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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

KID smART & Any Given Child – New Orleans

Zambrano, Némesis K. 01 March 2016 (has links)
This internship report is an overview of KID smART and the fiduciary responsibility it provides to the citywide arts education initiative Any Given Child - New Orleans (AGCNO). I began my 480-hour internship with KID smART in February 2015 to work on getting AGCNO off the ground. The following report combines on-site observational research, expertise I developed from my educational training, and independent research to provide an analysis of KID smART and AGCNO’s current position, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Additionally, this report provides recommendations on how to address specific issues with operational management in order for AGCNO to establish independence and sustainability.

"A caracterização da demanda do banco de alimentos municipal de São Paulo. A exclusão social e a procura por alimentos doados institucionalmente" / Characterization of the social demand of Food Bank, in São Paulo city: the social exclusion and the demand for institutionally given food

Custodio, Marta Battaglia 18 October 2004 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo entender a demanda social por alimentos doados institucionalmente por meio do programa do município de São Paulo Banco de Alimentos. A base de dados das Organizações Sociais cadastradas no programa em 2003 permitiu a análise da distribuição da demanda na cidade. A comparação entre esta demanda e o Mapa da Vulnerabilidade Social (que é uma importante ferramenta de diagnóstico da exclusão social no município) foi o ponto de partida. Ao longo da dissertação foram abordados temas como o conceito de Segurança Alimentar e o programa Banco de Alimentos em um contexto de exclusão social de São Paulo para verificar se esta exclusão social influencia na demanda por alimentos. As conclusões apontam para esta hipótese e para a necessidade de investigações adicionais do ponto de vista dos aspectos qualitativos que envolvem Organizações Sociais que intermedeiam o repasse de alimentos entre o Banco de Alimentos e os beneficiários finais. / The purpose of this dissertation was to understand the social demand for institutionally given food, by a city hall program of Food Bank, in São Paulo city. The data base of the social organizations filled in this program in 2003 permited the analysis of the geographic distribution of this demand on the city. The comparison between this demand and the Social Vulnerability Map of São Paulo (that is an important "tool" for diagnosis of the social exclusion in the city) was the starting point. Through this dissertation we treated some ideas like the Food Security concept and the Food Bank program in a context of social exclusion to verify if this exclusion influences on the food demand. The conclusions point to this hipotesis and the need of additional investigation of the qualitative aspects of this process that involves NGOs who intermediate the food transfer between the Food Bank and the final beneficiaries.

Conhecimento, intencionalidade e funcionalismo semântico : desintelectualizando o espaço lógico das razões / knowlegde, intentionality and semantical functionalism : a dezintelectualization of the logical space of reasons

