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Onkolytische Virotherapie : Virus-vermittelte Expression von MCP-1 oder ß-Galaktosidase in Vaccinia-Virus-kolonisierten Tumoren führt zu einer erhöhten Tumorregression / Oncolytic virotherapy : The virus encoded coexpression MCPI and beta galactosidase in vaccinia virus colonized tumor xenografts resulted in enhanced tumor rejectionSeubert, Carolin January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ungeachtet der enormen Entwicklung in Krebsdiagnostik und -Therapie in den letzten Jahren, sind vollständige Heilungsaussichten weiterhin gering und die aktuellen Behandlungsmethoden oftmals mit schwerwiegenden Nebeneffekten verbunden. Aufgrund dessen sind alternative Behandlungsmethoden unbedingt erforderlich und führten zu einer zunehmenden Bedeutung des Vaccinia-Virus als onkolytisches Virus in der Krebstherapie. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei mögliche Therapieansätze zur Verstärkung der onkolytischen Effekte in humanen Tumormodellen untersucht. Die Kombination einer gene-directed enzyme prodrug Therapie (GDEPT) mit dem onkolytischen Vaccinia-Virus GLV 1h68 sollte zur Selektivitätssteigerung eines ß-Galaktosidase-aktivierbaren, cytotoxisch-aktiven Drugs führen. Darüber hinaus diente das für MCP-1 codierende Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h80, zielend auf eine Cytokin-vermittelten Immuntherapie, als Vektor zur spezifischen Beeinflussung des intratumoralen Chemokin-Netzwerks. Im Zuge der GDEPT wurde in dieser Arbeit ein, durch enzymatische Deglykosylierug aktivierbares Prodrug, basierend auf dem cytotoxischem Antibiotikum Duocarmycin SA verwendet. Durch eine Infektion mit GLV-1h68 und einer resultierenden Expression des aktivierenden Enzyms ß-Galaktosidase, sollte eine Umwandlung des Prodrugs in ein cytotoxisches Drug erfolgen. In vitro Infektionsstudien zeigten ein nahezu identisches Replikationsverhalten des Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68 und des als Kontrollvirus dienenden rVACV GLV-1h43 in humanen GI-101A-Brustkrebszellen. Die Expression der beiden Reporter-Gene Ruc-GFP sowie ß-Galaktosidase konnten auf Protein-Ebene und mittels RT-PCR nach Infektion mit GLV-1h68 nachgewiesen werden. GLV-1h43-Infektion von GI-101A-Zellen führte zu GFP-Expression, jedoch nicht zur Expression des Enzyms ß Galaktosidase. Untersuchung der Enzym-Aktivität in Zelllysaten und Zellkultur-Überständen zeigten nach Infektion mit GLV 1h68 steigende Menge zellulär assoziierter und freier ß-Galaktosidase. Des Weiteren wurde durch Koinkubation von GI-101A-Zellen mit Virus-freien, ß Galaktosidase-haltigen Zelllysaten bzw. –überständen und Prodrug eine Aktivierung des Prodrugs durch das Virus codierte Enzym nachgewiesen. Diese Koinkubation führte zur Abtötung der Zellen. Nach Inkubation mit Proben mock- oder GLV 1h43-infizierter Zellen konnte keiner Veränderung der Proliferationsrate von GI-101A-Zellen gefunden werden. Kombinierte Behandlung von GI 101A-Zellen mit Viren des Stammes GLV 1h68 und Prodrug führte zu starken Synergieeffekten bei der Abtötung der Zellen und wies einen Bystander Effekt der Kombinationstherapie nach. Dieser konnte in 4 weiteren humanen und 2 Hunde-Brustkrebszellen bestätigt werden. Der erzielte Bystander-Effekt zeigt, dass es nach Virus-induzierter ß-Galaktosidase-Expression in GLV 1h68-infizierten Zellen zu einer enzymatischen Spaltung des Prodrugs in das cytotoxische seco-Analogon des Antibiotikums Duocarmycin SA kommt. Durch die Membrangängigkeit des Drugs konnte auch in angrenzenden uninfizierten Zellen eine Wirkung erzielt werden. Anhand von Expressionsanalysen an Apoptose-assoziierten Proteinen, wie PARP und Caspasen, wurde eine Wirkung des Prodrugs über den intrinsischen Apoptose-Signalweg nachgewiesen. In athymischen Nude-Mäusen durchgeführte Replikationsanalysen und X-Gal-Färbungen GLV 1h68 infizierter Tumore nach Prodrug-Behandlung zeigten, dass GLV-1h68 ungeachtet der simultanen Behandlung mit Prodrug im Tumorgewebe repliziert und es nicht zur Anreicherung lacZ-negativer Virusmutanten kommt. Es konnten, durch Prodrug-Behandlung und einer simultanen Expression aktiver ß Galaktosidase, starke synergistische Effekte und eine signifikante Steigerung der Tumorregression erzielt werden. Da die Kombinationstherapie zu keinerlei Unterschieden in Gewicht und Gesundheitszustand behandelter