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Occurrence and Importance of Foliar Diseases on Maize (Zea mays L.) in Central EuropeRamos Romero, Lucia 06 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Seleção de linhagens experimentais de soja para tolerância à ferrugem asiática e produtividade / Selection of soybean experimental lines for tolerance to Asian rust and seed yieldPhilip Traldi Wysmierski 14 April 2015 (has links)
A soja é uma cultura de importância econômica fundamental e o Brasil está entre os principais produtores mundiais. A ferrugem asiática, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, é uma doença relativamente recente no Brasil e pode causar grandes perdas na cultura da soja, representadas pela diminuição da produtividade e pelas despesas com aquisição e aplicação de fungicidas. Já existem algumas fontes de genes de resistência vertical para esta doença, mas também já existem casos de quebra de resistência de alguns destes genes principais. A tolerância, definida como a capacidade da planta em suportar o ataque do patógeno sem apresentar perdas significativas, é uma estratégia complementar que pode ser utilizada no controle da ferrugem. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a tolerância à ferrugem asiática em genótipos experimentais derivados de 45 cruzamentos em dialelo 10 x 10 do Setor de Genética Aplicada às Espécies Autógamas do Departamento de Genética/ESALQ/USP por meio de métodos de estimação do efeito ferrugem e da estabilidade fenotípica em combinações de manejos de fungicidas, locais e anos agrícolas, além de identificar linhagens promissoras para inclusão em futuros programas de melhoramento. Os delineamentos experimentais utilizados foram blocos aumentados de Federer nos anos 2011/12 e 2012/13 e blocos ao acaso estratificados em conjuntos em 2013/14. Em cada ano e local foram realizados dois experimentos: manejo 1, com aplicações de fungicidas para o controle da ferrugem e outras doenças fúngicas, incluindo as doenças de final de ciclo; manejo 2, com apenas o controle de outras doenças fúngicas, excluindo-se a ferrugem. O contraste entre estes dois manejos com fungicidas permitiu uma estimativa da tolerância. Além disso, foram utilizadas as medidas de estabilidade-bmg (Pi) e ecovalência (Wi) para quantificar a tolerância relativa entre genótipos. Foram pesquisadas 225 progênies F2:7 em 2011/12; 675 linhagens F7:8 em 2012/13 e as melhores 225 linhagens F7:9 em 2013/14. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que: a) houve evidências claras de tolerância à ferrugem asiática entre e dentro de cruzamentos; b) a estratégia de utilizar a comparação entre diferentes manejos de fungicidas para estimar a tolerância (efeito ferrugem) foi útil para a seleção, mas sofreu instabilidade, apresentando baixas correlações entre anos agrícolas; c) os métodos da estabilidade baseada no melhor genótipo (bmg) e da ecovalência complementaram as informações obtidas do efeito ferrugem e auxiliaram na seleção de linhagens tolerantes; d) avaliações iniciais da severidade de ferrugem (nota de ferrugem NF1) apresentaram baixa precisão, tornando recomendável concentrar as avaliações da severidade após maior tempo de infecção (NF2 e NF3) para melhor eficácia na estimação da tolerância; e) a tolerância estimada pelo peso de cem sementes mostrou baixa correlação com a tolerância estimada para produtividade de grãos, de maneira que o uso combinado dos dois critérios melhorou a eficiência da seleção para tolerância e produtividade; f) na seleção simulada foram identificadas 48 linhagens promissoras para tolerância à ferrugem e produtividade, correspondente a um porcentual de seleção de cerca de 22%. / Soybean is an economically important culture and Brazil is among the largest world producers. Asian rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is a relatively new disease in Brazil and can cause large losses in this culture, represented by yield decreases and increases in costs for fungicide applications. There are some sources of vertical resistance genes for this disease, but there are also cases of resistance breakdown for some of these main genes. Tolerance, defined as the capacity of plants to endure a pathogen attack without significant losses, is a complementary strategy that can be used to control rust. The objective of this research was to study tolerance to Asian rust in experimental