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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Hyperbolic Formal Affine Demazure Algebra

Leclerc, Marc-Antoine January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, we extend the construction of the formal (affine) Demazure algebra due to Hoffnung, Malagón-López, Savage and Zainoulline in two directions. First, we introduce and study the notion of formal Demazure lattices of a Kac-Moody root system and show that the definitions and properties of the formal (affine) Demazure operators and algebras hold for such lattices. Second, we show that for the hyperbolic formal group law the formal Demazure algebra is isomorphic (after extending the coefficients) to the Hecke algebra.

Oriented Cohomology Rings of the Semisimple Linear Algebraic Groups of Ranks 1 and 2

Gandhi, Raj 23 August 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, we compute minimal presentations in terms of generators and relations for the oriented cohomology rings of several semisimple linear algebraic groups of ranks 1 and 2 over algebraically closed fields of characteristic 0. The main tools we use in this thesis are the combinatorics of Coxeter groups and formal group laws, and recent results of Calm\`es, Gille, Petrov, Zainoulline, and Zhong, which relate the oriented cohomology rings of flag varieties and semisimple linear algebraic groups to the dual of the formal affine Demazure algebra.

Modèles de Néron et groupes formels / Néron models and formal groups

Hertgen, Alan 18 March 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on aborde plusieurs questions autour des modèles de Néron de variétés abéliennes sur un corps de valuation discrète. On dit qu’une variété abélienne a réduction scindée si la suite exacte définissant le groupe des composantes de la fibre spéciale est scindée. On donne un exemple de variété abélienne modérément ramifiée qui n’a pas réduction scindée. Pour les variétés jacobiennes,on montre que l’on obtient réduction scindée après toute extension modérément ramifiée de degré plus grand qu’une constante ne dépendant que de la dimension.On considère aussi le lien avec le conducteur de Swan. Ensuite, on s’intéresse aux groupes formels des variétés abéliennes. Pour les courbes elliptiques, on détermine le rayon du plus grand voisinage de 0 qui est isomorphe à un polydisque muni de sa structure de groupe usuelle. On s’intéresse aussi aux groupes des composantes de modèles lisses, de type fini et séparés du groupe additif ou multiplicatif ainsi qu’à leurs sous-groupes des points rationnels. Enfin, on montre que le conducteur efficace d’une courbe algébrique ne peut pas s’exprimer uniquement en fonction deson conducteur d’Artin. / In this thesis, we tackle several questions about Néron models of abelian varieties on a discrete valuation field. We say that an abelian variety has split reduction if the exact sequence defining the group of components of the special fiber is split. We give an example of a tamely ramified abelian variety which does not have split reduction. For Jacobian varieties, we show that one gets split reduction after any tamely ramified extension of degree greater than aconstant depending on the dimension only. We also consider the link with theSwan conductor. Then, we deal with formal groups of abelian varieties. For elliptic curves, we compute the radius of the largest neighbourhood of 0 which is isomorphic to a polydisk equipped with its usual group law. We also deal with groups of components of smooth and separated models of finite type of the additive or multiplicative group as well as their subgroups of rational points. Finally, we show that the efficient conductor of an algebraic curve cannot be expressed interms of its Artin conductor only.

