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Detecção e análise de sequências afiliadas à Planctomycetes em manguezais do estado de São Paulo / Detection and analysis of sequences affiliated with Planctomycetes in mangroves in the state of São PauloAraujo, Juliana Eschholz de 14 April 2014 (has links)
Os manguezais são considerados um ecossistema único, devido sua particular combinação de condições ambientais, influenciados pela sua localização na interface entre o continente e oceano. O estudo deste ecossistema se torna urgente uma vez que os manguezais estão desaparecendo em todo mundo, e sua diversidade de grupos microbianos é ainda pouco conhecida. Dentro dessa temática, o presente projeto visa descrever a possível funcionalidade de bactérias pertencentes ao filo Planctomycetes nos manguezais. Tais organismos são ainda pouco estudados, de difícil cultivo, sendo obtidos principalmente em ambientes marinhos, tratamento de água e locais de criação de peixes. Dentro desse filo são encontrados microrganismos pertencentes a gêneros descritos como capazes de realizar a oxidação anaeróbica do íon amônio (anammox), uma importante transformação do nitrogênio em ambientes com baixa disponibilidade de oxigênio. E ainda, visamos descrever a possível funcionalidade de bactérias pertencentes ao filo Planctomycetes nos manguezais. Para isso, foi inicialmente realizada uma comparação dos genomas de Planctomycetes com as sequências obtidas por análises de metagenômica e metatranscriptômica, onde foram encontradas sequências similares às afiliadas a funções desconhecidas (putative protein) e a sulfatases. Tais enzimas são descritas como hidrolíticas, que catalizam a clivagem de ésteres de sulfato, liberando o enxofre na forma assimilável. A análise de sequências de uma biblioteca metagenômica (obtida de um manguezal contaminado com petróleo) permitiu a visualização de fragmentos genômicos de Planctomycetes. Esta análise revelou também a ocorrência de genes relacionados a produção de sulfatases, além de indicar arranjos gênicos distintos dos descritos nos genomas de organismos deste grupo, possivelmente indicando a ocorrência de endemismo de Planctomycetes em manguezais. Esta observação foi reforçada pelo cultivo de isolados afiliados a este grupo, os quais tiveram sua afiliação confirmada pelo sequenciamento parcial do gene ribossomal 16S DNAr. Alguns destes isolados formaram clusters diferenciados dentro do filo Planctomycetes, indicando que podem ser estes novas espécies. Sendo assim, a caracterização desse grupo de microrganismos numa combinação de análises in sílico e in vivo, possibilitou a confirmação da ocorrência de tais organismos nos manguezais, e gerou as primeiras informações sobre sua funcionalidade neste sistema, onde parece ocorrer de forma diferenciada aos demais ambientes onde já foram descritos. / Mangroves are considered an unique ecosystem due to its particular combination of environmental conditions, influenced by its location at the interface between land and ocean. The study of this ecosystem becomes urgent since mangroves are disappearing worldwide, and its diversity of microbial groups is still poorly understood. Within this theme, this project aims to describe the possible functionality of bacteria belonging to the phylum Planctomycetes in mangroves. Such organisms are still poorly studied, difficult to cultivate and mainly isolated from marine environments, water treatment and fish farming sites. Within this phylum are found microorganisms belonging to genera described as capable of performing the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium (anammox), a major transformation of nitrogen in environments with low oxygen availability. Here we aimed to describe the possible functionality of bacteria belonging to the phylum Planctomycetes in the mangroves. In order to achieve the target, it was initially performed a comparison of the Planctomycetes genomes with sequences obtained by metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, revealing the presence of sequences with similarity to those affiliated to unknown function and sulfatases. These are hydrolytic enzymes, which catalyze the cleavage of sulfate esters, releasing sulfur on its available form. The analysis of sequences from a metagenomic library (obtained from an oil-contaminated mangrove) allowed the visualization of genomic fragments related to Planctomycetes. It also revealed the presence of genes related with the production of sulfatases, besides the indication of specific genome arrangements, distinct from those describe in organisms allocated in this group, possibly indicating the occurrence of endemicity for Planctomycetes in mangroves. It was reinforced by the cultivation of isolates affiliated to this groups, whose have their affiliation confirmed by the partial sequencing of the 16S rDNA gene. Some isolates clustered composed new clusters within the Planctomycetes phylum, indicating the occurrence of new species. In sum, the characterization of this group by combining in sílico and in vivo analyses, allowed the confirmation of the occurrence of these organisms in mangroves, and generated the first insights about its functioning on this system, where it seems to occur in a differentiated form from those observed in other environments where it has been described.
