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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance Quantification of Interarea Oscillation Damping Using HVDC

Björk, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
With the transition towards renewable energy, and the deregulation of the electricity market, generation patterns and grid topology are changing. These changes increase the need for transfer capacity. One limiting factor, which sometimes leads to underutilization of the transmission grid, is interarea oscillations. These system-wide modes involve groups of generators oscillating relative to each other and are sometimes hard to control due to their scale and complexity. In this thesis we investigate how high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission can be used to attenuate interarea oscillations. The thesis has two main contributions. In the first contribution we show how the stability of two asynchronous grids can be improved by modulating the active power of a single interconnecting HVDC link. One concern with modulating HVDC active power is that the interaction between interarea modes of the two grids may have a negative impact on system stability. By studying the controllability Gramian, we show that it is always possible to improve the damping in both grids as long as the frequencies of their interarea modes are not too close. For simplified models, it is explicitly shown how the controllability, and therefore the achievable damping improvements, deteriorates as the frequency difference becomes small. The second contribution of the thesis is to show how coordinated control of two (or more) links can be used to avoid interaction between troublesome interarea modes. We investigate the performance of some multivariable control designs. In particular we look at input usage as well as robustness to measurement, communication, and actuator failures. Suitable controllers are thereby characterized. / Övergången till förnybar energi och avregleringen av elmarknaden leder till förändrade produktions-och överföringsmönster. Dessa förändringar medför behov av en ökad överföringskapacitet. En begränsande faktor, som kan leda till ett underutnyttjande av stamnätet, är interareapendlingar. Dessa systemövergripande pendlingar involverar grupper av generatorer som svänger i förhållande till varandra. Interareapendlingar är ibland svåra att styra på grund av deras skala och komplexitet. I denna avhandling undersöker vi hur förbindelser med högspänd likström, engleska high-voltage direct current (HVDC), kan användas för att dämpa interareapendlingar. Avhandlingen har två huvudbidrag. I det första bidraget visar vi hur stabiliteten hos två olika synkrona nät kan förbättras genom att modulera den aktiva effekten hos en enda HVDC-länk. Ett bekymmer med aktiv effektmodulering är att växelverkan mellan interareapendlingar hos de två näten kan ha en negativ inverkan på systemets stabilitet. Genom att studera styrbarhetsgramianen visar vi att det alltid är möjligt att förbättra dämpningen i båda näten så länge som frekvenserna hos deras interareapendlingar inte ligger för nära varandra. För förenklade modeller visas det uttryckligen hur styrbarheten och därmed de möjliga dämpningsförbättringarna, försämras då frekvensskillnaden blir liten. Avhandlings andra bidrag visar hur koordinerad styrning av två (eller fler) länkar kan användas för att undvika växelverkan mellan besvärliga interareapendlingar. Vi undersöker prestandan hos olika typer av flervariabla regulatorer. I synnerhet undersökers styrsignalsanvändning samt robusthet mot mät-, kommunikations- och aktuatorfel. Därigenom karakteriseras lämpliga regulatortyper. / <p>QC 20190308</p>

Aggregation of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in Power Systems for Primary Frequency Control

