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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Green Transition at What Cost? : A comparative case study of community inclusion and social conflict in climate change mitigation projects

Holm, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Projects aiming to mitigate climate change, e.g. forest conservation and renewable energy projects, are increasing in numbers across the world while often being praised in international settings. However, on a local level, climate change mitigation projects may have unintended consequences due to a lack of meaningful community inclusion, while justifying their operations with an environmental discourse. A research gap is identified concerning the link and causal pathways between local community inclusion and social conflict in mitigation projects. This study thus aims to answer the question: how does the degree of community inclusion in projects aiming to mitigate climate change affect the likelihood of social conflict? The theoretical argument follows that project implementers not addressing recognition and representation increase the likelihood of social conflict. The causal mechanism is community perception of project legitimacy which is decisive for community acceptance or opposition. The theoretical argument is tested in a small-n comparative case study using the structured focused comparison method and the most-similar systems method. Pairs of cases from Senegal and Lao PDR are compared. The empirical findings suggest that the hypothesis receives partial support. Although the theorized link between the degree of inclusion and social conflict is observable, the data is limited and thus only gives weak support to the hypothesis. Legitimacy is found to be a potential causal mechanism, although limited data on community perceptions result in weak support. Lastly, the findings have policy relevance in terms of prioritizing recognition and representation of all groups affected by the mitigation project, particularly gender. Future research paths include field studies to improve evidence of community experiences and a large-n study to improve generalizability.

And in my Head I Paint a Picture : The Role of Development Volunteering Organizations in the Othering of States in the Global South

Ziegler, Runa January 2023 (has links)
The focus of the Bachelor thesis is to analyze how states in the Global South are being othered by states in the Global North that fund international development volunteering (IDV). A focus is put on states that fund IDV as part of their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals. For this purpose, relevant literature from critical tourism studies, research on IDV and critical as well as postcolonial approaches to international volunteering are being introduced. This builds the basis for conducting a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of data from four IDV organizations’ websites. The sources to be analyzed are the descriptions of countries in the Global South on two websites and the pictures on the websites of four organizations.  From this data collection three themes emerge in the discussion: Othering based on socio-demographic aspects - like gender, race and age - normative aspects and the representation of places. All three aspects contribute to the othering of places and people in the Global South through international development volunteering.

Sustainable development of a global common pool resource among autocratic countries : A case study of the "Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of Coral Reefs in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden"

Iseskär, Saga January 2022 (has links)
This paper concerns the planning for sustainable development of a global common pool resource within an autocratic region. The study is focused on the coral reef of the Red Sea, shared between the basin countries; Djibouti, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Israel, Jordan and Eritrea, where most nations are autocracies and developing countries. The viewpoint of this research is the only multinational project within the region focused on the conservation and sustainability of the coral reefs in the Red Sea, the “Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of Coral Reefs in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (RAP CCRRSGA)”. The aim of the research in this paper is to study the planning of this project in relation to sustainable development, through an interpretation of Ostrom’s framework using seven out of eight design principles. This research is executed through a method of ideal-type analysis, in order to assess how ideal-types of these design principles correlate with the planning of this project through similarities between the project and the design principles. This research has resulted in and demonstrated the importance of clarified compliance and cooperation, to reach effective and successful planning of sustainable development pertaining to a shared common pool resource within an autocratic region.

The Road Forward From a Pandemic : A qualitative study of small business owners in the tourist industry on Phuket Island / Vägen framåt efter en pandemi : en kvalitativ studie av småföretagare inom turismindustrin på Phuket

Eriksson, Elin, Dahlberg, Annie January 2022 (has links)
Given the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the world and researchers prospecting more events like this to happen in the future it is important to shed light on the impact which it have had on those especially vulnerable to these sorts of risks and disasters. Furthermore, the tourism industry is known for its vulnerability and volatility in the eye of global events. Thus, this paper aims to give a voice to those working on a grassroot level – with focus on Phuket, Thailand, also known as the Andaman pearl, in the tourism industry, and also look at how they have managed the effects of the pandemic. The study is qualitative and uses semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. Relevant theoretical frameworks have been applied to understand the results of the interviews. It will also look at the prospects the respondents see for themselves and the tourism industry in Phuket in relation to the aftermath of the pandemic, and the war between Ukraine and Russia as a possible threat to the return of tourists to Phuket.

