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Gamification : En studie av spelmekanismers påverkan på användare av informationssystemGannå, Josefine January 2016 (has links)
Gamification in informationsystem and it´s influence on the users is processed in this study. Gamification means bringing elements from the gaming community and applicate them in another context. Purpose of the study is to look closer to how the users affects by gamification in informationsystem and also identify important aspects from a user-perspective point of view. To perform this study, semi-structured in-depth interviews were made, including nine users of a gamified informationsystem. The conclusion is the following: Gamification influence the commitment, working conditions, performance and progress of the users in a significant way. 17 elements important to consider from a user-perspective point of view when using gamification in informationsystem has been detected. / Denna studie behandlar gamifiering av informationssystem och gamifieringens påverkan på användarna. Gamifiering innebär att ta element ifrån spelvärlden och applicera dem i ett annat sammanhang, här ett informationssystem. Syftet med studien är att identifiera faktorer som ur ett användarperspektiv är viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid gamifiering av informationssystem. För att genomföra denna undersökning har semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomförts med nio användare av ett gamifierat informationssystem. Resultatet visar att gamifieringen påverkar användarnas engagemang, arbetssituation, prestation samt utveckling. Baserat på resultatet ges förslag på 17 faktorer, som ur ett användarperspektiv är viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid användandet av gamifiering i informationssystem.
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Gamifikační systémy a jejich integrace v organizaci / Gamification systems and their integration in organizationsRýdl, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
Main topic of this thesis are gamificaton system and their implementation in organizations. The first chapter describes theoretic part of gamification. Second addresses options of using game elements in workspace and approaches to designing a gamification system. In the third part there is comparison of gamification platforms. The last chapter describes the design of the orignal gamification system for web application.
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Digital Inlärningsportal: Ett mer intressant sätt att lära sig / Digital Educationportal: A more interesting way to learnSundqvist, Christoffer, Djuvfeldt, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
This essay describes the implementation of a websolution where gamification is applied. The purpose of the websolution is to create a more interesting platform where the focus is education and information sharing between the company's employees. The websolution have the possibility for administrators to create articles which can be linked to quizzes and such. The articles are shown on a newspage which is available for everyone employed at the company. Each article is linked with a quiz or such that the employees can do. To create a feeling of gamification the scores are stored and displayed onto a highscore board that is available to everyone. The essay also describes the design choices that have been done during the project. Some of the choices that are described are Application Programming Interface (APIlayer), frameworks, database models, data exchange, user management, visual design and security. The product that has been created will be presented both visually and functionally where the results are compared to what was asked by the employer. The essay ends with what the authors think went right or wrong with the implementation and design but also some things they learnt and how the project can be further developed.
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Nya spelregler för skogsindustrin : En studie om möjligheter att gamifiera ett skogsbolags transportstyrningssystemEdmon, Jannika January 2018 (has links)
Today, companies need to constantly improve in order to be competitive and achieve good results. Gamification is a concept that is being implemented by more and more companies to increase motivation for employees as well as to engage them to work in a way that can help fulfil the goals of the company, which in the long run can lead to improved results. This study is based on a case with an international IT consulting company and their customer who works in the forest industry. The consulting company has developed an IT system for the customer, where timber car drivers are the system users among others. The purpose of the study has been to explore the possibilities to gamify the existing IT system in order to increase the system usage and encourage certain behaviors of the drivers that are aligned with the customer’s goals. Furthermore, the goal of the study has been to follow a gamification framework to develop suggestions on features in the system that can support these behaviors of the drivers. The framework has been used in combination with different methods for data collection such as interviews and open questionnaires. The use of the framework has resulted in four features that can be implemented in the system to support certain behaviors of the drivers. All features provide feedback to the user in different ways, following an action taken, to motivate continued use. Prior to implementation however, it is recommended that measures be taken to ensure that the gamification project is able to succeed. / Idag behöver företag ständigt förbättra sig för att vara konkurrenskraftiga och uppnå goda resultat. Gamification är ett koncept som implementeras av allt fler företag för att öka motivationen hos anställda samt för att engagera dem så att de arbetar efter verksamhetens mål, något som långsiktigt kan leda till ett förbättrat resultat. Denna studie är baserad på ett fall hos ett internationellt IT-konsultbolag och deras kund som verkar inom skogsindustribranschen. Konsultbolaget har utvecklat ett IT-system för kunden där några av systemanvändarna är timmerbilschaufförer. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka möjligheter till att gamifiera det befintliga IT-systemet för att öka systemanvändningen och uppmuntra till beteenden hos chaufförerna som går i linje med kundföretagets mål. Vidare har målet med studien varit att följa ett gamification-ramverk för att ta fram förslag på funktioner i systemet som kan stödja dessa beteenden. Ramverket har använts i kombination med olika metoder för datainsamling som exempelvis intervjuer och öppna enkätfrågor. Användningen av ramverket har resulterat i fyra funktioner som kan implementeras i systemet för att stödja vissa beteenden hos chaufförerna. Samtliga funktioner ger på olika sätt återkoppling till användaren efter en utförd handling, för att motivera till fortsatt användning. Innan implementering rekommenderas dock vidtagande av åtgärder för att gamification-projektet ska ha möjlighet att lyckas.
