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Characterization and management of major fungal diseases and mycotoxin contamination of grain sorghum in the mid-Atlantic U.S.Acharya, Bhupendra 11 June 2019 (has links)
Industry demand for local sources of grain for animal feed has increased sorghum production in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. Sorghum anthracnose (causal agent Colletotrichum sublineola) and the grain mold complex, which includes mycotoxin-producing Fusarium spp., limit the yield and quality of grain sorghum in humid climates worldwide. A majority of U.S. grain sorghum production is in arid regions, and management strategies have not been developed for the mid-Atlantic U.S. where warm, wet conditions favor disease. The specific objectives of this research were to: (1) determine the effectiveness of fungicides and their application timing for the management of sorghum foliar anthracnose, (2) compare five grain sorghum hybrids for their susceptibility to foliar anthracnose, grain mold and mycotoxin contamination under field conditions, (3) integrate host resistance and fungicide application to manage anthracnose and grain mold, and (4) identify Fusarium spp. associated with grain mold and mycotoxin contamination of sorghum in the mid-Atlantic U.S. For Objective 1, it was determined that a single application of pyraclostrobin-containing fungicide no later than flowering reduced anthrancose, protected yield and maximized farm income. Objective 2 focused on sorghum hybrid selection as a disease management tactic, and it was determined that hybrids with high yield potential and moderate disease resistance should be selected for mid-Atlantic sorghum production in order to maximize grain yield and quality while minimizing the need for fungicide inputs. Objective 3 focused on integrated management and demonstrated that under moderate disease pressure, a high-yielding susceptible hybrid required a single application of pyraclostrobin-based fungicide to minimize fungal diseases and maintain acceptable yields, whereas under high disease pressure it was necessary to integrate hybrid resistance and judicous applications of fungicides. The aim of Objective 4 was to characterize potential causal agents of mycotoxin contamination in mid-Atlantic sorghum, and thirteen phylogenetically distinct Fusarium species (F. lacertarum, F. graminearum. F. armeniacum, F. proliferatum, F. fujikuroi, F. verticillioides, F. thapsinum and several in Fusarium incarnatum-equiseti species complex) were found to be associated with grain mold and fumonisin and/or deoxynivalenol contamination of sorghum grain. This work has provided insights into the impacts of fungal diseases on grain sorghum yield and quality in the mid-Atlantic and has aided in development of best management practices for the region. / Doctor of Philosophy / Sorghum is grown in tropics, sub-tropics and semi-arid region worldwide for food, feed, forage and fuel. Sorghum acreage in the mid-Atlantic is increasing due the demand for locally grown grain by poultry and swine industries. During the growing season, warm and humid conditions are common in the southeastern and mid-Atlantic states favoring fungal diseases development that reduce the grain yield and quality. Anthracnose and grain mold, which includes toxic mycotoxin-producing Fusarium species, are the two major constraints in sorghum production in the region. However, management alternatives have not been developed. The main goal of this research was to develop management strategies to protect yield and maximize farm profitability by controlling anthracnose and grain mold of sorghum using chemicals and/or host resistance. The specific objectives were to: (1) determine the effectiveness of fungicides and their application timing for the management of sorghum foliar anthracnose, (2) compare grain sorghum hybrids for their susceptibility to foliar anthracnose, grain mold and mycotoxin contamination under field conditions, (3) assess the value of integrating host resistance and judicious use of fungicides to manage sorghum anthracnose and grain mold, and (4) identify Fusarium spp. associated with grain mold and mycotoxin contamination of sorghum in the mid-Atlantic U.S. Results from this research indicate that a single application of pyraclostrobin-containing fungicides no later than flowering reduces anthrancose, protects yield, and increases farm income. Sorghum hybrids varied in susceptibility to anthrancnose and grain mold, and planting a moderately resistant hybrid and applying a fungicide under high disease risk conditions provided the greatest return on investment. Both fumonisin and deoxynivalenol were frequently detected from sorghum grain, and mycotoxin contamination was associated with 13 different Fusarium species from three distinct species complexes. Based on the results of this work, best management practices for minimizing sorghum disease losses were developed for the mid-Atlantic region.