Människohandel för sexuella ändamål - Den moderna tidens slavhandel : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska ideella organisationer arbetar med stöd och skydd till människohandelsoffer.

Gröholt, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Vi lever i en värld där slaveri har tagit en ny form. Den typen av slaveri vi lär oss om i historieböckerna har avskaffats ändå fortsätter slaveriet idag genom bland annat sexhandel. Denna studie är en kvalitativ informantundersökning som syftar till att ta reda på hur svenska ideella organisationer ger stöd och skydd till kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för människohandel för sexuella ändamål, samt vilka förklaringsmodeller som finns till problemet människohandel för sexuella ändamål bland dessa organisationer. Studien har även undersökt vilka förbättringsområden som kan urskiljas i arbetet för stöd och skydd till offer för människohandel för sexuella ändamål. Studien baseras på semistrukturerade samtalsintervjuer från 4 olika svenska ideella organisationer som på olika sätt är aktiva aktörer i arbetet med människohandel för sexuella ändamål. Resultatet kastar ljus på att det finns en efterfrågan av sexuella tjänster som är en av orsakerna till att industrin av människohandel för sexuella ändamål finns idag. Brottsligheten kan även förklaras som en typ av könsbaserat våld som grundar sig i ett patriarkalt och ojämlikt samhälle. Civilsamhället har en viktigt och avgörande roll för att kunna bekämpa denna typ av brottslighet och inte minst bidra med stöd och skydd till människohandelsoffer. Ett människohandelsoffer har både akuta och långsiktiga behov som behöver mötas. Studien redogör för civilsamhällets stöd och skyddsinsatser som erbjuds till offer för människohandel för sexuella ändamål och vilka förutsättningar som finns i Sverige för att ta del av dem.

En diskursteoretisk analys av påskupploppen 2022

Isberg, Ruben January 2022 (has links)
Upploppen under påsken 2022 visar på många sätt de politiska konfliktdimensioner som uppkommit i och med högerpopulismens intåg i politiken, och regeringens respons visar på en oförståelse inför den sociala antagonism som detta intåg grundar sig på. Studien undersöker hur regeringens, polisens och Ebba Buschs bemötande av upploppen liknar och skiljer sig från varandra och varför de tar den form de gör. Detta åstadkoms genom diskursanalyser av flera olika uttalanden från dessa aktörer, och analyseras genom ett diskursteoretiskt ramverk. För att förstå orsakerna bakom dessa olika förståelser av upploppen och relatera dessa till det politiska systemet används Chantal Mouffes teori om det politiska och liberal demokrati. Studien finner att både regeringen och polisen deltar i en diskurs som avpolitiserar upploppen som händelser och förstår dess deltagare som saknandes politisk agens, vilket sker genom artikulationen av upploppen som resultatet av sociala problem i regeringens fall och en reduktion till opolitisk kriminalitet i polisens. Därmed representerar de det Mouffe förstår som den liberaldemokratiska ståndpunkten där social antagonism inte kan erkännas utan politiken måste finna konsensus. Busch ger istället uttryck för en förståelse av upploppen som djupt politiska och dessutom ett hot mot hennes eget politiska projekt, de artikuleras här snarare som ett rivaliserande politiskt projekt centrerat kring islamism och kriminalitet.

