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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dorsale Fusionen der Halswirbelsäule: Stabilität des Operationsergebnisses im Langzeitverlauf / Outcome of disease-related myelopathy after cervical posterior decompression plus instrumentation

Becker, Nadja 07 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Horizontale Fusionen bei räumlichem Wettbewerb : eine modelltheoretische Analyse intra- und interregionaler Fusionen / Horizontal mergers with spatial competition : a theoretical analysis of inter- and intraregional mergers

Andree, Kai January 2014 (has links)
Fusionen stellen einen zentralen Baustein der Industrieökonomik dar. In diesem Buch wird der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Einfluss die räumliche Dimension auf eine Fusion ausübt. Dabei wird ein Grundmodell entwickelt und über dieses hinaus eine Vielzahl Erweiterungen präsentiert. Der Leser erhält somit die Möglichkeit ein tiefes Verständnis für Fusionen bei räumlichem Wettbewerb zu erlangen. / The analysis of mergers ia a central element of industrial organization. In this book the influence of spatial competition on mergers is analyzed. A basic model is developed and enhanced to take into account different economic environments. The reader gets the possibility to understand the effects of mergers with spatial competition.

Three essays in competition economics

Guo, Dongyu 18 November 2015 (has links)
Die Dissertation handelt über Wettbewerbsökonomie. Kapitel 1 betrachtet eine Fusion zwischen zwei regulierten Firmen, die in getrennten Märkten agieren und jeweils mit unregulierten Firmen konkurrieren. Die optimale Fusionspolitik für regulierte Firmen hängt von der Intensität des Wettbewerbs zwischen den unregulierten Firmen ab, verschärfter Wettbewerb zwischen den unregulierten Firmen induziert eine mildere Fusionspolitik. Das Gegenteil gilt, wenn die regulierten Firmen in ein wettbewerbsfähiges Marktsegment expandieren und die regulierten und unregulierten Waren komplementär sind. Kapitel 2 untersucht die optimale Fusionspolitik zwischen zwei wettbewerbsfähigen Firmen. Unter den strukturellen Auflagen, die sich am effektivsten herausgestellt haben um einen wirksamen Wettbewerb wiederherzustellen, gibt es eine die sich stark hervorhebt, nämlich die Veräußerung von differenzierten Marken an andere Wettbewerber. Dies ist eine effektive Möglichkeit, um die Marktmacht der neuen Firma zu verringern und sie kann die Möglichkeiten für privat und sozial wünschenswerte Fusionen erhöhen. Vor allem wenn die Güter annähernd perfekt substituierbar sind, ist der Bereich der Effizienzgewinne, die eine Fusion unter Auflagen erlauben, größer. Kapitel 3 untersucht die allgemein etablierte Feststellung, dass Einzelhandelspreise sich schneller anpassen, wenn Input Preise steigen, als wenn sie fallen. Durch die Anwendung eines dynamischen zwei Perioden Preiswettbewerb Modells zeigt sich das Folgende für die Angebotsseite für asymmetrische Preisanpassung: die Existenz von profitablen Lagerungsmöglichkeiten ermöglicht es wettbewerbsfähigen Firmen sich glaubhaft zu verpflichten, ihre Preise umgehend über die marginalen Kosten zu setzen, wenn sie höhere Input Preise antizipieren. Dies lockert den Wettbewerb sodass Firmen positive Gewinne erzielen. Wenn erwartet wird das Input Preise sinken, landen die Firmen im Bertrand Paradoxon und die Preisanpassung erfolgt langsamer. / This thesis is about competition economics. Chapter 1 considers a merger between two regulated firms operating in two separate markets, and in each market there are unregulated competitors. The optimal merger policy for regulated firms depends on the intensity of competition between unregulated firms, fiercer competition between unregulated firms induces a more lenient merger policy. These results are reversed if the regulated firms expand into a competitive segment of the market and the regulated and unregulated goods are complements. Chapter 2 studies the optimal merger policy between two competitive firms. Among the structural remedies which have being treated as the most effective manners to restore effective competition, there is one relevant type, namely, the divestiture of differentiated brands to other competitor(s). It is a powerful tool to lessen the merged entity''s market power and can increase the scope for privately and socially desirable mergers. In particular, when goods are closer to perfect substitutability, the range of the efficiency gains which allows the merger with remedies to be approved is larger. Chapter 3 investigates the well-established observation that retail prices adjust faster when input costs rise than when they fall. From the supply side to asymmetric price adjustments, using a model of two-period dynamic price competition, it shows that the presence of profitable storing allows competitive firms to credibly commit to immediately increase their prices above current marginal costs when they anticipate higher input costs. This relaxes competition and firms earn positive profits. If input costs are expected to decline, the firms are trapped in the Bertrand paradox and price adjustment is slower.