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Identification et détection d'une nouvelle espèce de Fusarium pathogène sur la tomate de serre en Amérique du NordMoine, Lauriane 19 April 2018 (has links)
Récemment, un nouvel agent pathogène a causé d’importants dommages sur la tomate de serre dans un complexe au centre du Québec et au nord des États-Unis. À partir d’échantillons de plants infectés, des colonies produisant des macroconidies typiques de Fusarium spp. ont systématiquement été isolées. Le séquençage des régions ITS et tef de ces isolats, suivi de tests de pathogénicité, ont permis d’identifier Fusarium striatum comme l’agent pathogène. Il s’agit du premier rapport de cet agent pathogène au Canada. Suite à son identification, un test de dépistage moléculaire a été mis au point afin de détecter l’agent pathogène directement à partir des tissus végétaux. Les amorces développées ont été suffisamment spécifiques et sensibles pour détecter l’agent pathogène avant même l’apparition des symptômes. Nos résultats semblent indiquer que l’inoculum de F. striatum aurait été introduit dans les deux complexes de serre par les transplants provenant de leur fournisseur commun.
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Évaluation du contenu en mycotoxines de différents hybrides de maïs-grain cultivés au QuébecParvarandeh-Farimani, Nafiseh 23 April 2018 (has links)
Comme les grains de maïs peuvent être infectés par certaines espèces de Fusarium qui produisent des mycotoxines pouvant affecter la santé des animaux, il est essentiel d’évaluer la qualité des grains pour assurer la performance des élevages. Les objectifs de ce projet sont de vérifier le contenu en mycotoxines des grains de différents hybrides de maïs soumis à plusieurs environnements et d’évaluer l’effet d’un fongicide foliaire sur la présence de mycotoxines. Généralement, les concentrations en mycotoxines [désoxynivalénol (DON), T2, zéaralénone (ZEN) et fumonisine (FUM)] des différents hybrides sont en-dessous des seuils critiques. Les concentrations en DON varient selon les hybrides, les années et les zones climatiques. Certains hybrides montrent une résistance stable, peu importe le site et l’année alors que la zone 3 (2300 à 2500 UTM) a été plus propice au développement du DON. L’application de fongicide n’a pas d’effet sur la production en mycotoxines.
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Fusarium verticillioides è l’agente responsabile della Fusariosi della Spiga del mais, contamina la granella con fumonisine, micotossine responsabili di diverse patologie umane e animali.
Per la resistenza alla fusariosi e all’accumulo di fumonisine esiste variabilità tra genotipi diversi ma non sono ancora disponibili ibridi immuni.
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato quello di individuare marcatori associati alla resistenza a F. verticillioides.
Mediante un bioassay è stato testato un association panel per la resistenza a F. verticillioides.
Al fine di identificare i marcatori di resistenza sono stati applicati un approccio GWAS e uno per geni candidati.
L’analisi GWAS è stata eseguita con 227K SNPs restituendo 206 marcatori significativi.
Da un lavoro di RNASequencing sono stati individuati i geni coinvolti nella risposta a F. verticillioides mentre i geni R sono stati recuperati della letteratura scientifica.
Genotipi resistenti (CO433 e CO441) e suscettibili (CO354 e CO389) sono stati scelti per individuare polimorfismi nei geni candidati da associare ai fenotipi rilevati mediante il bioassay. Quattro marcatori sono risultati significativi.
Infine, la correlazione tra l’incidenza della fusariosi rilevata in campo e mediante bioassay è stata analizzata in una popolazione di 172 RIL derivanti da CO441 x CO354, tuttavia, non è stata individuata alcuna corrispondenza. / Fusarium verticillioides is the causal agent of Fusarium ear rot (FER) in maize and contaminates grains with fumonisin, a family of mycotoxins involved in several human and animal diseases. Quantitative genetic variation exists for resistance to FER and fumonisin contamination among genotypes, however, resistant maize hybrids are currently not available.
