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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Noble gases in ground water as paleoclimatic indicators

Phillips, Fred M.(Fred Melville) January 1981 (has links)
The solubility of the noble gases is temperature dependent. Other factors influencing solubility are the system pressure, the solute content of the water, and gravitational potentials. Most of the noble gases dissolved in ground water are from chemical equilibrium with the atmosphere. This equilibrium takes place in the recharge zone of the aquifer, typically in the soil. The final noble-gas concentrations are determined by the temperature, the elevation, the alteration of soil-gas composition by organisms, and soil-temperature gradients (which are in part a result of water-table depth and recharge rates). If the effects of temperature can be separated from the other influences, and if the noble-gas concentrations are not altered after recharge water enters the saturated zone, variations in recharge temperature with time may be determined by measuring the noble gases in dated ground-water samples. However, analysis of available data indicates that noble-gas concentrations frequently change after recharge. This change is usually the result of reequilibration with a biogenicgas phase produced within the aquifer, or from contact with air. In order to extend the calculation of recharge history to samples with complex histories of gas equilibrium a general equation for two stage equilibrium was derived. The variables in this equation are the initial temperature and pressure of equilibrium, the final temperature and pressure of equilibrium, and the molar water-to-gas ratio at the second equilibration. An equation of this type is constructed for each of the gases: neon, argon, krypton and xenon. These equations are solved simultaneously for four of the variables listed above while the value of one is assumed. Graphical techniques for determining which assumptions to use are presented. Ground-water samples were collected in glass tubes and analyzed by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, using double isotope dilution standardization. The analytical method is still developmental. Field sampling was undertaken in two locations, the Milk River aquifer of southern Alberta, Canada, and the Carrizo sand aquifer in southern Texas, in order to test the method. The preliminary data obtained may show correlation with known Holocene-Pleistocene climatic fluctuations, encouraging further development of the analytical technique and field research. Finally, a method for interpreting the climatic implications of oxygen and hydrogen isotope information from ground water in conjunction with noble-gas data is given.


Byer, Jonathan D 23 May 2013 (has links)
Recruitment of American eels (Anguilla rostrata) to Lake Ontario has declined rapidly over the past few decades. The commercial yellow eel fishery in Lake Ontario was closed in 2004 due to a lack of eel abundance. Researchers have been attempting to ascertain the reasons for the decline, although thus far, without definitive answers. In this thesis, the question of chemical contamination is addressed as it relates to female eel spawner quality. Spatial concentration trends of halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are described in eels collected from across eastern Canada, as well as temporal concentration trends in eels collected from a historically important area of northeastern Lake Ontario, Canada. Chlorinated POPs in eels, namely, organochlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans are all significantly less than historic values which peaked in the 1960-70s. Measured concentrations of chlorinated POPs in eels from Lake Ontario have decreased by up to 3-fold over the past three decades, and exceeded toxicity thresholds historically for surrogate species (European eel and lake trout). Thus, chlorinated POPs may have had an effect on spawner quality. Concentrations of legacy POPs in eels were dependent on their origin, with eels from highly urbanized and industrialized areas having significantly higher concentrations than eels captured in less developed regions. Similar trends were observed for polybrominated diphenyl ethers and chlorinated norbornene flame retardants. A number of emerging brominated compounds were also measured in these eels by non-target analysis including bromophenols, bromobenzenes, and bromoanisoles. This thesis demonstrates that eels are an ideal species to investigate local sources of pollution, and provide chemical data that may be used in the future, when more toxicity information is available for eels, to assess the health risks posed by accumulated chemical contaminants. / Thesis (Ph.D, Chemistry) -- Queen's University, 2013-05-23 09:27:59.593

Part 1: The determination of activity coefficients at infinite dilution ; Part 2: Investigations into the colour components of raw sugar.

