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L’œuvre de Florence Henri et les échanges culturels franco-allemands au cours du XXe siècle / The work of Florence Henri and the French-German cultural exchanges through the XXth centuryGarcía Jiménez, María Belén 28 January 2011 (has links)
L’identité culturelle de Florence Henri est complexe et digne d’intérêt. Sa carrière comme l’Europe ont été marquées par les deux guerres mondiales. Nous nous sommes attachées à partir de documents inédits à analyser le parcours de Florence Henri entre Berlin (1910-1924) et Paris (1924-1962). Née en 1893 à New York, Florence Henri passe sa jeunesse à voyager en Europe. La plupart de ses années de formation musicale s’effectuent à Berlin avec Ferrucio Busoni. Elle fut la compagne de l’écrivain et critique d’art Carl Einstein, l’un des principaux promoteurs de la culture française à Berlin. La première guerre mondiale la pousse à abandonner la musique pour la peinture.Quand elle arrive à Paris, Florence Henri s’inscrit à l’académie d’André Lhote et à l’académie Moderne de Fernand Léger où elle s’initie au purisme. Pendant l’été 1927, elle fait un séjour au Bauhaus qui bouleverse toute sa carrière qu’elle orientera désormais vers la photographie avec un succès international immédiat. Ses autoportraits et l’usage de miroirs dans ses photographies sont des références de la Nouvelle Vision. Un nouveau changement de cap s’effectue au début de la seconde guerre mondiale avec un retour à la peinture. Les relations à Paris entre artistes français et allemands se maintiennent en dépit des conflits politiques et les échanges épistolaires témoignent de la solidarité au sein de cette communauté d’artistes. Florence Henri fait partie intégrante d’un réseau d’artistes exilés qui se réfugient à Paris. Jusqu’à ce jour elle a été qualifiée d’artiste française, suisse ou américaine mais notre étude démontre l’importance de la sensibilité allemande dans son œuvre malgré les quarante ans passés à Paris. / Florence Henri’s cultural identity is complex and worthy of interest. Her carrer as Europe was marked by the two World Wars. From unpublished documents, we have analysed Florence Henri’s path between Berlin (1910-1924) and Paris (1924-1962). She was born in 1893 in New York, she spent her youth on travelling in Europe. She followed most of her music training years in Berlin with Ferrucio Busoni. She had been Carl Einstein’s companion, the writer and art critic who was one of the most important promoters of the French culture in Berlin. The First World War pushed her to give up music to painting.When she arrived in Paris, F H registered for André Lhote académie and for Modern académie of Fernand Léger where she initiated herself into purism. During the summer 1927, she had a trip to Bauhaus which would turn her all career in future onto photography with an immediate, international success. Her self-portraits and the use of mirrors in her photographs are some references to the New Vision. A new change of course happened at the beginning of the Second World War with the return to painting.The relationships between French and German artists in Paris did not the political conflicts into account and the epistolary exchanges have showed solidary within artists community. She belonged to a network of exiled artists who took refuge in Paris. Until now, she has been described as a French, Swiss or American artist but our study shows the importance of the German sensitivity in her work despite her forty years spent in Paris.
