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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da atividade anti-glicação de proteína por 4-nerolidilcatecol isolado de Pothormorphe umbellata (L.) Miq. / Evaluation of the protein anti-glycation activity of 4-nerolydilcatechol isolated from Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miq.

Mary Sanae Nakamura 07 November 2007 (has links)
A glicação é uma reação não enzimática que ocorre entre proteínas e açúcares redutores e, é responsável pela formação de adultos e de ligações cruzadas entre proteínas, como por exemplo: a pentosidina, produto final de glicação avançada que se acumula em vários tecidos ao longo do tempo. A glicação é deletéria para o organismo e está associada a modificações estruturais em proteínas e alterações de suas funções específicas, tais como: atividade enzimática, capacidade de ligação e tempo de vida de proteínas, além de ser responsável pela produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROS). O mecanismo de formação da pentosidina envolve reações oxidativas e, uma das estratégias para minimizá-Ia é o aumento da atividade antioxidante nos tecidos. A pariparoba (Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miq) demonstrou atividade antioxidante in vitro e in vivo quando aplicada sobre a pele. Essa atividade foi atribuída ao 4-nerolidilcatecol (4-NC), que se mostrou 10 vezes mais potente que o α-tocoferol. Os extratos de pariparoba também inibiram a lipoperoxidação espontânea da pele em camundongos sem pelo. Neste trabalho empregou-se o modelo de glicação de albumina de soro bovino (BSA) frente à D-ribose, com avaliação da fluorescência produzida pela pentosidina formada na reação. Avaliou-se igualmente a atividade do 4-NC em diferentes concentrações sobre a reação de glicação da BSA em presença de D-ribose após 24 horas, empregando-se a aminoguanidina como controle positivo. Nas condições experimentais o 4-NC não foi capaz de inibir a reação de glicação, ao contrário da aminoguanidina. Foi também utilizado modelo para avaliação da propriedade contrátil de fibroblastos em matriz tridimensional de gel de colágeno, glicado e não glicado com D-ribose. O 4-NC na concentração de 100 µM permitiu a manutenção da propriedade contrátil de fibroblastos em gel colágeno glicado. Estudos de glicação em maiores períodos de tempo devem ser realizados visando a confirmar a possível atividade anti-glicação deste composto. / Glycation is a non enzymatic reaction which occurs between proteins and reductor sugars, responsible for the formation of adducts and crosslinkers between proteins, such as, pentosidine, an advanced glycation end-product (AGE) which accumulates in many tissues during aging. AGEs accumulation is deleterious to the body and is associated with structural modifications in proteins and imbalance in their specific functions, such as: enzymatic activity, binding capacity, protein turnover and also responsible for the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The mechanism of pentosidine formation involves oxidative reactions. One of the strategies to reduce pentosidine formation is by increasing antioxidant activity in tissues. Pariparoba (Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miq. has showed antioxidant activity in vitro and in vivo when applied on the skin. This activity was attributed to 4-nerolydilcatechol (4-NC), which is 10 times more potent than α-tocopherol. Extracts of Pariparoba also inhibited the spontaneous lipid peroxidation in the skin of hairless mice. In this work, the bovine serum albumin (BSA) model for glycation with D-ribose, evaluated by pentosidine fluorescence spectroscopy was employed. The activity of 4¬NC was evaluated in different concentrations in this model after 24 hours. Aminoguanidine was used as positive control. In this experimental condition, 4-NC was not capable to inhibit the BSA glycation. We also evaluated the contractile properties of fibroblasts on tridimensional matriz of collagen gel glycated or not with D-ribose. 4-NC (100 µM) was able to keep the contractile capacity of fibroblasts in glycated collagen. Studies of glycation in longer periods of time should be made in order to further evaluate the possible anti-glycation activity of this compound.