genotypes derived from 45 crosses in a 10 x 10 diallel design developed at the Sector of Applied Genetics to Self- Pollinated Crops, Department of Genetics/ESALQ/USP through methods of estimation of the rust effect and of phenotypic stability in combinations of fungicide managements, locations and years, besides identifing promising lines for inclusion in future breeding programs. The experimental designs used were Federer\'s augmented blocks in 2011/12 and 2012/13 and a randomized block design stratified in sets in 2013/14. In each year and location two experiments were performed: management 1, with the application of fungicides to control rust and other fungal diseases, including late season leaf diseases; management 2, only controlling other fungal disease, excluding rust. The contrast between these two managements allowed for an estimate of tolerance. Besides that, the stability based on the best genotype (Pi) and ecovalence (Wi) measurements were also used to estimate relative tolerance between genotypes. In 2011/12 225 F2:7 progenies were evaluated; in 2012/13 675 F7:8 lines were evaluated and the best 225 F7:9 lines were evaluated in 2013/14. The results let to the following conclusions: a) there was clear evidence of tolerance to Asian rust among and within crosses; b) the strategy of comparing different fungicide managements to estimate tolerance (rust effect) was useful, but suffered instability, presenting low correlations among years; c) the methods of superiority or stability based on the best genotype (bmg) and ecovalence complemented the information based on the rust effect and aided in the selection of tolerant lines; d) initial evaluations for rust severity (rust score NF1) had low precision and it was recommended to concentrate on rust tolerance evaluations after longer periods of infection (NF2 and NF3); e) tolerance estimated by means of hundred-seed weights had low correlation with tolerance estimated by seed yield, therefore the combined use of both criteria improved the efficiency of selection for tolerance and seed yield; f) in the simulated selection 48 promising lines were identified for rust tolerance and seed yield, corresponding to approximately 22% selection percentage.
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Estudos de síntese, relação estrutura-atividade e modo de ação de peptídeos antimicrobianos ricos em glicina / Study of glycine-rich antimicrobial peptides: synthesis, structure-activity relationship and mode of actionCesar Manuel Remuzgo Ruiz 06 February 2009 (has links)
Proteínas e peptídeos ricos em glicina são encontrados em animais e plantas. Alguns apresentam atividade antimicrobiana. Como pouco se sabe sobre suas síntese, estrutura, relação estrutura-atividade e mecanismo de ação, tais tópicos foram estudados para os antimicrobianos cheferina I (Chef I) e/ou fragmentos da acantoscurrina (acanto). No que se refere à Chef I (67,9% de Gly, 28,6% de His, seis repetições do motivo GGH e uma Tyr), sintetizamos, purificamos, caracterizamos e testamos Chef I, os seus análogos truncados na(s) porção(ções) N- ou/e C-terminal (is) e os análogos amidados Chef la, Chef I (3-28)a e Chef I (6-28)a. Os três últimos e Chef I foram igualmente ativos frente a cepas de C. albicans (MIC: 12,5 µM), mas não frente a cepas de C. tropicalis e S. cerevisiae. A amidação tornou o análogo Chef I (3-28)a mais ativo frente a tais cepas. Enquanto as atividades antifúngicas de Chef la e de seus análogos foram reduzidas pelo aumento da força iônica, elas foram aumentadas em presença de ZnCl2 5-10 µM. A 62,5 µM a Chef la foi letal para C. albicans MDM8. Ela foi pouco hemolítica em tampão fosfato contendo NaCl ou em tampão glicose fosfato isotônico (100 µM: 18%). Análises por microscopia confocal e citometria de fluxo revelaram que Chef la marcada com carboxifluoresceína (FAM-Chef la) foi rapidamente internalizada nas células de C. albicans MDM8, um processo que não foi afetado pela força iônica do meio e se mostrou dependente de ATP e temperatura. Quanto aos fragmentos da acanto (proteína com 132 aminoácidos, 73% de Gly e 3 repetições de uma seqüência de 26 aminoácidos), estudamos a síntese em fase sólida dos fragmentos N- e C-terminais, acanto (1-22) e acanto (101-132) , respectivamente, e da porção repetitiva, acanto (23-48). Apesar de uma predição teórica não ter indicado alto potencial de agregação para a acanto, as