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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Argumentationens grunder i media : En argumentationsanalys om beviskraft, faktualitet och normativitet / Argumentation's foundations in the media : An argument analysis of conclusiveness, factuality and normativity

Andersson, Gabriella, Viker, Frida January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Denna studie har, utifrån argumentationsanalys, undersökt sex ledare med temat extremism från tre morgontidningar, utifrån en tidsaktuell kontext. Temat valdes framförallt på grund av att det planerades en nazistisk demonstration utanför Svenska Mässan under bokmässan i Göteborg. Avsikten med valet av tema är för att knyta ämnet till en aktuell samhällsdebatt som tydligt presenterades i tidningarnas ledare, vilket gav både relevans och hållbarhet till det valda temat. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att göra en argumentationsanalys på sex ledarsidor från tre morgontidningars hemsidor. Det är ledarnas normativitet och faktualitet tillsammans med argumentationens beviskraft som kommer vara målet för analysen. Det som är intressant är att få fram hur beviskraften kan påverkas av hur normativ respektive faktuell ledaren är, och också hur olika ledares argumentationer kan få olika beviskrafter. Samt se hur många argument som inte bara är faktuella utan också vilar på en vetenskaplig grund. Metod: Argumentanalysen används för att undersöka varje arguments hållbarhet och relevans, samt den slutliga beviskraften för hela ledaren. Analysen kollar på grunden som sätts för ett argument och hur detta påverkar argumentets hållbarhet, samt hur det presenteras i ledaren. Medan relevansen undersöks genom att både kolla på hur argumentet passar ihop med både hela ledarens slutsats och i samband med de andra argumenten i samma ledare. Resultat: Resultatet visar på att de flesta ledarna är normativa. Mellan ledarna återfinns både likheter och skillnader, dessa tar sig i olika former beroende på vilket huvudfokus ledarna har, samt vad för grunder de har till sina argument.

Populism och korruption, hönan eller ägget? : En kvantitativ undersökning om korrelation mellan populistiska partier och korruption.

Larsson, Emil January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Boys Will Be Boys? A Study of the Menstrual Health Literacy amongst Adolescent Boys and the Human Right to Education in the Township of Langa, South Africa

Shapiro, Maja January 2021 (has links)
The study was conducted throughout November 2021 in the township of Langa, in the Western Province of Cape Town, South Africa. The purpose of the study is to explore the menstrual health literacy of adolescent boys through collecting data capturing knowledge, experiences and attitudes. The ambition is to locate the findings within the Human Rights Framework, and explore how they may have implications for the ability of girls to realise their right to education. 32 learners between the ages of 13 and 17 years participated in focus group interviews and 8 informant interviews were held. The findings illustrate that adolescent boys have inadequate knowledge about menstrual health, and how their menstrual literacy is shaped by observations from girls in school, and puzzling together informal pieces of knowledge and  experiences. The potential implications this illiteracy may have for girls are practical and social, where the lack of infrastructures responsive to distinctive needs of female learners deprives the right to education. At the same time, the educational context in South Africa is characterised by inequality and learners from the low-income settings are behind the national curricula, making it unreasonable to expect menstrual literacy being prioritised, given its stigmatised connotations. It concludes highlighting how menstrual literacy matters for altering the patterns of unequal development, and for recognising distinctive realities lived by adolescent boys and girls throughout the world.

The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): A Strong or Weak Norm? : A Case Study of the International Response to the Ongoing Civil War in Ethiopia.

Djupmark Ödegaard, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This essay conducts a Plausibility Probe Case Study focused on how the UN and the wider international community have approached the civil war in Ethiopia. Because the Ethiopian Government has been unable to protect its population, Ethiopia can be considered a typical case for the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). R2P was introduced in response to the genocides in Rwanda and Srebrenica and builds upon the idea of the international community having a responsibility to assist states to protect their populations. R2P’s normative status remains debated, however, due to criticism directed against R2P’s third pillar which prescribes the international community a responsibility to act when a state is unwilling or unable to protect its population. Therefore, scholars have started to analyse R2P’s status by the use of Finnemore & Sikkink’s Norm Life Cycle Theory, disagreeing about R2P’s normative strength and whether R2P will ever be able to enter the third stage of the Norm Life Cycle (NLC). This essay applies the same theory to the empirical findings from the Ethiopian case with the primary aim to contribute to the debate about R2P’s normative status. Findings show how R2P seems to be positioned at the second stage of the NLC. This does not necessarily mean that R2P should be considered a weak norm as the UN and the international community have indirectly complied with R2P when approaching the Ethiopian conflict. Yet, the fact that none of the relevant actors under study has mentioned R2P explicitly indicates how R2P still remains a controversial norm within international politics.