Izadkhast, Seyedmahdi January 2017 (has links)
The number of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) is likely to increase in the near future and these vehicles will probably be connected to the electric grid most of the day time. PEVs are interesting options to provide a wide variety of services such as primary frequency control (PFC), because they are able to quickly control their active power using electronic power converters. However, to evaluate the impact of PEVs on PFC, one should either carry out complex and time consuming simulation involving a large number of PEVs or formulate and develop aggregate models which could efficiently reduce simulation complexity and time while maintaining accuracy. This thesis proposes aggregate models of PEVs for PFC. The final aggregate model has been developed gradually through the following steps. First of all, an aggregate model of PEVs for the PFC has been developed where various technical characteristics of PEVs such as operating modes (i.e., idle, disconnected, and charging) and PEV’s state of charge have been formulated and incorporated. Secondly, some technical characteristics of distribution networks have been added to the previous aggregate model of PEVs for the PFC. For this purpose, the power consumed in the network during PFC as well as the maximum allowed current of the lines and transformers have been taken into account. Thirdly, the frequency stability margins of power systems including PEVs have been evaluated and a strategy to design the frequency-droop controller of PEVs for PFC has been described. The controller designed guaranties similar stability margins, in the worst case scenario, to those of the system without PEVs. Finally, a method to evaluate the positive economic impact of PEVs participation in PFC has been proposed. / En el futuro cercano se espera un notable incremento en el número de vehículos eléctricos enchufables (PEVs), los cuales están conectados a la red eléctrica durante la mayor parte del día. Los PEVs constituyen una opción interesante a la hora de proporcionar una amplia variedad de servicios, tales como el control primario de frecuencia (PFC), dado que tienen la capacidad de controlar rápidamente el flujo de potencia activa a través de convertidores electrónicos de potencia. Sin embargo, para evaluar el impacto de los PEVs sobre el PFC se debe llevar a cabo una simulación computacionalmente compleja y con un largo tiempo de simulación en la que se considere un gran número de PEVs. Otra opción sería la formulación y desarrollo de modelos agregados, los cuales podrían reducer eficazmente la complejidad y tiempo de simulación manteniendo una alta precisión. Esta tesis propone modelos agregados de PEVs para PFC. El modelo agregado definitivo ha sido desarrollado de manera gradual a través de los siguientes pasos. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado un modelo agregado de PEVs para PFC en el cual son incorporadas varias características técnicas de los PEVs, tales como los modos de operación (inactivo, desconectado y cargando), y la formulación del estado de carga de los PEVs. En segundo lugar, ciertas características técnicas de las redes de distribución han sido consideradas en el modelo agregado de PEVs para PFC previamente propuesto. Para este fin, la potencia consumida por la red durante el PFC, así como la corriente máxima permitida en las líneas y transformadores han sido consideradas. En tercer lugar, se han evaluado los márgenes de estabilidad en la frecuencia de los sistemas de potencia que incluyen PEVs y se ha descrito una estrategia para diseñar un control de frecuencia-droop de PEVs para PFC. El controlador diseñado garantiza márgenes de estabilidad similares, en el peor de los casos, a aquellos de un sistema sin PEVs. Finalmente, se ha propuesto un método para evaluar el impacto económico positivo de la participación de los PEVs en el PFC. / Inom en snar framtid förväntas antalet laddbara bilar (laddbilar) öka kraftig, vilka tidvis kommer att vara anslutna till elnätet. Då laddbilar snabbt kan styra och variera sin aktiva laddningseffekt med hjälp av kraftelektroniken i omriktaren kan dessa fordon erbjuda en rad systemtjänster, såsom primär frekvensregleringen. Att utvärdera hur laddbilarna kan påverka den primära frekvensreglering är utmanande då en stor mängd laddbilar måste beaktas vilket kräver komplexa och tidskrävande simuleringar. Ett effektivt sätt att minska komplexiteten men bibehålla noggrannheten är genom att utforma och använda aggregerade modeller. Syftet med denna avhandling är