Size Separation Techniques for the Characterisation of Cross-Linked Casein: A Review of Methods and Their Applications

Raak, Norbert, Abbate, Raffaele Andrea, Lederer, Albena, Rohm, Harald, Jaros, Doris 11 June 2018 (has links)
Casein is the major protein fraction in milk, and its cross-linking has been a topic of scientific interest for many years. Enzymatic cross-linking has huge potential to modify relevant techno-functional properties of casein, whereas non-enzymatic cross-linking occurs naturally during the storage and processing of milk and dairy products. Two size separation techniques were applied for characterisation of these reactions: gel electrophoresis and size exclusion chromatography. This review summarises their separation principles and discusses the outcome of studies on cross-linked casein from the last ~20 years. Both methods, however, show limitations concerning separation range and are applied mainly under denaturing and reducing conditions. In contrast, field flow fractionation has a broad separation range and can be easily applied under native conditions. Although this method has become a powerful tool in polymer and nanoparticle analysis and was used in few studies on casein micelles, it has not yet been applied to investigate cross-linked casein. Finally, the principles and requirements for absolute molar mass determination are reviewed, which will be of increased interest in the future since suitable calibration substances for casein polymers are scarce.

Quantitative Studien zu Vorkommen und metabolischem Transit alimentärer Maillard-Reaktions-Produkte

Förster, Anke 04 July 2006 (has links)
Die Maillard-Reaktion und ihre Produkte (MRPs) sind aus der Lebensmittelchemie bekannt. Der Nachweis der Derivate in physiologischen Medien und die Beobachtung erhöhter Gehalte im Zusammenhang mit Alterungsgeschehen und Stoffwechselerkrankungen führte zur Diskussion möglicher pathophysiologischer Konsequenzen in vivo. Auf diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage nach der Relevanz der täglichen Nahrung als MRP-Quelle. Grundlage zur Beurteilung sind quantitative Daten zum Vorkommen der Verbindungen in Lebensmitteln. Heterogenität und Vielzahl der Produkte machen die Betrachtung individueller und die Berücksichtigung noch unbekannter Derivate notwendig. Durch Bestimmung von Lysin, dem Amadori-Produkt (AP) Ne-Desoxylactulosyl-1-lysin, Pyrralin, Ne-Carboxymethyllysin (CML), Glyoxal- und Methylglyoxal-Lysin-Dimer (GOLD, MOLD) und 2-Amino-6-(3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4-oxo-4H-pyridin-1-yl)-hexansäure (Maltosin) in verschiedenen Milchprodukten konnte gezeigt werden, dass AP das Hauptprodukt der Lysinderivatisierung in diesen Proben darstellt. CML und Pyrralin gewannen mit zunehmender Erhitzung an Bedeutung, wobei Pyrralin auch in den stark thermisch behandelten Proben nur in relativ geringen Mengen gebildet wird. GOLD und MOLD waren nicht nachweisbar. Mit den erfassten Derivaten konnte nur ein Teil, 40-50 % in flüssigen Proben, der Lysinmodifizierung erklärt werden. Es kommt demnach in erheblichem Maße zur Bildung weiterer in Nahrungsmitteln noch nicht erfasster Derivate. Das hier erstmals in Lebensmitteln quantifizierte Maltosin leistet keinen relevanten Beitrag zur weiteren Aufklärung der Lysinmodifizierung, da es erst in sehr stark erhitzten Produkten und in deutlich geringeren Mengen als Pyrralin entsteht. Zur Beurteilung der ernährungsphysiologischen Relevanz alimentärer MRPs sind neben der zugeführten Menge deren Resorbierbarkeit und Elimination aus dem Körper von Interesse. Anhand der renalen Exkretion definierter Lysinderivate in Abhängigkeit von der nahrungsbedingten Zufuhr sollten Aussagen zu deren metabolischem Transit getroffen werden. Es wurde eine Ernährungsstudie durchgeführt, in der die Probanden zunächst auf MRP-haltige Lebensmittel verzichteten, dann, bis auf eine Kontrollgruppe, Mahlzeiten mit bekannten Gehalten verzehrten und im Anschluss wieder MRPfrei lebten. Die 24h-Urinproben der Teilnehmer wurden hinsichtlich der Gehalte an freiem AP, Pyrralin, CML und Pentosidin untersucht. Die Gehalte lagen für AP, Pyrralin und CML in der Größenordnung weniger mg pro Tag, für Pentosidin dagegen nur bei wenigen µg pro Tag. Der Verzicht auf MRP-haltige Nahrung führte innerhalb von 48 bis 72 h zum Absinken der Gehalte auf ein Basislevel. Es zeigte sich, dass mehr als 85 % des AP, ca. 90 % des Pyrralins aber nur 30 bis 40 % des Pentosidins im Urin aus alimentären Quellen stammen. AP, Pyrralin und Pentosidin werden demnach grundsätzlich aus der Nahrung resorbiert und über die Nieren eliminiert. Im Gegensatz zu Literaturberichten waren die im Urin messbaren CML-Gehalte durch die MRP-freie Diät nicht beeinflussbar, was auf eine geringe oder fehlende proteolytische Freisetzung und/oder schlechtere Resorbierbarkeit der Verbindung hindeutet. Nach Verzehr definierter MRP-Mengen zeigten sich stark unterschiedliche Wiederfindungen. Während freies Pentosidin und proteingebundenes Pyrralin nahezu vollständig bzw. zum überwiegenden Teil (50 bis 60 %) über den Urin eliminiert werden, trifft dies nur auf einen geringen Prozentsatz des proteingebundenen Pentosidins (2 %) und des AP (<3 %) zu. Eine ernährungsphysiologische Beurteilung kann demnach nur nach Kenntnis der im Lebensmittel enthaltenen Derivate und deren individuellen metabolischen Transits erfolgen. Ausgehend von der vorliegenden Arbeit und der Literatur ist das von der Nahrung ausgehende Gefährdungspotential als gering anzusehen. Zu berücksichtigen bleibt, dass ein großer Teil der MRPs noch immer unbekannt ist, ernährungsphysiologische Konsequenzen damit nicht abschließend einzuschätzen sind.