Daniel, Jonatan Willian January 2018 (has links)
Wilfrid Sellars ficou conhecido por seus ataques ao empirismo e fundacionismo tradicionais em epistemologia e por desenvolver uma abordagem original aos problemas epistemológicos, que criou certa corrente filosófica que tem com seus principais desenvolvedores Rorty, McDowell e Brandom. Segundo essa corrente, o conhecimento, para ser bem compreendido, deve ser tomado como se dando no interior do espaço lógico das razões, no interior do espaço no qual transitamos ao oferecer e pedir por razões para aquilo que fazemos e acreditamos. Porém, essa visão acaba por se mostrar bastante intelectualizada, principalmente pela sua exigência de reflexividade para o conhecimento e por defender que a presença de estados intencionais seja dependente da posse de uma linguagem como a nossa Minha tese, neste trabalho, é que as posições tardias de Sellars sobre sistemas representacionais animais nos dão ferramentas para rejeitar seu nominalismo psicológico e desenvolver uma concepção menos intelectualista de conhecimento, mesmo que isso signifique abrir mão de uma análise completa do mesmo em condições necessárias e suficientes. Este trabalho é composto por quatro capítulos: no primeiro capítulo reconstruo o projeto filosófico inicial de Sellars para mostrar como a sua compreensão não relacional da semântica o levou a fazer a exigência de reflexividade para o conhecimento, sendo essa exigência uma das razões para a excessiva intelectualização de sua abordagem do conhecimento e comento algumas de suas consequências. O segundo capítulo avalia a defesa de McDowell da tese sellarsiana do conhecimento como se dando no interior do espaço lógico das razões das acusações de intelectualismo e conclui que ela incorre em petição de princípio ou circularidade. O terceiro capítulo avança a proposta de Brandom para assimilar o insight confiabilista numa epistemologia centrada na atividade de dar e pedir por razões, na tentativa de combater seu excessivo intelectualismo. A posição tardia de Sellars ajuda-nos a entender a presença de estados proposicionais em seres que não participam do jogo público de dar e pedir por razões, possibilitando uma concepção menos intelectualista de conhecimento. O quarto capítulo explora a distinção de McDowell entre “razão” e “razão enquanto tal” para alcançar uma noção de racionalidade menos intelectualizada, centrada naquilo que somos capazes de fazer em oposição ao que devemos fazer. / Wilfrid Sellars became known for his attacks on traditional empiricism and foundationalism in epistemology and for developing an original approach to epistemological problems, which has created a certain philosophical current that has its main developers Rorty, McDowell, and Brandom. According to this current, knowledge, in order to be well understood, must be taken as giving itself within the logical space of reasons, within the space in which we go through offering and asking for reasons for what we do and believe. However, this view turns out to be quite intellectualized, mainly due to its reflexivity requirement for knowledge and for defending that the presence of intentional states is dependent on the possession of a language like ours. My thesis, in this work, is that late positions of Sellars on animal representational systems give us tools to reject his psychological nominalism and develop a less intellectualist conception of knowledge, even if that means giving up a complete analysis of it under necessary and sufficient conditions. This work is composed of four chapters: in the first chapter I reconstruct Sellars' initial philosophical project to show how his non-relational understanding of semantics led him to make the demand for reflexivity for knowledge, being this requirement one of the reasons for the excessive intellectualization of his approach to knowledge, and comment on some of its consequences. The second chapter evaluates McDowell's defense of the Sealarsian thesis of knowledge as taking place within the logical space of the reasons for accusations of intellectualism and concludes that it incurs in a petition of principle or circularity. The third chapter advances Brandom's proposal to assimilate the reliabilist insight into an epistemology centered on giving and asking for reasons in an attempt to combat its excessive intellectualism. The late position of Sellars helps us to understand how to extend the presence of propositional states to beings who do not participate in the public game of giving and asking for reasons, enabling a less intellectualist conception of knowledge. The fourth chapter explores McDowell's distinction between "reason" and "reason as such" to achieve a less intellectualized notion of rationality centered on what we are able to do in opposition to what we should do.

Le donné en question : les critiques du donné sensible dans le néokantisme et la phénoménologie au tournant du XXème siècle / The given in question : Critics of the Given in Neo-kantianism and Phenomenology at the Turn of the XXth Century

Palette, Virginie 15 November 2013 (has links)
La présente étude se donne pour objectif principal de reconstruire les diverses (re-)mises en question de la notion de donné sensible dans le néokantisme et la phénoménologie sur la scène philosophique allemande au tournant du XXème siècle. À la question cruciale de savoir quel est l’intérêt d’ouvrir en 2013 un tel dossier vieux déjà de plus d’un siècle, nous répondons qu’il est au moins double : d’abord, nous voulons montrer que les critiques du donné ont joué un rôle capital dans la genèse des trois principaux mouvements présents sur la scène philosophique austro-allemande à la fin du XIXème siècle, à savoir le positivisme, la phénoménologie et le néokantisme. Ensuite, ce travail présente un intérêt tout à fait actuel, puisqu’il se conçoit comme une exploration de l’arrière-plan historique et continental de la controverse autour du « mythe du donné » (the Myth of the Given) initiée par Wilfrid Sellars en 1956, controverse qui continue à occuper une place de choix aujourd’hui, notamment dans les débats sur la perception dans la Philosophy of Mind. / This study is a reconstruction of the different ways neo-kantians and phenomenologists have questioned the notion of the sensory given. Why is it interesting to open—in 2013—this old dossier of criticisms of the given in german philosophy at the turn of the XXth. Century? First, it is shown that critiques of the given have played an essential role in the genesis of the three most important movements of german and austrian philosophy at the end of the XIXth century, namely, positivism, phenomenology, and neo-kantianism. Century. Second, this work contributes to live discussion because it is an exploration of the historical background in continental philosophy of the « Myth of the Given » introduced by Wilfrid Sellars in 1956, which still occupies a central place in contemporary debates about perception in philosophy of mind.

