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Interactions libres entre enfant autiste et animal (poney et dauphin) : étude des processus en jeu dans une sensorimotricité partagée par une triple approche clinique éthologique et vidéo / Free interactions between autistic child and animal (pony and dolphin) : a study of psychic processes in a shared sensori-motricity with clinical, ethologic and video assessed surveyLorin de Reure, Anne 10 October 2016 (has links)
La recherche relatée dans cette thèse est centrée sur l'analyse des modalités interactionnelles observables chez des enfants autistes en situation de thérapie à médiation animale (thérapie par le poney et le dauphin). Après un rappel sur les grands enjeux théoriques et cliniques actuels de l’autisme, une attention spéciale est portée sur un plan éthologique aux différents domaines de la sensorialité chez les poney dont les spécificités dotent cet animal d’une grande sensibilité cénesthésique. Les spécificités de la sensorialité des dauphins est également abordée. Les conditions de mise en œuvre d’une thérapie médiatisée par l’animal sont rappelées, avec toutes les spécificités de la relation entre enfant autiste et « animal autre sujet » et notamment dans le cadre de la thérapie avec le poney.Le dispositif de thérapie et de recherche est décrit comme basé sur les interactions libres entre poney et enfant autiste, marqué par l’accompagnement et l’observation des mouvements spontanés de l'enfant autiste et du poney. L’évaluation de l’état autistique est effectuée au stade initial et final par la CARS et la grille de Haag chez deux enfants dont l’observation des interactions avec le poney se fait de façon conjointe sur un registre clinique, éthologique et vidéo. Les données recueillies donnent lieu à la création d’un tableau de « Repères pour une évaluation qualitative de l'évolution des enfants autistes à l'aide de la médiation équine ».L’analyse des données contre transférentielles est reprise dans l’après coup des séances et dans le visionnage vidéo dans un dispositif « écran fauteuil » qui permet une forme particulière de réflexivité à l’observateur chercheur. Cette analyse des données permet de modéliser de façon précise les modalités d’entrée en contact entre enfant et poney. Celles de l’enfant autiste peuvent être considérées à la fois comme une stratégie d’apprivoisement de l’autre (approche « adressée », « l'air de rien », « ravisés », « sans faire exprès » ou en « allers retours) mais aussi comme une exploration de l’espace interpersonnel (par exemple « par les crachats » ou « par contournement »). Plusieurs modalités d’entrée en contact de l’enfant autiste par le poney peuvent également être repérées (« aléatoire en champ détendu », « audacieuse », « par aspiration », par « recherche de proximité corporelle », ou « par curiosité »). Les spécificités de la delphinothérapie sont analysées à partir d’un cas clinique et permettent de repérer des modalités d’approche similaires.Ces différentes stratégies d’interaction entre enfant autiste et animal sont à comprendre comme une exploration d’un espace relationnel triangulé par le médium animal, mais aussi comme une d’exploration de l’intentionnalité. Ces stratégies permettent d’observer le passage d’une sensorimotricité partagée, médiatisée et apaisante à une intersubjectivité retrouvée, dans un sentiment de sécurité, ouvrant sur la potentialité d’un espace de jeu et facilitant les processus d’individuation-séparation. / The doctoral thesis is the development of a research about the analysis of interactions among autistic children undergoing a “therapy with pony” and a “therapy with dolphin”. After a survey of the clinical and theorical aspects of autism, the specificity of the different fields of pony sensoriality, which provide this animal with sharp cenesthesic properties, are considered from an ethologic point of view. The specific aspects of the dolphin’s sensoriality are also considered. The modalities of the use of an animal in an « animal mediated therapy » are recalled, underlining the specificities of the relations between an autistic child and an animal. Here, the animal is considered as an « other subject », particularly in the field of therapy with pony.The research and therapy context is characterized by free interactions between ponies and autistic children, following and observing the spontaneous movements of ponies and autistic children. The evaluation of the autistic status of two children is achieved by means of the « CARS scale » and the « Haag scale », before and after therapy. The observations are made simultaneously from a clinical, ethological and videoscopic point of view. The observation data leads to the creation of a « Reference for a qualitative evaluation of autistic children evolutionary change with the aid of equine mediation therapy ».Counter-transferential data is analysed while debriefing after the therapy sessions, and during the observation of the sessions on video. The material situation can be described as a screen chair counter transfer, and provides a specific reflexivity to the observer. This kind of analysis of the data provides a very precise modelling of the way pony and child get in contact and interact. The actions of the autistic child can be considered as taming actions («addressing to», «seeming not so much», «changing one’s mind», «going there and back») or exploring actions of the interpersonal space between him and the pony (for example «by spitting» or by «going around»). The pony can also have a contact and interact with the child in some different ways: We try to categorize them as: «at random», «daring», «by attraction», “looking for proximity», «out of curiosity». The specificities of delphinotherapy are analysed too and show similar data.These various strategies of interactions between autistic children and pony can be considered as an exploration of the space in which a triangular relation between child, pony and therapist takes place. They can also be considered as an exploration of intentionality. These different approach strategies enable to see the transition from a shared and quieting sensori-motricity to a (re)discovered inter-subjectivity, within a feeling of “being safe”, allowing a space for game and easing the processes of parting and getting one’s individuality.
