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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skyddet av geografiska ursprungsbeteckningar : en immaterialrättslig figur sui generis / The protection of geographical indications : an intellectual property right sui generis

Khalil, Sarah January 2003 (has links)
Geographical indications designate products which have a specific geographical origin, which can either be national, regional or local. The subject is complicated since geographical indications arises a large number of questions There are EC regulations which regulate the protection of geographical indications, but since the field has not yet been exhaustively harmonized, the existence of national rules of protection is therefore still possible, which can lead to trade barriers between the member states. Consequently, one problem consists in whether it may be legitimate to restrict the free movement of goods by article 28 in the EC Treaty by referring to national rules of protection and to what extent such measures may be justified by article 30 or by the Cassis doctrine. An additional question consists in how the line between geographical indications and generic terms is to be established appropriately. Further, geographical indications are exposed to improper use by other dishonest commercial operators and therefore the possibilities of protection against unfair competition and misleading are also discussed in the thesis. Since there are several questions which are unanswered regarding geographical indications, the purpose of this essay is to analyze what kind of intellectual property right geographical indications constitute and how they are protected.

Europabolaget : En studie av europabolaget och harmoniseringen av bolagsrätten inom EU / The European company : A study of the European company and the harmonization of company law in the EU

Magnusson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
Denna uppsats tar sikte på att utreda om det existerar fri rörlighet inom EU även för aktiebolag, d.v.s. om aktiebolag fritt kan flytta sitt säte mellan olika medlemsstater utan att problem uppstår. Dessutom undersöks vad som gjorts inom EU för att harmonisera reglerna på det bolagsrättsliga området. Slutligen och som huvudsyfte för uppsatsen görs en ansats att försöka ta reda på varför den övernationella bolagsformen europabolag inte blivit någon succé bland svenska företagare sedan den infördes i oktober 2004. Beträffande den första frågan konstateras att aktiebolag inte har samma fria rörlighet som fysiska personer, trots att EGF föreskriver detta. Anledningen är att medlemsländerna tillämpar olika lagvalsprinciper som i många fall gör det omöjligt för bolag att byta nationalitet utan att först likvideras och sedan omregistreras. Detta har även konstaterats i ett antal rättsfall från EG-domstolen där domstolen ansett att rättsläget inte varit förenligt med EGF och att åtgärder bör vidtas. Harmoniseringsarbetet på det bolagsrättsliga området inom EU har pågått sedan 1950-talet och har bl.a. bestått i att ta fram ett antal bolagsdirektiv för att uppnå en minimistandard i samtliga medlemsstaters lagstiftning. Det fjortonde och senaste i raden av dessa direktiv ämnar lösa den problematik som i dagsläget finns beträffande bolagsflytt. Direktivet har dock inte antagits ännu och ingen vet heller när eller om detta sker. Utöver bolagsdirektiv finns tre olika övernationella bolagsformer – europeiska ekonomiska intressegrupperingar, europakooperativ och europabolag – vars syfte är att underlätta företagens samarbete över gränserna. Just europabolaget är något som kommissionen är mycket stolta över trots detta har inte många europabolag registrerats. I Sverige finns i maj 2007 endast fem europabolag registrerade och anledningen till detta tycks vara flera men ett svåröverskådligt regelverk och avsaknaden av en övernationell skattelösning verkar vara de största, åtminstone om man tolkar de svar som ett antal svenska företag lämnade på en konsultation från kommissionen våren 2006. Mina egna åsikter om europabolag överensstämmer till stor del med de åsikter som finns hos svenska företag och jag skulle gärna se att regleringen om europabolag var mer enhetlig och inte styrs så mycket av nationell rätt, vilket är fallet i dagsläget. Jag är dessutom tämligen övertygad om att mängden europabolag kommer att öka i takt med att SE-förordningen justeras något och fler företag inser europabolagets fördelar. / This essay sets out to investigate if companies are entitled to free movement within the EU and if they without problem can move their residence from country to country. The essay also contains a report on what is done within the EU to harmonize company law. Finally, a study is made to investigate why the European company hasn’t been that successful among companies in Sweden. Concerning the first question the answer is that companies in practice aren’t entitled to free movmenet even though it’s prescribed in the EC legislation. The reason to this is that the member states apply different principles that make it impossible for companies to move to another state without being liquidated in the first state and re-established in the second state. The EC court of justice has in several rulings stated that this problem has to be taken care of since it’s inconsistent with the EC legislation. The work with harmonization of the company law within the EU has been going on for about fifty years and has consisted of different directives to reach a minimum standard in all members states. The fourteenth and last of these directives will make it easier for companies to move but no one knows when this directive will be adopted by the EC council. Besides the directives there also exist three different types of companies that are common within the whole union. These companies are the European Economic Interest Grouping, the European Cooperative Society and the European company. The European company hasn’t been very successful and one reason for that is that the legislation is difficult to understand since it’s different in every member state, at least according to a couple of Swedish companies that participated in a consultation made by the European commission in spring 2006. My own opinions on the European company are mostly the same as the Swedish companies and I would like to see an even more uniform legislation. I also think that we in a couple of years will see a lot more European companies as time goes by and the cracks in the legislation has been fixed.