Mergers & Acquisitions and Intangibles

Ott, Christian 17 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation explores the disclosure on intangibles acquired in Mergers & Acquisitos. The related empirical analyses are based on a sample of M&As that are accounted for under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US-GAAP). In three different research papers I answer three distinct research questions. In order to enable capital providers and other external stakeholders to evaluate the PPA, the International Financial Reporting Standard 3 (IFRS 3) and the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 141 (SFAS 141) require the acquirer firm’s management to disclose information about the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the notes to the financial statement. The first research paper (see chapter II) addresses the following research question: Which information about intangibles acquired in M&As does the acquirer firm’s management disclose in the notes to the financial statement? The second research paper examines the factors that affect the initial recognition of goodwill. This research question is answered in the second research paper (see chapter III): Does the acquirer firm’s management opportunistically or efficiently use its discretion to recognize goodwill initially? The corporate information environment consists not only of corporate disclosure but also of disclosure by information intermediaries. The third research paper (see chapter IV) addresses this last set of research questions: Which information about intangibles acquired in M&As is provided in voluntary or mandatory corporate disclosures and in disclosures by information intermediaries? How are the disclosure channels interrelated?

Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse in der Milch- und Zuckerindustrie unter wettbewerbsrechtlichen und ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten / Law and economics of mergers and acquisitions in the agribusiness sector

Janz, Christian 20 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

The impact of industrial diversification on corporate transactions

Nöllgen, Bruno 27 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This doctoral thesis consists of three articles: one literature overview and two empirical articles. The first article provides a literature overview about industrial diversification, corporate acquisitions and the intersection of both research areas. This thesis secondly analyzes whether conglomerates invest externally differently from focused firms. This investigation provides new insights on the question how industrial diversification influences corporate investment. It allows to draw conclusions whether internal investment is independent from external investment in diversified firms, or whether weak internal investment in conglomerates is (at least partially) offset by more efficient external investment, or even whether value-destructive internal investment is accompanied by external investment eliciting the same effects. In this case weakly managed multi-segment firms could be also identified by their behavior and success in corporate acquisitions. Third, the thesis copes with the question how conglomerates are perceived and treated as potential targets of corporate acquisitions. This analysis adds further aspects to the question whether multi-segment firms are discounted due to their organizational form. Assuming that the sum of the single segment of a diversified company is higher valued than the conglomerate as a whole, one could expect that investors should strive to acquire such companies, to dismantle them subsequently in order to create additional value by reshaping these inefficiently composed entities. However, there are also contradicting effects of lower synergies and higher integration costs compared to the acquisition of stand alone firms. New insights in these discussions allow us to draw conclusions whether a diversification discount potentially being harvested by a bust up takeover outweighs lower synergies and higher integration costs.