Whitehead, Paul Graham. January 1996 (has links)
PART I: This work is part of an investigation to determine activity coefficients at infinite dilution (1'73) of hydrocarbons dissolved in the industrially important polar solvent tetrahydrothiophene-l, l-dioxide (sulfolane), by medium pressure gas liquid chromatography (g.l.c.). In this work the activity coefficients at infinite dilution for a series of l-alkenes (C6-CS) , l-alkynes (C6-CS) , and cycloalkanes (C7 and Cs) have been measured in the polar solvent, sulfolane, at 303.15 K and 313.15 K. The activity coefficients of some of the solutes discussed in this work would be difficult to determine by any other method because of their low solubility in sulfolane. The mixed second virial coefficients used in this work were determined assuming the principle of corresponding states, the Hudson and McCoubrey combining rules for T~2' the Lorentz rule for V~2' and the McGlashan-Potter equation. PART II: Unrefined sugar contains organic colour material originating In the sugarcane or formed during the extraction and purification processes. Sugar colour must be within the limits of acceptability for direct or indirect consumption. In this work, a cost effective technique to separate colourants from sugar through a sucrose packed medium pressure chromatographic column was investigated. Three dimensional perspective plots of wavelength/absorbance/time were developed to provide insight into the nature of the sugar colourants and to provide a means of investigating various decolourisation systems. In addition to the above experiment a procedure was developed to remove colourant species from unrefined sugar samples and from samples taken during the refining process for chemical analysis. In this work only one technique - gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy was used to identify the species. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1996.

An investigation into the potential of NFM, DEG and TEG as replacement solvents for NMP in separation processes.

Williams-Wynn, Mark. January 2012 (has links)
Optimisation attempts within the petrochemical industry have led to interest in alternate solvents. The most widely used commercial solvents for the separation of hydrocarbons, by extractive distillation, are N-methylpyrrolidone and sulfolane. There has also been reference made to other solvents, such as N-formylmorpholine and the ethylene glycols [mono-, di-, tri- and tetra], being used. The alternate solvents proposed for this study were N-formylmorpholine, triethylene glycol and diethylene glycol. Infinite dilution activity coefficients, γ∞, provided a means of comparing the ease of separation of the different solutes using different solvents in extractive distillation. There is a substantial database of γ∞ measurements for systems involving N-methylpyrrolidone and hydrocarbons. A fairly large data set of γ∞ values of hydrocarbons in N-formylmorpholine has also been measured. Very little work has been conducted on the γ∞ values of hydrocarbons in either diethylene glycol or triethylene glycol. Gas liquid chromatography is one of the more common methods used to measure γ∞. To enable the measurement of γ∞ at higher temperatures, a pre-saturator was installed prior to the column. This ensured that the carrier gas entering the column was saturated with solvent and prevented the elution of solvent from the column. The γ∞ values of 25 solutes; including n-alkanes, alk-1-enes, alk-1-ynes, alcohols and aromatics; were measured at temperatures of 333.15, 348.15 and 363.15 K. The γ∞ measurements in N-formylmorpholine were used to verify this experimental set up and technique. Once the experimental set up had been proven, γ∞ in N-methylpyrrolidone, triethylene glycol and diethylene glycol were measured. Selectivities and capacities, at infinite dilution, of several solute combinations in the four solvents were then compared. In a few of these separation cases, the alternative solvents appeared to have better separation performance than N-methylpyrrolidone. The γ∞ values of three of the solutes in N-formylmorpholine and N-methylpyrrolidone were also measured using the novel cell design and measurement procedure suggested by Richon. It was found that this new technique required further development for the case of volatile solvents, since the results obtained using this technique did not compare favourably with the literature data. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

Desenvolvimento de método analítico por cromatografia gasosa para identificação e análise sazonal de compostos voláteis de Copaifera sp. e avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana / Development of a gas chromatography analytical method for identification and seasonal analyses of volatile compounds of Copaifera sp. and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity

