Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ireland.""
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Cenozoic foreland-basin evolution in the northern Andes : insights from thermochronology and basin analysis in the Eastern Cordillera, ColombiaParra, Mauricio January 2008 (has links)
The modern foreland basin straddling the eastern margin of the Andean orogen is the prime example of a retro-arc foreland basin system adjacent to a subduction orogen. While widely studied in the central and southern Andes, the spatial and temporal evolution of the Cenozoic foreland basin system in the northern Andes has received considerably less attention. This is in part due to the complex geodynamic boundary conditions, such as the oblique subduction and accretion of the Caribbean plates to the already complex interaction between the Nazca and the South American plates. In the Colombian Andes, for example, a foreland basin system has been forming since ~80 Ma over an area previously affected by rift tectonics during the Mesozoic. This setting of Cenozoic contractile deformation superposed on continental crust pre-strained by extensional processes thus represents a natural, yet poorly studied experimental set-up, where the role of tectonic inheritance on the development of foreland basin systems can be evaluated. However, a detailed documentation of the early foreland basin evolution in this part of the Andes has thus far only been accomplished in the more internal sectors of the orogen. In this study, I integrate new structural, sedimentological and biostratigraphic data with low-temperature thermochronology from the eastern sector of the Colombian Andes, in order to provide the first comprehensive account of mountain building and related foreland basin sedimentation in this part of the orogen, and to assess as to what extent pre-existent basement anisotropies have conditioned the locus of foreland deformation in space and time.
In the Medina Basin, along the eastern flank of the Eastern Cordillera, I integrated detailed structural mapping and new sedimentological data with a new chronostratigraphic framework based on detailed palynology that links an eastward-thinning early Oligocene to early Miocene syntectonic wedge containing rapid facies changes with an episode of fast tectonic subsidence starting at ~30 Ma. This record represents the first evidence of topographic loading generated by slip along the principal basement-bounding thrusts in the Eastern Cordillera to the west of the basin and thus constrains the onset of mountain building in this area. A comprehensive assessment of exhumation patterns based on zircon fission-track (ZFT), apatite fission-track (AFT) analysis and thermal modelling reveals the location of these thrust loads to have been located along the contractionally reactivated Soapaga Fault in the axial sector of the Eastern Cordillera. Farther to the east, AFT and ZFT data also document the onset of thrust-induced exhumation associated with contractional reactivation of the main range-bounding Servita Fault at ~20 Ma. Associated with this episode of orogenic growth, peak burial temperature estimates based on vitrinite reflectance data in the Cenozoic sedimentary record of the adjacent Medina Basin documents earlier incorporation of the western sector of the basin into the advancing fold and thrust belt.
I combined these new thermochronological data with published AFT analyses and known chronologic indicators of brittle deformation in order to evaluate the patterns of orogenic-front migration in the Andes of central Colombia. This spatiotemporal analysis of deformation reveals an episodic pattern of eastward migration of the orogenic front at an average rate of 2.5-2.7 mm/yr during the Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic. I identified three major stages of orogen propagation. First, following initiation of mountain building in the Central Cordillera during the Late Cretaceous, the orogenic front propagate eastward at slow rates (0.5-3.1 mm/yr) until early Eocene times. Such slow orogenic advance would have resulted from limited accretionary flux related to slow and oblique (SW-NE-oriented) convergence of the Farallon and South American plates during that time. A second stage of rapid orogenic advance (4.0-18.0 mm/yr) during the middle-late Eocene, and locally of at least 100 mm/yr in the middle Eocene, resulted from initial tectonic inversion of the Eastern Cordillera. I correlate this episode of rapid orogen-front migration with an increase in the accretionary flux triggered by acceleration in convergence and a rotation of the convergence vector to a more orogen-perpendicular direction. Finally, stagnation of the Miocene deformation front along former rift-bounding reactivated faults in the eastern flank of the Eastern Cordillera led to a decrease in the rates of orogenic advance. Post-late Miocene-Pliocene thrusting along the actively deforming front of the Eastern Cordillera at this latitude suggests averaged Miocene-Holocene orogen propagation rates of 1.2-2.1 mm/yr. In addition, ZFT data suggest that exhumation along the eastern flank of the orogen occurred at moderate rates of ~0.3 mm/yr during the Miocene, prior to an acceleration of exhumation since the Pliocene, as suggested by recently published AFT data.
In order to evaluate the relations between thrust loading and sedimentary facies evolution in the foreland, I analyzed gravel progradation in the foreland basin system. In particular, I compared one-dimensional Eocene to Pliocene sediment accumulation rates in the Medina basin with a three-dimensional sedimentary budget based on the interpretation of ~1800 km of industry-style seismic reflection profiles and borehole data tied to the new chronostratigraphic framework. The sedimentological data from the Medina Basin reveal rapid accumulation of fluvial and lacustrine sediments at rates of up to ~ 0.5 mm/yr during the Miocene. Provenance data based on gravel petrography and paleocurrents reveal that these Miocene fluvial systems were sourced by Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene sedimentary units exposed to the west, in the Eastern Cordillera. Peak sediment-accumulation rates in the upper Carbonera Formation and the Guayabo Group occur during episodes of gravel progradation in the proximal foredeep in the Early and Late Miocene. I interpreted this positive correlation between sediment accumulation and gravel deposition as the direct consequence of thrust activity in the Servita-Lengupá Fault. This contrasts with current models relating gravel progradation to episodes of tectonic quiescence in more distal portions of foreland basin systems and calls for a re-evaluation of tectonic history interpretations inferred from sedimentary units in other mountain belts.
In summary, my results document a late Eocene-early Miocene eastward advance of the topographic loads associated with the leading edge of deformation in the northern Andes of Colombia. Crustal thickening of the Eastern Cordillera associated with initiation of thrusting along the Servitá Fault illustrates that this sector of the Andean orogen acquired ~90% of its present width already by the early Miocene (~20 Ma). My data thus demonstrate that inherited crustal anisotropies, such as the former rift-bounding faults of the Eastern Cordillera, favour a non-systematic progression of foreland basin deformation through time by preferentially concentrating accommodation of slip and thrust-loading. These new chronology of exhumation and deformation associated with specific structures in the Colombian Andes also constitutes an important advance towards the understanding of models for hydrocarbon maturation, migration and trap formation along the prolific petroleum province of the Llanos Basin in the modern foredeep area. / Das Vorlandbecken, das sich an der östlichen Flanke der Anden erstreckt, ist ein prototypisches Beispiel für ein Retro-Arc-Vorlandbecken eines Subduktionszonenorogens. Im Gegensatz zu den südlichen und zentralen Anden, wurde die zeitliche und räumliche Entwicklung dieses känozoischen Systems im nördlichen Teil des Orogens weit weniger untersucht. Dies liegt unter anderem an den komplexen geodynamischen Randbedingungen, wie der schrägen Subduktion und Anlagerung der karibischen Plattengrenzen an die südamerikanische und Nazca-Platte, deren Interaktion ebenfalls komplex ist und durch unterschiedliche Konvergenzrichtungen und –geschwindigkeiten gekennzeichnet ist. Aufgrund dieser Verhältnisse hat auch die Oberplatte eine sehr differenzierte tektonische Entwicklung erfahrens. In den kolumbianischen Anden hat sich zum Beispiel seit ca. 80 Milllionen Jahren ein Vorlandbeckensystem in einem Gebiet gebildet, das während des Mesozoikums durch Rifttektonik geprägt war. Dieses Gebiet, in dem kompressive Deformation die Strukturen vorheriger extensionaler Prozesse z.T. reaktiviert und überlagert, ist daher ein natürliches, wenn auch bisher wenig erforschtes Naturlabor, um zu untersuchen, wie sich tektonische bedingte Anisotropien auf die Entwicklung von Vorlandbeckensystemen auswirken können und Änderungen in den Ablagerungsräumen und in der Faziesverteilung von Sedimenten hervorrufen. In dieser Arbeit präsentiere ich neue strukturelle, sedimentologische und biostratigraphische Daten zusammen mit neuen Informationen zur Exhumationsgeschichte mit Hilfe von Niedrigtemperatur-Thermochronologie aus dem östlichen Teil der kolumbianischen Anden, um zum ersten Mal eine vollständige Darstellung der Gebirgsbildung und zugehöriger Vorlandbeckensedimentation in diesem Teil der Anden zu liefern. Zusätzlich wird untersucht, zu welchem Ausmaß bereits existierende krustale Anisotropien den Ort der Vorlanddeformation in Raum und Zeit bestimmt haben.
