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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measurement of muon antineutrino disappearance in the T2K Experiment

Myslik, Jordan William 22 July 2016 (has links)
The T2K ("Tokai-to-Kamioka") Experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. A beam of primarily muon neutrinos (in neutrino beam mode) or antineutrinos (in antineutrino beam mode) is produced at the J-PARC ("Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex") facility. The near detector (ND280), located 280 m from the proton beam target, measures a large event rate of neutrino interactions in the unoscillated beam, while the far detector, Super-Kamiokande, 295 km away, searches for the signatures of neutrino oscillation. This dissertation describes the analyses of data at ND280 and Super-Kamiokande leading to T2K's first results from running in antineutrino beam mode: a measurement of muon antineutrino disappearance. The measured values of the antineutrino oscillation parameters (Normal Hierarchy) are (sin²(θ̅₂₃), |Δm̅²₃₂|) = (0.450, 2.518 x 10ˉ³ eV²/c⁴), with 90% 1D confidence intervals 0.327 < sin²(θ̅₂₃) < 0.692 and 2.03 x 10ˉ³ eV²/c⁴ < |Δm̅²₃₂| < 2.92 x 10ˉ³ eV²/c⁴. These results are consistent with past measurements of these parameters by other experiments, and with T2K's past measurements of muon neutrinos. / Graduate

Interaktiv digital utbildning för gasansvariga inom Region Uppsala / Interactive online course made for personnel responsible for medical gases within Region Uppsala

Södergran, Philip, Söderlund, David January 2021 (has links)
Background: In healthcare, it is common that personnel handle medical gases. Medical gases can be hazardous if they are handled the wrong way. The healthcare personnel needs knowledge within gas handling to eliminate the risks of mix-ups, inaccurate transportation, inaccurate change of regulators and further on. Therefore, it is essential to educate healthcare personnel in how to handle medical gases in a safe manner. Region Uppsala has been responsible for educations on-site. To make the education more accessible it is desirable to make an interactive online course, with personnel responsible for medical gases as the target group. Aim: To design a digital interactive education, with personnel responsible for medical gases as the target group. Method: Revise material from earlier education plans within gas handling, designing an interactive online course using Articulate 360 storyline and evaluate the pedagogical layout and the information in the first version of the online course. Result: It was found that an interactive online course, with personnel responsible for medical gases within Region Uppsala as the target group should contain general information about gas, medical gases with associated bottles, information about gas cylinder, regulators and their handling and security and management processes. Focus during the making of the online course was to include interactive parts and to follow the principles “Meaningful”, “Engaging” and “Accessible”. The result from the evaluation made on the first version of the education generated about ten points of improvement. Two examples of changes applied to the final version of the education was a change of color from black to white on the icons at the bottom of the layout and addition of a section about emergency shut-off valves. Conclusion: An interactive online course was produced with the purpose to educate personnel responsible for medical gases within Region Uppsala. The created online course is more accessible than the previous education available on-site and with some complementary practical elements, the online course can permanently replace the previous on-site education.

Negative Emission from Electric Arc Furnace using a Combination of Carbon capture and Bio-coal

