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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


汪欣寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用亞洲九個國家,自1995至2005年共十一年的資料,以固定效果模型對外人直接投資進入模式的外溢效果進行估計,探討外人直接投資進入模式與國家的勞動生產力之間的關係?另外,本文也研究外人直接投資的進入模式在高低技術及高低收入國家間是否會產生不同的外溢效果?   實證結果發現,跨國併購的行為剛進入時,並不會帶來顯著的外溢效果,然而只要一國的人力資本達到一定的門檻時,跨國併購便會為地主國帶來正向的外溢效果。而外商新建投資,可為當地市場產生正向的外溢效果。而透過技術能力的增進後,外商新建投資會帶來正向且顯著的外溢效果。 其次,在中低收入(技術)國家,外商新建投資透過人力資本的加乘後,也會產生顯著的正向外溢效果。 / The research adopts eleven-year of information from nine different Asian countries to evaluate the impact of spillover effect from the entry mode of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the national labor productivity. That is to construct a fixed-effects model studying, utilizing the information from nine Asian countries on FDI flows from 1995 to 2005. Moreover, the research also test the different spillover effect of entry mode between high-tech/high-incomed and low-tech/low-incomed countries. The empirical result shows that when first initiates a cross-border mergers or acquisitions, it doesn’t obviously result in the spillover effect. Thus, a country will has higher productivity of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, only when it has a minimum threshold stock of human capital. The foreign greenfield investment may have the positive spillover effect over the local market. And the higher the technology ,the higher the positive spillover effect of the foreign greenfield investment Lastly, in a low-tech/low-incomeed country,it will has higher productivity of foreign greenfield investment, also when it has a minimum threshold stock of human capital.

Tiesioginių užsienio investicijų plėtra Lietuvoje / The development of foreign direct investments in lithuania

Šimčikaitė, Diana 26 June 2014 (has links)
ŠIMČIKAITĖ, Diana. (2010) Tiesioginių užsienio investicijų plėtra Lietuvoje. Magistro baigiamasis darbas. Kaunas: Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas. 99 p. SANTRAUKA RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: tiesioginės užsienio investicijos, investicijas lemiantys veiksniai, TUI pritraukimas, mokestinės lengvatos, patrauklumo TUI indeksas. Dabartinėmis ekonominių procesų globalizacijos sąlygomis užsienio investicijų ir tarptautinio kapitalo judėjimo procesai daro vis didesnę įtaką tarptautinei prekių, paslaugų ir technologijų srautų kaitai. Pereinamosios ekonomikos šalims, tame tarpe ir Lietuvai, tiesioginės užsienio investicijos yra vienas svarbiausių ūkio plėtros veiksnių. Kadangi į Lietuvą investicijų pritraukiama nedaug, tai skatina analizuoti valstybės ekonominę politiką, skatinant tiesioginių užsienio investicijų atėjimą į šalį bei vertinti tiesioginių užsienio investicijų plėtrą lemiančius veiksnius. Darbo objektas- tiesioginių užsienio investicijų plėtrą lemiantys veiksniai. Darbo tikslas- išanalizavus tiesioginio investavimo procesus Lietuvoje, įvertinti tiesioginių užsienio investicijų plėtrą į Lietuvos ekonomiką lemiančius veiksnius. Darbo uždaviniai: atlikti tiesioginių užsienio investicijų sampratos teorinį nagrinėjimą, atlikti Lietuvos investicinės aplinkos SSGG analizę, atlikti Lietuvos ir kitų Baltijos valstybių palyginamąją analizę pagal tiesioginių užsienio investicijų plėtrą lemiančius veiksnius, atlikti ekspertų apklausą. Pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjama tiesioginių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / ŠIMČIKAITĖ, Diana. (2010) The development of Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) in Lithuania. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University.99 p. SUMMARY KEYWORDS: foreign direct investments, factors causing foreign direct investment, attracting FDI, taxing exemption, index of FDI attractiveness. In global economy fireign capital flows process influence international items, services and development of technologies. Foreign direct investments is one of the main factor for economic growth in all markets in transition and Lithuania also. On the whole, it’s just a small amount of foreign direct investments is attracting to Lithuania now. From the point of view effectiveness, Lithuania is after a lot of countries, that’s why it’s very important to analyse the main factors causing foreign direct investment. Object of the work: the main factors causing foreign direct investment. Aim of the work: evaluate the main factors causing foreign direct investment to Liethuania, after analysis of the foreign direct investing process. Tasks of teh work: to analise foreign direct investments composition, to accomplish Lithuania‘s investment environment SWOT analysis and comperative analysis of Lithuania and other Baltic states, to perform experts interrogation. First part, analyses foreign direct investments composition. Having in mind theories of capital movement and factors causing FDI flows to host economy, theoretical considerations of foreign direct... [to full text]