Enzymatischer Abbau von Amadori-Produkten durch intestinale Disaccharidasen und intrazelluläre Ketosaminkinasen: Enzymatic degradation of Amadori products by intestinal disaccharidases and intracellular ketosamine kinases

Seidowski, Anne 06 December 2010 (has links)
Amadori-Produkte werden spontan während der ersten Phase der Maillard-Reaktion aus reduzierenden Zuckern und Aminen wie Lysin gebildet. Sie entstehen während der Erhitzung von Lebensmitteln und in vivo. Der enzymatische Abbau solcher spontan gebildeten Produkte ist Thema dieser Arbeit. Ein Teil untersuchte die Rolle von Oligosaccharid-Amadori-Produkten während der Verdauung von Kohlenhydraten im Dünndarm. Aufgrund ihrer strukturellen Ähnlichkeit mit bekannten Glycosidase-Inhibitoren wurde eine hemmende Wirkung der Amadori-Produkte auf die Kohlenhydratverdauung vermutet. Der andere Teil beschäftigte sich mit Fructosamin-3-kinase (FN3K) und dessen verwandtem Enzym Fructosamin-3-kinase-related Protein (FN3K-RP) aus humanen Erythrocyten. Diese Ketosaminkinasen werden als Proteinreparaturenzyme betrachtet, sogar als enzymatische Verteidigung gegen Glykierung in vivo diskutiert. Durch ihre Reaktion entstehen jedoch auch hoch-reaktive 1,2-Dicarbonylverbindungen, die weitere Proteinschäden bewirken können. Noch ist nicht klar, ob die Ketosaminkinasen die pathophysiologischen Folgen der Glykierung verhindern oder fördern. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Substratspezifität von Ketosaminkinasen mit einer Reihe von Amadori-Produkten untersucht. Damit könnten Inhibitoren zur weiteren Enzymcharakterisierung oder sogar für pharmazeutische Anwendungen identifiziert werden. Außerdem wurde die Variabilität der Enzymaktivitäten von Mensch zu Mensch in einer Kohorte von 100 Probanden untersucht. Als Modell für die menschliche Kohlenhydratverdauung im Dünndarm wurden Caco-2-Zellen als Monolayer etabliert. Deren Sucrase-Isomaltase kann die alpha-glycosidische Bindung in Amadori-Produkten von Maltose und Maltotriose mit Lysin und auch in Maltulose hydrolysieren. Trotz der Aminogruppe hemmen diese Amadori-Produkte die Maltosehydrolyse nur schwach als konkurrierende Substrate. Lactulosyllysin konnte nicht durch die Lactase der Caco-2-Zellen hydrolysiert werden. Tagatosyllysin und die Heyns-Produkte Glucosyllysin und Mannosyllysin hemmten die Lactosehydrolyse schwach. Alle beobachteten Hemmeffekte sind wahrscheinlich zu schwach, um während der Verdauung in vivo bedeutsam zu sein. Für FN3K konnte Desoxypiperidinofructose als kompetitiver Inhibitor identifiziert werden (Kic 0,006 mM). FN3K zeigte nur geringe Selektivität gegenüber Amadori-Produkten verschiedener Amine, ausgenommen aromatischer Amine. FN3K-RP war in Erythrocyten wesentlich aktiver als FN3K, auch wenn die Aktivität nicht selektiv inhibiert werden konnte. Beide Enzymaktivitäten unterscheiden sich unter den 100 Probanden, mit einer Spannweite von 3 bis 12 mU/g Hämoglobin für FN3K und 60 bis 135 mU/g Hb für FN3K und FN3K-RP zusammen. Es scheint eine Verbindung zwischen der Ketosaminkinase-Aktivität in