Kapothanillath, Abhijith Namboodiri January 2023 (has links)
Steel is one of the most essential metals in the world, and it plays a vital role in various industries. The growing demand for steel has resulted in increased CO2 emissions, with the steel industry contributing to approximately 7% of global emissions of carbon dioxide. Among the different production methods, the electric arc furnace (EAF) has emerged as a promising option, and its market share is expected to double in the future. While the EAF exhibits high efficiency and a reduced carbon footprint in comparison to alternative production routes, there is still considerable room for improvement. In the EAF, a significant amount of input energy, ranging from 15% to 30%, is wasted through off-gas, along with a substantial amount of CO2. To better understand the current state and ongoing research in off-gas handling, a literature review and a preliminary analysis were conducted which revealed that the waste heat from the off-gas can be effectively recovered using an evaporative cooling system, yielding approximately 105 kg of steam per ton of liquid steel. This emphasizes the importance of waste heat recovery in conjunction with CO2 capture. Calcium looping stands out as a promising carbon capture technology among the available options, primarily because of its lower environmental impacts and energy penalty. Furthermore, with its operation at elevated temperatures and dependence on limestone, calcium looping presents a potential solution to reduce the emissions from steel industry. Therefore, this study focuses on the analysis of a waste heat recovery system integrated with calcium looping technology, aiming to capture CO2 and utilize waste heat from the EAF off-gas. Additionally, the potential of coal substitution with bio-coal in the EAF for achieving negative emissions is also investigated. Through a steady state analysis and by employing semi-empirical mass and energy balance equations, it was determined that capturing 90% of the CO2 emissions from a 145-ton EAF requires 12 MW of heat and 16 kg of fresh limestone per ton of liquid steel. Although the average off-gas temperature is high, it cannot be considered as a reliable heat source. Therefore, the heat demand is met by burning biomass inside the calciner. Despite the increased heat demand, the waste heat recovery system integrated with calcium looping has the potential to generate approximately 11 MW of electricity using a supercritical steam cycle. This significant output can be attributed to the elevated temperature of the off-gas and the exothermic carbonation process. The economic analysis reveals that the levelized cost for capturing and storing CO2 is 1165 SEK per ton of CO2 with a negative Net Present Value (NPV). It was noted that, a higher carbon tax could significantly enhance the economic viability of the system. Moreover, the study found that by introducing bio-coal in the EAF with a fossil coal share below 69%, it has the potential to achieve negative emissions. Furthermore, recent studies have shown an increase in the CO2 content in the off-gas when introducing bio-coal into the EAF which further enhances the efficiency and economic feasibility of carbon capture. / Stål är en av de viktigaske metallerna i världen, och det spelar en avgörande roll i olika branscher. Den ökade efterfrågan på stål har lett till ökade koldikoxidutsläpp, och stålindustrin står för cirka 7% av de globala koldioxidutsläppen. Bland de olika produktionsmetoderna har ljusbågsugnen (EAF) framstått som ett lovande alternativ, och dess marknadsandel förväntas fördubblas i framtiden. Även om EAF uppvisar hög effektivitet och ett minskat koldioxidavtryck jämfört med alternativa produktionsvägar, finns det fortfarande stort utrymme för förbättringar.  I EAF går en betydande mängd tillförd energi, mellan 15 och 30%, till spillo genom avgaserna, tillsammans med en betydande mängd CO2. För att bättre förstå det aktuella läget och pågående forskning inom hantering av avgaserna genomfördes en litteraturstudie och en preliminär analys som visade att spillvärmen från avgaserna effektivt kan återvinnas med hjälp av ett evaporativt kylsystem, vilket ger cirka 105kg ånga per ton flytande stål. Dettta understryker vikten av att återvinna spillvärme i samband med CO2-avskiljning.  Kalciumlooping framstår som en lovande teknik för koldioxidavskiljning bland de tillgängliga alternativen, främst på grund av dess lägre miljöpåverkan och energiåtgång. Eftersom kalciumlooping används vid förhöjda temperaturer och är beroende av kalksten, utgör den dessutom en potentiell lösning för att minska utsläppen från stålindustrin. Därför fokuserar denna studie på analysen av ett system för återvinning av spillvärme integrerat med kalciumlooping-teknik, i syfte att fånga in CO2 och utnyttja spillvärme från EAF-avgaserna. Dessutom undersöks potentialen för att ersätta kol med biokol i EAF för att uppnå negativa utsläpp.  Genom en steady state-analys och med hjälp av semi-empiriska mass- och energibalansekvationer fastställdes att det krävs 12 MW värme och 16 kg färsk kalksten per ton flytande stål för att fånga 90% av CO2-utsläppen från en 145-tons EAF. Även om den genomsnittliga avgastemperaturen är hög kan den inte betraktas som en tillförlitlig värmekälla. Därför tillgodoses värmebehovet genom förbränning av biomassa i kalcinatorn. Trots det ökade värmebehovet har systemet för återvinning av spillvärme integrerat med kalciumlooping potential att generera cirka 11 MW el med hjälp av en superkritisk ångcykel. Denna betydande produktion kan hänföras till den förhöjda temperaturen i avgaserna och den exoterna karbonatiseringsprocessen. Den ekonomiska analysen visar att den nivellerade kostnaden för avskiljning och lagring av CO2 är 1165 SEK per ton CO2 med ett negativt nettonuvärde (NPV). Det konstaterades att en högre koldioxidskatt skulle kunna förbättra systemets ekonomiska lönsamhet avsevärt. Dessutom visade studien att genom att introducera biokol i EAF med en andel fossilt kol under 69%, har det potential att uppnå negativa utsläpp. Nya studier har dessutom visat en ökning av koldioxidhalten i avgaserna när biokol införs i EAF, vilket ytterligare förbättrar effektiviteten och den ekonomiska genomförbarheten för koldioxidavskiljning.

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