att ta fram aggregerade modeller för laddbilars påverkan på primär frekvensreglering. Modellen har gradvis utvecklats genom följande steg. I första steget har en aggregerad modell av hur laddbilar kan användas för primär frekvensreglering utvecklats där olika tekniska detaljer så som laddbilars tillstånd (d.v.s. inkopplade, urkopplade eller laddas) och laddningnivån beaktats. I andra steget har en modell av distributionsnätet integrerats i den aggregerade modellen. Här tas hänsyn till effektflöden i elnätet samt begränsningar i överföringskapacitet i transformatorer och ledningar i distributionsnätet. I ett tredje steg har frekvensstabiliteten i ett elnät med laddbilar utvärderats och en strategi för hur en frekvensregulator kan designas för att tillhandahålla primär frekvensreglering med hjälp av laddbilar har utvecklats. Designen garanterar samma stabilitetsmarginal för styrsystemet både med och utan laddbilar. Dessutom föreslås en metod för att utvärdera de ekonomiska effekterna av att använda laddbilar för primär frekvensreglering. / Het aantal elektrische voertuigen (EV’s) zal zeer waarschijnlijk toenemen in de nabije toekomst en deze voertuigen zullen vermoedelijk gedurende het grootste deel van de dag aan het elektriciteitsnetwerk aangesloten zijn. EV’s zijn interessante opties om een grote verscheidenheid van diensten te leveren, zoals bijvoorbeeld primaire frequentieregeling, omdat ze snel hun actieve vermogen kunnen aanpassen met behulp van elektronische vermogensomvormers. Echter, om de invloed van EV’s en primaire frequentieregeling te kunnen evalueren, moet men complexe en tijdrovende simulaties met een groot aantal EVs uitvoeren of verzamelmodellen formuleren en ontwikkelen die de complexiteit en duur van de simulaties kunnen reduceren zonder nauwkeurigheid te verliezen. Dit onderzoek presenteert verzamelmodellen voor EV’s en primaire frequentieregeling. Het uiteindelijke verzamelmodel is geleidelijk ontwikkeld door de volgende stappen te nemen. Ten eerste is een verzamelmodel voor EV’s en primaire frequentieregeling ontwikkeld waar verscheidene technische karakteristieken van EV’s, zoals bedieningsmodi (bijv. Inactief, losgekoppeld en ladend) en de actuele laadtoestand in zijn geformuleerd en geïntegreerd. Ten tweede zijn enkele technische karakteristieken van distributienetwerken toegevoegd aan het eerdere verzamelmodel van EV’s voor primaire frequentieregeling. Hiervoor zijn de vermogensconsumptie in het network gedurende primaire frequentieregeling en de maximaal toegestane stroomsterkte van de kabels meegerekend. Ten derde zijn de marges voor de frequentiestabiliteit van elektriciteitssystemen met EV’s geëvalueerd en is een strategie voor het ontwerpen van de frequentie-droop regeling van de EV’s voor primaire frequentieregeling beschreven. De ontworpen controller garandeert soortgelijke stabiliteitsmarges in het slechtste scenario, als voor het systeem zonder EV’s. Ten slotte is er een methode voorgesteld om de positieve economische invloed van EV-participatie in primaire frequentieregeling te evaluëren. / <p>“SETS Joint Doctorate Programme</p><p>The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Sustainable Energy Technologies and Strategies (SETS), the SETS Joint Doctorate, is an international programme run by six institutions in cooperation:</p><p>• Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid, Spain</p><p>• Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands</p><p>• Florence School of Regulation, Florence, Italy</p><p>• Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA</p><p>• KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden</p><p>• University Paris-Sud 11, Paris, France</p><p>The Doctoral Degrees provided upon completion of the programme are issued by Comillas Pontifical University, Delft University of Technology, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology.</p><p>The Degree Certificates are giving reference to the joint programme. The doctoral candidates are jointly supervised, and must pass a joint examination procedure set up by the three institutions issuing the degrees.</p><p>This Thesis is a part of the examination for the doctoral degree.</p><p>The invested degrees are official in Spain, the Netherlands and Sweden respectively.</p><p>SETS Joint Doctorate was awarded the Erasmus Mundus excellence label by the European Commission in year 2010, and the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, EACEA, has supported the funding of this programme</p><p>The EACEA is not to be held responsible for contents of the Thesis.”  QC 20170412</p>