Erythrocyten und Nierenerkrankungen, familiär auftretendem Diabetes mellitus, sowie familiär aufgetretenen Herzinfarkten oder Schlaganfällen zu bestehen, wie orientierende Auswertungen zeigten. Deshalb ist eine genauere Untersuchung der physiologischen Bedeutung der Ketosaminkinasen nötig. / Amadori products are formed spontaneously from reducing sugars and amines, e.g. lysine, during the first phase of the Maillard reaction. They occur in heated food and in vivo. The thesis focuses on the enzymatic degradation of such spontaneously formed compounds. One part of this work investigated the faith and impact of oligosaccharide derived Amadori products during small intestinal carbohydrate digestion. Due to their structural similarity with known glycosidase inhibitors, an inhibitory action of Amadori products towards carbohydrate digestions was assumed. The other part dealt with fructosamine-3-kinase (FN3K) and its related protein (FN3K-RP) from human erythrocytes. Such ketosamine kinases are regarded as protein repair enzymes, maybe even an enzymatic defence against glycation in vivo. While deglycating protein bound Amadori products, however, they produce highly reactive 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds, which can lead to further protein damage. It is unclear, whether the ketosamine kinase action prevents or supports the pathophysiological effects of glycation. This work studied the substrate specifity of ketosamine kinases with a variety of Amadori products, which could result in inhibitors for further enzyme characterisation or even pharmaceutical uses. Further, the variability of both enzyme activities in a cohort of 100 subjects was examined. As a model for human small intestinal carbohydrate digestion, a Caco-2 cell monolayer was employed. Their sucrase-isomaltase is able to hydrolyse the alpha-glucosidic linkage in Amadori products of maltose and maltotriose with lysine, as well as in maltulose. Despite their amino group, those amadori products inhibited maltose hydrolysis merely weakly as competing substrates. Lactulosyl lysine on the other hand could not be hydrolysed by Caco-2 lactase. Tagatosyl lysine and the Heyns products glucosyl lysine and mannosyl lysine showed weak inhibition of lactose hydrolysis. All observed inhibitory effects are probably too weak to be of importance during carbohydrate digestion in vivo. Deoxypiperidinofructose was identified as a competitive inhibitor of FN3K (Kic 0,006 mM). FN3K acted rather non-specific towards Amadori products of different amines, except aromatic amines. FN3K-RP showed much higher activity in erythrocytes than FN3K, although its activity could not be inhibited selectively. Both enzyme activities vary among 100 subjects, with a range of 3 to 12 mU/g hemoglobin for FN3K and 60 to 135 mU/g hb for FN3K and FN3K-RP together. Relations of ketosamine kinase activity in erythrocytes with renal diseases, familial diabetes mellitus and familial cardiovascular events seem to exist. Thus, investigating the physiological impact of ketosamine kinases is necessary.

