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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen zur Bildung von Furosin und N-terminalen 2(1H)-Pyrazinonen

Krause, René 21 January 2005 (has links)
Furosin entsteht bei der Salzsäurehydrolyse aus den Amadori-Produkten des Lysins und wird als Marker für den Fortschritt der frühen Maillard-Reaktion, zur Beurteilung von lebensmitteltechnologischen Prozessen sowie zur Berechnung des verfügbaren und des nicht verfügbaren Lysins in Lebensmitteln verwendet. Für die Nutzung von Furosin als Qualitätsparameter ist die reproduzierbare und konstante Bildung während der Salzsäurehydrolyse entscheidend. Dies wird in der Literatur jedoch kontrovers diskutiert. Im ersten Abschnitt dieser Arbeit galt es deshalb, die molaren Ausbeuten an Furosin und den weiteren Hydrolyseprodukten Lysin, Pyridosin und N[epsilon]-Carboxymethyl-lysin zu bestimmen und damit eine sichere Interpretation der Ergebnisse zu ermöglichen. Dazu wurden peptid-gebundene Amadori-Produkte des N[alpha]-Hippuryl-lysins in chromatographisch reiner Form dargestellt. Weiterhin wurden N[alpha]-Hippuryl-N[epsilon]-carboxymethyl-lysin und Pyridosin als Standard gewonnen. Bei den Hydrolyseexperimenten zeigten die Fructosyl-Amadori-Produkte ein ähnliches Verhalten. Nach Hydrolyse mit 6M Salzsäure wurden molare Ausbeuten an Furosin von 32% für Fructosyl-lysin und jeweils 34% für Lactulosyl- und Maltulosyl-lysin bestimmt. Signifikant höhere Ausbeuten an Furosin waren nach Hydrolyse mit 8M Salzsäure festzustellen, 46% für Fructosyl-lysin, 50% für Lactulosyl-lysin und 51% für Maltulosyl-lysin. Im Gegensatz zu den Fructosyl-Derivaten war die molare Ausbeute an Furosin bei Tagatosyl-lysin unabhängig von der verwendeten Salzsäurekonzentration (6 bis 8M) und wurde zu 42% bestimmt. Anhand der auf Basis der molaren Ausbeuten ermittelten Überführungsfaktoren kann nun erstmals die Lysin-Derivatisierung mittels der Analytik von Furosin sicher bestimmt werden. Das ermöglicht exakte Aussagen zum Fortschritt nichtenzymatischer Glykierungsreaktionen sowohl in Lebensmittel als auch in vivo. Aufgrund der Relevanz für biologische Systeme und für Lebensmittel wurden weiterhin Reaktionen von alpha-Dicarbonylverbindungen mit kurzkettigen Peptiden und dem Protein Insulin unter physiologischen Bedingungen (pH=7,4 und 37°C) untersucht. Bei der Reaktion von Glyoxal mit ausgewählten Tripeptiden wurde eine sehr schnelle Derivatisierung der Peptide und jeweils die gleichzeitige Bildung eines definierten Produktes festgestellt. Mittels nuklearmagnetischer Resonanzspektroskopie und massenspektroskopischer Analyse konnten die Produkte zweifelsfrei, jeweils als die am N-Terminus durch einen 2(1H)-Pyrazinon-Ring modifizierten Peptide, aufgeklärt werden. Das Hauptprodukt der Reaktion von Methylglyoxal mit dem Peptid Gly-Ala-Phe wurde ebenfalls als 2(1H)-Pyrazinon-Peptid aufgeklärt. Nach Inkubation von Insulin mit Glyoxal unter physiologischen Bedingungen in verdünnter Lösung konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, dass die 2(1H)-Pyrazinon-Bildung ebenfalls an einem Protein erfolgt. Die identifizierten N-terminalen 2(1H)-Pyrazinone weisen charakteristische UV-Absorptions- sowie Fluoreszenz-Spektren auf. Um die Reaktivität des N-Terminus und damit die Bedeutung der 2(1H)-Pyrazinon-Bildung beurteilen zu können, wurden vergleichende Studien mit dem als Hauptreaktionspartner für alpha-Dicarbonylverbindungen angesehenen Arginin durchgeführt. Bei diesen Experimenten zeigte der N-Terminus und peptidgebundenes Arginin eine nahezu identische Reaktivität. Auf Grund dieser Ergebnisse ist fest davon auszugehen, dass es sich bei den identifizierten N-terminalen 2(1H)-Pyrazinonen um eine neue Klasse von sogenannten Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) mit Bedeutung in physiologischen Systemen und in Lebensmitteln handelt.