Versuchstiere führte, konnte eine systemische Toxizität außerhalb des Tumorgewebes ausgeschlossen werden. Verschiedene Zelllinien weisen Unterschiede in ihrer Sensitivität gegenüber der onkolytischen Aktivität von Vaccinia-Virus GLV-1h68 auf. Während einige Zelllinien trotz Virus-Behandlung unverändertes Proliferationsverhalten zeigen (non- oder poor-responder), führt diese Behandlung in anderen Zelllinien zu einer vollständigen Tumorregression (responder). In Anbetracht dieser Unterschiede wurden in dieser Arbeit die Effekte einer induzierten Expression des murinen Chemokins MCP-1 in GI-101A-Tumoren (responder) und HT29-CBG-Tumoren (poor-responder) untersucht. MCP-1 zeichnet sich durch seine chemotaktischen Eigenschaften gegenüber mononukleärer Zellen aus und führt zu pleiotropen Tumor-Effekten. Replikationsstudien am Virus GLV-1h80 und des als Kontrollvirus dienenden rVACV GLV-1h68 zeigten, dass aus der Expression des Fremd-Gens mcp-1 sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo keinerlei negativen Effekte auf das Replikationsverhalten in humanen GI-101A- und HT29-CBG-Zellen resultieren. Durch Real-time Monitoring der GFP-Expression im Tumorgewebe lebender Tiere konnte zunächst eine mit dem Infektionsverlauf zunehmende Signalstärke beobachtet werden, welche dann 42 dpi an Intensität verlor. Toxizität und schädliche Nebeneffekte durch Infektion mit den beiden rVACV konnten anhand der viralen Titer in den Organen der Maus ausgeschlossen werden. Die Titer wiesen auf eine ausschließlich auf das Tumorgewebe begrenzte Replikation der Viren nach Injektion in Tumor-tragende Tiere hin. Die Expression des Chemokins MCP-1 wurde sowohl auf transkriptioneller als auch auf translationeller Ebene in GLV-1h80-inifzierten Zellen und im Tumorgewebe GLV 1h80-injizierter Mäuse nachgewiesen. Nach Infektion mit GLV-1h80 konnte eine mit dem Infektionsverlauf zunehmende MCP-1-Expression gezeigt werden. Dabei wurde zudem deutlich, dass nicht nur eine GLV-1h80-Infektion in vivo zu einer Zunahme der intratumoralen MCP-1-Expression führte, sondern eine Vaccinia-Virus-Infektion allein einen Anstieg des Chemokins zu bewirken vermag. Eine Quantifizierung durch ELISA machte Konzentrationsunterschiede von MCP-1 zwischen den Tumormodellen GI-101A und HT29-CBG deutlich. Sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo führte ein GLV-1h80-Infektion zu deutlich niedrigeren Konzentrationen im HT29-CBG-Kolon-Adenokarzinommodell. Ein Nachweis murinen MCP-1 in Blutseren Tumor-tragender Tiere zeigte eine für therapeutische Effekte erwünschte systemische Freisetzung des intratumoral durch die Infektion mit GLV-1h80 gebildeten Chemokins MCP-1. Durch immunhistologische Untersuchungen GLV-1h80-infizierter Zellen und Tumoren konnte diese, mit dem Infektionsverlauf zunehmende MCP-1-Expression bestätigt werden. Die funktionelle Aktivität des rekombinanten Proteins wurde anhand TNF-α-spezifischer ELISA-Analysen überprüft. Dabei zeigte sich eine erhöhte Expression dieses proinflammatorischen Cytokins in GI-101A-Tumoren nach Infektion mit GLV-1h80. Dagegen konnte keine Steigerung der Expression im HT29-CBG-Tumorgewebe nachgewiesen werden. Ein Nachweis des durch proinflammatorische Immunzellen exprimierten Oberlflächenproteins CD14 zeigte ebenfalls einen Anstieg nach Infektion mit GLV-1h80. Auch diese veränderte Expression blieb im poor-Responder-Modell HT29-CBG aus. Die steigende intratumorale Expression der beiden Proteine in GI-101A-Tumoren nach GLV 1h80-Infektion lässt auf eine Zunahme pro-inflammatorischer Immunzellen, basierend auf einer Virus-induzierten MCP-1-Expression schließen. Ein Monitoring der Tumorprogression nach Implantation von GI 101A-Zellen und Injektion der rVACV GLV-1h80 und GLV-1h68 bzw. einer PBS-Injektion führte nach einer anfänglichen Zunahme des Tumorwachstums schließlich bei beiden Viren zu einer Tumorregression. Jedoch konnte durch die GLV-1h80-vermittelte MCP-1-Expression eine Verstärkung der onkolytischen Effekte erzielt werden, welche sich durch eine signifikante Abnahme des Tumorvolumens zeigte. Im HT29-CBG-Modell führten die therapeutischen Effekte durch rVACV GLV-1h80 zwar zu keiner Regression des Tumors, jedoch zeigte sich auch in diesem humanen Tumormodell eine Verstärkung der onkolytischen Effekte nach GLV-1h80-Infektion im Vergleich zu einer GLV 1h68-Behandlung. Durch die GLV-1h80-induzierte