Ekonomisk tillväxt och utländska direktinvesteringar i Sub-Sahara

Gleizer, Valeria, Özturk, Volkan January 2012 (has links)
The Sub-Saharan countries have for a long time struggled with poverty and conflicts which might have proven hostile for investors. The analysis aims to see if there is a significant correlation between foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth and which cultural and institutional factors seem to be significant in this correlation. Considered are also other variables and their influence that might explain what motivates and gives incentives for foreign direct investments (FDI) and are used in the construction of a regression analysis. This to see whether there is an effect on the economic growth in relations to FDI. The results show that FDI is of significance to the economic growth in the region and the study shows that corruption seems to be the most significant institutional factor in the correlation with effect on economic growth and the ability to attract FDI.

Essai sur l’intensification des relations économiques entre la Chine et l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes. Internationalisation des firmes chinoises, déterminants et modalités de leurs investissements directs au Mexique / Essay on the growing economic relationship between China and Latin America and the Caribbean. Globalization of Chinese companies, motives and modes of their outward foreign direct investments in Mexico

Muffat-Jeandet, Morgan 12 February 2019 (has links)
La présence chinoise en Amérique latine et Caraïbes (ALC), tout comme dans d’autres régions du monde, a fortement augmenté depuis une quinzaine d’années. Au-delà des motifs traditionnels de cette expansion au niveau économique (la recherche de ressources et de nouveaux marchés), la Chine représente un partenaire particulier pour les pays latino-américains en raison des frontières floues entre les formes de propriété publique et privée, et des objectifs stricts de son gouvernement en matière de politique industrielle et de développement sur le long terme. En outre, des disparités régionales sont apparues entre l’Amérique du Sud, longtemps favorisée par l’augmentation de la demande chinoise en matières premières, et le Mexique, qui s’est rapidement retrouvé en situation de concurrence ouverte avec la Chine sur différents segments de son secteur secondaire, et dont la dynamique d’intégration en Amérique du Nord fut profondément impactée par l’arrivée des entreprises chinoises sur le marché des États-Unis. En combinant une analyse approfondie des bases de données disponibles sur les investissements directs à l’étranger (IDE) de la Chine en ALC et trois études de cas originales d’entreprises chinoises installées dans le domaine manufacturier au Mexique, cette thèse montre que ces opérations présentent des modalités inédites notamment en termes de rythme d’expansion et de capacités d’adaptation aux environnements locaux. Cependant, les externalités positives ou négatives des IDE chinois demeurent tributaires des interactions entre le contexte institutionnel du pays d’accueil et les stratégies des entreprises. / Chinese footprint in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), as in other parts of the globe, has surged in the last fifteen years. Beyond the traditional drivers of this expansion from an economic perspective (securing resources and new markets), China represents a special partner for Latin-American countries because of grey lines delimiting public and private ownership, strict industrial policy and long-term development goals. Besides, regional discrepancies have appeared between South America, which benefited from the boom of Chinese demand for raw materials, and Mexico, which found itself in direct competition with China on different segments of his secondary sector, and whose integration dynamic in North America was deeply impacted by the growing shares of Chinese companies in the US market. Combining an extensive analysis of existing databases about foreign direct investments (FDI) from China in LAC and three original case studies of Chinese companies located in the manufacturing industry in Mexico, this dissertation shows unique features in these operations such as an accelerated growth path and relative adaptive skills to foreign environments. Nevertheless, the positive or negative externalities of Chinese FDI remain dependent upon the interactions between the institutional context of the host country and the companies’ strategies.