Im Medina Becken, an der östlichen Flanke der östlichen Kordillere, habe ich detaillierte strukturelle Kartierungen und neue sedimentologische Daten mit einem neuen chronostratigraphischen Rahmen, der auf detaillierter Palynologie basiert, verknüpft. Dieser Bezugsrahmen verbindet einen nach Osten hin ausdünnenden, syntektonischen früholigozänen bis frühmiozänen Keil, welcher rasche Faziesänderungen enthält, mit einer Phase schneller tektonischer Subsidenz, die vor ca. 30 Millionen Jahren beginnt. Dieser hier erarbeitete Datensatz stellt den ersten Beweis einer tektonisch bedingten Subsidenz dar, die durch Bewegungen entlang der Haupüberschiebungen an der Westgrenze des Vorlandes stattfanden. Dadurch wird das Einsetzen der Gebirgsbildung in diesem Gebiet zeitlich eingegrenzt. Eine umfassende Auswertung von Exhumationsmustern, die auf Zirkon- (ZFT) und Apatit-Spaltspuraltern (AFT) sowie thermischen Modellierungen beruhen, zeigt, daß diese Überschiebungsbahnen und die bedeutende Aufschiebungstätigkeit und tektonische Auflast entlang der reakivierten, vormals extensionalen Servita-Störung, im zentralen Bereich der östlichen Kordillere liegen. Weiter östlich dokumentieren AFT und ZFT Daten den Einsatz einer durch Überschiebungen hervorgerufenen Exhumation, die mit einer kompressiven Reaktivierung der großen Servita-Störung vor ca. 20 Millionen Jahren zusammenhängt. Vitrinitreflexionsdaten aus dem känozoischen Sedimentationsdatensatz des benachbarten Medina Beckens zeigen eine bedeutende Absenkung in dieser Region, bei der der westliche Sektor des Beckens schon im Anfangsstadium der orogenen Entwicklung in den nach Osten wandernden Falten- und Überschiebungsgürtel einbezogen wurde.
Ich verbinde diese neuen thermochronologischen Daten mit veröffentlichten AFT Analysen und bekannten chronologischen Indikatoren für Spröddeformation, um die räumlich-zeitlichen Muster in der Entwicklung der Gebirgsfront in den Anden Zentralkolumbiens zu charakterisieren. Diese Analyse der Deformation zeigt ein episodisches Muster in der östlich gerichteten Migration der Gebirgsfront, mit einer durchschnittlichen Rate von 1.8-3.4 mm/a am Übergang von der späten Kreide zum frühen Känozoikum. Ich habe dabei drei Hauptabschnitte des lateralen Orogenwachstums identifiziert. Zuerst wandert die Gebirsfront, nach dem Beginn der Gebirgsbildung in den Zentralkordilleren während der späten Kreidezeit, ostwärts mit niedrigen Raten (0.3-3.3 mm/a) bis ins frühe Eozän. Ein solches langsames laterales Wachstum des Orogens resultiert aus Akkretionsprozessen im Zuge einer langsamen und schrägen (SW-NO orientiert) Konvergenz der Farallon- mit der südamerikanischen Platte. Eine zweite Phase schnellen Fortschreitens der Gebirgsfront mit Raten von 5.3-13.3 mm/a, lokal sogar bis zu 100 mm/a, fand während des mittleren/späten Eozäns statt und resultierte aus einer beginnenden tektonischen Inversion der östlichen Kordillere. Ich verbinde diese Phase rascher Gebirgsfrontmigration mit einem erhöhten Akkretionsfluß, der durch eine Beschleunigung der Konvergenz sowie einer Rotation des Konvergenzvektors in eine mehr rechtwinklige Richtung ausgelöst wurde. Letztlich führte eine Stagnation der Deformationsfront im Miozän entlang von ehemals riftbegrenzenden, reaktivierten Störungen an der östlichen Flanke der östlichen Kordillere zu einer Abschwächung der Raten der Gebirgsfrontmigration. Aus Überschiebungen des späten Miozän/Pliozän entlang der aktiv deformierten Front der östlichen Kordillere kann man auf durchschnittliche Bewegungsraten der Gebirgsfront von etwa 1.5-2.1 mm/a im Zeitraum Miozän bis Holozän schließen. Außerdem deuten ZFT Daten darauf hin, daß Exhumation entlang der östlichen Flanke des Orogens mit mittleren Raten von ungefähr 0.3 mm/a während des Miozäns stattfand. Im Pliozän erfolgte daraufhin eine Beschleunigung der Exhumation, wie kürzlich veröffentlichte AFT Daten nahelegen.
Um die Beziehung zwischen tektonischer Auflast aufgrund der Verkürzung im Orogen und Evolution der sedimentären Fazies im Vorland zu untersuchen, habe ich die Progradation von Konglomeraten im Vorlandbeckensystem detailliert analysiert. Insbesondere habe ich eindimensionale Raten von Sedimentakkumulation vom Eozän bis zum Pliozän im Medina Becken mit einem dreidimensionalen Sedimenthaushalt verglichen. Dieser wurde aus der Interpretationen mit einer Gesamtlänge von ~2500 km seismischer Reflexionsprofile sowie Bohrlochdaten, verbunden mit dem neuen chronostratigraphischen Bezugssystem der sedimentären Ablagerungen, gewonnen. Die sedimentologischen Daten aus dem Medina Becken zeugen von rascher Akkumulation von fluviatiler und lakustriner Sedimente mit Raten von bis zu 0.5 mm/a während des Miozäns. Provenienzanalysen mittels Konglomerat-Petrographie und Paläoströmungsmessungen belegen, daß diese miozänen fluviatilen Systeme des Miozäns durch die Erosion sedimentärer Einheiten aus der oberen Kreide und dem Paläozän generiert wurden, die im Westen der östlichen Kordillere aufgeschlossen sind. Die höchsten Sedimentationsraten in der oberen Carbonera Formation und der Guayabo Gruppe finden sich während Episoden von Konglomeratprogradation der proximalen Vortiefe im frühen und späten Miozän. Ich interpretiere diese positive Korrelation zwischen Sedimentakkumulation und Konglomeratablagerung als direkte Konsequenz von Überschiebungstektonik an der Servita-Lengupá-Störung. Diese Interpretation ist allerdings im Gegensatz zu gängigen Sedimentationsmodellen Modellen, die eher eine tektonische Ruhephase mit der Progradation grober Schüttungen in den distalen Bereichen der Vorlandbecken in Verbindung bringen. Dies bedeutet, daß Interpretationen der aus Faziesverteilungen gewonnenen tektonischen Entwiklungsschritte eines Orogens auch in andeen Regionen neu bewertet werden müssen.
Zusammengefaßt dokumentieren meine Ergebnisse, daß die Überschiebungsfront sowie die durch Einengung generierte Topographie und Auflast der Überschiebungsblöcke in den nördlichen kolumbianischen Anden während des späten Miozäns bis zum frühen Miozän ostwärts gewandert ist. Einengung und Krustenverdickung der östlichen Kordillere, verbunden mit beginnender Aktivität entlang der Servitá Störung, deutet an, daß dieser Bereich der Anden schon nahezu 90% seiner derzeitigen Breite bereits im Miozän (20 Ma) erreicht hattte. Die hier vorgestellten Daten zeigen also, daß ererbte krustale Anisotropien ein diachrones Voranschreiten der Vorlandbeckendeformation begünstigen. Dies geschieht durch Konzentration der Bewegungsverteilung an ererbten Störungen sowie lokalen Spannungsänderung im Vorland durch tektonische induzierte Auflasten. Diese neue Charakterisierung der Deformationsabfolge im Vorland der Anden bedeutet auch einen großen Schritt vorwärts in Richtung des Verstehens von Modellen, die das Reifen und die Wanderung von Kohlenwasserstoffen sowie die Entstehung von Ölfallen entlang der produktiven Petroleumprovinz im Llanos Becken der rezenten Vortiefe beschreiben.