sínteses foram problemáticas: a ocorrência de aminoacilações incompletas repetitivas a 60° C usando diferentes estratégias, resinas, reagentes acopladores, solventes e sais caotrópicos sugeriram a ocorrência de agregação das cadeias peptídicas em crescimento sobre as resinas O uso da resina CLEAR amida permitiu a obtenção do acanto (113-132). Tentativa de síntese convergente em fase sólida não foi bem sucedida. Espectros Raman das peptidil-resinas obtidas confirmaram a presença de estruturas em folha β pregueada. Somente o uso combinado de resina CLEAR amida, 60°C, 20% DMSO/NMP, Fmoc-(Fmoc-Hmb)Gly-OH e LiCI permitiram a síntese total de acanto (101-132) . O uso da resina CLEAR ácida permitiu a síntese do fragmento acanto (23-48) e acanto (10-22) , esta última durante a tentativa de síntese do acanto (1-22) . Os rendimentos foram baixissimos e os espectros Raman das peptidil-resinas correspondentes também indicaram a formação de folhas β pregueadas. Estes resultados indicaram que Chef I (3-28)a mimetiza Chef I, que Chef la é um fungicida potente com alvo intracelular, que a internalização do seu análogo marcado na célula de levedura ocorra via endocitose, que a Chef la tem potencial para agir como uma droga de uso tópico e que os fragmentos de acanto são \"difficult sequences\" típicas. / Proteins and peptides with high content of glycine have been found in animais and plants. Some of them display antimicrobial activity. As little is known about their chemical synthesis, structure, structure-activity relationship and mode of action, we studied such topics using shepherin I (Shep I) and fragments of acanthoscurrin (acantho) as targets. Concerning to Shep I (67.9% of Gly, 28.6% of His, six direct repeats of the motif GGH and one Tyr), we synthesized, purified, characterized and tested Shep I, its analogues truncated at the N- and/or C-terminal portions and the amidated analogues Shep la, Shep I (3-28)a and Shep I (6-28)a. The last three analogues and Shep I were equally active against C. albicans (MIC: 12.5 µM) strains, but not against C. tropicalis and S. cerevisiae strains. Cterminal amidation made Shef I (3-28)a more active against those fungai strains. Anticandidal activities of Shep la and truncated analogues were inhibited in high ionic strength solutions, but enhanced at 10 µM ZnCI (2 to 8-fold). At 62.5 µM (5 MIC), Shep la killed C. albicans MDM8 in 30 mino It caused low hemolysis in phosphate buffered saline and isotonic glucose phosphate buffer (100 µM: 18%). Confocal microscopy and flow cytometry analyses revealed that Shep I modified with carboxyfluorescein (FAM-Shep la) was rapidly internalized into C. albicans MDM8 cells, process not affected by ionic strength and showed to be energy and temperature-dependent. As to the fragments of acantho (a protein with 132 amino acids, 73% of Gly, and three repeats of 26 amino acids), we studied solid-phase syntheses of the N- and C-terminal portions, acantho (1-22) and acantho (101-132), respectively, and of the repetitive portion, acantho (23-48). A theoretical prediction did not indicate high aggregation potential for acantho, but solid-phase syntheses were troublesome: repetitive incomplete aminoacylations took place even at 60°C using different strategies, resins, coupling reagents, solvents and chaotropic salts, suggesting aggregation of the growing peptide chains. Change to CLEAR amide resin allowed obtaining acantho (113-132) . Attempt using convergent solid phase synthesis was not successful. Raman spectra of the growingpeptidyl-resins revealed pleated β-sheet structures. Only the combination of CLEAR amide resin, 60°C, 20% DMSO/NMP, Fmoc-(Fmoc-Hmb)Gly-OH and LiCl allowed the total synthesis of acantho (101-132). The use of CLEAR acid resin also allowed obtaining the fragments acantho (23-48) and acantho (10-22), the last one during the attempt of the synthesis of acantho (1-22). The synthesis yields were extremely low and, again, the Raman spectra of the growing peptide-resins indicated the occurrence of pleated β-sheet structures. Altogether, the results indicated that Shep l (3-28)a mimics the fungicidal activity of Shep l, Shep la is a potent anticandidacidal peptide that has an intracellular target, FAM Shep la may be internalized into the fungai cells via endocytosis, Shep la has the potential to act as a drug for topical use and acantho fragments are typical difficult sequences.