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Stratégie de la traduction, problème du style, analyses de la réception d’À la Recherche du temps perdu en Chine" / Translation strategies, Problems of style, Analysis of In Search of Lost Time's reception in ChinaZhang, Jing 30 September 2019 (has links)
Ce travail s’attachera au questionnement, le comment des stratégies de la traduction littéraire moderne face au style de l’œuvre de Proust ainsi qu’à l’analyse des raisons des choix des traducteurs et des différents effets qu’elles produisent. L’examen du développement de la traduction et de la réception de Proust en Chine permet d’apercevoir les interactions actives entre la traduction de Proust et les contextes multidimensionnels en mouvance en Chine, ainsi que les impacts réciproques des activités de traduction sur les études proustiennes et les créations littéraires chinoises. En comparant systématiquement l’original d’À la Recherche du temps perdu avec ses deux retraductions en langue chinoise argumentées de leurs traitements du style, la thèse tente de mettre à jour certaines modalités propres à la traduction du style de Proust. L’exploitation des stratégies de traduction s’effectuera surtout par le biais de méthodes statistiques et de l’approche proposée par la traductologie de corpus, encore peu appliquées à l’étude de la traduction de Proust mais ayant fait leur preuves quant à leur capacité à fournir des renseignements bien précis sur la structure lexicale et phrastique des deux retraductions en chinois. Grâce à une lecture trans-culturelle de la sociologie et de la linguistique, on découvre que les stratégies choisies pour la traduction du style peut être conduites dans un cas particulier comme celui de Proust jugé intransposable jusqu’à quel degré trans-culturelle. En espérant que les valeurs culturelles et linguistiques révélées seraient source d’enrichissement dans l’étude de la traduction du style, la thèse cherchera à créer plus de points d’entrées concernant ce sujet. / This thesis aims at investigating the strategies of literary translation applied to the style of Proust's work, as well as at analyzing the potential reasons for the translation choices and their respective consequences. Through reviewing the translation and reception of Proust's literature in China, we are able to uncover the reciprocal interactions between the translation of Proust's work and the dynamic and multidimensional Chinese environment. It further reveals the interactive impact among the translation of Proust's literature, the studies of Proust’s literary concept and the Chinese literary creations. Systematically comparing the French original text of “In Search of Lost Time” with two Chinese translations, this thesis highlights the distinctive translation choices for the literary style and offers an original methodology to investigate the notion of style in translation. Taking advantage of multiple recently developed statistical methods and corpus-based translation approaches, we are capable to qualitatively and quantitatively investigate the structure of the vocabulary and the syntax in the two Chinese versions. In terms of cross-cultural studies in sociology and linguistics, we are able to detect various attitudes achieved through different translation styles, especially as regards Proust’s so-called “untranslatable” work. The cultural and linguistic values described here can probably enrich the studies and methodologies used to translate literary style.
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Female Allegory as Anti-Nationalist Satire in "L'attaque du Moulin" and "Boule de Suif"Bailey, Deborah 24 June 2009 (has links)
The year 1880 was rife with nationalist fervor and a general glorification of the French nation through imagery, literature and legislation. However, at this same time, Les Soirées de Médan, a collection of stories concerning the Franco-Prussian war also appear, bringing with them a distinctly anti-nationalist, harsh, and unforgiving view of the war and France's role in it. This thesis will examine personifications of France within L'attaque du Moulin and Boule de suif, the first two texts of Les Soirées de Médan, and their definite lack of the nationalist enthusiasm that characterized the time of their creation. The study of these allegorical representations reveals the place in the mentality of the French people of the concept they represent, a shorthand for a complex and evolving idea. Though others have mapped out the historical appearance and place of representations of France, I will delve into the possible reasons for the necessity of the feminine in this allegorization, the connotations and conventions that make it an effective tool for fighting nationalist tides for both Zola and Maupassant, and the historical and political context that allow us to trace a general shift in the concept of the nation through these female symbols. Furthermore, given the prevalence of female allegories at the time, and the monopolization of their usage for political purposes, the choice of these authors to employ allegory (a rhetorical mode characterized by its official status with the very regime they are criticizing) takes on further levels of criticism and satire. Exploring the opposition and relationship of these two literary female allegories to contemporary allegorical and visual representations will reveal how they relate to-and eventually criticize and reject-the prevailing political and nationalist discourse of their day.