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Tectonostratigraphic and subsidence history of the northern Llanos foreland basin of ColombiaCampos, Henry Miguel 02 November 2011 (has links)
The Llanos foreland basin of Colombia is located along the eastern margin of the northern Andes. The Llanos basin is bounded to the north by the Mérida Andes, to the east by the Guiana shield, to the south by the Serrania de la Macarena, and to the west by the frontal foothills thrust system of the Andes (the Cordillera Oriental). The Llanos foreland basin originated in the Maastrichtian, after a post-rift period during the Mesozoic, and recorded an abrupt pulse of middle Miocene subsidence possibly in response to subduction and collision events along the Pacific margin of northwestern South America. Regional east-west shortening, driven in part by collision of the Panama arc along the Pacific margin of Colombia, has built the widest part of the northern Andes. This wide area (~600 km) includes a prominent arcuate thrust salient, the Cordillera Oriental, which overthrusts the Llanos foreland along a broad V-shaped salient that projects 40 km over the northern Llanos foreland basin. In this study, I interpret 1200 km of 2D seismic data tied to 18 wells and regional potential fields (gravity and magnetic) data. Interpreted seismic data are organized into four regional (300 to 400-km-long) transects spanning the thrust salient area of the northern Llanos basin. I performed 2D flexural modeling on the four transects in order to understand the relative contributions of flexural subsidence due to tectonic and sedimentary loading. Sedimentary backstripping was applied to the observed structure maps of six Eocene to Pleistocene interpreted horizons in the foreland basin in order to remove the effects of sedimentary and water loading. Regional subsidence curves show an increase in the rate of tectonic subsidence in the thrust salient sector of the foreland basin during the middle to late Miocene. The flexural models predict changes in the middle Miocene to recent position of the eastern limit of foreland basin sediments as well as the changing location and vertical relief of the flexurally controlled forebulge. Production areas of light oil in the thrust belt and foreland basin are located either south of the thrust salient (Cusiana, Castilla, Rubiales oilfields) or north of the salient (Guafita-Caño Limon, Arauca oilfields) but not directly adjacent to the salient apex where subsidence, source rock thicknesses, and fracturing were predicted by a previous study to be most favorable for hydrocarbons. There are no reported light oil accumulations focused on the predicted present or past positions of the forebulge, but detailed comparisons of seismic reflection data with model predictions may reveal stratigraphic onlap and/or wedging relationships that could provide possible traps for hydrocarbons. / text
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Variations spatio-temporelles dans l'exhumation Cénozoïque de la chaîne Pyrénéo-catabrienne : couplages entre tectonique et processus de surface / Spatial and temporal variations in Cenozoic exhumation of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian mountain belt : coupling between tectonics and surface processesFillon, Charlotte 24 January 2012 (has links)
The Cenozoic evolution of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian mountain belt was driven by both internal andexternal processes, such as tectonics, erosion and deposition. This alpine belt is made up by thePyrenees and the Cantabrian Mountains, and is characterized by significant lateral variations intotal shortening, structural styles and topography. This thesis aims to better constrain the controlson exhumation and topography development during syn- to post-orogenic times, from the Eoceneto the Pliocene, by focusing on two characteristic parts of the belt: the Southern Central Pyreneesand the Central Cantabrian Mountains. To this purpose, a multi-disciplinary approach isdeveloped, combining low-temperature thermochronology with different numerical modelingtools. To better understand lateral variations in exhumation of the belt, a new low-temperaturethermochronology dataset is presented for the Cantabrian domain. The first part of this thesispresents new apatite fission-track data and (U-Th)/He analysis on zircons, constraining the timingand amount of exhumation along the central Cantabrian cross-section. In particular, the Eocene toOligocene ages obtained from the different thermochronometers allow us to infer a more importantamount of burial and, consequently, a thicker Mesozoic sedimentary section than previouslyconsidered, thereby also refining the structural style of the section at the upper crustal scale.The extensive thermochronological dataset existing in the central Pyrenees is then used toreconstruct the late-stage evolution of the South Central Axial Zone by thermo-kinematic inversemodeling. The model predicts rapid exhumation of the area during late Eocene (late syn-orogenic)times, followed by a post-orogenic evolution that is strongly controlled by base-level changes. Asa consequence of the establishment of endorheic conditions in the adjacent Ebro foreland basin,together with the strong erosion of the Axial Zone, the southern foreland area was infilled by animportant amount of erosional deposits in late Eocene to early Oligocene times. The models allowus to constrain the level of infilling at ~2.6 km and to date the excavation of these sediments at~10 Ma, following opening of the Ebro basin toward the Mediterranean Sea. The thickness ofsediments draping the foreland fold-and thrust belt was verified using fission-track analysis and(U-Th)/He measurements on apatites from foreland sediments. Thermal modeling of the dataprovides an estimate of 2 to 3 km of sediments on top of the foreland and confirms its incision inLate Miocene times. The effect of syn-orogenic deposition on the building and late evolution ofthe southern Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt has been modeled in the last chapter of this thesis usinga 2D thermo-mechanical numerical modeling approach. The models highlight the potential effectof syn-tectonic sedimentation on thrust kinematics at several stages of wedge building. Ourmodeling also shows that the addition of an Oligocene sediment blanket perturbs the thrustingsequence by stabilizing the central part of the external wedge and enhancing both frontal andinternal accretion; a pattern that reproduces the observed deformation in the Southern CentralPyrenees. / The Cenozoic evolution of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian mountain belt was driven by both internal andexternal processes, such as tectonics, erosion and deposition. This alpine belt is made up by thePyrenees and the Cantabrian Mountains, and is characterized by significant lateral variations intotal shortening, structural styles and topography. This thesis aims to better constrain the controlson exhumation and topography development during syn- to post-orogenic times, from the Eoceneto the Pliocene, by focusing on two characteristic parts of the belt: the Southern Central Pyreneesand the Central Cantabrian Mountains. To this purpose, a multi-disciplinary approach isdeveloped, combining low-temperature thermochronology with different numerical modelingtools. To better understand lateral variations in exhumation of the belt, a new low-temperaturethermochronology dataset is presented for the Cantabrian domain. The first part of this thesispresents new apatite fission-track data and (U-Th)/He analysis on zircons, constraining the timingand amount of exhumation along the central Cantabrian cross-section. In particular, the Eocene toOligocene ages obtained from the different thermochronometers allow us to infer a more importantamount of burial and, consequently, a thicker Mesozoic sedimentary section than previouslyconsidered, thereby also refining the structural style of the section at the upper crustal scale.The extensive thermochronological dataset existing in the central Pyrenees is then used toreconstruct the late-stage evolution of the South Central Axial Zone by thermo-kinematic inversemodeling. The model predicts rapid exhumation of the area during late Eocene (late syn-orogenic)times, followed by a post-orogenic evolution that is strongly controlled by base-level changes. Asa consequence of the establishment of endorheic conditions in the adjacent Ebro foreland basin,together with the strong erosion of the Axial Zone, the southern foreland area was infilled by animportant amount of erosional deposits in late Eocene to early Oligocene times. The models allowus to constrain the level of infilling at ~2.6 km and to date the excavation of these sediments at~10 Ma, following opening of the Ebro basin toward the Mediterranean Sea. The thickness ofsediments draping the foreland fold-and thrust belt was verified using fission-track analysis and(U-Th)/He measurements on apatites from foreland sediments. Thermal modeling of the dataprovides an estimate of 2 to 3 km of sediments on top of the foreland and confirms its incision inLate Miocene times. The effect of syn-orogenic deposition on the building and late evolution ofthe southern Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt has been modeled in the last chapter of this thesis usinga 2D thermo-mechanical numerical modeling approach. The models highlight the potential effectof syn-tectonic sedimentation on thrust kinematics at several stages of wedge building. Ourmodeling also shows that the addition of an Oligocene sediment blanket perturbs the thrustingsequence by stabilizing the central part of the external wedge and enhancing both frontal andinternal accretion; a pattern that reproduces the observed deformation in the Southern CentralPyrenees.