The aim of this work was the identification of genetic markers associated to resistance against F. verticillioides.
A bioassay was used to screen inbred lines of the maize association population for FER resistance, GWAS and candidate gene approaches were applied to identify markers.
GWAS was performed using a 227K SNP matrix and resulting in 206 significant markers.
Genes involved in F. verticillioides response in developing maize kernels were retrieved from a previous RNASequencing study while maize R genes were retrieved from scientific literature. Resistant (CO433 and CO441) and susceptible genotypes (CO389 and CO354) were selected to amplify and sequence candidate genes. Polymorphisms detected were used to find association with phenotypes scored using the bioassay. Four significant markers were found.
Finally, the correlation between FER phenotypes scored in field experiments and bioassay phenotypes was investigated. A population of 172 RILs (CO441 x CO354), was tested. No correlation was found.
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Synthèse d’aminosucres conduisant à des biocides d’origine naturelleMuhizi, Théoneste 24 October 2008 (has links)
Au cours de ce travail, différents glucosylamines et aminodésoxyglucoses ont été synthétisés et caractérisés par différentes méthodes spectroscopiques dont l’IRTF, la RMN 1H, 13C et MALDI-Tof MS. L’étude des propriétés biologiques de ces molécules réalisée, d’une part, avec deux champignons du bois, Coriolus versicolor et Poria placenta, et d’autre part, avec trois microorganismes potentiellement rencontrés dans des aliments, Listeria innocua, Salmonella typhimurium et Fusarium proliferatum ont indiqué une contribution positive de la N-alkylation, du degré de N-substitution et de la quaternisation sur l’inhibition de leur croissance. Par ailleurs, l’impact sur la bioactivité, de la position du groupe amine sur le sucre, a été étudié. Il a été montré que la position du groupe amine sur le C-1 du glucose conduisait à une activité antifongique contre C. versicolor et P. placenta plus prononcée alors que la position C-3 du glucose était favorable à une activité antimicrobienne contre L. innocua et S. typhimurium. / In this study different glucosylamines and amino desoxyglucoses were synthesized and characterised using various spectroscopic methods including IRFT, both 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and MALDI-Tof MS. Biological assessment of these compounds realised with two wood decay fungi, Coriolus versicolor and Poria placenta on one hand, and with three food microorganisms Listeria innocua, Salmonella typhimurium and Fusarium proliferatum on other hand, indicated a positive impact of both N-alkylation and degree of N-substitution and quaternisation on their growth inhibition. Furthermore, a biological impact of the amine position on sugar was studied. It was found that amine function attached to the C-1 of glucose conducted to the best antifungal activity against both C. versicolor and P. placenta while that fixed on the C-3 of glucose was indicated for antibacterial activity against L. innocua and S. typhimurium.
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Estudo da interação entre a broca da cana-de-açúcar Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) e fungos oportunistas Colletotrichum falcatum e Fusarium verticillioides / Study of sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and opportunist fungi Colletotrichum falcatum and Fusarium verticillioides interactionGallan, Diego Zanardo 26 April 2019 (has links)
