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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of GLO: a Solar Occultation Instrument for Measuring Atmospheric Trace Species on CubeSat Missions

Rosich, Garrett Kyle 09 June 2017 (has links)
CubeSats provide an inexpensive means for space-based research. However, optimal mission design depends on minimizing payload size and power. This thesis investigates the GLO (GFCR (Gas Filter Correlation Radiometry) Limb Occultation) prototype, a new small-form-factor design that enables sub-kilometer resolution of the vertical profile of atmospheric trace species to determine radiative influences. This technology improves SWAP (Size, Weight, And Power) over heritage SOFIE and HALOE instruments and provides a cost-effective alternative for solar occultation limb monitoring. A python script was developed to analyze solar intensity through GLO telescope channels. Non-uniform aerosol images used a peak intensity algorithm compared to the edge detection function designed for GFCR channels. Scaling corrections were made for beam splitter inaccuracy and SNR was characterized for frame collection. Different cameras were tested to weigh accuracy versus cost of a camera baffle. Using the Langley plot method, solar intensity versus changes in the solar zenith angle were measured for extrapolation of optical depths. AERONET, a network of ground-based sun photometers measuring atmospheric aerosols, was used for aerosol optical depth validation. Spectral Calculator transmission data allowed for GFCR vacuum channel comparison, gas cell spectral analysis, and gas cell to vacuum channel optical depth examination. Ground testing provided promising results with the low-cost prototype. It will be further evaluated through a balloon flight demonstration using a flight-ready GLO instrument. Additionally, analysis for the DUSTIE mission is planned and simulated using STK and Matlab. This includes CubeSat bus selection, orbit analysis for occultation occurrences, power budgeting, and communication capabilities. / Master of Science / Cube Satellites (CubeSats) provide an inexpensive means for space-based research. However, optimal mission design depends on minimizing payload size and power. This thesis investigates the GLO (GFCR (Gas Filter Correlation Radiometry) Limb Occultation) prototype. This technology will determine the influences on the energy balance between the Earth and atmosphere due to aerosol and gas particle concentrations. This is implemented with improved SWAP (Size, Weight, And Power) compared to previously flown instruments. Scaling corrections were made for beam splitter inaccuracy and the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) was characterized for frame collection for the demonstration GLO instrument. The changing solar intensity as the sun moved across the sky was measured to infer aerosol and gas concentrations in the atmosphere. A network of ground-based sun photometers measuring atmospheric aerosols was used to validate aerosol concentration measurements. GLO vacuum channel measurements and gas cell properties were compared to transmission simulations for accuracy. Ground testing provided promising results with the low-cost prototype. It will be further evaluated through a balloon flight demonstration using a flight-ready GLO instrument. Additionally, analysis for the Dust Sounder and Temperature Imager Experiment (DUSTIE) mission is planned and simulated using STK and Matlab. This includes CubeSat bus selection, orbit analysis for occultation occurrences, power budgeting, and communication capabilities.

Transnational Organizations' Cultural Shift Through Transcultural Communication Generated by E-learning via the Global Learning Organization (GLO) Model

Song, Elodie Sung-Eun January 2016 (has links)
Dynamic networking is a key factor for successful transnational organizations. The transcultural shift is a critical process that can enable cultural hybridization so as to inspire consensual identity and learning aptitude amongst worldwide members. The Global Learning Organization (GLO) model is re-conceptualized to bring about this cultural shift. E-learning seems an appropriate tool to generate effective transcultural communication for both culture and learning perspectives under the GLO model. A qualitative case study using document analysis and interviews is conducted to understand how transcultural communication is generated via e-learning under the GLO model in two fields. Findings reveal that firstly, trust is a core element in generating transcultural communication and the combination of face to face and e-learning can enable trust to be activated and developed. Secondly, the way to build trust varies depending on task characteristics: the detail-oriented tasks require more intense face to face communication than the concept-focused tasks. This study illustrates that design of various mixed learning pattern with strategies to build trust through the affective dimension will be key for the successful GLO.

