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O mal-estar subjetivo derivado da fragmentação do trabalho / Not informed by the authorJonny Javier Orejuela 02 October 2014 (has links)
O trabalho como atividade humana intencional de transformação da natureza e da sociedade e a criação de valor tem um significado inegável na definição da condição humana. Esta é uma variável multideterminada, subordinada pelos fatores econômicos, ideológicos e tecnológicos, entre outros; multideterminante enquanto cumpre várias funções psicossociais. Assim, é evidente a centralidade social e subjetiva do trabalho para os seres humanos em relação à sua luta pela conquista da dignidade e da felicidade pessoal e social. Isso torna o trabalho reconhecido em várias das suas funções: econômicas, sociais e psicológicas. Porém, o trabalho também tem a condição dialética de ser tanto potencialmente uma fonte de realização pessoal e de emancipação quanto uma fonte de mal-estar social e alienação, isto é, o trabalho pode ser uma força de integração ou de desintegração no nível social e subjetivo. No entanto, no contexto do trabalho atual, caracterizado por um conjunto de reestruturações contínuas orientadas a assegurar o máximo ganho econômico das empresas, impõe-se um sistema de flexibilidade e constante reestruturação que envolve uma maior heterogeneidade, complexidade, forte individualização e desregulamentação das relações de trabalho, resultando na fragmentação significativa do trabalho: tarefas, horários, equipes, trajetórias de indivíduos e mercados de trabalho. Este contexto por sua vez, define um novo cenário sociolaboral que pode estar impactando de modo diferente o papel psicossocial reconhecido do trabalho e tornando-se um elemento essencial para uma experiência, mais ou menos generalizada, mas não absoluta, de mal-estar subjetivo no trabalho. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa teórica é descrever e analisar como a anatomia atual de fragmentação sociolaboral pode tornar-se numa condição de possibilidade para a experiência de sofrimento subjetivo no trabalho, uma tendência mais ou menos geral. Compreende-se que embora existam situações de sofrimento no campo do trabalho, não poderia ser considerado que são elas apenas que se manifestam como parte da experiência subjetiva no trabalho. Certamente, no mundo do trabalho, há pessoas que recebem os ganhos sublimatórios de articular seu desejo à atividade, embora alguns podem vivenciar a tensão difusa e desgastante que pode ser identificado como mal-estar subjetivo; mas nem todo mundo experimenta no trabalho uma tensão psíquica desgastante, intolerável e sem possibilidade de ser simbolizado pelo inconsciente, que pode ser descrito como sofrimento no trabalho. Para alcançar este objetivo, esta tese começa com uma descrição do estado da arte das pesquisas relacionadas com o prazer e o sofrimento no trabalho, destacando as já feitas no Brasil. Posteriormente reconstrói-se a identidade da avaliação subjetiva do trabalho mostrando a evolução das tendências funcionalistas, e sua ênfase na satisfação, às tendências psicodinâmicas e sua ênfase sobre o prazer / sofrimento. Na sequência é feita uma discussão sobre o mal-estar, o sofrimento e o sintoma no mundo do trabalho seguido da descrição da anatomia da fragmentação sociolaboral e seus resultados no mal-estar no trabalho, descrevendo logo depois as condições que propiciam sua aparição. É discutido o valor do significado do trabalho como uma variável moderadora da significação do mal-estar no trabalho. Tomando como referência a teoria da luta pelo reconhecimento de Honneth e os conceitos da psicodinâmica do reconhecimento trabalhados pelo Dejours, é feita uma discussão sobre o reconhecimento não feito e seus efeitos de mal-estar subjetivo no trabalho. A discussão culmina com uma reflexão sobre as possíveis contribuições da clínica do Lacan para a escuta do mal-estar e o sofrimento no trabalho / Work is an intentional human activity the aim of whih is the transformation of nature, of society and the value creation. It has undeniable weight in the disclosure of the human condition. The latter is a multidetermined variable subjected to economic, ideological and technological factors among many others and as such fulfills several psychological functions. These conditions open to light the social and subjective centrality of jobs to the human struggle to dignity, personal and social happiness. That power reveals the economic, psychological and social functions of work. Work exposes a dialectical condition as a source of personal fulfillment and emancipation and the cause of discontentment and alienation, i.e., an integrative as well as a disintegrative force on subjectivity. Within the current organizational context, characterized by continuous restructuration, flexibility and heterogeneity, complexity and constant deregulation in view of the optimization of economic outcomes, work ends up fragmented concerning its tasks, shifts, equipment and trajectories. These conditions create a new socio-occupational