Spelling suggestions: "subject:"globalizado"" "subject:"globalizada""
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Fenomén fanfikce v historicko-sociologické perspektivě / Fanfiction phenomenon in perspective of historical sociologyProfantová, Daniela January 2019 (has links)
Fanfiction Phenomenon in Perspective of Historical Sociology My thesis presents fanfiction as a global phenomenon fully matured and adapted to the internet as its own milieu. It defines fanfiction in relation to the community that I call "online fanfiction community". It is characterized by specific forms of communication, most importantly: a specific form of active readership, where author, reader and critic merge together. Today, the full-blown sphere of internet fanfiction cannot be understood without noting its development which is tied to a new way of being an active fan in the era of mass culture. This way is characterized by fandoms, fanzines and cons which established fanspeak and forms of communication that stayed the same despite the development of new technologies. My thesis also discusses the interpretation of online fanfiction community as a subculture. It describes the strategies used by the community to keep itself apolitical and egalitarian and also these to keep activism of the fight against the repressive concept of copyright law and internet censorship separate from the fanfiction arena. My thesis also interprets fanfiction authorship as one of many concepts of authorship that are present in the frame of modernity.
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Předpoklady konkurenceschopnosti zemědělského podniku v komoditní vertikále vínoLintner, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The aim of presented PhD. thesis is to specify the most important rules and conditions which are affecting a company operating in the first phase of the wine commodity chain and strengthen its competitiveness. First of all, the theoretical and methodological aspects of the issue have been formulated, tracking the whole process of the commodity flow. The assumptions are verified from theoretical view as well as statements answering the research questions and the dedicated hypotesis. The successful position is being created by utilization of the integration and contract processes particularly through an active membership in the wine industry clusters. Its briefly described changes of agriculture sector in contemporary agribusiness. This thesis is emphasizing role of globalization and its processes with a direct impact on the competitiveness of agriculture companies. Further on, the key factors of agribusiness, shaping of markets and comodity chains are being listed, those have influence the conditions of the above within last decades. Also, its describing key aspects of the comodity chain's competitiveness supported by contractation cooperation enhancing the whole wine sector. Consecutive part is dedicated to the history of wine industry in the Czech republic, transformation process of free competition after EU access with the related impacts and limits. There is also a chapter emphasizing the key role of the consumer playing in the whole commodity chain. Furthermore, the strongest forces of the industry which occured within last decades collateral to the long term factors are being specified. The analysis of the development of vineyards (wine growing) and wine sectors from the world, European and national view is presented there. To support the theoretical and methodological outlets, the conclusions were compared and applied to the selected middle sized companies operating in the first and second phase of the commodity (vertical) chain in the wine sector.
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Formování a vývoj cen pšenice potravinářské na příkladu České republikyDvořáková, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The thesis contains an evaluation of the situation and development of two commodity verticals with the following final products: wheat flour and wheat white bread baked goods. In the thesis there are identified factors influencing prices levels of the commodity verticals. I have made the price transmission too. By the average elasticity coefficients calculating (EPT) there was analyzed the price transmission at the verticals commodity. This analysis confirmed the functioning of the demand-oriented model, in which the subsequent links of the chain influence the prior ones. Furthermore, it was found that at the both levels of commodity verticals it leads to the significantly higher price transmission in the case of inflation than to decrease. The determination coefficients of commodity verticals confirmed slight time delay at the first and second stage of these verticals.
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Globalizace a její důsledky pro právo (s důrazem na legislativu v oblasti ochrany klimatu) / Globalization and its effects on law (with emphasis on environment protection legislation)Petrusek, Kryštof January 2021 (has links)
Thesis Title: Globalization and its effects on law This thesis deals with the phenomenon of globalization and its consequences for law. Due to the fact, that the concept of globalization is very extensive, the thesis focuses only on selected aspects of law as a social phenomenon. In this sense, law is perceived as a political tool for the involvement of other subjects in its creation, which naturally leads to the disruption of the centuries-old role of the state as a hegemon of legislative norm-making. The thesis is divided into three parts, whilst the first chapter focuses on the phenomenon and genesis of globalization as such. It points to its frequent criticisms and concludes that, despite all the shortcomings, it is a very positive process, which ultimately makes the world society as a whole wealthier. Recently, however, the concept of globalization has been discussed at political levels, especially in the context of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump in 2016. The aim of this chapter is to point out the fact that even these elections need to be perceived from the perspective of disillusionment with the process of globalization and its non- economical and rather cultural aspects. However, it must be said that this hypothesis has only been confirmed indirectly and it is appropriate to...
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Transkulturní obrat a národní identita / Transcultural turnover and national identityHolubová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The essence of the thesis is to answer the best possible way the theoretical and empirical question how national identity reflects the transcultural turnover (Kreuzzieger, 2012a, 2012b). The concept of transcultural turnover includes theories which consider the cultural aspects of contemporary accelerating globalization, including a premise of weakening of the nation-state in terms of its cultural homogeneity (Welsch, 1999, 2000), which is seen as one of the pillars of national identity (Hall, 1992; Anderson, 2008; Tomlinson 2003). Answers to the raised questions are by some authors conceptualized differently, and as such, in the form of hypotheses, the answers enter the empirical part of this thesis and there they are tested for 16 selected European countries thanks to the publicly available data from a survey of national identity. The research was carried out by ISSP in 1995 and 2003. There are also used some other sources of aggregate data such as GDP level or index of globalization. From the statistical analysis there is hierarchical cluster analysis, correlation analysis and Z-test of proportions. The real effect of transcultural turnover to change the form of national identity can not be on the basis of the empirical part of this thesis excluded, given the fact that the national identities of...