Oxidační a karbonylový stres u onemocnění ledvin / Oxidative and carbonyl stress in kidney diseases

Kratochvílová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
Aims: 1. Determination of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products) in patients with various types of nephropathy. 2. Association AGEs with nutritional parameters and anemia. 3. Influence of renal parameters on sRAGE (soluble form of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products) levels. 4. Technics and proceeding methods of the podocytes cultivation. 5. Determination of urine podocytes. Methods: We determined fluorescent AGEs by spectrofluorometry, sRAGE by Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). Podocytes were passaged and identified immunocytochemically. Podocytes in urine were specified by flow cytometry method. Results: 1. We did not find significant differences in AGEs serum levels among various types of nephropathy, even though the pathogenesis differs. 2. The albumin and prealbumin levels positively and haemoglobin levels negatively correlate with AGEs in patients with CKD grade 1-5, without necessity of dialysis. 3. Serum sRAGE levels are increased in patients with decreased renal function independently on the course of renal disease. 4. We implemented the methods and technics of podocyte cultivation. 5. Urine podocytes observation and confirmation that podocyturia relates to disease activity. Conclusion: We confirmed that AGEs serum levels depend more on renal function than the type of...

Desenvolvimento de pele humana reconstruída contendo equivalente dérmico glicado na avaliação da eficácia e toxicidade de compostos anti-glicação / Development of reconstructed human skin containing glycated dermal equivalent to toxicity and efficacy tests of anti-glycation compounds

Pennacchi, Paula Comune 03 February 2016 (has links)
A glicação não enzimática das proteínas é um fator comum para a fisiopatologia de uma série de transtornos relacionados ao envelhecimento e a doenças como o diabetes mellitus (DM). O geração dos produtos de glicação, os AGEs (do inglês: Advanced Glycation End Products) se dá através de reações de glicação da mariz extracelular (MEC) na derme e têm sido apontado como um dos fatores responsáveis pela perda de elasticidade e deficiência de cicatrização da pele. A permeação cutânea de compostos anti-AGE é uma limitação importante para eficiência terapêutica de compostos que devem atingir camadas mais profundas da pele. Modelos de pele reconstruída contendo equivalente dérmico glicado são estruturas tridimensionais geradas in vitro que mimetizam a pele humana e representam um eficiente modelo para o estudo de células e modificações provocadas na MEC no processo de envelhecimento e DM. O modelo 3D de pele reconstruída tem características metabólicas, de permeabilidade e atividade semelhantes à da pele original, potencializando seu papel nas investigações sobre permeabilidade de drogas, toxicidade, irritação, eficácia e segurança de compostos e diferenciação de queratinócitos. Uma série de compostos naturais ou sintéticos inibidores de AGEs têm sido descobertos e apresentados recentemente e podem representar inovação terapêutica no tratamento de modificações causadas pela a formação e acúmulo destes AGEs também na pele. Este estudo avaliou o desenvolvimento da pele reconstruída glicada e posteriormente, a avaliação da eficácia e toxicidade de compostos anti-glicação como aminoguanidina e carnosina em modelo de pele reconstruída glicada. Em perspectiva, este estudo contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de uma nova tecnologia in vitro, a pele reconstruída glicada, que auxiliará a compreensão da biologia da interação célula-MEC mimetizando processos fisiopatológicos importantes como o envelhecimento e o DM. / The Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) of proteins is a common factor to the pathophysiology of a number of disorders related to aging and diseases such as diabetes mellitus (DM). The generation of the AGEs products on skin occurs mainly through non-enzymatic glycation reactions of the dermal extracellular matrix and has been touted as one of the factors responsible for loss of elasticity and disability of skin healing. The skin permeation of compounds is an important limitation for therapeutic/cosmetic efficacy of anti-AGE compounds, which must reach the deepest layers of the skin. Reconstructed skin model containing dermal equivalent modified by in vitro glycation is able to mimic the elderly human skin and represent an efficient model for the study of cells interactions and changes in extracellular matrix induced by aging and diabetes. The 3D reconstructed skin model has metabolic characteristics, permeability and activity similar to the original skin, reinforcing its role in drug permeability of investigations toxicity, irritation, safety and efficacy evaluation of compounds and differentiation of keratinocytes. A number of natural or synthetic AGEs inhibitor compounds have been recently discovered and displayed and can represent therapeutic innovation for the treatment of changes caused by the aging of the skin. In this study we performed the development of reconstructed glycated skin model and evaluated the efficacy and toxicity of anti-glycation compounds such as aminoguanidine and carnosine. In perspective, this study has contributed to the development of a new technology in vitro, and for the understanding cell-extracellular matrix interaction during the aging of skin.

Estudo temporal dos colágenos (I, III, IV e V) e produtos de glicação avançada na sinóvia em modelo experimental de diabetes em ratos / Study of temporal collagens (I, III, IV and V) and advanced glycation end products synovium in experimental model of diabetes in rats