Securing Freedom Of Movement Of Persons In The Eu: A Governmentality Perspective

Arcan, Ozge 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines how the right of free movement of persons is governed through surveillance databases represented as security measures by applying the governmentality perspective. In order to do that, the study focuses on the relationship between freedom of movement, security and surveillance databases in the European Union such as Schengen Information System (SIS), European Dactylographic System (EURODAC) and the Europol Computer System (TECS). The main argument of the thesis is to analyze the role of surveillance databases in controlling the free movements of certain kinds of people that are seen as a &quot / threat&quot / to the European internal security.

Laisvo darbo jėgos judėjimo ES principo įgyvendinimas / Implementation of the principle of free movement of workers in the EU

Trabergas, Vadimas 25 June 2008 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe, naudojant mokslinės literatūros, aprašomąjį analitinį, teisės aktų ir dokumentų analizės metodus, analizuojamas ES Laisvo darbo jėgos judėjimo principo įgyvendinimas, apibrėžiama laisvo darbo jėgos judėjimo sąvoka, jos taikymo sritis, išskiriami pagrindiniai trukdžiai laisvam asmenų judėjimui ir įsteigimo laisvės įgyvendinimui. Siekiant atsakyti į iškeltus uždavinius pirmoje darbo dalyje pristatomos Europos integracijos teorijos: neofunkcionalizmas, liberalusis ir realistinis tarpvyriausybiškumas, taip pat paaiškinamos viršvalstybiškumo ir tarpvyriausybiškumo sąvokos. Antroje darbo dalyje supažindinama su sąvokos “darbuotojas” taikymo sritimi, jos apibrėžimu ir apžvelgiama kaip laisvas darbo jėgos principas apibrėžtas Europos Sąjungos teisės aktuose. Šioje darbo dalyje taip pat plačiau pristatoma Bosmano byla, kuri panaikino visas kliūtis profesionalių sportininkų iš Europos Sąjungos narių valstybių judėjimui bei taip pakeitė profesionalų sportą. Trečioje darbo dalyje apžvelgiami Europos Teisingumo Teismo sprendimai bylose, kuriose buvo įvardinamos pagrindines laisvės veikimo sritį pažeidžiančios, diskriminuojamosios priemonės, neutralios priemonės, apskritai trukdančios patekti į rinką, pristatomos problemos, kylančios iš valstybių teisės skirtybių. Ketvirtoje darbo dalyje apžvelgiamos socialinės apsaugos nuostatos, jų taikymas ir veikimo sritys. Pristatomi pereinamieji laikotarpiai naujoms Europos Sąjungos valstybėms narėms, jų taikymo sąlygos, taip... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master thesis, using the scientific literature, descriptive analytical and document analysis methods analyses the implementation of the principle of free movement of workers in the EU, describes „free movement“ notion, its fields of action, excepts the most important disturbances for its implementation. Seeking to fulfill the set tasks, in the first part of the theoretical part are presented theories of European integration: neofunctionalism, liberal and realistic intergovernmental theories. In the second part is discribed „employee“ notion and its use, also is presented legislation of the EU, which controls the implementation of the principle of free movement of workers. In this part also is presented Bosman case. This case changed football transfer markets, because football players from the EU members are allowed play where they want without any limitation. In the third part are presented verdicts of the European Court of Justice which related with discrimination of workers from others members of the EU. In the fourth part are discribed social policy of the EU, its use and fields of action. In this part also are presented the National measures to new members of the EU, its fields of action and mechanism how contries can instal the National measures, its terms. Regulation of free movement of workers in the EU is very specific, because are important verdicts of the European Court of Justice, Treaty of Rome and other legislation of the EU.

