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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Carga genética por efeito carona sob diferentes regimes seletivos no genoma humano / Hitchhiking influencing genetic load in human genomes under different selective regimes

Oliveira Junior, Luiz Carlos Machado de 18 September 2018 (has links)
É o processo de mutação que, em última instância, introduz diversidade nas populações. Quando a mutação é pontual e segrega na população, recebe o nome de polimorfismo de nucleotídeo único (ou SNP, de Single Nucleotide Polymorphism). Caso esse SNP seja vantajoso, ele aumenta de frequência na população e estabelece um forte desequilíbrio de ligação com seus SNPs vizinhos, consequência do processo chamado de efeito de carona genética. Esse efeito pode ter duas consequências na proximidade dos sítios selecionados: (1) pode levar ao aumento de frequência de mutações neutras ligadas a mutação vantajosa ou (2) pode reduzir o tamanho efetivo da população Ne nessas regiões, e, consequentemente aumentar a importância da deriva genética na variação genética dessas regiões. Como consequência, é comum que a região próxima a sítios vantajosos apresente acúmulo de mutações neutras com frequências acima do esperado sob neutralidade. No entanto, a maior parte de novas mutações são deletérias e seria esperado que fossem removidas da população por seleção purificadora. Entretanto, como os padrões de variabilidade observados no genoma resultam de processos seletivos atuando em conjunto com a deriva genética, não é incomum SNPs fracamente deletérios atingirem frequências elevadas nos diferentes contextos de história demográfica e seletiva das populações. O acúmulo desses SNPs fracamente deletérios no genoma reduz progressivamente a aptidão média da população, o que representa um aumento de sua carga genética. Neste estudo investigamos se na vizinhança de sítios vantajosos selecionados há um acúmulo de SNPs deletérios, contribuindo para a carga genética da população. Para responder essa questão, dividimos nosso estudo em três passos. Primeiro, desenvolvemos uma nova metodologia para estimar a diferença na carga genética entre região vizinha a sítios selecionados e o resto do genoma. Nossa metodologia é mais robusta do que a tradicionalmente utilizada pois garante que a região influenciada pela seleção natural e o controle apresentem o mesmo número de SNPs, e possibilita controlar para variáveis confundidoras, como a frequência dos polimorfismos, permitindo explorar regiões alvo com diferentes características e reduzir resultados espúrios. Em seguida, utilizamos nossa metodologia para testar se a carga genética na região vizinha a sítios sob seleção positiva é maior do que no restante do genoma. Identificamos um acúmulo de SNPs deletérios em europeus e leste asiáticos para amostras do projeto 1000 genomas.Mostramos também que as mesmas regiões exploradas em populações sob efeito de seleção positiva não apresentaram carga genética aumentada em populações nas quais essas regiões não experimentaram seleção positiva. Por último, utilizamos essa mesma metodologia para avaliar a carga genética em genes sob seleção balanceadora, os genes clássicos do HLA de classe I. Esses genes compõe uma das famílias gênicas mais estudadas em humanos e para os quais existem evidências indicando os sítios específicos que estão sob seleção balanceadora. Nosso teste mostrou que as regiões vizinhas aos sítios sob seleção balanceadora dentro dos genes do HLA apresentam acúmulo de SNPs deletérios para pelo menos dois agrupamentos populacionais. Assim, com os três passos aqui descritos, conseguimos apontar o aumento da carga genética em regiões próximas a sítios sob dois regimes de seleção distintos, utilizando uma metodologia capaz de considerar características específicas das regiões estudadas / It is the mutation process that ultimately introduces diversity into populations. When a mutation is punctual and segregates in the population, it is called a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). If this mutation is advantageous, it increases in frequency in the population and creates strong linkage disequilibrium with its neighboring loci, as a consequence of the hitchhiking effect. This effect can have two consequences in the vicinity of the selected sites: (1) it can increase the frequency of neutral mutations linked to this advantageous mutation or (2) can reduce the effective population size Ne in the region around the selected site, and consequently increase the importance of genetic drift in the genetic variation of these regions. As a consequence, it is common that the region around sites under advantageous selection to accumulate more neutral mutations at high frequencies than expected under neutrality. However, most new mutation are deleterious and it is expected that these mutation will be removed from the population by purifying selection. However, since the patterns of variability observed in the genome result from selective processes interacting with genetic drift, it is common for weakly deleterious SNPs to reach high frequencies in different population demographic histories. The accumulation of these weakly deleterious SNPs in the genome progressively reduces the population\'s fitness, increasing their genetic load. In this study we investigated whether in the neighborhood of selected sites there is an accumulation of deleterious SNPs due to hitchhiking, contributing to the genetic load of the population. To answer this question, we divided our study into three steps. First, we developed a new methodology to estimate the genetic load difference between the region around selected sites and the rest of the genome. Our methodology is more robust than those traditionally used one because it ensures that both the region influenced by natural selection and control have the same number of SNPs, reducing the probability of spurious results, and is flexible to different genome peculiarities, making it possible to explore target regions with different characteristics. We then used our methodology to test whether genetic load in the region around sites under positive selection is greater than in the rest of the genome. We found consistent evidence of an accumulation of deleterious SNPs in European and East Asian continental groups. We also showed that these same region do not present the same deleterious SNP accumulation in populations in which these region did not experience positive selection. Finally, we used this same methodology to evaluate the genetic load in genes under the balancing selection, the classic HLA class I genes. These genes are one of the most studied in humans and there is evidence that indicates the specific sites within these genes that are under balancing selection. We found that the regions around these sites under balancing selection within the HLA genes had deleterious SNPs accumulating for at least two continental groups. Thus, with the three steps described here, we were able to point out the increase of genetic load in regions around selected sites for two distinct selective regimes using a methodology that takes into account specific characteristics of the studied regions