Ribeiro, Victor Pena 27 April 2017 (has links)
A Copaifera (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae), conhecida popularmente como \"copaíba\", \"copaibeira\" ou \"pau d\'óleo\", é uma árvore de grande porte que se encontra amplamente distribuída pelo Brasil, desde a floresta amazônica até a vegetação do cerrado. A oleorresina é constituída principalmente por sesquiterpenos e diterpenos, sendo utilizada na medicina popular no tratamento de processos infecciosos e inflamatórios. Os hidrocarbonetos sesquiterpênicos constituem cerca de 80% das oleorresinas representando uma fração de grande importância. Estudos sobre métodos analíticos capazes de quantificar os voláteis na oleorresina ainda são escassos. Sendo assim, foi proposto desenvolver e validar método analítico por cromatografia gasosa com detector por ionização de chama (DIC) para análise de compostos voláteis presentes nas oleorresinas e folhas de Copaifera sp. e avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana dos compostos voláteis em mistura e isolados. Para tanto, os óleos voláteis foram obtidos por meio da hidrodestilação das oleorresinas das espécies Copaifera langsdorffii Desff; C. duckey Dewer; C. multijuga Hayne; C. paupera (Herzog) Dewer; C. reticulata Ducke e C. publifora Benth. Os óleos voláteis de C. multijuga, C. paupera e C. publifora foram submetidos ao destilador de bancada (800 Automatic Micro Spinning Band Distillation) visando o fracionamento dos compostos voláteis majoritários. Os compostos foram purificados por meio de cromatografia em coluna aberta utilizando-se sílica gel e identificados por CG/EM e por RMN 1H e 13C. Foram isolados os sesquiterpenos ?-copaeno, ?-elemeno, ?-cadineno, ?-cariofileno, ?-humuleno e O-cariofileno. O método analítico foi avaliado frente aos parâmetros seletividade, linearidade, precisão, exatidão e robustez e mostrou-se adequado para quantificação dos sesquiterpenos nas oleoresinas das diferentes espécies de Copaifera estudadas. O método analítico também foi utilizado no estudo de sazonalidade, que foi realizado nas folhas de C. langsdorffi, com o qual foi possível identificar três constituintes sesquiterpênicos, sendo eles ?-cariofileno, germacreno D e ?-elemeno, sendo que o germacreno D apresentou o maior teor. Na análise sazonal desses compostos o germacreno D foi o composto que mais variou durante o período estudado com variação de até 63%. Foi avaliado também o potencial antimicrobiano dos sesquiterpenos isolados e das oleoresinas. Os óleos voláteis de C. paupera, C. duckey, C. langsdorffii apresentaram baixa e moderada atividade contra S. aureus, apresentando efeito bactericida nas concentrações de 500, 500, 125 ?g/mL, respectivamente. Os mesmos óleos voláteis apresentaram efeito semelhante frente às linhagens de S. choleraesuis, mas apenas com efeito bacteriostático. Os óleos voláteis de C. duckey e C. langsdorffii apresentaram alta atividade contra C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. krusei. Nenhum dos constituintes sesquiterpênicos isolados foi ativo frente às bactérias e leveduras pois apresentaram atividade em uma concentração maior do que 400 ?g/mL. / Copaifera (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae), popularly known as \"copaiba\", \"copaibeira\" or \"pau d\'óleo \", is a large tree that is widely distributed throughout Brazil, from the Amazon forest to the vegetation of the cerrado. Its Oleoresin is composed mainly of sesquiterpenes and diterpenes, and it is used in folk medicine in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory disorders. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons constitute approximately 80% of the oleoresins, representing an oleoresin fraction of great importance. Studies on analytical methods capable of quantifying volatiles in oleoresin are still scarce. Thus, it was proposed to develop and validate an analytical method by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (FID) for the analysis of volatile compounds present in the oleoresins and leaves of Copaifera sp. and evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of volatile compounds in mixture and isolated. For this purpose, the volatile oils were obtained by hydrodistillation of the oleoresins of Copaifera langsdorffii Desff; C. duckey Dewer; C. multijuga Hayne; C. paupera (Herzog) Dewer; C. reticulata Ducke and C. Publifora Benth. The volatile oils of C. multijuga, C. paupera and C. publifora were submitted to the automatic distiller (800 Automatic Micro Spinning Band Distillation) for the fractionation of the major volatile compounds. The compounds were isolated by means of open column chromatography loaded with silica gel and were identified by GC/MS and by 1H and 13C NMR. The sesquiterpenes ?-cubebene, ?-elemene, ?-cadinene, ?-caryophyllene, ?-humulene and O-caryophyllene were isolated. The analytical method was evaluated for selectivity, linearity, precision, accuracy and robustness parameters and was adequate for quantification of the sesquiterpenes in the oleoresins of the different Copaifera species studied. The analytical method was also used in the seasonality study, which was performed on the leaves of C. langsdorffii, allowing to identify three sesquiterpene constituents, being ?-caryophyllene, ?-elemene, and germacrene D wich present in higher contents. In the seasonal analysis of these compounds, germacrene D was the compound that most varied during the evaluated period with variation up to 63%. The antimicrobial potential of isolated sesquiterpenes and oleoresins were also evaluated. The volatiles oils of C. paupera, C. duckey and C. langsdorffii presented low and moderate activity against S. aureus, showing bactericidal effect at concentrations of 500, 500, 125 ?g/mL, respectively. The same volatile oils had a similar effect against S. choleraesuis strains, but only with a bacteriostatic effect. The volatile oils of C. duckey and C. langsdorffi showed high activity against C. glabrata, C. tropicalis and C. krusei. None of the isolated sesquiterpene constituents was active against bacteria and yeasts because they presented activity at a concentration higher than 400 ?g / mL