Expression des Chemokins MCP-1 konnte somit eine Hemmung des Tumorwachstums auch im poor-Responder-Modell HT29-CBG erzielt werden. Sowohl die Verwendung eines ß-Galaktosidase-aktivierbaren Prodrugs im Zuge einer GDEPT, als auch die Beeinflussung des intratumoralen Chemokin-Netzwerks durch Expression des Chemokins MCP-1 führten in dieser Arbeit zu positiven Synergismus-Effekten in der onkolytischen Virustherapie. Durch künftige Konstruktion eines rVACV, welches sowohl die Expression des Chemokins MCP-1, als auch des prodrug-aktivierenden Enzyms ß-Galaktosidase im Tumorgewebe induziert, könnte in Kombination mit einer Prodrug-Behandlung eine zusätzliche Verstärkung der Effekte erzielt und möglicherweise eine erfolgreiche Virustherapie in bisher schwach ansprechenden poor- bzw. non-Responder-Modellen ermöglicht werden. / Irrespective of enormous developments in cancer diagnostics and therapy in the last few years, complete recovery from cancer still occurs rarely. Moreover, conventional therapy is attendant on unspecific side effects. Consequently, novel, well-tolerated and more efficient therapies are required in order to reduce the number of cancer-related deaths. Among several strategies to improve currently applied treatments, the use of oncolytic viruses may turn out to be a highly promising therapeutic approach. In this thesis two different therapeutic approaches were investigated to enhance oncolytic effects of vaccinia virus in human xenografts. First, the lacZ-carrying oncolytic vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 was used in combination with a ß-galactosidase activatable prodrug to increase selectivity of a cytotoxic drug. Second, based on a cytokine-mediated immunotherapy, MCP-1-encoding vaccinia virus GLV-1h80 was used as a vector with a specific impact on the intratumoral chemokine network. In the first approach, an enzymatic activatable prodrug, based on a cytotoxic seco-analogue of the antibiotic duocarmycin SA was used for gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy (GDEPT). An activation of the cytotoxic prodrug was to be achieved by infection with GLV 1h68 and the resulting expression of the prodrug activating enzyme ß-galactosidase. Cell culture experiments revealed a comparable replication rate of GLV-1h68 and of the control virus strain GLV-1h43 lacking the lacZ gene insert. Expression of the reporter genes Ruc-GFP and ß-galactosidase after infection of GI-101A cells with GLV-1h68 was proven on the protein level and by RT-PCR. Infection of cells with GLV-1h43 resulted in GFP-expression only, confirming the absence of lacZ in GLV-1h43. Analysis of ß-galactosidase concentrations in cell lysates and supernatants revealed an increase of the enzyme during infection of GLV 1h68. Activation of the prodrug by the virus-encoded enzyme was achieved by co incubation of GI-101A-cells with virus-depleted, ß-galactosidase-containing cell lysates or supernatants and prodrug. This co-incubation resulted in killing of GI-101A cells. Conversely, incubation with samples obtained from mock- or GLV-1h43-infected cells and prodrug did not change overall survival of GI-101A-cells. In order to find out whether an additional effect could be achieved in neighboring uninfected cells, called bystander effect, GLV-1h68-infected cells were treated with prodrug. This experiment demonstrated strong synergistic effects in terms of cell killing. Similar results were obtained with 4 other human and with 2 canine breast cancer cell lines. The achieved bystander effect reveiled that upon GLV-1h68 infection the virus-mediated ß-galactosidase-expression resulted in enzymatic cleavage of the prodrug and release of the cytotoxic drug. Furthermore it proved the ability of the activated drug to penetrate cell membranes. Expression analysis on apoptosis-associated proteins, e.g. PARP and caspases, revealed induction of apoptosis via the intrinsic pathway after prodrug activation in GLV-1h68-infected cells. In vivo replication analysis and X-Gal staining of GLV 1h68-infected tumors revealed that GLV-1h68 can replicate within tumor tissue and no enrichment of mutants in lacZ occured, regardless of simultaneous prodrug treatment. Thus, prodrug treatment and expression of ß galactosidase resulted in synergistic effects leading to significantly enhanced tumor regression. Since no sign of malaise or weight loss