The impact of industrial diversification on corporate transactions

Nöllgen, Bruno 20 January 2014 (has links)
This doctoral thesis consists of three articles: one literature overview and two empirical articles. The first article provides a literature overview about industrial diversification, corporate acquisitions and the intersection of both research areas. This thesis secondly analyzes whether conglomerates invest externally differently from focused firms. This investigation provides new insights on the question how industrial diversification influences corporate investment. It allows to draw conclusions whether internal investment is independent from external investment in diversified firms, or whether weak internal investment in conglomerates is (at least partially) offset by more efficient external investment, or even whether value-destructive internal investment is accompanied by external investment eliciting the same effects. In this case weakly managed multi-segment firms could be also identified by their behavior and success in corporate acquisitions. Third, the thesis copes with the question how conglomerates are perceived and treated as potential targets of corporate acquisitions. This analysis adds further aspects to the question whether multi-segment firms are discounted due to their organizational form. Assuming that the sum of the single segment of a diversified company is higher valued than the conglomerate as a whole, one could expect that investors should strive to acquire such companies, to dismantle them subsequently in order to create additional value by reshaping these inefficiently composed entities. However, there are also contradicting effects of lower synergies and higher integration costs compared to the acquisition of stand alone firms. New insights in these discussions allow us to draw conclusions whether a diversification discount potentially being harvested by a bust up takeover outweighs lower synergies and higher integration costs.:List of Tables … vi List of Figures … viii List of Abbreviations … ix List of Symbols … x Introduction … xiii I. Literature review … 1 1. Literature review about diversification and corporate transactions … 2 1.1. Introduction … 5 1.2. Impact of diversification … 7 1.2.1. Diversification and firm value … 8 1.2.2. Diversification and investment … 15 1.2.3. Diversification and further firm characteristics … 20 1.3. Corporate transactions … 29 1.3.1. Drivers of acquisitions … 29 1.3.2. Characteristics of acquisitions … 40 1.3.3. Impact of corporate transactions … 47 1.4. Intersection between diversification and transactions … 54 1.5. Conclusion … 56 II. Diversification and acquisitions … 74 2. Diversification and the likelihood of acquisitions … 75 2.1. Introduction … 78 2.2. Theoretical background … 81 2.2.1. Diversification and the likelihood of acquisitions … 81 2.2.2. Diversification and deal characteristics … 84 2.2.3. Diversification and deal performance … 86 2.3. Data and methodology … 87 2.4. Descriptive statistics … 91 2.5. Diversification and corporate transactions … 92 2.5.1. Diversification and transaction probability … 92 2.5.2. Diversification and deal characteristics … 95 2.5.3. Diversification and post-acquisition performance … 98 2.6. Conclusion … 100 III. Diversification and takeover likelihood … 109 3. Do acquirers of conglomerates benefit from the diversification discount? … 110 3.1. Introduction … 113 3.2. Theoretical background … 115 3.2.1. Corporate performance, diversification and takeover probability … 115 3.2.2. Entrenchment, diversification and takeover probability … 117 3.2.3. Synergies, integration costs and takeover probability … 119 3.2.4. Bid premiums and post-acquisition returns … 120 3.3. Data and methodology ... 123 3.4. Descriptive statistics … 127 3.4.1. Successful bids and diversification … 127 3.4.2. Bids and conglomerates: univariate analysis … 129 3.5. Diversification and the likelihood of being acquired … 130 3.6. Diversification and the bid premiums paid … 134 3.7. Diversification and the CAR of the acquirer … 138 3.8. Conclusion … 140

Subcellular Localization of Nicotiana tabacum TGA Transcription Factors / Subzelluläre Lokalisation von TGA Transkriptionfaktoren aus Nicotiana tabacum

Nickolov, Kaloian Iliev 30 January 2003 (has links)
Die Salicylsäure (SA) ist ein wichtiges Signalmolekül bei der Regulation der pflanzlichen Pathogenabwehr. as-1-ähnliche cis-Elemente in den Promotoren von vielen Abwehrgenen vermitteln SA- und auch Auxin-induzierbare Genexpression. Diese Elemente werden vom ASF-1/SARP-Proteinkomplex erkannt, dessen Hauptkomponenten DNA-Bindeproteine aus der TGA-Familie der pflanzlichen bZIP-Transkriptionsfaktoren sind. In dieser Arbeit wurden Fusionsproteine von TGA2.1, TGA2.2 und TGA1a mit GFP unter der Kontrolle des HBT-Promotors transient in Pflanzenprotoplasten oder stabil in transgenen Pflanzen exprimiert und direkt in lebenden Zellen über Fluoreszenz- und konfokale Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie visualisiert. Bei den mikroskopischen Analysen konnte die Fluoreszenz der drei TGA-GFP-Fusionsproteine überwiegend im Kern (mit Ausnahme des Nukleolus) beobachtet werden. Allerdings ließen sich biochemisch mit Hilfe eines Antiserums gegen die beiden C Termini der TGA-Faktoren auch geringe Mengen von TGA2.1-GFP und TGA2.2-GFP in cytosolischen Extrakten der entsprechenden transgenen Pflanzen nachweisen. Fusionen der C terminalen Anteile von TGA2.2 und TGA1a an den C Terminus von CHS-GFP wurden bei transienter Expression ebenfalls im Cytosol beobachtet. Es konnte nicht abschließend geklärt werden, ob dass auf das Fehlen der NLS oder auf die Anwesenheit einer NES zurück zu führen ist. Die TGA-GFP-Fusionsproteine konnten das as 1-Element in vitro in Gelretardationsanalysen erkennen und in Form von Homo-oder Heterodimeren daran binden. Die TGA-GFP-Fusionsproteine waren auch in der Lage, die Expression des frühen (immediate-early) GST-Gens Nt103 in Blättern nach Induktion mit Salicylsäure oder Auxin zu beeinflussen. TGA2.1-GFP und TGA2.2-GFP zeigten im allgemeinen einen positiven Effekt auf die Nt103-mRNA-Menge (2-4-facher Anstieg verglichen mit dem Wildtyp), wobei sich der Effekt stärker auf die SA-induzierte Expression auswirkte als auf die 2,4-D-Proben. TGA1a-GFP schien die Expression von Nt103 in Blättern in beiden Fällen leicht negativ oder gar nicht zu beeinflussen. Die Mobilitätsparameter der verschiedenen TGA-GFP-Fusionsproteine im Kern wurden mit Hilfe von FCS, kombiniert mit CLMS, untersucht. Während die Mobilität des Kontrollproteins TetR-GFP, dass keine endogenen Interaktionpartner hat, einheitlich war, schienen Subfraktionen der TGA-GFP Fusionproteine in ihrer Mobilität beeinflusst. Generell konnte zwischen einer mobileren und einer weniger mobilen Fraktion unterschieden werden. Bei manchen Messungen waren die TGA-Faktoren im Kern sogar gänzlich immobil. Die relative Anteil von weniger mobilen, bzw. immobilen und mobilen TGA-faktoren unterschied sich in den unterschiedlichen analysierten Zelltypen (längliche und echte Epidermiszellen, Schießzellen, Trichomzellen). Um einen eindeutigen Effekt von Salizylsäure auf die Mobilität der TGA-Faktoren festzumachen, sind wegen der großen Variabilität weitere Messungen nötig.

