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Spolupráce mezi statickým měničem a sítí v ostrovním provozu / Cooperation between the inverter and grids in island operationUrant, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the creation of models of non-volatile sources connected to the power system using power converters and their connection by filter or a transformer. Furthermore, the thesis will deal with the study of the problem of connecting a large number of these sources. Another area of interest is to determine the conditions under which these sources can be used to restore network voltage after a previous outage. In the PSCAD program we will create inverter models (6 pulse, 12 pulse and one phase). In the next step, a network model will be created, where the individual sources will be connected and, in the end, we will simulate the situations. The output of the thesis is to determine the behavior of the largest number of static sources in the system and thus to contribute to the knowledge about the possibilities of safe and stable operation of non-volatile energy sources in the power system.
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[pt] A constante busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável, com o uso de fontes de energia limpa e renováveis, tem fomentado o crescimento da energia eólica no cenário mundial. Como resultado, a produção de energia elétrica por meio de aerogeradores atingiu um estágio de maturidade que a coloca como participante da matriz energética em vários países onde esse recurso natural é disponível, com projeção para vir a ter participação expressiva na matriz energética mundial nas próximas décadas. A integração de grandes usinas/parques de energia eólica ao sistema elétrico tem despertado preocupações em relação a seus impactos sobre questões de controle/estabilidade de frequência, visto que os parques eólicos com gerador de indução com dupla alimentação (DFIG) e turbinas com conversor de potência não contribuem para a inércia do sistema. Como resultado disso, a substituição de unidades geradoras convencionais por fazendas eólicas resulta na redução do momento total de inércia, acarretando uma deterioração da qualidade da frequência frente a grandes distúrbios no SIN. A indústria de energia eólica desenvolveu um controlador para permitir a resposta inercial em geradores de turbinas eólicas, chamada de Inércia Sintética. Logo, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é descobrir o impacto da integração da energia eólica na estabilidade/manutenção da frequência do sistema e avaliar os efeitos da emulação de inércia em turbinas eólicas com base em conversores de potência e seu impacto no momento de inércia total do sistema após a ocorrência de distúrbios de frequência. / [en] The constant pursuit of sustainable development through the use of clean and renewable energy sources has fostered the growth of wind energy on the world stage. As a result, the production of electric energy through wind turbines reached a maturity stage that places it as a participant in the energy matrix in several countries where this natural resource is available, with a projection to have a significant participation in the world energy matrix in the coming decades. The integration of large wind power plants and wind farms into the electricity system has raised concerns about their impacts on frequency control and stability issues, as wind farms with doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) engines and turbines with power converters do not contribute to system Inertia. As a result, the replacement of conventional generating units by wind farms results in the reduction of the total moment of inertia, causing a deterioration of the quality of the frequency in front of major disturbances in the SIN. The wind power industry has developed a controller to allow inertial response in wind turbine generators, called Synthetic Inertia. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to discover the impact of integrating wind energy into the stability / maintenance of the frequency of the system and to evaluate the effects of the inertia emulation in wind turbines based on power converters and their impact at the moment of total inertia of the System after the occurrence of frequency disturbances.
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Variations in the primary control availability : An investigation of market conditions’ influence on the FCR-N productMann, Johan, Dahlin, Kasper January 2015 (has links)
The systematic implementation of intermittent energy production sources has made the energy system more volatile and unpredictable than ever before. This development increases the importance of balancing services, in particular the primary control. However, the current research that has been conducted on the primary regulation products is limited. Specifically, the factors that drive the variation in availability and price of the primary control are unknown and the procurement is in some aspects based on perception rather than quantitative analysis. This study has investigated which these factors are and their relative significance on the availability and price of the primary control product called Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal Operation – FCR-N. The study was conducted according to methods with both qualitative and quantitative aspects to cover the complex nature of the problem from different views. The study was done in collaboration with Fortum POT at their office to gain insight and support from a market actor. Given the research questions, the result from this study is threefold. Firstly, the factors that affect the FCR-N availability have been identified and other factors have been categorised as insignificant. Secondly, the factors’ relative significances are stated to show their dependency with the FCR-N product. Lastly, an outlier case study showed how extreme situations changes the conditions for the FCR-N procurement. It has been concluded that the FCR-N price for normal operation on the Nordic electricity market can be generalised successfully through the identified parameters. It is also shown that deviations from normal operations have the possibility to create deviations in the FCR-N availability, indicating that these hours of extreme values need additional analysis in order to fully understand the available capacity. However, the significance of the researched parameters will be an indication in analysis of both the normal case and during deviations as these are the most important measures for the FCR-N availability and price.