was observed in prodrug-treated mice when compared to the respective control mice, we concluded that no toxic side effects occurred and active ß-galactosidase released from the tumor was negligible. Different human cell lines reveal varied sensitivity to the oncolytic activity of vaccinia virus GLV-1h68, some cell lines continue growth (non- or poor-responder), while others show complete regression (responder). Considering these differences, the second aspect of this thesis was the analysis of the chemokine MCP-1 in GI-101A-xenografts (responder) and in the poor-responding HT29-CBG tumors. MCP-1 is characterized by chemotactic properties against mononuclear cells and has pleiotropic effects on cancer. Replication studies on GLV 1h80 and the control virus strain GLV-1h68 revealed that expression of the inserted mcp-1-gene had no negative effects on viral replication in vitro as well as in vivo in human GI-101A- or HT-29 CBG-cells. Real-time monitoring of GFP-expression in tumors of infected mice showed increasing amounts of GFP in tumors during the infection process until 21 dpi, followed by a decrease in intensity to 42 dpi. By determining the viral titers in organs of infected mice, toxicity and harmful side effects resulting from infection with both virus strains were excluded. The viral titers demonstrate, that viral replication occurs exclusively in tumor tissue. Expression of MCP-1 in GLV-1h80-infected cells and tumors was detected on transcriptional as well as on translational level. The concentration of the chemokine increased during infection of GLV-1h80. Additionally, the increase of intratumoral MCP-1-concentrations was not only limited on GLV-1h80-infected tumors. On the contrary, vaccinia virus infection itself resulted in increasing amounts of this chemokine. Quantifying MCP-1-expression by ELISA assay revealed differences in concentrations between tumors derived from GI-101A and HT-29-CBG cells. In case of the HT-29-CBG coloncarcinoma, infection with GLV-1h80 resulted in lower concentrations of MCP 1 in vitro as well as in vivo. Confirmation of murine MCP-1 in blood samples of tumor-bearing mice revealed a systemic release of intratumoral MCP-1 predicated on the infection with GLV-1h80. This systemic release is required for therapeutic effects. The increased expression of MCP-1 in GLV-1h80-infected cells and tumors during infection was verified by immunohistochemical analysis. Functional activity of the recombinant protein was checked by a TNF-α-specific ELISA assay, demonstrating increased expression of this proinflammatory cytokine in GI-101A tumors after infection with GLV-1h80. In contrast, no increase was observed in HT-29 CBG tumors. Likewise, the quantification of proinflammatory expressed surface protein CD14 showed higher concentrations in GI-101A-tumors after GLV-1h80-infection. Again, this increase was missing in xenografts of poor-responder HT-29-CBG. The increased expression of these two proteins in GI-101A xenografts after GLV-1h80-infection suggested an accumulation of proinflammatory immune cells, resulting from virus-mediated MCP 1-expression. Moreover, monitoring of tumor progression after implantation of GI-101A cells revealed an initially swelling of the tumors, followed by enhanced tumor regression after infection with GLV-1h80, as well as after GLV 1h68-infection. However, GLV-1h80-mediated MCP-1 expression resulted in an enhancement of oncolytic effects, followed by significant reduced tumor volumes compared to GLV-1h68-colonized tumors. In case of HT-29-CBG tumors MCP-1 induced indeed no regression of tumors. However, even in this poor-responding tumors oncolytic effects could be amplified by GLV 1h80 infection. Hence, inhibition of tumor growth in poor-responder model HT-29-CBG could be achieved by GLV-1h80-induced expression of the chemokine MCP-1. Taken together, both, the use of a ß galactosidase activatable prodrug in GDEPT and the modulation of the intratumoral chemokine network by expression of MCP-1 resulted in positive synergistic effects during oncolytic virus therapy. Future construction of a recombinant VACV, co expressing the prodrug-activating enzyme ß galactosidase as well as MCP-1 in tumor tissue has the potential to induce even stronger synergistic effects and might also lead to a more efficient treatment of up to now poor- or non-responding tumors.