What’s the matter with M? : One young asylum seeker’s fall from grace, in Sweden between 2015 - 2022

Grapengiesser, Gustaf January 2023 (has links)
M arrived in Sweden as a hopeful and aspiring adolescent minor in 2015. By 2022, he instead finds himself living on the streets as a drug addict, homeless, with his residency permit rejected and his asylum application declined. This thesis analyzes his situation through a theory of Performativity and Affect, foremost leaning on Judith Butler, Lauren Berlant, and Sara Ahmed. It scrutinizes the role of the imagined Refugee Figure that M came to represent. It is produced through a set of interviews while following Lee Ann Fujii’s method of Relational Interviewing. While the role for M is being outlawed to the exterior of Global Politics, without the ability to appear, he is consequently never valued as a matter of consideration. May other routes have been possible? The Refugee Figure is here contrasted to alternative figurative identities, such as the builder or even the desperado, that more naturally are associated with an ability to act and to be seen. Ultimately, the thesis reads precarious mobility as an expression of political will, agency, and a voice with one’s feet.

Sambandet mellan uppfattad korruption och förtroende genom åren. : En statistisk analys på frågeundersökningar Survey 2009, Survey 2012, Survey 2016, och Survey 2020.

Nuytten, Layla January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the impact of perceived corruption on a person’s trust. Previous research shows that there mostly is a negative impact between perceived corruption and trust. This study uses these results as a hypothesis, and does this research on the country Sweden. The questions to be answered within this study are: “Is there a relationship between perceived corruption and trust in Sweden?”, and “Has there been any changes within the relationship between perceived corruption and trust in Sweden within the past years?”. The data that is used is Magnus Hagevis questionnaires from the years 2009, 2012, 2016, and 2020. The questionnaires have different focuses but the main focused subjects within this study are; politics, trust and corruption. This study uses a quantitative method. With the help of SPSS, multiple analyzes are created and discussed on the data. The drawn conclusions within this essay is that the relationship between perceived corruption and trust is the same within all questionnaires; low corruption equals high trust. There is a slight change over the past years within this relationship. The relationship between these two variables becomes stronger within the past years.

Tillit i svenska armén – vem följer soldaterna när det verkligen gäller och varför?

Engström, Philip January 2022 (has links)
För att leda under riskfyllda situationer måste det finnas tillit mellan chefen och de som leds. Detta är ännu viktigare i ett system som praktiserar uppdragstaktik där chefer på lägsta nivå förväntas fatta självständiga beslut och ta risker för att uppnå högre chefs syfte. Vad är det som gör att en soldat känner denna tillit för sin chef? Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka detta och specifikt i svenska armén på soldatnivå. Studien nyttjar en kvantitativ enkätundersökning på svenska yrkessoldater i arméns markstridsförband. Resultatet visar likt tidigare undersökningar på amerikanska soldater och svenska officerare att faktorn Förmåga värderas högre än faktorerna Välvilja och Integritet. Detta skiljer sig från forskningsresultat på anställda i civila sektorn. Undersökningen visar också att detta fokus på Förmåga leder till en ökad tillit till specialistofficerare och en minskad tillit till officerare. Anledningen till detta verkar vara en uppfattad brist på Förmåga hos officerare.

The continuous and inextricable interaction between gender and humanitarian technology as a site of production of vulnerability : The case of UNHCR´s assessment framework in Jordan

Seconi, Isadora January 2022 (has links)
The present thesis attempted to address a significant gap in both academic and humanitarian literature concerning the significance of humanitarian data for the construction of vulnerable identities as stereotypically gendered. This thesis inquired humanitarian datafication as a new site of production of vulnerability, with specific mechanisms such as automatization of gendered bias, opacity of processes, multiplication of effects as well as elements of surveillance and consequent conscious self-performances. The background and theoretical chapters underlined how humanitarian vulnerability, which has been historically regulated through a group approach identifying women as the quintessentially vulnerable category, has been increasingly managed through a framework of digital governance. In order to assess the initial proposition, the thesis conducted an in-depth documentation analysis of the case of UNHCR’s Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF), investigating its activities since 2014. The analysis and discussion of empirical results seemed to predominantly confirm the initial suggested conceptual themes but also to suggest possible new specificities of the phenomenon.Empirical results showcased a partial connection between women as a group and vulnerability,but they especially highlighted an obscuration of male gendered vulnerabilities and needs, effectively constructing refugee manhood as predominantly self reliant.

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