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Commerce de la soie grège entre la France et la Chine pendant le 19e siècle : impulsions, intermédiaires et influences industrielles de l'échange euro-asiatique au cours de la globalisation / The Raw Silk Trade between France et China in the 19th Century : impulsions,intermediaires and industrial influences of the eurasian exchange in the process of globalizationZhao, Chao 12 February 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le commerce de la soie entre la Chine et la France pendant le 19e siècle, avec l’ambition de clarifier certaines spécificités du commerce euro-asiatique dans le cadre du processus de globalisation. Nous avons choisi le commerce de la soie franco-chinois comme objet de recherche parce que, premièrement, au regard des archives et des documents historiques, nous découvrons que la croissance du commerce franco-chinois du 19e siècle provient et s'amplifie principalement avec celle de l’importation de la soie chinoise en France. L’échange de la soie est le plus essentiel et le plus typique dans les études du commerce entre les deux pays au 19e siècle. Deuxièmement, l’échange franco-chinois de la soie joue un rôle très important dans le commerce des matières premières du monde du 19e siècle. Précisément, cette thèse vise à répondre et approfondir des questions concernant le commerce franco-chinois de la soie et le commerce euro-asiatique de longue distance, notamment sur ses évolutions, ses impulsions, ses intermédiaires commerciaux et ses impacts industriels. Dans un premier temps, nous allons démontrer l’évolution de l’échange franco-chinois de la soie du 19e siècle, et analyser l’origine de sa prospérité au niveau de l'offre et la demande. Du côté de la demande, nous étudierons l’impact des changements de l’industrie française sur les importations de Chine. En particulier il s’agira de comprendre les raisons de la hausse limitée de la production séricicole française. Du côté de l’offre, la question consiste à comprendre plutôt ce qui rend possible la croissance importante de la production de soie grège en chine, mais aussi les raisons du développement limité de la demande intérieure. Dans un deuxième temps, nous allons discuter des rôles des différentes maisons commerciales reliant les marchés de soie situés des deux côtés du continent euro-asiatique. D’abord, comme la Grande Bretagne est le plus important point de distribution des matières premières et des produits semi-finis du monde pendant la période de la révolution industrielle, nous allons observer les rôles du marché de Londres et des marchands anglais dans le commerce indirect de la soie entre la France et la Chine. Ensuite, nous allons montrer les rôles des maisons françaises et des maisons étrangères dans le commerce direct de la soie entre la France et la Chine. Ce dernier démarre à partir des années 1850 et prospère à partir des années 1860, et nous allons étudier l’influence de la croissance de l’importation directe de la soie chinoise en France sur l’installation et le développement des maisons françaises en Chine, ainsi que leur rapport avec d’autres intermédiaires (maisons anglaises, allemandes et suisses), qui partagent le commerce de soie entre la France et la Chine. Enfin, nous allons analyser les rôles des différents groupes de négociants chinois, la relation entre ces groupes et ainsi que leurs relations avec des maisons étrangères. Finalement, comme la soie grège est une matière première pour la production industrielle, cette thèse évoquera l’impact industriel du commerce de la soie dans les deux pays. Nous choisirons un nouvel angle (inter- action des industrialisations) pour analyser la relation entre l’industrialisation et le commerce extérieur du 19e siècle : nous résumerons d’abord les discussions sur les impacts de l’industrialisation des pays occidentaux sur celle des pays asiatiques et ensuite, les effets du commerce de la soie sur les modalités de l’industrialisation en Chine et en France. Nous essayerons donc d’établir la liaison entre les révolutions industrielles orientales et occidentales par le biais du commerce international. / This book focuses on the silk trade between China and France in the 19th century, with the aim of clarifying certain specific Euro-Asian trade in the course of globalization in the 19th century. We chose the Franco-Chinese silk trade as the objective of research, because, first, the use of historical records and documents, we find that the Franco-Chinese trade in the 19th century and grew up mainly from the augmentation of the import of Chinese silk in France. The exchange of the silk is one of the most important and the most typical trade between the two countries in the 19th century. Secondly, the exchange of the Franco-Chinese silk plays a very important role in the trade in raw materials of the world in the 19th century. Precisely, this book is intended to address the issues and further discuss on the Franco-Chinese silk trade itself and the Eurasian business long distance, specifically on their evolutions, their impulses, their commercial intermediation and their industrial impacts. In the first step, we will show the development of Franco-Chinese silk trade of the 19th century, and analyze the causes of its prosperity, at the level of supply and demand. On the demand side, we will examine the impacts of changes in the French industry on imports from china. In particular, it relate to the decrease and the limited increase of the French silk production. On the supply side, the question is to understand what makes it possible for the growth of the production of raw silk in china, but also the reasons for the limited development of domestic demand. In a second step, we discuss the roles of the various silk trade corporations connecting two side of the Eurasian continent. First, the Great Britain is the most important country of distribution of raw materials and semi-finished products of the world during the period of the industrial revolution. We will observe the roles of the London market and English merchants in the indirect silk trade between France and china. Then, we show the roles of the French companies and foreign firms in the direct trade of silk between France and china, the prosperous of which starts from the 1850s and 1860s. In this part, we will discuss the influence of the growth of the direct import of Chinese silk in France to the installation and the development of French companies in china, and the relationship of these French companies with other intermediaries, especially the silks firms of England, Germany and Switzerland. Finally, we analyze the roles of different groups of Chinese merchants in the foreign trade of silk of china, the relationship between these groups and the relations between the Chinese traders and foreign firms. In the end, as the raw silk is a raw material for the production of silk, this book will also discuss the impact of the silk trade to the silk industry in the two countries. In this part, we will select a new angle – interaction of the industrializations in the two countries -- to analyze the relationship between foreign trade and industrialization in the 19th century. Firstly, there will be the discussions about the influence of the industrialization of western countries in the industrialization of the Asian countries. Secondly, we will also search for the effects of the dynamics of the silk trade between the two countries to their reactions of industrializations. In all these issues, we will try to link the eastern and western industrial revolutions to international trade together.
