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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electric cars in China : energy, infrastructure and market potentials

Liu, Jian January 2012 (has links)
The electric vehicle (EV) has been regarded as one of the most promising alternative fuel vehicle technologies that could reduce China’s energy reliance on imported oil and transport sector carbon emissions. The success of EVs in China will depend on a series of determinants including their energy consumption and emission reduction potentials, battery performance and costs, charging infrastructure provision, the driving behaviour and the commercialization strategies. Some issues have been intensively investigated by previous research whilst some others gradually receive academic and governmental attentions. Instead of covering all determinants, this thesis focuses on four key aspects of the electric car development in China: the energy consumption and carbon emissions of electric cars based on the country’s energy mix; the expected electric car driving behaviour and its impacts on the power grid; the deployment strategy of charging infrastructure and the business operation models that could reduce the purchase cost of electric cars and accelerate their market diffusion. The research finds that according to the current energy mix and driving behaviour in China, the introduction of electric cars would largely reduce the transport sectors’ oil consumption. However, the carbon emission saving of electric cars requires a synchronized progress in the energy industry and the power grid infrastructure. Without the growing adoption of renewable sources in the electricity generation mix and the high efficient power transmission infrastructure, electric cars could achieve little environmental benefits particularly for carbon emission reduction. This research also finds that the current external costs of carbon emissions from cars are not high enough to justify financial policies that would favour electric vehicles. Moving towards cleaner technologies at present may not be justified on economic terms but it is justified on political and environmental terms. In addition, the performance of current electric cars, the driving range per charge in particular, is still significantly inferior to conventional vehicles running on petroleum fuels, which poses a remarkable challenge for electric cars’ market acceptance and implies the importance of charging infrastructure provision. This research estimates the charging impact of electric cars on the power grid in two case study cities through comparing charging infrastructure deployment strategies integrating three charging methods in both cities. Some innovative business operating models that aim to reduce the high initial purchase costs of electric cars are simulated. It shows all these models require substantial political and financial interventions to stimulate both supply (charging service and infrastructure provision) and demand (consumers purchase) in the early stage of market penetration for electric cars. Finally, the thesis provides recommendations for the policy implementation timing and stresses the importance of the parallel development in the upstream low carbon energy supply and the downstream vehicle (battery) research and development (R&D) in the near term.

Les limites de l'ACV. Etude de la soutenabilité d'un biodiesel issu de l'huile de palme brésilienne / The LCA limits. A study of the sustainability of a biodiesel produced from brazilian palm oil

Bicalho, Tereza 22 October 2013 (has links)
L’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV), telle qu’elle est pratiquée aujourd’hui, peut conduire à des résultats biaisés. L’utilisation de cet outil s’avère particulièrement sensible dans des cadres réglementaires. En effet, au lieu d’inciter les entreprises à réduire leurs impacts sur l’environnement, les certifications obtenues à partir des ACV risquent de produire un effet contraire : comme elles tendent à récompenser des moyennes industrielles plutôt que les résultats propres aux entreprises, elles peuvent détruire toute incitation pour ces dernières à agir correctement sur le plan environnemental. Dans cette thèse nous proposons des éléments de réflexion en matière de gestion pouvant être utiles à l’évolution de l’ACV à partir d’une étude de cas sur l’évaluation de la soutenabilité d’une filière biodiesel issu d’huile de palme brésilienne dans le cadre de la Directive EnR. Trois principaux résultats émergent de ce travail doctoral. Le premier se rapporte à la réflexion que nous menons sur l’évaluation de la durabilité imposée par la Directive EnR. Le deuxième renvoie aux réponses concrètes sur l’évaluation de la filière biodiesel évaluée à l’égard de la Directive, notamment par rapport aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Le troisième résultat concerne l’identification des besoins latents en matière d’évaluation de qualité des données d’ACV / Life cycle analysis (LCA), as it is currently applied, can lead to biased results. The use of LCA information is particularly sensitive when taken in the context of government regulatory frameworks. Indeed, instead of encouraging companies to reduce their impact on the environment, certifications obtained through LCA studies may produce the opposite effect: as they tend to reward industry averages rather than enterprise-specific results they can destroy all incentive for companies to reduce their environmental impacts. In this thesis we propose an in-depth analysis of management aspects in LCA and discuss how they could contribute to produce good quality LCA studies. For this, a case study was conducted on the sustainability evaluation of a biodiesel produced from Brazilian palm oil within the framework of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). Three main findings emerge from this doctoral work. The first refers to the analysis of the sustainability evaluation required by RED with a particular emphasis on its application to the Brazilian context of palm oil production. The second refers to the concrete answers produced from the biodiesel evaluated, particularly with respect to greenhouse gas emissions. The third result concerns the identification of latent needs in terms of LCA data quality assessment