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Studie doby potřebné pro rozhled a rozhodnutí při dání přednosti v jízdě / Study of the time needed for getting an all-round view and deciding in giving the right of wayBařina, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with detection and analysis of a time needed for getting an all-round view before entering other vehicle's corridor during different conditions and speed. In the theoretical part a brief research is made concerning the subject of causes of accidents, aspects of human perception and driver's outlook. The analytical part derives from video recordings of on-road trials. The results was processed and the obtained data evaluated in order to find out the time needed for getting an all-round and making a decision while situated in the intersection. Above that, the data served as a determination of safety during intersection passing and quality of estimates of speed and distance of incoming vehicles. The conclusion of the analytical part is dedicated to participants mutual comparison and analysis of particular situations that occurred during the trials.
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Kooperativní plánování projektů v aplikaci Getting Things GNOME / Cooperative Project Planning in Getting Things GNOMEMatušov, Izidor January 2013 (has links)
This work dicusses the extension for Getting Things GNOME which makes it possible to use it for planning and managment of cooperative projects. Reader is introduced to basics of project planning and project management and selected methods. The target audience and their needs for the extension were identified and their solutions were proposed. This work includes a walkthrough the extension of the user interface in the form of wireframes. The proposed extension was implemented and tested.
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Dispositions and Dual Credit: A Study on Student Attitudes toward WritingBuchs, Morgan Elizabeth 13 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Dancing Around Costuming: A Symbiotic Relationship of Disciplines, Costume Design for Dance 2011: Parallel and IntersectBurrington, David J. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Improving a Marker-Based System to Rate Assimilation of Problematic ExperiencesLani, James Anthony 25 June 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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A la quête du « bout de papier» : les perceptions des expériences scolaires, des études et diplômes universitaires chez les lycéens guinéens du privé et du publicDiaby, Mohamed 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur les perceptions de l’université et des diplômes (universitaires) chez les lycéens guinéens du privé et du public en classe de terminale. L’atteinte de cet objectif exigeait une exploration de l’expérience scolaire et extrascolaire des élèves. La démarche privilégiée est qualitative et a consisté en des entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de 23 jeunes de deux lycées de la capitale, différents de par leur statut (privé/public) et l’origine sociale de leurs élèves.
Les résultats de la recherche montrent que l’expérience scolaire et extrascolaire varie considérablement selon le type de lycée fréquenté. Si le parcours scolaire au privé s’est déroulé sans grands heurts, il est nettement plus chaotique parmi les élèves du public. Les premiers bénéficient d’un cadre d’apprentissage -tant au niveau infrastructurel que professoral- et d’un soutien familial clairement plus propices aux études que les seconds. Hors de l’école, si le temps est consacré aux loisirs pour les lycéens privés, il est marqué par une forte implication dans les activités économiques de survie pour les lycéens et lycéennes du public qui doivent tous se « battre » pour rester aux études.
Les données révèlent en outre que la poursuite des études au-delà de la classe de terminale est perçue par les deux groupes de lycéens comme une suite logique de leur parcours scolaire. L’université attire et exerce une forme de « fascination » notamment pour le «bout de papier » qu’elle octroie. Le diplôme universitaire demeure perçu comme une marque distinctive et un symbole de prestige et, surtout dans des milieux populaires, comme un gage d’employabilité. Enfin, pour les jeunes filles du lycée privé, la poursuite des études est présentée comme un moyen d’acquérir une certaine indépendance même si, comme leurs homologues du public, la poursuite des études doit « coexister » avec le projet matrimonial. / This paper aims to analyze the perception of university education and university degree among senior high school students from public and private schools in Guinea. Using a qualitative analysis, the research explores the participants’ academic and nonacademic experience. Semi-directed interviews were conducted among 23 pupils from two high schools in the capital Conakry. The targeted schools differ by their statutes (private/public) and the social origin of their students.
