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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analogové elektronické emulátory obvodů neceločíselného řádu / Analogue emulators of fractional-order circuits

Kubát, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with circuits contain fractional-order elements. The first part of this paper deals with this problem, there were also described methods of design fractionalorder elements and types of circuits containing the fractiona-order elements which can be applied in practice. Used active elements for practical part can be found in the second chapter. Design of GIC circuits and implementation of fractional-order element inside the circuit are shown in the last chapture. Parasitic analysis and stability of frequency filter containing fractional-order element had been also described.

Modèle fractionnaire pour la sous-diffusion : version stochastique et edp / Fractional model for sub-diffusion : stochastic version and partial differential equation

Rakotonasy, Solonjaka Hiarintsoa 06 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail a pour but de proposer des outils visant `a comparer des résultats exp´erimentaux avec des modèles pour la dispersion de traceur en milieu poreux, dans le cadre de la dispersion anormale.Le “Mobile Immobile Model” (MIM) a été à l’origine d’importants progrès dans la description du transport en milieu poreux, surtout dans les milieux naturels. Ce modèle généralise l’quation d’advection-dispersion (ADE) e nsupposant que les particules de fluide, comme de solut´e, peuvent ˆetre immo-bilis´ees (en relation avec la matrice solide) puis relˆachées, le piégeage et le relargage suivant de plus une cin´etique d’ordre un. Récemment, une version stochastique de ce modèle a ´eté proposée. Malgré de nombreux succès pendant plus de trois décades, le MIM reste incapable de repr´esenter l’´evolutionde la concentration d’un traceur dans certains milieux poreux insaturés. Eneffet, on observe souvent que la concentration peut d´ecroˆıtre comme unepuissance du temps, en particulier aux grands temps. Ceci est incompatible avec la version originale du MIM. En supposant une cinétique de piégeage-relargage diff´erente, certains auteurs ont propos´e une version fractionnaire,le “fractal MIM” (fMIM). C’est une classe d’´equations aux d´eriv´ees par-tielles (e.d.p.) qui ont la particularit´e de contenir un op´erateur int´egral li´e`a la variable temps. Les solutions de cette classe d’e.d.p. se comportentasymptotiquement comme des puissances du temps, comme d’ailleurs cellesde l’´equation de Fokker-Planck fractionnaire (FFPE). Notre travail fait partie d’un projet incluant des exp´eriences de tra¸cageet de vélocimétrie par R´esistance Magn´etique Nucl´eaire (RMN) en milieuporeux insatur´e. Comme le MIM, le fMIM fait partie des mod`eles ser-vant `a interpréter de telles exp´eriences. Sa version “e.d.p.” est adapt´eeaux grandeurs mesur´ees lors d’exp´eriences de tra¸cage, mais est peu utile pour la vélocimétrie RMN. En effet, cette technique mesure la statistiquedes d´eplacements des mol´ecules excit´ees, entre deux instants fixés. Plus précisément, elle mesure la fonction caractéristique (transform´ee de Fourier) de ces d´eplacements. Notre travail propose un outil d’analyse pour ces expériences: il s’agit d’une expression exacte de la fonction caract´eristiquedes d´eplacements de la version stochastique du mod`ele fMIM, sans oublier les MIM et FFPE. Ces processus sont obtenus `a partir du mouvement Brown-ien (plus un terme convectif) par des changement de temps aléatoires. Ondit aussi que ces processus sont des mouvement Browniens, subordonnéspar des changements de temps qui sont eux-mˆeme les inverses de processusde L´evy non d´ecroissants (les subordinateurs). Les subordinateurs associés aux modèles fMIM et FFPE sont des processus stables, les subordinateursassoci´es au MIM sont des processus de Poisson composites. Des résultatsexp´erimenatux tr`es r´ecents on sugg´er´e d’´elargir ceci `a des vols de L´evy (plusg´en´eraux que le mouvement Brownien) subordonnés aussi.Le lien entre les e.d.p. fractionnaires et les mod`eles stochastiques pourla sous-diffusion a fait l’objet de nombreux travaux. Nous contribuons `ad´etailler ce lien en faisant apparaˆıtre les flux de solut´e, en insistant sur une situation peu ´etudiée: nous examinons le cas o`u la cinétique de piégeage-relargage n’est pas la mˆeme dans tout le milieu. En supposant deux cinétiques diff´erentes dans deux sous-domaines, nous obtenons une version du fMIMavec un opérateur intégro-diff´erentiel li´e au temps, mais dépendant de la position.Ces r´esultats sont obtenus au moyen de raisonnements, et sont illustrés par des simulations utilisant la discrétisation d’intégrales fractionnaires etd’e.d.p. ainsi que la méthode de Monte Carlo. Ces simulations sont en quelque sorte des preuves numériques. Les outils sur lesquels elles s’appuient sont présentés aussi. / We propose tools for to compare experimental data and models for anomalousdispersion in porous media.The “Mobile Immobile Model” (MIM) significantly improved the descrip-tion of mass transport in natural porous media. This model generalizes theadvection-dispersion equation (ADE) by assuming that fluid and solute parti-cles can be found in mobile on immobile states, exchanging matter accordingto first order kinetics. Moreover, it has a stochastic version. Nevertheless,the original MIM does not represent the power-law decrease of some break-through curves observed in some media, better described by a fractionalversion, the “fractal MIM” (fMIM) which assumes a different kinetics. Theacronym “fMIM” denotes partial differential equations (p.d.e.) involving afractional integral with respect to time, having solutions falling-off as powerof times, asymptotically. It keeps in similarity with the fractional Fokker-Planck equation (FFPE). As this equation, the fMIM describes the evolutionof the probability density function of stochastic processes, namely Brownianmotion sujected to a time change that is the hitting time of a stable sub-ordinator, strictly stable or not, according FFPE or fMIM is considered.Using probabilistic arguments and numerical simulation, we extend this re-sult to the case when the transport parameters and the time scales of thetime change vary in space. P.d.es are well suited for comparing with tracer tests data. Yet, they arenot very useful to discuss signals recorded by pulsed field gradient (PFG)nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a technique which measures the char-acteristic function (Fourier transform) of molecular displacements betweentwo fixed instants. For to process such data, we derive an expression of thecharacteristic function of the displacements of Brownian motions subordi-nated by the hitting times of stable subordinators, i.e. of processes whosedensity satisfies FFPE of fMIM. We also consider time changes that are hit-ting times of composite Poisson processes (CPP), which correspond to theoriginal version of the MIM.