setting the outcome of which is the proneness to distress and suffering. The purpose of this thesis is a theoretical analysis of the current anatomy of socio-occupational fragmentation of work as a condition of the general subjective distress stemming from work engagement. The aim here is the understanding the manifestations of suffering and some of the range of consequences of the present day working conditions. Certainly, there are people enabled to sublimate their desires in their tasks but others unable to do so gain exhaustion and distress. In order to achieve its aim, this work starts with the description of the issue of work pleasure and suffering from research accomplished in Brazil. Thence it goes on reconstruction the identity of he subjective evaluation of work the within functionalism and psychodynamics. Then the discomfort, suffering and symptoms are discussed followed by an explanation of the anatomy of the social and labor impacts of the work fragmentation, its triggering factors and the resulting sensation of upsetting. Those considerations are followed by the discussion of the meaning of work a moderating factor. Drawing on both Honneth`s theory of the struggle for recognition and Dejours`theory of psychodynamic of the recognition, another discussion of spared recognition and the effects of subjective distress are carried out. The thesis is closed with an analysis of the possible contributions of the Lacanian clinic related to the listening of the discomfort and suffering in today`s working context
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Magnetism in spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates with antiferromagnetic interactions / Magnétisme dans des condensats condensats de Bose-Einstein de spin 1 avec interactions antiferromagnétismesCorre, Vincent 15 December 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions expérimentalement les propriétés magnétiques de condensats de sodium de spin 1 à l'équilibre. Dans ce système les atomes peuvent occuper chacun des trois états Zeeman caractérisés par la projection de leur spin sur l'axe de quantification m=+1,0,-1. Nous mesurons l'état de spin à N particules du système en fonction du champ magnétique appliqué et et de la magnétisation (différence entre les populations des états m=+1 et m=-1) du nuage atomique. Nos mesures sont en très bon accord avec la prédiction de la théorie de champ moyen, et nous identifions deux phases magnétiques résultant de la compétition entre les interactions de spin antiferromagnétiques et l'effet du champ magnétique. Nous décrivons ces deux phases en terme d'un ordre nématique de spin caractérisant la symétrie de l'état de spin à N particules. Dans une seconde partie nous nous concentrons sur les propriétés du condensat à très faible magnétisation et soumis à un faible champ magnétique. Dans ces conditions, la symétrie du système se manifeste à travers de très grandes fluctuations de spin. Ce phénomène n'est pas explicable par une théorie de champs moyen naïve, et nous développons une approche statistique plus élaborée pour décrire l'état de spin du condensat. Nous mesurons les fluctuations de spin et nous sommes capables de déduire de leur analyse la température caractérisant le degré de liberté de spin du condensat. Nous trouvons que cette température diffère de celle décrivant les atomes thermiques entourant le condensat. Nous interprétons cette différence comme une conséquence du faible couplage entre ces deux systèmes. / In this thesis we study experimentally the magnetic properties of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate of Sodium at equilibrium. In this system the atoms can occupy any of the three Zeeman states characterized by their spin projection on the quantization axis m=+1,0,-1. We measure the many-body spin state of the system as a function of the applied magnetic field and of the magnetization (difference between the populations of the spin states m=+1 and m=-1) of the atomic sample. We find that our measurements reproduce very well the mean-field prediction, and we identify two magnetic phases expressing the competition between the antiferromagnetic inter-particle interactions and the effect of the magnetic field. We describe these phases in terms of a spin nematic order characterizing the symmetry of the many-body spin state. In a second part we focus on the properties of condensates of very low magnetization under a weak magnetic field. In these conditions, the symmetry of the system manifests itself in huge spin fluctuations. This phenomenon is not explainable by a naive mean-field theory and we develop a more elaborate statistical approach to describe the spin state of the condensate. We measure the spin fluctuations and are able from their analysis to infer the temperature characterizing the spin degree of freedom of the condensate. We find that this temperature differs from the temperature of the thermal fraction surrounding the condensate. We interpret this difference as a consequence of the weak coupling between these two systems.