'Men-streaming' Disaster Risk Reduction : A qualitative study on male engagement in the context of Disaster Risk Reduction

Blomqvist, Agnes January 2022 (has links)
Incorporating gender into disasters and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is important given women’s and men’s different needs, vulnerabilities, capacities and roles in the context of disasters. Male engagement or ‘men-streaming’ has gained increased attention in research on gender and development, yet it has been overlooked in the field of DRR. This thesis aims to transfer the discussion on male engagement from development to disasters by studying how ‘men-streaming’ is described in the context of DRR. The analysis will build upon a case-study of the Gender Equality Toolkit by The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). A qualitative content analysis will be the main method for the thesis. The Toolkit will be analyzed using an open analytical framework, consisting of three themes: Men as Vulnerable, Men as Capable and Men as Allies. The results illustrate that all three themes of male engagement are described in gender policy for DRR, with a main focus on men’s vulnerabilities. The contribution of this thesis is the recognition that while men are increasingly seen as vulnerable rather than obstacles in the context of DRR, men’s capacities and allyship to women are not fully included in gender policy.

Ett tillfälle att skapa fred och bilda en stabil regering i Afghanistan : En kvalitativ fallstudie om konflikten mellan talibanerna och regeringsdelegationen i den pågående fredsförhandlingsprocessen

Zeerak, Faridoon January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Is There a Difference Between Refugees and Refugees? : A text analysis of UK media presentation of Ukrainian refugees 2022 and Middle Eastern refugees 2015

Blomberg, Klara January 2023 (has links)
This paper compares how the UK news media presents refugees from the Middle East in 2015 and Ukraine 2022. Studies such as Zawadzka-Paluektau (2022) have found that in other European news media large differences in the presentation of European and non-European refugees can be observed. This study aims to build on this research. In order to do this the study carries out a text analysis of articles by two prominent British newspapers: The Guardian and The Daily Mail. The articles are analysed using a framing method, using the frames “human interest”, “economic consequence”, “moral duty”, “responsibility” and “voice” to get a broad understanding of the presentation of refugees and how they differ between articles regarding refugees 2015 and 2022.  The study concludes that there are several differences between the media presentation of refugees during the analysed refugee waves. Ukrainian refugees were generally presented in a less negative light, as victims in need of support, whereas Middle Eastern refugees were often presented as a burden on the receiving society or even a threat. Large differences between the two newspapers were also found, the Guardian generally being more positive or humane and the Daily Mail having a harsher presentation of refugees.

Stakeholders role in Sustainble Tourism Development. : A case study in Kenya, linked to Maasai culture.

Hast, Anna January 2023 (has links)
To keep in mind while reading and focus of the thesis: -       Sustainable tourism, what is it and who is it for?  -       How can the tourist industry affect cultures?  -       Why do some hosting population fear culture losses but happily receive tourists?  -       Why do people choose to travel?  -       What and how can I as an individual contribute?    The numbers of international tourists are steadily increasing along globalization, which makes it an important phenomenon to highlight. The tourist industry contributes to global development, which would preferably be done through sustainability’s three pillars: economically, socially, and environmentally. Sustainable development and eco-tourism are the main fields for this research. Based on the wish to avoid disturbing peace and harming people, the topic is relevant to investigate. The field study aims to explore and understand the correlations between the development of the tourist industry and the Maasai communities.    Different stakeholders were defined within the tourist industry, to collect various perspectives on this matter through semi-structured interviews and field observations. I choose to investigate the topic by focusing on the world known ethnic group Maasai´s. By centering the conditions of a village based in Siana conservancy, which is located next to Maasai Mara in Kenya. The village consists of habitats who practice traditional and culture settlements. Thus, the interest of the study is to explore and explain why Maasai cannot be viewed as an homogenic ethnic group, with the aim to reduce assumptions.    Social Exchange Theory (SET) was applied as a lens to analyze the findings. To discuss possible reasonings when calculating expected outcomes made by the stakeholders, whether to socially interact based on the key principles in the theory: evaluating profits versus costs before socially engaging.    The findings identify complications with the social exchange that the tourist industry implies. However, the Maasai´s culture based on livestock came to be a central topic from the stakeholder’s perspectives while I was processing and writing the findings. Furthermore, other topics that were highlighted were: education, equity, and education. Lastly, the village members shared a significant fear regarding culture loss, even though they welcomed the root cause of it to continue and even expand - tourism.