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Garlic dry rot: a comprehensive study from field to fork on casual agents and disease managementMONDANI, LETIZIA 31 March 2021 (has links)
L’aglio è coltivato a livello mondiale nelle regioni temperate, secondo la FAO nel 2016 1.5 milioni di ettari sono stati destinati a questa coltura. A partire dal 2002 Fusarium proliferatum è stato segnalato come principale agente causale del marciume secco dell’aglio in post raccolta. I sintomi sono identificabili come macchie necrotiche sui bulbilli e in presenza di forti infezioni è possibile osservare la presenza di micelio bianco. F. proliferatum è un patogeno in grado di produrre Fumonisina B1 e B2, micotossine che potrebbero accumularsi all’interno dei bulbi ed essere tossiche per il consumatore. In Italia nel 2012 il 30% del raccolto è stato perso a causa di questo patogeno. Essendo la Fusariosi una malattia emergente a livello mondiale in letteratura si trovano ancora scarse informazioni sul suo sviluppo a livello di campo e sulle strategie di contenimento.
1. Allo scopo di verificare la quantità di inoculo fungino presente nell’ambiente si è proceduto all’analisi dei suoli in presemina con specifica attenzione alla quantificazione e all’identificazione delle specie fungine presenti. A tale scopo è stata eseguita: la conta delle Unità Formanti Colonia per grammo di terreno (UFC/g) su terreni specifici per l’isolamento del genere Fusarium spp. per grammo di terreno. Le identificazioni sono state eseguite al microscopio ottico e confermate successivamente con metodi molecolari.
2. Per seguire l’avanzamento della malattia durante la stagione colturale, invece, si è proceduto al campionamento in tre fasi fenologiche (inizio formazione dei bulbilli BBCH 15, ingrossamento dei bulbilli BBCH 45, maturazione di raccolta BBCH 49) con caratterizzazione dei sintomi, isolamento e riconoscimento dei funghi associati al marciume.
3. Per verificare la correlazione tra andamento meteo e incidenza delle specie fungine associate al marciume secco, sono stati raccolti i dati di meteorologici relativi al totale delle piogge, ai gradi giorno, all’umidità relativa media e alla temperatura media nei quadrati corrispondenti alle aziende agricole oggetto di studio. I dati sono stati correlati attraverso il coefficiente di correlazione di Pearson con i valori di gravità e incidenza della malattia stimati a fine stagione colturale.
4. Per verificare l’insorgenza dalla malattia nella fase di post raccolta si è proceduto con campionamenti di bulbi in conservazione, posa in piastra di bulbilli sintomatici e asintomatici e calcolo dell’incidenza delle specie fungine associate ai sintomi del marciume.
5. Al fine di verificare la possibile presenza di fumonisine nei campioni analizzati durante la stagione colturale e nel post raccolta, si è proceduto all’analisi attraverso HPLC di estratti di aglio.