Contribution du Stockage à la Gestion Avancée des Systèmes Électriques : approches Organisationnelles et Technico-économiques dans les Réseaux de Distribution / Participation of Energy Storage in the Advanced Management of Power Systems : organizational, Technical and Economic Approaches in Distribution Grids

Delille, Gauthier Marc Aimé 18 November 2010 (has links)
Des solutions innovantes doivent être développées pour envisager l’avenir des systèmes électriques face à un nombre grandissant de contraintes. En particulier, le stockage d’énergie est pressenti comme un soutien indispensable à l’essor massif dans les réseaux de distribution de sources de production exploitant les énergies renouvelables. Les présents travaux visent à apporter des éléments de réflexion sur cette option technique qui arrive à maturité et suscite l’intérêt. Dans un premier temps, des méthodes d’étude sont proposées pour cerner le potentiel et les opportunités du stockage distribué. Une grille de caractérisation des technologies est introduite et sa mise en œuvre souligne des performances intéressantes à des coûts qui, cependant, demeurent élevés. Pour rendre leur utilisation réaliste, la valeur de ces dispositifs pour les systèmes électriques est donc critique. Nous l’analysons en deux étapes : une classification de leurs services pour les différents acteurs en présence est définie avant d’aborder la mutualisation de fonctions, requise pour favoriser l’atteinte d’une rentabilité, via une approche originale. Cette démarche aboutit à l’identification de configurations porteuses qui méritent des études plus poussées. Pour ce faire, un modèle général de comportement des unités de stockage est développé dans un second temps. Interfacé à un logiciel de simulation dynamique des réseaux, il permet d’évaluer l’utilisation de telles installations pour diverses offres de services. Ces outils sont appliqués et validés expérimentalement sur la caractérisation d’une réserve impulsionnelle fournie par le stockage pour réduire les délestages dans les systèmes insulaires / Innovative solutions must be developed to make future power systems able to overcome a growing number of challenges. In particular, energy storage is thought to be the missing link that will help enable the massive integration of renewable sources in distribution grids. The present research work aims to investigate this new technical option, which has reached maturity and is currently attracting increasing attention. In the first part of the dissertation, general methods to assess the potential and opportunities of distributed energy storage are presented. A framework for characterizing storage technologies is defined and its use highlights interesting performances but high costs. That is why the benefits of such devices for power systems are crucial to their development. The study of this point is carried out in two phases: their applications for various stakeholders of liberalized power systems are first classified and precisely defined; the aggregation of some of these services to increase the profitability of energy storage is then contemplated using a new method. This approach leads to the identification of high-value configurations that deserve further exploration. To this end, a scalable, flexible model of distributed energy storage systems is proposed in the second part of the dissertation. Its implementation in a dynamic simulation software allows the study of advanced storage service packs in power systems. The possibilities offered by these tools are illustrated and experimentally validated on a case study: the provision of a fast frequency control reserve by distributed storage to reduce the use of automatic load-shedding in isolated power systems is analyzed

Tiesiaeigės dažninės pavaros tyrimas / Research of linear variable frequency drive

Jenkinas, Piotras 08 June 2004 (has links)
The properties of linear induction motor and areas of its application are analyzed; frequency converters and their control methods are discussed in this final work. Methods to realize a pulse width modulation are analyzed, scalar and vector control principles as well as perspectives of perfection of semiconductor commutating elements and control systems are discussed. The principle of operation of control systems applied in frequency converters is analyzed On the base of analysis mathematical and Simulink model of linear induction motor in α-β reference frame is developed, mathematical and Simulink models of frequency controlled linear induction drives are carried out. Two models of linear frequency controlled induction drive: scalar and vector control are investigated, transient characteristics of inverter output voltage, currents of linear motor, developed force and linear speed are analyzed and results of different control principles are compared.

Resonant Boost Converter for Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking in Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems

Simeonov, Gregor 03 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis introduces a new photovoltaic (PV) system architecture employing low voltage parallel-connected PV panels interfaced to a high voltage regulated DC bus of a three-phase grid-tied inverter. The concept provides several improvements over existing technologies in terms of cost, safety, reliability, and modularity. A novel resonant mode DC-DC boost converter topology is proposed to enable the PV modules to deliver power to the fixed DC bus. The topology offers high step-up capabilities and a nearly constant efficiency over a wide operating range. A reduced sensor maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is developed for the converter to maximize energy harvesting of the PV panels. The reduced sensor algorithm can be generally applied to the class of converters employing pulse frequency modulation control. A ZigBee wireless communication system is implemented to provide advanced control, monitoring and protection features. A testbench for a low cost 500 $W$ smart microconverter is designed and implemented, demonstrating the viability of the system architecture.

Resonant Boost Converter for Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking in Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems

Simeonov, Gregor 03 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis introduces a new photovoltaic (PV) system architecture employing low voltage parallel-connected PV panels interfaced to a high voltage regulated DC bus of a three-phase grid-tied inverter. The concept provides several improvements over existing technologies in terms of cost, safety, reliability, and modularity. A novel resonant mode DC-DC boost converter topology is proposed to enable the PV modules to deliver power to the fixed DC bus. The topology offers high step-up capabilities and a nearly constant efficiency over a wide operating range. A reduced sensor maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is developed for the converter to maximize energy harvesting of the PV panels. The reduced sensor algorithm can be generally applied to the class of converters employing pulse frequency modulation control. A ZigBee wireless communication system is implemented to provide advanced control, monitoring and protection features. A testbench for a low cost 500 $W$ smart microconverter is designed and implemented, demonstrating the viability of the system architecture.