Andrade, Priscila Cristina 20 June 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Diabetes Mellitus é caracterizada por hiperglicemia crônica, e este aumento excessivo de glicose circulante pode gerar danos vasculares e microvasculares pela deposição de produtos de gliclação avançada (AGE), principalmente em estruturas com alta vascularização, como é o caso da sinóvia. Por todas estas razões, o presente estudo estabeleceu, de maneira temporal, o processo de acomentimento sinovial, através do grau de remodelamento e as proteínas envolvidas neste processo, tido como o gatilho na lesão da articulação do joelho. Foram utilizados ratos wistar (n=60), divididos em três grupos, conforme tempo de indução ( 7, 30 e 60 dias), cada grupo era composto de 10 animais diabéticos, induzido por estreptozotocina (35mg/kg de peso) e 10 animais controle, recebendo infusão do mesmo volume de solução salina, após o tempo estipulado os animais foram sacrificados e a sinóvia coletada para as análises propostas. Análise morfológica através de colorações de hematoxilina-eosina para análise do perfil celular do tecido sinovial e Picrosírius para avaliação da histoarquitetura das fibras colágenas. A quantificação das fibras colágenas foi realizada pela coloração do Picrosírius em microscópio de luz polarizada e a caracterização e distribuição de seus tipos por imunofluorescência, para quantificação total da proteina de colágeno foi realizado a medição da 4-hidroxiprolina (HPO). Os produtos de glicação avançada foram analisados e quantificados por imufluorescência. A detecção e quantificação da imunoexpressão de marcadores bioquímicos como ET-1, TGF-B e IL17 foi realizado por método estereológico de contagem de pontos em reticulo, e como método de confirmação dos achados imunohistoquimicos foi realizado análise de expressão gênica dos Colágenos I,III, e V alfa- 1, alfa-2), por Reação de Transcrição Reversa com amplificação por PCR em Tempo Real (qRT-PCR). Resultados: Foi observado modificação da estrutura sinovial de forma temporal, acometendo inicialmente os vasos subsinoviais e tecidos adjacentes a ele, isso foi observado em tanto em análise morfológica como confirmado em quantificação por Picro em luz polarizada, as modificações se mostraram significantes nos grupos de 30 e 60 dias, quando comparado ao respectivo grupo controle, houve aumento do colágeno total, através do Picrosirius, como por dosagem de HOP. Os resultados foram confirmados por imunofluorescência com o aumento progressivo do COLI e diminuição de COLIII e COLV, o RAGE e AGE também tiveram sua expressão aumentada conforme a evolução no tempo de indução dos animais. Em análise da expressão de outras proteínas foi possível observar a detecção da ET-1 e da IL-17 nos animais diabéticos em comparação ao controle, houve também expressão significativa do TGF-B quando comparado ao respectivo controle. Na análise da expressão gênica foi possível observar aumento do COLV inicialmente, principalmente da cadeia alfa 2, do COLIII e COLI, confirmando achados histomorfométricos. Conclusão: O tecido sinovial demonstra remodelamento precoce ao redor dos vasos, essa mediação envolve o COL1 e os produtos de glicação avançada. Esta alteração no tecido sinovial pode ser responsável por desencadear o acometimento articular no diabetes mellitus / Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, and this excessive increase of circulating glucose can cause vascular and microvascular damage by the deposition of advanced glycation products (AGE), especially in structures with high vascularization, as is the case of synovium. For all these reasons, the present study established, in a temporal way, the process of synovial concomitance, through the degree of remodeling and the proteins involved in this process, considered as the trigger in the lesion of the knee joint. Wistar rats (n = 60), divided into three groups, according to induction time (7, 30 and 60 days), each group consisted of 10 diabetic animals, induced by streptozotocin (35 mg / kg body weight) and 10 animals control, receiving infusion of the same volume of saline solution, after the stipulated time the animals were sacrificed and the synovium collected for the proposed analyzes. Morphological analysis using hematoxylineosin staining for analysis of the cellular profile of the synovial tissue and Picrosírius for evaluation of the histoarchitecture of the collagen fibers. The quantification of the collagen fibers was performed by the Picrosírius staining in a polarized light microscope and the characterization and distribution of its types by immunofluorescence, the measurement of 4-hydroxyproline (HPO) was performed for the total quantification of the collagen protein. Advanced glycation products were analyzed and quantified by impuluorescence. The detection and quantification of the immunoexpression of biochemical markers such as ET- 1, TGF-B and IL17 was performed by stereological method of reticule dot counting, and as a method of confirming the immunohistochemical findings, the analysis of the collagen I, III , and V alpha-1, alpha-2), by Reverse Transcription Reaction with Real-Time PCR Amplification (qRT-PCR). Results: Modification of the synovial structure was observed temporally, initially affecting subsynovial vessels and tissues adjacent to it, this was observed in both morphological analysis and confirmed in quantification by Picro in polarized light, the modifications were significant in the groups of 30 and 60 days, when compared to the respective control group, there was increase of the total collagen, through Picrosirius, as per HOP dosage. The results were confirmed by immunofluorescence with progressive increase of COLI and decrease of COLIII and COLV, RAGE and AGE also had their expression increased as the evolution in the induction time of the animals. In the analysis of the expression of other proteins it was possible to observe the detection of ET-1 and IL-17 in diabetic animals in comparison to the control, there was also significant expression of TGF-B when compared to the respective control. In the analysis of the gene expression it was possible to observe an increase of the COLV initially, mainly of the alpha 2 chain, of the COLIII and COLI, confirming histomorphometric findings. Conclusion: Synovial tissue demonstrates early remodeling around vessels, this mediation involves COL1 and advanced glycation products. This change in synovial tissue may be responsible for triggering joint involvement in diabetes mellitus