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4D paleoenvironmental evolution of the Early Triassic Sonoma Foreland Basin (western USA) / Evolution paléoenvironnementale 4D du Bassin Foreland de Sonoma au Trias Inférieur (Ouest-USA)Caravaca, Gwénaël 10 July 2017 (has links)
Introduction : la Terre au Trias inférieur et la reconquête après l’extinction fini-PermienneSitué après la limite entre le Paléozoïque et le Mésozoïque, le Trias inférieur est un intervalle court (~4Ma seulement ; Ovtcharova et al., 2006 ; Galfetti et al., 2007a ; Baresel et al., 2017). Lors de la transition entre le Permien et le Trias (PTB), la configuration tectonique de la Terre était différente, et la plupart des masses continentales étaient rassemblées en un seul super continent, la Pangée, lui-même entouré par un unique océan global, la Panthalassa (e.g., Murphy & Nance, 2008 ; Murphy et al., 2009 ; Stampfli et al., 2013).Lors de cette transition et durant le Trias inférieur, un évènement volcanique majeur, la mise en place de la grande province ignée de Sibérie (e.g., Ivanov et al., 2009, 2013), a conduit à l’émission de grande quantité de gaz à effet de serre (e.g., Galfetti et al., 2007b ; Romano et al., 2013). Ceux-ci ont contribué à l’acidification de la colonne d’eau et à l’augmentation des températures consécutivement à l’injection de CO2 dans l’atmosphère (e.g., Galfetti et al., 2007b ; Sun et al., 2012 ; Romano et al., 2013).Les perturbations environnementales qui en découlèrent ont eu des conséquences sur les milieux de dépôts associés à cette période, mais également sur les écosystèmes. Elles sont supposées avoir contribué à la mise en place de conditions délétères pour les organismes et avoir perduré durant tout le Trias inférieur, restreignant ainsi la rediversification biologique d’après-crise (e.g., Pruss & Bottjer, 2004 ; Fraiser & Bottjer, 2007 ; Bottjer et al., 2008 ; Algeo et al., 2011 ; Meyer et al., 2011 ; Bond & Wignall, 2014 ; Song et al., 2014).La limite PT fut le théâtre de la plus importante et la plus destructrice crise biologique du Phanérozoïque, et fut responsable de la disparition de plus de 90% des espèces marines (Raup, 1979), ou encore de la perte d’environ 50% des familles de tétrapodes continentaux (Benton & Newell, 2014), pour ne citer que ces deux exemples. De nombreux groupes ont été oblitérés durant cette extinction, comme par exemple les groupes caractéristiques du Paléozoïque tels que les coraux tabulés ou encore les trilobites (Sepkoski, 2002). Cependant, si la Vie a failli s’éteindre à l’aube du Mésozoïque, celle-ci a tout de même pu se reconstruire, au prix d’une rediversification communément admise comme lente et difficile dans des conditions environnementales délétères (e.g., Twitchett, 1999 ; Fraiser & Bottjer, 2007 ; Meyer et al., 2011 ; Chen & Benton, 2012). De grands paradigmes sont couramment associés à la rediversification du Trias inférieur (illustrés dans la Figure R.1a) :La présence de taxons « désastre », représentant des organismes opportunistes et généralistes qui auraient proliféré à la suite de la libération de niches écologiques laissées vacantes par les métazoaires disparus (e.g. ; Schubert & Bottjer, 1992, 1995 ; Rodland & Bottjer, 2001 ; He et al., 2007) ;Des faciès dit « anachroniques », composés de récifs exclusivement microbiens tels ceux trouvés dans les dépôts Précambriens (e.g., Schubert & Bottjer, 1992 ; Woods et al., 1999 ; Pruss & Bottjer, 2005 ; Pruss et al., 2005 ; Woods, 2009) ;Un effet « Lilliput », soit un nanisme généralisé des faunes présentes (e.g., Urbanek, 1993 ; Hautmann & Nützel, 2005 ; Payne, 2005 ; Twitchett, 2007 ; Fraiser et al., 2011 ; Metcalfe et al., 2011 ; Song et al., 2011) ;Une anoxie/euxinie généralisée dans le domaine marin, y compris littoral (e.g., Isozaki, 1997 ; Meyer et al., 2011 ; Song et al., 2012 ; Grasby et al., 2013).Fig. R.1 : a) Représentation synthétique des principaux paradigmes communément acceptés pour la rediversification biologique au cours du Trias inférieur. b) Représentation synthétique de ces mêmes paradigmes, révisés selon les données récemment recueillies dans le bassin ouest-américain (d’après Brayard, 2015). Inf. : inférieur ; m. : moyen ; s./sup. : supérieur (...). / In the wake of the Mesozoic, the Early Triassic (~251.95 Ma) corresponds to the aftermath of the most severe mass extinction of the Phanerozoic: the end-Permian crisis, when life was nearly obliterated (e.g., 90% of marine species disappeared). Consequences of this mass extinction are thought to have prevailed for several millions of years, implying a delayed recovery lasting the whole Early Triassic, if not more.Several paradigms have been established and associated to a delayed biotic recovery scenario expected to have resulted from harsh and deleterious paleoenvironments. These paradigms include a global anoxia in the marine realm, a “Lilliput” effect, and the presence of “disaster” taxa and “anachronistic” facies. However, recent works have shown a more complex global scheme for the Early Triassic recovery, and that a reevaluation of these paradigms was needed. Especially, new data from the western USA basin were critical in re-addressing these paradigms.The western USA basin is the result of a long tectono-sedimentary history that started 2 Gyr ago by the amalgamation of different lithospheric terranes forming its basement. A succession of orogenies and quiescence phases led to the formation of several successive basins in the studied area, and traces of this important geodynamical activity are still present today. The Sonoma orogeny occurred about 252 Ma in response to the eastward migration of drifting arcs toward the Laurentian craton. As a result, compressive constrains lead to the obduction of the Golconda Allochthon above the west-Pangea margin in present-day Nevada. Emplacement of this topographic load provoked the lithosphere flexuration beneath present-day Utah and Idaho to form the Sonoma Foreland Basin (SFB) studied in this work.The SFB record an excellent fossil and sedimentary record of the Early Triassic. A relatively high and complex biotic diversity has been observed there leading to describe a rapid and explosive recovery for some groups (e.g., ammonoids) in this basin after the end-Permian crisis. The sedimentary record is also well developed and has been studied extensively for a long time. Overall, these studies notably documented a marked difference between the northern and southern sedimentary succession within the basin, whose origin was poorly understood.This work therefore aims to characterize the various depositional settings in the Early Triassic SFB, as well as their paleogeographical distribution. Their controlling factors are also studied based on an original integrated method using sedimentological, paleontological, geochemical, geodynamical, structural and cartographic analyses. Aside the fossil and sedimentary discrepancy between the northern and the southern parts of the SFB, geochemical analyses provide new insights supporting this N/S dichotomy. This study also questions the validity of the geochemical signal as a tool for global correlation, as it appears to mainly reflect local forcing parameters.The geodynamical framework of the SFB was also investigated along with a numerical modelling of the rheological behavior of the basin. This work distinguishes the northern and southern parts of the basin based on markedly distinct tectonic subsidence rates during the Early Triassic: ~500 m/Myr in the northern part vs ~100m/Myr in the southern part. Origin of this remarkable difference is found in inherited properties of the basin basement itself. Indeed, different ages and therefore, rheological behaviors (i.e., rigidity to deformation and flexuration) of the basement lithospheric terranes act as a major controlling factor over the spatial distribution of the subsidence, and therefore of the sedimentary deposition. The lithosphere heritage is thus of paramount importance in the formation, development and spatio-temporal evolution of the SFB.This work leads to a new paleogeographical representation of the Sonoma Foreland Basin and its multi-parameter controlling factors (...).
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High-frequency tectonic sequences in the Campanian Castlegate Formation during a transition from the Sevier to Laramide orogeny, Utah, U.S.A.Cross, David B 13 May 2016 (has links)
Though stratigraphic correlations are abundant in the Cordilleran basin-fill, they rarely include along-strike transects providing a spatio-temporal sense of deformation, sediment-supply and subsidence. A new, high-resolution, regional strike-correlation of the Castlegate Formation reveals progressive northward-growth of the San Rafael Swell during two embryonic episodes of Laramide-style deformation in central Utah. The intrabasinal deformation-events produced gentle lithospheric-folding punctuated by erosional-truncation of upwarped regions. The earliest episode occurred at 78 Ma in the southern San Rafael Swell likely causing soft-sediment deformation and stratal-tilting. Following this the alluvial-plain was leveled and rapid, extensive-progradation took place. A second episode, at 75 Ma, where deformation was focused in the northern San Rafael Swell, also caused sediment-liquefaction and erosional beveling. The stratal-tilting and sediment-liquefaction is attributed to seismicity induced by basal-traction between a subducting flat-slab and continental-lithosphere. The south-to north time-transgression of uplift is spatio-temporally consistent with NE-propagation of an oceanic-plateau subducted shallowly beneath the region.