Inclusão de energia eólica em sistemas elétricos e controle de frequência utilizando lógica Fuzzy.

MACÊDO, Ana Vitória de Almeida. 24 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-24T14:29:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA VITÓRIA DE ALMEIDA MACÊDO - TESE (PPgEE) 2017.pdf: 3449345 bytes, checksum: ff78e54595b43261343d5050a8dc3e50 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T14:29:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA VITÓRIA DE ALMEIDA MACÊDO - TESE (PPgEE) 2017.pdf: 3449345 bytes, checksum: ff78e54595b43261343d5050a8dc3e50 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-29 / CNPq / Um controle para auxílio do controle de frequência é projetado utilizando um método baseado em lógica fuzzy e no controle do ângulo de passo de turbinas eólicas de velocidade variável. O controle visa que as turbinas eólicas operem abaixo do seu valor nominal, estando sempre prontas para aumentar sua geração no caso de evento na rede elétrica, contribuindo para o controle de frequência. Com os esforços para converter tanta energia quanto seja possível com o vento disponível, a potência desperdiçada pela maioria dos controles estudados para elaboração desta tese vale a pena em relação aos benefícios do controle de frequência em sistemas com grande penetração das usinas eólicas, proporcionando a participação da energia eólica nos serviços ancilares. Ressaltando que a introdução de qualquer nova tecnologia de geração no sistema deve ser feita de modo que seja compatível com os princípios operacionais do sistema existente. O controle fuzzy de potência foi desenvolvido no Matlab®/Simulink e permite o bom funcionamento da turbina eólica utilizando uma metodologia alternativa aos controles clássicos. Com isto foi desenvolvido o controle de frequência também baseado em lógica fuzzy. Como grande vantagem do controle fuzzy destaca-se sua fácil adaptação a outros modelos de turbina que utilizem o controle de pitch (turbinas eólicas de velocidade variável), uma vez que o algoritmo é o mesmo, havendo a necessidade apenas de fazer testes para adaptação das faixas de operação do controle. / A control to support the frequency control is designed using a method based on fuzzy logic and pitch angle control in variable speed wind turbines. The control aims that some wind turbines operate below their rated value (derated or deloaded), being always ready to increase their generation in case of some event in the power grid, contributing to the frequency control. With efforts to convert as much energy as possible with the available wind, the power wasted by most controls studied in this work worth of the benefits of frequency control in systems with high power plants penetration, providing wind power to participate on ancillary services. Recalling that the introduction of any new generation technology into the system must be made in a way that is compatible with the operating principles of the existing system. The fuzzy control developed in Matlab®/Simulink for power control enables a suitable operation of the wind turbine using an alternative methodology to the classic controls, it was developed the frequency control also based on fuzzy logic. The fuzzy control great advantage highlight is its easy adaptation to other turbine design which use pitch control (variable speed wind turbines), since the algorithm is the same, just by doing tests for adjustment of the control operation ranges.