Economia política internacional dos investimentos diretos externos: a complementariedade e interação das instituições políticas nacionais e internacionais para a governança global das relações econômicas transnacionais e desenvolvimento / International political economy of foreign direct investments: the complementarity and interaction of national and international political institutions for the global governance of transnational economic relations and development

Nakahara, Rodrigo Aoyama 17 August 2017 (has links)
O estudo se propõe a investigar as particularidades e especificidades dos mecanismos de governança global dos influxos investimentos diretos externos (IDE). Se, por um lado, não existe atualmente (à exemplo do comércio internacional) uma grande organização multilateral que garanta a governança dos influxos na relação entre os países (e, especialmente, entre entes estatais e particulares); por outro, prevalece a bilateralidade como esfera máxima da supranacionalidade para a regulação dos IDEs. Como especificidade dos IDEs, é característica a instalação do capital produtivo estrangeiro em um território nacional e a consequente sujeição à soberania de um ente estatal. Assim, configura-se, então, um modelo de governança sui generis em que coexistem uma governança com governo (no plano nacional) e uma governança sem governo (no plano supranacional). A principal hipótese de pesquisa é que as instituições nacionais e instituições supranacionais conjugam-se em uma relação de complementariedade e interação para configurar a estrutura da governança global dos influxos de IDEs. Para os testes empíricos, são estimados modelos interativos através de métodos econométricos longitudinais. Ao fim, conclui-se, com base em evidências robustas, que esse parece ser o mecanismo que configura essa peculiar forma de governança. / This research aims to investigate particularities and specificities of the global governance of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. If, on the one hand, a large multilateral organization, does not currently exist for FDIs (such as the existence of the WTO for international trade); on the other hand, bilateralism prevails as the ultimate sphere of supranationality for the regulation of FDIs in the international arena. As a particularity of FDIs, foreign productive capital typically crosses over into a national territory and thus foreign investors must undergo the sovereign power of such state entity and abide by its decisions. Therefore, a sui generis model of global governance emerges in which there coexists a governance with government (at the national level) and a governance without government (at the supranational level). The main research hypothesis is that national and supranational institutions conjugate themselves in an intricate relationship of complementarity and interaction in order to configure such global governance structure of FDI inflows. For the empirical tests, interactive models are estimated through longitudinal econometric methods. Finally, based upon robust evidence, it is concluded that this seems to be the mechanism that engenders this peculiar form of governance.

Economia política internacional dos investimentos diretos externos: a complementariedade e interação das instituições políticas nacionais e internacionais para a governança global das relações econômicas transnacionais e desenvolvimento / International political economy of foreign direct investments: the complementarity and interaction of national and international political institutions for the global governance of transnational economic relations and development

Rodrigo Aoyama Nakahara 17 August 2017 (has links)
O estudo se propõe a investigar as particularidades e especificidades dos mecanismos de governança global dos influxos investimentos diretos externos (IDE). Se, por um lado, não existe atualmente (à exemplo do comércio internacional) uma grande organização multilateral que garanta a governança dos influxos na relação entre os países (e, especialmente, entre entes estatais e particulares); por outro, prevalece a bilateralidade como esfera máxima da supranacionalidade para a regulação dos IDEs. Como especificidade dos IDEs, é característica a instalação do capital produtivo estrangeiro em um território nacional e a consequente sujeição à soberania de um ente estatal. Assim, configura-se, então, um modelo de governança sui generis em que coexistem uma governança com governo (no plano nacional) e uma governança sem governo (no plano supranacional). A principal hipótese de pesquisa é que as instituições nacionais e instituições supranacionais conjugam-se em uma relação de complementariedade e interação para configurar a estrutura da governança global dos influxos de IDEs. Para os testes empíricos, são estimados modelos interativos através de métodos econométricos longitudinais. Ao fim, conclui-se, com base em evidências robustas, que esse parece ser o mecanismo que configura essa peculiar forma de governança. / This research aims to investigate particularities and specificities of the global governance of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. If, on the one hand, a large multilateral organization, does not currently exist for FDIs (such as the existence of the WTO for international trade); on the other hand, bilateralism prevails as the ultimate sphere of supranationality for the regulation of FDIs in the international arena. As a particularity of FDIs, foreign productive capital typically crosses over into a national territory and thus foreign investors must undergo the sovereign power of such state entity and abide by its decisions. Therefore, a sui generis model of global governance emerges in which there coexists a governance with government (at the national level) and a governance without government (at the supranational level). The main research hypothesis is that national and supranational institutions conjugate themselves in an intricate relationship of complementarity and interaction in order to configure such global governance structure of FDI inflows. For the empirical tests, interactive models are estimated through longitudinal econometric methods. Finally, based upon robust evidence, it is concluded that this seems to be the mechanism that engenders this peculiar form of governance.