Avaliação dos processos de pré-tratamento da superfície da sílica fundida no preparo de colunas capilares inertes para cromatografia gasosa / Evaluation of the processes of pretreatment on the fused-silica surface for preparation of inert capillary columns for gas chromatography

Fonseca, Juliano Roldan 16 February 2009 (has links)
O controle da superfície química em colunas capilares abertas é de fundamental importância para atingir um alto desempenho na análise cromatográfica, sendo muito estudada ao longo das décadas de 70 e 80, mas tendo pouco destaque nos últimos anos por parte dos pesquisadores. A atividade da superfície de uma coluna capilar é causada por grupos silanol (Si-OH) e impurezas como metais, por exemplo. A presença destes grupos silanol faz com que alguns compostos sofram adsorção, principalmente pela formação de pontes de hidrogênio, originando picos com longas caudas no cromatograma. Por isso, a eliminação dos sítios ativos faz-se necessária quando uma amostra apresenta interação com a superfície da coluna. Esta desativação pode ser feita por meio de agentes silanizantes que reagem com os grupos hidroxila. Visto que a maioria dos artigos publicados sobre este assunto envolve colunas de vidro, o presente trabalho estudou os efeitos de cada fase do pré-tratamento de tubos aplicado para as colunas atuais de sílica fundida, verificando os agentes silanizantes HMDS, DPTMDS e TPDMDS que seriam mais adequados para suportar as fases estacionárias OV-73 e OV-17. Também se avaliou o uso de filmes finos de 0,01 , 0,05 e 0,10 ?m de polietileno glicol (PEG) como alternativa para a desativação da parede interna do capilar, o qual mostrou resultados satisfatórios de estabilidade e inatividade. / The control of the inner surface in open tubular capillary columns has fundamental importance to reach a high performance in gas chromatography analysis. It was very studied during 1970´s and 1980´s, but has not interested the researches along last years, not excluding also, the possibility of commercial secrets regarding column preparation. The activity on the surface of capillary column is mainly caused by silanol groups (Si-OH) and impurities such as metal ions and water. These groups favours reversible and irreversible adsorption of polar compounds, which results in tailed peak shapes and incomplete elution from the column. Therefore, the elimination of the active sites is necessary. The deactivation procedures are based on blocking of silanol groups by means of chemical reaction. This present work studied the effects of the surface pretreatment steps applied to fused silica capillary columns. Some silylating agents such as HMDS, DPTMDS and TPDMDS were valued. The coating behavior using OV-73 and OV-17 stationary phases was studied too. Film thickness of 0,01 , 0,05 and 0,10 ?m of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) was applied as alternative procedure, showing good stability and column deactivation.