ELEAZAR CRISTIAN MEJIA SANCHEZ 29 January 2018 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação foram desenvolvidas técnicas de controle por aprendizado acelerado e Neuro-Fuzzy, aplicadas em um sistema servo-hidráulico para ensaio de fadiga. Este sistema tem o propósito de fazer ensaios em materiais para prever a resistência à fadiga dos materiais. O trabalho envolveu quatro etapas principais: levantamento bibliográfico, desenvolvimento de um controle por aprendizado acelerado, desenvolvimento de um controle por aprendizado Neuro-Fuzzy, e implementação experimental dos modelos de controle por aprendizado proposto em uma máquina de ensaios de materiais. A implementação do controle por aprendizado acelerado foi feita a partir do modelo de controle desenvolvido por Alva, com o objetivo de acelerar o processo de aprendizagem. Esta metodologia consiste em fazer um controle do tipo bang-bang, restringindo a servo-válvula a trabalhar sempre em seus limites extremos de operação, i.e., procurando mantê-la sempre completamente aberta em uma ou outra direção. Para manter a servo-válvula trabalhando em seus limites de seu funcionamento, os instantes ótimos para as reversões são obtidos pelo algoritmo de aprendizado, e armazenados em tabelas específicas para cada tipo de carregamento. Estes pontos de reversão dependem de diversos fatores, como a amplitude e carga média da solicitação, e são influenciados pela dinâmica do sistema. Na metodologia proposta, a lei de aprendizado inclui um termo de momentum que permite acelerar a aprendizagem dos valores das tabelas constantemente durante a execução dos testes, melhorando a resposta a cada evento. O desenvolvimento de um controle por aprendizado Neuro-Fuzzy foi motivado pela necessidade de ter um agente com a capacidade de aprendizado e armazenamento dos pontos ótimos de reversão. Este modelo de controle também consiste na implementação de um controle do tipo bang-bang, trabalhando com a servo-válvula sempre nos seus limites extremos de operação. O instante de reversão é determinado pelo sistema Neuro-Fuzzy, o qual tem como entradas a gama (dobro da amplitude) e o valor mínimo do carregamento solicitado. O processo de aprendizado é feito pelas atualizações dos pesos do sistema Neuro-Fuzzy, baseado nos erros obtidos durante a execução dos testes, melhorando a resposta do sistema a cada evento. A validação experimental dos modelos propostos é feita em uma máquina servohidráulica de ensaios de fadiga. Para este fim, o algoritmo de controle proposto foi implementado em tempo real em um módulo de controle CompactRIO da National Instruments. Os testes efetuados demonstraram a eficiência da metodologia proposta. / [en] In this thesis, accelerated learning and Neuro-Fuzzy control techniques were developed and applied to a servo-hydraulic system used in fatigue tests. This work involved four main stages: literature review, development of an accelerated learning control, development of a Neuro-Fuzzy control, and implementation of the learning control models into a fatigue testing machine. The accelerated learning control was implemented based on a learning control developed in previous works, introducing a faster learning law. Both learning control methodologies consist on implementing a bang-bang control, forcing the servovalve to always work in its operational limits. As the servo-valve works in its operational limits, the reversion points to achieve every peak or valley in the desired history are obtained by the learning algorithm, and stored in a specific table for each combination of minimum and mean load. The servo-valve reversion points depend on a few factors, such as alternate and mean loading components, while they are as well influenced by the system dynamics. In the proposed accelerated methodology, the learning law includes one momentum term that allows to speed up the learning process of the table cell values during the execution of the tests. The developed Neuro-Fuzzy control also consists on a bang-bang control, making the servo-valve work in its operational limits. However, here the instant of each reversion is determined by the Neuro-Fuzzy system, which has the load range and minimum load required as inputs. The learning process is made by the update of the Neuro-Fuzzy system weights, based on the errors obtained during the execution of the test.The experimental validation of the proposed models was made using a servo-hydraulic testing machine. The control algorithm was implemented in real time in a C-RIO computational system. The tests demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed methodology.

Um novo modelo para representação da regulação primária e secundária de frequência no problema de fluxo de potência e fluxo de potência ótimo