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Efeito do treinamento na plataforma vibratória no desempenho de força e potência muscular e em testes funcionais em idosos / Effect of whole body vibration training program on strength, power, and functional tests in elderlySilva, Renata Gonçalves da 04 April 2008 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar o efeito do treinamento de vibração na força e na potência musculares a 60º.s-1 e a 180º.s-1 e na funcionalidade de idosos. Participaram do estudo quarenta e sete idosos que já freqüentavam um programa de exercícios físicos. Os sujeitos foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo experimental (GE) (n=24, 70.7±5.8 anos, 62.7±12.3 kg e 155.9±8.0 cm ) e grupo controle (GC) (n=23, 70.0±5.7 anos, 65.3±10.7 kg e 157.9±6.6 cm). Adicionalmente ao programa de exercícios físicos, o GE realizou o treinamento de vibração durante 13 semanas, sendo 2 vezes por semana, enquanto que o GC continuou apenas com o programa regular de exercícios físicos. O treinamento de vibração não foi efetivo em melhorar força, potência e o desempenho nos testes funcionais dos idosos. No entanto, encontramos efeito de tempo para os testes de força dos flexores de cotovelo, distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de 6 minutos e redução no tempo para realizar o percurso no teste de agilidade/equilíbrio. Concluindo, o treinamento vibratório não foi efetivo em melhorar a funcionalidade de idosos fisicamente ativos / The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a whole body vibration training program in the knee extensors isokinetic peak torque and average power, and in functional tests of physically active elderly. Forty seven elderly, whom participated of a training program for the elderly, were recruited. The subjects were divided into two groups; the whole body vibration group (TV) (n=24, 70.7±5.8 years, 62.7±12.3 kg e 155.9±8.0 cm ) and the control group (GC) (n=23. 70.0±5.7 years, 65.3±10.7 kg e 157.9±6.6 cm). The TV performed the whole body vibration exercises and their regular training program for 13 weeks, 2 x per week, while the GC performed the regular training program only. The TV was not effect in increasing both isokinetic peak torque and average power. On the other hand, their regular training program was effective in increasing elbow flexors strength endurance, distance covered in the 6 min walk test, and in speed in the time up and go test. As a conclusion, TV was not effective in improving physically active elderly functionality
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Implications of potential biome boundary shifts for small mammal assemblages in the arid zonePiers, Laetitia January 2019 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology) / Desertification deteriorates the landscape functionality of rangelands, affecting the resilience
of biome boundaries which have a cascade effect not only in vegetation composition and
characteristics but also in animal communities. The balance between plants and small
mammals are essential in maintaining the functionality (i.e. nutrient cycling, soil stability,
and water infiltration) of rangeland which includes the arid Steinkopf communal rangeland.
However, the landscape functionality of rangelands has not been extensively studied,
especially in communal areas where desertification is a serious concern since many people
farm with livestock to survive. The aim of this study was to assess landscape functionality
along an arid biome boundary and its relationship to small mammal assemblages. This study
further aimed to provide a local landscape perspective of the current desertification process
and projected expansion of the Desert Biome into more mesic biomes in South Africa.
Three replicates for three Desert Biome, ecotone and Succulent Karoo Biome sites (27 sites
in total) were selected to assess landscape functionality and survey small mammal
assemblages over a one-year period. The change in landscape functionality between the three
areas was assessed to determine the resilience of the biome boundary to desertification. For
each small mammal survey, 216 live Sherman traps were set up during the summer and
winter seasons to account for breeding, mortality, and possible migration. With the data, the
body condition index, population density, and diversity were quantified.