Estudo do processo de compostagem de resíduos sólidos domésticos : identificação e quantificação de ácidos orgânicos /

Aquino, Felipe Thomaz January 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Mary Rosa Rodrigues de Marchi Santiago da Silva / Resumo: Os ácidos orgânicos de cadeia curta: acético, propiônico, butírico e valérico tem sido descritos na literatura como sendo fitotóxicos. Esse estudo propõe o monitoramento desses ácidos durante o processo de compostagem de resíduos sólidos domésticos. Foram monitorados três tipos de leiras: leira com revolvimento (LR), leira com material de estrutura (LMe) e leira com cobertura (LC), todas com material de partida proveniente da Usina de Compostagem da cidade de Araraquara, São Paulo. Foram utilizadas três técnicas principais para o monitoramento desses ácidos: Cromatografia Gasosa (CG), Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC) e testes de germinação em sementes. A cromatografia demonstrou que esses ácidos são encontrados em baixas concentrações e sua evolução foi curta, já que depois das primeiras amostragens, somente o ácido acético permaneceu, sendo que os demais não foram detectados ou estão abaixo de 5 μg.ml-1. O DSC mostrou-se interessante para avaliação do comportamento da evolução desses ácidos, já que foi apresentada uma influência da matriz sobre um dos analitos. Além disso, o DSC foi uma técnica complementar, que estabeleceu melhor estudo do comportamento do ácido propiônico. Os testes de germinação concluíram que esses ácidos não são fitotóxicos para concentrações de 5-500 μg.ml-1. Quanto à avaliação do composto, esse demonstrou-se apto para aplicação ao solo somente ao final do processo de compostagem. / Abstract: The short chain organic acids: acetic, propionic, butyric and valeric has been reported in literature as been phytotoxic. This study propose the monitoring these acids during the composting process. It was monitored three types of solid waste dumps: only with turn over (LR); with structure material (LMe) and with a cover layer (LC), all of them with starter material from Composting Plant of Araraquara city, São Paulo. It was utilized three main techniques for monitoring these acids: Gas Chromatography (CG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and seed germination tests. The chromatography demonstrates these acids are present at low concentrations and your evolution was short, after first sample period only acetic acid remains, and the others weren't detected, or are under 5 μg.ml-1. The DSC showed interesting for the evaluation of the occurence of these acids, that was showed a matrix influence on these analites. Besides, DSC was a complementar technique, that established a better study of propionic acid behaviour. The germination tests concluded these acids aren't phytotoxic for the range: 5-500 μg.ml-1. To the compost evaluation, it has demonstrates that it was able to soil application only after end of the process. / Mestre

Gas chromatography-mass fragmentographic analysis of serum 1[alpha], 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.

January 1991 (has links)
by Priscilla Miu-kuen Poon. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. / Includes bibliographical references. / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.1 / ABSTRACT --- p.2 / CONTENTS / Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.4 / Chapter 1.1 --- Discovery of vitamin D / Chapter 1.2 --- Bioavailability of vitamin D and its metabolites / Chapter 1.3 --- Metabolism of vitamin D and its metabolites / Chapter 1.4 --- Mode of action of vitamin D / Chapter 1.5 --- Vitamin D-related diseases / Chapter 2. --- METHODS OF MEASURING VITAMIN D AND ITS METABOLITES --- p.32 / Chapter 2.1 --- Deproteinization / Chapter 2.2 --- Extraction / Chapter 2.3 --- Separation / Chapter 2.4 --- Quantitation / Chapter 3. --- OBJECTIVES --- p.51 / Chapter 4. --- MATERIALS & METHODS --- p.52 / Chapter 4.1 --- Materials / Chapter 4.2 --- General methods / Chapter 4.3 --- Blood collection / Chapter 4.4 --- Radioreceptor assay / Chapter 4.5 --- Serum treatment / Chapter 4.6 --- High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) / Chapter 4.7 --- Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) / Chapter 4.8 --- "Serum 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 analysis" / Chapter 4.9 --- Application of the established GC-MS method / Chapter 4.10 --- Study on hypercalcaemia of tuberculosis / Chapter 5. --- RESULTS --- p.66 / Chapter 5.1 --- Analysis of vitamin D3 standard / Chapter 5.2 --- "Analysis of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 standard" / Chapter 5.3 --- Separation of vitamin D3 metabolites / Chapter 5.4 --- "Analysis of lα,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in serum samples" / Chapter 5.5 --- Study on hypercalcaemia of tuberculosis / Chapter 6. --- DISCUSSIONS --- p.118 / Chapter 6.1 --- Derivatization / Chapter 6.2 --- Optimization of GC-MS parameters / Chapter 6.3 --- Sample pre-treatment / Chapter 6.4 --- "GC-MS analysis of serum lα,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3" / Chapter 6.5 --- Study on hypercalcaemia of tuberculosis / Chapter 7. --- CONCLUSION --- p.129 / LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS --- p.131 / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.134 / LIST OF TABLES --- p.137 / REFERENCES --- p.139