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Future Nordic Grid Frequency Quality : A quantitative simulation study of current and potential frequency control methods with emphasis on synthetic inertiaArvidsson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
The power grid faces stability problems due to loss of inertia. The ancillary services balancing the system must be improved to maintain stability. In contrast to earlier studies, this thesis estimates how the future grid frequency quality in both the short and long term is affected by different control methods, using an ensemble of quality measures. The thesis uses conventional one-area models for the power grid and FCR-N (frequency containment reserve – normal operation) but develops new models for FCR-D (– disturbed operation), FFR (fast frequency reserve), and synthetic inertia (SI). To acquire proper input data the thesis uses an inverse model of the power grid to compute the momentary load disturbance, i.e., the difference between load and generation, from the grid frequency. The thesis makes a difference between proportional and derivative SI, where the latter is the one commonly associated with the term SI. The results show that derivative SI can improve some quality measures but requires very high power capacity. In contrast, proportional SI improves almost every measure the most, for a fraction of the required capacity. Derivative SI is therefore worth less from a system perspective. However, it is shown that the quality measures improved by derivative SI are related to hydropower wear and tear, making it more interesting for hydro power owners. Moreover, FFR gives no benefit to long time quality measures. Considering the short-term analysis where a large disturbance occurs, FFR gives almost no benefit and risks worsening the stability. Also, for the large disturbance, proportional SI performs the best. The results are limited by the small number of simulations that were performed and can only provide indications of trends. A more solid conclusion, however, is that one cannot expect transmission system operators (TSO) to introduce an ancillary service that builds on derivative SI.
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A contribution to synchronization of the sliding-mode control-based integrated step-down DC/DC converter / Contribution à la synchronisation d'un convertisseur DC/DC abaisseur de tension de type buckLabbe, Benoit 04 December 2013 (has links)
Les téléphones et tablettes de dernière génération embarquent une puissance de calcul numérique très importante nécessitant une puissance électrique d’alimentation toute aussi significative. Afin de réduire la consommation énergétique des composants numériques complexes des terminaux mobiles, des techniques de modulation dynamique de la tension d’alimentation et de la fréquence de fonctionnement du cœur de calcul numérique sont utilisées. Le convertisseur DC/DC qui assure l’alimentation du cœur numérique doit donc faire face à de forts transitoires de charge, de tension de référence et de tension de source. Le contrôle en mode glissant d’un convertisseur DC/DC permet un bon compromis entre les performances transitoires du convertisseur, la réalisation via des composants analogiques et la puissance dissipée par le contrôleur. C’est pourquoi ce type de contrôle apparait être adapté au contrôle de convertisseurs DC/DC alimentant des cœurs numériques. Cette thèse a pour objet l’étude des alimentations sur carte électronique où le contrôleur et l’étage de puissance sont intégrés sur puce tandis que les composants de puissance passifs sont montés sur le circuit imprimé. Le contrôle en mode glissant à fréquence de découpage fixe d’un convertisseur DC/DC a été démontré avec des résultats significatifs. Cependant les performances transitoires d’un tel convertisseur sont amoindries en raison des délais introduits par une fréquence de découpage fixe. Une nouvelle structure de régulation de fréquence de découpage d’un convertisseur DC/DC contrôlé en mode glissant est proposée dans cette thèse. Cette structure régule la fréquence de découpage moyenne du convertisseur tout en maintenant la réponse transitoire du convertisseur asynchrone par rapport à l’horloge de référence. Une analyse de stabilité qui prend en compte les spécificités d’un tel système est aussi proposée. Le convertisseur a été conçu sur un procédé CMOS 130nm de STMicroelectronics. La fréquence de découpage est maintenue volontairement faible pour conserver un rendement élevé avec des composants passifs externes. Le prototype présente un rendement supérieur à 80% entre 2.4mW et 960mW de puissance de sortie. / Mobile applications necessitate nowadays huge digital-resources. Power management of a digital System-On-Chip (SOC) is based on dynamic voltage scaling. DC/DC converters used to supply the digital SoCs are facing stringent constraints with respect to load-transients, line-transients and reference tracking. Hysteretic control is known as the most convenient control scheme with a fair trade-off between transient performances, analog implementation and power consumption, particularly for one-phase architecture. The thesis focuses on-board DC/DC with a significant constraint on footprint (i.e. on components