Developmental features of lacustrine basins on the uplift coast of the Bothnian Bay

Siira, O.-P. (Olli-Pekka) 03 April 2017 (has links)
Abstract The study focused on geological and ecological development of ten lacustrine basins in the Hailuoto – Oulunsalo – Lumijoki siltstone and claystone area of Muhos, and two lacustrine basins in the Kuivaniemi – Simo area of Svecokarelian schists and gneisses. The study on water quality, soil and sediment geochemistry, and sediment diatom assemblages of natural lacustrine basins, provide background values, which can be used in assessing the state of the water body in environmental studies. Water quality of the ten water bodies was monitored for 14 years. Water samples were studied for 28 different parameters. Soil and sediment geochemistry was studied on seven lacustrine basins by three different extraction methods. Extracts were analysed for ten parameters. The sediment diatom species were examined from five water bodies in accuracy of 1 cm thick layers. In the study area new water bodies are forming mainly in two different ways: isolation of marine bights and damming of dune ponds. The water bodies could be classified into five different groups based on water quality, sediment geochemistry, and sediment diatom assemblages. These also represent the different developmental stages of the lacustrine basins of the land uplift coast. Parameters of the water quality data could be divided into two main groups: electrolyte group and nutrient group. The water bodies studied segregated into two main categories: coastal and inland water bodies. The concentrations of electrolytes and nutrients were characteristically higher in the coastal water bodies compared to the inland water bodies. During the monitoring period eutrophication of the water bodies and significant seasonal variations of water quality were observed. According to the water quality data and diatom indices the prevailing conditions in the coastal water bodies were eutrophic; and in the inland water bodies ranging from mesotrophic to oligotrophic. The lacustrine basins were grouped mainly in accordance with their geochemical provinces. The geochemical gradients of soil, water quality and sediment in the chronosequence of the catchments on Hailuoto Island showed that when marine influence decreased, the lacustrine basins of the land uplift coast were observed to be oligotrophying, acidifying, and terrestrializating naturally. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimus keskittyi kymmenen Hailuodon, Oulunsalon, ja Lumijoen Muhos-muodostuman hiekka- ja savikivialueen järvialtaan sekä kahden Iin ja Simon svekokarelisen liuske- ja gneissialueen järvialtaan geologisen ja ekologisen kehityksen selvittämiseen. Luonnonmukaisesti kehittyneen järviallassarjan veden laadun, maaperän ja sedimentin geokemian sekä sedimentin piileväkoostumuksen tutkimus tarjoaa tausta-arvoja, joita voidaan hyödyntää arvioitaessa vesialueen tilaa ympäristötutkimuksissa. Kymmenen vesialtaan veden laatua seurattiin 14 vuoden ajan. Vesinäytteistä analysoitiin 28 eri parametria. Seitsemän järvialtaan valuma-alueen maaperän ja sedimentin geokemiaa tutkittiin käyttäen kolmea erilaista uutosmenetelmää. Uutoksista analysoitiin 10 parametria. Viiden vesialtaan sedimentin piilevälajisto tutkittiin 1 cm:n kerrostarkkuudella. Tutkimusalueella uusia vesialtaita muodostuu pääasiassa kahdella tavalla: merenlahdekkeiden kuroutumisen ja dyynilampien patoutumisen seurauksena. Vesialtaat voitiin luokitella veden laadun, sedimentin geokemian ja piilevälajiston perusteella viiteen eri ryhmään, jotka edustivat myös maankohoamisrannikon järvialtaiden eri kehitystasoja. Vedenlaatuaineiston parametrit voitiin jakaa kahteen pääryhmään: elektrolyyttiryhmä ja ravinneryhmä. Tutkittavat altaat erottuivat kahteen pääluokkaan: ranta-altaat ja sisämaan altaat. Tunnusomaista ranta-altaille verrattuna sisämaan altaisiin oli korkeammat elektrolyyttien ja ravinteiden pitoisuudet. Seurantajaksolla havaittiin ranta-altaiden luontaista rehevöitymistä sekä merkitseviä veden laadun vuodenaikakohtaisia vaihteluita. Vedenlaatuaineiston ja piileväindeksien mukaan vallitsevat olosuhteet rannan vesialtaissa olivat eutrofiset ja sisämaan vesialtaissa mesotrofisista oligotrofisiin. Järvialtaat ryhmittyivät lähinnä geokemiallisten provinssiensa mukaisesti. Hailuodon valuma-alueiden maaperän, veden laadun ja sedimentin geokemialliset gradientit osoittivat, että merellisen vaikutuksen vähetessä maankohoamisrannikon järvialtaat luontaisesti karuuntuvat, happamoituvat ja soistuvat.