Kommun vs företag, eller samhällsutvecklande krafter tillsammans? : Governance-analytisk studie i samverkansstrukturer för effektivare godsleveranser med hjälp av leveransskåp / Municipal vs Corporate, or a case of societal development through united forces? : Governance-oriented study in cooperation structures for parcel locker development

Olsson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
The growth of e-commerce seems to be unavoidable. E-commerce as a concept brings a lot of upsides, as well as some obstacles that needs innovative solutions to be overcome. E-commerce is directly connected to a larger volume of parcels, mainly to private consumers. These parcels need to be shipped to the customer, which is a growing problem since the pick-up points have restricted physical space, combined with increased requests for home-delivery. There are a few solutions to this problem, one of them are parcel lockers.  Parcel lockers are dependent on a convenient location for the best usage. Strategical placements can offer more effective deliveries, a better degree of usage, lower emissions, and better possibilities for a transition to sustainable transport for the customer. However, to accomplish a better network of parcel lockers the companies responsible for these need to cooperate with owners of these locations, and this is where municipalities come into the equation.  This study aims to examine the possibilities for cooperation between the corporations who run the parcel-lockers and municipalities. The aim of the cooperation is to achieve a win-win situation in which both parties can experience a mutual gain in their own objectives. This shows to be a complex question where a lot of targets set in the municipality would be negatively affected by parcel lockers in some locations. The municipal perspective can be seen to prefer a more governing role, while the corporate perspective talks more of dynamic and “give-and-take”. However, cooperation is desirable both from the public and the private perspective, and there are a few possible structures and outcomes of this cooperation.  The study is based on six semi-structured interviews, of which two officials from Göteborgs stad, one official from Stockholms stad, one representative from Postnord, one from iBoxen and one from Digital Handel.

En förbisedd synlig hand? : Medlingsinstitutets roll på den svenska arbetsmarknaden / An Overlooked Visible Hand? : The Swedish National Mediation Office’s Role in the Swedish Labor Market

Åkerberg, Arvid January 2023 (has links)
Since roughly the 1990s, Sweden's labor market has consisted of comparatively few labor conflicts and a good real wage trend. Mediation has been highlighted as an important conflict resolution mechanism, and in relation to other Nordic countries' mediation authorities, Sweden's has historically been the weakest with the least power. In 2000, however, Sweden got a new mediation authority – The Swedish National Mediation Office (Medlingsinstitutet) – with a broader mandate than its predecessor. Today, Medlingsinstitutet must not only mediate in labor disputes, but also to promote an efficient wage formation process and be responsible for wage statistics. The purpose of this essay has been to study, through a text analysis and from an organizational perspective, how Medlingsinstitutet organizes the Swedish labor market. It has been carried out based on the premise that previous research, but without mentioning Medlingsinstitutet, believes that the Swedish state, through market-active authorities, has a central function to play in the organization of the markets today. The results show that Medlingsinstitutet appears to influence and organize the Swedish labor market, more or less and with varying severity, based on all of the methods considered in this study: information, different forms of analysis, rules, membership, hierarchy, monitoring and sanctions. The methods seem to be primarily directed at certain specific market elements: buyers and sellers, the exchange, and the price. The survey shows a pattern that Medlingsinstitutet is involved in organizing how the labor market can, should and will function. Thus, I argue that the Swedish state is not only an important market organizer in a free market society, but also in the labor market where the principle of freedom from state intervention has been pervasive. However, there is nothing that gives the impression that the labor market is now only controlled by organization, or only by the market itself, but rather with the help of both systems – the invisible and the visible hand.

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