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Formulações sólidas de lactase: estudos de estabilidade acelerada, liberação e sua quantificação por espectroscopia no infravermelhoPERISSINATO, Aline Gravinez 21 January 2016 (has links)
A intolerância à lactose é caracterizada pela falta da enzima lactase (β-galactosidase) e atinge quase 50% da população. O tratamento se baseia em uma dieta restritiva de produtos lácteos o que pode acarretar em prejuízo nutricional e estar associada com a diminuição da densidade mineral óssea e fraturas. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar uma formulação de lactase gastro-resistente para garantir uma maior atividade no local de ação da enzima (lúmen do intestino delgado). Concomitantemente, também avaliamos a estabilidade e a atividade enzimática do produto comercial americano (comprimidos de Lactaid® 9000 U). E por fim, desenvolvemos um método analítico para quantificar o teor de lactase em formulações sólidas através da espectroscopia na região do infravermelho. Ao realizar o teste de estabilidade nota-se que a embalagem primária é fundamental na manutenção da atividade enzimática da lactase. Ao término do estudo de estabilidade, os comprimidos que estavam dentro da sua embalagem primária tiveram uma diminuição da sua atividade de aproximadamente 7,5%, enquanto os comprimidos que foram armazenados fora da sua embalagem original tiveram uma perda de aproximadamente 35%. Ao realizar o teste de dissolução também do produto comercial americano nota-se que a formulação existente não é capaz de proteger a enzima da ação degradante do ambiente gástrico do estômago, apresentando ao final do teste uma perda de 65% de atividade enzimática. Em comparação com a forma farmacêutica gastro-resistente, não houve perda de atividade durante a etapa ácida e ao final do ensaio de dissolução a atividade encontrada foi de 93%. Quanto ao método de quantificação por infravermelho, constatou-se que a o melhor modelo de calibração multivariada (PLS) apresenta 7 VL, RMSECV de 4,3 %, RMSEP de 1,2% e os dados obtidos com o MIR é muito similar com os dados obtidos pelo método USP de referência. / Lactose intolerance is characterized by the absence of the enzyme lactase (β-galactosidase) and affects almost 50% of the population. The treatment is based on a restrictive diet of dairy products which can result in nutritional loss and is associated with decreased bone mineral density and fractures. Our aim was to evaluate a lactase gastro formulation to ensure increased activity in the action site of the enzyme (lumen of the small intestine). Simultaneously, we also evaluated the stability and enzyme activity of the american commercial product (tablets of Lactaid® 9000 U). And lastly, we developed an analytical method for measuring the lactase content in solid formulations by spectroscopy in the infrared region. In carrying out the stability test to note that the primary packaging is critical in maintaining the enzymatic activity of lactase. At the end of the stability study, the tablets that were in the primary package had a decrease in their activity by approximately 7.5%, while the tablets were stored outside of its original container had a loss of approximately 35%. When carrying out dissolution test also the american commercial product it is noted that the existing formulation is not able to protect the enzyme from the degrading action of gastric environment of the stomach, with the end of the test a loss of 65% of enzyme activity. Compared with the gastroresistant pharmaceutical form there was no loss of activity during the acid step and the end of the dissolution test the activity was found 93%. As regards the measurement method by IR, it was found that the best multivariate calibration model (PLS) features 7 LV, RMSECV 4.3%, RMSEP of 1.2% and the data obtained with MIR is very similar to the data obtained by the USP reference method. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
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Cinética da enzima alfa-galactosidase a e investigação de doença de fabry em pacientes hemodialisadosARAGÃO, Camila de Britto Pará de 01 November 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2012-07-23T13:34:54Z
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Dissertacao_CinéticaEnzimaAlfa-Galactosidase.pdf: 2284274 bytes, checksum: 84e0046c6ef967080654f5dc29d5c13b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A Alfa-galactosidase A (α-Gal A) humana é uma enzima lisossômica que quando deficiente causa a doença de Fabry. A doença de Fabry é uma esfingolipidose cuja principal causa de morbi-mortalidade é a insuficiência renal