Population genetic structure of small holder dairy cattle herds in South Africa using SNP markers

Maake, Mphapantsi Eldred January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. Agriculture (Animal Production)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / The smallholder dairy sector in South Africa is characterized by a low input production system and poor animal productivity. Research has been carried out to benchmark cow productivity on smallholder dairy herds; however, there is a paucity of information on the current status of breeding practices and the genetic consititution of cattle used in this production system. This information is vital for the development of sound and sustainable breeding programs for SHD production, which can have an enormous positive impact on food security and rural livelihoods. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of genetic diversity and population structure in South African smallholder dairy (SHD) herds using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. A total of 192 animals from SHD dairy herds were genotyped using the GeneSeek® Genomic Profiler (GGP) 150K-BeadChip. Four specialized dairy breeds included the Ayrshire(n = 200), Holstein(n = 231), Jersey (n = 224) and Nguni (n = 209) were used as the reference populations. The mean MAF values ranged from 0.30 Ayshire (AYR), Jersey (JER), and Nguni (NGI) to 0.31 Holstein (HOL) and SHD between the populations. There were slight differences in the levels of genetic diversity ranged between 0.39 (JER and NGI) to 0.40 (AYR, HOL, and SHD). A moderate level of inbreeding (0.02) was observed in the SHD population, which results in high genetic diversity among this herds. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed four homogeneous clusters comprising of AYR, HOL, JER, NGI, and a heterogeneous cluster of the SHD. The heterogeneity observed in the SHD population indicates widespread crossbreeding. The model-based cluster analysis corresponded with the PCA and pointed out the predominance of HOL, JER, with marginal gene flow from the AYR and NGI. These results have provided a useful insight into the genetic structure and prevailing breeding practices on South African SHD herds. / National Research Foundation (NRF), Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and University of Limpopo (UL)

Does Geographic Variation in Thermal Tolerance in Daphnia Represent Trade-Offs or Conditional Neutrality?

Coggins, B. L., Pearson, A. C., Yampolsky, Lev Y. 01 May 2021 (has links)
Geographic variation in thermal tolerance in Daphnia seems to represent genetic load at the loci specifically responsible for heat tolerance resulting from conditional neutrality. We see no evidence of trade-offs between fitness-related traits at 25 °C vs. 10 °C or between two algal diets across Daphnia magna clones from a variety of locations representing the opposite ends of the distribution of long-term heat tolerance. Likewise, we found no evidence of within-environment trade-offs between heat tolerance and fitness-related traits in any of the environments. Neither short-term and long-term heat tolerance shows any consistent relationship with lipid fluorescence polarization and lipid peroxidation across clones or environments. Pervasive positive correlations between fitness-related traits indicate differences in genetic load rather than trade-off based local adaptation or thermal specialization. For heat tolerance such differences may be caused by either relaxation of stabilizing selection due to lower exposure to high temperature extremes, i.e., conditional neutrality, or by small effective population size followed by the recent range expansion.