6. Per individuare possibili strategie di controllo della malattia durante la stagione colturale sono stati eseguiti test di efficacia di prodotti chimici e biologici in vitro e in campo. I prodotti chimici sono stati provati su PDA modificato inoculato centralmente con F. proliferatum, mentre per gli agenti di biocontrollo sono state allestite prove di coltura duale. La prova in campo, invece, è stata eseguita all’interno di un campo sperimentale a strip plot. L’aglio delle diverse tesi è stato conservato in cella frigorifera per 9 mesi, per valutare la persistenza dei prodotti utilizzati alla concia.
I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato che F. proliferatum e F. oxysporum sono le specie maggiormente associate al marciume dell’aglio durante la stagione colturale. L’andamento delle due specie è complementare e varia a seconda dell’andamento meteorologico della stagione colturale. F. proliferatum è correlato positivamente con l’aumento della temperatura e delle piogge, mentre F. oxysporum sembra prevalere nelle stagioni meno piovose ed ha mostrato correlazione positiva con la gravità dei sintomi rilevati in campo sulle corone.
La carica micotica di Fusarium nel terreno rimane costante negli anni di analisi, facendo presupporre un maggiore ruolo del seme nella trasmissione della malattia.
Per quanto riguarda il post raccolta, invece, F. proliferatum risulta la specie isolata con maggiore frequenza dai bulbilli e si correla positivamente ai sintomi rilevati sugli spicchi, confermando il suo ruolo come agente causale del marciume secco durante lo stoccaggio. F. oxysporum, invece, colonizza in prevalenza le radici e la parte basale della pianta dividendo il patosistema in due subsistemi: F. proliferatum-bulbi; F. oxysporum-radici. F. proliferatum è stato isolato anche dagli spicchi asintomatici con frequenza del 25%, ed è stato possibile rilevare la presenza di fumonisine con l’avanzare del tempo di stoccaggio in cella. Essendo il fungo presente anche sugli spicchi asintomatici maggiori studi saranno necessari per garantire la sicurezza dei consumatori. Infine, dalle prove di concia in campo è emerso che il principio attivo Tebuconazolo, riduce la comparsa dei sintomi da Fusarium, ma non in modo risolutivo. Ciononostante, una volta che il prodotto viene riportato a temperatura ambiente dopo lo stoccaggio in cella refrigerata, l’incidenza di F. proliferatum aumenta nuovamente con possibilità di sviluppo di danni al prodotto da commercializzare. / Since 2002, Fusarium proliferatum has been reported as the main causal agent of garlic dry rot during the postharvest stage, but information on the development of the disease throughout the production chain was nearly absent. Dry rot has caused huge economic losses in the past few years (up to 30 % of the yield), symptoms are visible on bulbs during storage as necrotic spots and in the most severe attacks, white mycelium may become visible on cloves. Few pest management strategies were tested in the recent past, but none were satisfactory. Due to the economic effect that this pathogen can have on local productions, the thesis aimed to deeply investigate the pathosystem with a field to fork approach and to test new strategies to control fungal infections.
First of all, the work focused on garlic (Allium sativum L.) cropping season, intending to clarify the role of F. proliferatum in bulb infection as well as the impact of crop growing conditions on the development of the pathogen. A 3-year study was conducted in Piacenza (northern Italy) by sampling six garlic farms with different dry rot history (three highly contaminated and three low contaminated). Soil samples were recovered at sowing time for the counting of fungal colony-forming units (CFU). Plant samples were collected at three relevant growth stages, from April to July, for which disease severity assessment and fungi isolations were performed. Fusarium was the most frequently isolated genus, and F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum the dominant species during the garlic cropping season. F. oxysporum was dominant in the first year of the study, but F. proliferatum registered the highest incidence in all the farms tested. F. oxysporum incidence was correlated with dry weather, whereas F. proliferatum was enhanced in rainy years. To conclude, F. proliferatum is confirmed to be associated with garlic bulbs, even at crop’s early growth stages and symptoms are visible mainly on roots and basal plates at the field stage, related to F. oxysporum.