Stratégie(s) de diffusion volontaire d’informations sur les gaz à effet de serre : Le cas du Carbon Disclosure Project / Strategie(s) of voluntary disclosure of greenhouse gas information : The case of the Carbon Disclosure Project

Jerome, Tiphaine 12 November 2013 (has links)
Le réchauffement climatique représente un enjeu prégnant auquel les entreprises répondent, entre autres, par la diffusion volontaire d’informations sur leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Trois études empiriques, traitant pour chacune d’elle une dimension de la stratégie mise en place par les firmes à cet égard, sont menées. Elles sont toutes trois réalisées à partir du programme Carbon Disclosure Project. La première étude identifie deux étapes séquentielles conduisant à la diffusion d’informations sur les GES : la production puis la diffusion sélective. À partir d’un échantillon mondial, une analyse coûts-bénéfices identifie les différents déterminants de ces deux décisions et invite à considérer de manière plus fine le processus de diffusion volontaire. La deuxième étude examine l’influence de la gouvernance interne sur la qualité des informations carbones diffusées, en distinguant la gouvernance spécifiquement dédiée à l’environnement de la gouvernance générale. Les analyses mettent en évidence, dans le contexte américain, le rôle contingent de la gouvernance spécifique puisque son rôle ‒ positif ‒ est modéré par la gouvernance générale dans laquelle elle s’insère. La troisième étude s’intéresse finalement à l’utilisation concomitante de deux canaux de diffusion. Il s’avère qu’une partie des entreprises françaises étudiées adapte les indicateurs diffusés sur les GES au canal et à l’audience ciblée. Afin d’assurer la crédibilité des données, la traçabilité de l’information est par ailleurs renforcée. L’ensemble de ces résultats contribue à la compréhension de la façon dont les besoins des parties prenantes sont gérés par les entreprises. Notre connaissance de l’environnement informationnel créé par ces dernières autour du changement climatique s’en trouve ainsi améliorée. / Global warming is nowadays a significant issue. Firms respond to this challenge by, among others, voluntarily disclosing information about their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Three empirical studies, each dealing with one dimension of the disclosure strategy, are conducted. They are all based on the Carbon Disclosure Project program. The first study identifies two sequential steps leading to information disclosure: information production and selective disclosure. A costs-benefits analysis is performed on a global sample in order to identify the different determinants of the two decisions and calls for a finer consideration of the disclosure process. The second study examines the influence of internal corporate governance on the quality of carbon information disclosed. Environmental-specific governance is distinguished from general governance. In the American context, analyses show that the role of the environmental-specific governance is contingent: its positive influence is moderated by the general governance context. The third study focuses on the concurrent use of two disclosure channels. It appears that French firms adapt the content of their GHG emissions indicator to the channel and the target audience. To ensure data credibility, information traceability is sustained in this case.Overall, this dissertation contributes to our understanding of the way stakeholders’ needs are managed by companies. Our knowledge of the informational environment created by firms about global warming is thus improved.

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um modelo para o Pollution Routing Problem. / Developing and implementing a model for a Pollution Routing Problem.