Ethnobotany, Pharmacology, and Metabolomics of Antidiabetic Plants used by the Eeyou Istchee Cree, Lukomir Highlanders, and Q’eqchi’ Maya

Ferrier, Jonathan 15 January 2014 (has links)
A study was undertaken of plants used for treatment of diabetic symptoms by traditional healers of the Eeyou Istchee Cree (Canada), Lukomir Highlanders (Bosnia & Herzegovina), and Q’eqchi’ Maya (Belize). All antidiabetic plants were ranked by syndromic importance value (SIV) based on 15 symptoms, all of which were recognized by the Cree and Maya and 8 by the Highlanders. The Cree used only 18 species, the Highlanders 41, and the Maya 150, numbers which reflect the diversity of flora in their region. Vaccinium (Ericaceae) was one of the few genera in all three regions and the only consensus genus between the Cree and Highlander study sites. The Q’eqchi’ Maya ethnobotany did not present any cross-cultural consensus genera with Cree or Highlander medicinal plants, perhaps due to major biogeographic differences. In ethnopharmacological studies, Vaccinium species and Q’eqchi’ antidiabetic plants were tested in an assay relevant to diabetes, the advanced glycation endproduct (AGE) inhibition assay. Boreal and tropical Vaccinium species were potent inhibitors of AGEs and demonstrated concentration dependent inhibition, with a half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) range of 5.93–100 µg/mL. Phenolic content ranged from 80.3 to 201 µg/mL in boreal samples and from 1470 to 2170 µg/mL in tropical samples. Tropical species have a greater phenolic content and AGE inhibition. Seven Q’eqchi’ antidiabetic plant species were tested and all plant extracts showed AGE-inhibition. The IC50s ranged from 40.8 to 733 µg/mL, and the most active was Tynanthus guatemalensis Donn.. Tynanthus guatemalensis IC50 was about fives times greater (less active) than the mean ± SE IC50 reported for six tropical Vaccinium species of Vaccinium (8.77 ± 0.79 μg/mL). The highest consensus and most active Maya antidiabetic plant, Tynanthus guatemalensis Donn. Sm. was discovered to be an important plant recorded in archeological artifacts from the Late Classic Maya period (~750 CE). Ancient Maya used a cross shaped sign (k’an glyph) as a decorative element on Late Classic polychrome vessels and murals. The sign was believed to be the xylem template for a plant used as a flavouring in cacao drinks. However, the plant was incorrectly identified in the literature as Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr. (common name: Allspice) based on a common name and aromatic plant quality – not from a botanical voucher specimen. Pimenta dioica wood does not have a cross shape visible in the xylem but a unique character visible after a cross section of T. guatemalensis, is the xylem's cross shape organization. Wood of T. guatemalensis' also has an "allspice" aroma. Tynanthus guatemalensis is most likely the true botanical template behind the ancient Maya k’an glyph and this finding would show the continuity of use of this medicinal plant from ancient to modern times. Vaccinium was selected for an in depth phytochemical analysis using modern metabolomic methods. Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) was used to evaluate leaf extract spectra to provide information on (1) the taxonomic identity and (2) quantities of bioactive metabolites across multiple sites. Spectra clearly differentiated leaf samples of V. angustifolium, V. boreale, V. corymbosum, V. macrocarpon, V. myrtilloides, V. myrtillus, V. ovalifolium, and V. uliginosum according to generic, subgeneric, specific, phenotypic circumscriptions. Quantification of chlorogenic acid and hyperoside were replicated with a method that is highly reproducible across multiple sites with different NMR equipment. This methodology provides an important new approach to taxonomy and quality control for plants and natural health products.

Ethnobotany, Pharmacology, and Metabolomics of Antidiabetic Plants used by the Eeyou Istchee Cree, Lukomir Highlanders, and Q’eqchi’ Maya