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Frankova éra ve Španělsku ze zorného úhlu El Clásica: FC Barcelona proti Realu Madrid / Franco years in Spain through "El Clásico": FC Barcelona vs. Real MadridVakulenko, Darya January 2013 (has links)
Master's thesis "Franco years in Spain through El Clásico: FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid" explores the football rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona teams during the franquismo. The theme of Real Madrid, understood as a team supported and promoted by the Spanish regime is prevailing throughout the paper. Another part describes deep cultural symbolism of FC Barcelona in Catalonian region. The last part unites those two subjects by explaining how their rivalry or El Clásico games, were more than just a match of football. Emotional attachments, political manifestations and historical differences always prevailed throughout their matches.
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Swahilité in the French Comorian DiasporaEnglert, Birgit 05 June 2023 (has links)
In her article, Daniela Waldburger argued for the inclusion of varieties from the Greater Swahili Area in Swahili lessons. She discussed what it means to be a Mswahili and argued that while identification as a Mswahili can be linked to various aspects, competence in Swahili remains unquestioned as a necessary condition for identification as a Mswahili. In this paper, I would like to go a step further and question the relationship between competence in the Swahili language and the relevance of the notion of Swahili nature or Swahilité to a person. More specifically, I would like to reflect on the relevance of the notion of Swahilité in a diasporic space, more precisely the Franco-Comorian community in France, drawing on data from fieldwork in Bordeaux (2010 and 2011) and Marseille (2012).
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This study focuses on the city of Marseille and cross-cultural trade networks in the Mediterranean from 1660 to 1760, emphasizing Marseillais and Jewish mercantile associations during a crucial time of global maritime expansion, characterized by cross-cultural commercial interactions that were vital for both the Crown’s mercantilist strategies and the growth of Marseille as a free port.
I argue that as a free port, Marseille relied upon trans-sea commercial engagements and collaboration between Marseillais and foreign merchants to expand its trade and retain the port's “free of duty” status. The privileges granted to the Marseillais and Jewish merchants, the creation of specific institutions to facilitate trade, and Franco-Ottoman commercial treaties resulted in an increasing level of cross-cultural exchanges between merchants of different faiths and ethnicities who relied on formal and informal networks to forge commercial and sometimes personal relations. These associations not only connected Marseille to various trade networks, but they also expanded the mercantile networks of Marseillais and Jewish merchants.