Inibição do estresse do retículo endoplasmático restaura o conteúdo de ABCA-1 e o efluxo de colesterol em macrófagos tratados com albumina modificada por glicação avançada / Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress restores the ABCA-1 protein level and cholesterol efflux in advanced glycated albumin-treated macrophages

Castilho, Gabriela 14 August 2012 (has links)
Produtos de glicação avançada (AGE) prejudicam o metabolismo de lipoproteínas e o transporte reverso de colesterol, o que contribui para a aterosclerose no diabete melito (DM). Em particular, a albumina modificada por AGE (albumina-AGE) reduz a remoção de colesterol por diminuir o conteúdo do receptor ABCA-1 em macrófagos. Isto se vincula ao insulto oxidativo e inflamatório, os quais são indutores do estresse do retículo endoplasmático (RE). O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, em macrófagos, os efeitos do tratamento com albumina-AGE sobre o estresse do RE e suas vias adaptativas (UPR), relacionando-os com o prejuízo na expressão do ABCA-1 e efluxo de colesterol celular. Albumina-AGE foi produzida pela incubação de albumina isenta em ácidos graxos com glicolaldeído 10 mM e, albumina controle (albumina-C) com PBS apenas. Albumina foi isolada do soro de pacientes portadores de DM com controle glicêmico inadequado (albumina-DM) ou indivíduos controles (albumina não- DM) por cromatografia para separação rápida de proteínas seguida por purificação alcoólica. Macrófagos de peritônio de camundongos ou macrófagos da linhagem J774 foram tratados com os diferentes tipos de albumina na presença ou ausência de ácido fenil butírico (PBA; chaperona química que alivia o estresse do RE) ou MG-132 (inibidor do sistema proteasomal) por diferentes intervalos de tempo. A expressão de marcadores do estresse do RE, UPR, proteína dissulfeto isomerase (PDI), calreticulina e ubiquitina foi determinada por imunoblot e o conteúdo de ABCA-1, por citometria de fluxo e imunocitoquímica. O efluxo de 14Ccolesterol foi avaliado, utilizando-se apoA-I como aceptora de colesterol. A albumina-AGE induziu aumento tempo-dependente na expressão das chaperonas marcadoras do estresse do RE - Gr78 e Grp94 - e de proteínas da UPR (ATF6 e eIF2-P) em comparação à albumina-C. O conteúdo de ABCA-1 e o efluxo de colesterol foram reduzidos em, respectivamente, 33% e 47% e ambos foram restaurados pelo tratamento com PBA, o qual também reduziu o estresse do RE. A associação entre estresse de RE e redução de ABCA-1 foi confirmada pelo uso da tunicamicina (indutor clássico de estresse do RE), que diminuiu em 61% o conteúdo de ABCA-1, prejudicando em 82% o efluxo de colesterol. A albumina-AGE aumentou o conteúdo total de ubiquitina. A inibição do sistema proteasomal não foi capaz de restaurar o conteúdo de ABCA-1 em células tratadas com albumina-AGE. Em macrófagos expostos à albumina-DM evidenciou-se maior expressão da PDI e calreticulina, com tendência à maior expressão da Grp94. A albumina-AGE (produzida in vitro ou isolada de portadores de DM) induz estresse de RE, o qual se vincula à redução no conteúdo de ABCA-1 e efluxo de colesterol. Estes eventos podem contribuir para a aterosclerose no DM. Chaperonas químicas, que aliviam o estresse do RE, podem ser ferramentas úteis na prevenção e tratamento da aterosclerose / Advanced glycation end products (AGE) disturb lipoprotein metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport, contributing to atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus (DM). Particularly, advanced glycated albumin (AGE-albumin) reduces cell cholesterol removal by impairing the expression of ABCA-1 in macrophages. This is ascribed to the oxidative and inflammatory stress, conditions that elicit endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In this study it was investigated the effect of AGE-albumin on ER stress and adaptative pathways (UPR) development in macrophages, and its relationship to the reduction in ABCA-1 expression and cholesterol efflux. AGE-albumin was prepared by incubating fatty acid free albumin with 10 mM glycolaldehyde and control albumin (C-albumin) with PBS only. Albumin was isolated from poorly controlled DM patients (DM-albumin) and control individuals (nonDMalbumin) by fast liquid chromatography and purified by alchoolic extraction. Mouse peritoneal macrophages or J774 cells were treated along time with the different types of albumin in the absence or presence of phenyl butiric acic (PBA; a chaperone that aleviates ER stress) or MG132 (a proteasomal inhibitor). The expression of ER stress and UPR markers, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), calreticulin and ubiquitin was determined by immunoblot and ABCA-1 protein level, by flow cytometry and imunocytochemistry. 14Ccholesterol efflux was evaluated utilizing apo A-I as cholesterol acceptor. AGE-albumin induced a time-dependent increase in the expression of ER stress chaperone markers - Gr78 and Grp94 - and UPR proteins (ATF6 and eIF2-P) in comparison to C-albumin. ABCA-1 content and cholesterol efflux were diminished by, respectively, 33% and 47% and both were recovered by the treatment with PBA. The association between ER stress and ABCA-1 reduction was confirmed by the reduction, induced by tunicanycin (a classical ER stress inductior) in ABCA-1 protein level (61%) and cholesterol efflux (82%). AGE-albumin increased the amount of cellular total ubiquitin. The inhibiton of proteasomal system was unable to restore ABCA-1 protein level in cells treated with AGE-albumin. In macrophages exposed to DM-albumin a higher expression of PDI and calreticulin was observed together with a trend of enhanced Grp94 expression. In conclusion, AGE-albumin (produced in vitro or isolated from DM patients) induces ER stress which is related to the reduction in ABCA-1 level and cholesterol efflux in macrophages. These events can contribute to atherosclerosis in DM. Chemical chaperones that alleviate ER stress may be useful in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis

Quantitative Studien zu Vorkommen und metabolischem Transit alimentärer Maillard-Reaktions-Produkte

Förster, Anke 05 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die Maillard-Reaktion und ihre Produkte (MRPs) sind aus der Lebensmittelchemie bekannt. Der Nachweis der Derivate in physiologischen Medien und die Beobachtung erhöhter Gehalte im Zusammenhang mit Alterungsgeschehen und Stoffwechselerkrankungen führte zur Diskussion möglicher pathophysiologischer Konsequenzen in vivo. Auf diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage nach der Relevanz der täglichen Nahrung als MRP-Quelle. Grundlage zur Beurteilung sind quantitative Daten zum Vorkommen der Verbindungen in Lebensmitteln. Heterogenität und Vielzahl der Produkte machen die Betrachtung individueller und die Berücksichtigung noch unbekannter Derivate notwendig. Durch Bestimmung von Lysin, dem Amadori-Produkt (AP) Ne-Desoxylactulosyl-1-lysin, Pyrralin, Ne-Carboxymethyllysin (CML), Glyoxal- und Methylglyoxal-Lysin-Dimer (GOLD, MOLD) und 2-Amino-6-(3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4-oxo-4H-pyridin-1-yl)-hexansäure (Maltosin) in verschiedenen Milchprodukten konnte gezeigt werden, dass AP das Hauptprodukt der Lysinderivatisierung in diesen Proben darstellt. CML und Pyrralin gewannen mit zunehmender Erhitzung an Bedeutung, wobei Pyrralin auch in den stark thermisch behandelten Proben nur in relativ geringen Mengen gebildet wird. GOLD und MOLD waren nicht nachweisbar. Mit den erfassten Derivaten konnte nur ein Teil, 40-50 % in flüssigen Proben, der Lysinmodifizierung erklärt werden. Es kommt demnach in erheblichem Maße zur Bildung weiterer in Nahrungsmitteln noch nicht erfasster Derivate. Das hier erstmals in Lebensmitteln quantifizierte Maltosin leistet keinen relevanten Beitrag zur weiteren Aufklärung der Lysinmodifizierung, da es erst in sehr stark erhitzten Produkten und in deutlich geringeren Mengen als Pyrralin entsteht. Zur Beurteilung der ernährungsphysiologischen Relevanz alimentärer MRPs sind neben der zugeführten Menge deren Resorbierbarkeit und Elimination aus dem Körper von Interesse. Anhand der renalen Exkretion definierter Lysinderivate in Abhängigkeit von der nahrungsbedingten Zufuhr sollten Aussagen zu deren metabolischem Transit getroffen werden. Es wurde eine Ernährungsstudie durchgeführt, in der die Probanden zunächst auf MRP-haltige Lebensmittel verzichteten, dann, bis auf eine Kontrollgruppe, Mahlzeiten mit bekannten Gehalten verzehrten und im Anschluss wieder MRPfrei lebten. Die 24h-Urinproben der Teilnehmer wurden hinsichtlich der Gehalte an freiem AP, Pyrralin, CML und Pentosidin untersucht. Die Gehalte lagen für AP, Pyrralin und CML in der Größenordnung weniger mg pro Tag, für Pentosidin dagegen nur bei wenigen µg pro Tag. Der Verzicht auf MRP-haltige Nahrung führte innerhalb von 48 bis 72 h zum Absinken der Gehalte auf ein Basislevel. Es zeigte sich, dass mehr als 85 % des AP, ca. 90 % des Pyrralins aber nur 30 bis 40 % des Pentosidins im Urin aus alimentären Quellen stammen. AP, Pyrralin und Pentosidin werden demnach grundsätzlich aus der Nahrung resorbiert und über die Nieren eliminiert. Im Gegensatz zu Literaturberichten waren die im Urin messbaren CML-Gehalte durch die MRP-freie Diät nicht beeinflussbar, was auf eine geringe oder fehlende proteolytische Freisetzung und/oder schlechtere Resorbierbarkeit der Verbindung hindeutet. Nach Verzehr definierter MRP-Mengen zeigten sich stark unterschiedliche Wiederfindungen. Während freies Pentosidin und proteingebundenes Pyrralin nahezu vollständig bzw. zum überwiegenden Teil (50 bis 60 %) über den Urin eliminiert werden, trifft dies nur auf einen geringen Prozentsatz des proteingebundenen Pentosidins (2 %) und des AP (<3 %) zu. Eine ernährungsphysiologische Beurteilung kann demnach nur nach Kenntnis der im Lebensmittel enthaltenen Derivate und deren individuellen metabolischen Transits erfolgen. Ausgehend von der vorliegenden Arbeit und der Literatur ist das von der Nahrung ausgehende Gefährdungspotential als gering anzusehen. Zu berücksichtigen bleibt, dass ein großer Teil der MRPs noch immer unbekannt ist, ernährungsphysiologische Konsequenzen damit nicht abschließend einzuschätzen sind.