Paschoal, Anderson Oliveira de Ornelas 27 April 2015 (has links)
O transporte rodoviário é uma das atividades econômicas do homem que mais contribuem para a emissão de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) na atmosfera. Sabe-se que a emissão de CO2 está diretamente vinculada ao consumo de combustível. Por isso, é possível encontrar uma série de trabalhos que objetivam diminuir as emissões por meio da redução do consumo de combustível dos veículos. A otimização de rotas é uma importante ferramenta para essa redução e, consequentemente, possibilita minimizar as emissões dos veículos. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo aplicar em uma empresa líder na distribuição de revistas no país o PRP, que é um modelo de minimização do consumo de combustível/emissão de GEE por meio de ajustes das variáveis como velocidade média, quantidade de carga transportada, distância percorrida e inclinações das vias. Como a maioria das metodologias de estimativa de combustível existentes na literatura não considera a inclinação das vias nos seus cálculos, neste trabalho foi necessário desenvolver uma metodologia para incluí-la no modelo. Testes foram efetuados com variações nas janelas de tempo, e o modelo mostrou-se sensível a cada uma das variáveis analisadas, gerando economias em 100% das rotas estudadas. / Road transport is one of the biggest contributors of Greenhouse Gases emissions of all humans economic activities. It is known that CO2 emissions are directly related to fuel consumption, so that is why it is possible to find a series of studies that aims to reduce emissions by reducing vehicles fuel consumption. Route optimization is an important tool for reducing fuel consumption and hence emissions. This research aims to implement the PRP model in a leading company in the country, which is a model that minimizes fuel consumption/GHG emissions through adjustments of variables such as average speed, pay load, distance traveled and slopes of the road. Most existing fuel estimation methodologies found in the literature does not consider the slope of the roads in their calculations. So in this research it was necessary to develop a methodology to include it in the model. Tests were performed with variations in the time windows and the model was sensitive to each of the variables analyzed, generating savings on 100% of the studied routes.

Análise das emissões de gases de efeito estufa e consumo energético setorial do Estado de São Paulo por meio da matriz insumo-produto / Assessing sector greenhouse gas emissions and energetic consumption of Sao Paulo State by means of input-output matrix.

França, Camila Isaac 23 April 2013 (has links)
A Política Estadual de São Paulo de Mudanças Climática (PEMC) foi lançada em 2009. Esta política voluntária, independente de qualquer acordo nacional ou internacional, foi estabelecida para reduzir a emissão dos gases de efeito estufa em 2020 em 20%, de acordo com os níveis de 2005. Uma vez que a melhoria da eficiência energética está entre as ações de mitigação de emissões de carbono especificadas pela PEMC, este trabalho visa avaliar as emissões diretas e indiretas e o consumo energético das cadeias produtivas na economia do Estado de São Paulo. Conseqüentemente, este estudo combina dados da Matriz Insumo Produto com o Primeiro Inventário de Gases de Efeito Estufa do Estado de São Paulo (2011) e o Balanço Energético (2010). Todos os dados estão baseados nos valores do ano de 2004. O trabalho avalia três simulações. A primeira simulação compara as emissões totais e energia por unidade de demanda final, já a segunda simulação aplica o mesmo método, porém apenas contabiliza as emissões de energia. A terceira simulação é baseada na massa total de emissões diretas e indiretas e foi determinada por meio dos multiplicadores. Além disso, o efeito total de cada setor está relacionado às emissões diretas e indiretas geradas