Demography and mating system shape the genome-wide impact of purifying selection in Arabis alpina

Laenen, B., Tedder, Andrew, Nowak, M.D., Toräng, P., Wunder, J., Wötsel, S., Steige, K.A., Kourmpetis, Y., Odong, T., Drouzas, A.D., Bink, M.C.A.M., Ågren, J., Coupland, G., Slotte, T. 13 September 2019 (has links)
Yes / Plant mating systems have profound effects on levels and structuring of genetic variation and can affect the impact of natural selection. Although theory predicts that intermediate outcrossing rates may allow plants to prevent accumulation of deleterious alleles, few studies have empirically tested this prediction using genomic data. Here, we study the effect of mating system on purifying selection by conducting population-genomic analyses on whole-genome resequencing data from 38 European individuals of the arctic-alpine crucifer Arabis alpina. We find that outcrossing and mixed-mating populations maintain genetic diversity at similar levels, whereas highly self-fertilizing Scandinavian A. alpina show a strong reduction in genetic diversity, most likely as a result of a postglacial colonization bottleneck. We further find evidence for accumulation of genetic load in highly self-fertilizing populations, whereas the genome-wide impact of purifying selection does not differ greatly between mixed-mating and outcrossing populations. Our results demonstrate that intermediate levels of outcrossing may allow efficient selection against harmful alleles, whereas demographic effects can be important for relaxed purifying selection in highly selfing populations. Thus, mating system and demography shape the impact of purifying selection on genomic variation in A. alpina. These results are important for an improved understanding of the evolutionary consequences of mating system variation and the maintenance of mixed-mating strategies. / This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1707492115/-/DCSupplemental.

Seleção balanceadora no genoma humano: relevância biológica e consequências deletérias / Balancing selection in the human genome: biological relevance and deleterious consequence