Mapování vzorců užívání zahřívaných tabákových výrobků IQOS a GLO: online dotazníková studie / Mapping patterns of IQOS and GLO heated tobacco products usage: an online questionnaire study

Dobrovolná, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
Background: In recent years, novel heated tobacco products such as IQOS or glo, which began to appear on the Czech market about three years ago, gained popularity. The device is visually appealing in which, unlike regular cigarettes, tobacco is not burned but heated to a temperature of 350 řC. There are several foreign studies on how these tobacco heating products are used, but there is a lack of data on this phenomenon in Czech Republic. Aims: The main aim of this study was to describe patterns of use of heated tobacco products among adult tobacco users in the Czech Republic. Partial aims of the study were to find out what are the motives for using heating tobacco products, what is the nature of use, i.e. the time of use, daily consumption of fillings, and if there is any change in habits of ordinary smoking. Furthermore, the aim was to map in which situations heated tobacco products are used and how the users take care of the equipment. Material and Methods: Data collection was carried out using a quantitative method of improbability selection, namely the method of self-selection through an online questionnaire distributed through selected online channels (websites, forums, social networks). The research group consists of 198 respondents, of whom 182 are IQOS users and 16 are glo users. After...


VERONICA FENOCCHIO AZZI 20 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese argumenta que as operações de garantia da lei e da ordem (Op GLO) no Brasil são práticas soberanas internas que se baseiam em uma convergência entre segurança doméstica e segurança nacional que permitem o emprego das Forças Armadas na segurança pública. Ela sustenta que tais operações reforçam a autoridade soberana de formas violentas conforme os militares exercem sua prerrogativa constitucional de garantia da ordem no espaço público quando atuam em funções de polícia ou quando se engajam em esforços de pacificação doméstica. A pacificação no Rio de Janeiro é voltada para certas áreas marginalizadas da cidade que se encontram em território nacional, mas que o Estado considera como áreas fora de seu controle pelo fato das mesmas estarem sujeitas a autoridades paralelas, como o crime organizado. Como o Estado considera esses espaços fora de seu controle e como ameaças à governança efetiva e à integridade nacional, ele busca reintegrá-las forçadamente através meios violentos. Partindo do pressuposto de Michel Foucault de que o Estado não pode ser entendido de forma dissociada das práticas que o constituem, a análise adotará uma concepção de fronteiras como procedimentos excludentes que representam limites violentos do poder soberano para entender como a soberania enquanto prática é reforçada quando as Forças Armadas são empregadas na pacificação dos dentro/fora do Estado para combater um certo inimigo interno. O arcabouço teórico da tese será construído com base na teoria de práticas e no conceito de biopolítica de Foucault como metodologia. / [en] This thesis argues that law and order enforcement operations (Op GLO) in Brazil are internal sovereign practices based on a convergence of domestic and national security which enables the deployment of the Armed Forces for public security. This study sustains that these operations reinforce sovereign authority in violent ways as the military exercises its constitutional prerogative of guaranteeing order within the public space by performing policing roles or engaging in domestic pacification. Pacification in Rio de Janeiro is aimed at certain marginalized areas of the city located within the national territory, yet that the Brazilian state considers to be outside of its control and subject to the rule of parallel authorities, mainly organized crime. Since the state regards these outsides as threats to effective governance and to national integrity, it aims to forcefully reintegrate them by deploying violence. By assuming Michel Foucault s notion that the state cannot be understood apart from the practices that constitute it, a conception of borders as excluding procedures that represent power thresholds of sovereign violence will be adopted to understand how sovereignty as a practice is reinforced when the Armed Forces are deployed domestically to pacify the inside/outsides of the state and tackle a certain enemy within. The thesis theoretical framework will draw from the practice theory and from Foucault s concept of biopolitics as a methodology.

Kvalitetsundersökning av de globala höjdmodellerna Copernicus GLO-30 DEM och FABDEM över tre områden i Sverige