por uma unidade de demanda final. Baseado nos resultados das três simulações foi possível observar que as emissões indiretas representam quase 30% sobre as emissões totais, e que apesar deste número não ser mais representativo, a responsabilidade do setor é maior se as emissões indiretas forem consideradas. Os resultados da Simulação 1, identificam os setores que se destacam devido a altos geradores de emissões e energia: Outros da indústria extrativa e Cimento, de outro modo, se apenas os geradores das emissões fossem considerados Cimento e Pecuária teriam se destacado com aproximadamente 3,5 GgCO2e emitidos direta e indiretamente por 1 milhão de reais de demanda final. Já, de acordo com a Simulação 2, os setores que se destacam são: Cimento e Frabricação de aço e derivadoscom respectivamente 1,4 GgCO2e e 0,5GgCO2e de emissões totais emitidas por 1 milhão de reais de demanda final. Por fim, na Simulação 3, o setor de Transportes se destaca com 23% das emissões diretas, enquanto é responsável por 9% das emissões indiretas, correspondentes às emissões incorporadas pela demanda por serviços e produtos. Por outro lado, o setor Alimentos e bebidas é o que mais se destaca devido a 17% das emissões indiretas apesar de apresentar apenas 2% do total das emissões diretas. / The Sao Paulo State Climate Change Policy (CCP) was established in 2009. This voluntary policy, independent of any domestic and international accord, was established to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 by 20%, according to 2005\'s emission levels. Once the energy efficiency improvements are among the carbon mitigation actions specified by CCP, this present work aims to evaluate direct and indirect carbon dioxide equivalent emissions and energy consumption of supply chains in the Sao Paulo State\'s economy. Consequently, this study combines data from the Sao Paulo input-output matrix with the First Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory of Sao Paulo State (2011) and the Sao Paulo States Energy Balance (2010). All data used are based on 2004 values. Based on the CCP goal to reduce 20% in total emissions, this work assesses three simulations. The first simulation compares total emissions and energy by each final demand unit, whereas the second simulation applies the same method, but accounts for energy related emissions only. The third simulation is based on total direct and indirect emission mass. In addition, the work presents a comparison between all sectors in terms of their direct and indirect emissions, which is conveyed by emission multipliers. In addition, the total effect of each sector which is related to the direct and indirect emissions generated to one final demand unit, was assessed. Based on the results of the 3 simulations it was possible to see that indirect emissions represent almost 30% of the total emissions, and although this number is not more representative, in some cases sector\'s responsibility is greater if indirect emissions are accounted for. Results from Simulation 1 identify the sectors that stand out because of high energy and emission total effects: Other extractive industry and Cement. In comparision, if only total emissions effect are considered Cement and Livestock sectors stand out with approximately 3.5 GgCO2e emitted direct and indirectly for each 1 mi BRL of final demand, for each sector. Then, according to Simulation 2, the sectors that stand out are: Cement and Steel manufacture and products with respectvely 1.4 GgCO2e and 0.5 GgCO2e of total emissions emitted by each 1 mi BRL consumed by sector. Lastly, on Simulation 3, Transport is the sector that stands out with 23% of direct emissions, and 9% of the sum of indirect emissions, due to embodied emissions on services and products demand. Regarding indirect emissions, Food and beverage stands out, encompassing 17% of the indirect emissions and only 2% of total direct emissions.