Although by the end of the seventeenth-century France adopted discriminatory policies against non-Catholic foreign merchants, records suggest that despite periods of religious antagonism and commercial competition, merchants continued to engage in cross-cultural commercial activities well into the mid-eighteenth century. This dissertation will examine these mercantile relations in the context of the early modern Mediterranean commercial competition and the growing dependency on mercantile networks to increase France’s commercial dominance. The interfaith and cross-cultural trade engagements explored in this dissertation demonstrate that rather than religious identity, it was commercial competition that determined the relationship between Marseillais and Jewish merchants. This work contributes to the history of Marseille in the context of absolutism and mercantilism by offering a fresh and in-depth perspective on the previously under-recognized significance of personal and commercial interactions between the merchants of Marseille and the eastern Mediterranean. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Construction et réception de l'identité franco-ténoise : étude exploratoireLavigne, Julie 11 April 2018 (has links)
Minorité dans une population clairsemée, le groupement francophone des TNO est de formation récente, sans enracinement historique, et se maintient grâce à l'arrivée continue de personnes qui renouvellent constamment ses effectifs. En tant que porte-parole officiel de ce groupement, la Fédération franco-ténoise façonne des bases à l'identité franco-ténoise : elle construit un passé à la collectivité francophone actuelle pour que celle-ci puisse s'identifier au territoire et, sur cette base, s'assurer un avenir en tant que représentante de la francophonie canadienne aux TNO. Or, d'après ce que nous avons observé, les francophones des TNO restent fidèles, pour la plupart, à l'identité qui les rattache à leur communauté d'origine ou préfèrent s'identifier à partir d'une identité englobante qui dénote une solidarité à la francophonie canadienne dans son ensemble. Malgré le peu d'identification à l'identité construite par la Fédération, les francophones sont mobilisés par ce que ce discours permet de susciter, soit le développement d'un espace francophone homogène, comme en témoigne leur grande participation aux projets et activités gérées par l'organisme. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2014
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[pt] Esta tese tem como objeto o Liceu Feminino da Associação Feminina
Beneficente Instrutiva de São Paulo, a AFBI, criado por Anália Franco. Um estudo
sobre o curso de formação de professoras que tinha como objetivo encaminhá-las
para as casas maternais fundadas pela Associação na cidade e no interior de São
Paulo, na primeira década do século XX. A pesquisa analisou a trajetória de Anália
Franco como professora e diretora da AFBI, o curso, o programa, aspectos
relacionados à formação do professor para as escolas maternais, identificando os
objetivos, avanços e as dificuldades encontradas por Anália Franco na manutenção
do curso. O recorte temporal adotado é o período que se estende de 1902 até 1917
de acordo com as fontes encontradas, o que nos permitiu relacionar o curso junto a
um momento promissor de implementação de diversas reformas instrutivas
diretamente relacionadas aos ideais republicanos de civilidade e regeneração. A
metodologia utilizada foi a análise documental das diferentes fontes: os periódicos
encontrados no acervo digital da Hemeroteca da Biblioteca Nacional, as revistas
Album das Meninas e A Voz Maternal publicadas por Anália Franco, o Manual para
professores e o Manual para mães, além de alguns Relatórios da AFBI, digitalizados
no site da Fundação Carlos Chagas. Ainda fizeram parte da documentação
analisada, os Anuários do Ensino encontrados no Arquivo do Estado de São Paulo
e a obra esgotada de memórias de uma ex-aluna da Associação, editada em 1959,
além das produções acadêmicas, as teses e dissertações sobre a educadora e sua
associação que antecederam esta tese. Através da análise entrecruzada das fontes
consultadas foi possível verificamos que, com o Liceu, Anália Franco objetivou
atender as casas maternais com professores formados para o segmento da educação
infantil. Enfrentou problemas de ordem econômica, relacionados à subvenção da
obra, ao pouco interesse vocacional das asiladas em serem professoras, à
dificuldade de materiais pedagógicos para o curso, além de alunas que precisavam
ser alfabetizadas durante o curso, fatores que prejudicavam a demanda da formação