Bitarello, Bárbara Domingues 03 August 2016 (has links)
Seleção balanceadora é um processo evolutivo que engloba diversos mecanismos: vantagem do heterozigoto, seleção dependente de frequência, pressões seletivas que variam ao longo do tempo ou do espaço, e alguns casos de pleiotropia. O estudo desses mecanismos em si foi e ainda é um tópico de grande interesse para os biólogos evolutivos, e moldou o estudo da evolução ao longo do último século. Antes de a teoria neutra ter sido proposta, acreditava-se que a seleção balanceadora fosse comum. A descoberta de que muita da diversidade genética observada podia ser explicada por evolução neutra motivou, portanto, uma melhor compreensão da seleção balanceadora como um regime seletivo capaz de manter variantes vantajosas nas populações. O estudo da seleção balanceadora, em seus primórdios, foi restrito a organismos que podiam ser manipulados em laboratório. Com o advento de métodos que permitiam quantificar a variabilidade genética - tais como a eletroforese de proteínas, sequenciamento em pequena escala e re-sequenciamento genômico de milhares de indivíduos -, a variabilidade genética humana passou a ser ativamente estudada e interpretada. Diversos estudos buscaram por assinaturas de seleção natural - i.e., padrões de variação genômica deixadas por tais regimes seletivos - e avaliaram seu significado comparando-as com o que seria esperado sob um cenário estritamente neutro. A maior parte desses esforços foram concentrados no estudo da seleção positiva, tida como o principal mecanismo responsável pela evolução adaptativa. Poucos estudos buscaram assinaturas de seleção balanceadora no genoma humano. Isso se deve em parte à escassez de métodos com alto poder para detectar tais assinaturas. Adicionalmente, estudos prévios não analisaram dados em escala genômica, ou se concentraram principalmente nas regiões codificadoras de proteínas. Aqui, nós descrevemos um método simples e com alto poder para detectar assinaturas de seleção balanceadora. Em humanos, esse método supera outros comumente usados para a detecção de tais assinaturas e, em teoria, poderia ser usado para detectá-las em outras espécies, desde que seu poder seja avaliado caso-a-caso através de simulações neutras. Nosso método (\"Non-Central Deviation\", NCD) é apresentado em duas versões: NCD2, que requer informação acerca dos polimorfismos da espécie analisada e das substituições entre essa espécie e um grupo externo, e NCD1, que requer apenas informação acerca dos polimorfismos da espécie analisada. Embora em humanos NCD2 supere NCD1, este último pode ser utilizado para espécies para as quais não haja informação de um grupo externo. Quando aplicamos NCD2 a dados humanos, usando chimpanzé como grupo ex- terno, encontramos mais de 200 genes codificadores de proteínas com forte assinatura de seleção balanceadora, dos quais apenas 1/3 tinha evidência prévia de seleção balanceadora. Encontramos também um enriquecimento para diversas categorias de ontologia gênica, das quais cerca da metade é relacionada à imunidade. Verificamos que dentre os genes com evidências de seleção balanceadora há um excesso de casos de expressão preferencial em tecidos tais como \"adrenal\" e \"pulmão\", e também um excesso de genes com expressão mono-alélica. No geral, vimos que as regiões selecionadas no genoma humano incluem tanto sítios codificadores quanto regulatórios. Não encontramos um excesso de assinaturas de seleção balanceadora em regiões regulatórias, ao contrário do que reportaram outros estudos. Finalmente, encontramos um excesso de polimorfismos não-sinônimos em relação aos sinônimos nos genes selecionados. Tendo documentado a ocorrência de seleção balanceadora no genoma humano e identificado genes que foram potencialmente alvos deste regime seletivo, nós investi- gamos as consequências evolutivas desse processo. Nós partimos da hipótese que a seleção balanceadora sobre um sítio reduz a eficiência com a qual a seleção purificadora elimina variantes deletérias em sítios vizinhos. Esse processo é uma consequência do quanto a seleção sobre um loco afeta, através de ligação genética, as frequências de sítios não-neutros adjacentes. Testamos essa hipótese examinando se os genes sob seleção balanceadora apresentam um excesso de variantes deletérias em relação a expectativas derivadas a partir do restante do genoma. Usando três diferentes métricas para determinadas se e/ou o quão deletéria é uma dada variante, identificamos um excesso de variantes deletérias dentro dos genes sob seleção balanceadora, e mostramos que tal padrão não pode ser atribuído a efeitos confundidores. Esse achado mostra que, juntamente com os benefícios associados à variação adaptativa, a seleção balanceadora aumenta o fardo de mutações deletérias no genoma humano. De forma geral, nossos achados sugerem que a seleção balanceadora provavelmente mantém variantes genéticas envolvidas em uma miríade de processos biológicos além da imunidade e que ela foi mais comum no genoma humano do que se acreditava anteriormente, afetando entre 1-8% dos genes codificadores de proteínas, bem como diversas regiões não-codificadoras. Adicionalmente, a seleção balanceadora parece ser importante para a evolução humana não apenas por seu efeito sobre a aptidão, mas também por ter sido uma importante força capaz de moldar a diversidade genética observada atualmente em humanos e a susceptibilidade a doenças / Balancing selection is an evolutionary process that encompasses several mechanisms: heterozygote advantage, negative frequency dependent selection, selective pressure that fluctuates in time or in space, and some cases of pleiotropy. The study of these mechanisms .per se has been and still is a topic of great interest for evolutionary biologists, and has shaped the study of evolution throughout the last century. Before the proposition of the neutral theory of molecular evolution, it was believed that balancing selection was pervasive. The realization that much of the observed genetic diversity could be explained by neutral evolution thus motivated a better understanding of balancing selection as a selective regime capable of maintaining adaptive variants in populations. The study of balancing selection, in its early stages, was restricted to organisms that could be manipulated in the laboratory. With the advent of methods that allowed quantification of genetic variation - such as protein electrophoresis, small scale sequencing and genome-wide re-sequencing of thousands of individuals - human variation started to be actively studied and interpreted. Several studies have looked for signatures of natural selection - i.e., patterns of genomic variation that selective regimes leave in the genome - and evaluated their significance by comparing them to what would be expected under a strictly neutral scenario. Most of these efforts focused on the study of positive selection, thought of as the prime mechanism responsible for adaptive evolution. Only a few studies looked for signatures of balancing selection in the human genome. This is partially due to the paucity of powerful methods to detect its signatures. Moreover, previous studies either did not analyze data on genomic scale or focused primarily on protein-coding regions. Here, we describe a powerful and simple method to detect signatures of balancing selection. In humans, it outperforms other methods commonly used to detect such signatures and could in theory be used for other species, provided that its power is evaluated for each species through neutral simulations. Our method (\"Non-Central Deviation\", NCD) has two versions: NCD2, which requires polymorphism information on the ingroup species, as well as divergence information between the ingroup and an outgroup species, and NCD1, which only requires the ingroup information. Although NCD2 is more powerful for humans, NCD1 can be used for species that lack information from an outgroup. When applying NCD2 to human data, using chimpanzee as the outgroup, we found more than 200 protein-coding regions with strong signatures of balancing selection, only 1/3 of which had prior evidence for balancing selection. There was also an enrichment for several gene ontology categories, approximately half of which are related to immunity. We also found that among genes with evidence for balancing selection there was an excess of cases of preferential expression in specific tissues, such as \"adrenal\" and \"lung\", and an excess of genes with mono-allelic expression. Overall, we found that selected regions of the genome include both coding and regulatory sites. We failed to find a marked excess of balancing selection in regulatory regions, as reported in previous studies. Finally, we found an excess of nonsynonymous versus synonymous polymorphisms within the selected genes. Having documented the occurrence of balancing selection in the human genome and identified genes which were potential targets of this selective regime, we next investigated evolutionary consequences of this process. We hypothesized that balancing selection acting on a site reduces the efficiency with which purifying selection purges deleterious variants at nearby sites. This process is a consequence of how the dynamics of selection at one locus, mediated by linkage, can interfere with the frequencies of adjacent non-neutral sites. We tested this hypothesis by examining if the genes under balancing selection show an excess of deleterious variants with respect to expectations derived from the remainder of the genome. Using three different metrics to determine deleteriousness, we identified a significant excess of deleterious variants within balanced genes, and we show that this pattern cannot be attributed to confounding factors. This finding shows that together with the benefits associated with adaptive variation, balancing selection is increasing the burden of deleterious mutations in the human genome. Overall, our findings suggest that balancing selection likely maintains variation in a myriad of biological processes other than immunity and that it has been more common in the human genome than previously thought, affecting between 1-8% of human protein-coding genes, as well as a number of non-protein coding regions. Moreover, balancing selection appears to be important to human evolution not only because of its influence on fitness, but also because it has been an important force shaping current human genetic diversity and susceptibility to disease