Ferrier, Jonathan January 2014 (has links)
A study was undertaken of plants used for treatment of diabetic symptoms by traditional healers of the Eeyou Istchee Cree (Canada), Lukomir Highlanders (Bosnia & Herzegovina), and Q’eqchi’ Maya (Belize). All antidiabetic plants were ranked by syndromic importance value (SIV) based on 15 symptoms, all of which were recognized by the Cree and Maya and 8 by the Highlanders. The Cree used only 18 species, the Highlanders 41, and the Maya 150, numbers which reflect the diversity of flora in their region. Vaccinium (Ericaceae) was one of the few genera in all three regions and the only consensus genus between the Cree and Highlander study sites. The Q’eqchi’ Maya ethnobotany did not present any cross-cultural consensus genera with Cree or Highlander medicinal plants, perhaps due to major biogeographic differences. In ethnopharmacological studies, Vaccinium species and Q’eqchi’ antidiabetic plants were tested in an assay relevant to diabetes, the advanced glycation endproduct (AGE) inhibition assay. Boreal and tropical Vaccinium species were potent inhibitors of AGEs and demonstrated concentration dependent inhibition, with a half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) range of 5.93–100 µg/mL. Phenolic content ranged from 80.3 to 201 µg/mL in boreal samples and from 1470 to 2170 µg/mL in tropical samples. Tropical species have a greater phenolic content and AGE inhibition. Seven Q’eqchi’ antidiabetic plant species were tested and all plant extracts showed AGE-inhibition. The IC50s ranged from 40.8 to 733 µg/mL, and the most active was Tynanthus guatemalensis Donn.. Tynanthus guatemalensis IC50 was about fives times greater (less active) than the mean ± SE IC50 reported for six tropical Vaccinium species of Vaccinium (8.77 ± 0.79 μg/mL). The highest consensus and most active Maya antidiabetic plant, Tynanthus guatemalensis Donn. Sm. was discovered to be an important plant recorded in archeological artifacts from the Late Classic Maya period (~750 CE). Ancient Maya used a cross shaped sign (k’an glyph) as a decorative element on Late Classic polychrome vessels and murals. The sign was believed to be the xylem template for a plant used as a flavouring in cacao drinks. However, the plant was incorrectly identified in the literature as Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr. (common name: Allspice) based on a common name and aromatic plant quality – not from a botanical voucher specimen. Pimenta dioica wood does not have a cross shape visible in the xylem but a unique character visible after a cross section of T. guatemalensis, is the xylem's cross shape organization. Wood of T. guatemalensis' also has an "allspice" aroma. Tynanthus guatemalensis is most likely the true botanical template behind the ancient Maya k’an glyph and this finding would show the continuity of use of this medicinal plant from ancient to modern times. Vaccinium was selected for an in depth phytochemical analysis using modern metabolomic methods. Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) was used to evaluate leaf extract spectra to provide information on (1) the taxonomic identity and (2) quantities of bioactive metabolites across multiple sites. Spectra clearly differentiated leaf samples of V. angustifolium, V. boreale, V. corymbosum, V. macrocarpon, V. myrtilloides, V. myrtillus, V. ovalifolium, and V. uliginosum according to generic, subgeneric, specific, phenotypic circumscriptions. Quantification of chlorogenic acid and hyperoside were replicated with a method that is highly reproducible across multiple sites with different NMR equipment. This methodology provides an important new approach to taxonomy and quality control for plants and natural health products.

Study of the pathophysiological role of nitric oxide on the amyloid-induced toxicity attending to the biochemical modifications and cellular damages