L'influence du contexte conjoncturel sur la fonction intégrative de la cour de justice des communautés européennes dans le domaine de la libre circulation des marchandises

Stehly, Céline 05 1900 (has links)
Le rôle intégratif que la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes (CJCE) a joué dans la construction européenne est bien connu et très documenté. Ce qui l'est moins ce sont les raisons qui l'ont motivé, et le motivent encore. Si certains se sont déjà penchés sur cette question, un aspect a néanmoins été complètement négligé, celui de l'influence qu'a pu avoir à cet égard le contexte conjoncturel sur la jurisprudence communautaire et plus précisément sur l'orientation que la Cour a choisi de lui donner. Dans ce cadre, les auditoires de la Cour ont un rôle déterminant. Pour s'assurer d'une bonne application de ses décisions, la Cour est en effet amenée à prendre en considération les attentes des États membres, des institutions européennes, de la communauté juridique (tribunaux nationaux, avocats généraux, doctrine et praticiens) et des ressortissants européens (citoyens et opérateurs économiques). Aussi, à la question du pourquoi la CJCE décide (ou non) d'intervenir, dans le domaine de la libre circulation des marchandises, en faveur de l'intégration économique européenne, j'avance l'hypothèse suivante: l'intervention de la Cour dépend d'une variable centrale : les auditoires, dont les attentes (et leur poids respectif) sont elles-mêmes déterminées par le contexte conjoncturel. L'objectif est de faire ressortir l'aspect plus idéologique de la prise de décision de la Cour, largement méconnu par la doctrine, et de démontrer que le caractère fluctuant de la jurisprudence communautaire dans ce domaine, et en particulier dans l'interprétation de l'article 28 du traité CE, s'explique par la prise en compte par la Cour des attentes de ses auditoires, lesquels ont majoritairement adhéré à l'idéologie néolibérale. Afin de mieux saisir le poids - variable - de chaque auditoire de la Cour, j'apprécierai, dans une première partie, le contexte conjoncturel de la construction européenne de 1990 à 2006 et notamment le virage néolibéral que celle-ci a opéré. L'étude des auditoires et de leur impact sur la jurisprudence fera l'objet de la seconde partie de ma thèse. Je montrerai ainsi que la jurisprudence communautaire est une jurisprudence « sous influence », essentiellement au service de la réalisation puis de l'approfondissement du marché intérieur européen. / The integrative role played by the Court of Justice of the European Communities (CJEC) in the construction of Europe is well known and documented. However the reasons that have motivated the CJEC in this role are far less known. Although some studies have been conducted on this topic, one aspect has been completely ignored: the influence of the conjunctural context on the European Community case law, and more precisely the orientation that the Court has chosen to give to the latter. Within this scope the Court's audiences play a determining role. To ensure that its decisions are well followed, the CJEC takes into consideration the expectations of the Member States, the European institutions, the judicial community (national tribunals, Advocates General, doctrine and practitioners), and the European citizens and economic operators. In regard to the question as to whether or not the CJEC decides to intervene in the domain of free movement of goods, in favour of the European economic integration, I argue the following hypothesis: the intervention of the Court depends on a central variable, that of the audiences, of which the expectations (and their relative weight) are determined by the conjunctural context. My objective is to point out the ideological aspects of the Court's decision making, mostly unknown to legal scholarship, and to demonstrate that the fluctuating character of case law in this domain, and more precisely in the interpretation of Article 28 of the CE Treaty, is explained by the Court’s taking into consideration the expectations of its audiences, which are mainly committed to the neoliberal ideology. In order to evaluate the varying weight of each audience of the CJEC, the first part of the thesis will delve into the conjunctural context and the European construction from 1990 to 2006 where in particular, we observe a turn towards neoliberalism. The study of the audiences and their impact on EC case law will be the subject of the second part of the thesis. I will show that this case law is "under influence", essentially to the service of the development and the strengthening of the European internal market.