count and values). Fixed switching-frequency hysteretic control has been experimented with significant results. Transient performances are reduced due to latency introduced in the switching frequency control. The present study focuses on the improvement of the concept as well as its implementation and the analysis of stability. A new analog implementation of the sliding-mode control is presented with switching-frequency control using a particular analog phase-locked-loop but preserve transient performances. The DC/DC converter is implemented in CMOS 130nm by STMicroelectronics. The switching frequency range has been voluntarily limited and excludes the possible integration of passive components for the sake of silicon access. A hybrid demonstrator is presented with efficiency higher than 80\% between 2.4 mW and 960 mW output power.
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Etude du lien entre la fréquence et les puissances actives pour le dimensionnement d'un microréseau alternatif îloté avec sources d'énergie renouvelables / Study of the link between the frequency and the active power to size an AC stand-alone microgrid with renewable energy sourcesGhanty, Yann 20 December 2018 (has links)
La qualité d’un réseau électrique se mesure notamment par sa résilience, à savoir sa capacité à continuer de fournir, de façon stable, une électricité de qualité malgré les incidents. Cette continuité d’alimentation est notamment assurée par le réglage de la fréquence, ce dernier faisant office de moyen de coopération entre les différentes sources du réseau. Les travaux de cette thèse étudient en profondeur les différentes façons d’assurer ce réglage de la fréquence sur des microréseaux alternatifs îlotés au regard des problématiques nouvelles : intégration croissante de sources d’énergie renouvelables intermittentes et baisse (voire disparition) de l’inertie inhérente aux groupes synchrones tournants. L’objectif principal est de proposer un ensemble de modèles analytiques permettant d’appréhender le comportement dynamique de la fréquence et des puissances actives transitant sur un microréseau, quelle que soit la topologie de ce dernier, afin de constituer une aide au dimensionnement. À cet objectif global s’ajoute un certain nombre de sous-objectifs qui structurent et guident l’ensemble des travaux :- Un objectif pédagogique : les couplages entre l’équilibre des puissances actives et la fréquence sur un réseau alternatif sont clairement explicités, que ces couplages relèvent de la structure et des paramètres physiques du microréseau ou qu’ils soient liés aux lois et paramètres de commande. La lecture des modèles doit ainsi permettre de comprendre analytiquement les différents liens de cause à effet entre les paramètres du système, la fréquence et les puissances,et les spécificités propres à chaque topologie de microréseau.- Un objectif de simplicité et de modularité : les modèles proposés doivent pouvoir être adaptés selon les cas particuliers de topologies, afin que tout lecteur puisse les réutiliser facilement en dehors du cadre de cette étude. Pour ce faire, ces travaux utilisent des modèles mathématiques sous forme de schémas blocs, intégrables sous Matlab.- Enfin, un objectif de modélisation « grand signal » : pour trancher avec l’approche petit signal de beaucoup de modélisations de microréseaux classiques, et pour permettre d’appréhender le comportement du microréseau sur une large plage de déséquilibre de puissance / The quality of an electricity grid is measured by its resilience, namely its ability to continue to provide electricity despite the incidents. This continuity of supply is ensured by the frequency control, acting as a means of cooperation between the different sources of the grid. This thesis examines in depth the different ways to ensure this frequency control on stand-alone microgrids with regard to new issues: increasing integration of intermittent energy sources and decreasing (or disappearing) of the synchronous rotating groups with their inertia. The main objective is to propose a set of analytical models explaining the dynamic behavior of the frequency and the active powers transiting on a microgrid, whatever the topology, in order to constitute an aid to the sizing. To this overall objective is added a number of sub-objectives that structure and guide this work:- An educational objective: the nature of the link between the balance of active powers and the frequency on an AC microgrid is clearly explained, whether this link is based on physical parameters or is related to control laws. The goal is to understand the different links of cause and effect between the paramers of the system, the frequency and the active power and thespecificities to each topology of microgrid. - An objective of simplicity and modularity: the models proposed must be adaptable to particular cases, so that any reader can reuse easily outside the scope of this study. To do this, mathematical models in the form of block diagrams which can be integrated in Matlab are used. - Finally, a "big signal" simulation objective: to decide with the small signal approach of many traditional microgrid models, and to make it possible to understand the behavior of the microgrid over a wide range of power imbalance.