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Rôle de la diversité des arbres dans la régulation des populations d’insectes défoliateurs en forêts matures d’Europe / Tree diversity effect on insect herbivore regulation in european mature forestsGuyot, Virginie 18 September 2015 (has links)
Qui du phénomène de résistance (RA) ou de susceptibilité (SA) par association est prépondérant en milieu forestier ? En d’autres termes, la défoliation par les insectes herbivores est-elle moins (RA) ou plus (SA) importante sur des arbres hôtes situés en mélange comparés à des monocultures ? A cause des contraintes méthodologiques, les connaissances sur la relation diversité - résistance en forêts matures restent faibles. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons utilisé le dispositif exploratoire du projet FunDivEUROPE. Sur un réseau de 209 parcelles forestières sélectionnées le long de deux gradients orthogonaux de richesse spécifique (d’une à cinq essences en mélange) et de latitude (de la forêt méditerranéenne à la boréale), nous avons évalué la défoliation des houppiers des arbres. A l’aide d’un échantillon constitué de onze essences différentes, nous avons démontré pour la première fois un patron global de diminution de l’herbivorie (RA) en forêts matures à travers l’Europe. Nous avons également comparé l’herbivorie des insectes dans des placettes constituées de chênes purs ou mélangés à d’autres espèces, placées en lisière ou à l’intérieur de petits bois présents dans les vallées et coteaux de Gascogne. Nous avons observé moins de dégâts foliaires sur les chênes entourés par des voisins hétérospécifiques, et nous avons montré que la magnitude de cette résistance (RA) était plus importante en lisière qu’à l’intérieur des bois. Enfin, nous avons testé cette hypothèse de RA sur une espèce d’herbivore invasif en Italie, le cynips du châtaignier. Basée sur la même approche méthodologique, notre étude a montré de plus faibles dégâts de galles sur les châtaigniers lorsque la richesse spécifique de la parcelle était élevée. Notre travail fournit donc de nouvelles preuves supportant l’hypothèse de RA à travers trois contributions originales : i) la RA existe en forêt mature, ii) quelle que soit l’espèce d’herbivore, iii) y compris sur des espèces exotiques. Ces résultats devraient avoir d’importantes implications pour la gestion des insectes herbivores en forêt puisque le maintien et l’amélioration de la diversité des essences représentent un outil prometteur pour prévenir les dégâts d’insectes. / Whether increasing forest diversity should result in less insect damage (Associational Resistance, AR) or more damage (Associational Susceptibility, AS) is still debated. Moreover little is known about the diversity - resistance relationships in mature forests due to methodological constraints. To answer this question we used the FundivEUROPE exploratory platform. In this network of 209 mature forest plots sampled along two orthogonal gradients of tree species richness (from one to five species mixtures) and latitude (from the Mediterranean to the boreal forest biomes), we assessed insect defoliation in tree crown. Focusing on eleven broadleaved species, we could for the first time demonstrate a global pattern of reduced defoliation (AR) in mature forests across Europe. We replicated the comparison of insect herbivory in pure vs. mixed plots of oak trees, at the edge or within forest patches of the valleys and hills of Gascony. Here we found significantly less damage on oaks surrounded by heterospecific neighbors, and showed that the magnitude of AR was larger at forest edge than in forest interiors. Last we tested the AR hypothesis with an invasive alien species, the Asian chestnut gall wasp, in Italy. Based on the same methodological approach, our study showed lower gall damage on chestnuts when tree species richness was higher in mixed mature stands. Our work therefore provide new evidences to support the AR hypothesis with three original contributions: i) AR does apply to mature forests, ii) irrespective of the identity of insect herbivores, iii) including exotic species. These findings may have important implications for pest management in forest since the maintenance or improvement of tree species diversity represent a promising tool to prevent insect damage.