Em cana-de-açúcar, a colonização do caule por fungos oportunistas, como Fusarium verticillioides e Colletotrichum falcatum, está diretamente ligada ao ataque da lagarta Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Duas proteínas, SUGARWIN1 e SUGARWIN2 são produzidas em cana-de-açúcar, em resposta ao dano mecânico e ao ataque de D. saccharalis, porém estas proteínas não afetam o inseto, e sim ocasionam alterações fisiológicas e morfológicas em F. verticillioides e C. falcatum, ocasionando a morte destes fungos por apoptose. Dietas artificiais suplementadas com estes fungos oportunistas ocasionaram o ganho de peso da D. saccharalis. Esses dados indicam uma interação mais íntima entre o inseto e estes patógenos de cana, sendo que, neste estudo procuramos identificar relações simbióticas entre os indivíduos, analisando se a forma de transmissão desses fungos é mediado pela D. saccharalis. Os resultados mostraram a presença do F. verticillioides em todas as fases de desenvolvimento da D. saccharalis após contato com o fungo, ou seja, depois de se alimentarem em dieta suplementada por F. verticillioides no 4º instar, permaneceram infectadas pelo fungo ao longo de toda a fase pupal e adulta, em ambos os sexos. Além disso, o F. verticillioides foi transmitido para os descendentes de D. saccharalis, sendo que o fungo foi detectado nos ovos, ou seja, um caso original de transmissão vertical. Por meio de microscopia, também foi possível verificar a alta intensidade de F. verticillioides no interior do intestino de lagartas. Estes dados inferem em uma relação simbiótica entre F. verticillioides e D. saccharalis, onde o simbionte é transferido verticalmente para as gerações subsequentes. As respostas obtidas com o fungo C. falcatum diferiram daquelas obtidas com F. verticillioides, uma vez que não se detectou a presença do fungo a partir da fase pupal. Neste caso, a relação de simbiose entre o fungo e o inseto pode resultar em uma transmissão horizontal. Com este estudo foi possível identificar diferentes formas de transmissão por D. saccharalis para dois fungos envolvidos em podridão de colmo em cana-de-açúcar. Estes dados mudam a forma como é vista a transmissão de F. verticillioides por D. saccharalis em cana-de-açúcar, podendo influenciar a forma de manejo da podridão de Fusarium e da broca nos canaviais. / In sugarcane, stem colonization by opportunistic fungi, such as Fusarium verticillioides and Colletotrichum falcatum, is directly linked to the attack of Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) caterpillar. Two proteins, SUGARWIN1 and SUGARWIN2 are produced in sugarcane, in response to mechanical damage and attack of D. saccharalis, however these proteins do not affect the insect, but cause physiological and morphological changes in F. verticillioides and C. falcatum, causing the death of these fungi by apoptosis. Artificial diets supplemented with these opportunistic fungi caused the weight gain of D. saccharalis. These data indicate a more intimate interaction between the insect and the sugarcane pathogens. In this study, we sought to identify symbiotic relationship among individuals, analyzing whether the transmission of these fungi is mediated by D. saccharalis. The results showed the presence of F. verticillioides in all stages of D. saccharalis development after contact with the fungus, in the 4th instar. The caterpillars remained infect by the fungus throughout the pupal and adult phase, in both sexes. In addition, F. verticillioides was transmitted to D. saccharalis offspring, being detected in eggs, an original case of vertical transmission. Through the microscopy results, it was also possible to verify the high intensity of F. verticillioides inside the intestines of caterpillar. These data infer in a symbiotic relationship between F. verticillioides and D. saccharalis, where the symbiont is transferred vertically to the offspring. The responses obtained with C. falcatum differed from those obtained with F. verticillioides, since the presence of the fungus was not detected from the pupal phase. In this case, the symbiont relationship between fungus and insect can result in a horizontal transmission. With this study was possible to identify different forms of fungi transmission by D. saccharalis. These data change the way the transmission of F. verticillioides by D. saccharalis in sugarcane is viewed, and may influence the management of Fusarium rot and sugarcane borer attack in sugarcane.