Then, the focus was made in detecting the presence of F. proliferatum on garlic bulbs during prolonged storage, and to identify other fungal species associated with garlic dry rot. Moreover, fumonisin contamination in symptomatic and asymptomatic cloves were detected. Samples of 100 plants were collected over three production seasons in six farms located in Northern Italy at three-time points (at harvest, processing, and 6 months storage at –4° C). Results obtained lead to think that Fusarium–garlic pathosystem is split into two parts: basal plate/root and bulb. F. proliferatum had the highest incidence in infected bulbs and was confirmed as the causal agent of postharvest dry rot in garlic (mean incidence: 35.4%). F. oxysporum co-occurred with F. proliferatum but symptoms were visible only on basal plate/root. Dry rot incidence slightly increased during cold storage (from 14.6% at processing to 18.4% at 6-month storage); although, F. proliferatum incidence was stable during cold storage, fumonisin were produced from harvest through storage. Cloves showing symptoms were more contaminated compared to those asymptomatic, both by the fungus (mean incidence 39% vs 25.3%) and the toxin (287.0 vs 24.4 µg kg-1). Therefore, cold storage limits garlic dry rot, but health concerns related to fumonisin should be seriously considered.
Regarding disease management, garlic crop is commonly propagated by plant parts (cloves). To protect garlic crop from early growth stages it is important to find commercial products able to control the pathogen growth on seedlings. The experiment aimed to test in vitro and in vivo the efficacy of triazoles and biocontrol agents (BCAs) against F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum. In in vitro trials, the best performance was achieved by propiconazole+prochloraz (100%), followed by tebuconazole (88.9%). BCAs were less effective but still showed great capacity to control the pathogen with maximum growth inhibition of 80% (Trichoderma harzianum +T. gamsii). In both cases, temperature influenced the capacity to control the pathogen with minimum effect at 25°C compared to lower temperatures. In vivo bacterial BCAs showed a similar capacity to control Fusaria compared to chemical products (mean of severity index 18.6% and 11.7%, respectively) and did not show side effects on root length. In vitro and in vivo results are comparable, except for Trichoderma, with the worst performances in terms of disease severity on plants.
Finally, a field trial was designed to verify the efficacy of chemical and biological active ingredients as seed coating both at crop stage and postharvest, simulating the entire production chain, by taking into account visible symptoms and incidence of fungi. All products tested reduced the severity of symptoms on basal plates at the field stage, but none of them was able to reduce Fusarium incidence. A postharvest analysis conducted on bulbs demonstrated the efficacy of Tebuconazole, B. subtilis, and Trichoderma+B. subtilis in reducing the number of cloves showing symptoms per bulb (mean 34.3% vs control 45.8%). Moreover, Tebuconazole was able to reduce the incidence of F. proliferatum by 48% with respect to untreated control. The trial highlighted also that the incidence of F. proliferatum increased by 37% when garlic bulbs were kept for 15 days at room temperature simulating storage at consumers houses. Results obtained in the trial are promising and seed coating had a positive effect on garlic dry rot postharvest; although further studies are needed to test the persistence of seed coating treatments after prolonged storage period, especially when the product is kept outside cold chambers.