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Ledning av internt förändringsarbete : En studie på ett konsultföretag / Management of Internal Change : A Study at a Consultancy CompanySten, Mikael, Höjdefors, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare studier har problematiserat förändringar på företag via hur förändringsledare implementerar dem och att motvilja till förändringar finns hos de berörda. Studien i rapporten fokuserar därför på att förstå hur ett konsultbolag inom samhällsbyggnad arbetar med interna utvecklingsförändringar. Genom att analysera förändringsledares tillvägagångssätt vid implementation av förändringar kan studien föreslå faktorer som bidrar till en mer effektiv ledning av internt förändringsarbete.Kvalitativa data har samlats in genom intervjuer med förändringsledare som tidigare har lett interna förändringar. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade och frågorna var utformade via det teoretiska ramverket som rapporten belyser. Intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av teoretiska begrepp. Det empiriska resultatet bidrog till att slutsatser om vilka faktorer som är centrala för ett konsultbolag inom samhällsbyggnad vid implementering av förändringar samt vilka utvecklingspotentialer som finns.Slutsatsen kan stödja ett konsultbolag inom samhällsbyggnad att kartlägga vad som är viktigt för dem samt vilka delar de kan utveckla för en mer effektiv förändringsledning.Resultaten visar att fyra faktorer och ett utvecklingspotentialområde kan utläsas ur materialet om de förändringsledarnas tillvägagångssätt för implementation av interna utvecklingsförändringar. De fyra faktorerna är, ‘Kommunikation’, ‘Bemöta de berörda’, ‘Flexibilitet’, ‘Attityd’. Där varje faktor beskriver den generella uppfattningen som de intervjuade ledarna gett uttryck för. Utvecklingspotentialen är ‘Planera’ och slutsatsen belyser hur och varför man som förändringsledare bör planera för förändringar. Utvecklingspotentialen är en generalisering av vad de förändringsledarna tillsammans anser är viktigt samt vad teorin förstärker.De teoretiska implikationerna säger att samtliga aktiviteter inom det teoretiska ramverket inte är lika aktuella och relevanta för denna sortens företag. Resultaten visar också att de förändringsledarnas attityd till förändringen är en viktig faktor för företaget vilket det teoretiska ramverket inte belyser. De praktiska implikationerna beskriver att man som bolag kan förstå sina mest viktiga faktorer och vilka områden man inom implementeringen av interna utvecklingsförändringar behöver utveckla. / Previous studies have problematized changes in companies through how leaders implement change. Further, studies have also shown that changes can affect those who are involved in the change process by a resistance towards the new change. Therefore, the study in this report focuses on understanding how a consultancy company works with internal development-changes. By analysing formal leaders' approaches to implementing changes, the study can propose standpoints and potentials for development too be more effective within change management.Qualitative data has been collected through interviews with formal leaders who have previously led changes at the company. The interviews were semi-structured, and the questions were designed through the theoretical framework that the report highlight. The empirical result shows how the formal leaders were leading change. By analysing the findings through the theory that the writers choose as framework they found out what is important for the formal leaders when leading change and what they can do better.The conclusion should contribute to how leaders at a consultancy company works with change, what is important for them and what they can do better for a more effective change management. The results show that four standpoints and one potential of development have been discovered in the formal leaders' approach to implementing internal development-changes. The four positions are, ‘Communication’, ‘Attending the concerned’, ‘Flexibility’ and ‘Attitude’. Where each position is a generalization of what the formal leaders consider to be important during the implementation process. The potential of development is ‘Planning’ and the conclusion highlights how and why a formal leader could apply this. The potential of development is a generalization of what the formal leaders together believe is important and what the theory reinforces.The theoretical implications say that all activities within the theoretical framework are not as relevant to this typical company. It has also been found that the formal leaders' attitude towards change is important for the company, which the theoretical framework does not elucidate. The practical implications describe that a company can understand their most important standpoints and which areas they need to develop within the implementation of internal development-changes.