Mikroprimstellen für p-adische Zahlkörper

Wirl, Ernst Ludwig 14 February 2011 (has links)
Mikroprimstellen wurden eingeführt von J. Neukirch im Rahmen der abstrakten Klassenkörpertheorie. Eine Verallgemeinerung der Zerlegungsgruppen von Primstellen globaler Körper motivierte die rein gruppentheoretische Definition der Mikroprimstellen als gewisse Äquivalenzklassen von Frobeniuselementen. Auf den Fall der Galoisgruppen lokaler oder globaler Körper angewendet, ergibt diese Theorie eine Beschreibung spezieller Konjugationsklassen. Die Hauptaufgabe von J. Neukirch ist, die zahlentheoretische Bedeutung der Mikroprimstellen zu verstehen, das heißt, sie in Termen des Grundkörpers anzugeben. J. Mehlig und E.-W. Zink fanden eine Bijektion zwischen Mikroprimstellen und normverträglichen Folgen von Primelementen in Körpertürmen. Diese Türme entstehen durch die Fixkörper der abgeleiteten Untergruppen der Trägheitsgruppe. Auf diese Weise betrachtet man Mikroprimstellen für die entsprechenden Faktorgruppen der absoluten Galoisgruppe, um dann einen projektive Limes zu bilden. Im ersten Schritt ist eine Bijektion zwischen relativen Mikroprimstellen und Konjugationsklassen von Primelementen gezeigt worden. Das Hauptergebnis dieser Arbeit ist eine vollständige Antwort auf die Frage von J. Neukirch im zweiten Schritt. Es wird eine Normabbildung für Lubin-Tate-Potenzreihen verschiedener Höhe angegeben und der projektive Limes bezüglich dieser Normabbildungen gebildet. Dazu werden Ergebnisse der Klassenkörpertheorie auf einen ''''fastabelschen'''' Fall übertragen. Schließlich können die Mikroprimstellen als Galoisorbits von normverträglichen Abfolgen normischer Lubin-Tate-Potenzreihen beschrieben werden. Die Koeffizienten aller dieser Lubin-Tate-Potenzreihen sind in einer endlichen unverzweigten Erweiterung des Grundkörpers. Also kann man zu einer gegebenen normverträglichen Abfolge normischer Lubin-Tate-Potenzreihen den Koeffizientenkörper definieren. Der Grad dieses Körpers bzw. die Länge des Galoisorbits entspricht dem Grad der zugehörigen Mikroprimstelle. / Micro primes were introduced by J. Neukirch in the context of abstract class field theory. A generalization of decomposition groups of primes of global fields led him to a purely group theoretical definition of micro primes as certain equivalence classes of Frobenius elements. Applied to the case of Galois groups of local or global fields this theory yields a description of special conjugacy classes. The main problem already posed by J. Neukirch is to understand the number theoretical meaning of micro primes, that is to describe them in terms of the base field. J. Mehlig and E.-W. Zink established a bijection between micro primes and norm compatible sequences of prime elements in field towers. These towers arise as fixed point fields for the sequence of derived subgroups of the inertia group. So one has to study micro primes for the corresponding factor groups of the absolute Galois group and then to form a projective limit. In the first step, a bijection between relative micro primes and conjugacy classes of prime elements has been obtained. The main result of this project is a complete answer to the problem of J. Neukirch for the second step. One has to introduce norm maps between Lubin-Tate power series of different height and the projective limit has to be taken with respect to these norm maps. For this purpose results from class field theory are transferred to an ''''almost abelian'''' case. In the end micro primes can be described as Galois orbits of norm compatible sequences of normic Lubin-Tate power series. The coefficients of all the Lubin-Tate power series are in finite unramified extensions of the base field. Therefore one can define a field of coefficients for a given norm compatible sequence of normic Lubin-Tate power series. The degree of that field respectively the length of the Galois orbit is at the same time the degree of the corresponding micro prime.

Finite subgroups of the extended Morava stabilizer groups / Sous-groupes finis des groupes de stabilisateur étendus de Morava

Bujard, Cédric 04 June 2012 (has links)
L'objet de la thèse est la classification à conjugaison près des sous-groupes finis du groupe de stabilisateur (classique) de Morava S_n et du groupe de stabilisateur étendu G_n(u) associé à une loi de groupe formel F de hauteur n définie sur le corps F_p à p éléments. Une classification complète dans S_n est établie pour tout entier positif n et premier p. De plus, on montre que la classification dans le groupe étendu dépend aussi de F et son unité associée u dans l'anneau des entiers p-adiques. On établit un cadre théorique pour la classification dans G_n(u), on donne des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes sur n, p et u pour l'existence dans G_n(u) d'extensions de sous-groupes finis maximaux de S_n par le groupe de Galois de F_{p^n} sur F_p, et lorsque de telles extensions existent on dénombre leurs classes de conjugaisons. On illustre nos méthodes en fournissant une classification complète et explicite dans le cas n=2. / The problem addressed is the classification up to conjugation of the finite subgroups of the (classical) Morava stabilizer group S_n and the extended Morava stabilizer group G_n(u) associated to a formal group law F of height n over the field F_p of p elements. A complete classification in S_n is provided for any positive integer n and prime p. Furthermore, we show that the classification in the extended group also depends on F and its associated unit u in the ring of p-adic integers. We provide a theoretical framework for the classification in G_n(u), we give necessary and sufficient conditions on n, p and u for the existence in G_n(u) of extensions of maximal finite subgroups of S_n by the Galois group of F_{p^n} over F_p, and whenever such extension exist we enumerate their conjugacy classes. We illustrate our methods by providing a complete and explicit classification in the case n=2.

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