Genetic And Phenotypic Evolution In The Ornate Chorus Frog (pseudacris Ornata): Testing The Relative Roles Of Natural Selection,

Degner, Jacob 01 January 2007 (has links)
Understanding how migration, genetic drift, and natural selection interact to maintain the genetic and phenotypic variation we observe in natural populations is a central goal of population genetics. Amphibians provide excellent model organisms for investigating the interplay between these evolutionary forces because amphibians are generally characterized by limited dispersal abilities, high philopatry, and are obligately associated with the areas around suitable habitats (e.g. breeding ponds). Thus, on relatively small geographic scales, the relative effects of all of these evolutionary forces can be studied together. Here, we study the interaction of migration, genetic drift, natural selection, and historical process in the ornate chorus frog (Pseudacris ornata). We report the development and characterization of 10 polymorphic microsatellite genetic markers. Number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 21 averaging 9.2 and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.10 to 0.97 averaging 0.52. However, in an analysis of two populations, three locus-by-population comparisons exhibited significant heterozygote deficiencies and indicated that null alleles may be present some loci. Furthermore, we characterized genetic structure and historical biogeographic patterns in P. ornata using these microsatellite markers along with mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Our data indicate that in these frogs, migration may play a large role in determining population structure as pairwise estimates of FST were relatively small ranging from 0.04 to 0.12 (global FST = 0.083). Additionally, we observed an overall pattern of isolation-by-distance in neutral genetic markers across the species range. Moreover, our data suggest that the Apalachicola River basin does not impede gene flow in P. ornata as it does in many vertebrate taxa. Interestingly, we identified significant genetic structure between populations separated by only 6 km. However, this fine scale genetic structure was only present in the more urbanized of two widespread sampling localities. Finally, in this study, we demonstrated that there was a significant correlation between the frequency of green frogs and latitude. There was a higher frequency of green frogs in southern samples and a lower frequency of green frogs in northern samples. However, when we interpreted this phenotypic cline in light of the overall pattern of isolation-by-distance, it was apparent that the neutral evolutionary forces of genetic drift and migration could explain the cline, and the invocation of natural selection was not necessary.

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