crônica (IRC). O objetivo deste estudo foi a implantação de um protocolo laboratorial que permita o diagnóstico da doença de Fabry em plasma e leucócitos, além da análise das características cinéticas da enzima α-Gal A em plasma e busca ativa da doença em 25 indivíduos com IRC de causa desconhecida. Também foram avaliadas a reprodutibilidade e a estabilidade do método enzimático. A padronização dos ensaios foi realizada com o substrato fluorescente 4-metilumbeliferil-α-Dgalactopiranosídeo. A reprodutibilidade foi avaliada utilizando amostras de plasma aliquotadas a 4ºC, -20ºC e -70ºC, analisadas uma vez ao mês por 6 meses e a estabilidade da fluorescência por até 24 horas após o término do ensaio enzimático. A padronização permitiu a implantação de valores de referência da α-Gal A para o estado do Pará, de 4 a 28 nmoles/h/mL (plasma) e de 20 a 96 nmoles/h/mg proteína (leucócitos). A enzima α-Gal A se mostrou termolábil, visto que com apenas 1 minuto de pré-incubação das amostras a 60ºC, sua atividade decaiu 71,09%. Com relação ao tempo de incubação, a atividade enzimática apresentou uma disposição linear crescente entre 15 a 180 minutos de incubação. A α-Gal A apresentou maior atividade no pH 4,8, o Km encontrado para a α-Gal A foi de 1,007 mM e a Vmáx foi 30,9 nmoles/h/mL. A melhor temperatura de armazenamento de plasma até o ensaio enzimático é -20ºC, onde foi observada menor variação em um período máximo de 6 meses. O método enzimático utilizado é estável, mesmo após 24 horas do término do ensaio, em temperatura ambiente. Com relação aos pacientes com IRC de causa desconhecida, todos apresentaram valor de atividade da α-Gal A dentro dos parâmetros de referência e, portanto, nenhum foi diagnosticado com doença de Fabry. O entendimento da cinética da α-Gal A e do seu comportamento in vitro possibilita um melhor diagnóstico laboratorial da doença de Fabry gerando dados para futuras comparações com indivíduos afetados por mutações nesta enzima / Human alpha-galactosidase A (α-Gal A) is a lysosomal enzyme which is deficient in Fabry disease. Fabry disease is a sphingolipidosis which chronic kidney failure (CKF) is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was the establishment of a laboratorial protocol that allows the diagnosis of Fabry’s disease in plasma and leukocytes, the analysis of α-Gal A kinetic features in plasma and searching for potential Fabry patients in 25 individual with unknown CKF. Reproducibility and fluorescence stability of the enzymatic method were also evaluated. The assay standardization was realized with the fluorescent substrate 4- methylumbeliferil-α-D-galactopyranoside. Reproducibility was evaluated using plasma samples stored at a 4ºC, -20ºC and -70ºC, the assay was performed once a month until 6 months and fluorescence stability was evaluated until 24 hours after the end of the assay. The standardization allowed the establishment of value references to α-Gal A in Pará State, from 4 to 28 nmoles/h/mL (plasma) and 20 to 96 nmoles/h/mg protein (leukocytes). α-Gal A enzyme was thermolabile and 1 minute of preincubation at 60ºC was sufficient to decrease 71.09% of its entire activity. The activity of the α-Gal A enzyme increased progressively according to incubation time, between 15 and 180 minutes. Its activity was better at pH 4,8, the Km value for the α-Gal A enzyme was 1.007 mM, and maximum reaction velocity was 30.9 nmoles/h/mL. The best storage temperature for plasma samples was -20ºC that showed less variation until 6 months. The enzyme method is stable and even after 24 hours, at room temperature, the fluorescence remained the same. All CKF patients with unknown cause presented α-Gal A activity between normal values, therefore neither was diagnosed with Fabry disease. Understanding the kinetics of the α-Gal A enzyme and its in vitro behavior will contribute to improvements in the laboratory diagnosis of Fabry disease, and provide a diagnostic baseline for the analysis of individuals affected by mutations in this enzyme.
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Rapid Screening of Aquatic Toxicity of Several Metal-Based Nanoparticles Using the Metplate™ BioassayPokhrel, Lok R., Silva, Thilini, Dubey, Brajesh, El Badawy, Amro M., Tolaymat, Thabet M., Scheuerman, Phillip R. 01 June 2012 (has links)
Current understanding of potential toxicity of engineered nanomaterials to aquatic microorganisms is limited for risk assessment and management. Here we evaluate if the MetPLATE™ test can be used as an effective and rapid screening tool to test for potential aquatic toxicity of various metal-based nanoparticles (NPs). The MetPLATE bioassay is a heavy metal sensitive test based on β-galactosidase activity in Escherichia coli. Five different types of metal-based NPs were screened for toxicity: (1) citrate coated nAg (Citrate-nanosilver), (2) polyvinylpyrrolidone coated nAg (PVP-nAg), (3) uncoated nZnO, (4) uncoated nTiO2 and (5) 1-Octadecylamine coated CdSe Quantum Dots (CdSe QDs); and compared with their corresponding ionic salt toxicity. Citrate-nAg was further fractionated into clean Citrate-nAg, unclean Citrate-nAg and permeate using a tangential flow filtration (TFF) system to eliminate residual ions and impurities from the stock Citrate-nAg suspension and also to differentiate between ionic- versus nano-specific toxicity. Our results showed that nAg, nZnO and CdSe QDs were less toxic than their corresponding ionic salts tested, while nano- or ionic form of TiO2 was not toxic as high as 2.5 g L− 1 to the MetPLATE™ bacteria. Although coating-dependent toxicity was noticeable between two types of Ag NPs evaluated, particle size and surface charge were not adequate to explain the observed toxicity; hence, the toxicity appeared to be material-specific. Overall, the toxicity followed the trend: CdCl2 > AgNO3 > PVP-nAg > unclean Citrate-nAg > clean Citrate-nAg > ZnSO4 > nZnO > CdSe QDs > nTiO2/TiO2. These results indicate that an evaluation of β-galactosidase inhibition in MetPLATE™ E. coli can be an important consideration for rapid screening of metal-based NP toxicity, and should facilitate ecological risk assessment of these emerging contaminants.