Enzymatischer Abbau von Amadori-Produkten durch intestinale Disaccharidasen und intrazelluläre Ketosaminkinasen / Enzymatic degradation of Amadori products by intestinal disaccharidases and intracellular ketosamine kinases

Seidowski, Anne 04 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Amadori-Produkte werden spontan während der ersten Phase der Maillard-Reaktion aus reduzierenden Zuckern und Aminen wie Lysin gebildet. Sie entstehen während der Erhitzung von Lebensmitteln und in vivo. Der enzymatische Abbau solcher spontan gebildeten Produkte ist Thema dieser Arbeit. Ein Teil untersuchte die Rolle von Oligosaccharid-Amadori-Produkten während der Verdauung von Kohlenhydraten im Dünndarm. Aufgrund ihrer strukturellen Ähnlichkeit mit bekannten Glycosidase-Inhibitoren wurde eine hemmende Wirkung der Amadori-Produkte auf die Kohlenhydratverdauung vermutet. Der andere Teil beschäftigte sich mit Fructosamin-3-kinase (FN3K) und dessen verwandtem Enzym Fructosamin-3-kinase-related Protein (FN3K-RP) aus humanen Erythrocyten. Diese Ketosaminkinasen werden als Proteinreparaturenzyme betrachtet, sogar als enzymatische Verteidigung gegen Glykierung in vivo diskutiert. Durch ihre Reaktion entstehen jedoch auch hoch-reaktive 1,2-Dicarbonylverbindungen, die weitere Proteinschäden bewirken können. Noch ist nicht klar, ob die Ketosaminkinasen die pathophysiologischen Folgen der Glykierung verhindern oder fördern. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Substratspezifität von Ketosaminkinasen mit einer Reihe von Amadori-Produkten untersucht. Damit könnten Inhibitoren zur weiteren Enzymcharakterisierung oder sogar für pharmazeutische Anwendungen identifiziert werden. Außerdem wurde die Variabilität der Enzymaktivitäten von Mensch zu Mensch in einer Kohorte von 100 Probanden untersucht. Als Modell für die menschliche Kohlenhydratverdauung im Dünndarm wurden Caco-2-Zellen als Monolayer etabliert. Deren Sucrase-Isomaltase kann die alpha-glycosidische Bindung in Amadori-Produkten von Maltose und Maltotriose mit Lysin und auch in Maltulose hydrolysieren. Trotz der Aminogruppe hemmen diese Amadori-Produkte die Maltosehydrolyse nur schwach als konkurrierende Substrate. Lactulosyllysin konnte nicht durch die Lactase der Caco-2-Zellen hydrolysiert werden. Tagatosyllysin und die Heyns-Produkte Glucosyllysin und Mannosyllysin hemmten die Lactosehydrolyse schwach. Alle beobachteten Hemmeffekte sind wahrscheinlich zu schwach, um während der Verdauung in vivo bedeutsam zu sein. Für FN3K konnte Desoxypiperidinofructose als kompetitiver Inhibitor identifiziert werden (Kic 0,006 mM). FN3K zeigte nur geringe Selektivität gegenüber Amadori-Produkten verschiedener Amine, ausgenommen aromatischer Amine. FN3K-RP war in Erythrocyten wesentlich aktiver als FN3K, auch wenn die Aktivität nicht selektiv inhibiert werden konnte. Beide Enzymaktivitäten unterscheiden sich unter den 100 Probanden, mit einer Spannweite von 3 bis 12 mU/g Hämoglobin für FN3K und 60 bis 135 mU/g Hb für FN3K und FN3K-RP zusammen. Es scheint eine Verbindung zwischen der Ketosaminkinase-Aktivität in Erythrocyten und Nierenerkrankungen, familiär auftretendem Diabetes mellitus, sowie familiär aufgetretenen Herzinfarkten oder Schlaganfällen zu bestehen, wie orientierende Auswertungen zeigten. Deshalb ist eine genauere Untersuchung der physiologischen Bedeutung der Ketosaminkinasen nötig. / Amadori products are formed spontaneously from reducing sugars and amines, e.g. lysine, during the first phase of the Maillard reaction. They occur in heated food and in vivo. The thesis focuses on the enzymatic degradation of such spontaneously formed compounds. One part of this work investigated the faith and impact of oligosaccharide derived Amadori products during small intestinal carbohydrate digestion. Due to their structural similarity with known glycosidase inhibitors, an inhibitory action of Amadori products towards carbohydrate digestions was assumed. The other part dealt with fructosamine-3-kinase (FN3K) and its related protein (FN3K-RP) from human erythrocytes. Such ketosamine kinases are regarded as protein repair enzymes, maybe even an enzymatic defence against glycation in vivo. While deglycating protein bound Amadori products, however, they produce highly reactive 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds, which can lead to further protein damage. It is unclear, whether the ketosamine kinase action prevents or supports the pathophysiological effects of glycation. This work studied the substrate specifity of ketosamine kinases with a variety of Amadori products, which could result in inhibitors for further enzyme characterisation or even pharmaceutical uses. Further, the variability of both enzyme activities in a cohort of 100 subjects was examined. As a model for human small intestinal carbohydrate digestion, a Caco-2 cell monolayer was employed. Their sucrase-isomaltase is able to hydrolyse the alpha-glucosidic linkage in Amadori products of maltose and maltotriose with lysine, as well as in maltulose. Despite their amino group, those amadori products inhibited maltose hydrolysis merely weakly as competing substrates. Lactulosyl lysine on the other hand could not be hydrolysed by Caco-2 lactase. Tagatosyl lysine and the Heyns products glucosyl lysine and mannosyl lysine showed weak inhibition of lactose hydrolysis. All observed inhibitory effects are probably too weak to be of importance during carbohydrate digestion in vivo. Deoxypiperidinofructose was identified as a competitive inhibitor of FN3K (Kic 0,006 mM). FN3K acted rather non-specific towards Amadori products of different amines, except aromatic amines. FN3K-RP showed much higher activity in erythrocytes than FN3K, although its activity could not be inhibited selectively. Both enzyme activities vary among 100 subjects, with a range of 3 to 12 mU/g hemoglobin for FN3K and 60 to 135 mU/g hb for FN3K and FN3K-RP together. Relations of ketosamine kinase activity in erythrocytes with renal diseases, familial diabetes mellitus and familial cardiovascular events seem to exist. Thus, investigating the physiological impact of ketosamine kinases is necessary.