Commande des Systèmes Multi-agent d'Ordre Fractionnaire / Distributed coordination of fractionnal-order multi-agent systems

Bai, Jing 23 July 2015 (has links)
Ce travail concerne la commande des systèmes multi-agent d’ordre fractionnaire utilisant une topologie de communication fixe. Premièrement, la production en formation avec atténuation absolue et retard de communication est étudiée. Pour cela, une loi de commande et des conditions suffisantes sont proposées. Toutefois, dans certains scénarios, il est souhaitable que tous les agents atteignent la formation souhaitée tout en se déplacent en groupe, au lieu d’un rendez-vous à un point fixe. Ce cas sera traité en étudiant la production en formation avec atténuation relative et retard de communication. Troisièmement, la poursuite par consensus des systèmes avec un état de référence variable dans le temps est étudiée. Une loi de commande commune et une seconde basée sur la prédiction d’erreur sont proposées, et le problème du consensus est résolu quand le graphe de communication contient un arbre dirigé. Il a été prouvé que la convergence du système est plus rapide en utilisant la loi basée sur la prédiction d’erreur plutôt que celle de commande commune. Enfin, les lois de commande ci-dessus sont étendues au cas de la poursuite en formation. En effet, dans de nombreux cas, l'information peut être envoyée à partir d'un état de référence vers les agents voisins uniquement et non pas à l’ensemble des agents. Afin de résoudre ce problème, une loi de commande est proposée afin de résoudre le problème du consensus avec un état de référence constant. Puis, deux lois de commande sont proposées afin de résoudre le problème du consensus avec un état de référence variant dans le temps. Ces lois sont étendues pour résoudre le problème de la poursuite en formation / This thesis focuses on the distributed coordination of fractional-order multi-agent systems under fixed directed communication graph. Firstly, formation producing with absolute damping and communication delay of fractional-order multi-agent systems is studied. A control law is proposed and some sufficient conditions are derived for achieving formation producing. However, in some scenarios, it might be desirable that all agents achieve formation and move as a group, instead of rendezvous at a stationary point. Therefore, secondly, formation producing with relative damping and communication delay is considered. Thirdly, consensus tracking of fractional-order multi-agent systems with a time-varying reference state is studied. A common control law and a control law based on error predictor are proposed, and it is shown that the control laws are effective when a communication graph has directed spanning trees. Meanwhile, it is proved that the convergence of systems is faster using the control law based on error predictor than by the common one. Finally, the above control laws are extended to achieve formation-tracking problems. In fact, in many cases information can be sent from a reference state to only its neighbor agents not to all the agents. In order to solve the above problem, an effective control law is given to achieve consensus with a constant reference state. Then, an effective general control law and an effective particular one are proposed to achieve consensus with a time-varying reference state. Furthermore, the above control laws are extended to achieve the formation tracking problems