Avaliação de interferentes endócrinos e marcadores de atividade antrópica nos corpos d\'água da área de instalação do Reator Multipropósito Brasileiro - RMB / Evaluation of endocrine disruptors and anthropic activity markers in water bodies of the area of installation of the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor - BMR

Larissa Limeira da Silva 20 December 2018 (has links)
O estudo de poluentes com características orgânicas e inorgânicas nas águas subterrâneas e superficiais de uma dada região é uma ferramenta importante na avaliação da poluição. Os interferentes endócrinos são produtos químicos sintéticos ou naturais que têm a capacidade de atuar no sistema endócrino de seres humanos e animais mimetizando hormônios naturais estimulando respostas diferentes das que originalmente seriam geradas e podem produzir efeitos adversos sobre os organismos, mesmo em concentrações de μg e ng L-1. As atividades antrópicas são a principal fonte de entrada de interferentes endócrinos no meio ambiente. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar 13 compostos orgânicos (dietilftalato, dibutilftalato, nonilfenol, bisfenol A, cafeína, androstano, estrona, estradiol, etinilestradiol, progesterona, coprostanol, colesterol e colestanol) que podem estar presentes nas águas subterrâneas e superficiais da área de instalação do Reator Multipropósito Brasileiro (RMB). Este é um estudo sem precedentes e de grande importância para a região avaliada, uma vez que fornecerá orientação sobre o grau de contaminação das águas locais antes do início do projeto de construção. O estudo também permitirá verificar se o projeto de construção do reator oferecerá algum prejuízo ambiental para a área em seu entorno. Para a determinação dos compostos de interesse, foi utilizado um método analítico desenvolvido e validado para determinação dos compostos de interesse em amostras de água e particulado da coluna d\'água, consistindo na concentração das amostras por extração em fase sólida (SPE) e/ou extração ultrassônica, seguido de quantificação por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a detector de espectrometria de massa (GC/MS). Os resultados revelaram baixas concentrações de alguns dos compostos orgânicos estudados, derivados de atividades antrópicas nas proximidades do local. Os rios que atravessam a área do projeto de instalação apresentam a maioria dos valores abaixo de 0,05 μg L-1, normalmente em estação seca, exceto para cafeína, em outubro de 2016 (0,80±0,03 μg L-1 a jusante do empreendimento) e outubro de 2017 (0,22±0,01 μg L-1 a jusante do empreendimento) e para colesterol em outubro de 2017 a montante do empreendimento (6,6±0,3 μg L-1). / The study of pollutants with organic and inorganic characteristics in groundwater and surface waters of a region is an important tool in the assessment of pollution. Endocrine disrupters are synthetic or natural chemicals that have ability to act in endocrine system of humans and animals mimicking natural hormones stimulating responses different from those originally generated, and can produce adverse effects on organisms even at concentrations of μg and ng L-1. Anthropogenic activities are the main source of input of endocrine disrupters into the environment. The objective of this research was to determine 13 organic compounds (diethyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, nonylphenol, bisphenol A, caffeine, androstane, estrone, estradiol, ethinyl estradiol, progesterone, coprostanol, cholesterol and cholestanol) that may be present in the groundwater and surface Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB). This is an unprecedented and important study for the evaluated region, as it will provide guidance on the local water degree contamination prior to the start of the construction project. The study will also allow verifying if the construction project of the reactor will offer some environmental damage to the area in its surroundings. For the determination of the compounds of interest, an analytical method developed and validated for the determination of the compounds of interest in samples of water and particulate of the water column, consisting of the concentration of the samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by quantification by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry detector (GC/MS). By the results were observed low concentrations of some of the organic compounds studied, derived from anthropic activities near the site. The rivers that cross the installation project area show values below 0.05 μg L-1, usually in the dry season, except for caffeine, in October 2016 (0.80±0.03 μg L-1 downstream of the project) and October 2017 (0.22±0.01 μg L-1 downstream of the enterprise) and for cholesterol in October 2017 (6.6±0.3 μg L-1 upstream).