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Tectonic and climatic forcing in orogenic processes : the foreland basin point of view, Alborz mountains, N IranBallato, Paolo January 2009 (has links)
Systeme von Vorlandbecken repräsentieren bedeutende geologische Archive und dienen dem Verständnis von Rückkopplungen zwischen oberflächennahen und tektonischen Prozessen. Außerdem dokumentieren sie die Entwicklung unmittelbar angrenzender Bergketten. Die sedimentären Abfolgen in Vorlandbecken reflektieren das Gleichgewicht zwischen tektonischer Subsidenz, der Bildung langzeitlichen Akkommodationsraumes und des Sedimenteintrages, welcher wiederum die Wirksamkeit von Erosions- und Massenneuverteilungsprozessen wiederspiegelt. Um die Effekte von Klima und Tektonik in einem solchen System zu erforschen, untersuchte ich die Oligo-Miozänen Sedimente in den Vorlandbecken der südlichen Elburs Bergkette, einem intrakontinentalen Gebirge in Nord-Iran, das im Zuge der Arabisch-Eurasischen Kontinent-Kollision herausgehoben wurde.
In dieser Studie der Vorlandbeckensedimente wurden Datierungstechniken angewandt (40Ar/39Ar, (U-Th)/He Thermochronologie und Magnetostratigraphie), die Sedimente und deren Herkunft analysiert und die Tonmineralogie, sowie Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotope untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auf einer Zeitskala von 105 bis 106 Jahren eine systematische Korrelation zwischen „coarsening upward“ Zyklen und den sedimentären Akkumulationsraten besteht. Während sukzessiver Überschiebungsphasen werden die durch Hebung der Bergkette bereitgestellten groben Kornfraktionen in proximale Bereiche des Beckens geliefert und feinkörnige Fazies in distalen Beckenregionen abgelagert. Variationen in der Sedimentherkunft in Phasen größerer tektonischer Aktivität zeugen von erosionaler Abdeckung und/oder der Umorganisation natürlicher Entwässerungsstrukturen. Außerdem zeigen die Untersuchungen an stabilen Isotopen, dass die verstärkte tektonische Aktivität das Anwachsen der Topographie förderte und damit die Wirksamkeit einer topographischen Barriere erhöhte.
Wenn aufgrund nachlassender Beckenabsenkung die grobe Kornfraktion nicht vollständig im Nahbereich des Beckens aufgenommen werden kann breitet sie sich in ferne Beckenregionen aus. Im Elburs wird die verringerte Subsidenz durch eine interne Hebung des Vorlandes hervorgerufen und ist mit einer lateralen Stapelung von Flussbetten assoziiert. Dokumentiert wird dies anhand konsequenten Schichtwachstums, tektonischer Schrägstellung und sedimentärer Umlagerung. Gleichzeitig nehmen die Sedimentationsraten zu. Die Sauerstoff-Isotope der Paläoböden zeigen, dass dieser Anstieg mit einer Phase feuchteren Klimas einhergeht, wodurch Oberflächenprozesse effizienter werden und Heraushebungssraten steigen, was eine positive Rückkopplung erzeugt. Des Weiteren zeigen die isotopischen und sedimentären Daten, dass seit 10-9 Millionen Jahren (Ma) das Klima durch saisonalen Anstieg der Niederschläge zunehmend feuchter wurde. Da bedeutende klimatische Veränderungen zu dieser Zeit auch im Mittelmeerraum und Asien beobachtet wurden, ist anzunehmen, dass die klimatische Veränderung, die im Elburs Gebirge beobachtet wird, höchstwahrscheinlich Änderungen der atmosphärischen Zirkulationen der nördlichen Hemisphäre reflektiert.
Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Studie lassen sich zusätzliche Implikationen für die Entwicklung des Elburs Gebirges und die Arabisch-Eurasische kontinentale Kollisionszone ableiten. Die orogen-weite Hauptdeformation propagierte nicht gleichmäßig nach Süden, sondern seit dem Oligozän schrittweise vorwärts und rückwärts. Insbesondere von ~17,5 bis 6,2 Ma wurde das Gebirge durch eine Kombination aus frontaler Akkretion und interner Keildeformation in Schritten von 0,7 bis 2 Millionen Jahren herausgehoben. Darüber hinaus deuten die Sedimentherkunftsdaten darauf hin, dass sich noch vor 10-9 Ma die Haupteinengungsrichtung von NW-SE nach NNE-SSW veränderte.
Regional erlaubt die Geschichte der untersuchten Becken und angrenzenden Gebirgszüge Rückschlüsse auf ein neues geodynamisches Model zur Entwicklung der Arabisch-Eurasischen kontinentalen Kollisionszone. Zahlreiche Sedimentbecken des Elburs Gebirges und anderer Lokalitäten der Arabisch-Eurasischen Deformationszone belegen einen Wechsel von einem tensionalen zu einem kompressionalen tektonischen Regime vor ~36 Ma . Dieser Wechsel könnte den Beginn der Subduktion von gedehnter arabischer kontinentaler Lithosphäre unter Zentral-Iran bedeuten, was zu einer moderaten Plattenkopplung und Deformation von Unter- sowie Oberplatte geführt hat. Der Anstieg der Deformationsraten im südlichen Elburs Gebirge seit ~17,5 Ma lässt vermuten, dass die Oberplatte, wahrscheinlich aufgrund steigender Plattenkopplung, seit dem frühen Miozän signifikant deformiert wurde. Diese Veränderung könnte der Subduktion mächtigerer arabischer kontinentaler Lithosphäre zugeschrieben werden und den Anfang echter kontinentaler Kollision bedeuten. Dieses Model erklärt daher die Zeitverzögerung zwischen der Initiation der Arabisch-Eurasischen kontinentalen Kollision (Eozän-Oligozän) and dem Beginn ausgedehnter Deformation in der Kollisionszone (Miozän). / Foreland-basin systems are excellent archives to decipher the feedbacks between surface and tectonic processes in orogens. The sedimentary architecture of a foreland-basin system reflects the balance between tectonic subsidence causing long-term accommodation space and sediment influx corresponding to efficiency of erosion and mass-redistribution processes. In order to explore the effects of climatic and tectonic forcing in such a system, I investigated the Oligo-Miocene foreland-basin sediments of the southern Alborz mountains, an intracontinental orogen in northern Iran, related to the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision.
This work includes absolute dating methods such as 40Ar/39Ar and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology, magnetostratigraphy, sedimentological analysis, sandstone and conglomerate provenance study, carbon and oxygen isotope analysis, and clay mineralogy study. Results show a systematic correlation between coarsening-upward cycles and sediment accumulation rates in the basin on 105 to 106yr time scales. During thrust loading phases, the coarse-grained fraction supplied by the uplifting range is stored in the proximal part of the basin (sedimentary facies retrogradation), while fine-grained sediments are deposited in distal sectors. Variations in sediment provenance during these phases of enhanced tectonic activity give evidence for erosional unroofing phases and/or drainage-reorganization events. In addition, enhanced tectonic activity promoted the growth of topography and associated orographic barrier effects, as demonstrated by sedimentologic indicators and the analysis of stable C and O isotopes from calcareous paleosols and lacustrine/palustrine samples.
Extensive progradation of coarse-grained deposits occurs during phases of decreased subsidence, when the coarse-grained fraction supplied by the uplifting range cannot be completely stored in the proximal part of the basin. In this environment, a reduction in basin subsidence is associated with laterally stacked fluvial channel deposits, and is related to intra-foreland uplift, as documented by growth strata, tectonic tilting, and sediment reworking. Increase in sediment accumulation rate associated with progradation of vertically-stacked coarse-grained fluvial channels also occurs. Paleosol O-isotope data shows that this increase is related to wetter climatic phases, suggesting that surface processes are more efficient and exhumation rates increase, giving rise to a positive feedback. Furthermore, isotopic and sedimentologic data show that starting from 10-9 Ma, climate became less arid with an increase in seasonality of precipitation. Because important changes were also recorded in the Mediterranean Sea and Asia at that time, the evidence for climatic variability observed in the Alborz mountains most likely reflects changes in Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation patterns.