Guix Ràfols, Francesc Xavier 22 January 2009 (has links)
Aquesta tesi demostra que el peroxinitrit produït com a conseqüència del pèptid beta-amiloide (A) contribueix l'augment de la relació A42/A40 que ocorre a la malaltia d'Alzheimer. L'A42 contribueix a l'aparició de la malaltia degut a la seva major toxicitat (quan es compara amb l'A40) que resulta d'una gran estabilitat i capacitat agregativa. A més el peroxinitrit incrementa la toxicitat d'aquest degut a què potencia la seva agregació en forma d'oligomers altament tòxics. De fet els oligomers formats de nitro-A42 presenten una major toxicitat que aquells formats de A42 . En conjunt aquest resultats senyalen l'important paper que l'A42 té en la malaltia d'Alzheimer. Per altra banda, des de la identificació dels agregats d'A i la subseqüent formació dels cabdells neurofibrilars (NFT) com a els dos trets distintius de la malaltia, un gran esforç s'ha dedicat a establir els mecanismes moleculars que uneixen ambdós processos. Aquesta tesi demostra que el peroxinitrit format a partir de l'agregació de d'Ai la conseqüent nitrotirosinació de proteïnes, potencia l'agregació de la proteïna tau en forma de fibres. D'aquesta forma, la nitrotirosinació de la proteïna triosafosfat isomerasa (TPI) podria ser el vincle entre la toxicitat derivada del agregats d'Ai la patologia derivada de la proteïna tau. Per tant, la nitrotirosinació de la TPI podria explicar la progressió temporal que ocorre als cervells de pacients amb la malaltia d'Alzheimer des de la toxicitat induïda per l'Ai l'aparició dels NFT. Els resultats presentats en aquesta tesi podrien obrir nous aspectes en la recerca de la malaltia d'Alzheimer així com en altres malalties que cursin amb estrès oxidatiu i plegament erroni de proteïnes. / This thesis demonstrates that amyloid ß-peptide (Aß)-induced peroxynitrite contributes to the switch of the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio that occurs in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Since Aβ42 is more toxic due to its higher aggregation and stability, it contributes to the trigger of the disease. In addition the aggregation of Aβ42 in form of the highly toxic oligomers is incremented by the presence of peroxynitrite. Moreover, these nitro-Aß42 oligomers are more toxic than those non-nitrated. All these results support the important role of peroxynitrite in AD etiology. Furthermore, since the identification of Aß accumulation and the subsequent formation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) as the two defining pathological hallmarks of AD, a fair amount of research on AD has been driven by the need to find the molecular mechanism linking Aß and NFT. This thesis shows the Aß-induced peroxynitrite, and the consequent nitrotyrosination of proteins, promotes tau fibrillization. Thus triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) nitrotyrosination could be the link between Aß-induced toxicity and tau pathology. Therefore, TPI nitrotyrosination may explain the temporal progression from Aß toxicity to NFT formation in AD brain. The work presented in this thesis could open a novel angle in the research of the pathophysiology of AD and could also have an impact to the research in other neurodegenerative diseases involving oxidative stress and protein misfolding.

Nové biomarkery u pacientů s onemocněním ledvin / Novel biomarkers in patients with renal disease

Zakiyanov, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and acute kidney injury (AKI) are major public health problems. It is important to be able to identify those at high risk of adverse outcome, CKD progression and associated cardiovascular disease. The aim of the thesis was to study novel promising biomarkers, their relationship to kidney function, chronic inflammation and/or cardiovascular risk - placental growth factor (PlGF), pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE), calcium binding protein S100A12 or extracellular newly identified RAGE binding protein (EN-RAGE), and high mobility group box protein-1 (HMGB-1) in patients with renal diseases including CKD, haemodialysis (HD), AKI patients, and healthy controls for comparison. First study revealed that PlGF is elevated in patients with decreased renal function. Second study demonstrated the association of MMP-2 and PAPP-A with proteinuria in patients with CKD. Moreover, serum MMP-2, MMP-9 and PAPP-A levels significantly differed in patients with various nephropathies. EN-RAGE levels are not elevated in patients with CKD, but are related to inflammatory status. PAPP-A, EN-RAGE and HMGB-1 levels are significantly elevated, but sRAGE and PlGF...

Nové biomarkery u pacientů s onemocněním ledvin / Novel biomarkers in patients with renal disease

Zakiyanov, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and acute kidney injury (AKI) are major public health problems. It is important to be able to identify those at high risk of adverse outcome, CKD progression and associated cardiovascular disease. The aim of the thesis was to study novel promising biomarkers, their relationship to kidney function, chronic inflammation and/or cardiovascular risk - placental growth factor (PlGF), pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE), calcium binding protein S100A12 or extracellular newly identified RAGE binding protein (EN-RAGE), and high mobility group box protein-1 (HMGB-1) in patients with renal diseases including CKD, haemodialysis (HD), AKI patients, and healthy controls for comparison. First study revealed that PlGF is elevated in patients with decreased renal function. Second study demonstrated the association of MMP-2 and PAPP-A with proteinuria in patients with CKD. Moreover, serum MMP-2, MMP-9 and PAPP-A levels significantly differed in patients with various nephropathies. EN-RAGE levels are not elevated in patients with CKD, but are related to inflammatory status. PAPP-A, EN-RAGE and HMGB-1 levels are significantly elevated, but sRAGE and PlGF...

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