Credit Risk in the Macroprudential Framework: Three Essays / Credit Risk in the Macroprudential Framework: Three Essays

Seidler, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Social Sciences Institute of Economic Studies Credit Risk in the Macroprudential Framework: Three Essays DISSERTATION Author: PhDr. Jakub Seidler Supervisor: prof. Ing. Oldřich Dědek, CSc Academic Year: 2011/2012 Abstract This thesis focuses on proper credit risk identification with respect to macroprudential policies, which should mitigate systemic risk accumulation and contribute to higher financial stability of the financial sector. The first essay deals with a key credit risk parameter - Loss Given Default (LGD). We illustrate how the LGD can be estimated with the help of an adjusted Mertonian structural approach. We present a derivation of the formula for expected LGD and show its sensitivity analysis with respect to other company structural parameters. Finally, we estimate the five-year expected LGDs for companies listed on Prague Stock Exchange and find that the average LGD for the analyzed sample is around 20-50%. The second essay examines the issue of how to determine whether the observed level of private sector credit is excessive in the context of the "countercyclical capital buffer", a macroprudential tool proposed in the new regulatory framework of Basel III by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. An empirical analysis of selected Central and...

Conhecimento, intencionalidade e funcionalismo semântico : desintelectualizando o espaço lógico das razões / knowlegde, intentionality and semantical functionalism : a dezintelectualization of the logical space of reasons

Daniel, Jonatan Willian January 2018 (has links)
Wilfrid Sellars ficou conhecido por seus ataques ao empirismo e fundacionismo tradicionais em epistemologia e por desenvolver uma abordagem original aos problemas epistemológicos, que criou certa corrente filosófica que tem com seus principais desenvolvedores Rorty, McDowell e Brandom. Segundo essa corrente, o conhecimento, para ser bem compreendido, deve ser tomado como se dando no interior do espaço lógico das razões, no interior do espaço no qual transitamos ao oferecer e pedir por razões para aquilo que fazemos e acreditamos. Porém, essa visão acaba por se mostrar bastante intelectualizada, principalmente pela sua exigência de reflexividade para o conhecimento e por defender que a presença de estados intencionais seja dependente da posse de uma linguagem como a nossa Minha tese, neste trabalho, é que as posições tardias de Sellars sobre sistemas representacionais animais nos dão ferramentas para rejeitar seu nominalismo psicológico e desenvolver uma concepção menos intelectualista de conhecimento, mesmo que isso signifique abrir mão de uma análise completa do mesmo em condições necessárias e suficientes. Este trabalho é composto por quatro capítulos: no primeiro capítulo reconstruo o projeto filosófico inicial de Sellars para mostrar como a sua compreensão não relacional da semântica o levou a fazer a exigência de reflexividade para o conhecimento, sendo essa exigência uma das razões para a excessiva intelectualização de sua abordagem do conhecimento e comento algumas de suas consequências. O segundo capítulo avalia a defesa de McDowell da tese sellarsiana do conhecimento como se dando no interior do espaço lógico das razões das acusações de intelectualismo e conclui que ela incorre em petição de princípio ou circularidade. O terceiro capítulo avança a proposta de Brandom para assimilar o insight confiabilista numa epistemologia centrada na atividade de dar e pedir por razões, na tentativa de combater seu excessivo intelectualismo. A posição tardia de Sellars ajuda-nos a entender a presença de estados proposicionais em seres que não participam do jogo público de dar e pedir por razões, possibilitando uma concepção menos intelectualista de conhecimento. O quarto capítulo explora a distinção de McDowell entre “razão” e “razão enquanto tal” para alcançar uma noção de racionalidade menos intelectualizada, centrada naquilo que somos capazes de fazer em oposição ao que devemos fazer. / Wilfrid Sellars became known for his attacks on traditional empiricism and foundationalism in epistemology and for developing an original approach to epistemological problems, which has created a certain philosophical current that has its main developers Rorty, McDowell, and Brandom. According to this current, knowledge, in order to be well understood, must be taken as giving itself within the logical space of reasons, within the space in which we go through offering and asking for reasons for what we do and believe. However, this view turns out to be quite intellectualized, mainly due to its reflexivity requirement for knowledge and for defending that the presence of intentional states is dependent on the possession of a language like ours. My thesis, in this work, is that late positions of Sellars on animal representational systems give us tools to reject his psychological nominalism and develop a less intellectualist conception of knowledge, even if that means giving up a complete analysis of it under necessary and sufficient conditions. This work is composed of four chapters: in the first chapter I reconstruct Sellars' initial philosophical project to show how his non-relational understanding of semantics led him to make the demand for reflexivity for knowledge, being this requirement one of the reasons for the excessive intellectualization of his approach to knowledge, and comment on some of its consequences. The second chapter evaluates McDowell's defense of the Sealarsian thesis of knowledge as taking place within the logical space of the reasons for accusations of intellectualism and concludes that it incurs in a petition of principle or circularity. The third chapter advances Brandom's proposal to assimilate the reliabilist insight into an epistemology centered on giving and asking for reasons in an attempt to combat its excessive intellectualism. The late position of Sellars helps us to understand how to extend the presence of propositional states to beings who do not participate in the public game of giving and asking for reasons, enabling a less intellectualist conception of knowledge. The fourth chapter explores McDowell's distinction between "reason" and "reason as such" to achieve a less intellectualized notion of rationality centered on what we are able to do in opposition to what we should do.