This study has additional implications for the evolution of the Alborz mountains and the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone. At the orogenic scale, the locus of deformation did not move steadily southward, but stepped forward and backward since Oligocene time. In particular, from ~ 17.5 to 6.2 Ma the orogen grew by a combination of frontal accretion and wedge-internal deformation on time scales of ca. 0.7 to 2 m.y. Moreover, the provenance data suggest that prior to 10-9 Ma the shortening direction changed from NW-SE to NNE-SSW, in agreement with structural data.
On the scale of the entire collision zone, the evolution of the studied basins and adjacent mountain ranges suggests a new geodynamic model for the evolution of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone. Numerous sedimentary basins in the Alborz mountains and in other locations of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone record a change from a tensional (transtensional) to a compressional (transpressional) tectonic setting by ~ 36 Ma. I interpret this to reflect the onset of subduction of the stretched Arabian continental lithosphere beneath central Iran, leading to moderate plate coupling and lower- and upper-plate deformation (soft continental collision). The increase in deformation rates in the southern Alborz mountains from ~ 17.5 Ma suggests that significant upper-plate deformation must have started by the early Miocene most likely in response to an increase in degree of plate coupling. I suggest that this was related to the subduction of thicker Arabian continental lithosphere and the consequent onset of hard continental collision. This model reconciles the apparent lag time of 15-20 m.y between the late Eocene to early Oligocene age for the initial Arabia-Eurasia continental collision and the onset of widespread deformation across the collision zone to the north in early to late Miocene time.
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Les Evaporites de la Conca Sud-pirinenca Oriental (Cuisià superior – Lutecià): Sedimentologia i Estructura / The Evaporites of the Southeastern Pyrenean Basin (Late Cuisian – Lutetian):Sedimentology and StructureCarrillo Álvarez, Emili 13 November 2012 (has links)
La successió cuisiana i luteciana de la Conca Sud-pirinenca Oriental (CSO), situada al NE d’Ibèria, mostra un conjunt de sediments carbonatats, evaporítics i detrítics, els quals van ser dipositats en un context compressiu en una conca d’avantpaís. Aquesta compressió es va generar per col•lisió continental de la placa d’Ibèria i l’Europea entre el Cretaci superior i el Miocè inferior. Com a conseqüència de l’escurçament, els sediments es troben distribuïts en tres unitats estructurals: la unitat autòctona de la conca de l’Ebre, localitzada al sud, i les unitats al•lòctones del Serrat i del mantell del Cadí, ubicades al nord, situada la primera per sota de la segona. Encara que molts treballs s’han centrat en l’estudi de l’estratigrafia i l’estructura de la CSO, l’arquitectura estratigràfica i els ambients deposicionals de les evaporites no s’han acabat de resoldre. Les roques evaporítiques dipositades en conques d’avantpaís actuen, en molts casos, com a nivells de desenganxament i, per tant, aquestes roques estan deformades o simplement no afloren. Com a conseqüència, el coneixement d’aquests dipòsits no és molt ampli, i l’estudi d’afloraments i litofàcies resulta un repte. L’objectiu general d’aquesta tesi és millorar aquest coneixement.
En aquesta tesi, a partir de la realització de mapes i talls geològics detallats, i de la correlació de columnes i logs de pous, s’ha establert l’arquitectura estratigràfica de la CSO per als períodes Cuisià superior i Lutecià. Aquesta arquitectura presenta sis seqüències deposicionals, tres de les quals de nova proposta en el present treball. Aquestes tres seqüències corresponen a la seqüència Serrat, formada per les Evaporites del Serrat, i a les seqüències Bellmunt inferior i superior, constituïdes per sediments detrítics. Les Evaporites del Serrat, dipositades per sobre d’una primera seqüència carbonatada (formacions Penya i Armàncies), es caracteritzen per tenir capes de sals i lutites en un depocentre situat actualment en el mantell del Cadí. Aquestes sals estan envoltades per un cinturó marginal anhidrític, localitzat en la conca de l’Ebre. En el centre de la conca, aquestes evaporites estan cobertes per una successió turbidítica atribuïda a la Formació Vallfogona (seqüència Campdevànol) en diferents depocentres. Cap als marges de la conca, aquesta formació canvia lateralment a unitats carbonatades (Calcàries de la Pedra i Calcisiltites). La Formació Guixos de Beuda es troba per sobre de la seqüència Campdevànol, i representa la segona seqüència evaporítica. Les seqüències Bellmunt inferior i superior, caracteritzades per dipòsits d’origen fluviodeltaic (formacions Banyoles, Coubet i Bellmunt), representen les seqüències més modernes d’aquesta arquitectura. Aquestes dues seqüències estan separades per una altra unitat evaporítica, anomenada en el present treball Guixos de Besalú. S’ha reconegut que la potència de les capes d’anhidrites atribuïdes a les Evaporites del Serrat és major en la conca de l’Ebre que en el mantell del Cadí. Per tant, s’ha considerat que aquesta unitat es configura, de la conca de l’Ebre fins al mantell del Cadí, com a un tascó anhidrític que passa a una cubeta salina en el centre de la conca. Per contra, també s’ha reconegut que la potència de la Formació Beuda és menor a la conca de l’Ebre que en el mantell del Cadí.
L’anàlisi de mostres d’afloraments i de testimonis de pous ha permès interpretar els models sedimentaris de les unitats evaporítiques més representatives. En les Evaporites del Serrat, s’han distingit tres paleoambients, de marge a centre de conca: plataforma sulfatada, constituïda per anhidrita nodular i pseudomòrfica (de selenites); talús, format per guix secundari (anhidrita en profunditat) amb litofàcies laminada, de caràcter detrític; i conca profunda, constituïda per capes de sal i lutites reconegudes només en el subsòl. En canvi, en la Formació Beuda només s’ha reconegut un únic paleoambient, corresponent a un sistema de conca sulfatada situat en el mantell del Cadí. Aquest paleoambient està representat per cicles de guix secundari (anhidrita en profunditat) amb litofàcies massives i nivells pseudomòrfics (de selenites). De tota manera, l’existència d’àrees amb litofàcies bandades i laminades, atribuïdes a ambients més profunds, indiquen l’existència de petites zones més deprimides en la conca. La composició isotòpica (delta-34S, delta-18O; 87Sr/86Sr) de mostres de guix i anhidrita indiquen un origen marí per aquestes unitats i, a més, processos de dissolució/reprecipitació dels sulfats. A partir de l’anàlisi estructural de les correlacions estratigràfiques, dels mapes i talls geològics, de la interpretació de perfils sísmics reprocessats i de noves dades gravimètriques s’ha deduït que la sedimentació durant el Cuisià superior i Lutecià va tenir dues etapes tectòniques: una primera etapa extensiva, coetània amb la sedimentació de les Evaporites del Serrat i la Formació Vallfogona, i caracteritzada per falles normals produïdes per flexió extensional; i una segona etapa compressiva, sincrònica a la sedimentació fluviodeltaica, i caracteritzada per encavalcaments i plecs, i falles transversals de tipus strike-slip. Durant la primera etapa, les falles normals van tenir direccions obliqües i perpendiculars respecte l’escurçament pirinenc (N-S). Durant la segona etapa, les falles de strike-slip van estar generades per la reactivació de falles normals preexistents. A més, les Evaporites del Serrat van actuar com a nivell de desenganxament del mantell del Cadí i de la Unitat Serrat. Finalment, en aquesta tesi, s’han realitzat models sandbox per tal de millorar el coneixement del paper de l’arquitectura estratigràfica d’una successió dúctil (en aquest cas, evaporites) sobre l’evolució estructural. A partir d’una sèrie d’experiments, s’ha observat que l’existència de discontinuïtats geomètriques en els materials anàlegs a les litologies evaporítiques generen zones de deformació preferencial. Comparant els resultats d’aquests experiments amb els trets estructurals de la CSO, s’ha interpretat que l’evolució i estil estructural d’aquesta conca va estar controlada per l’existència de discontinuïtats litològiques –com el canvi de gruix de les anhidrites entre la plataforma evaporítica i la conca profunda– en les Evaporites del Serrat. L’existència d’aquestes discontinuïtats litològiques va generar encavalcaments fora de seqüència, contribuint a la generació d’una conca de piggyback. / The Cuisian and Lutetian succession of the Southeastern Pyrenean Basin (SePB), NE of Iberia, shows an assemblage of carbonate, evaporite and detrital sediments, deposited under a compressional context in a foreland basin. The compression was generated by continental collision of the Iberian and the European plates during the time span comprised between the Upper Cretaceous and the Lower Miocene. As a consequence of the shortening, these deposits were distributed in three structural units: the autochthonous unit of the Ebro Basin, located to the south; and the allochthonous units of the Serrat Unit (below) and the Cadí thrust sheet (above), placed to the north. Despite many studies have been focused on the stratigraphy and the structure of the SePB, the stratigraphic framework and the depositional environments of the evaporites remain poorly understood. In foreland basins, the evaporite rocks usually act as décollement levels, so they are deformed or simply are not outcropping. As a consequence, the knowledge of these deposits is limited, and the study of outcrops and lithofacies is a challenge. The general aim of the present Ph.D. Thesis is to improve this knowledge.