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Geopolitika Japonska v procesu globalizace a geopolitických změn / The Geopolitics of Japan within the process of globalization and geopolitical changesMašek, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the geopolitics of the Japanese Empire in the process of economic globalization. The primary objective is to evaluate the characteristics and changes of Japanese geopolitics in the context of a globalized and changing world and to outline it's perspective orientation and new challenges. The thesis tries to answer these fundamental questions. How the geopolitical thinking and direction of Japan had developed in the postwar period in the context of a changing geopolitical architecture of the system? What challenges or conflicts did Japan have been through and how it reacts to changes in the present system? How the post-war changes and the end of the Cold War had reflected in the participation and position of Japan in the international economic system under conditions of intensifying globalization? The thesis is divided into several parts. At the beginning, there is a short summary of geopolitical theories and definitions of key concepts. The following chapters are analytical, dealing with the description of the development of Japanese domestic and foreign policy, as well as relationships to key countries, first in the political, economic level subsequently. Final part is followed by a practical grasp of lessons learned and showing them on specific examples. Keywords:...
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Globalizace, vojenská moc a stát / Globalization, military power and the stateFendrych, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to verify the validity of neorealism, institutional neoliberalism, and critical geopolitics about consequences of the economic globalization for the structure of Finnish and Swedish defence forces. For this purporse, the author primary used the method of congruence. The next step led to the comparison of congruence between observance implications and theories predictions. Based on the results of the Finnish defence forces, the theory of neorealism was confirmed because there is no significant shift in the scope/structure of defence forces in the favor of expeditionary/reconnaissance units. Moreover, there is no evidence to waive the balance of power reasoning even in the geopolitically-low-intesive region. Last but not least, it was shown that difference between the Finnish and Swedish geografic location is one of the key factor for its distinct approach towards potentional threats and instruments how to resolve them. Key words: economic globalization, security, defence forces, Finland, Sweden
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Analýza cestovního ruchu v chudinských čtvrtích města Medellínu / Analysis of Tourism in Informal Settlements in the City of MedellínJedlička, Josef January 2016 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE Přírodovědecká fakulta Katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje ANALÝZA CESTOVNÍHO RUCHU V CHUDINSKÝCH ČTVRTÍCH MĚSTA MEDELLÍNU ANALYSIS OF TOURISM IN INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS IN THE CITY OF MEDELLÍN Diplomová práce Josef Jedlička 2016 Vedoucí diplomové práce: RNDr. Jiří Vágner, Ph.D. Analysis of tourism in informal settlements in the city of Medellín Abstract The aim of this thesis is to point out the growing phenomena of tourism in informal settlements. Visiting of such an area elicits discussion about controversy, ethics codex breaking and voyeurism across complete academic spectrum. For this reason, the thesis is focused on perception analysis of tourists, residents and travel agencies, which are the main participants in this touristic sector. First part of this thesis is engaged in general description of problematics, historical framing and classification in the structure of tourism. The next part is revealing attitudes of the world experts in significant regions with a respect to informal settlements excursions intensity. The last part is dedicated to the results of own research from the city of Medellín which is after compared with the global situation. Conclusion points out possible continuing of this study and highlights aspects, which would help to uncover causes so...
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Lokalizovaná ekonomie jako jeden z nástrojů řešení sociálních dopadů nezaměstnanosti v Jihočeském kraji / Localized economics as one of the tools to address the social impact of unemployment in the South Bohemia regionHOFHANZLOVÁ, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
I focused on the solving of the unemployment social impacts in the South Bohemian region via located economy in my thesis. According to the latest surveys unemployment is on the lowest level from the year 1996 both in the South Bohemian region and the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, there are certain groups of people who are threatened by unemployment. Moreover, current positive development of the unemployment cannot be considered as a permanent status. My thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part I focused on the term of local economy, its tools, principles and furthermore I concentrate myself on the possibilities of incorporation people into the working process. Following part deals with global economy issues that have a negative impact on the local economy. Then I concentrate myself on the enterprise entities in the Czech Republic, their ownership structure, legal forms of enterprise and a development of business environment when a support of small and middle businesses can play an important role in the process of creating new job positions. The aim of my thesis is to map tools of local economy and a description of their usage, while emphasizing the business unit´s division, the possibilities of their development and creation of new job positions in the defined South Bohemian companies. With respect to the aim and specific characteristics of the defined group I chose a method of survey done via semi-structured interviews. Defined group is formed by chosen companies with Czech ownership in the South Bohemian region. For completing the employment data, I executed semi-structured interviews with two officers of České Budějovice Labor Office chosen with simple intentional choice. The results of my survey show that the defined companies with Czech ownership in the South Bohemian region are not enough motivated to create new job positions because (as the survey shows) the more employees they have the higher financial budget they need. Unfortunately, this extra budget is not available. Therefore, local companies cannot serve as a pillar against increase of unemployment in the context of current forms of enterprise support. The thesis may serve as a study material for students of Health and Social Faculty in the town České Budějovice or as an informational material for Labor Office CZ and representatives of South Bohemian region.
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Mezinárodní outsourcing: šance nebo rizika pro zapojení EU do světového hospodářstvíHansko, Richard January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce analyzuje a sumarizuje fenomén mezinárodního outsourcingu a jeho dopady na zapojení Evropské unie do světového hospodářství. Práce poskytuje náhled do relokace výroby a služeb do zahraničí, přičemž zvláštní pozornost je věnována dopadům na Evropskou unii. Hlavné oblasti analýzy jsou mezinárodní outsourcing, offshoring, a přímé zahraniční investice.
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