Conhecimento, intencionalidade e funcionalismo semântico : desintelectualizando o espaço lógico das razões / knowlegde, intentionality and semantical functionalism : a dezintelectualization of the logical space of reasons

Daniel, Jonatan Willian January 2018 (has links)
Wilfrid Sellars ficou conhecido por seus ataques ao empirismo e fundacionismo tradicionais em epistemologia e por desenvolver uma abordagem original aos problemas epistemológicos, que criou certa corrente filosófica que tem com seus principais desenvolvedores Rorty, McDowell e Brandom. Segundo essa corrente, o conhecimento, para ser bem compreendido, deve ser tomado como se dando no interior do espaço lógico das razões, no interior do espaço no qual transitamos ao oferecer e pedir por razões para aquilo que fazemos e acreditamos. Porém, essa visão acaba por se mostrar bastante intelectualizada, principalmente pela sua exigência de reflexividade para o conhecimento e por defender que a presença de estados intencionais seja dependente da posse de uma linguagem como a nossa Minha tese, neste trabalho, é que as posições tardias de Sellars sobre sistemas representacionais animais nos dão ferramentas para rejeitar seu nominalismo psicológico e desenvolver uma concepção menos intelectualista de conhecimento, mesmo que isso signifique abrir mão de uma análise completa do mesmo em condições necessárias e suficientes. Este trabalho é composto por quatro capítulos: no primeiro capítulo reconstruo o projeto filosófico inicial de Sellars para mostrar como a sua compreensão não relacional da semântica o levou a fazer a exigência de reflexividade para o conhecimento, sendo essa exigência uma das razões para a excessiva intelectualização de sua abordagem do conhecimento e comento algumas de suas consequências. O segundo capítulo avalia a defesa de McDowell da tese sellarsiana do conhecimento como se dando no interior do espaço lógico das razões das acusações de intelectualismo e conclui que ela incorre em petição de princípio ou circularidade. O terceiro capítulo avança a proposta de Brandom para assimilar o insight confiabilista numa epistemologia centrada na atividade de dar e pedir por razões, na tentativa de combater seu excessivo intelectualismo. A posição tardia de Sellars ajuda-nos a entender a presença de estados proposicionais em seres que não participam do jogo público de dar e pedir por razões, possibilitando uma concepção menos intelectualista de conhecimento. O quarto capítulo explora a distinção de McDowell entre “razão” e “razão enquanto tal” para alcançar uma noção de racionalidade menos intelectualizada, centrada naquilo que somos capazes de fazer em oposição ao que devemos fazer. / Wilfrid Sellars became known for his attacks on traditional empiricism and foundationalism in epistemology and for developing an original approach to epistemological problems, which has created a certain philosophical current that has its main developers Rorty, McDowell, and Brandom. According to this current, knowledge, in order to be well understood, must be taken as giving itself within the logical space of reasons, within the space in which we go through offering and asking for reasons for what we do and believe. However, this view turns out to be quite intellectualized, mainly due to its reflexivity requirement for knowledge and for defending that the presence of intentional states is dependent on the possession of a language like ours. My thesis, in this work, is that late positions of Sellars on animal representational systems give us tools to reject his psychological nominalism and develop a less intellectualist conception of knowledge, even if that means giving up a complete analysis of it under necessary and sufficient conditions. This work is composed of four chapters: in the first chapter I reconstruct Sellars' initial philosophical project to show how his non-relational understanding of semantics led him to make the demand for reflexivity for knowledge, being this requirement one of the reasons for the excessive intellectualization of his approach to knowledge, and comment on some of its consequences. The second chapter evaluates McDowell's defense of the Sealarsian thesis of knowledge as taking place within the logical space of the reasons for accusations of intellectualism and concludes that it incurs in a petition of principle or circularity. The third chapter advances Brandom's proposal to assimilate the reliabilist insight into an epistemology centered on giving and asking for reasons in an attempt to combat its excessive intellectualism. The late position of Sellars helps us to understand how to extend the presence of propositional states to beings who do not participate in the public game of giving and asking for reasons, enabling a less intellectualist conception of knowledge. The fourth chapter explores McDowell's distinction between "reason" and "reason as such" to achieve a less intellectualized notion of rationality centered on what we are able to do in opposition to what we should do.