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Low Voltage Electrostatic Actuation and Displacement Measurement through Resonant Drive CircuitPark, Sangtak January 2011 (has links)
An electrostatic actuator driven by conventional voltage control and charge control requires high actuation voltage and suffers from the pull-in phenomenon that limits its operation range, much less than its entire gap. To provide effective solutions to these problems, we present complete analytical and numerical models of various electrostatic actuators coupled with resonant drive circuits that are able to drive electrostatic actuators at much lower input voltage than that of conventional actuation methods and to extend their operation range beyond their conventional pull-in points in the presence of high parasitic capacitance. Moreover, in order to validate the analytical and numerical models of various electrostatic actuators coupled with the resonant drive circuits, we perform the experiment on the microplate and the micromirror coupled with the resonant drive circuit. For instance, using a high voltage amplifier, we manage to rotate the micromirror with sidewall electrodes by 6 ° at 180 V. However, using the resonant drive circuit, we are able to rotate the same micromirror by 6 ° at much lower input voltage, 8.5 V. In addition, the presented work also facilitates the stability analysis of electrostatic actuators coupled with the resonant drive circuits and provides how the effect of the parasitic capacitance can be minimized. For example, the resonant drive circuit placed within a positive feedback loop of a variable gain amplifier is able to extend the operation range much further even in the presence of very high parasitic capacitance. The resonant drive circuit with the proposed feedback controllers is also able to minimize the detrimental effects of the parasitic capacitance and to displace a parallel-plate actuator over its entire gap without the saddle-node bifurcation. Finally, we present a new displacement measurement method of electrostatic actuators coupled with the resonant drive circuits by sensing the phase delay of an actuation voltage with respect to an input voltage. This new measurement method allows us to easily implement feedback control into existent systems employing an electrostatic actuator without any modification or alteration to the electrostatic actuator itself. Hence, this research work presents the feasibility of electrostatic actuators coupled with the resonant drive circuit in various industrial and medical applications, in which the advantages of miniaturization, low supply voltage, and low power consumption are greatly appreciated.
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Assessment Of The Effect Of Hydroelectric Power Plants' / Governor Settings On Low Frequency Inter Area OscillationsGencoglu, Cihangir 01 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The Turkish TSO (TEIAS) has been leading a project that aims the synchronous interconnected operation of the Turkish Power System and the ENTSO-E CESA (former UCTE) System. For this purpose, this study concentrates on the specific problems related to the electromechanical systems of large size hydroelectric power plants regarding low frequency inter area oscillations, which are prone to occur once the interconnected operation is established. The expected frequency of inter area oscillations after interconnected operation is close to 0.15 Hz, which is in the frequency range of the speed governing structures of turbines, as explained in the first two sections of the thesis. In the third section, the nonlinear turbine governor model used throughout the study is explained. In the following part, the governor parameter tuning study with regard to the defined performance objectives is explained. Afterwards, the effect of the retuned governor settings of the sample hydroelectric power plants on a simple multi machine power system is shown. Following that, the system wide effect of removing the sources of negative damping, which are strongly dependent on the governor settings of the major hydroelectric power plants of the Turkish Power System, is shown. In the final part, conclusions are made on the operation of the hydroelectric power plants regarding the frequency stability of the system after synchronous interconnected operation of the Turkish Power System and the ENTSO-E CESA System.