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Unraveling sugarcane-Diatraea saccharalis-opportunistic fungi interaction in sugarcane / Desvendando a interação cana-de-açúcar-Diatraea saccharalis-fungos oportunistas em cana-de-açúcarFranco, Flávia Pereira 10 March 2017 (has links)
Plants respond to insect and pathogen attack by inducing and accumulating a large set of defense proteins. Colonization of sugarcane stalk by opportunistic fungi, such as Fusarium verticillioides and Colletotrichum falcatum, usually occurs after Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Cambridae) caterpillars attack increasing the damage caused by the borer. Two homologous of BARWIN protein were identified in sugarcane, SUGARWIN1 and SUGARWIN2. Their gene expression is induced in response to wound and Diatraea saccharalis damage. However, the recombinant SUGARWIN protein does not affect insect development; but promotes significant morphological and physiological changes in Fusarium verticillioides and Colletotrichum falcatum, which lead to fungal cell death via apoptosis, indicating that SUGARWINs may work as a first layer of defense against the fungi infection. In this study, we deepen our understanding of the role of SUGARWINs in plant defense and the molecular mechanisms by which these proteins affect fungi by elucidating their molecular targets. Our results show that SUGARWINs play an important role in plant defense against opportunistic pathogens. We demonstrated that SUGARWINs are induced by C. falcatum, and the induction of SUGARWINs can vary among sugarcane varieties. The sugarcane variety exhibiting the highest level of SUGARWIN induction exhibited a considerable reduction in C. falcatum infection. Furthermore, SUGARWIN1 exhibited ribonuclease and chitinase activity, whereas SUGARWIN2 exhibited only chitinase activity. This variable enzymatic specificity seems to be the result of divergent amino acid composition within the substrate-binding site. Additionally, plants attacked by insects and pathogens display profound physiological, morphological and chemical changes or adaptations, which may result in organism attraction or avoidance. In this study, we also aimed to understand the insect-fungi association in sugarcane and the role of fungal volatile compounds in this association. Our results have shown that D. saccharalis positively influences C. falcatum infection on sugarcane, inducing a fast growing when compared to C. falcatum treatment without D. saccharalis attack. In addition, both fungi, C. falcatum and F. verticillioides, have been shown a double effect on D. saccharalis caterpillar, they promoted a strong attraction for insects due volatile organic compound emission and positively influenced D. saccharalis feeding and weight gain in diets supplemented with fungi. Fungal volatile organic compounds from C. falcatum and F. verticillioides were identified and quantified; acoradiene and acorenol were specifically induced by the fungi. These data suggest a synergistic interaction, mediated by organic volatile compounds, between D. saccharalis and the fungi C. falcatum and F. verticillioides in sugarcane. / As plantas respondem ao ataque de insetos e patógenos induzindo e acumulando um grande conjunto de proteínas de defesa. A colonização do caule de cana por fungos oportunistas, como Fusarium verticillioides e Colletotrichum falcatum, geralmente ocorre após o ataque de lagartas de Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Cambridae), resultando no aumento do dano causado pelo inseto. Dois homólogos da proteína BARWIN foram identificados em cana-de-açúcar, SUGARWIN1 e SUGARWIN2. A expressão desses genes é induzida em resposta ao ferimento mecânico e ao ataque de Diatraea saccharalis, entretanto, a proteína não afeta o desenvolvimento do inseto, mas promove alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas significativas em Fusarium verticillioides e Colletotrichum falcatum, causando a morte destes fungos por apoptose. Esses dados indicam que as SUGARWINs podem funcionar como uma defesa inicial contra a infecção fúngica. Neste estudo, aprofundamos nosso entendimento do papel das SUGARWINs na defesa de plantas e os mecanismos moleculares pelos quais essas proteínas afetam os fungos, elucidando seus alvos moleculares. Nossos resultados mostraram que as SUGARWINs desempenham um papel importante na defesa da planta contra patógenos oportunistas. Foi demonstrado que essas proteínas também são induzidas por C. falcatum em cana-de-açúcar, e sua indução pode variar entre as variedades de cana-de-açúcar. A variedade de cana-de-açúcar que apresentou o maior nível de indução de SUGARWINs apresentou uma redução considerável na infecção por C. falcatum. Além disso, SUGARWIN1 exibiu atividade de ribonuclease e quitinase, enquanto que SUGARWIN2 exibiu apenas atividade de quitinase. Esta especificidade enzimática parece ser o resultado da composição divergente de aminoácidos no sítio de ligação do substrato. Além disso, as plantas atacadas por insetos e patógenos exibem profundas alterações fisiológicas, morfológicas e químicas ou adaptações, que podem resultar em atração ou repelência do organismo, dessa forma, estudamos também a associação inseto-fungos na cana-de-açúcar, e o papel dos compostos voláteis fúngicos nessa associação. Nossos resultados mostraram que D. saccharalis influencia positivamente a infecção por C. falcatum em cana-de-açúcar, induzindo crescimento rápido do fungo quando comparado ao tratamento com C. falcatum sem ataque de D. saccharalis. Além disso, ambos os fungos, C. falcatum e F. verticillioides, mostraram um efeito duplo sobre lagartas de D. saccharalis, promovendo uma forte atração desses insetos devido à emissão de compostos orgânicos voláteis e influenciando positivamente a alimentação de D. saccharalis e ganho de peso em dietas suplementadas com fungos. Os compostos orgânicos voláteis fúngicos de C. falcatum e F. verticillioides foram identificados e quantificados; acoradieno e acorenol foram especificamente induzidos pelos fungos. Estes dados sugerem uma interação sinergistica, mediada por compostos orgânicos voláteis, entre D. saccharalis e os fungos C. falcatum e F. verticillioides em cana-de-açúcar.