Odlišné tendence v migraci mladých lidí ze Střední Evropy: Případové studie maďarského a českého modelu. / Diverging Migratory Tendencies of the Youth in Central Europe - Case Studies of the Hungarian and Czech Models

Abdel-Salam, Nóra January 2017 (has links)
The political and economic changes of the past three decades exercised varying effects on the lives and prospects of young people in Hungary and the Czech Republic. The destructive outcomes of the countries' struggle with the hardships of the global economic crisis pushed many of them to leave their countries and try their chances elsewhere over the past few years. Even though, the prevalent migratory fluxes of Europe may generally be characterized by the Westward movement of a group composed of predominantly young Central and Eastern European men and women, my two countries of research display diverging migratory tendencies. While today's Hungary advocates the threat of emerging as a country of emigration, the Czech Republic's population inflow outrules its emigration, making it gradually turn into a country of immigration. In my research, I wish to reveal the specificities of Hungarian and Czech migratory tendencies and their underlying social and economic reasons. Ultimately, my aim is to provide an understanding of the evolution of current migration tendencies in Hungary and in the Czech Republic, as well as their potential long term effects on the two countries' social and economic structure. KEY WORDS Emigration, immigration, youth, unemployment, poverty, education, work, European Union, free...

Électricité de source renouvelable et droit du marché interieur européen / Renewable Electricity and European Internal Market Law

Durand, Étienne 01 December 2017 (has links)
L’Union européenne conduit une ambitieuse politique de développement des énergies renouvelables, visant à porter à 20 % la part de ces dernières dans la consommation énergétique européenne à l’horizon 2020. A cet effet, le législateur européen sollicite des Etats membres qu’ils mettent en œuvre des soutiens nationaux à la production d’électricité renouvelable, susceptibles de relever du champ de l’interdiction des entraves et des aides d’Etat. Parallèlement, la politique de réalisation du marché intérieur de l’énergie impose aux Etats membres de libéraliser le secteur économique dans lequel s’inscrit l’électricité renouvelable. Par l’observation des règles du marché intérieur, la thèse évalue l’articulation entre ces objectifs visiblement contradictoires. Si la finalité environnementale qui sous-tend le développement de l’électricité renouvelable justifie une inflexion des règles du marché intérieur, elle favorise les cloisonnements nationaux et fait naître une concurrence normative entre les Etats membres. Chacun d’eux use de l’attractivité de son droit pour inciter les opérateurs économiques à exploiter des sources d’énergie nationales, indépendamment de leur répartition naturelle à l’échelle européenne. L’observation empirique de ce phénomène met en évidence les risques qu’il fait peser sur la cohérence globale de l’action de l’Union dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables. En prenant appui sur certaines évolutions du droit positif et de la pratique des acteurs privés sur le marché, la thèse évalue les hypothèses de renouvellement des mécanismes du marché afin qu’il devienne un instrument à part entière de promotion de l’électricité renouvelable dans l’Union européenne. / The European Union is pursuing an ambitious policy to develop renewable energy aimed at increasing its share to 20% in the European energy consumption by 2020. To that extent, the European legislator requests from all Member States that they implement national support for the production of renewable electricity, which may fall within the scope of the ban on restrictions and State aids. In parallel, the policy of achieving the internal energy market requires the Member States to liberate the economic sector in which renewable electricity is used. By observing the rules of the internal market, the thesis evaluates the articulation between these objectives that seem contradictory. While the environmental goal underlying the development of renewable electricity justifies an inflexion of the rules of the internal market, it promotes national separation and gives rise to normative competition between the Member States. Each of them uses the attractiveness of its own laws to persuade the economic operators to exploit national energy sources, independently of their natural distribution on a European scale. The empirical observation of this phenomenon highlights the risks it poses to the overall coherence of the European Union’s action in the field of renewable energies. By using some developments of the positive law and the practice of private actors in the market, the thesis evaluates the hypotheses to renew the market mechanisms so that the market becomes a full instrument for promoting renewable electricity in the European Union.