Size Separation Techniques for the Characterisation of Cross-Linked Casein: A Review of Methods and Their Applications

Raak, Norbert, Abbate, Raffaele Andrea, Lederer, Albena, Rohm, Harald, Jaros, Doris 11 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Casein is the major protein fraction in milk, and its cross-linking has been a topic of scientific interest for many years. Enzymatic cross-linking has huge potential to modify relevant techno-functional properties of casein, whereas non-enzymatic cross-linking occurs naturally during the storage and processing of milk and dairy products. Two size separation techniques were applied for characterisation of these reactions: gel electrophoresis and size exclusion chromatography. This review summarises their separation principles and discusses the outcome of studies on cross-linked casein from the last ~20 years. Both methods, however, show limitations concerning separation range and are applied mainly under denaturing and reducing conditions. In contrast, field flow fractionation has a broad separation range and can be easily applied under native conditions. Although this method has become a powerful tool in polymer and nanoparticle analysis and was used in few studies on casein micelles, it has not yet been applied to investigate cross-linked casein. Finally, the principles and requirements for absolute molar mass determination are reviewed, which will be of increased interest in the future since suitable calibration substances for casein polymers are scarce.

Biokompatibilita peritoneálních dialyzačních roztoků / Biocompatibility of Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions

Procházková Pöpperlová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a form of renal replacement therapy using the peritoneum as a dialysis membrane. PD solutions employed to remove nitrogen metabolites and excess plasma fluid, and to restore electrolyte and acid-base balance are being developed to minimize local and systemic inflammatory responses while maintaining peritoneal homeostasis and host defense. The effect of chronic action of PD solutions on the peritoneum results in its remodeling and, possibly, eventual loss of peritoneal ultrafiltration capacity. Factors most responsible for late complications and peritoneal remodeling include high glucose levels in PD solutions, and the presence and formation of glucose degradation products (GDP) and advanced glycation end - products (AGEs) in the peritoneal cavity. The aim of our study described in this dissertation was to test various PD solutions with different glucose content and GDP and, using AGEs receptor ligands, to define their systemic effects and identify PD solutions with highest biocompatibility. This part of the dissertation characterizes conventional glucose - based solutions, low - glucose and GDP load solutions as well as glucose polymer (icodextrin) - based PD solutions while determining the plasma and dialysate levels of soluble receptor for AGEs (s - RAGE) and its...

Inibição do estresse do retículo endoplasmático restaura o conteúdo de ABCA-1 e o efluxo de colesterol em macrófagos tratados com albumina modificada por glicação avançada / Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress restores the ABCA-1 protein level and cholesterol efflux in advanced glycated albumin-treated macrophages