Mergers & Acquisitions and Intangibles

Ott, Christian 19 July 2012 (has links)
This dissertation explores the disclosure on intangibles acquired in Mergers & Acquisitos. The related empirical analyses are based on a sample of M&As that are accounted for under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US-GAAP). In three different research papers I answer three distinct research questions. In order to enable capital providers and other external stakeholders to evaluate the PPA, the International Financial Reporting Standard 3 (IFRS 3) and the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 141 (SFAS 141) require the acquirer firm’s management to disclose information about the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the notes to the financial statement. The first research paper (see chapter II) addresses the following research question: Which information about intangibles acquired in M&As does the acquirer firm’s management disclose in the notes to the financial statement? The second research paper examines the factors that affect the initial recognition of goodwill. This research question is answered in the second research paper (see chapter III): Does the acquirer firm’s management opportunistically or efficiently use its discretion to recognize goodwill initially? The corporate information environment consists not only of corporate disclosure but also of disclosure by information intermediaries. The third research paper (see chapter IV) addresses this last set of research questions: Which information about intangibles acquired in M&As is provided in voluntary or mandatory corporate disclosures and in disclosures by information intermediaries? How are the disclosure channels interrelated?

Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Markets’ Anticipations in the Context of M&A Announcements: International Evidence from the Market for Corporate Control

Jost, Sébastien 09 December 2022 (has links)
Over the last decades, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have become key strategic alternatives to organic growth, enabling firms to expand in new geographies, broaden their product or service portfolios, increase their market power or diversify their business activities, for instance. Historically, although M&A deals have occurred in cyclical patterns, the number of transactions as well the total amount invested have followed an increasing trend. For instance, in 2021, the number of M&A deals conducted worldwide even peaked at an absolute record of 63,215 deals, for a total amount of $5,800 billion, comparable to the annual GDP of a country like Japan. Although the literature on M&A is vast and multi-disciplinarian, the performance of such transactions as well as their influencing factors have remained debated issues. This paper-based dissertation investigates the implications of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financial markets’ anticipations in the context of M&A announcements. The first manuscript (Manuscript A) corresponds to a literature review on the determinants to financial markets’ reactions around M&A announcements. The second manuscript (Manuscript B) investigates the impact of both acquirers- and targets’ CSR engagements as well as their CSR profiles distance on synergetic gains anticipated by financial markets around M&A announcements. The third manuscript (Manuscript C) focuses on the impact of acquiring firms’ CSR engagement on the accuracy of financial markets’ anticipations with regards to the long-term operating performance of M&A deals. The fourth manuscript (Manuscript D) analyses whether acquirers’ CSR performance impacts M&A premia, since the premia offered to target shareholders contain acquiring managements’ anticipations regarding potential synergetic gains and are by the way critical to the deals’ value creation processes.

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