Horizontální přímý účinek základních svobod / Horizontal direct effect of the Treaty freedoms

Merjavá, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
in English language: The statement of Angela Merkel from November 2014 that she would rather see the UK out of the EU than compromise the free movement in the EU (which as at the date of the submission of this dissertation materialized in potential Brexit) was one of the reasons which encouraged the author to analyse the reach of free movement rules, more specifically the horizontal direct effect of the Treaty freedoms, in this dissertation. The author focuses on the issues stemming mainly from the broader topic of the legitimacy of market integration which the author translated into the concept of separation of the regulatory competences between the EU and the Member States and related separation between the Treaty provisions' addressees, namely the Member States and the private entities. This dissertation focuses on the following research question: To what extent has the CJEU advanced the European market integration through the development of the principle of horizontal direct effect of the Treaty freedoms? The starting point after the establishment of the EEC was that the sole addressees of the Treaty freedoms were the Member States whereas the Treaty rules on competition only applied to private entities. However, as is demonstrated throughout this dissertation, it is nowadays generally accepted...

Liberalisation of trade in services: enhancing the temporary movement of natural persons (mode 4), a least developed countries' perspective

Mubiru, Edna Katushabe January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa

Droit fiscal et concurrence / Tax law and competition

Fontaine, Fabien 30 October 2014 (has links)
Les rapports entre concurrence et droit fiscal, en tant que technique de mise en oeuvre du prélèvement fiscal, sont multiples et complexes. Il apparaît sans peine que la concurrence est affectée par le droit fiscal, dans la mesure où tant les dépenses fiscales que les normes fiscales peuvent dénaturer le rapport concurrentiel. En pratique un tel biais concurrentiel résulte de critères d’imposition ratione materiae ou personae qui décorrèlent la charge fiscale de l’avantage concurrentiel, lequel détermine à lui seul l’issue du jeu concurrentiel, et est réductible à l’avantage en valeur ajoutée. Dit de manière plus analytique, le droit fiscal est distorsif de concurrence lorsqu’il traite certains concurrents ou actes concurrents de manière différenciée, soit de jure, soit de facto, c’est-à-dire en fonction de leurs caractéristiques économiques, dans la mesure où une telle différenciation ne recoupe pas les différences de valeur ajoutée. Le jeu concurrentiel est par ailleurs un instrument du droit fiscal, qui définit un principe dit « de pleine concurrence » pour déterminer objectivement la base imposable d’échanges intragroupes. Ce principe, qui emporte des effets importants en droit commercial et en droit de la concurrence, permet en outre d’exposer empiriquement les distorsions de concurrence naissant d’une méconnaissance de la valeur ajoutée propre à chaque contribuable. Au final, la distorsion fiscale de concurrence apparaît bien comme une affaire de critère d’imposition ; cette dimension juridique pose nécessairement la question de la réception de cette distorsion par le droit positif. magistère de fait dessine ainsi une norme matérielle de concurrence qui affecte le droit fiscal. Ainsi, en droit interne, la teneur et la mise en oeuvre du principe d’égalité devant l’impôt repose de manière croissante sur des analyses concurrentielles spontanées du juge de l’impôt et du juge constitutionnel, dont la seule limite paraît être une approche abstraite de l’égalité et une grande latitude d’appréciation laissée par ces derniers au pouvoir fiscal. Ce rapport d’influence se double d’une véritable instrumentalisation du droit fiscal sur le terrain du droit économique, qui subordonne la fiscalité à sa propre finalité concurrentielle. En effet, le droit de l’Union européenne recourt de manière étendue et explicite à l’analyse concurrentielle dans son contrôle de conventionalité du droit fiscal, en