Comparando as emissões de gases de efeito estufa nas etapas da cadeia produtiva do etanol brasileiro. / Comparing greenhouse gas emission along the steps of Brazilian ethanol supply chain.

Lopes, Celso Júnior Roseghini 09 December 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho utilizou a metodologia Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), desenvolvida pela Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA, 2008), para quantificar o volume de gases de efeito estufa emitido nas etapas do ciclo de vida do etanol: manejo agrícola da cana-de-açúcar, transporte da matéria-prima da lavoura até a usina, beneficiamento industrial, cogeração de energia elétrica e logística até uma base primária de armazenamento. O arcabouço metodológico foi aplicado em cinco diferentes regiões do Estado de São Paulo, o maior produtor brasileiro: Araçatuba, Assis, Ribeirão Preto, Jaú e Piracicaba. Ademais, objetivou-se examinar o impacto relativo que os seguintes tópicos têm nas emissões de gases de efeito estufa no ciclo de vida do etanol: (1) localização da produção de cana-de-açúcar; (2) utilização de diferentes combustíveis na etapa do manejo agrícola da cana-de-açúcar; (3) extinção da prática de queimar o canavial na fase da pré-colheita; e (4) utilização de uma logística intermodal para distribuir o etanol até uma base primária de armazenamento. No cenário base, considerou-se a utilização de óleo diesel no manejo agrícola da cana-de-açúcar, a prática de queimar previamente o canavial na fase da pré-colheita e a logística rodoviária para transportar o etanol das regiões produtoras até uma base primária de armazenamento localizada no porto de Santos-SP. Já para a análise de sensibilidade dos parâmetros de emissões, os demais cenários contemplam as possíveis combinações entre o uso de biodiesel no manejo agrícola (B20 ou B100), extinção da queima do canavial na fase da pré-colheita e logística rodo-ferroviária. Constatou-se que, independentemente do cenário analisado, em média, a maior parcela das emissões de gases de efeito estufa no ciclo de vida do etanol foi proveniente do manejo agrícola da cana-de-açúcar. Devido às características intrínsecas ao solo e a gestão das operações, as emissões são diferentes entre as regiões (amplitude de 60 kg de CO2e/tonelada de etanol). Ademais, essa etapa representou 51% e 62%, quando foi considerado, respectivamente, a logística rodoviária e a intermodalidade rodo-ferroviária para transportar o produto até Santos-SP. A utilização da intermodalidade de transporte rodo-ferroviária para distribuição do etanol corroborou para a minimização de gases de efeito estufa. Considerando a média dos cenários analisados, essa redução chegou a 13% no ciclo de vida e a 74% apenas na etapa da logística. Por fim, observou-se que existe minimização no volume de gases lançados na atmosfera em decorrência da sinergia entre o consumo de biodiesel B100 no manejo agrícola da cana-de-açúcar, a extinção da prática da queima do canavial na fase da pré-colheita e a utilização de logística intermodal rodo-ferroviária para se transportar o produto até uma base de armazenamento em Santos-SP. Em média, o volume de gases de efeito estufa emitidos diminuíram em 43% no ciclo de vida do etanol. / This thesis adopts the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) methodology, developed by the Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA, 2008), to quantify the volume of greenhouse gases that are emitted during the following stages of the ethanol life-cycle: 1) sugarcane farm management, 2) transportation of the raw material from the field to the mill, 3) industrial processing, 4) co-generation of electricity, and 5) logistics to the primary storage base. The methodology is applied over five different regions of the State of São Paulo, the largest ethanol producing State in Brazil: Araçatuba, Assis, Ribeirão Preto, Jaú e Piracicaba. Furthermore, this thesis aims to exam the following impacts related to the greenhouse gases emitted by the stages of ethanol life-cycle: (1) sugar production location; (2) usage of different fuels at the stage of sugarcane farm management; (3) extinction of the practice of burning the sugarcane field during the pre-harvest; and (4) utilization of intermodal logistics in order to transport the end-product to a primary storage base. In the base scenario, it is assumed 1) the utilization of diesel oil in the farm management of sugarcane, 2) the practice of previously burning the sugarcane field in the pre-harvest and 3) the road logistics to transport ethanol from the producing regions to a primary storage base located in the port of Santos-SP. To analyze the sensibility of emission parameters, other scenarios comprehend the possible combinations between the usage of biodiesel in farm management (B20ou B100), as well as the extinction of the practice of burning the sugarcane field in the pre-harvest and road-rail logistics. It was verified that, on average, regardless of the analyzed scenario, the largest portion of greenhouse gas emissions during the ethanol life cycle is concentrated at the sugarcane farm management stage. Due to the intrinsic characteristics of the soil and the required operations management, the emissions differ between regions (amplitude of 60 kg CO2e/ton of ethanol). Moreover, when both, road logistics and road-rail intermodality to transport the product to Santos-SP are considered, this stage represents 51% and 62%, respectively. The utilization of road-rail transportation intermodality to distribute ethanol contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. By considering the average of analyzed scenarios, this reduction achieves 13% during the life cycle and 74% only during the logistics stage. Finally, it was observed that there is a reduction on the volume of gases emitted into the atmosphere as a result of synergy among the use of biodiesel B100 in sugarcane farm management, the extinction of the practice of burning the sugarcane field in the pre-harvest and the utilization of intermodal logistic in order to transport the product to a primary storage base in Santos-SP. On average, the emitted volume of greenhouse gas decreases by 43% in the life cycle of ethanol.