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Hjärtat på campus : Inredningskoncept till Eskilstunas nya kårpub.Höglund, Linda, Nilsen, Ann Christine January 2008 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport berättar om vårt arbete med att ta fram ett inredningskoncept till den nya kårpuben i Eskilstuna. Vi har med hjälp av våra kunskaper inom informationsdesign och rumslig gestaltning arbetat fram ett förslag, anpassat efter uppdragsgivarens önskemål. Våra uppdragsgivare är Kårhusstiftelsen och Mälardalens studentkår. De ville att inredningskonceptet skulle vara målgruppsanpassat med funktion, flexibilitet och nytänkande i fokus. Då kårpubens personal till största del består av ideell arbetskraft ville de även att inredningskonceptet skulle underlätta det dagliga underhållet av verksamheten. Vi har utfört observation, målgruppsanalys, behovsanalys, enkätundersökning, intervjuer samt utprovningar. Det slutliga konceptförslaget gestaltade vi med hjälp av en digital presentation. I presentationen ingick planritning, 3D visualisationer och inspirationsbilder med möbelval etc. Vi ansåg att den digitala presentationen var ett informativt sätt att få alla inblandade parter att förstå inredningskonceptet och dess fördelar.</p>
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Open Innovation Software : On Aspects of Functionality and CreativitySjaunja, Knut January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents how and if open innovation software (OIS) supports different types of creativity. The relevant theories and information on how an OIS is designed and, the relevant theories of creativity are used for making a model to test on different OIS.</p><p>The result shows that most OIS functionality supported the structuralist and situationalist school of creativity but it also shows that the inspirationalist school was poorly supported in the current functionality. With the result we discuss the implications of supporting all types of creativity to support the most of the users and in the end enable more innovations.</p>
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Hjärtat på campus : Inredningskoncept till Eskilstunas nya kårpub.Höglund, Linda, Nilsen, Ann Christine January 2008 (has links)
Denna rapport berättar om vårt arbete med att ta fram ett inredningskoncept till den nya kårpuben i Eskilstuna. Vi har med hjälp av våra kunskaper inom informationsdesign och rumslig gestaltning arbetat fram ett förslag, anpassat efter uppdragsgivarens önskemål. Våra uppdragsgivare är Kårhusstiftelsen och Mälardalens studentkår. De ville att inredningskonceptet skulle vara målgruppsanpassat med funktion, flexibilitet och nytänkande i fokus. Då kårpubens personal till största del består av ideell arbetskraft ville de även att inredningskonceptet skulle underlätta det dagliga underhållet av verksamheten. Vi har utfört observation, målgruppsanalys, behovsanalys, enkätundersökning, intervjuer samt utprovningar. Det slutliga konceptförslaget gestaltade vi med hjälp av en digital presentation. I presentationen ingick planritning, 3D visualisationer och inspirationsbilder med möbelval etc. Vi ansåg att den digitala presentationen var ett informativt sätt att få alla inblandade parter att förstå inredningskonceptet och dess fördelar.
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Functionality Classification Filter for WebsitesJärvstråt, Lotta January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate different models and methods for website classification. The websites are classified based on their functionality, in this case specifically whether they are forums, news sites or blogs. The analysis aims at solving a search engine problem, which means that it is interesting to know from which categories in a information search the results come. The data consists of two datasets, extracted from the web in January and April 2013. Together these data sets consist of approximately 40.000 observations, with each observation being the extracted text from the website. Approximately 7.000 new word variables were subsequently created from this text, as were variables based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation. One variable (the number of links) was created using the HTML-code for the web site. These data sets are used both in multinomial logistic regression with Lasso regularization, and to create a Naive Bayes classifier. The best classifier for the data material studied was achieved when using Lasso for all variables with multinomial logistic regression to reduce the number of variables. The accuracy of this model is 99.70 %. When time dependency of the models is considered, using the first data to make the model and the second data for testing, the accuracy, however, is only 90.74 %. This indicates that the data is time dependent and that websites topics change over time.