Steady State Dynamics Of Systems With Fractional Order Derivative Damping Models

Sivaprasad, R 05 1900 (has links)
Rubber like materials find wide applications in damping treatment of structures, vibration isolations and they appear prominently in the form of hoses in many structures such as aircraft engines. The study reported in this thesis addresses a few issues in computational modeling of vibration of structures with some of its components made up of rubber like materials. Specifically, the study explores the use of fractional derivatives in representing the constitutive laws of such material and focuses its attention on problems of parameter identification in linear time invariant systems with fractional order damping models. The thesis is divided into four chapters and two annexures. A review of literature related to mathematical modeling of damping with emphasis on fractional order derivative models is presented in chapter 1. The review covers lternatives available for modeling energy dissipation that include viscous, structural and hybrid damping models. The advantages of using fractional order derivative models in this context is pointed out and papers dealing with solution of differential equations with fractional order derivatives are reviewed. Issues related to finite element modeling and random vibration analysis of systems with fractional order damping models are also covered. The review recognizes the problems of system parameter identification based on inverse eigensensitivity and inverse FRF sensitivity as problems requiring further research. The problem of determination of derivatives of eigensolutions and FRF-s with respect to system parameters of linear time invariant systems with fractional order damping models is considered in chapter 2. The eigensolutions here are obtained as solutions of a generalized asymmetric eigenvalue problem. The order of system matrices here depends upon the mechanical degrees of freedom and also somewhat artificially on the fractional order of the derivative terms. The formulary for first and second order eigenderivatives are developed taking account of these features. This derivation also takes into account the various orthogonality relations satisfied by the complex valued eigenvectors. The system FRF-s are obtained by a straight forward inversion of the system dynamic stiffness matrix and also by using a series solution in terms of system eigensolutions. As might be expected, the two solutions lead to identical results. The first and the second order derivatives of FRF-s are obtained based on system dynamic matrix and without taking recourse to modal summation. Numerical examples that bring out various facets of eigensolutions, FRF-s and their sensitivities are presented with reference to single and multi degree freedom systems. The application sensitivity analysis developed in chapter 2 to problems of system parameter identification is considered in chapter 3. Methods based on inverse eigensensitivity and inverse FRF sensitivity are outlined. The scope of these methods cover first and second order analyses and applications to single and multi degree freedom systems. While most illustrations are based on synthetic measurement data, limited efforts are also made to implement the identification methods using laboratory measurement data. The experimental work has involved the measurement of FRF-s on a system consisting of two steel tubes connected by a rubber hose. The two system identification methods are shown to perform well especially when information on second order sensitivity are included in the analysis. The method based on inverse eigensolution is shown to become increasingly unwieldy to apply as the order of the system matrices increases while the FRF based method does not suffer from this drawback. The FRF based method also has the advantage that the prior knowledge of order of fractional order derivative terms is not needed in its implementation while such knowledge is assumed in the method based on eigensolutions. While the methods are shown to perform satisfactorily when synthetic measurement data is used, their success is not uniformly good when laboratory measurement data are employed. Chapter 4 presents a summary of contributions made in the thesis and also enlists a few suggestions for further research. Annexure I provides a précis of elementary notion of fractional order derivatives and integrals. A case study on finite element analysis of aircraft engine component made up of metallic and rubber materials is outlined in Annexure II and the study points towards possible advantages of using fractional order damping models in the study of such structures.