urgente para compor o quadro de professoras para as casas maternais e que a
fizeram criar estratégias de solução, priorizando outra condução que não o da
formação técnica, inicialmente planejada. Um anúncio convocando candidatas
interessadas para serem professoras substitutas foi o indicativo de solução que
encontramos na pesquisa, indicando que a formação passaria a ser através de
orientações e manuais. Através da pesquisa localizamos algumas ex-alunas que
concluíram o curso e foram professoras da rede de escolas da AFBI. Mapear parte
da obra educacional da educadora Anália Franco, concentrando a pesquisa na
formação pedagógica de professoras para as casas maternais da AFBI pode
configurar uma contribuição para os estudos sobre a profissionalização docente de
um corpo profissional especial – o magistério primário e o das casas maternais,
estudo relevante para o campo da história da educação, em especial para a história
da profissão docente. / [en] This thesis has as its object the Women s High School of the Associação Feminina Beneficente Instructiva de São Paulo, AFBI, created by Anália Franco. A study on the teacher training course that aimed to send them to the nursery schools founded by the Association in the city and countryside of São Paulo, in the first decade of the 20th century. The research analyzed Anália Franco s trajectory as a teacher and director of AFBI, the course, the program, aspects related to teacher training for nursery schools, identifying the objectives, advances and difficulties encountered by Anália Franco in maintaining the course. The time frame adopted is the period that extends from 1902 to 1917 according to the sources found, which allowed us to relate the course to a promising moment of implementation of several instructive reforms directly related to the republican ideals of civility and regeneration. The methodology used was the documentary analysis of different sources: the periodicals found in the digital collection of the Hemeroteca of the National Library, the magazines Album das Meninas and A Voz Maternal published by Anália Franco, the Manual for teachers and the Manual for mothers, in addition to some AFBI reports, digitized on the Carlos Chagas Foundation website. Also, part of the analyzed documentation were the Teaching Yearbooks found in the São Paulo State Archive and the out-of-print memoir of a former student of the Association, published in 1959, in addition to the academic productions, the theses and dissertations about the educator and their association that preceded this thesis. Through a cross-analysis of the sources consulted, it was possible to verify that, with the Liceu, Anália Franco aimed to serve nursery homes with teachers trained for the early childhood segment. She faced economic problems, related to the subsidy for the work, the low vocational interest of the asylum seekers in becoming teachers, the difficulty in pedagogical materials for the course, in addition to students who needed to be literate during the course, factors that hindered the demand for urgent training to compose the teaching staff for the nursery schools and which made her create solution strategies, prioritizing another approach other than technical training, initially planned. An advertisement calling for interested candidates to be substitute teachers was the indication of a solution we found in the research, indicating that training would be through guidelines and manuals. Through research, we located some former students who completed the course and were teachers in the AFBI school network. Mapping part of the educational work of educator Anália Franco, focusing the research on the pedagogical training of teachers for the AFBI nursery schools, can constitute a contribution to studies on the teaching professionalization of a special professional body – primary teaching and nursery schools, study relevant to the field of history of education, especially to the history of the teaching profession. / [fr] Cette thèse a pour objet le Lycée des Femmes de l Associação Feminina
Beneficente Instructiva de São Paulo, AFBI, créé par Anália Franco. Une étude sur
la formation des enseignants qui visait à les envoyer dans les écoles maternelles
fondées par l Association dans la ville et l intérieur de São Paulo, dans la première
décennie du XXe siècle. La recherche a analysé le parcours d Anália Franco en tant
qu enseignante et directrice de l AFBI, le cours, le programme, les aspects liés à la
formation des enseignants des écoles maternelles, en identifiant les objectifs, les
avancées et les difficultés rencontrées par Anália Franco dans le maintien du cours.