La société privée européenne : un projet de société contractuelle et supranationale / The european private company : a contractual and supranational company

Gergis, Maryline 13 June 2015 (has links)
Les entrepreneurs n’ont pas manqué de soulever l’importance et la nécessité d’une structure européenne flexible pour répondre aux besoins des PME. En effet l'introduction d'une société à conception contractuelle dans le droit européen revêt de multiples intérêts. D'une part, elle intègre les PME dans la continuité du processus de construction du marché intérieur. D’autre part, elle offre une liberté d’action appréciée par les entrepreneurs qui évoluent dans un marché fortement concurrentiel. Enfin, le caractère contractuel permet au législateur européen de revenir sur la définition des libertés d'établissement et de circulation des capitaux.Aussi encourageant que soit ce projet, il n'en demeure pas moins source d'interrogations et d'inquiétudes. La liberté contractuelle comporte des risques si elle n'évolue pas dans un cadre juridique adapté et protecteur. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’analyser les effets de la transposition de la liberté contractuelle dans le droit européen des sociétés. Pour comprendre la portée de l’adoption du texte relatif à la SPE, cette thèse tentera de définir la liberté contractuelle au sens communautaire, de souligner ses avantages et d’analyser ses inconvénients. / Entrepreneurs consider flexible structures are important to meet European SMES needs. Indeed, the transposition of a contractual company in the European law are very valuable. On the one hand, it includes SMES in the process of construction of internal market. On the other hand, it offers to entrepreneurs a freedom to manage their companies in order to be more competitive. Finally the contractual aspect of the company allows the European parliament to reconsider the definition of freedom of establishment and free movement of capital. As encouraging as this project is, it remains a source of questions and concerns. Contractual freedom could involve risks if it doesn’t evolve in a suitable protective legal framework. This thesis aims to analyze the effects of the transposition of contractual freedom in the European company law. To understand the scope of the adoption of the text relating to the SPE, this thesis will try to define the contractual freedom in EU terms, to emphasize its advantages and disadvantages analyzed

Economic Relations Between China and the United States of America / Hospodářské vztahy mezi Čínou a Spojenými Státy Americkými

Gjochi, Marigona January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis emphasizes the economic relations between China and the United States. It gives an overview and theoretical background support on the significance of contemporary the economic relations between countries in today`s globalized era. Secondly, it analyzes how the theoretical background of economic and trade relations affect the empirical case study of the economic relations between China and the USA. The goal is to show how the economic and trade relations between China and the United States influence each other`s economies and what is the effect of such relations on the economic performance of both countries. More precisely, in order to answer the question above, the master thesis deals with complex analysis in regard of historical perspective concerning the economic relations between these countries, their ongoing cooperation in terms of balance of payments, the current and potential issues what both countries face and the existing challenges for the future. In order to complete the analysis and answer the research question, list of various sources will be used, starting from academic journals, books, literature reviews, reports from the World Trade Organization (hereafter WTO), reports from the respective countries on their economic progress, data available from the ministries of trade of respective countries and other sources related to the analysis of the contemporary economic and trade relations between the countries participating in the global economy.

Hongkong ako obchodný partner Európskej únie a Českej republiky / Hong Kong as a trading partner of European Union and the Czech Republic

Maťušová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes the business partnership between Hong Kong and European Union, with a particular focus on the importance of business activities between the Czech Republic and Hong Kong through statistical analysis of exports, imports and foreign direct investments. The thesis includes a questionnaire survey of Czech entrepreneurs trading with Hong Kong to assess the advantages and disadvantages of Hong Kong as a trading partner of European Union and the Czech Republic, the role of Hong Kong and European institutions and organizations supporting mutual development of business activities and highlight the opportunities for development of mutual not only trade relations to the future.

South African foreign policy in Africa : the case of South Africa retail multinational corporations

Mkhabela, Mpumelelo Kansas 11 1900 (has links)
The significant role of multinational corporations (MNCs) in the international political economy necessitates innovative ways to study their activities and relationships with states. This study, therefore, analyses the foreign policy of the South African government in Africa during President Thabo Mbeki’s administration – 1999 to 2008 – juxtaposed with the corporate diplomatic strategies of selected retail MNCs. The MNCs – Shoprite Holdings Limited, Massmart Holdings Limited, Woolworths Holdings Limited and Pick n Pay Holdings Limited – are treated as actors. The study uncovers the nature and extent of coalescences and divergences of strategies between the government and the MNCs. It also finds divergences between government’s policy pronouncements and interests. For example, the government’s plan to craft a code of good business practice is found to be in conflicts with its support for multilateralism. The study lays the basis for a new model to study diplomatic strategies of firms and governments. / Political Sciences / M.A. (International Politics)

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