Avaliação de interferentes endócrinos e marcadores de atividade antrópica nos corpos d\'água da área de instalação do Reator Multipropósito Brasileiro - RMB / Evaluation of endocrine disruptors and anthropic activity markers in water bodies of the area of installation of the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor - BMR

Silva, Larissa Limeira da 20 December 2018 (has links)
O estudo de poluentes com características orgânicas e inorgânicas nas águas subterrâneas e superficiais de uma dada região é uma ferramenta importante na avaliação da poluição. Os interferentes endócrinos são produtos químicos sintéticos ou naturais que têm a capacidade de atuar no sistema endócrino de seres humanos e animais mimetizando hormônios naturais estimulando respostas diferentes das que originalmente seriam geradas e podem produzir efeitos adversos sobre os organismos, mesmo em concentrações de μg e ng L-1. As atividades antrópicas são a principal fonte de entrada de interferentes endócrinos no meio ambiente. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar 13 compostos orgânicos (dietilftalato, dibutilftalato, nonilfenol, bisfenol A, cafeína, androstano, estrona, estradiol, etinilestradiol, progesterona, coprostanol, colesterol e colestanol) que podem estar presentes nas águas subterrâneas e superficiais da área de instalação do Reator Multipropósito Brasileiro (RMB). Este é um estudo sem precedentes e de grande importância para a região avaliada, uma vez que fornecerá orientação sobre o grau de contaminação das águas locais antes do início do projeto de construção. O estudo também permitirá verificar se o projeto de construção do reator oferecerá algum prejuízo ambiental para a área em seu entorno. Para a determinação dos compostos de interesse, foi utilizado um método analítico desenvolvido e validado para determinação dos compostos de interesse em amostras de água e particulado da coluna d\'água, consistindo na concentração das amostras por extração em fase sólida (SPE) e/ou extração ultrassônica, seguido de quantificação por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a detector de espectrometria de massa (GC/MS). Os resultados revelaram baixas concentrações de alguns dos compostos orgânicos estudados, derivados de atividades antrópicas nas proximidades do local. Os rios que atravessam a área do projeto de instalação apresentam a maioria dos valores abaixo de 0,05 μg L-1, normalmente em estação seca, exceto para cafeína, em outubro de 2016 (0,80±0,03 μg L-1 a jusante do empreendimento) e outubro de 2017 (0,22±0,01 μg L-1 a jusante do empreendimento) e para colesterol em outubro de 2017 a montante do empreendimento (6,6±0,3 μg L-1). / The study of pollutants with organic and inorganic characteristics in groundwater and surface waters of a region is an important tool in the assessment of pollution. Endocrine disrupters are synthetic or natural chemicals that have ability to act in endocrine system of humans and animals mimicking natural hormones stimulating responses different from those originally generated, and can produce adverse effects on organisms even at concentrations of μg and ng L-1. Anthropogenic activities are the main source of input of endocrine disrupters into the environment. The objective of this research was to determine 13 organic compounds (diethyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, nonylphenol, bisphenol A, caffeine, androstane, estrone, estradiol, ethinyl estradiol, progesterone, coprostanol, cholesterol and cholestanol) that may be present in the groundwater and surface Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB). This is an unprecedented and important study for the evaluated region, as it will provide guidance on the local water degree contamination prior to the start of the construction project. The study will also allow verifying if the construction project of the reactor will offer some environmental damage to the area in its surroundings. For the determination of the compounds of interest, an analytical method developed and validated for the determination of the compounds of interest in samples of water and particulate of the water column, consisting of the concentration of the samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by quantification by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry detector (GC/MS). By the results were observed low concentrations of some of the organic compounds studied, derived from anthropic activities near the site. The rivers that cross the installation project area show values below 0.05 μg L-1, usually in the dry season, except for caffeine, in October 2016 (0.80±0.03 μg L-1 downstream of the project) and October 2017 (0.22±0.01 μg L-1 downstream of the enterprise) and for cholesterol in October 2017 (6.6±0.3 μg L-1 upstream).

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