Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fyziky"" "subject:"fyzická""
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Mezioborové vztahy chemie a fyziky v přírodovědném vzdělávání / Chemistry - Physics relatives in the Science educationKonečný, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Title: Chemistry - Physics Relatives in the Science Education Department: Department of Teaching and Didactics of Chemistry Abstract (in English): Within the master's degree thesis was conducted a literary research. Overview of interdisciplinary relatives in science education was done based on this research. The interdisciplinary relatives are described in the work as well as a historical development of integrated science education in the Czech Republic and in Europe. Three teaching tasks were created for use in science lessons with the following topics: The universe evolution and formation of elements, Luminescence, and The substance composition. Teaching tasks can be used during the class work or as a material for talented students and have both theoretical and practical parts. The teaching tasks were evaluated by teachers who used them during their chemistry lessons. The final part of the master thesis is a survey, in which teachers answered the questions concerning the establishing of new conference called "Chemistry Teachers' Inventions Fair" for secondary school and high school teachers. Keywords: interdisciplinary relatives, physics, chemistry, science eduaction, integrated teaching
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Matematické modelování vybraných problémů v mechanice kryogenních tekutin / Mathematical modelling of selected problems in cryogenic fluid mechanicsHodic, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The dynamics of low-temperature fluids, such as superfluid helium 4, is an open scientific problem. The experimental study of similarities and differences between quantum (superfluid) and classical (viscous) flows is specifically an active research field, which already led to significant progress in our phenomenological understanding of the underlying physics. It also revealed that a comprehensive theoretical description is still missing, as, for example, in the case of the observed behaviour of moving bodies in quantum flows. The work aim is to derive the existence theory for the weak solution of a relevant system of equations based on the Landau model of superfluid helium 4 and appropriate numerical schemes to solve these equations.
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Matematické modelování vybraných problémů v mechanice kryogenních tekutin / Mathematical modelling of selected problems in cryogenic fluid mechanicsHodic, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The dynamics of low-temperature fluids, such as superfluid helium 4, is an open scientific problem. The experimental study of similarities and differences between quantum (superfluid) and classical (viscous) flows is specifically an active research field, which already led to significant progress in our phenomenological understanding of the underlying physics. It also revealed that a comprehensive theoretical description is still missing, as, for example, in the case of the observed behaviour of moving bodies in quantum flows. The work aim is to derive the existence theory for the weak ort he strong solution of a relevant system of equations based on the Landau model of superfluid helium 4 and appropriate properties of the solution.
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Detekce elementárních částic detektorem Timepix3 / Detecting elementary particles with Timepix3 detectorMeduna, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
Detecting elementary particles and observing accompanying events in particle colliders is one of the most important field of current research in experimental physics. TimePix and its successor TimePix3 are types of the currently used detectors which are placed beside other in ATLAS experiment conducted by Eu- ropean Organization for Nuclear Research. Such detectors can produce huge amount of data about passing particles at high rate. The goal of the thesis is to develop methods for detecting and classification of elementary particles observed by detector network ATLAS-TPX3. Suitable methods for clustering and/or classification based on semi-labelled data should be identified or new one should be developed. The proposed methods will be implemented and their performance on real data will be evaluated. The results will also include an implementation of framework for preprocessing low level data from detector network ATLAS-TPX3 in real-time and creating outputs that are suitable for subsequent physics investigation (e.g. ROOT framework files) includ- ing the proposed or future methods for particle classification. 5
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Sady pro demonstrační experimenty ve středoškolské výuce fyziky mikrosvěta / Experimental sets for teaching physics of microworld on secondary school levelPopek, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The focus of this thesis was to find and evaluate the information resources available to teachers, in the context of creating or conducting demonstrational and student experiments in the Physics of the Microworld at high school. Another goal of the thesis was the creation of four sets of aids for experiments from various areas of microworld physics taught at the high school level. These sets contain instructions for teachers and worksheets for pupils. Another goal was to make the sets portable, which all four met. Part of this work is a description of the created experimental sets, worksheets for pupils and texts for teachers. The experimental sets will be stored on the premises of the Department of Physics Education and will be available for loan to teachers for teaching purposes.