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Uždarų dažninių tiesiaeigių elektromechaninių sistemų tyrimas / Research of linear variable frequency closed systemsBačinskas, Tomas 23 September 2004 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame darbe išnagrinėti tiesiaeigio asinchroninio variklio ypatumai ir naudojimo sritys, padaryta dažnio keitiklių ir juose naudojamų valdymo būdų apžvalga. Išanalizuoti impulsų pločio moduliacijos realizavimo principai, apžvelgti skaliarinio ir vektorinio valdymo metodai. Remiantis išanalizuota teorija sudarytas tiesiaeigio asinchroninio variklio matematinis ir kompiuterinis modelis α-β ir x-y koordinačių sistemoje, sudaryti TAV dažninių atviros ir uždaros sistemų matematiniai bei kompiuteriniai modeliai. Sudarius atviros ir uždaros sistemos modelius: gautos TAV antrinio elemento linijinio greičio, kelio ir jėgos pereinamųjų procesų charakteristikos ir palyginti rezultatai. / The properties of linear induction motor and areas of its application are analyzed; frequency converters and their control methods are discussed in this final work. Methods to realize a pulse width modulation are analyzed, scalar and vector control principles are discussed. The principle of operation of control systems applied in frequency converters is analyzed On the base of analysis mathematical and Simulink model of linear induction motor in α-β and x-y reference frame is developed, mathematical and Simulink models of frequency variable open and closed systems are carried out. Open and closed systems are investigated: transient characteristics of secondary element linear speed, developed force and way are analyzed and results of different characteristics are compared.
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Low Voltage Electrostatic Actuation and Displacement Measurement through Resonant Drive CircuitPark, Sangtak January 2011 (has links)
An electrostatic actuator driven by conventional voltage control and charge control requires high actuation voltage and suffers from the pull-in phenomenon that limits its operation range, much less than its entire gap. To provide effective solutions to these problems, we present complete analytical and numerical models of various electrostatic actuators coupled with resonant drive circuits that are able to drive electrostatic actuators at much lower input voltage than that of conventional actuation methods and to extend their operation range beyond their conventional pull-in points in the presence of high parasitic capacitance. Moreover, in order to validate the analytical and numerical models of various electrostatic actuators coupled with the resonant drive circuits, we perform the experiment on the microplate and the micromirror coupled with the resonant drive circuit. For instance, using a high voltage amplifier, we manage to rotate the micromirror with sidewall electrodes by 6 ° at 180 V. However, using the resonant drive circuit, we are able to rotate the same micromirror by 6 ° at much lower input voltage, 8.5 V. In addition, the presented work also facilitates the stability analysis of electrostatic actuators coupled with the resonant drive circuits and provides how the effect of the parasitic capacitance can be minimized. For example, the resonant drive circuit placed within a positive feedback loop of a variable gain amplifier is able to extend the operation range much further even in the presence of very high parasitic capacitance. The resonant drive circuit with the proposed feedback controllers is also able to minimize the detrimental effects of the parasitic capacitance and to displace a parallel-plate actuator over its entire gap without the saddle-node bifurcation. Finally, we present a new displacement measurement method of electrostatic actuators coupled with the resonant drive circuits by sensing the phase delay of an actuation voltage with respect to an input voltage. This new measurement method allows us to easily implement feedback control into existent systems employing an electrostatic actuator without any modification or alteration to the electrostatic actuator itself. Hence, this research work presents the feasibility of electrostatic actuators coupled with the resonant drive circuit in various industrial and medical applications, in which the advantages of miniaturization, low supply voltage, and low power consumption are greatly appreciated.
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