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Modell för navigering i Scania Multis digitala verkstadshandbokAdelmar, Catrine January 2008 (has links)
Problem Funktioner i tunga fordon går allt mer från att vara mekaniska till att styras med hjälp av elektroniska signaler. För att förstå hur komponenter och system fungerar och ska repareras har mekanikerna Verkstadshandboken till sin hjälp. Från tryckt media har Verkstadshandboken övergått till digital publicering i visningsprodukten Scania Multi. Scania Multi var inledningsvis ett program för reservdelsinformation och har en navigeringsstruktur som är anpassad efter komponenternas placering på fordonet. Det är inte logiskt att hitta information om hur system och komponenter fungerar och ska lagas när man följer en navigeringsstruktur som från början är avsedd för reservdelar, det märks. Mekanikerna som använder Verkstadshandboken i Scania Multi har klagat över att information för reparationer och funktionsbeskrivningar inte finns. Ofta visar det sig att informationen faktiskt finns där men har varit svår att hitta. Metod Vilka risker och hinder finns det som påverkar om man vill eller orkar ta del av information? Olika signaler från vår omgivning påverkar våra val och beteenden och avgör om ett budskap når fram eller inte. Signalerna inverkar alltså på de val vi gör när vi ställs inför en ny situation. För att budskapet ska nå ända fram måste signalen vara rätt, ren och stark. Inom området informationsarkitektur pratar man om hur olika sorters design påverkar våra val och handlingar när vi ska interagera med ett digitalt informationsmaterial. Här pratar man om grafisk, informations- och interaktionsdesign. Jag har kopplat de olika typerna av design med de tre olika signalerna. Utifrån resonemanget om att rätt, ren och stark signal kan jämställas med informationsarkitekturens olika sorters design, gjorde jag en prototyp. Prototypens informationsdesign bygger på att jag har använt och strukturerat informationen med hjälp av den del i ISO standarden STEP som kallas Product Life Cycle Support. När jag sorterade informationen inom de olika avdelningarna använde jag mig av Information Mapping metoden. Prototypen har en fysisk och en funktionell vy som ska stödja mekanikernas behov när de använder Verkstadshandboken. För att ta reda på hur signalerna i prototypen fungerade testade jag den på sju yrkesverksamma mekaniker. Användningstestet byggde på två scenarion med tillhörande uppgifter där syftet var att få återkoppling på prototypens design och hitta förbättringspunkter. Slutsats Användningstesterna fokuserade framförallt på prototypens informationsdesign men berörde även prototypens grafiska design och gav vägledning om interaktionsdesignen var på rätt väg. Med hjälp av användningstesterna kunde jag analysera resultatet för att se vad som borde förbättras. Eftersom mekaniker inte har fått vara med och kravställa designen fick de interagera med en produkt som inte var optimal för deras behov. Mekanikerna är vana vid strukturen i nuvarande Verkstadshandboken i Scania Multi. Den nya strukturen tar hänsyn till fordonets funktionalitet på ett sätt som inte presenteras i dagens system. Det var fyra avsnitt där mekanikernas återkoppling på prototypens design var extra tydlig: - Det var svårt att se knappar och klickbara länkar. - Designen uppfattades som rörig. - När man väl hade förstått informationsdesignen var det lätt att se att den skulle kunna vara till stor hjälp vid exempelvis felsökning. - Uppdelningen av informationen upplevdes positivt när man hade vant sig vid de olika vyerna.
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Open Innovation Software : On Aspects of Functionality and CreativitySjaunja, Knut January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents how and if open innovation software (OIS) supports different types of creativity. The relevant theories and information on how an OIS is designed and, the relevant theories of creativity are used for making a model to test on different OIS. The result shows that most OIS functionality supported the structuralist and situationalist school of creativity but it also shows that the inspirationalist school was poorly supported in the current functionality. With the result we discuss the implications of supporting all types of creativity to support the most of the users and in the end enable more innovations.
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Ergonomic Control Panel Design for a Remotely Operated Agricultural TractorMastorakos, Maria 17 January 2013 (has links)
An ergonomic control panel was designed for a remotely operated agricultural tractor. In order to inform the design, information was collected via ergonomic literature, ride-alongs with tractor operators, and interviews with tractor operators and experienced design professionals. Ride-alongs were used to determine frequency and sequence of use in agricultural tractors. The most frequently used control was the one that controlled the implement being pulled behind the tractor. There was no sequence pattern observed over all the ride-alongs. The control panel design was evaluated using design criteria from the information collected, the Index of Functionality, and the Index of Accessibility. The Index of Functionality was assessed and validated as a tool for ergonomic control panel design. The final design satisfied all the criteria outlined and achieved good index scores.
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