Définition et réglage de correcteurs robustes d'ordre fractionnaire / Definition and tuning of robust fractional order controllers

Tenoutit, Mammar 01 July 2013 (has links)
Les applications du calcul fractionnaire en automatique se sont considérablement développées ces dernières années, surtout en commande robuste. Ce mémoire est une contribution à la commande robuste des systèmes d'ordre entier à l'aide d'un correcteur PID d'ordre fractionnaire.Le conventionnel régulateur PID, unanimement apprécié pour le contrôle des processus industriels, a été adapté au cas fractionnaire sous la forme PInDf grâce à l'introduction d'un modèle de référence d'ordre non entier, réputé pour sa robustesse vis-à-vis des variations du gain statique.Cette nouvelle structure a été étendue aux systèmes à retard sous la forme d'un Prédicteur de SMITH fractionnaire. Dans leur forme standard, ces correcteurs sont adaptés à la commande des systèmes du premier et du second ordre, avec ou sans retard pur.Pour des systèmes plus complexes, deux méthodologies de synthèse du correcteur ont été proposées, grâce à la méthode des moments et à l'approche retour de sortie.Pour les systèmes dont le modèle est obtenu à partir d'une identification, la boucle fermée doit en outre être robuste aux erreurs d'estimation. Un modèle pire-cas, déduit de la matrice de covariance de l'estimateur et des domaines d'incertitudes fréquentielles, a été proposé pour la synthèse du correcteur.Les différentes simulations numériques montrent l'efficacité de cette méthodologie pour l'obtention d'une boucle fermée robuste aux variations du gain statique et aux incertitudes d'identification. / The application of fractional calculus in automatic control have received much attention these last years, mainly in robust control. This PhD dissertation is a contribution to the control of integer order systems using a fractional order PID controller.The classical PID, well known for its applications to industrial plants, has been adapted to the fractional case as a PInDf controller, thanks to a fractional order reference model, characterized by its robustness to static gain variations.This new controller has been generalized to time delay systems as a fractional SMITH Predictor. In standard case, these controllers are adapted to first and second order systems, with or without a time delay. For more complex systems, two design methodologies have been proposed, based on the method of moments and on output feedback approach.For systems whose model is obtained by an identification procedure, the closed loop has to be robust to estimation errors. So, a worst-case model, derived from the covariance matrix of the estimator and the frequency uncertainty domains, has been proposed for the design of the controller.The different numerical simulations demonstrate that this methodology is able to provide robustness to static gain variations and to identification uncertainties.