As illustrated by the analysis, the academic and nonacademic experiences vary notably depending on the type of high school attended. School trajectories of students from public institutions are more chaotic than those of students in public institutions. The first benefit from a better learning environment—equipment and teachers—and a more favorable familial context than the latter. Outside school, while students in private schools devote their spare time to leisure activities, their public counterparts spend most of their time involved in petty money-earning activities, ‘‘fighting’’ to pay their school fees.
In addition, the data show that both private and public schools’ students perceive the pursuit of their studies beyond senior high school as a logical continuation of their academic journey. The university attracts and ‘‘fascinates’’ students, notably for the «piece of paper» it grants. The university degree remains a distinctive mark, a symbol of prestige and, especially among public schools’ pupils, a guarantee of employability. Finally, for girls in private schools, higher education is perceived as a way for future independence, even if they do not disconnect their schooling future from their marital plans.
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What processes will support effective shared decision making when health visitors and parent are planning to improve the wellbeing of babies and children within the context of the Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) policy framework?Astbury, Ruth A. January 2014 (has links)
Two key policy documents are having an impact on health visiting practice in Scotland: Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) (2013), which seeks to promote all children’s wellbeing, and The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland (2010) which promotes person-centred care. ‘Shared decision making’ is integral to ‘person-centred care’; however no research studies to date have linked shared decision making with health visitor practice. This thesis reports on a descriptive, qualitative research study, which was conducted in two health board areas in Scotland, in order to explore the processes that support effective shared decision making in health visiting practice within the context of implementing GIRFEC. The design was in three phases and used Elwyn’s Framework, of ‘Choice, Options and Decision Talk’ as a structure (2012). Phase 1 consisted of audio recordings of 2 x health visitor: parent encounters when decisions were being made; Phase 2 consisted of semi-structured interviews with 9 x health visitors and 9 x parents who had made decisions within the last 6 months; Phase 3 involved 3 x focus groups reviewing the findings to date and reflecting on current issues when implementing GIRFEC. The framework method was used for analysis and two additional themes were identified: ‘Issues’ and ‘Relationships’. The health visitors demonstrated that they built up trusting relationships with parents; however there was lack of understanding and application of decision making theory which supports analysis, and an outcome focused approach to person-centred planning. This thesis identifies areas for health visitor practice development.
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Conflict inhabitation: an emerging deleuzoguattarian inspired conflict studies reterritorialized assemblageOpheim, David W. 08 April 2019 (has links)
Utilizing the lexicon of the French experimental thinkers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, research is engaged which indicates that their insights are compatible with and augmentative to the field of Conflict Studies. Specifically, four recognized conflict management approaches, which include the concepts of negotiation, the transformation of the conflict, narrative, and the transformation of the conflicted parties, are populated via an emerging Deleuze and Guattari inspired modus operandi. This process has resulted in an original new term, Conflict Inhabitation, which proposes that the conflicted parties recognize, to their mutual benefit, the centrality of difference to possibility and the acknowledgement of existence as dynamically becoming. This adventure is contextualized utilizing a Personal Narrative Autoethnographic Methodology which systematically engages the intensity of what it means to reside as a person in midst of the human induced Global Warming Climate Change experience during the Anthropocene Epoch. / Graduate
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Tomada de consciência sobre o trabalho com projetos a partir da utilização de um objeto de aprendizagem integrado a um ambiente virtual de aprendizagemMoresco, Silvia Ferreto da Silva January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso que tem como objetivo analisar como ocorre a tomada de consciência de professores em formação continuada sobre o trabalho com projetos educacionais através do Objeto de Aprendizagem Trabalho com Projetos integrado a plataforma ROODA. A questão central de pesquisa trata-se sobre como ocorre a tomada de consciência de professores em formação continuada sobre o trabalho com projetos educacionais, através do Objeto de Aprendizagem Trabalho com Projetos integrado a plataforma ROODA. Para tanto, utiliza como referencial metodológico a metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa. Apresenta como objetivo analisar como ocorre a tomada de consciência de professores em formação continuada sobre o trabalho com projetos educacionais através do Objeto de Aprendizagem Trabalho com Projetos integrado a plataforma ROODA. Tem como questão central de pesquisa compreender como ocorre a tomada de consciência de professores em formação continuada sobre o trabalho com projetos educacionais, através do Objeto de Aprendizagem Trabalho com Projetos integrado a plataforma ROODA. Tal questão se desdobra em outras quatro sub-questões: A primeira visa entender como o Objeto de Aprendizagem Trabalho com Projetos integrado à plataforma ROODA pode se configurar como espaço de construção, reconstrução de conhecimentos e meio de inclusão social e digital? A segunda busca compreender como a solução de desafios pode promover o processo de tomada de consciência sobre o trabalho com projetos educacionais e sua prática educativa em formação continuada? A terceira sub-questão analisa como o trabalho cooperativo pode favorecer o processo de tomada de consciência das concepções que norteiam o trabalho com projetos educacionais e sua prática educativa em formação continuada? A última discute como se configuram as representações conceituais dos professores em formação continuada no decorrer do planejamento e desenvolvimento de projetos educacionais? Os sujeitos de pesquisa são doze professores de diferentes áreas de estudo, que atuam de forma efetiva em sala de aula, fazendo parte do quadro de servidores ativos da Rede Pública Estadual de Ensino do Rio Grande do Sul e que apresentam disponibilidade para trabalhar com as tecnologias digitais. Para análise e interpretação dos dados coletados, recorre-se à Análise de Conteúdo. Para a coleta dos dados utiliza-se o Método Clínico Piagetiano, procurando compreender a trajetória cognitiva dos sujeitos de pesquisa durante as entrevistas orais semi-estruturadas. Para a realização do processo empírico, desenvolveu-se o Objeto de Aprendizagem Trabalho com Projetos (OATP), um material digital destinado a situações de aprendizagem que aborda o trabalho com projetos educacionais. Para analisar e validar o OATP utiliza-se a plataforma ROODA como ambiente de apoio às aulas presenciais e a distância num curso de extensão da UFRGS na modalidade semipresencial especialmente organizado para essa investigação. Foram analisados os processos cognitivos desencadeados pelas interações no ROODA, tendo como fundamentação a teoria do desenvolvimento cognitivo de Jean Piaget, destacando-se o processo de cooperação e tomada de consciência. A pesquisa evidencia: que o OATP pode possibilitar a tomada de consciência sobre o trabalho com projetos educacionais; as ferramentas comunicacionais da plataforma ROODA potencializam a interação on-line, promovendo as trocas cognitivas e o trabalho em equipe; a tomada de consciência pode ser favorecida pelas trocas cognitivas ocorridas em ambiente virtual e que essas trocas podem ocorrer a partir de atividades que priorizem a participação ativa dos alunos-professores na resolução de desafios, valorizando ações como argumentação, justificativa, análise do percurso do raciocínio, enriquecendo e favorecendo a formação continuada. / This work has as characteristic a case study and as a main goal to analyze how the conscious getting occurs with teachers in continued formation about the educational project works through the work learning object with joined projects to the ROODA platform. It is used as a methodological guide the methodology and how it occurs with the conscious getting of teacher of continued formation about the work with educational projects through the learning object work with joined work to the ROODA platform: It has as central point to understand as the conscious getting from teachers in continued formation about the work with educational projects through learning work object joined projects to ROODA platform. This point is divided into four others: The first one is to understand how the work learning object with joined projects to ROODA platform can result in construction space, knowledge reconstruction and a way to social inclusion and digital. The second search to understand as the solution of challenges can promote the getting process of conscious about the work with educational projects and its educational practice in continued formation. The third point analyses as the cooperative work can favor the process of getting conscious of conceptions that go around the work with educational projects and its educational practice in continued formation. The last one discusses about how is formed the conception presentations of teachers in continued formation during the planning and development of education projects. Twelve teachers took place of this research from different studying areas. All of them act in classroom taking part of the active team of the “ Rede Pública Estadual de Ensino do Rio Grande do Sul” and they are available to work with digital technology. To the analysis and interpretation of collected data were used the contents analysis. For the data collection was used the Piagett clinic method, searching to understand the cognitive traject of the subjects of research during the realization of the interview semi –structured. The