Child participation: the right of children to be heard in family law matters affecting them

Cleophas, Kelly-Anne January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

Vnímání předmětu, či vidění věci? / Perception of the Object or Seeing the Thing?

Vávrová, Věra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis follows the development of the As-Structure as it is presented in Heidegger's Logic (GA 21) and shows that this abstract structure has been developed based on Brentano's Psychology 1 and Husserl's Logical Investigations. I describe how the As-Structure develops from the Brentano's distinction of physical and mental phenomena. The mental phenomena represent the basic sphere of our recognition, and the knowledge of the object as it is immanent to them. The object represents a stable counterpart to the course of experience (Objekt - Erlebnis relation). Therefore, only in the mental phenomena the object is being experienced just as it appears. This is the standpoint of Brentano, and it is adopted by Husserl who explicitly divides the structure of an intentional act into its constituents; the meant and the given. The object is accomplished when it is carried out by the intentional act. When the relation between the meant and the given is fully congruent, the given is given just as it is meant. Heidegger elaborates on this given as meant structure by transferring it outside the sphere of consciousness. He claims that the As-structure is the abstract constitutive element of the relation between the human (Dasein) and the thing; what is being encountered in the world is always given as something...

Interpretace výpočtů u slovních úloh - hledání otázky / Interpretation of calculations in word problems - looking for a question

Legová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
Title: Interpretation of calculations in word problems - looking for a question Author: Tereza Legová Department: Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Education Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Naďa Vondrová, Ph.D., Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Education Abstract: This thesis deals with an exploratory study of the introduction of modified word problems into the teaching of mathematics. The modification of the classical word problem consists in setting the context of the word problem and calculation. The task of pupils is to find out what we get by the given calculation, what question the calculation answers and substantiate their claims. The aim of the thesis was to describe how pupils think in solving this type of problem. Specifically, it investigated what strategies pupils elect and what difficulties arise in solving. The theoretical part of the thesis is a search of literature on the topic of solving word problems and their possible implementation in teaching. The practical part is divided into two phases. A test consisting of three problem contexts was given to pupils. The aim was to determine the meaning of the three given calculations for the each context. Before solving the test, a sample problem was discussed with the pupils. In the first phase, interviews were conducted with six pupils...

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