La Gatta, Paula Oliveira 05 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-01T14:29:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 paulaoliveiralagatta.pdf: 1917786 bytes, checksum: 627585584595873c205fcbcf5c79980f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-13T16:01:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 paulaoliveiralagatta.pdf: 1917786 bytes, checksum: 627585584595873c205fcbcf5c79980f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T16:01:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 paulaoliveiralagatta.pdf: 1917786 bytes, checksum: 627585584595873c205fcbcf5c79980f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-05 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho são propostas duas formulações de importantes ferramentas para análise de redes em regime permanente, onde são consideradas equações que descrevem o comportamento do controle primário e secundário de frequência em sistemas elétricos de potência. A primeira proposta é baseada em uma formulação do problema de fluxo de potência convencional e a segunda uma formulação do fluxo de potência ótimo. A formulação de fluxo de potência proposta é desenvolvida a partir de uma metodologia genérica de representação de dispositivos de controle. Esta metodologia consiste em incorporar as equações que modelam dispositivos de controle ao problema básico de fluxo de potência em coordenadas polares, formando um sistema de equações de ordem (2nb+nc). O fluxo de potência desenvolvido é capaz de estimar os desvios de frequência do sistema devido a uma perturbação da carga. Por outro lado, o fluxo de potência ótimo proposto é capaz de identificar montantes e locais de corte carga, de forma a manter a frequência do sistema em uma faixa aceitável de operação. A formulação proposta de FPO consiste em incluir no problema equações de igualdade e desigualdade associadas com o controle primário de frequência e geração de potência ativa. Os desenvolvimentos propostos para o fluxo de potência convencional foram implementados no ambiente MatLab®. Para solução do fluxo de potência ótimo utilizou-se um pacote comercial de otimização, denominado LINGO®. A avaliação do fluxo de potência e fluxo de potência ótimo propostos é feita através do estudo de sistemas tutoriais e do sistema New England. A validação da análise de desvios de frequência é feita através da utilização do programa ANATEM, desenvolvido pelo CEPEL. Os resultados obtidos mostram as vantagens da utilização das formulações propostas. / This work proposes a new formulation for both the conventional power flow and the optimal power flow formulation, in which the steady-state equations describing the primary and secondary frequency control in electrical power systems are included. The proposed power flow formulation is based on a flexible methodology for the representation of control devices. Such methodology incorporates equations that model control devices into the basic power flow formulation in polar coordinates, generating an augmented system of equations having order (2nb + nc). The developed power flow is able to estimate the system frequency deviation due to a load disturbance. On other hand, the proposed optimum power flow formulation is able to identify the minimum load shedding necessary to maintain the system frequency in an acceptable range of operation. The proposed OPF formulation includes additional equality and inequality constraints to represent the steady state primary frequency control as a function of the active power generation. The proposed development for the conventional power flow was made using the MATLAB® environment. The optimal power flow solution used a commercial optimization package called LINGO®. The evaluation of the proposed power flow and optimal power flow formulations were made through the study of small test systems and the New England test system. Validations of the frequency deviation analysis were made using the program ANATEM, developed by CEPEL. The results obtained show the advantages of using the proposed formulations.

Services au système et gestion d'interactions énergétiques transitoires dans un parc éolien offshore / Services to the system and management of transient energy interactions in an offshore wind farm

Aimene, Merzak 12 October 2016 (has links)
L’intégration massive de la production d’énergie éolienne intermittente au niveau des réseaux électriques pose un problème de stabilité du système électrique. En effet les caractéristiques sont très différentes de celles de sources conventionnelles maîtrisées par les gestionnaires de réseau. Par conséquent, l’injection de cette énergie induit de nouveaux challenges pour les gestionnaires de réseaux électriques. De plus, les conditions de raccordement évoluent et tendent à ce que toutes les sources participent aux services rendus aux systèmes électriques. Les travaux de cette thèse sont focalisés sur la proposition d’une nouvelle stratégie de commande non-linéaire basée sur la commande par « platitude à une boucle » d’un système de conversion d’énergie éolienne. Cette stratégie de contrôle vise la gestion des interactions au point de connexion par la génération et le suivi de trajectoires de références. De par le fait que toutes les variables du système sont liées à la « sortie plate » de ce système, cette commande procure une rapidité de réponse et une bonne maitrise des régimes transitoires. La mise en œuvre de cette nouvelle stratégie de contrôle pour la constitution d’un parc éolien offshore, capable de satisfaire différentes conditions de raccordement a été simulée avec succès. Plus particulièrement, l’évaluation de l’impact de différents défauts du réseau sur les services proposés (Régulation de fréquence et de tension, la tenue aux creux de tension.) a été réalisée. / The massive integration of intermittent production of wind energy in electrical networks creates an electrical system stability problem. Indeed, its characteristics are very different from those of conventional sources controlled by Grid managers. Therefore, the injection of this energy makes new challenges for power Grid operators. Moreover, the connection conditions are evolving and go towards the situations that all different sources participate into services of electrical systems. This thesis proposes a new nonlinear control strategy based on a « one loop flatness control » of a wind energy conversion system. This control strategy has aim of energy interactions management at the connection point through generation and tracking of reference trajectories. As all system variables are functions of the « flat output » of the system, this control provides fast response and good control in transient state. The application of this new control strategy into an offshore wind farm which is able to satisfy different connection conditions was simulated successfully. Specifically, effects of various grid faults on the proposed ancillary services (frequency and voltage regulation, and low-voltage ride through capabilities) were performed.

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