s’opposant aux mesures fiscales internes susceptibles, par une atteinte à l’obligation de traitement national ou une concurrence fiscale déloyale, de mettre en échec l’intégration économique européenne. Appliquant au droit fiscal un prisme purement économique ne présentant que des égards très limités pour les objectifs et méthodes fiscales, le droit de l’Union européenne porte en germe la censure de toute politique fiscale, même indistinctement applicable, à raison de son objet mais plus encore de ses effets anticoncurrentiels. L’expression ultime de l’instrumentalisation du droit fiscal par la concurrence réside dans la jurisprudence qui commande l’imposition au seul regard des distorsions de concurrence naissant de son absence, faisant de la concurrence une source d’imposition. / The relationship between competition and tax law, defined as a means of setting the tax burden for corporations, is far-reaching and complex. Competition is undoubtedly shaped by tax law, insofar as tax expenditures and regular tax provisions may adversely affect the outcome of competition on a given market. Specifically, competition may be distorted by tax criteria that unalign the tax burden from the competitive advantage which determines the market outcome, and which can be defined as the difference in added value between competitors. A more analytical expression of this would be that the criteria setting the tax burden distort competition - either de jure or de facto - when they provide for a specific tax treatment of certain competitors or competing operations. Furthermore, pursuant to the arm’s length principle, competition can be considered as an instrument for tax law, insofar as it is used as a tool for setting intragroup tax bases. The arm’s length principle, which falls under anticompetitive pricing rules, evidences the distorsion of competition that stems from disregarding taxpayers’ respective added values, thereby empirically confirming that tax capacity and added value should be aligned in order for tax law to be competition-neutral. Accordingly, tax distorsions of competition are a question of tax criteria; this legal dimension begs the question of whether such distorsions are characterized and regulated by statute and /or case law.A first observation would be that competition increasingly applies to tax law, marginally via competition law (which is a paradox), but more profoundly and widely as the defining influence behind a number of provisions and principles that govern tax law. That competition is accordingly instrumental for these norms would tend to make of competition a substantive norm for tax law. The French principle of equality before tax increasingly factors full-fledged competition analyses in the tax and constitutional courts’ appreciation of the competitive effects of tax provisions, but its scope is curtailed by an overly abstract conception of equality and, overall, a reluctance to challenge the legislator’s policy decisions. This influence, characterized in French law and conducive to tax being affected by the objective of free competition, also entails the instrumentalization of tax law in the field of economic law, which imposes on tax law its own competitive objectives. Indeed, EU law provides a wider and more explicit use of competition analysis in its appreciation of the lawfulness of tax law, by precluding provisions which, through discrimination on the grounds of nationality or unfair tax competition, conflict with the European economic integration. Specifically, tax provisions are tested for anticompetitive object and / or effects, with their fiscal objectives or methods being mostly disregarded in this respect, to the extent that anticompetitive effects can be viewed as the ultimate governing principle for tax law. This is conducive to the instrumentalization of tax law by competition, with far-reaching implications for tax policies and their underlying criteria. Ultimately, tax law is instrumentalized by competition in the case-law that warrants taxation on the grounds of the distortions of competition that would arise from its absence, effectively making competition a source of taxation

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