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Maybe She's Born With It, Maybe it's Mexicanidad: Depictions of Mexican Feminine Beauty and the Body in Visual Media During the 1950s.Valladares, Gisel Corina 28 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Migratory Habit on the Genetic Diversity of Avian Populations from the Oak Openings in Northwest OhioEstopinal, Ashley 20 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Conservation in human-influenced areas : epigaeic arthropods in the Cape Floristic Region LowlandsBoonzaaier, Carmen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The conservation of biodiversity is becoming increasingly challenging as habitats are
disturbed, fragmented or destroyed. Although nature reserves now cover more than 10 %
of the earths’ surface it has become clear that more will have to be done to ensure the
long-term survival of species. Therefore, focus is increasingly shifting towards
conserving biodiversity in natural and semi-natural remnants in human-influenced areas.
This study aimed to determine the contribution of remnants in human-influenced areas to
the conservation of biodiversity in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) lowlands, using
ground-dwelling arthropods, specifically ants, as the focal taxon. Initially, base-line
information of arthropods and in particular ants was obtained. Sampling arthropods
generally involves a large sample effort. Therefore maximizing sampling effort for ants
in the CFR was investigated by trapping ground-dwelling ants at a single locality.
Doubling the number of grids of pitfall traps was found to be more effective in trapping a
greater number of species than doubling the duration of sampling. Therefore increasing
spatial sampling intensity rather than sampling duration maximizes sample effort for CFR
ants. Also, the seasonal changes of ground-dwelling arthropods, including ants, were
determined by sampling four times during the year at a single locality. Overall arthropod
abundance was found to peak in summer while dropping to a minimum in winter. This
pattern was mirrored by that of the ants, indicating that ant results have a broader
relevance than to ants only. The ground-dwelling fauna was dominated by ants
emphasizing their importance in the CFR lowlands, and demonstrating that ants are an
appropriate flagship taxon for epigaeic arthropod diversity in the CFR. Finally the
contribution of remnants in human-influenced areas to the conservation of the CFR was
investigated. A nested hierarchical approach was used, where five localities were selected
across the CFR, each containing one reserve site and one site with natural remnants. Ants
were sampled, along with environmental variables, namely weather, vegetation and soil.
Overall, remnants were found to support similar ant assemblages to those of reserves.
However for individual localities some remnants were significantly different to their
reserve counterparts. Differences in ant assemblages were found to be greater between
localities than between reserves and remnants. The relatively high heterogeneity of ants found in this study emphasizes the conservation significance of invertebrates along with
that of plants in the CFR. Remnants clearly show the potential to conserve ant
assemblages, however correct management is needed for these areas to maximize their
potential. Disturbances such as the presence of the invasive Argentine ant and increasing
soil nutrients by fertilization, pose a distinct threat to the ability of remnants to conserve
ant assemblages. This study has shown that remnants currently support ant assemblages
representative of those present in the CFR today. Therefore, some remnant patches of
habitat in agricultural areas currently do contribute highly to the conservation of a
functional important taxon in this global biodiversity hotspot, and if managed correctly,
may continue to do so in the future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vernietiging en fragmentering van habitatte maak die bewaring van biodiversiteit al
hoe meer van ‘n uitdaging. Alhoewel natuur reservate reeds meer as 10 % van die aarde
se oppervlak beslaan is dit duidelik dat meer gedoen sal moet word vir die lang-termyn
voortbestaan van spesies. Dus word die fokus van biodiversiteit-bewaring toenemend
gerig op bewaring van natuurlike en semi-natuurlike fragmente in menslik-beinvloede
gebiede. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal wat die bydrae van fragmente van
natuurlike veld in menslik-beinvloede gebiede is tot die bewaring van die streek. Dit is