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Seed and Seedling Disease of Corn and Soybean in Ohio: The Role of Fusarium graminearum, Pythium species diversity, fungicide sensitivity, Pythium community composition, and soil properties in disease severityBroders, Kirk Dale 05 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Étude de l'exposition au captane de travailleurs agricoles québécois à l'aide d'un modèle biomathématique et par l'étude de biomarqueurs de l'expositionPaitier, Maëlys 12 1900 (has links)
Le captane est un fongicide utilisé pour prévenir l’apparition de champignons notamment dans la culture de petits fruits. Les travailleurs agricoles québécois cultivant les petits fruits sont susceptibles d’être exposés au captane dans leur milieu professionnel. La biosurveillance de l’exposition au captane couplée à la modélisation toxicocinétique permet une évaluation du risque de ces travailleurs agricoles. Ainsi, cette étude avait pour objectif de documenter la pertinence de l’utilisation des profils temporels de biomarqueurs d’exposition au captane dans l’urine pour évaluer l’exposition individuelle de travailleurs agricoles. À partir des profils d’excrétion urinaire de l’acide 2-thioxothiazolidine-4-carboxylique (TTCA), des informations auto-rapportées durant la période de suivi et d’un modèle toxicocinétique, les doses absorbées de captane pour chaque travailleur ont été estimées et les principales voies d’exposition ont été déterminées. Parmi les six travailleurs ayant appliqué du captane, le TTCA a été détecté dans leurs urines majoritairement après 20 heures post-exposition (moyenne de 30,0 ± 36,1 μmol/mol de créatinine entre 0 - 24 heures). La détection de TTCA semble donc être due à une exposition secondaire à l’application provenant de tâches telles que le nettoyage de l’équipement ou un travail dans les champs traités dans la journée suivant l’application. La simulation des profils temporels des travailleurs à l’aide de la modélisation toxicocinétique suggère une absorption majoritairement par voie orale du captane. Ceci serait compatible avec un comportement main-bouche suite à un contact avec des surfaces contaminées. Selon la modélisation des doses absorbées estimées de captane, la probabilité de dépassement de la dose journalière admissible (DJA) ou Acceptable daily intake (ADI en anglais) est inférieure à 1 (DJA fixée à 0,1 mg/kg pc/jour). L’utilisation de ce fongicide à court terme ne semble pas poser de risque appréciable pour la santé chez la majorité de ces travailleurs, sur la base de la comparaison avec la DJA (ADI). / Captan is a fungicide used to prevent the appearance of fungi especially in the cultivation of small fruit. Agricultural workers in Quebec who grow small fruit are likely to be occupationally exposed to captan. Biomonitoring of captan coupled with toxicokinetic modelling enables risk assessment of these field workers. The aim of this study was to document the relevance of using temporal profiles of biomarkers of exposure to captan in urine to assess the individual exposure of agricultural field workers. Using urinary excretion profiles for 2-thioxothiazolidine-4-carboxilic acid (TTCA), self-reported information during the follow-up period and a toxicokinetic model, the absorbed doses of captan for each worker were estimated. The main routes of exposure were also determined. Among the six agricultural field workers who applied captan, TTCA was detected in their urine mainly after 20 hours post-exposure (mean of 30.0 ± 36.1 μmol/mol creatinine between 0 and 24 hours). The detection of TTCA seems to be caused by secondary exposure to the application arising from tasks such as cleaning equipment or working in the treated fields on the day following application. Simulation of the temporal profiles of workers using toxicokinetic modelling suggests a predominantly oral absorption to captan. This would be compatible with hand-to-mouth behaviour following contact with contaminated surfaces. Based on modelling of estimated absorbed doses of captan, the probability of exceeding the acceptable daily intake (ADI) is less than 1 (ADI set at 0.1 mg/kg bw/day). Short-term use of this fungicide does not appear to pose any appreciable health risk for the majority of these workers based on comparison with the ADI.
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Differences in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) microbial compatibility and/ or their associated farming practices may influence root fungi of the following crop and affect the yield. The main objective of this research was to explain the difference in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) yield the year after pea and chickpea crops through changes in the functional diversity of wheat root fungi. The effect of fungicides used on chickpea on the root fungi of a following durum wheat crop was studied using plate culture and pyrosequencing. Pyrosequencing detected more Fusarium spp. in the roots of durum wheat after fungicide-treated chickpea than in non-fungicide treated chickpea. Plate culture revealed that the functional groups of fungi responded differently to fungicide use in the field but the effect on total community was non-significant. Highly virulent pathogens were not affected, but antagonists were suppressed. More fungal antagonists were detected after the chickpea CDC Luna than CDC Vanguard. Fungal species responded differently to the use of fungicides in vitro, but the aggregate inhibition effect on antagonists and highly virulent pathogens was similar.