realization to the empirical process developed the learning object project work, the digital material designed to learning situations that deal with educational project work. Analyzing and making it valid was used ROODA platform as the environment of base to the present classes and to the distance classes in the semi-presence specially organized to this investigation. It was analyzed the cognitive process divided by the interactions in the ROODA This part was based in the cognitive development theory by Jean Piagett giving importance to the cooperation process and getting conscious. This research shows the learning object work with projects can turn it possible the conscious getting about the work with educational projects. The communication tools of ROODA platform gives power to the on-line interaction promoting the cognitive changes and the team work, the conscious getting can be favored by the cognitive changes occurred in virtual environment and this changes can occur from activities that give the main attention to the active participation of teachers- students in the solution of challenges, giving value to the actions as argumentation, justification, rezoning analysis , enriching and favoring the continued formation. / Este trabajo tiene como característica ser un estudio de caso que tiene como objetivo analizar como ocurre la tomada de conciencia de profesores en formación continuada sobre el trabajo con proyectos educacionales a través del Objeto de Aprendizaje Trabajo con Proyectos integrado a la plataforma ROODA. La cuestión central de pesquisa trata sobre como ocurre la tomada de consciencia de profesores en formación continuada sobre el trabajo con proyectos educacionales, a través del Objeto de Aprendizaje Trabajo con Proyectos integrado a la plataforma ROODA. Para eso, utiliza como referencial metodológico la metodologia de pesquisa cualitativa. Presenta como objetivo analizar como ocurre la tomada de conciencia de profesores en formación continuada sobre el trabajo con proyectos educacionales a través del Objeto de Aprendizaje Trabajo con Proyectos integrado a la plataforma ROODA. Tiene como cuestión central de pesquisa entender como ocurre la tomada de conciencia de profesores en formación continuada sobre el trabajo con proyectos educacionales, a través del Objeto de Aprendizaje Trabajo con Proyectos integrado a la plataforma ROODA. Tal cuestión se desdobla en otras cuatro subcuestiones: La primera quiere entender como el Objeto de Aprendizaje Trabajo con Proyectos integrado a la plataforma ROODA puede configurarse como espacio de construcción, reconstrucción de conocimientos y medio de inclusión social y digital. La segunda busca la comprensión de como la solución de desafíos puede promover el proceso de tomada de consciencia sobre el trabajo con proyectos educacionales y su práctica educativa en formación continuada. La tercera subcuestión analiza como el trabajo cooperativo puede favorecer el proceso de tomada de consciencia de las concepciones que nortean el trabajo con proyectos educacionales y su práctica educativa en formación continuada. La última discute como se configuran las representaciones conceptuales de los profesores en formación continuada en el decorrer del planeamiento y desarrollo de proyectos educacionales. Los sujetos de pesquisa son doce profesores de diferentes áreas de estudio, que actúan de forma efectiva en clases, haciendo parte del cuadro de servidores activos de la Red Pública Estadual de Enseñanza del Rio Grande del Sur y que presentan disponibilidad para trabajar con las tecnologías digitales. Para análisis e interpretación de los datos colectados, se recurre al Análisis de Contenido. Para la colecta de los datos es utilizado el Método Clínico Piagetiano, procurando comprender la trayectoria cognitiva de los sujetos de pesquisa durante las entrevistas orales semiestructuradas. Para la realización del proceso empírico, es desarrollado el Objeto de Aprendizaje Trabajo con Proyectos (OATP), un material digital destinado a situaciones de aprendizaje que aborda el trabajo con proyectos educacionales. Para analizar y validar el OATP en esa pesquisa, es utilizada la plataforma ROODA como ambiente de apoyo a las clases presénciales y a la distancia en un curso de extensión de la UFRGS en la modalidad semipresencial especialmente organizado para esa investigación. Fueron analizados los procesos cognitivos desencadenados por las interacciones en el ROODA, teniendo como fundamentación la teoría del desarrollo cognitivo de Jean Piaget, destacándose el proceso de cooperación y tomada de consciencia. La pesquisa evidencia: que el OATP puede posibilitar la tomada de consciencia sobre el trabajo con proyectos educacionales; las herramientas comunicacionales de la plataforma ROODA potencializan la interacción on-line, promoviendo los cambios cognitivos y el trabajo en equipo; la tomada de consciencia puede ser favorable por los cambios cognitivos ocurridos en ambiente virtual y que esos cambios pueden ocurrir a partir de actividades que prioricen la participación activa de los “alumnos/profesores” en la resolución de desafíos, valorizando acciones como argumentación, justificativa, análisis del precurso del raciocinio, enriqueciendo y favoreciendo la formación continuada.
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