Jakobsson, Jennifer, Stolpe, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Höjddata är fundamentala inom en mängd applikationer. Genom att skapa en digital höjdmodell (DEM), d.v.s. en matematisk modell av terrängens fysiska form, kan höjddata nyttjas på ett effektivt sätt. Tillgång till digitala höjdmodeller underlättar både vid hållbar samhällsplanering och övervakning av klimatförändringar. Vid tillämpning av en DEM är det av största intresse att veta hur väl modellen representerar jordytan. Den centrala delen av studien innefattar en granskning av de två globala höjdmodellerna Copernicus GLO-30 DEM och FABDEM (Forest And Buildings removed Copernicus DEM) som jämförs med svenska referensmodeller baserade på nationella LiDAR-data (Light Detection And Ranging). Genom generering av en egen ytmodell från punktmolnet Laserdata NH framställdes referensdata för jämförelser med Copernicus GLO-30 DEM. Som referensdata för jämförelser med FABDEM användes GSD-Höjddata Grid 2+, vilket är ett markmodellsraster. Utvärderingen utfördes över tre provytor i Sverige. Dessa provytor representerar karaktäristiska marktyper inom landet. I granskningen av kvaliteten för de globala modellerna analyserades statistik för jämförelserna. Dessutom skapades plottar för att kunna visualisera höjdskillnaderna. Studien innehåller även en litteraturstudie om hur de globala modellerna har skapats. Skaparna av Copernicus GLO-30 DEM garanterar en utvidgad standardosäkerhet med täckningsgraden 90% (LE90) på 4 m. Den här studien resulterade i lite högre utvidgade osäkerheter, mellan ca 4,3 och 6,1 meter. Den lägsta osäkerheten uppnåddes i provytan över Stockholm som innehåller höga byggnader, vatten och en del vegetation. De mest avgörande avvikelserna för FABDEM kan kopplats till svagheter i metoden att framställa en markmodell från ytmodellen Copernicus GLO-30 DEM, men FABDEM påverkas också signifikant av brister i den underliggande modellen, d.v.s. i Copernicus GLO-30 DEM. / Elevation data is fundamental in a variety of applications. By creating a digital elevation model (DEM), i.e. a mathematical model representing the physical shape of the surface of the Earth, altitude data can be used effectively. Access to digital elevation models facilitates both sustainable spatial planning and monitoring of climate change. When applying a DEM, it is of greatest interest to know how well the model represents the earth's surface. The central part of the study includes a review of the two global height models Copernicus GLO-30 DEM and FABDEM (Forest And Buildings removed Copernicus DEM), which are compared with reference models based on Swedish national LiDAR data (Light Detection And Ranging). By generating its own surface model from the point cloud Laserdata NH, reference data was produced for comparisons with Copernicus GLO-30 DEM. GSD-Elevation data Grid 2+, which is a terrain model in grid format, was used as reference data for comparisons with FABDEM. The evaluation was performed over three test areas in Sweden. These test areas represent characteristic land types within the country. In the review of the quality of the global models, statistics for the comparisons were analysed. In addition, plots were created to be able to visualize the height differences. The study also includes a literature study on how the global models have been created. The creators of the Copernicus GLO-30 DEM guarantee an extended standard uncertainty at 90 % coverage probability (LE90) of 4 m. This study resulted in somewhat larger expanded uncertainties (90 %), between about 4.3 and 6.1 meters. The lowest uncertainty was achieved in the sample area over Stockholm, which contains tall buildings, water and some vegetation. The most significant deviations for FABDEM can be linked to weaknesses in the method of producing a terrain model from the surface model Copernicus GLO-30 DEM, but FABDEM is also significantly affected by the deficiencies in the underlying model, i.e. in Copernicus GLO-30 DEM.

Étude de l'influence de l'inertie thermique sur les performances énergétiques des bâtiments

Munaretto, Fabio 07 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Étant de plus en plus isolés, les bâtiments très performants sont très sensibles aux apports solaires transmis par les vitrages ainsi qu'aux apports internes. Dans ce contexte, l'inertie thermique peut être utile en stockant l'énergie excédentaire et en réduisant les variations de température, améliorant ainsi le confort thermique.Évaluer la performance énergétique, environnementale et le confort thermique des bâtiments nécessite des outils de simulation thermique dynamique (STD) fiables. Historiquement, les modélisateurs ont essayé de trouver un compromis approprié entre précision et efficacité. Des hypothèses simplificatrices ont alors été intégrées dans les outils STD et ont un lien étroit avec l'inertie thermique. La validité de telles hypothèses, notamment la globalisation des échanges convectifs et radiatifs GLO intérieurs, ou la distribution forfaitaire des apports solaires transmis par les vitrages nécessitent particulièrement d'être remises en questions dans le contexte des bâtiments très isolés.Ainsi, un modèle découplant les échanges convectifs et radiatifs GLO ainsi qu'un modèle de suivi de la tache solaire (modèles détaillés) ont été implémentés dans une plateforme de simulation mettant en œuvre l'analyse modale et une discrétisation par volumes finis.Une première comparaison entre les modèles détaillés et simplifiés a été réalisée sur des cas d'études du "BESTEST", intégrant aussi des résultats d'outils STD de référence au niveau international (EnergyPlus, ESP-r, TRNSYS). Un travail similaire a été réalisé sur le cas d'une maison passive instrumentée (plateforme INCAS à Chambéry) en utilisant des techniques d'analyses d'incertitudes et de sensibilité.Les résultats montrent qu'une tendance à la baisse concernant les besoins de chauffage et de refroidissement existe en ce qui concerne les modèles détaillés considérés ici. D'autre part, il semble que ces modèles détaillés ne contribuent pas à diminuer significativement les écarts entre les simulations et les mesures.