Emissões poluentes na combustão em leitos fluidizados de carvão mineral / Pollutant emissions in the combustion in fluidized beds of mineral coal

Costa, Manoel Carlos Diniz 05 August 2005 (has links)
Avaliou-se as emissões dos gasses poluentes 'SO IND.2', NOx, THC e CO, e efeitos de escala de reator no processo de absorção de 'SO IND.2' por calcário em leitos fluidizados borbulhantes atmosféricos sob combustão de carvão mineral com alto teor de cinza e enxofre. Dois combustores de carvão em leito fluidizado foram utilizados: uma planta de bancada de seção circular de 0,16 m de diâmetro, e uma planta piloto de seção quadrada de 0,5 x 0,5 m. Foram controlados, tendo em vista situações operacionais típicas, o excesso de ar, a velocidade de fluidização (U/'U IND.MF'), a granulometria do particulado, e a temperatura do processo. As variáveis principais de análise foram a relação Ca/S de alimentação, altura do nível do leito e geometria do reator. A primeira foi variada pelo controle das taxas de alimentação de carvão e calcário e a segunda pelo controle da altura do leito expandido. Foram medidas as concentrações de gases na descarga do reator ('SO IND.2', 'O IND.2', 'CO', 'CO IND.2', NOx e THC), e as distribuições granulométricas e composição química dos materiais presentes no leito, elutriado e sangrado. Os resultados obtidos na planta de bancada foram comparados aos resultados obtidos na planta piloto. Indicaram que as diferenças encontradas são devidas principalmente a condições operacionais diferentes. O efeito de escala do reator, para as dimensões das plantas de bancada e piloto deste trabalho, mostrou-se desprezível. / Gas emissions of 'SO IND.2', NOx, THC and CO, and reactor scale effects were evaluated for the process of absorption of 'SO IND.2' by limestone in atmospheric bubbling fluidized bed combustion of high ash high sulfur coal. Two different fluidized bed reactor plants were used: a bench cylindrical section reactor 0.16 m internal diameter, and a pilot square section reactor 0.5 x 0.5 m. Air excess, fluidization velocity(U/'U IND.MF'), particle size and process temperature were established having in view typical operational conditions. The parameters varied for analysis were the Ca/S feeding ratio, height of the bed, and geometry of the reactor. The first was varied by controlling the feed rates of coal and limestone, and the second by controlling the height of the expanded bed. Gas concentrations were measured at the reactors exit ('SO IND.2', 'O IND.2', CO, 'CO IND.2', NOx and THC). Size distributions and chemical composition were determined for the bed, overflow and elutriated materials. The results obtained in the bench plant were compared to those obtained in the pilot plant. The differences found between the results of the two plants were attributed mainly to differences in operational conditions. The effect of scale, for the dimensions of the plants considered in this work, resulted not significant.

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um modelo para o Pollution Routing Problem. / Developing and implementing a model for a Pollution Routing Problem.

Anderson Oliveira de Ornelas Paschoal 27 April 2015 (has links)
O transporte rodoviário é uma das atividades econômicas do homem que mais contribuem para a emissão de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) na atmosfera. Sabe-se que a emissão de CO2 está diretamente vinculada ao consumo de combustível. Por isso, é possível encontrar uma série de trabalhos que objetivam diminuir as emissões por meio da redução do consumo de combustível dos veículos. A otimização de rotas é uma importante ferramenta para essa redução e, consequentemente, possibilita minimizar as emissões dos veículos. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo aplicar em uma empresa líder na distribuição de revistas no país o PRP, que é um modelo de minimização do consumo de combustível/emissão de GEE por meio de ajustes das variáveis como velocidade média, quantidade de carga transportada, distância percorrida e inclinações das vias. Como a maioria das metodologias de estimativa de combustível existentes na literatura não considera a inclinação das vias nos seus cálculos, neste trabalho foi necessário desenvolver uma metodologia para incluí-la no modelo. Testes foram efetuados com variações nas janelas de tempo, e o modelo mostrou-se sensível a cada uma das variáveis analisadas, gerando economias em 100% das rotas estudadas. / Road transport is one of the biggest contributors of Greenhouse Gases emissions of all humans economic activities. It is known that CO2 emissions are directly related to fuel consumption, so that is why it is possible to find a series of studies that aims to reduce emissions by reducing vehicles fuel consumption. Route optimization is an important tool for reducing fuel consumption and hence emissions. This research aims to implement the PRP model in a leading company in the country, which is a model that minimizes fuel consumption/GHG emissions through adjustments of variables such as average speed, pay load, distance traveled and slopes of the road. Most existing fuel estimation methodologies found in the literature does not consider the slope of the roads in their calculations. So in this research it was necessary to develop a methodology to include it in the model. Tests were performed with variations in the time windows and the model was sensitive to each of the variables analyzed, generating savings on 100% of the studied routes.