In this Ph.D. Thesis, on the basis of geological maps, cross-sections, and sections and welllogs correlations, a stratigraphic framework of the SePB was established for the Late Cuisian and Lutetian times. This framework considers six depositional sequences, and three of them are newly proposed. These three sequences correspond to the Serrat sequence, formed by the Serrat Evaporites, and the Lower and Upper Bellmunt sequences, constituted by detrital sediments. The Serrat Evaporites, deposited on a previous carbonate sequence (Penya and Armàncies formations), are characterized by salt – shale layers in a depocenter located basinward (nowadays in the Cadí thrust sheet). These salt layers are surrounded by an anhydrite marginal belt, placed in the Ebro Basin. In the basin center, these evaporites are covered by turbidite successions attributed to the Vallfogona Formation (Campdevànol sequence) in different depocenters. To the margins, this formation changes laterally to carbonate deposits (Pedra Limestones and Calcisiltites). The Beuda Gypsum Formation is overlying the Campdevànol sequence, and represents the second evaporite sequence. The Lower and Upper Bellmunt sequences, characterized by fluvio-deltaic deposits (Banyoles, Coubet and Bellmunt formations), are the youngest sequences of this succession. These two sequences are divided by another evaporite unit, called Besalú Gypsum in the present work. The anhydrite layers attributed to the Serrat Evaporites were recognized to be thicker in the Ebro Basin than in the Cadí thrust sheet. Thus, the stratigraphic framework of this unit is characterized, from the Ebro Basin to the Cadí thrust sheet, by an anhydrite wedge which changes to a salt deposit in the basin center. By contrast, the Beuda Formation was recognized to be thinner in the Ebro Basin than in the Cadí thrust sheet.
The analysis of samples and well-cores allowed to interpret the sedimentary models of the most representative evaporite units. Three paleoenvironments were distinguished in the Serrat Evaporites, from the margin to the basin center: sulphate platform, constituted by anhydrite nodules and pseudomorphs (after selenite gypsum); slope, formed by secondary gypsum (anhydrite in the subsurface) with laminated, detrital lithofacies; and deep basin, constituted by salt and shale layers, only recognized in the subsurface. On the other hand, in the Beuda Formation, only one paleoenvironment, characterized by a sulphate basin, was recognized in the Cadí thrust sheet. This paleoenvironment is represented by cycles of secondary gypsum (anhydrite in the subsurface) with massive and pseudomorphic (after selenite gypsum) lithofacies. However, the existence of areas with banded and laminated lithofacies, attributed to deeper environments, indicates the occurence of small troughs in the basin. The isotopic composition (delta-34S, delta-18O; 87Sr/86Sr) of gypsum and anhydrite samples indicates a marine origin of these units and, also, dissolution/re-precipitation processes of the sulphates.
On the basis of the structural analysis of the stratigraphic correlations, the geological maps, the cross-sections, the interpretation of reprocessed seismic profiles and new gravity data, it was deduced that the sedimentation during the Late Cuisian and Lutetian had two tectonic stages: a first extensive stage, coeval to the sedimentation of the Serrat Evaporites and the Vallfogona Formation, and characterized by normal faults generated by flexural extension; and a second compressional stage, coeval to the fluvio-deltaic sedimentation, and characterized by fold-and-thrust and transverse strike-slip faults. During the first stage, the normal faults had oblique and perpendicular directions with respect to the Pyrenean shortening (N-S). During the second stage, the strike-slip faults were generated by reactivation of pre-existing normal faults. Also, the Serrat Evaporites acted as the décollement level of both the Cadí thrust sheet and the Serrat Unit.
Finally, in this Ph.D. Thesis, in order to improve the knowledge about the role of the stratigraphic framework of a ductile succession (evaporites, in this case) on the structural evolution, sandbox models were developed. On the basis of a series of experiments, it was observed that the existence of geometrical discontinuities, located in materials analogue of the evaporites, generates zones of preferential deformation. Comparing the results of these experiments with the structural features of the SePB, it was interpreted that the evolution and the structural style of this basin was controlled by the existence of lithological discontinuities –as the case of the thickness change of the anhydrites between the evaporite platform and the deep basin– in the Serrat Evaporites. The existence of these lithological discontinuities generated out of sequence thrusts, contributing to the development of a piggyback basin.
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The Devonian Frog Mountain Formation thickens abruptly eastward across the Eastern Coosa thrust fault from <12 m on the west to>70 m on the east. The thin Frog Mountain on the west unconformably overlies the Cambrian-Ordovician Knox Group. The thin Frog Mountain (mostly shale) is overlain by the Mississippian Maury Shale (~1 m thick) and Fort Payne Chert (~50 m thick). The thick Frog Mountain on the east rests on the Middle Ordovician Athens Shale, a black shale >150 m thick. The Athens overlies the Knox Group. The thick Frog Mountain is nearly all sandstone and is overlain by Fort Payne Chert which is only ~1 m thick
In the Eastern Coosa hanging wall, an upper-level out-of-the-syncline thrust fault with thick Frog Mountain in the hanging wall cuts more than 290 m stratigraphically down section from Athens to lower Knox in the footwall. The upper-level Frog Mountain thrust sheet crosses over the Eastern Coosa fault, and truncates folds in the Eastern Coosa footwall, moving ~2 km.
The thick Frog Mountain Formation associated with the Eastern Coosa thrust sheet has been transported ~100 km cratonward. The Frog Mountain Formation was deposited over a low topographic high, which was in the location of the Blountian peripheral foreland bulge.
