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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autonomi, nyckeln till att attrahera ung arbetskraft? : En kvantitativ studie om olika generationers upplevelse av autonomi i arbetet

Vestberg, Josefin, Jonsson, Louise January 2018 (has links)
Ett aktuellt ämne idag är hur de nya generationerna på arbetsmarknaden skiljer sig åt jämfört med tidigare generationer och hur arbetsgivarna ska hantera detta. Något som karaktäriserar en av de nya generationerna på arbetsmarknaden, Generation Y, är deras höga krav på autonomi i arbetet såsom att ha flexibla arbetsuppgifter och eget ansvar. Syftet med uppsatsen är således att undersöka om upplevelsen av autonomi i arbetet skiljer sig åt beroende på vilken generation en person tillhör. Frågeställningen är: föreligger det ett samband mellan upplevd autonomi i arbetet och om personen ifråga tillhör Generation Y eller Generation X? Under avsnittet ”Tidigare litteratur” beskrivs teorier och tidigare forskning kopplat till olika variabler som är relevanta för frågeställningen. Variabler som beskrivs är: autonomi, Generation Y, Generation X, kön, utbildningsår, SEI och hel- och deltidsarbete. Studien har en kvantitativ ansats och datan utgår från Levnadsnivåundersökningarna år 2010 och år 1991. Urvalet har begränsats till att innefatta personer som är yrkesverksamma och i åldrarna 25-30 år vid mättillfället, år 1991 eller år 2010. Resultatet visar att det inte föreligger en association mellan generationer och autonomi och därav kan studiens hypotes om att en skillnad föreligger förkastas. Även delhypotesen om att personer som arbetar heltid upplever en högre grad autonomi i jämförelse med personer som arbetar deltid kan förkastas. Däremot bekräftas studiens andra delhypotes om att kvinnor upplever en lägre grad autonomi i jämförelse med män. Vidare visar resultatet att den socioekonomiska grupptillhörigheten har ett samband med upplevelsen av autonomi i arbete. Exempelvis framkommer att tjänstemän i genomsnitt upplever en högre grad autonomi i jämförelse med arbetare vid justering för övriga oberoende variabler. Denna uppsats avser att bidrar med kunskap om generationernas krav på och upplevelse av autonomi i arbetet.

STREAMLINE THE SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING STRATEGY : Generational Driven Search Behavior on Google

Nilsson, Rebecca, Alanko, Christa January 2018 (has links)
The expanded internet usage has resulted in an increased activity at web-based search engines. Companies are therefore devoting a large portion of their online marketing budget on Search Engine Marketing (abbreviated SEM) in order to reach potential online consumers searching for products. SEM comprises Search Engine Advertising (SEA) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which are two dissimilar marketing tools companies can invest in to reach the desired customer segments. It is therefore of great interest for companies in different product markets to have knowledge of which SEM strategy to utilize. The statement leads to the purpose of the thesis which is to investigate which SEM strategy is the most suitable for companies in different markets, SEA or SEO?. The purpose of the thesis is derived to the research problem: How does the search behavior of consumers differ between the two SEM tools, SEO and SEA?. Initially, in order to answer the research problem, a theoretical framework was conducted consisting of theories from previous research. To collect primary data observations of 60 test subjects was performed in accordance with the Experimental Vignette Methodology. The analysis consists of a comparison between the collected data and the theories included in the frame of reference, to identify similarities and differences. The SPSS analysis of the result revealed numerous findings such as the two-way interactions of the factors degree of involvement and the click rate of SEM, as well as the choice of either a head or a tail keyword and the degree of involvement. The analysis further revealed a three-way interaction which suggests that the degree of involvement, and the use of either a head or tail keyword affects the choice of SEM. Additionally, the result shows that customers using brands as keywords are more likely to click on an organic link rather than on a paid ad. However, when adding the factor age to the analysis the results turn insignificant. As the area of search behavior of customers using search engines is relatively scientifically unexplored, the thesis has contributed with knowledge useful for companies, marketing agencies, among others. However, due to the ongoing expansion of search engine usage, it is of great interest to conduct further research in the area to reveal additional findings.

Hodnocení mladé generace očima občanů 65 a více let. / Evaluation young generation through the eyes of 65+years old citiziens.