The effect of chickpea vs. pea previous crop and different chickpea termination times on root fungi of a following durum wheat crop was studied. The abundance of Fusarium spp. increased after cultivation of both cultivars of chickpea as compared to pea according to pyrosequencing and was negatively correlated with durum yield. Plate culture analysis revealed that fungal antagonists were more prevalent after pea than both cultivars of chickpea and chickpea CDC Vanguard increased the abundance of highly virulent pathogens. The abundance of highly virulent pathogens in durum wheat roots was negatively correlated to durum yield. Early termination of chickpea did not change the community of culturable fungi in the roots of a following durum crop.
It is noteworthy that Fusarium redolens was identified for the first time in Saskatchewan and its pathogenicity was confirmed on durum wheat, pea and chickpea. The classical method of root disease diagnostics in cereals is based on the examination of the subcrown internode. I evaluated the method by comparing the fungal communities associated with different subterranean organs of durum wheat. The fungal community of the subcrown internode was different from that of roots and crown, suggesting cautious use of this method.
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Stanovení vybraných strobilurinových pesticidů v ječmeni, sladu a pivu / Analysis of selected strobilurine pesticides in barley, malt and beerStehlík, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work is aimed determination of strobilurine pesticide in barly, malt and berr. Identifikation of strobilurine was made according to mass spectra library and base of commercialy standard. The next quantifikation in samples was made. The work consist of three main parts refer about problems. In therotical part is the method of plant, grown protection. This part is about pesticides and their fission, history and effects. In experimental part is method for determination strobilurine. In part results and discussion are all result and data in tables a graphs. At the end is sumed up result this work.
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Mancozeb in natural water sources in the Vhembe District and the possible endocrine disrupting activity/potential there-ofSeshoka, M. F. 21 September 2018 (has links)
MSc (Zoology) / Department of Zoology / Many chemicals released into the environment are believed to disrupt normal endocrine functions in humans and animals. These endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) affect reproductive health and development. A major group of EDCs that could be responsible for reproductive effects are those that mimic natural oestrogens, known as xeno-oestrogens. A number of in vivo and in vitro screening strategies are being developed to identify and classify xeno-oestrogens, in order to determine whether they pose a health risk to humans and animals. It is also important to be able to apply the assays to environmental samples for monitoring purposes. Oestrogens and androgens mediate their activity via intracellular receptors – directly in muscular tissue as well as indirectly via stimulation of growth hormones from the pituitary glands and other growth factors from liver plus several other organs. Mancozeb is a metal ethylenebisdithiocarbamate (EBDC) fungicide used to protect many fruits and vegetables and field crops against pathogenic fungal. It causes a variety of defects on the female reproductive system in experimental animals and is therefore considered a suspected EDC. This fungicide can also induce toxic effects in cells of the immune system and other non-immune cells leading to genotoxicity and apoptosis. The mechanisms of EDCs involve divergent pathways including (but not limited to) oestrogenic, antiandrogenic, thyroid receptors; that are highly conserved in wildlife and humans, and which can be modelled in laboratory in vitro and in vivo models. The endocrine disrupting properties of Mancozeb are not known as of yet and therefore the T47D-KBluc reporter gene assay, GH3.TRE-Luc and MDA-kb2 reporter gene assay were used determine the possible endocrine disrupting activity/potential there-of. No activity was detected in any of the assays and no mancozeb was detected in any of the dams either. Oestrogenic activity was detected in Albasini Dam, Nandoni Dam and Xikundu weir but all values were below 0.7 ng/ℓ trigger value for oestrogenic activity in drinking water. / NRF
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Effects of High Intensity Management of Winter Wheat on Grain Yield, Straw Yield, Grain Quality, and Economic ReturnsPeterson, Todd January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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