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This research study explores the gamification of SandBoxModel's Project Team Builder, a project management simulation software. Scope, time and cost are the three constraints of project management with quality being the fourth dimension. The software provides a simulated environment where the students are responsible for handling the aforementioned constraints with the objective of executing a complete project. The software is used to teach project management concepts to students who take the CNIT 480 - Managing Information Technology Projects course at Purdue University. The perception survey was used to analyze whether gamification had a significant effect on student understanding of project execution concepts. The triple constraint survey was used to analyze students' level of comprehension regarding the triple constraints after using the simulation software. Gamification was not a success in enhancing project execution concepts since no significant differences were found in student perceptions on comparing the data of the three semesters. However, simulation independent of gamification was successful in improving students' understanding of triple constraint. <br>
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Branded smart phone applications: an efficient marketing strategy?Vaddé, Mathilde January 2012 (has links)
Advertising through smart phone applications is one of the fastest growing categories in advertising nowadays. Branded game-apps on mobile phones have several very innovative and attractive aspects, they physically engage their customers into a game, creating on a first level an entertainment but mainly they are advertising their products and the brand’s name. Many studies have been written on gaming, customer engagement and marketing strategies, but only few studies has been written on the convergence of mobile phone technology, gaming and marketing. This research is investigating to which extend this innovative way of marketing can be considered as an efficient marketing strategy. In order to get an insight from both sides of the market, semi-structured interviews have been lead with phone-app experts and users. Similar answers were formulated by both the producers and the users, leading me to the conclusion that a game-app is engaging the users into an overall positive dialogue with the brand. The contribution of this exploratory study is a greater understanding of the phenomenon of branded game-apps, in relation to previous studies on marketing, game mechanisms and brand-consumer relationships.
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Motivations in Sports and Fitness Gamification : A study to understand what motivates the users of sports and fitness gamification servicesStålnacke Larsson, Richard January 2013 (has links)
Sports and fitness is a trending theme in the field of gamification, which in turn is a trending theme in cross media. Underlying the concept of gamification is motivation. Sports and fitness seems to be an area where people have a hard time of motivating themselves in. Even though sports and fitness is popular, most research has been made in other settings. The research that has been made so far on motivation in gamification stands on two different sides on how gamification should be used to motivate users. One advocates the work on the user’s external motivation while the other focuses on internal motivation. By asking users of sports and fitness gamification services I seek to find out what motivates them. This thesis shows that by working on the user’s external motivation, the internal motivation can increase over time. Based on the findings I suggest a new implication for design in gamification which better suits the area of sports and fitness and will hopefully help gamification designers and researchers alike.
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Gameful learning through The Lens of Intrinsic Skill AtomsBäcklund, Jakob January 2016 (has links)
Creating applications and systems that effectively motivate users is very important both in business and education. Using design practises from game development in non- game settings to exploit its ability to engage players has become increasingly more popular in recent time to attract and encourage users. This study examines how to effectively and systematically develop an application using a method based in both game design and inter- action design to develop a learning application for programming. The results demonstrates the strengths of the applied iterative prototyping and powerful design tools of the specific method in a smaller scale project as well as the weaknesses of the vague description of tool usage with risk of derailing in the design steps.