Vyhodnocení cíle politiky v oblasti nakládání s komunálními biologicky rozložitelnými odpady z hlediska efektivity / Evaluation of policy objectives in the management of biodegradable municipal waste in terms of efficiency

Mareš, Josef January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with the critical assessment of the requirement of Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste for a gradual reduction in landfilling of biodegradable municipal waste (BMW). The aim of this work was to evaluate this requirement in terms of economic efficiency using the meta-analysis of selected complex studies based on cost-benefit analysis. Studies focused on natural and technical parameters and available specific data for Czech Republic of particular ways of processing BMW were also used for finding of private and social costs and benefits balance. Based on the results of this balance is not possible to decide whether fulfillment of the requirement will increase economic efficiency. Results are calculated from large number of input values, some of which shows significant variability. Oxidation rate of uncaptured CH4 in the process of landfilling BMW is characteristic example. This parameter varies between values 10 % and 90 %. While for value 10 % would separate collection of biowastes and its composting presented option with higher economic efficiency, for value 90 % is the result opposite.

Emissões poluentes na combustão em leitos fluidizados de carvão mineral / Pollutant emissions in the combustion in fluidized beds of mineral coal

Manoel Carlos Diniz Costa 05 August 2005 (has links)
Avaliou-se as emissões dos gasses poluentes 'SO IND.2', NOx, THC e CO, e efeitos de escala de reator no processo de absorção de 'SO IND.2' por calcário em leitos fluidizados borbulhantes atmosféricos sob combustão de carvão mineral com alto teor de cinza e enxofre. Dois combustores de carvão em leito fluidizado foram utilizados: uma planta de bancada de seção circular de 0,16 m de diâmetro, e uma planta piloto de seção quadrada de 0,5 x 0,5 m. Foram controlados, tendo em vista situações operacionais típicas, o excesso de ar, a velocidade de fluidização (U/'U IND.MF'), a granulometria do particulado, e a temperatura do processo. As variáveis principais de análise foram a relação Ca/S de alimentação, altura do nível do leito e geometria do reator. A primeira foi variada pelo controle das taxas de alimentação de carvão e calcário e a segunda pelo controle da altura do leito expandido. Foram medidas as concentrações de gases na descarga do reator ('SO IND.2', 'O IND.2', 'CO', 'CO IND.2', NOx e THC), e as distribuições granulométricas e composição química dos materiais presentes no leito, elutriado e sangrado. Os resultados obtidos na planta de bancada foram comparados aos resultados obtidos na planta piloto. Indicaram que as diferenças encontradas são devidas principalmente a condições operacionais diferentes. O efeito de escala do reator, para as dimensões das plantas de bancada e piloto deste trabalho, mostrou-se desprezível. / Gas emissions of 'SO IND.2', NOx, THC and CO, and reactor scale effects were evaluated for the process of absorption of 'SO IND.2' by limestone in atmospheric bubbling fluidized bed combustion of high ash high sulfur coal. Two different fluidized bed reactor plants were used: a bench cylindrical section reactor 0.16 m internal diameter, and a pilot square section reactor 0.5 x 0.5 m. Air excess, fluidization velocity(U/'U IND.MF'), particle size and process temperature were established having in view typical operational conditions. The parameters varied for analysis were the Ca/S feeding ratio, height of the bed, and geometry of the reactor. The first was varied by controlling the feed rates of coal and limestone, and the second by controlling the height of the expanded bed. Gas concentrations were measured at the reactors exit ('SO IND.2', 'O IND.2', CO, 'CO IND.2', NOx and THC). Size distributions and chemical composition were determined for the bed, overflow and elutriated materials. The results obtained in the bench plant were compared to those obtained in the pilot plant. The differences found between the results of the two plants were attributed mainly to differences in operational conditions. The effect of scale, for the dimensions of the plants considered in this work, resulted not significant.

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