Peripheral control tools for a run-of-mine ore milling circuit

Olivier, Laurentz Eugene 19 July 2012 (has links)
Run-of-mine ore milling circuits are generally difficult to control owing to the presence of strong external disturbances, poor process models and the unavailability of important process variable measurements. These shortcomings are common for processes in the mineral-processing industry. For processes that fall into this class, the peripheral control tools in the control loop are considered to be as important as the controller itself. This work addresses the implementation of peripheral control tools on a run-of-mine ore milling circuit to help overcome the deteriorated control performance resulting from the aforementioned shortcomings. The effects of strong external disturbances are suppressed through the application of a disturbance observer. A fractional order disturbance observer is also implemented and a novel Bode ideal cutoff disturbance observer is introduced. The issue of poor process models is addressed through the detection of significant mismatch between the actual plant and the available model from process data. A closed-form expression is given for the case where the controller has a transfer function. If the controller does not have a transfer function, a partial correlation analysis is used to detect the transfer function elements in the model transfer function matrix that contain significant mismatch. The mill states and important mill parameters are estimated with the use of particle filters. Simultaneous state and parameter estimation is compared with a novel dual particle filtering scheme. A sensitivity analysis shows the class of systems for which dual estimation would provide superiorestimation accuracy over simultaneous estimation. The implemented peripheral control tools show promise for current milling circuits where proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control is prevalent, and also for advanced control strategies, such as model predictive control, which are expected to become more common in the future. AFRIKAANS : Maalkringe wat onbehandelde erts maal is oor die algemeen moeilik om te beheer as gevolg van die teenwoordigheid van sterk eksterne steurings, onakkurate aanlegmodelle en metings van belangrike prosesveranderlikes wat ontbreek. Hierdie probleme is algemeen vir aanlegte in die mineraalprosesseringsbedryf. Vir aanlegte in hierdie klas word die randbeheerinstrumente as net so belangrik as die beheerder beskou. Hierdie verhandeling beskryf die implementering van randbeheerinstrumente vir ’n maalkring wat onbehandelde erts maal, om die verswakte beheerverrigting teen te werk wat veroorsaak word deur bogenoemde probleme. Die impak van sterk eksterne steurings word teengewerk deur die implementering van ’n steuringsafskatter. ’n Breuk-orde-steuringsafskatter is ook geïmplementeer en ’n nuwe Bode ideale afsnysteuringsafskatter word voorgestel. Die kwessie van onakkurate aanlegmodelle word hanteer deur van die aanlegdata af vas te stel of daar ’n verskil is tussen die aanleg en die beskikbare model van die aanleg. ’n Uitdrukking word gegee vir hierdie verskil vir die geval waar die beheerder met ’n oordragsfunksie voorgestel kan word. Indien die beheerder nie ’n oordragsfunksie het nie, word van ‘n parsiële korrelasie-analise gebruik gemaak om die element, of elemente, in die aanleg se oordragsfunksiematriks te identifiseer wat van die werklike aanleg verskil. Die toestande en belangrike parameters in die meul word beraam deur van partikel-filters gebruikte maak. Gelyktydige toestand- en parameter-beraming word vergelyk met ’n nuwe dubbel-partikelfilter skema. ’n Sensitiwiteitsanalise wys die klas van stelsels waarvoor dubbel-afskatting meer akkurate waardes sal gee as gelyktydige afskatting. Die voorgestelde randbeheerinstrumente is toepaslik vir huidige maalkringe waar PID-beheer algemeen is, asook vir gevorderde beheerstrategieë, soos model-voorspellende beheer, wat na verwagting in die toekoms meer algemeen sal word. Copyright / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Controle robusto chaveado de sistemas lineares e não lineares de ordem fracionária /

Kuzminskas, Hadamez. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto Teixeira / Resumo: Neste trabalho apresentam-se condições descritas por desigualdades matriciais lineares, LMIs (do inglês: Linear Matrix Inequalities), para o projeto de controladores robustos para sistemas dinâmicos de ordem α ∈ [0,1). Os controladores propostos utilizam a realimentação da derivada de ordem α ∈ [0,1) do vetor de estado, a chamada realimentação α-derivativa, e também a realimentação do vetor de estado. A literatura clássica apresenta resultados que utilizam o método direto de Lyapunov e a estabilização quadrática no projeto de controladores para sistemas de ordem inteira. Os teoremas propostos neste trabalho para sistemas fracionários são condições suficientes análogas a estes resultados. Esta analogia é possível através da extensão fracionária, recentemente disponível na literatura, do método direto de Lyapunov e de um limitante superior para a derivada de ordem α ∈ [0,1) da função de Lyapunov do tipo quadrática, Dα V(x(t)). Nesse sentido, as LMIs propostas para estabilização quadrática são análogas aos casos clássicos, pois não dependem da ordem α ∈ [0,1) do sistema. Em particular, o foco deste trabalho recai no controle do tipo chaveado, que trata da minimização do limitante superior de Dα V(x(t)). O controle chaveado dispensa o conhecimento das funções de pertinência quando da utilização de modelos fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno, permitindo trabalhar com plantas lineares e não lineares, ambas incluindo parâmetros incertos. Dessa forma, a estabilização quadrática possibilitou a obtenç... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This work proposes linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) conditions for the design of robust controllers for dynamic systems of order α ∈ [0,1). The proposed controllers use the feedback of the state vector derivative of of order α ∈ [0,1), the so-called α -derivative feedback, and also the feedback of the state vector. The classical literature presents results that use the Lyapunov direct method and the quadratic stabilization in the design of the controllers for integer order systems. The theorems proposed in this work for fractional systems are sufficient conditions analogous to these results. This analogy is possible through the fractional extension, recently available in the literature, of the direct Lyapunov method and an upper bound for the a α ∈ [0,1) order derivative of the quadratic Lyapunov function, Dα V(x(t)). In this sense, the proposed LMIs for quadratic stabilization are analogous to the classical ones, since they do not depend on the order α ∈ [0,1) of the system. In particular, the focus of this work lies in the switched control, which deals with the minimization of the upper bound of Dα V(x(t)). The switched control dispenses the knowledge of the membership functions when using the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models, allowing to work with linear and nonlinear plants, both of them with uncertain parameters. Therefore, the quadratic stabilization allowed to obtain new results for the robust control problem of α ∈ [0,1) order systems, considering the main analogous resu... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Syntéza obvodových prvků s fraktální dynamikou / Synthesis of circuit element with fractal dynamics