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The use of crude cell extracts of lactic acid bacteria optimized for beta-galactosidase activity to form galactooligosaccharides with lactose, mannose, fucose, and N-acetylglucosamineLee, Vivian Shin Yuan 11 1900 (has links)
Several lactic acid bacteria contain β-galactosidases. Beta galactosidases catalyze lactose hydrolysis and transfer acceptor sugars onto galactose, producing galactooligosaccharides. The aim of this work was to exploit β-galactosidases of lactic acid bacteria as crude cell extracts to produce novel oligosaccharides with mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, and fucose. Of 17 strains of lactic acid bacteria, transferase activity was the strongest in crude cell extracts of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, followed by Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus animalis, and Lactobacillus reuteri in a buffered 19% (w/w) lactose solution. Incorporation of 6 % (w/w) glycerol increased transferase activity and enzyme stability at higher incubation temperatures. Incorporation of 10% (w/w) mannose, N-acetylglucosamine and fucose as acceptor sugars yielded three distinct oligosaccharides with mannose and two with N-acetylglucosamine and fucose, with the composition confirmed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This is the first public report indicating production of oligosaccharides containing N-acetylglucosamine and fucose from β-galactosidases of lactic acid bacteria.
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Des travaux de recherche en fermentation liquide ont montré que P. canescens est une souche hyperproductrice de xylanases non contaminées par des activités cellulolytiques et amylolytiques. Selon les scientifiques, lintérêt de lutilisation industrielle de ces hémicellulases dans différents secteurs (particulièrement dans la formulation daliments pour le bétail, en industries des jus de fruits et brassicoles, en amidonnerie, en industrie du papier, en pharmacie, dans les textiles et dans la production du bioéthanol) va croître significativement. Mais le développement de ces enzymes est fréquemment limité par le coût de production. Ce travail sest intéressé à loptimisation de la production des xylanases de P. canescens à partir de matières premières peu coûteuses telles les résidus agro-industriels par fermentation solide, une technique traditionnellement utilisée dans la fermentation des aliments en Asie. Létude a démontré que le tourteau de soja est un bon inducteur de la production des xylanases. La teneur initiale en eau, le pH initial, la température de la culture et laération active influencent la synthèse de l'enzyme. Compte tenu des résultats obtenus à léchelle du laboratoire, la transposition à léchelle industrielle serait facilitée naturellement par de fines épaisseurs de cultures statiques, ce qui réduit de moitié le coût de production comparativement à la fermentation liquide. Les expérimentations ont confirmé que la production de xylanases par P. canescens répondait à des phénomènes dinduction et de répression dépendant du substrat et des conditions physico-chimiques de croissance, et non pas à des phénomènes de régulation de type quorum sensing. Lenzyme sous forme liquide concentrée présente une bonne stabilité pendant six mois sans protection préalable (stérilisation, stabilisation ou inhibition de protéases).
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Redox cycling for an in-situ enzyme labeled immunoassay on interdigitated array electrodesKim, Sangkyung 20 August 2004 (has links)
This research is directed towards developing a more sensitive and rapid electrochemical sensor for enzyme labeled immunoassays by coupling redox cycling at interdigitated electrode arrays (IDA) with the enzyme label b-galactosidase. Coplanar and comb IDA electrodes with a 2.4 mm gap were fabricated and their redox cycling currents were measured. ANSYS was used to model steady state currents for electrodes with different geometries. Comb IDA electrodes enhanced the signal about 3 times more than the coplanar IDAs, which agreed with the results of the simulation. Magnetic microbead-based enzyme assay, as a typical example of biochemical detection, was done using the comb and coplanar IDAs. The enzymes could be placed close to the sensing electrodes (~10 mm for the comb IDAs) and detection took less than 1 min with a limit of detection of 70 amole of b-galactosidase. We conclude that faster and more sensitive assays can be achieved with the comb IDA. A paramagnetic bead assay has also been demonstrated for detection of bacteriophage MS2, used as a simulant for biothreat viruses, such as small pox. The immunoassay was carried out in a microfluidic format with the IDA, reference and counter electrodes integrated on the same chip. Detection of 90 ng/mL MS2 or 1.5x1010 MS2 particles/mL was demonstrated.