LEVÁ, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
My dissertation project deals with an actual theme: the conditions of coexistence of two generations- the younger and the older one. This topic will gain more relevance in the viewpoint of irregular demographic development, when the ratio of older people to other age groups will rapidly increase. Relations among generations, especially between seniors and young people, are nowadays frequently debated; these relations could be regarded as not ideal, according to certain establishments. There is known quite much about the young people's approach and evaluation towards seniors, but what is not so well known, how seniors actually percieve this reality about themselves and what they think about the current young generation. My dissertation is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part contains an objectification of terms that are important for a better understanding to the given topic. In these chapters informations about some authors' results and findings, regarded to this problem, are introduced. There are listed terms such as generation X,Y,Z, an adolescence and early adulthood phase, a dotage and aging, and demographic development; also values and their creation, additionally modern coexistence trends characteristical for modern young generation. The definition of these contexts serves as a foundation for the practical part of my project. The empirical part deals with the peculiar research; its goal is to map out how citizens over 65 and more appraise the young generation. For data acquisition were used: a strategy of qualitative research, an interrogating method, and a semi-structured interview technique. Acquired data were processed through the case studies form and then analysed by coding. The basic research file for data collection was formed by seniors over 65 years living in České Budějovice. For the empirical part three questions were set: 1. Is the young generation appraised negatively by seniors? 2. What exposures of young people are the most frequent source of senior's criticism? 3. How do the citizens over 65 percieve a coexistence of not married heterosexual couples and homosexual couples in registered partnership? From informations acquired ensue that the seniors living in or near České Budějovice appraise the young generation negatively. Among the most frequent sources of their criticism belong an immodest behavior, disrespect to older individuals, laziness, and early sexual life. The over-half majority of seniors percieve the not married couples living together negatively, too. This meaning also persists when these couples have children or they plan to have them. According to seniors' opinion, it is children what should be a reason leading to a marriage. Regarding to a homosexual couples, the majority of seniors does not understand such relationship or coexistence. In he old generation, there are still enduring prejudices causing a disagreement with registered partnership, too. The appointed goal of my dissertation project was fulfilled. Results of my project can serve as a basis for further research, for organizations working with youth, or for a tuition.

Study of rewards attractiveness for recruiting young people to the Swedish building and construction industry

Malmberg, Patrik, Gyllered, Erica January 2018 (has links)
The building and construction industry in Sweden is facing a troublesome recruitment problem, due to many retirees in the coming years. One way to increase the general attractiveness within the building and construction industry as a whole, i.e. according to young people’s standards, could be to work more actively with incentives and rewards specifically designed and chosen to motivate and attract young people. The purpose of this survey study is to examine what rewards Generation Y (people born between 1982-2000) is attracted to when entering the labor market, and finding out if there are any differences within Generation Y. The study is based on a quantitative survey of 323 students of Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). The survey questions are based on the areas that are identified as more important to Generation Y than other generations according to the reviewed literature. The results show that Generation Y perceives non-financial rewards more important than financial rewards and that the most effective rewards to implement considering both perceived importance and perceived monetary value are career opportunities, individual skills development, provisions for retirement and extra days of vacation. The study also shows that there are differences within Generation Y concerning age, culture, work experience and gender. There are also differences between generations. Generation X (people born between 1965-1982) values the importance of non-financial rewards higher than Generation Y, but Generation Y values the rewards monetary value higher in general.

Generational awareness in co-worker relationships in the interactive information society

Van der Walt, Sophie 31 August 2011 (has links)
M.Phil. / Although a great deal of research has been conducted on diversity management in South Africa, very little of this research has focused on age diversity within interactive information societies such as libraries in South Africa. This study will focus specifically on academic libraries. It is also clear that most of the research regarding age diversity within Academic Information Services (AIS) has focused on managing the difference in ages between library patrons and library staff members. Very little of the research is devoted to age diversity between co-workers, and even less research has been conducted regarding Cuspers as a generational cohort within the library environment. This study is aimed at investigating age diversity within AIS in South Africa in relation to its effect on work, work performance and co-worker relationships. It is also aimed at encouraging organisations, and specifically AIS, to take cognisance of the current age demographic of their libraries and to develop and implement not only succession planning policies, but also relevant recruitment and retention policies in order to avoid employee and leadership vacuums. The research findings of this study are relevant as they give organisations in general, and specifically AIS within higher education institutions (HEI), a point of reference to guide the formulation of recruitment and employment policies that would appeal to the values and preferences of younger generational cohorts currently under-represented in these organisations. In addition, this study is of value with regard to the formulation of succession policies focused on the planning and training of new middle and top management staff members in order to improve current succession policies and plans.