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Relações genéticas entre produtividade de óleo e podridão vermelha das raízes em soja / Genetic relations between oil yield and sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybeanOliveira, Inocencio Junior de 19 May 2011 (has links)
A demanda por óleos vegetais tem sido crescente, principalmente para utilização como fonte de energia renovável na forma de biodiesel. Somando-se a isso, a podridão vermelha das raízes da soja (PVR), ou síndrome da morte súbita, causada pelo fungo Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines, tornou-se uma doença preocupante para os sojicultores, técnicos e pesquisadores, sendo uma estratégia recomendada a adoção de um sistema de controle integrado em que a utilização de cultivares tolerantes é um componente indispensável. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a possibilidade de se reunir em uma mesma planta de soja genes para alta produtividade de óleo e para tolerância a PVR. O sistema genético compreendeu um dialelo parcial 7x7, envolvendo sete genitores com alta produtividade de óleo e sete genitores tolerantes a PVR. A maioria dos genitores compreendeu linhagens experimentais desenvolvidas no Setor de Genética Aplicada às Espécies Autógamas (ESALQ/USP). Os experimentos envolveram as plantas F2, na safra 2008/2009 e progênies F2:3, na safra 2009/2010, para avaliação de caracteres agronômicos, do teor de óleo e produtividade de óleo em campo experimental; já a avaliação da reação a PVR foi realizada em progênies F2:4, em casa de vegetação com inoculação artificial do patógeno, por meio de uma escala de notas para a severidade dos sintomas radiculares. Além disso, por meio de marcadores microssatélites fez-se um estudo de genética de associação entre os marcadores e os caracteres reação a PVR e teor de óleo em três populações. Os resultados evidenciaram a existência de variabilidade nos genitores e nas progênies para todos os caracteres avaliados. O genitor com a maior capacidade geral de combinação e média de teor de óleo foi a cultivar A 7002; por outro lado, os menores valores foram verificados em PI 520733 e IAC 100. Os cruzamentos mais produtivos em óleo foram aqueles que envolveram o genitor A 7002, exceto quando este foi cruzado com IAC 100. Dez cruzamentos (USP 70004 com USP 14-10-38, USP 14-01-20, USP 14-13-16 e M-Soy 8001; USP 14-10-38 com USP 70057 e USP 70080; M-Soy 8001 com USP 70006, USP 70080 e USP 70123; e USP 14-01-20 x USP 70006) destacaram-se por originar a maioria de suas progênies com as melhores características em todos os caracteres, ou seja, apresentaram ciclo precoce ou semi-precoce, altura média, plantas eretas e com valor agronômico bom ou médio, alta produtividade de grãos e de óleo, alto teor de óleo e tolerância a PVR. Nenhum cruzamento originou a maioria de suas progênies com as piores características em todos os caracteres. Teor de óleo apresentou baixa correlação genética com altura da planta na maturidade, acamamento, valor agronômico, produtividade de grãos e reação a PVR. PVR apresentou baixa correlação genética com acamamento, produtividade de grãos, teor de óleo, produtividade de óleo; entretanto, foi possível obter progênies com alta produtividade de grãos e de óleo e tolerantes a PVR. Os marcadores microssatélites mostraram-se polimórficos e, foram associados dois locos SSR ao caráter teor de óleo e outros dois locos ao caráter reação a PVR. / The demand for vegetable oils has increased, mainly because of its use as a renewable energy source like biodiesel. Moreover, the sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybean, caused by the fungus Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines, has become a worrying disease for soybean producers, technicians and researchers, and the adoption of an integrated control system using tolerant cultivars as an essential component has been a recommended strategy. This work aimed to verify the possibility of gathering genes for high oil yield and tolerance to SDS in the same soybean plant. The genetic system