La temporalité adoptée est la période qui s étend de 1902 à 1917 selon les sources
trouvées, ce qui a permis de relier le cours à un moment prometteur de mise en
œuvre de plusieurs réformes instructives directement liées aux idéaux républicains
de civilité et de régénération. La méthodologie utilisée a été l analyse documentaire
de différentes sources: les périodiques trouvés dans la collection numérique de
l Hemeroteca de la Bibliothèque Nationale, les revues Album das Meninas et A Voz
Maternal publiées par Anália Franco, le Manuel pour les enseignants et le Manuel
pour les mères, en plus de quelques rapports AFBI, numérisés sur le site de la
Fondation Carlos Chagas. Font également partie de la documentation analysée les
Annuaires d Enseignement trouvés dans les Archives de l État de São Paulo et les
mémoires épuisés d un ancien élève de l Association, publiés en 1959, en plus des
productions académiques, des thèses et des mémoires sur le éducateur et leur
association qui ont précédé cette thèse. Grâce à une analyse croisée des sources
consultées, il a été possible de vérifier qu avec le Liceu, Anália Franco visait à
desservir les crèches avec des enseignants formés pour le segment de la petite
enfance. Elle a été confrontée à des problèmes économiques, liés à la subvention
pour le travail, au faible intérêt professionnel des demandeurs d asile pour devenir
enseignants, à la difficulté d avoir du matériel pédagogique pour le cours, en plus
du fait que les étudiants devaient être alphabétisés pendant le cours, facteurs qui
l ont empêché la demande urgente de formation pour composer le personnel
enseignant des écoles maternelles et qui l a amenée à élaborer des stratégies de
solutions, en privilégiant une autre approche que la formation technique,
initialement prévue. Une annonce appelant des candidats intéressés à devenir
enseignants suppléants était l indication d une solution que nous avons trouvée dans
la recherche, indiquant que la formation se ferait au moyen de lignes directrices et
de manuels. Grâce à des recherches, nous avons localisé certains anciens élèves qui
ont suivi le cours et qui étaient enseignants dans le réseau scolaire AFBI.
Cartographier une partie du travail éducatif de l éducatrice Anália Franco, en
concentrant la recherche sur la formation pédagogique des enseignants des écoles
maternelles AFBI, peut constituer une contribution aux études sur la
professionnalisation pédagogique d un corps professionnel spécial – enseignement
primaire et écoles maternelles, étude pertinente pour le domaine de l histoire de
l éducation, en particulier pour l histoire de la profession enseignante.
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Ambulance Service 2030 : the future of paramedicsNewton, Andrew January 2014 (has links)
Some innovations are termed ‘disruptive’, a designation that is normally applied to technology; examples include computers, digital cameras, and mobile phones. The term can also be applied to groups of workers, particularly if they are able to offer specific technical capabilities within a market at lower cost, but broadly equal and effective to that offered by traditional products or services. Paramedics could be described in this way and are a newly professionalised group, with distinctive capabilities in terms of responding to the needs of not just the acutely ill and injured, but increasingly those patients with undifferentiated non-life- threatening conditions, which increasingly make up the bulk of 999 call demand. The key to their transition from an artisan, skilled worker to professional status is the acquisition of certain ‘hallmarks’. Perhaps the most important of these is the completion of more prolonged education that affords the opportunity to graduate with enhanced decision-making and other clinical skills in order to meet the needs of the full spectrum of patients in the pre-hospital setting. Paramedics were surveyed to determine how they rated their ‘traditional’ preparation and to establish what their attitudes were to a more educationally based approach. Paramedics themselves proved to be realistic regarding shortcomings in established training and education systems, while also being strongly motivated to learn more within a higher education setting, particularly if this additional effort would result in being able to offer a wider range of care to their patients. During the study, major changes in the health care environment and the role of the Ambulance Service took place, leading to a requirement to undertake a second phase of research. This took the form of ‘Horizon Scanning’ in an attempt to detect ‘signals’, themes and trends in relation to newly emerging ‘competitors’ to the paramedic role. These included nursing, new practitioners and most critically, the rapidly emerging medical sub-speciality of pre-hospital care, staffed by medical personnel on a pattern found specifically in some European countries, sometimes termed the ‘Franco-German’ model/System (FGM/S). Hitherto, the model of provision in the UK had followed the ‘Anglo-American’ model/System (AAM/S), approach, with paramedics providing direct patient care in the field and medical staff largely involved in medical oversight, teaching, clinical governance and other higher level roles. As part of this research, the evidence base for change was examined and consideration given to the factors that might help clarify what the likely situation could be in 2030 in respect of ambulance services, pre-hospital care and paramedics. This future is uncertain, but factors have been identified that would militate in favour of one or other model prevailing, with close links established between educational preparation, system design, career structure and the continuance of the professionalisation process favouring paramedic progression. However, other factors, most specifically professional power, the absence of a clear evidence base and an apparent reluctance to clearly acknowledge this in some respects, lead to the conclusion that the future of pre-hospital care remains uncertain and contested, but also potentially amenable to a well-directed influencing strategy.
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