Differences in current and desired work values amongst academic employees within a Higher Education Institution in the Western Cape

Glaeser, Amanda January 2012 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom(IPS) / Empirical and anecdotal evidence suggests that organisations, including higher education institutions (HEI‘s) have a propensity to focus on extrinsic rewards as a main motivator that attracts and retains staff (Kubler & De Luca, 2006). Twenge, Stacy, Campbell and Hoffman (2010) maintain that work values represent people‘s expectations from the workplace. Studies performed to determine the impact of intrinsic work values, as opposed to extrinsic work values and rewards, indicate that the sustainable factors influencing long-lasting career choices can be found in the attainment of intrinsic work values (Kovach, 1987; Masibigiri & Nienaber, 2011). With respect to leadership behaviours, intrinsic work values and rewards are seldom considered when focusing on the factors that lead to attracting and retaining academic staff. Werner (2011) posits the view that an understanding of underlying work values of employees can assist in sound people practices to foster engagement and retention of staff. Aspects of intrinsic work values become more important in the context of literature relative to research done about younger generations, who have different expectations from leadership and different ideas of desired work cultures (Sujansky, 2010). Brown (2003), as cited by Patton and McMahon (2009 p.41), states that ―occupational tenure is partially the result of the match between the culture and work values of the worker, supervisor and colleagues‖. The alignment of leadership culture to strategies is therefore important (Rhodes & Mc Guire, 2009). Moreover, the alignment between desired organizational work values and perceived current work values is contended to influence the effective functioning of a workplace. The current research was undertaken based on a cross-sectional, quantitative survey approach which requested participants to select work values out of a pre-designed list of approximately a hundred possible work-related values as positioned in the vision and mission statements of the institution at which the research was undertaken. The results of the research indicate that the two younger groups of academic staff who were targeted in this research, accord importance to intrinsic work values which relate to meaningful and fulfilling work. An analysis of the trends which emerged from the data suggest that leadership and cultural aspects designed to support desired work values may influence successful attraction and retention of these younger generations for academic careers. These findings emphasise the importance for leadership to act in alignment with change needs of academic staff and their own stated vision and mission strategies. The results provide useful insight into the current and perceived work-related values and could be used to inform strategic debates within the HEI. Although tentative in nature, the findings provide a heuristic framework within which to align work-related values across generations of academics and serve as an impetus for future research.

Generation X people's development of cyberspace culture: a psychological perspective

Richards, Amelia Celeste 09 November 2006 (has links)
The 21st century can be defined as the fast paced information age wherein people establish another dimension to living; existing and interacting as multiple pseudopersonalities in cyberspace. The main aim of the study is to provide a description of a group of people known as 'Generation Xers', who develop cyberspace culture whilst interacting in chat-rooms. It is a two-fold process; firstly they create on-line 'pseudopersonalities' different from their off-line ‘normal’ personalities, and secondly they share unique values that characterise cyberspace culture globally. The research process starts at the microlevel where individuals interact with each other in chat-rooms. On the mesolevel unique interaction patterns develop in chat-rooms that differ from traditional face-to-face interaction patters. On the macrolevel, cyberspace culture and specific values develop that Generation Xers share on a global basis. During the research process quantitative and qualitative methods were combined in order to compliment the limitations imbedded in each methodology. Summarising relevant theories, on a microlevel the developmental process of pseudopersonalities is described by starting with its manifestation in the off-line world. The Johari-window and Roger's person-centred approach are used to describe the same process in the on-line world. On a mesolevel, differences between computer-mediated communication and face-to-face communication are discussed within the Cyber Psychology paradigm. On the macrolevel, the Internet experience is described by means of the Symbolic Action Theory. The All Media and Product Survey (AMPS) database forms the basis of the longitudinal, statistical profile of the South African Internet-user population. Currently Internet access figures remain low at around 7-8% of the total population. South African Generation Xers, aged 16-49, are the richer and more affluent part of South African society, living in major metropolitan areas, earning R12 000+. A qualitative content analysis of chat room behaviour in 384 chat-rooms sheds light on the dynamics behind their usage patterns. The .co.za-dictionary reflects the creative way in which .co.za-emotion and memory are expressed and negotiated. Pseudopersonalities that are at play in the borderless world of cyberspace continuously reflect issues, problems and struggles of everyday life in South Africa such as racial tension, political struggles and sexual interaction governed by the following cultural values: -- Respect -- An openness to the unknown -- Looking towards to the self (not governing bodies) for direction, resulting in; -- Liberty with responsibility towards the common good, the core of every society across the globe. Finally the applicability of the Internet chat-room as a psychological research tool is explored within the South African context. It seems that although an effective tool for international surveys on sensitive topics, the South African research market is not ready for this tool to be implemented. South African Generation Xers perceive themselves as part of a global cyberspace culture and any distinction between the virtual and the real, does not imply a privilege to either, but rather a connection between the two. In this digital era, cyberspace is an electronic reflection of the way people communicate, interact, share and live life. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Psychology / unrestricted