gedoen deur van grond-lewende geleedpotiges en spesifiek, miere in die Kaapse floraryk
(CFR) gebruik te maak. Aanvanklik is kennis ingewin oor die geleedpotiges en spesifiek
miere in die omgewing. Omdat die versameling van geleedpotige diere gewoonlik baie
moeite vereis is ‘n maksimum steekproef gedoen by ‘n enkele lokaliteit. Daar is gevind
dat ‘n verdubbling van die aantal ruitsteekproefnemings met vanggate meer effektief is
om miere te vang as ‘n verdubbling in die tydperiode wat vanggate oop is. Dus, is ‘n hoër
ruimtelike steekproef intensiteit meer effektief in vergelyking met ‘n langer tydsduur vir
miere in die CFR. Die seisoenale veranderinge van grond-lewende geleedpotiges, sowel
as miere, was ook bepaal. Dit was gedoen deur vier seisoenale steekproewe te doen by ‘n
enkele lokaliteit. Die totale geleedpotige-talrykheid was die meeste gedurende die somer
en die minste in die winter. Die miertalrykheid het ook hierdie patroon weerspieël. Dit
dui daarop dat veranderinge in mier versamelings van breër belang is vir alle grondlewende
geleedpotiges. Miere was die dominante grond-lewende geleedpotiges en
beklemtoon die belangrikheid van miere in die CFR, sowel as hulle toepaslikheid as
vlagskip taksa vir grond-lewende geleedpotige diversiteit in die CFR. Laastens was die
bydrae van gefragmenteerde natuurlike veld in menslik–beinvloede gebiede tot die
bewaring van die CFR ondersoek. ’n Krimpende/ genestelde hiërargies benadering is
gebruik in vyf geselekteerde lokaliteite, elk het bestaan uit ‘n area in ‘n natuur reservaat
en ‘n area in ‘n naasliggende fragment. Miere was versamel saam met ‘n verskeidenheid
omgewings veranderlike, naamlik weer, plantegroei en grond. In die algemeen is gevind
dat fragmente en reservate gelyksoortige mier versamelings het. Daar was wel gevind dat
party fragmente aansienlik verskillend was van die reservaat teenstuk. Verskille in mier versamelings tussen lokaliteite was groter as verskille tussen reservate en fragmente. Die
relatief hoë heterogeniteit van miere beklemtoon die bewaringsbelang van invertebrate
saam met dié van plante in die CFR. Dit is duidelik dat fragmente wel ‘n potensiale
bydrae kan maak om die mier versamelinge te bewaar, maar gepaste bestuur is nodig om
hierdie potentiaal te maksimaliseer. Versteurings soos die teenwoordigheid van die
indringer Argentynse mier en toenemende grondvoedingstofkonsentrasie as gevolg van
bemesting is ‘n groot bedreiging tot die vermoë van fragmente om mier versamelings te
bewaar. Hierdie studie wys dat mier versamelings in gefragmenterde areas
verteenwordigend is van die algemene mier versamlings wat op die oomblik in die CFR
is. Dus lewer party fragmente in landbou gebiede op die oomblik ‘n wesenlike bydrae tot
die bewaring van ‘n funksioneel belangrike takson in hierdie globale
biodiversiteitsbrandpunt en die bydra sal volhoubaar wees met korekte bestuur.
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Antenna Shape Synthesis Using Characteristic Mode ConceptsEthier, Jonathan L. T. 26 October 2012 (has links)
Characteristic modes (CMs) provide deep insight into the electromagnetic behaviour of any arbitrarily shaped conducting structure because the CMs are unique to the geometry of the object. We exploit this very fact by predicting a perhaps surprising number of important antenna metrics such as resonance frequency, radiation efficiency and antenna Q (bandwidth) without needing to specify a feeding location. In doing so, it is possible to define a collection of objective functions that can be used in an optimizer to shape-synthesize antennas without needing to define a feed location a priori. We denote this novel form of optimization “feedless” or “excitation-free” antenna shape synthesis. Fundamentally, we are allowing the electromagnetics to dictate how the antenna synthesis should proceed and are in no way imposing the physical constraints enforced by fixed feeding structures. This optimization technique is broadly applied to three major areas of antenna research: electrically small antennas, multi-band antennas and reflectarrays. Thus, the scope of applicability ranges from small antennas, to intermediate sizes and concludes with electrically large antenna designs, which is a testament to the broad applicability of characteristic mode theory. Another advantage of feedless electromagnetic shape synthesis is the ability to synthesize antennas whose desirable properties approach the fundamental limits imposed by electromagnetics. As an additional benefit, the feedless optimization technique is shown to have greater computational efficiency than traditional antenna optimization techniques.