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Interaktivní prvky v GeoGebře pro Sbírku řešených úloh z fyziky / Interactive GeoGebra applets for Collection of Solved Problems in PhysicsBroža, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
2 Title: Interactive GeoGebra applets for Collection of Solved Problems in Physics Author: Bc. Ondřej Broža Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: RNDr. Zdeňka Koupilová, Ph.D., Department of Physics Education Abstract: The aim of the diploma thesis was to focused on designing of interactive applets and desiging of solution to physical problems in the field of electricity and magnetism for Electronic Collection of Solved Problems. The thesis is also focused on the useability of the interactive applets during the physics education. Within this thesis was totaly created 22 interactive applets, a description and questions for working with them and 13 solutions to physical problems. Another parts of the thesis are: manual how to design interactive applets in the GeoGebra system, manual how to integrate these interactive applets into Collection of Solved Problems and library of partial construction in GeoGebra. The last part of the thesis is about verification of usability of these interactive applets in physics education, which was performed via observation of the students during the work with the interactive applets and via feedback questionnaire. Keywords: physics, solved problems, GeoGebra, applets, electricity and magnetism
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Vliv theologicko-filosofického myšlení nejen v exaktních vědách / The Influence of Theological and Philosophical Thinking Not Only in the Exact SciencesFollprechtová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: The Influence of Theological and Philosophical Thinking Not Only in the Exact Sciences AUTHOR: Jana Follprechtová DEPARTMENT: Social Sciences and Philosophy Department SUPERVISOR: Prof. PhDr. Anna Hogenová, CSc. ABSTRACT: This thesis attempts to discover and characterise the interfaces at which the sciences meet and provide incentives for interdisciplinary dialogue. It is not the aim of this thesis to show the need for their fusion into one universal science. The aim is to show that it is important to re-establish communication between scientists with humanities and exact science education, as their results affect our society. Although an analytical method is used in the first chapters, the emphasis in the majority of this thesis is placed on comparison with possible subsequent synthesis. On this basis, the thesis not only examines the philosophy of R. Descartes and the consequences of his thinking today, which stands in opposition to the views of J. A. Comenius, but also the issue of education, which is one of the ways of re-establishing dialogue. All sciences have an ontological basis; thereby they must not only take the concept of creation seriously, but also the anthropic principle. The sciences are united by the limitations of their λογων, which are symbols meant to encourage efforts to review...
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Fyzikální rébusy v mimoškolním vzdělávání / Physics puzzles in extracurricular educationPechman, Matouš January 2021 (has links)
Title: Physics puzzles in extracurricular education Author: Bc. Matouš Pechman Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: RNDr. Marie Snětinová, Ph.D., Department of Physics Education Abstract: Non-formal education is practically ongoing today. There is a growing demand for leisure activities that will not only offer entertainment as such, but also broaden the horizons of participants in various areas. In their free time, people look not only for rest, but also for new challenges and stimuli, on which they test their skills and ability to respond to new situations. These activities include, for example, escape games. Escape games usually require skill, knowledge and logical thinking to succeed. The game created in this work is composed of physical puzzles. Except one, all puzzles are based on problems that primary school students already face in physics classes. Puzzles combine concepts that were voiced at school with practical examples. Participants can try out for themselves how things work and solve puzzles with the help of physics. The work contains detailed instructions so that potential candidates know how to prepare the game. It also contains a brief physical explanation of the individual physical principles used in the individual puzzles. The game was tested on six groups. Based on...
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Prezentační software fyziky pro ZŠ a SŠ / Presentation Software for Physics on Elementary SchoolsMatoušek, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
This final thesis deals with the software supporting the education through the presenting the physical process. Specifically, it deals with the kinematics on the level of the basic school and secondary school. Next there are described the basics of pedagogy, didactics, simulation and modelling referring to the suggested programme. There is also a suggested system and its graphic user interface based on the gained findings which is later implemented.
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Hygrotermálna odozva stavebných konštrukcií / Hygrothermal response of building componentsSlávik, Richard January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is focused on the study of simultaneous transport of heat and moisture in building components. First, the introduction briefly summarises current international state of the art in assessment and evaluation of building components focused on moisture. Besides description of methodological approaches and analysis of differences between them, the approaches are modelled using examples which help to identify their properties and explain the application framework of the methods. These examples do not only illustrate the procedures; they also indicate their limits and identify the pitfalls of models’ application in comparison with each other. Next, the thesis includes basic introduction to material parameters necessary in numerical modelling. Moreover, solutions to questions from the assignment are discussed from the point of view of the theory of heat and moisture transport. To fulfil the thesis’ objectives, theoretical analysis and calculations were implemented. Calculations were carried out not only by well-known methods, but also using an own-developed complex algorithm which implements simultaneous heat and moisture transport modelling based on finite element methods and which allows to implement nonlinear behaviour of material properties. Furthermore, the thesis contains description of and results from two experiments. A brief description of an electronic device developed and used for the experiments is included. Experimental results are confronted with both simplified and advanced theoretical models. At last the thesis concludes with discussion of acquired findings, brief summary of potential contribution of this work to the field of building science and engineering practice, and indication of the directions for further development.
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