Domanský, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The first aim of this diploma thesis is to clarify problems with circuit elements described by the fractional-order dynamics, show their basic properties and possible applications in circuits with lumped parameters. The second topic is covering the synthesis of two-terminal devices which have different fractional-orders for requested phase shifts. For this kind of devices, the thesis also describes their optimization and approximation in the frequency domain and subsequent implementation in the form of passive ladder structures. The final part of diploma work will be focused on practical realization of universal fractional PID controller and the verification of proper function of this multi-port in various configurations to prove its correct function via real measurement of frequency and time responses.

Diferenční kmitočtové filtry neceločíselného řádu / Fully-differential fractional frequency filters

Zapletal, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concentrated to fully differential and non-differential fractional-order filters with active elements. It describes how we can obtain fractional-order fully-differential filters design from non-differential design, thesis describes realization in OrCad program and simulation of this project. The first part of the thesis concerns theoretical analysis of frequency filters, active elements and fractional-order filters. The second part of the thesis includes designs of filters and simulations of differential structures and rest of non-differential structures simulation. The following part of the thesis concerns practical realization and experimental measurment of differential fractional-order filter. In the last part of this project, thesis evaluates all results which were revealed in our simulations and experimental measurment.

Efektivní použití obvodů zlomkového řádu v integrované technice / Effective Usage of Circuits with Fractional Order in Integrated Circuits

Kadlčík, Libor January 2020 (has links)
Integrace a derivace jsou obvykle známy pro celočíselný řád (tj. první, druhý, atd.). Existuje ale zobecnění pro zlomkové (neceločíselné) řády, které lze implementovat pomocí elektronických obvodů zlomkového řádu (případně provést jejich aproximaci) a které poskytuje nový stupeň volnosti pro návrh elektronických obvodů. Obvody zlomkového řádu jsou obvykle aproximovány diskrétními součástkami pomocí RC struktur s velkými rozsahy odporů a kapacit, a tím se jeví nepraktické pro použití v integrovaných obvodech. Tato práce prezentuje implementaci obvodů zlomkového řádu v integerovaných obvodech a jejich praktické využití v této oblasti. Jsou použity prvky se soustředěnými parametry (např. RC žebřík) i prvky s rozprostřenými parametery (např. R-PMOScap, skládající se z nesalicidovaného proužku polykrystalického křemíku nad hradlovým oxidem); je použita pouze technologie typu analogvý CMOS bez dodatečných procesních kroků. Užití obvodů zlomkového řádu bylo demonstrováno realizací několika integrovaných napěťových regulátorů, v nichž obvody zlomkového řádu realizují řízení zlomkového řádu za účelem dosažení silné stejnosměrné regulace a dobré stability regulační smyčky - i bez použití kompenzační nuly nebo příliš vysoké externí kapacity (některé napěťové regulátory dovolují i zatěžovací kapacitou v rozsahu nula až nekonečno).

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