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Implementering av Gamification : Implementering av Gamification-tekniker i AFRY:s produktionsuppföljningssytem Pulse / Implementation of Gamification : Implementation of Gameification techniques in AFRY:s production overview system PulseHalvarsson, Sebastian, Caesar, John January 2020 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete är att demonstrera en eller flera Gamification-varianter i ett existerande system som AFRY utvecklar. Detta utfördes i två olika faser - en där det undersöktes olika Gamification-varianter, en där implementationen av dessa varianter skedde. I denna rapport visas och beskrivs designen av implementation, och resultatet av implementationen. Det beskrivs också vad som skiljer den planerade implementationen och den realiserade implementationen, samt ges förslag på funktionalitet som kan vidareutvecklas i framtiden. / The goal of this project is to demonstrate one or more Gamification variants in an existing system that AFRY develops. This happened in two different phases - one where different Gamification variants were researched, one where the implementation of some of the variants were performed. This report describes and shows the design, and the result of the implementation. It also describes the difference between the planned implementation and the actual implementation. Even more, it contains some proposals for functionality that can be developed further in the future.
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RunKeeper och motivation : En undersökning om hur träningsapplikationen RunKeeper påverkar motivationen till fysisk träning. / RunKeeper and motivation : A survey about how the fitness application RunKeeper affects the motivation to fysical activity.Lindahl, Elin, Wiklund, Elvira January 2015 (has links)
Dagens samhälle börjar alltmer kretsa kring användandet av smartmobiler. Mobila applikationer är integrerade i vår vardag på många olika sätt, och de utvecklas ständigt och blir fler. Under den senaste tiden har det också blivit allt mer populärt att ägna sin tid åt träning och motion. Fysisk aktivitet förbättrar människors hälsa och förebygger riskerna att drabbas av vissa sjukdomar. Många personer använder sig idag av olika träningsapplikationer som ett hjälpmedel i samband med sin träning. Statistiken visar att fler och fler använder sig av träningsapplikationer, vilket gör det intressant att undersöka vad i träningsapplikationerna som hjälper användarna att öka sin motivation till träning och motion. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka om det fanns, och i så fall vilka funktioner i träningsapplikationen RunKeeper som ökar användarens motivation. För att ta reda på detta utfördes en kvantitativ enkätundersökning, kvalitativa intervjuer och en dagboksstudie där fem personer medverkade i en månad. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att de flesta som använder RunKeeper upplever att de blir mer motiverade till att träna och motionera med hjälp av applikationen. Resultatet visar att det finns en skillnad i vilka funktioner som upplevs mest motiverande av användarna, beroende på hur mycket kunskap om och hur mycket användarna använder applikationen. Personer som inte använder Runkeeper kontinuerligt upplever funktionen att logga sin egen träning mest motiverande, medan de som använder applikationen ofta och har god insikt i applikationens funktioner anser att ledartavlan är det som motiverar mest. / In todays society we can see an increasing appliance of smartphones. Mobile applications are integrated in our daily life in many different ways, and they are continuously developing and launching new applications on the market. Lately it has become more popular to engage in various workout activities. Physical activity has grand benefits for health, and prevents the risks of getting diseases. Many people today are using different workout and fitness applications when they are exercising. Statistics are showing that the number of users of workout and fitness applications are increasing, which makes it interesting to do research about what it is in the applications that are helping the users to get more motivated to workout. The purpose of this work is to investigate if there is, and in that case which, functions in the fitness application RunKeeper that increases the users motivation. To examine this a quantitative survey, qualitative interviews and an one month long survey with five people was carried out. The result of this work shows that most people who use RunKeeper experience that they get more motivated to exercise due to the application. The result shows that there is a difference concerning what functions that the users find most motivating, depending on how much knowledge and how frequent a person uses the application. People who don’t use the application constantly, finds the function to track their own exercise most motivating. The people who uses the application a lot and have good insight in the various functions in RunKeeper, finds the leaderboard most motivating.
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