comprised a partial diallel 7x7 involving seven parents with high oil yield and seven parents tolerant to SDS. Most of the parents were experimental lines developed at the Sector of Genetics Applied to Self-Pollinated Species (ESALQ/USP). The 2008/2009 trials involved the F2 plants, and the 2009/2010 trials involved the evaluation of F2:3 progenies traits, such as agronomic characters, oil content and oil yield in the experimental field; whereas the analysis of the SDS reaction was tested in F2:4 progenies, in a greenhouse with artificial inoculation of the pathogen through a rating scale for severity of radicular symptoms. Moreover, a study of genetic association among microsatellite markers and the characters reaction to SDS and oil content in three populations was performed. The results showed the existence of variability in parents and progenies for all characters. The parent who had the highest general combining ability and average oil content was the cultivar A 7002; on the other hand, the lowest values were found in PI 520733 and IAC 100. The crosses that originated the best oil content progenies have involved the parent A 7002, except when it was crossed with IAC 100. Ten crosses (USP 70004 with USP 14-10-38, USP 14-01-20, USP 14-13-16 and M-Soy 8001; USP 14-10-38 with USP 70057 and USP 70080; M-Soy 8001 with USP 70006, USP 70080 and USP 70123; USP 14-01-20 x USP 70006) distinguished from the others by originating the majority of their progenies with the best features in all traits, in other words, showed early and semi-early maturity, medium height, upright plants, good or average agronomic value, high grain and oil yield, high oil content and tolerance to SDS. None of the crosses originated the majority of their progeny with the worst characteristics in all traits. Oil content showed low genetic correlation with plant height at maturity, lodging, agronomic value, yield and reaction to SDS. SDS showed a low genetic correlation with lodging, grain yield, oil content, oil yield. However, it was possible to obtain progenies with high grain and oil yield and tolerance to SDS. The microsatellite markers were polymorphic and, moreover, two SSR loci were associated with the character oil content and other two loci to the character SDS reaction.
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Conservação de sementes de Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) McVaugh. / Conservation of Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) McVaugh seeds.Gentil, Daniel Felipe de Oliveira 09 December 2003 (has links)
As sementes de Myrciaria dubia apresentam curta longevidade e demandam a ampliação do conhecimento sobre fatores interferentes na sua conservação. Diante disso, o presente trabalho objetivou verificar as influências do grau de umidade e da temperatura do ambiente na manutenção da qualidade dessas sementes. Para tanto, sementes com 48, 43, 40, 34, 30, 24, 18 e 14% de água, acondicionadas em sacos de polietileno, foram armazenadas sob temperaturas controladas de 10ºC, 20ºC e 30ºC, durante 280 dias, e submetidas, periodicamente, a avaliações do grau de umidade, da germinação, do vigor e da sanidade. Foi constatado que as sementes têm a conservação favorecida pela associação do grau de umidade de 43% com a temperatura de armazenamento de 10°C; sob essa condição, a incidência de Fusarium sp. não prejudica o desempenho fisiológico das sementes. / Seeds of Myrciaria dubia have a short lifespan and increased knowledge of the factors that interfere with their conservation is required. The aim of this study was to verify influences of moisture content and storage temperature on the maintenance of seed quality. Seeds with 48, 43, 40, 34, 30, 24, 18 and 14% water were kept in polyethylene bags at 10ºC, 20ºC and 30ºC for 280 days, and submitted to periodic evaluations of moisture content, germination, vigour and sanity. Seed conservation was favored by the 43% water and 10°C storage temperature association. In this condition, the incidence of Fusarium sp. does not hamper the seed physiological performance.