Validation of in vitro cytotoxicity assays for cancer chemotherapy combining Celltiter Glo 2.0 assay with FMCA

Hajyahia, Mohanad January 2022 (has links)
Background: Cancer is a common disease, and the choice of treatment becomes more difficult over time due to chemotherapy resistant in cancer cells. To improve the in vitroassay and the individual cancer treatment, a luminescence-based endpoint assay, CellTiter Glo 2.0 was compared with the currently in use fluorescence endpoint assay, fluorometric microculture cytotoxic assay.  Aim: The aim of this study was to validate and compare the CellTiter Glo 2.0 assay with awell-established method (FMCA) and MTT [3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl) -2,5-diphenyl-2Htetrazolium bromide] assay. Moreover, investigate whether the generated data can be used as a reference database for validation of patient samples in the future.   Materials and methods: The validation was performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells from different healthy donors and two cell lines (HCT116-wt and HT-29) of colorectal cancer carcinoma were ordered frozen from American Type Culture Collection. Analysis was also done in solid samples (ovarian and kidney cancer cells). To get as correct evaluation as possible all materials were analyzed in parallel between the two methods.  Results and conclusion: A clear trend was observed when using CellTiter Glo 2.0 assay,post FMCA directly on tumor cells. This setup, makes it possible to collect reference data in the future. In addition, a high spread of the survival index data was noted between the two methods. The reason is still unknown but could be due to the low number of tested tumor cells, therefore more tumor cells need to be tested in future studies

Étude de l'influence de l'inertie thermique sur les performances énergétiques des bâtiments / Study of the impact of thermal mass on the energy performance of buildings

Munaretto, Fabio 07 February 2014 (has links)
Étant de plus en plus isolés, les bâtiments très performants sont très sensibles aux apports solaires transmis par les vitrages ainsi qu'aux apports internes. Dans ce contexte, l'inertie thermique peut être utile en stockant l'énergie excédentaire et en réduisant les variations de température, améliorant ainsi le confort thermique.Évaluer la performance énergétique, environnementale et le confort thermique des bâtiments nécessite des outils de simulation thermique dynamique (STD) fiables. Historiquement, les modélisateurs ont essayé de trouver un compromis approprié entre précision et efficacité. Des hypothèses simplificatrices ont alors été intégrées dans les outils STD et ont un lien étroit avec l'inertie thermique. La validité de telles hypothèses, notamment la globalisation des échanges convectifs et radiatifs GLO intérieurs, ou la distribution forfaitaire des apports solaires transmis par les vitrages nécessitent particulièrement d'être remises en questions dans le contexte des bâtiments très isolés.Ainsi, un modèle découplant les échanges convectifs et radiatifs GLO ainsi qu'un modèle de suivi de la tache solaire (modèles détaillés) ont été implémentés dans une plateforme de simulation mettant en œuvre l'analyse modale et une discrétisation par volumes finis.Une première comparaison entre les modèles détaillés et simplifiés a été réalisée sur des cas d'études du "BESTEST", intégrant aussi des résultats d'outils STD de référence au niveau international (EnergyPlus, ESP-r, TRNSYS). Un travail similaire a été réalisé sur le cas d'une maison passive instrumentée (plateforme INCAS à Chambéry) en utilisant des techniques d'analyses d'incertitudes et de sensibilité.Les résultats montrent qu'une tendance à la baisse concernant les besoins de chauffage et de refroidissement existe en ce qui concerne les modèles détaillés considérés ici. D'autre part, il semble que ces modèles détaillés ne contribuent pas à diminuer significativement les écarts entre les simulations et les mesures. / Being highly insulated, low energy buildings are very sensitive to variable solar and internal gains. In this context, thermal mass is useful by storing surplus energy and reducing temperature variation, thus improving thermal comfort.Assessing energy, environmental and thermal comfort performances requires reliable building dynamic thermal simulation (DTS) tools. Historically, model developers have tried to find a fair-trade between accuracy and simulation efficiency within a fit-to-purpose philosophy. Simplifying assumptions have therefore been integrated into DTS tools and have a close relation with thermal mass. The validity of such assumptions, for instance constant interior convective and infrared radiative superficial exchange coefficients, or fixed distribution of solar gains transmitted through windows, particularly need to be reassessed in the case of high performance buildings.A first comparison between detailed and simplified models has been performed according to the "BESTEST", integrating also international DTS reference tools (EnergyPlus, ESP-r, TRNSYS). Similar work, but using uncertainty and sensivitivity methods has been carried out using experimental measurements on a passive building (INCAS platform in Chambéry). The results show a trend for the detailed models studied here to estimate lower heating and cooling loads. Furthermore, it seems that these detailed models don't contribute to reduce significantly discrepancies between simulations and measurements.

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