Gabriela Castilho 14 August 2012 (has links)
Produtos de glicação avançada (AGE) prejudicam o metabolismo de lipoproteínas e o transporte reverso de colesterol, o que contribui para a aterosclerose no diabete melito (DM). Em particular, a albumina modificada por AGE (albumina-AGE) reduz a remoção de colesterol por diminuir o conteúdo do receptor ABCA-1 em macrófagos. Isto se vincula ao insulto oxidativo e inflamatório, os quais são indutores do estresse do retículo endoplasmático (RE). O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, em macrófagos, os efeitos do tratamento com albumina-AGE sobre o estresse do RE e suas vias adaptativas (UPR), relacionando-os com o prejuízo na expressão do ABCA-1 e efluxo de colesterol celular. Albumina-AGE foi produzida pela incubação de albumina isenta em ácidos graxos com glicolaldeído 10 mM e, albumina controle (albumina-C) com PBS apenas. Albumina foi isolada do soro de pacientes portadores de DM com controle glicêmico inadequado (albumina-DM) ou indivíduos controles (albumina não- DM) por cromatografia para separação rápida de proteínas seguida por purificação alcoólica. Macrófagos de peritônio de camundongos ou macrófagos da linhagem J774 foram tratados com os diferentes tipos de albumina na presença ou ausência de ácido fenil butírico (PBA; chaperona química que alivia o estresse do RE) ou MG-132 (inibidor do sistema proteasomal) por diferentes intervalos de tempo. A expressão de marcadores do estresse do RE, UPR, proteína dissulfeto isomerase (PDI), calreticulina e ubiquitina foi determinada por imunoblot e o conteúdo de ABCA-1, por citometria de fluxo e imunocitoquímica. O efluxo de 14Ccolesterol foi avaliado, utilizando-se apoA-I como aceptora de colesterol. A albumina-AGE induziu aumento tempo-dependente na expressão das chaperonas marcadoras do estresse do RE - Gr78 e Grp94 - e de proteínas da UPR (ATF6 e eIF2-P) em comparação à albumina-C. O conteúdo de ABCA-1 e o efluxo de colesterol foram reduzidos em, respectivamente, 33% e 47% e ambos foram restaurados pelo tratamento com PBA, o qual também reduziu o estresse do RE. A associação entre estresse de RE e redução de ABCA-1 foi confirmada pelo uso da tunicamicina (indutor clássico de estresse do RE), que diminuiu em 61% o conteúdo de ABCA-1, prejudicando em 82% o efluxo de colesterol. A albumina-AGE aumentou o conteúdo total de ubiquitina. A inibição do sistema proteasomal não foi capaz de restaurar o conteúdo de ABCA-1 em células tratadas com albumina-AGE. Em macrófagos expostos à albumina-DM evidenciou-se maior expressão da PDI e calreticulina, com tendência à maior expressão da Grp94. A albumina-AGE (produzida in vitro ou isolada de portadores de DM) induz estresse de RE, o qual se vincula à redução no conteúdo de ABCA-1 e efluxo de colesterol. Estes eventos podem contribuir para a aterosclerose no DM. Chaperonas químicas, que aliviam o estresse do RE, podem ser ferramentas úteis na prevenção e tratamento da aterosclerose / Advanced glycation end products (AGE) disturb lipoprotein metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport, contributing to atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus (DM). Particularly, advanced glycated albumin (AGE-albumin) reduces cell cholesterol removal by impairing the expression of ABCA-1 in macrophages. This is ascribed to the oxidative and inflammatory stress, conditions that elicit endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In this study it was investigated the effect of AGE-albumin on ER stress and adaptative pathways (UPR) development in macrophages, and its relationship to the reduction in ABCA-1 expression and cholesterol efflux. AGE-albumin was prepared by incubating fatty acid free albumin with 10 mM glycolaldehyde and control albumin (C-albumin) with PBS only. Albumin was isolated from poorly controlled DM patients (DM-albumin) and control individuals (nonDMalbumin) by fast liquid chromatography and purified by alchoolic extraction. Mouse peritoneal macrophages or J774 cells were treated along time with the different types of albumin in the absence or presence of phenyl butiric acic (PBA; a chaperone that aleviates ER stress) or MG132 (a proteasomal inhibitor). The expression of ER stress and UPR markers, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), calreticulin and ubiquitin was determined by immunoblot and ABCA-1 protein level, by flow cytometry and imunocytochemistry. 14Ccholesterol efflux was evaluated utilizing apo A-I as cholesterol acceptor. AGE-albumin induced a time-dependent increase in the expression of ER stress chaperone markers - Gr78 and Grp94 - and UPR proteins (ATF6 and eIF2-P) in comparison to C-albumin. ABCA-1 content and cholesterol efflux were diminished by, respectively, 33% and 47% and both were recovered by the treatment with PBA. The association between ER stress and ABCA-1 reduction was confirmed by the reduction, induced by tunicanycin (a classical ER stress inductior) in ABCA-1 protein level (61%) and cholesterol efflux (82%). AGE-albumin increased the amount of cellular total ubiquitin. The inhibiton of proteasomal system was unable to restore ABCA-1 protein level in cells treated with AGE-albumin. In macrophages exposed to DM-albumin a higher expression of PDI and calreticulin was observed together with a trend of enhanced Grp94 expression. In conclusion, AGE-albumin (produced in vitro or isolated from DM patients) induces ER stress which is related to the reduction in ABCA-1 level and cholesterol efflux in macrophages. These events can contribute to atherosclerosis in DM. Chemical chaperones that alleviate ER stress may be useful in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis

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