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Pour une histoire et une esthétique de l'écran fragmenté au cinémaMathieu, Philippe 11 1900 (has links)
Bien que son existence soit presque aussi vieille que le cinéma, l‘écran fragmenté (que les académiciens et autres professionnels du cinéma de langue anglaise désignent communément sous l‘appellation « split screen ») n‘a jamais fait l‘objet d‘analyses véritablement approfondies. Quand il est mentionné dans les livres d‘histoire, l‘écran fragmenté est rapidement esquivé. Pourtant, ses apparitions sont nombreuses. Ce mémoire de maîtrise cherche à corriger nombre d‘idées préétablies en exposant l‘histoire de cette manifestation visuelle, en commençant des débuts (le « cinéma des premiers temps ») jusqu‘à l‘arrivée du « cinéma numérique » du nouveau millénaire. / Despite the fact its existence is almost as old as cinema itself, the fragmented screen (commonly known as « split screen » in the academic and professional world of the seventh art) has never been the object of serious and exhaustive analysis. When mentioned in history books, the fragmented screen is quickly eluded. And yet its appearances are numerous. This Master thesis aims at rectifying a number of pre-established ideas by exposing the history behind this visual manifestation, from early cinema to the arrival of digital films.
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Independent effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on pollination : tropical forest fragmentation alters hummingbird movements and pollination dynamicsHadley, Adam S. 27 August 2012 (has links)
A growing body of work reveals that animal-mediated pollination is negatively affected by anthropogenic disturbance. Landscape-scale disturbance results in two often inter-related processes: (1) habitat loss, and (2) disruptions of habitat configuration (i.e. fragmentation). Understanding the relative effects of such processes is critical in designing effective management strategies to limit pollination and pollinator decline. I reviewed existing published work from 1989 to 2009 and found that only six of 303 studies separated the effects of habitat loss from fragmentation. I provide a synthesis of the current landscape, behavioral, and pollination ecology literature in order to present preliminary multiple working hypotheses to explain how these two landscape processes might independently influence pollination dynamics (Chapter 2). Despite the potential importance of independent effects of habitat fragmentation, effects on pollination remain largely untested. Studies designed to disentangle the independent effects of habitat loss and fragmentation are essential for gaining insight into landscape-mediated pollination declines. I also found that the field of landscape pollination ecology could benefit from quantification of the matrix, landscape functional connectivity, and pollinator movement behavior.
To test the hypothesis that pollinator movement can be influenced by landscape configuration, I translocated radio-tagged hummingbirds across agricultural and forested landscapes near Las Cruces, Costa Rica (Chapter 3). I found return paths were on average more direct in forested than in agricultural landscapes. In addition, movement paths chosen in agricultural landscapes were more forested than the most direct route suggesting that hummingbirds avoided crossing open areas when possible.
To determine if differences in pollinator movement translated to differences in plant reproduction, I tested the relative importance of landscape composition versus configuration on the reproductive success of Heliconia tortuosa, a hummingbird-pollinated forest herb (Chapter 4). I used a stratified random sampling design to select sites across orthogonal gradients in patch size, amount of forest, and elevation. I tested four landscape change hypotheses (i.e., local, landscape composition, landscape fragmentation, and fragmentation threshold). I found that Heliconia reproduction supported both the local site and landscape fragmentation hypotheses. Seed set increased with increasing forest patch size independent of amount of forest in the surrounding landscape. I also found that increasing patch size positively influenced the relative abundance of pollinators. The observed differences in seed set likely resulted from differences in hummingbird movements (Chapter 3) and/or abundance under different landscape configurations. / Graduation date: 2013
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