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Contribuições do cadastro territorial multifinalitário à gestão de sítios arqueológicos / Contributions from Territorial Multipurpose Cadastre to management of archaeological sitesScofano, Guilherme Butter 13 June 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The work aims to reflect on the applicability of Territorial Multipurpose Cadastre (CTM in
Portuguese) on planning and management of public areas of archaeological occurrence in
Brazil. To this end, it is adopted as the object of spatial analysis the region of Galheta
Foreland, formed by the meeting of Galheta Beach with the promontory that gives its name to
the region. In this area, four archaeological sites are verified, named Galheta I, Galheta II,
Galheta IV and Galheta V. The immediate surrounding area of the promontory formation and
archaeological constructions is currently occupied by edifications, resulting in legal conflicts
between the owners and the government. Through the analysis of the case exposed, are
assessed the possibilities for dialogue between the premises of the CTM and the actions from
the government, in its socio-economic, technical and legal aspects. The methods used for the
study are based on the literature about the spatial area selected, the theories relevant to the
CTM and public management of archaeological sites, and legal literature that accompanies the
themes evaluated. Have also been surveyed and prepared cartographic products that illustrate
and exemplify the spatial techniques for territory registration used in archeology and the land
register. The materials produced and collected are confronted with the current context verified
at region of Galheta, through field trips for visual and descriptive report. Completed the
research, it is concluded that the rules and techniques from CTM are applicable to the
protection and dissemination objectives from government, but must be observed, by the
Union and the municipalities, the needs to the adequacy of procedures for territorial
demarcation, mapping and documentation to the particularities of the heritage sites. Finally, it
is suggested the designation of the term territorial parcel of archaeological content to areas of
archaeological occurrence, in order to support the joint efforts among federal culture
department and the local governments that introduce the CTM during their routine of land
management. / O trabalho destina-se à reflexão sobre a aplicabilidade do Cadastro Territorial Multifinalitário
(CTM) às políticas de planejamento e gestão públicos dos territórios de ocorrência
arqueológica no Brasil. Para tal, adotou-se como objeto espacial de análise a região da Ponta
da Galheta, formada pelo encontro da Praia da Galheta com o Promontório que dá nome à
região. Na área em questão, são verificados quatro sítios arqueológicos, nomeados Galheta I,
Galheta II, Galheta IV e Galheta V. O entorno imediato do promontório e das formações
arqueológicas é atualmente ocupado por edificações particulares, gerando conflitos legais
entre os proprietários e o Poder Público. Por meio da análise do caso exposto, são avaliadas as
possibilidades de interlocução entre as premissas do CTM e as ações do Poder Público, em
seus aspectos socioeconômicos, técnicos e jurídicos. Os métodos utilizados para confecção do
estudo baseiam-se na pesquisa bibliográfica acerca do recorte espacial selecionado, das
teorias pertinentes ao CTM e à gestão pública de bens arqueológicos, e da literatura jurídica
que acompanha os temas avaliados. Também foram pesquisados e confeccionados produtos
cartográficos que ilustram o território considerado e exemplificam as técnicas de registro
espacial utilizadas nos campos da Arqueologia e do cadastro territorial. Os materiais
produzidos e coletados foram confrontados com o contexto atual existente na região da Ponta
da Galheta, através de idas a campo para relato visual e descritivo. Terminadas as pesquisas,
concluiu-se serem os preceitos e técnicas do Cadastro Territorial Multifinalitário aplicáveis
aos objetivos de proteção e difusão do patrimônio, desde que observadas, por parte da União e
dos municípios, as necessidades de adequação dos procedimentos de demarcação territorial,
mapeamento e documentação às particularidades dos bens patrimoniais. Por fim, sugere-se a
designação do termo parcela territorial de conteúdo arqueológico às áreas de ocorrência de
vestígios pretéritos, de maneira a subsidiar a atuação conjunta entre os órgãos federais de
cultura e as Prefeituras que introduzirem o CTM em suas rotinas de gestão do território.
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Architecture structurale, bilans sédimentaires et potentiel hydrocarburifère d'une zone de transition "wedgetop-foredeep" de rétro-bassin d'avant-pays : exemple des bassins Marañon et Huallaga du Nord-Pérou / Structural arquitecture, sedimentary balance and hydrocarbon potential of a "wedgetop-foredeep" transition zone of retro-foreland basin : example of the Marañon and Huallaga basins of northern PeruCalderón, Ysabel 20 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse, par son approche multidisciplinaire et l'interprétation d'une quantité importante de données industrielles, apporte de nouveaux éléments dans la compréhension des systèmes de bassin d'avant-pays, en particulier dans le domaine andino-amazonien du nord-Pérou. Elle propose un nouveau modèle stratigraphique et structural de cette région, et reconstitue l'histoire de la déformation et de la sédimentation tout en les quantifiant, données indispensables pour modéliser les systèmes pétroliers et réduire les risques en exploration. Les résultats montrent que l'architecture structurale du bassin d'avant-pays de Marañon, le plus grand des Andes centrales, évolue latéralement d'une zone de wedgetop au SE à une zone de foredeep au NW. Au SE, il forme un prisme de chevauchements en partie érodé, connecté aux bassins wedgetop de Huallaga et Moyabamba. Cet ensemble constitue un seul système de bassin d'avant-pays, déformé par l'interférence d'une tectonique de couverture à vergence Est et d'une tectonique de socle en grande partie à vergence Ouest. Le raccourcissement horizontal total varie entre 70 et 76 km. La vergence Ouest de cette tectonique de socle est contrôlée par l'héritage de l'orogénèse Gondwanide (Permien moyen). Nous montrons qu'elle est à l'origine des importants séismes crustaux et destructeurs dans le bassin de Moyabamba. La tectonique de couverture, à vergence Est, présente un fort raccourcissement et est limitée aux bassins wedgetop de Huallaga et Moyabamba, où elle est contrôlée par la distribution géographique d'un important niveau d'évaporites d'âge permien terminal scellant les structures de l'orogénèse Gondwanide. Vers le NW, la déformation du bassin Marañon s'amortit progressivement, ce qui se manifeste par la transition vers une zone de dépôt de type " foredeep ". La déformation, bien que peu importante, y est toujours active et responsable de séismes de faible profondeur. D'un point de vue sédimentaire, cette thèse a permis de différencier quatre mégaséquences d'avant-pays dans le bassin de Marañon, définies à partir de corrélations stratigraphiques de puits et des discontinuités régionales identifiées en sismique. Une coupe structurale traversant le système Marañon-Huallaga a été restaurée en trois étapes depuis l'Eocène moyen pour reconstituer et quantifier la propagation du système de bassin d'avant-pays. Les quatre mégaséquences d'avant-pays et la restauration séquentielle montrent que le système Marañon-Huallaga s'est développé depuis l'Albien en deux étapes séparées par une importante période d'érosion durant l'Eocène moyen. Elles ont enregistrées successivement les soulèvements des cordillères occidentale et orientale des Andes du nord-Pérou, et celui de l'Arche de Fitzcarrald. D'un point de vue quantitatif, les taux de sédimentation calculés montrent une augmentation progressive depuis l'Albien, interrompue par l'érosion de l'Eocène moyen. Les modélisations pétrolières 2D, réalisées à partir d'une révision des systèmes pétroliers et de la restauration séquentielle du système Huallaga-Marañon, valorisent une grande partie des résultats obtenus dans cette thèse en simulant l'expulsion des hydrocarbures aux différentes étapes de la déformation du système Huallaga-Marañon et en montrant ses zones de piégeage potentielles. / This thesis, through its multidisciplinary approach and the interpretation of a large amount of industrial data, brings new elements in the understanding of foreland basin systems, especially in the Andino-Amazonian field of northern Peru. It proposes a new stratigraphic and structural model of this region, reconstructs and quantifies the history of the deformation and sedimentation that constitutes the key data to model the petroleum systems and to reduce the risks in exploration. The results show that the structural architecture of the Marañon Foreland Basin, the largest of the central Andes, evolves laterally from a wedgetop zone in the SE to a foredeep zone in the NW. In the SE, it forms a thrust wedge partly eroded, connected to the wedgetop basins of Huallaga and Moyabamba. This set constitutes a single foreland basin system, deformed by the interference of an east-verging thin-skinned tectonics and a largely west-verging tectonics. The total horizontal shortening varies between 70 and 76 km. The western vergence of this thick-skinned tectonics is controlled by the inheritance of the Gondwanide orogeny (Middle Permian). We show that it is at the origin of the important crustal and destructive earthquakes in the Moyabamba basin. The east-verging thin-skinned tectonics shows a strong shortening and is confined to the wedgetop basins of Huallaga and Moyabamba, where it is controlled by the geographical distribution of a large level of Late Permian evaporites sealing the structures of the Gondwanide orogenesis. Towards the NW, the deformation of the Marañon basin is progressively amortized, which is reflected in the transition to a foredeep type deposition zone. The deformation, although not very important, is still active and responsible for shallow earthquakes. From a sedimentary point of view, this thesis has made it possible to differentiate four foreland mega-sequences in the Marañon basin, defined from well stratigraphic correlations and regional discontinuities identified in seismic. A structural section through the Marañon-Huallaga system has been restored in three stages since the Middle Eocene to reconstruct and quantify the propagation of the foreland basin system. The four foreland mega-sequences and the sequential restoration show that the Marañon-Huallaga system developed since the Albian during two stages separated by an important period of erosion during the Middle Eocene. They recorded successively the uplifts of the western and eastern Cordilleras of the Andes of northern Peru, and that of the Arch of Fitzcarrald. From a quantitative point of view, the calculated sedimentation rates show a gradual increase since the Albian, interrupted by the erosion of the Middle Eocene. The 2D petroleum modeling, carried out from a revision of the petroleum systems and the sequential restoration of the Huallaga-Marañon system, valorizes a large part of the results obtained in this thesis by simulating the expulsion of the hydrocarbons at the different stages of the deformation of the Huallaga-Marañon system, and showing its potential trapping areas.
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