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Production Of Thermostable Beta-galactosidase From Tyhermophilic Fungi For Use In Low-lactose Milk ProductionSoydan, Meltem 01 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this research was the production of beta-galactosidase from thermophilic fungi for use in low lactose milk production or other possible applications. For this purpose, three thermophilic fungi Humicola insolens, Torula thermophila and Thermomyces lanuginosus were screened for lactase production. Highest lactase activity was observed in Thermomyces lanuginosus. The carbon source inducing highest extracellular lactase production in Thermomyces lanuginosus was determined as arabinose. When grown on arabinose T. lanuginosus produced two major lactase activity peaks, one being at day 4 (beta-galactosidase-A) and second starting following the initiation of biomass degradation at day 3 suggesting the existence of a cell wall-bound beta-galactosidase (beta-galactosidase-B). Maximum activity of the second enzyme was at day 10. Crude enzyme stored at 4º / C and -20º / C was stable over a period of one month. Optimum pH and temperature of crude enzyme were found as pH 6.8 and 65º / C. For concentration of extracellular enzyme, fractional ammonium sulfate precipitation with 60-85% salt was applied. Comparisons with commercial lactase obtained from Kluyveromyces lactis revealed that partially purified lactase from Thermomyces lanuginosus was 1.3 times more efficient in hydrolysis of lactose even at 30º / C which is optimum for Kluyveromyces lactis. Lactose hydrolysis was enhanced at higher temperatures and reached maximum at 50-60º / C giving 4.7 fold higher hydrolysis than Kluyveromyces lactis beta-galactosidase. Molecular weight of the second enzyme was determined as 156 kDa by gel filtration. Being an extracellular enzyme with optimum pH suitable for dairy processes, high thermotolerance and stability, this enzyme has a potential for commercial use.
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Evaluating Microemulsions For Purification Of Beta-galactosidase From Kluyveromyces LactisMazi, Bekir Gokcen 01 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, we evaluated the potential of water-in-oil microemulsions for the separation of beta-galactosidase (lactase) from other proteins. The ability of beta-galactosidase to break down the milk carbohydrate lactose gives the enzyme considerable commercial importance. The extent of solubilization of a commercial Kluyveromyces lactis preparation of beta-galactosidase into microemulsion droplets formed from 200 mM bis (2-ethylhexyl) sodium sulfosuccinate (AOT) in isooctane was measured as a function of buffer type, pH, ionic strength, and protein concentration. Our results showed that, due to the large molecular weight of beta-galactosidase (MW~ 220-240 kDa, dimeric form), the enzyme was taken up by the microemulsion droplets mainly under very low salt conditions. Based on these results, we designed a one-step separation procedure, in which a small volume of aqueous buffer containing the protein mixture is added to an organic surfactant solution. Microemulsion droplets form in the oil and capture protein impurities of smaller molecular weights, while excluding the high molecular weight target protein. This causes the beta-galactosidase to be expelled into a newly formed aqueous phase. The feasibility of this one-step process as a bioseparation tool was demonstrated on a feed consisting of an equal mixture of beta-galactosidase and the test protein beta-lactoglobulin. Recovery and separation of the two proteins was analyzed as function of buffer type, pH, ionic strength, and protein concentration. Results showed that separation was most complete at 100 mM KCl salt concentration, where the droplets were big enough to carry beta-lactoglobulin but too small for lactase. At 100 mM salt concentration, we recovered 92% of the total lactase activity in a virtually pure form.
The same separation scheme was then tested on crude extract obtained from a cell culture broth of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. Cells of the yeast K. lactis were disrupted by minibeadbeater, forming a crude extract that was used as the feed in our separation process. A 5.4-fold purification factor of the extract was achieved, with 96% activity recovery. The results showed our one-step separation process to be an interesting method for the production of beta-galactosidase as a technical enzyme: it has the potential to achieve a continuous, large-scale partial purification of the enzyme, potentially reducing the number of steps required in downstream process.
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Purification and characterization of an alpha galactosidase from ruminococcus gnavus ; enzymatic conversion of type B to H antigen on erythrocyte membranesHata, D. Jane, January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri--Columbia, 2002. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 237-245).
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