Národně-kulturní porovnání generací X a Y v ČR a vliv na marketingový mix / National-Cultural Comparison of Generations X and Y in the Czech Republic and Impact on Marketing Mix

Hebersteinová, Ilona January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is to provide a theoretical overview of research studies on cultural differences and their critical evaluation. The quantitative research on national and cultural comparison of generations X and Y in the Czech Republic will be implemented on the basis of a reduced questionnaire used in the research of European Values Survey in 2008. The data analysis will focus both on the current research and creating a time series of selected variables, using the results of previous research within European Values Survey. The starting point for comparing the behaviour of Generation X and Generation Y will be the national-cultural model of World Values Survey, and the results will be applied to marketing mix. The conclusion provides an overview and evaluation of the particular generations in terms of cultural performance as well as of marketing.

Why Use Facebook? A Uses & Gratifications Study of Generation X in the UK

Munns, Christopher January 2018 (has links)
This paper explores the use of the social networking site, Facebook, by the GenerationX cohort (those born 1966-1980 inclusive) currently living in the United Kingdom(identified as a somewhat under-studied group to date). Utilising a ‘Uses &Gratifications Theory’ and ‘(Media) Dependency Theory’ approach and the quantitativeempirical data collection method of an extensive online ‘self-fill’ questionnaire, a totalof 233 individuals from this cohort voluntarily provided the sought-after information,with data collected during early September 2018. An expanded version of Denis McQuail, Jay G. Blumler and J.R. Brown’s 1972 mediagratifications groups/descriptors is proposed and used for this paper’s analysis of results(see section 6.2.4) while a new single media term,‘online collaborative network’, isrecommended by the author as an alternative to current myriad of ‘social media’,‘social networking [site]’ and ‘collaborative media’ all used for the likes of Facebook(see section 9.2.2). Key project results suggest that the UK Generation X cohort spend an average of 75minutes per day using Facebook; that the most-utilised access method is via a mobilephone (89.7%); that the top two ‘uses’ of the social network are both passive ones(‘Scrolling through the homepage News Feed’ and ‘Spending time viewingPhotos/Videos uploaded by others’) and that the top three gratifications obtained fromFacebook use are ‘Contact with Friends’, ‘Contact with Family’ and (to) ‘Pass Time’. Additionally, results provide an interesting and potentially shocking overview ofexclusive dependency upon Facebook for the satisfaction of particular media needs,including the maintenance of contact with certain friends (87.6%) and certain familymembers (61.4%) and, worryingly, as an only source of news (15%).

I Would Not Buy From That Brand! : A Comparative Study of Generation X, Y, and Z’s Brand Avoidance Behaviours Towards Fast Fashion Brands

Utbys Nerac, Amanda, Niemi, Veera January 2021 (has links)
Background: Several fast fashion brands have been criticised regarding their business practices, with poor working conditions in developing countries and use of toxic chemicals. Subsequently, many consumers have turned to anti-consumption practices such as brand avoidance to distance themselves from various fast fashion brands. Five elements have emerged among brand avoidance associated with experiential avoidance, identity avoidance, moral avoidance, deficit-value avoidance, or advertising related avoidance which underpin this behaviour.  Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare brand avoidance behaviours toward fast fashion brands among Generations X, Y, and Z. This research attempts to identify the specific reasons why different generations avoid fast fashion brands, as well as the factors that contribute to this behaviour. The purpose is to compare the three generations to know which factors influence each generation the most. It is plausible that the factors vary significantly between cohorts since they have grown up in different environments. Consequently, generational distinction is regarded as an essential variable.  Method: Comprehending the purpose of this research and examining causal relationships, this thesis used a quantitative research design. The empirical data was gathered through an online survey, considering the large sample size and current COVID-19 pandemic. Due to these circumstances, the most insightful information could be obtained about participants' behaviour regarding fast fashion brands using an online survey. The data was analysed and interpreted utilising a deductive approach.  Conclusion: The results show that the generations differ in their brand avoidance behaviours for experiential avoidance, moral avoidance, and advertising avoidance towards fast fashion brands. These differences were observed where the consumers perceive the performance to be poor, the brand is inconvenient, and when the advertising is perceived to be unpleasant. Regarding moral avoidance, the data was not sufficient to distinguish which cohorts differ, but only that there was a significant difference somewhere.

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