NH4+. A produtividade da água foi determinada pela relação entre produção de massa seca do capim e lâmina de irrigação mais precipitação pluviométrica. A coleta de gases do solo foi realizada por câmaras estáticas e os gases analisados foram gás carbônico, metano e óxido nitroso, por cromatografia gasosa, para determinação do fluxo de gases do solo. Os dados foram avaliados nas estações inverno-primavera (ano 2017) e verão-outono (ano 2018). Os resultados comprovam o potencial do uso de efluentes tratados de abatedouro na irrigação do capim coastcross, como forma complementar ao tratamento anaeróbio. O manejo adotado concentrou os elementos químicos do solo na camada 0-0,20 m, profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular do capim. O aporte de sais ao solo ocorreu nos tratamentos com efluente, no período inverno-primavera, as precipitações ocorridas no período seguinte (verão) foram suficientes para lixiviar os sais para a camada inferior do solo. A análise de solução do solo comprovou o potencial de lixiviação de nitrogênio na forma de nitrato e nitrito, durante todo o período estudado, principalmente para o tratamento com efluente tratado de abatedouro e 100% da AN. Os tratamentos não influenciaram a produtividade da água. A avaliação do fluxo de gases de efeito estufa do solo comprovou a influência das variáveis climáticas e da umidade do solo, ao longo do tempo. O fluxo de CO2 foi maior na coleta de dezembro/2017, incrementado nos tratamentos com efluente. Considerando a dinâmica de solutos no solo, o potencial do aporte de nutrientes e o teor salino do efluente, assim como o fluxo de gases de efeito estufa do solo, o tratamento com efluente tratado de abatedouro, sem adubação nitrogenada, foi o tratamento mais adequado para as condições de desenvolvido do experimento. / Water reuse is a practice widely studied and recommended by several researchers as a viable alternative to meet water needs and part of the nutritional demands of plants. In Brazil, this activity is in the process of development. Its implementation is conditioned to local specificities, respecting the laws of water resources, protection of the environment and public health. In addition to factors such as the quality of the treated effluent and the selection of crops to be irrigated, it is necessary to apply appropriate management practices for the conservation of the physical-chemical and biological properties of the soil, plant and atmosphere system. In view of the above, the present work had the objective of evaluating the behavior of the ions in soil and soil solution, the greenhouse gas flow and the crop water productivity, in an irrigated production system with treated slaughterhouse effluent by anaerobic system, in the cultivation of coastcross grass for hay, at different doses of nitrogen fertilization. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with five treatments and four replications: T1 - irrigation with superficial water and addition of 100% of recommended nitrogen fertilization (AN); T2, T3, T4 and T5 - irrigation with treated effluent from slaughterhouse and addition of 0; 33%; 66% and 100% AN, respectively. Being the AN 50 kg ha-1 cut-1 of nitrogen, in the form of urea. The soil was chemically evaluated at depths of 0-0,20 m and 0,20-0,40 m, for fertility and exchangeable sodium parameters. The solution of the soil was obtained by saturation paste for later analysis of Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, SO4-, NO2-, NO3- and NH4+ ions. The water productivity was determined by the relation between dry mass production of the grass and irrigation blade plus rainfall. Soil gas collection was performed by static chambers and the gases analyzed were carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides, all by gas chromatography, to determine the flow of soil gases. The data were evaluated in the seasons winter-spring (2017) and summer-autumn (2018). The results confirm the potential of the use of treated effluents from slaughterhouse on coastcross grass irrigation as a complementary form to the anaerobic treatment. The management adopted concentrated the chemical elements of the soil in the layer 0-0,20 m, effective depth of the grass root system. The contribution of salts in the soil occurred in the treatments with effluent, in the winter-spring period, the precipitations occurred in the following period (summer) were sufficient to leach the salts to the lower layer of the soil. The soil solution analysis showed the potential of nitrogen leaching in the form of nitrate and nitrite, during the whole studied period, mainly for treatment with slaughterhouse treated effluent and 100% AN. Treatments did not influence water productivity. The evaluation of the flow of greenhouse gases from the soil proved the influence of climatic variables and soil moisture over time. The CO2 flux was higher in the collection of December / 2017, increased in the treatments with effluent. Considering the dynamics of solutes in the soil, the nutrient supply potential and the saline content of the effluent, as well as the greenhouse gas flow of the soil, treatment with treated effluent from slaughterhouse, without nitrogen fertilization, was the most appropriate treatment for the developed conditions of the experiment.
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Rôle des tourbillons océaniques dans la variabilité récente des flux air-mer de CO2 dans l'océan Austral / Impact of oceanic eddy activity on the variability of CO2 air-sea fluxes in the Southern Ocean.Dufour, Carolina 06 December 2011 (has links)
L'océan Austral joue un rôle crucial dans la régulation du système climatique en absorbant de grandes quantités de CO2 atmosphérique. Toutefois de nombreuses incertitudes demeurent quant à l'évolution récente du puits de carbone austral notamment en raison du manque d'observations et des lacunes des modèles océaniques dans la représentation de processus dynamiques comme les tourbillons. Depuis quelques décennies notamment, l'efficacité du puits de carbone austral diminuerait en raison d'une intensification des vents liée à une tendance positive du Mode Annulaire Austral (SAM). L'objectif de ces travaux de thèse est de décrire et comprendre la variabilité spatiale et temporelle récente des flux air-mer de CO2 dans l'océan Austral. Pour cela, des simulations de sensibilité aux phases positives du SAM sont réalisées dans une configuration régionale de l'océan Austral (sud de 30°S), basée sur un modèle couplé dynamique-biogéochimie forcé par l'atmosphère et résolvant partiellement la méso-échelle océanique. Dans l'océan Austral, la réponse des flux de CO2 au SAM correspond à un dégazage intense de CO2 dans la zone antarctique dû à une augmentation des concentrations de surface de carbone inorganique dissous (DIC). Cette augmentation est pilotée par la dynamique de la couche de mélange et alimentée par un transport méridien de DIC qui résulte essentiellement de la compétition entre circulation induite par les vents et par les méandres stationnaires. Ces travaux montrent l'apport d'une augmentation de la résolution numérique des modèles pour la simulation des flux de CO2. / By taking up large amounts of atmospheric CO2, the Southern Ocean helps to regulate the climate system. Southern Ocean carbon sink is poorly constrained, in part because data coverage is sparse and also because ocean models that have been used in such assessments fail to explicitly resolve key physical features such as mesoscale eddies. In recent decades, the growth of the Southern Ocean carbon sink may have been partly counteracted due to a loss of natural CO2 from the ocean driven by an intensification of westerlies, related to a positive trend in the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). This thesis focuses on documenting and understanding recent spatial and temporal variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Southern Ocean. Sensitivity to positive phases of the SAM are tested by making simulations with a regional model of the Southern Ocean (south of 30°S) that couples biogeochemistry to the dynamics, is forced by atmosphere reanalysis data, and partially resolves the mesoscale. The resulting response of Southern Ocean CO2 fluxes to the SAM is dominated by a strong CO2 efflux to the atmosphere from the Antarctic Zone due to an increase in surface dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). This increase is driven by the mixed-layer dynamics and is supplied by a meridional transport of DIC, a competition between the wind-driven circulation and the standing eddy-induced circulation. This work discusses the effect of increasing model resolution on simulated air-sea CO2 fluxes.
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