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Desenvolvimento de substrato supressivo à murcha do crisântemo causada por Fusarium oxysporum /Pinto, Zayame Vegette, 1977- January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Wagner Bettiol / Banca: Edson Luiz Furtado / Banca: Marcelo Augusto Boechat Morandi / Banca : Nelson Sdney Massola Júnior / Banca: Flávia Rodrigues Alves Patrício / Resumo: A murcha de Fusarium spp. em crisântemo é responsável por sérios prejuízos à cultura no Brasil. Uma alternativa para o seu controle é o uso de substrato supressivo, o qual pode ser obtido pela adição de fontes de matérias orgânicas. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver um substrato supressivo à murcha do Fusarium em crisântemo com a introdução de matéria orgânica em substratos comerciais. Para tanto, lodo de esgoto e lodo de esgoto compostado; torta de mamona; esterco suíno; cama aviária; compostos comerciais Lanzi®; casca de camarão, biofertilizante e hidrolisado de peixe foram incorporados a substratos à base de casca de Pinus e de turfa em diferentes concentrações e combinações. Os experimentos foram realizados em propriedade produtora de crisântemo Bola-belga com problemas de Fusarium. Em todos os experimentos o número mínimo de repetições foi de 20 vasos por tratamento. Transcorridas 8, 12, 15 e 20 semanas do transplantio foi avaliada a severidade da doença por uma escala de notas de 0 para planta sadia a 5 para planta morta. Com os dados foram calculadas as áreas abaixo da curva de progresso da severidade da murcha de Fusarium. Além disso, foram realizadas análises dos atributos químicos e da atividade microbiana dos substratos bem como do desenvolvimento das plantas. O lodo de esgoto, lodo de esgoto compostado, cama aviária, casca de camarão e o composto Lanzi® induziram a supressividade do substrato à base de casca se Pinus e/ou de turfa, controlando a murcha de Fusarium. Por outro lado, esterco suíno, torta de mamona, hidrolisado de peixe, quitosana e Trichoderma asperellum não interferiram na supressividade à doença. Substratos obtidos com lodo de esgoto e cama aviária, em mistura ou não, nas concentrações de 10, 20 e 30% (v/v) foram os mais adequados do ponto de vista de indução de supressividade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Fusarium spp. wilt causes serious damages to chrysanthemum crops in Brazil. An alternative for its control is the use of suppressive plant growth media, which can be obtained by the addition of organic matter to container media. The objective of the present work was to develop a plant growth media suppressive to the Fusarium spp. in chrysanthemum with the introduction of organic matter to commercial container media. Sewage sludge and sewage sludge compost; castorbean presscake, swine manure; poultry litter; shrimp peel, biofertilizer, chitosan and fish hydrolyzed were incorporated to pine-bark and turf container media in different concentrations and combinations. The experiments were conducted in a Belgianchrysanthemum variety producing property with a Fusarium problem. In all experiments the minimum number of repetitions was 20 containers per treatment. Eight, 12, 15 and 20 weeks following transplanting the severity of the disease was evaluated according to a progressive scale from 0 (healthy plant) to 5 (dead plant). Areas under the disease progress curve for disease severity of Fusarium wilt were calculated. Chemical and microbiological attributes of container media and plant development were analyzed. The sewage sludge, sewage sludge compost, poultry litter, shrimp peel and the Lanzi® compost induced the suppressiveness of pine bark and/or turf container media, controlling the wilt. On the other hand, swine manure, castorbean presscake, fish hydrolyzed, chitosan and Trichoderma asperellum did not affect the suppressiveness to the disease. Plant growth media with sewage sludge and poultry litter, in mixture or alone, in the concentrations of 10, 20 and 30% (v/v) were the most appropriate from the point of view of induction of suppressiveness and product quality, being the plant growth media recommended... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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